THE JJOHFOLK NEWS : FRIDAY , AUOt'ST HI , I'JIHI. PICKPOCKET AT NELIGH SELECT ED A QUEER VICTIM. AND GOT A WATCH WORTH $35 There Is a Good Deal of Fun In No- llgh Today Over the Fact That an Officer of the Law Was Selected by the Thug for His Feat. Nellgh , Neb. , AUK. 25. Special to The News : What must n pickpocket think , who will select a policeman for his victim niul lift the officer's $ : ? 5 wntch from his pocket ? That Is the query tlmt hns been sot Bolng In Nellgh todny ns the result ot n feat performed by a "dip" last night upon II. L. Hear , one of the special policemen on duty during cnrnlval week. Policeman Dear didn't miss the timepiece - piece until It was gone. Policemen never miss their watches till they're gone. And then , Hear-like , he growled. But the pickpocket , who had evi dently arrived with the carnival mul titude , has not presented himself for arrest , and has not returned the watch. There Is some thought that he may i send It back by mall , to emphasize the jokeon the preserver of peace and order. Battle Creek. Valentine Klein returned Saturday from Roberts county , South Dakota , where he had bought 320 acres of land about live months ago , and has sold the land now , making $1,000 profit/ Ben Mnyliow was here Saturday from Norfolk. Holy communion was observed at the Catholic church here 'Sunday. Rev. Father Walsh of Norfolk officiat ed. ed.Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Sanders of Ewing were visiting here Sunday with his brother , John E. Sanders and fam iiy. iiy.Wm. . Busteed was here Monday from Madison. John Henderson and George Thomp son of Norfolk were Battle Creek vis Itors Saturday. Cecil Owens , a former well known farmer of Fairview and now an em ploye of the Northwestern railroad , was greeting old friends here Satur day. day.The The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs Muncie Hackler has been seriously ill the last week , but is improving now Franz Kallweit , a wealthy German .who was looking for a location here has left us and gone to Sutherland Lincoln county , Monday. Simon Skepenelt of St. Charles , Mo. was visiting here a week with Chas Hegemeier and left Monday for the southern part of the state seeking land. We have no cheap land In thl part of the country. Earl E. Cartney of the Palace sa loon , went to Deweese , Clay county Monday , where he will remain abou one week on business. Frank Derrlk was here Monday fron Meadow Grove. Hengstler Bros , have put a bricl foundation under their large imple ment building. John Schacher did th work. Lambert Kerbel will occupy th Mrs. Carrabine residence on Depo street by the first of next month. The latter will move to Norfolk. G. C. Benning returned Monday from Hot Springs , S. D. J. W. Rlcl and daughter , Miss Clara , Mr. and Mrs. Doy Curas and E. F. Hans and . daughters , Misses Nelda and Nora , are still up there , but are. expected home before the races. Herman Meissner and six of his farmer neighbors north of town have . bought their own threshing outfit. Miss Mattie Ingoldsby , assistant principal of our high school , and ac companied by her nephew , Master Earl Oliver , returned Monday from her 040-acre homestead near Curlew In Cherry county. Miss Ingoldsby states that this new country has a great future. A. P. Brubaker and family were vis iting Sunday with his. parents , Mr. and Mrs. Martin Bruhaker at Norfolk. Mrs. Danford Taylor Is on the sick list and under the care of a physician. Harry Barnes and Herm. Hogrefe were attending the republican state convention at Lincoln Wednesday. . The United Brethren were holding revival meetings at the Hillsdale church south of hero this week. It Is said that people wei'o converted by the wholesale. Our business men are very busy nnw nrminrlnir for the raCOS to COme off here the 29th , 30th and 31st of this month. All kinds of sports and shows will be here. Burk's Uncle Tom's CabIn - In show will bo hero on the 30th. ' Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Long of Madi son were visiting here the middle of the week with their daughter , Mrs. W. C. Day and family. The Baptist Sunday school held its minimi picnic In the grove at the coun ty poor farm Wednesday. Mrs. Ariel Wolfe , who was at Hot Springs , S. D. , returned Wednesday. On her way home she stopped off at Merrlman for a visit at the home of her sister , Mrs. Peter Fitch. Mrs. Annie Severn and son Raymond mend went to South Omaha Wednes day for a visit with her parents , Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kerbel. A. B. Richardson , who was In town Wednesday night to do some trading found while going home that he was short a rubber blanket , groceries and meat , which ho had placed In his bug gy In front of W B , Fuerst's store. / / Fred Brechler has bought tjie vacat ed Crum livery born on Second street. It Is understood that ho will tear It down and shipped the lumber up to liunnn on his ranch. Ralph Simmons went up to Bassetl Wednesday on business. Carpenters are at work building n largo barn for llonry Massman on his farm adjoining town. WANTED. Gentleman or lady with good reference , to travel by rail or with n rig , for a firm of $250,000.00 capital. Salary $1,072.00 per year and oxpencs ; salary paid weekly and ox PCMHOS advanced. Address , with stamp , Jos. A. Alexander , Norfolk , Neb. TRACK IS IN GOOD CONDITION , EVENTS ARE ON. HAD BALL GAME YESTERDAY On Account of the Condition of the Track There Was No Racing Yes terday Basket Ball Game Was Played There Last Night. Nellgh , Neb. , Aug. 25. Special to The News : Owing to the condition of the track no races were held and everythln'g postponed until today. The ball game between Star and Or chard 'was played on schedule time ml was an cloven Inning contest , re tilling in laver of Orchard by a score if 10 to 9. Score by innings : Orchard . . . ' 00 t 10 itar 12200010000 ! ! Batteries : Oichard , Hong and i'horntoir Star , Tonnir , Allstott and Stringfellow. Umpire , Sam Botsford if Tllden. The 2:25 : class , 2:30 : class and the rue-for-all races , will take place today. S'ellgh and Stanton are scheduled for ball game. The Newman Grove iris defeated the Oakdale girls in jasket ball , score 10-8. 'Plainvlew 3 , Osmond 0. Plainvlew , Neb. , Aug. 25. Special .o The News : In a pitchers' battle 'lainview ' defeated Osmond yesterday lo 2. By Innings : Plainvlew 01000020 x 3 Osmond 000000200-2 Hits : Plainvlew 1 , Osmond 5 ; er rors : Plainvlow 1 , Osmond 0 ; 1ml ' lories : Plainvlew Dunaway , Smltl and Taylor ; Osmond Fischer am Rhorljerg. ILLINOIS CENTRAL R. R. Annual Stockholders' Meeting at Chicago cage , October 17 Personal Attend ance of Individual Holders Desired Free Ticket to the Meeting. Public notice is hereby given tha the regular annual meeting of tin stockholders of the Illinois Centra Railroad company will be held at th company's office In Chicago , Illinois on Wednesday , October 17 , 1900 , at 1 o'clock noon. To permit personal attendance a said meeting there will bo issued o each holder of one or more shares o the capital stock of the Illinois Centra Rallioad company , as registered o the books of Iho company al Hie clos of business on Monday , September 21 , 1900 , who Is of full age , a Uckot en abling him or her to travel free over the company's lines' from the station on the Illinois Central railroad nearest to his or her registered address to Chicago and return , such ticket to bo good for the journey to Chicago only during Hie four days immedlalcly pre ceding and the day of the meeting , and for the return journey from Chicago cage only on the day of the meeting and the four days immediately follow ing when properly countersigned and stamped during business hours on or before Saturday , Oclober 20 , 190G that Is to say. between 9:00 : a. m. and 5:00 : p. m. in the office of the assist ant secretary , Mr.W. . G. Bruen , in Chicago. Such licket may be obtained by any hold.-r of slock registered as above , on ai > "l"iatlon , In writing , to the' president > the company In Chicago cage , but each tiuckholder must indi vidually apply for his or her ticket. Each application must stale Ihe full name and address of Ihe stockholder exactly as given in Ills or her certifi cate of stock , together with the num ber and date of such cerlificalo. No more than oho person 'will be carried free in respect to any one holding ot stock ns registered on Ihe books of the company. A. G. Hackstaff , Secretary. Legal Notice. To Richard Winfrey , non-resident defendant will lake notice that on the ? : Jnl dnv. of August. A. D. 1900. Hthol S. Winfrey , plaintiff herein , filed bur petition in the district court of Ma.ll- son county , Nebraska , against tlio de fendant , the object and prayer of which are to obtain a decree of Jlvoico from defendant , on ground thar. in the month of March 1901 , he willfully abandoned the plaintiff , and for more than two years last past has boon 'vill fully absent from plaintiff without any- just or reasonable cause. The plain tiff asks for custody of Glen Winfrey , Issue of said marriage alleging that defendant - fondant Is not a suitable person to he entrusted with care , custody and edu cation of said child. You are required to answer said pe < tlllon on or before Monday , the 1st day of October , A. D. 190 < 5. Ethel S. Winfrey , Plaintiff , By Powers & Barnhart , Her atlornoys Dated August 23rd , 190G , A. C. LUTZE , WHO SPOKE IN NOR FOLK , THE LEADER. NEBRASKA IN THE ASSOCIATION When Mr. Lutze Spoke Before the Sons of Hermann of This City Last Sun day , at the Flag Dedication , He Told of the Meeting Today. The following dispatch from Davon- port. Iowa , tolls of the mooting of ( jor- iiian-Aniorlean editors us announced In Norfolk last Sunday by Editor A. ( ' . Lut7.0 of Sioux C'lty , who made tht < address hero before the Norfolk lodge. Sons of Hermann , upon the evonl of their ling dedication. Mr. l.ut/.o stat ed here that he would go to Davenport this week , and thai the organization would become national In IIH charac ter. Daveniwrt , la. , Aug. 25. The sixth annual meeting of the Gorniun-Amor- Iran Press Association of Iowa , South Dakota and Nebraska opened at Dav enport. The first session was hold In the mooting room of the Davenport Turn memelnde , Col. Joseph Elboeck of Des Molnes , president of the assocla tion , presiding. The second session will be from 1:30 : p. m. to 2:30 : p. m. At 3 p. in. the members will take part In an excursion on the steamer Eclipse , going from Davenport to Lo- Claire. They will return to Daven port via the Iowa and Illinois Interurb- nn railway. In the evening a "Gor man kommers" will bo held In the Turner hall opera house , over which Dr. A. Saner will prcaldc. Speeches will bo made by Waldo Becker , mayor of Davenport ; Col. Elboeck of DOS Molnes ; L. P. Wolf of Peorln , III. , and B. F. Tlllinghast , president of the Trl City Press club. A program of twen ty-six numbers hns been arranged for this occasion. For the women a spe cial place in the balcony will'be re served , and the olhcr parts .of the op era house will be open to the general public. Today there was n session from 9 o'clock until noon. The following pa pers wore read : "The Gorman-Amer icans of Davenport , " Adolph Peterson of Davenport ; "How Can a German Paper In This Country Best Succeed ? " J. II. Johannes of Columbus , Neb. ; " in Poll- "The Gorman-American Press - ics , " A. C. Lulze of Sioux City ; "Ger man-Americans , Awake and Stand up for -Your Rights , " Hans Demuth of Sioux Falls , S. D. ; "The German Jour nalists In America , " Gustav Lysor of Yankton , S. D. ; "The German-Amer ican Trinity : The Press , the Church and the School , " Carl Lohmann of Burlington , lown ; "The Taking of and Collecting for Subscriptions Through the Postoffices , " Gustav Dletsch of Postvllle , Iowa. This afternoon there will be an automobile ride through Davenport , Rock Island , Mollne and Arsenal Island , arranged by the Trf- City Press club , the Davenport Auto club and the Davenport Commercial club. There will be'a concert and banquet at the auditorium of the Rock Island Coniemrclul club in Iho even ing , with a speech by G. W. McCask- rln , mayor of 'Rock Island , and re sponses by members of the press asso ciations of Illinois and the western states. At this occasion M1ss Lulu Lutze of Sioux City , the talented so prano , will sing "The Shadow Dance , ' from the opera "DInorah , " by Meyer beer. Miss Abby A. Lawrence will give as a piano solo "Rhapsodic Hun- grolso No. 2 , " by Liszt. Other solo- isls of Rock Island and Peoria will lake parl In Ihe concert. On Sunday morning the last session of the association will be held. On Sunday afternoon the members of the association and their wives will ho guests of honor nt Iho Davenport Turngemoinde , which Intlor organiza tion will celebrale Us anniversary al Ihe Schuetzen park at Davenport. The association was founded by A. C. Lutze of Sioux City , In 1901 , and held its first meeting In that year at Iowa City. Fourteen charter members were present and the German-Ameri can Press Association of Iowa was adopted as a name. In 1902 the so ciety met al Des Molnes , and South Dakota and Nebraska were admltled to membership. In 1903 Iho meeling was held in Sioux Cily and proved one of Iho best affairs of the kind over arranged here in German circles. Carl Meyer. Frank Ilaaren and A. C. Lutzo had charge of the arrangements. Goo. D. Perkins. ex-Mayor 13. W. Caldwell , the members of the city council and a number of prominent Gorman-Amor lean citizens wore guests of honor at the concert and banquet which was given In honor of the members of Ihe press association. The fourth meeting - ing was held al Muscutlno In 1901 , and the fifth meeting took place last year at Clinton. Col. Elboeck , ono of the veteran newspaper men of Iho state , was the first president of the assoclallon and has hold lhal posl of honor ever since. This year Iho Ger man-American editors of North Da kota , Minnesota. Illinois and New York will bo taken Into the associa tion , which will give the society a na tional character , and this means that Its name will have lo undergo a change. The next meeting probably will go to Burlington. RECEPTION FOR BRIAN. Albion Candidate for State Treasurer- ship Gets Rousing Welcome. Albion , Neb. Aug. 27. Special to The News Lawson G. Brian , candi date for state treasurer , was given a rotiHlng reception upon his arrival In iMIilon. Although It was nearly mid night when the train arrived there wan a throng awaiting the homo-coming of llrlan and IIH ! delegation from ( ho state convention. After the baud ceased playing and the crowd cheering , Brian gave oaeh the glad hand and thanked them for their good will. It Is needless to na\ that L. G. llrlan will receive the hoart.\ support of men In all parties al the fall election In lloouo county The world Is cruel. iiisu'iia of sym pathlzlng with a Jealous woman , It laughs al hor. MISTAKEN IDEA HAS CAUSED UN DUE COMMOTION OF LATE. NOT IN EFFECT UNTIL JAN. 1 An Impression Hns Gained Ground In Nebraska That the New Anti-Pass Clause of the Rate Law Would Go Into Effect August 28. [ Krom Monday's Dnllv.l Through a mistaken Idea that the anti-pass clause In the now national railroad rate law would go Into effect August 28 , a good many people In Ne braska who either had planned Inter state trips or whoso friends are out of the state and want to get homo , have boon unduly active during the past few days. The anti-pass clause of the now law will not go into effect until January 1 , 1907. The following persons , under the now statute , may still receive passes : Railroad employes and families , Its officers , agents , surgeons , physicians and attorneys at law ; ministers of re ligion , traveling secretaries of railroad Young Men's Christian associations , In mates of hospitals and charitable and eleemosynary institutions , and persons exclusively engaged In charitable' and eleemosynary work- ; Indigent , desti tute and homeless persons , and such persons when transported by chari table societies nr hospitals , and the necessary agents employed -In such transportation ; Inmates of the Nation al Homes or State Homes for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers , and of Soldiers' and Sailors' Homes , Including those about to enlcd and those returning ionic after discharge and boards of nnnagers of such homes ; necessary care takers of live stock , poullry and fruit ; employes on bleeping cars , ox- iross cars , and linemen of telegraph mil telephone companies ; railway inaJl-sorvlce employes , postolllco Inspectors specters ; newsboys on trains , baggage : igents , witnesses attending any legal investigation In which the common jnrrler is Interested ; persons Injured in wrecks and physicians and nurses nit ending such persons : Provided , Thai Ihls provision shall not be con strued to prohibit the Interchange of passes for the officers , agents and em ployes of common carriers , and their families ; or to prohibit any common carrier from carrying passengers free with the object of providing relief in cases of general epidemic1 , pestilence , or other calamitous visitation If the common carrier violates this provision of Iho statulo ho shall , for each offense , on conviction , pay to Ihe United States a penalty of not less than $100 nor more than $2,000 , " and any person , other than those excepted In the act , who uses a railroad pass shall be subject to a like penalty. CHURCH WAS BURNED Congregational House of Worship Is Struck by Lightning. Nollgh , Neb. , Aug. 27. Special to The News : The Congregational church on the Willow , about sixteen miles northeast of Nellgh , was struck by lightning Saturday afternoon and burned to the ground. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Real estate transfers for Madison county for the week ending August 25 , 190C , reported by Madison County Abstract company , olllco with Mapes & IIazen , , Norfolk , Neb. : R. R. James and wife to William T. Harris , W. D. , consideration $550 , lot 8 , block 1 , BauQh's First addition to Madison. Carrie W. Olin and husband to Ber tha A. Lawman , W. D. , consideration $770 , part lots 4 and 5 , block 1 , Park addition to Madison. Joseph F. Korth and wife to Dennis Stroll , W. D. , consideration $750 , lot 5. block 1 , Phillip Bauch's addition to Madison. Total consideration of transfers , $2.070. Total consideration of real -estate mortgages Hied , $4,301.83. Total consideration of real estate mortgages released , $5,530. Warnervllle. Mr. and Mrs. Marsh Pcttltt wel comed a boy baby to their homo last week. Mrs. E. C. Warner and children re turned to their home in Jerseyvlllo , 111. , Monday. Miss Myrtle Rice , after an extended visit with relatives at Cripple Creek , Colo. , returned homo Friday. Mr. and Mrs. H. Warner are at home after a month's visit on their home stead In Wheeler county. The social given In the hall Friday evening by the ladles of the M. E church , netted the church $8.00. . At a meeting of the M. B. A. lodge Saturday evening , Mrs. Mary A. Ramsey soy was elected a delegate to the con vontlon In Omaha September 5. AND Iron Moxmtain R.o\jte Offer The Following Very Low Rentes To CM lit In | > < iliif In Ilir WEST AND SOUTHWEST EVERY FIRST AND THIRD TUESDAY DURING 1906 Special llomosookcrs' Tickols al Less Than ONE FARE FOR IIIC ROUND TRIP I'lnnl I.hull or Ticket.H 2\ \ Days , With stopover Privileges On the Same Dales SPECIAL ONE-WAY COLONIST TICKETS WILL HE UN SALE TO OE11TAIN POINTS IN THE WKVr AND SOUTHWEST AT AI.AVOST MALI' l | | | > UUUULAK ONU-WAY RAW Tlu'Ho TloltclHvill lit * limited to ( ' ( intiiiiKMiH piixHiiKi' . no stopovers to bo allowed ; nil tickets to miirkoil "Huoonil-oliiHH , no ) nod in htanitaiil nlcoj Ing cum. Go BOO the wonderful prosperity of the Country oflbr- ing the greatest opportunities on earth. l-'or further Inforinntlon , maps , folern ! , etc. , mldreHrt T. F. GODFREY , Passenger and Ticket Agt. , Omahn , Nob. H. C. TOWNSEND , Gon. Paas. and Tkt. Agt , St. Louis , Mo. TOM HUGHES. Traveling Pass. Agt. , Omaha , Nob. I Lo\v R oxmd Trip i VIA I Chicago , Mil\vaukee St. Ie I Paul Railway I One faro plus $2.00 for 15 day ticket. One faro pi IKS $ ! . ( ) ( ) for IK ) day tickot. I On .salo daily to many points in Canada and I Western Now York , and on Ati ustSth and I 22nd , and September f > lh and IDth to many New England points. Toll us where you I want to go and wo will # ivo you the best rate for your trip. For furl her information I tion and .folders write to I F. A. NASH , General Western Agent , 1524 Farnsxm St. Omaha , Neb. $8.00 : o via ILLINOIS CENTRAL R. R August 4th , Cth and ( Itli. Kolnrn limil August Ifit . Tickets good on all trniuR , and in clmlr cars and bloopers Diagrams now open for reservations. Double berth m Tourist cur $1.25. Tickets sold in Advance Fast Trains leave Omaha at 8 00 n. in. , 5.00 p. in. and 0.00 p. m. City Ticket Office 1402 Farimm St. , Omaha. SAnUEL NORTH , District Passenger Agent , Feeling Nedxire's P\ilse Throw asidcj the cares of every day life and hldo yourself amid the eternal hills of the ROCKY MOUNTAINS The Midland route "nils Iho bull's eye of the world's scenery. " Spe cial rates all summer. Best line to Salt Lake and Pacific coast points. Elegant dining cars , service a la carlo. Through Pullman observation cars. Send 15c In stamps and get a handsome color reproduction of Charles H. Harmon's fa mous painting of the Seven Castles. "Fine enough for a wedding present. " All Midland agents or Colorado Midlourvd Railway C. H. SPOERS , G. P. A , 17th and California Sts. , Denver , Col.