The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, August 31, 1906, Page 4, Image 4

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The Norfolk Weekly News-Journal
Tlio Nowa , KMiililliiltctl. 1881.
Tlio Joimiiil. KHtiiblliOiml. 1877.
W , N. Hum : N. A. lll'Ni :
I'rtvililotit HiMTrtitry
Kvcry I'rlilny. lly inn 11 | uir ypnr. $1 60.
Kntpreil nt the pOHtollloo lit Norfolk ,
Ncli. n Ki-eoiiil rlnmi mutter.
Telephone ! * : Kdltorliil Doimrtiituiil ,
No. 22. ll Olllco niul Job HOOIIIH ,
No , . II 22.
Thcr Is nuthlng b'k koplng hi the
What Will llO tllO HCUIIHU nSSOBHCd
against gasolono saloons ?
A Rood muds campaign nil nrounil
Norfolk would help nomo.
Kermlt Roosevelt WIIH In n wreck
up In Noitli Dakota and failed to got
liurt. Ho mlHHcd the chnnco of hlH
Gasolene Is the latest Intoxicant.
St. IOUH ! pcoplo are getting gasolene
jugs.Vo believe tlio theory will ox-
pi odo.
Battle CrcuU will play hostess UIH !
week to lovorH of liorHo racing In thin
ncctlon of the country. The Hport
begins tomorrow and continued for
Uireo days.
An airship fiom Now York niiulo n
trip nciOHR two states thlH wook. Air-
Hhlp linen ought to ho Included under
the jurlsdli-tlon of the Intentnto ! coin-
inurco commission.
A Noifolk ropiihllcaii miggestH that
perhaps Governor Mickey's opposition
to homo of the candidates on the
state ticket was the basis for putting
those men on the tlckot.
A good road to the Junction , and a
transit line on that road that will
bring Junction people up town mid
take them home again. That's one
of the things we need right along In
Charles 13. Magoon , the Nohrnskan
who has made such a success of af-
falra In the Canal Zone , will soon ho
n member of President Hoosovelt's
cabinet , If reports from Washington
nre to bo credited.
Norfolk pcoplo tire generally very
much Interested in the proposition to
drain Corporation gulch. This Is the
first time that the city council has had
an opportunity to onllst outside aid In
solving the problem and the Interests
of Norfolk would suffer materially If
this chance were to bo overlooked.
The Russian revolutionists ought to
ndoni a game law , defining the season
for shooting government otllclals. If
this slaughter goes on It won't be long
until the olllchils are as scarce as
prairie chickens around Norfolk. And
by n little protection , the sport could
be kept up indeilnltely.
It Is suggested that the Commercial
club might do something for Norfolk ,
If it found the idea practicable , by
adopting a bargain day for once a
month , when crowds could bo Induced
to come here to swap nud trade. It
* works at other places. It would work
Three suicides and two cases of In-
eanlty have resulted from the Chicago
bank failure , and still the fugitive
president has not been found. If the
runaway bank olllclal only manages
to keep out of sight long enough , all
of the victims will be either In their
graves or In the Insane asylums , ant
there will be none left to prosecute.
The Nebraska State Journal , In com
mentlng on the Ideas which have been
suggested for building up Norfolk
says that they would be good Ideas for
nny county seat town in Nebraska
These nre : Good roads to farms , bar
gain day , good road to Junction will
transit line , reviving of sugar factory
systematic effort to Induce moro trav
eling men to make their homes hero
Norfolk business interests demam
n good road between hero and th
Junction. The lack of it means th
dead loss of hundreds of dollars over
month to Norfolk business men. W
believe that First street should bo th
first thoroughfare to put Into cond
tion because it Is a county road , am
the county would help build It as wel
as maintain it. But a good road is b
all moans needed , and the sooner th
No greater injustice was ever pe
petrated upon a Mate olllcer than wa
handed Secretary of State Galusha b
the republican convention. His defea
was the culmination of a series o
most vicious and unwarranted abuse
ever heaped upon a public official I
this state , led by that great proselyt
of "reform , " the Lincoln Journa
which has persistently persecuted hli
in season and out since ho assume
the duties of his ofllco , and which ha
been followed by a lot of little sate
Ites throughout the state. The resul
shows that the public mind Is of sue
a character that one knocker can tea
down faster than an army of worker
can build up. Mr. Galusha Is n bus
ness man , the brainiest one In th
late hoiiHO , and Ills administration
aH been conducted along huitlnesH
IIOH with an eye slnglo to the Inter-
HH ! of the lax payers , hut because he
as a mind of his own and does not
glee with every opinion offered by
very self-constituted statesman , he
an sacilllced.
rnrnlxal week at Nellgh proved a
eok of rain thlH year. Only one day
f the four was fair enough for any
f the eventH that hud been scheduled
* ot the carnival committee came out
head of the game In a financial way.
Se\eral yearn ago Norfolk had a
arnlval week. It rained. Nor'olk
ist nionoy. If It had mined during
10 race meet hero this week , Norfolk
'ould have lost money.
The difference HCH In the difference
otwenn the pro-carnival arrange.
lentH. Nellgh people sell their car-
Ival Honfion tlckotu In advance. I/mg
eforo the first day of the affair rollH
lound , Nellgh has sold enough sca
nt tickets In advance to moro than
ay out. If It riilim , It IH the mlsfor-
unu of the public , each Individual
hating In a slight way , while the car-
Ivnl committee cnn pay out.
That plan has proven eminently sue-
esHful In Nellgh. It Is a feasible plan
ir any town with a fall fair or a our-
Ival. ICuch business man In the town
lakes It a point to sell tickets , and
verybody gets out and boostH the
irnlval. The season tickets are sold
t a reduced rate , Just as those offoiod
ore to the farmers In advance of the
ices , and prizes are hung up to lucky
It IH a plan worth considering ferny
ny town that holds.such a street fair
r carnival during the year.
The nomination of Judges Boyd and
raves as opposing candidates for
ongress , will make It Imperative upon
10 next governor of Nebraska to up-
olnt a judge to fill tlio place of the
no who Is elected. Judge lloyd Is
ow the presiding judge In the Ninth
Istrlct , while Judge Graves is at the
oad of the Eighth , so that one of
IOHC positions must bo filled by an-
ointment. In the Eighth district , the
nly name mentioned so far Is that of
ohn A. Ehrhnrdt of Stanton , a lawyer
ell nttcd for the place and ono who
111 make an enviable reputation on
10 bench , should the democratic noni-
nee bo elected to congress and a re-
ubllcan governor bo called upon to
11 the vacancy.
But this situation Is but the romot-
st possibility , for It Is Doyd's shoos
hat will have to bo ( lllod , because ho
111 bo elected congressman from the
Third district. In that event then the
Ninth Judicial , bench will have to bo
Iven an occupant. Previous to the
tate convention the other day , the
ontest for this place promised to bo
athor lutciestlng , but now It has re-
olvod Itself down to practically ono
nan , and that man is A. A. Welch of
Vayno , a good lawyer , a strong char-
ctor , and a man admired and respect-
d by nil who know him. It was ox-
iccted that W. A. Messorvo of Knox
ounty nnd J. A. Williams of Pierce
vould be applicants for the place when
mule vacant , but the nomination of
Mr. Williams as candidate for railroad
commissioner eliminates him from the
race for judgeshlp , while Mr. Messerve
ins given his endorsement to Mr.
Welch , and ho will undoubtedly be
ho appointee , for there are no other
candidates In the field who will de
velop much strength.
The News very cheerfully endorses
ho Wayne county candidate and be-
loves no mistake will bo made when
the governor appoints him.
Governor Mickey is reported by the
Omaha democratic paper as having
announced that ho was afraid a poor
administration would ensue If the re
publican tlckot were elected this fall
If it is true thnt Mr. Mickey did make
this statement , ho has been guilty botl
of party disloyalty nnd of unwarrantet
and absurd presumption.
In making his statement , Govorno
Mickey fears that L. G. Brian of At
blon will not look out for the Intel
osts of the people. Mr. Mickey doesn'
know what he Is talking about. He
has no right to make such a declara
tlon. Ho has allowed his imagination
coupled with his disappointment eve
the fact that ho was not chosen olthe
for a third term or for senator , to run
away with him. Once again ho ha
assumed the role of Moses , this tlm
attempting to lead the entire state In
stead of his own party , out of the wll
L. G. Brian has the confidence o
his neighbors , and Albion Is a hotbe
of corporation haters. Mr. Brian wll
bo compelled , by the sentiment of hi
own homo If nothing more , to stan
up and be counted as ho ought to b
In all taxation matters. Ho will b
fair. The rest of the board of equal
zatlon will bo fnlr. And Governo
Mickey ought to know that there wil
be n square deal In Nebraska If vie
tory perches on the shoulders of th
republican party this fall.
Governor Mickey Is ambitious. H
would like to have had the third tern
forced on him. Ho would like to hav
oen nominated ns n dark horse for
enator. Neither of these things hap-
ened. And now , with nothing to lose
> r himself , ho Is standing around nnd
rylng to dcfcnt the party which twice
indo him governor , the party which
H alone responsible for all that ho has
vor been In n public way.
The personal motive behind this ( it
erance , the kick back nt the party
hlch made the governor what ho IH
olltlcally hcciuiRO It did not heap upon
ilm additional honors , will bo too well
pprcclntod by the public to Injure the
The roinnrk tnny , however , net an
boomerang If the time should come
vhon Mr. Mickey would want nnother
For two years the old sugar fnctory ,
biindoned and dlHinantlcd , has stood
lie In Norfolk. The buildings , the
tellers and 210 acres of flue land were
timed over to the Norfolk Industrial
ompany and now belong to the men
vho originally donated funds with
vlilch to build the factory. If the
amo Inaction which has characterized
10 flrHt two years of idleness In the
hint , IH continued In an Indefinite fu-
ure , It Is highly probnblo thnt nothing
vlll over become of the buildings until
hey fall In decay. The llrst two ycnrs
ave been more Important , with re-
ard to that Institution's future , than
ny other two yenrs cnn be. The
Innt WIIH In bettor shape to he con-
ortcd Into something clso Immediate-
y after It wns vncatod , than It has
eon since. And It grows less vnl-
able every month thnt It stnnds un
Several propositions have been sub-
iltted to Norfolk by outsiders who
) ecnmo Interested In the fnctory and
ts possibilities. Nothing has come
rom any of them. The last proposl.
ion that looked llko anything- wits netter
otter from a Grand Island man who
lalmed that ho had plenty of capital
ichlnd him. Ho asked n guarantee
rom the town thnt beets would be
nlscd , and other concessions. Some
f the local stockholders In the Indus-
rial company believe that locnl cap-
tnl could bo enlisted In an effort to
tart n now sugar factory hero nnd
nnko It win. But there Is no action
ukcn on the Idea ,
Whether local capital cnn he Inter-
sled In the matter , or whether the
own can guarantee so many beets a
ear , or whether locnl people would
nko so many shares of stock In the
icw plnnt for the snko of assuring lo-
nl Interest nnd co-operntlon are nil
questions that are up In the air
liiostions which ought to bo solved.
The people Interested in the sugar
nctory ought to get together nnd def-
nltoly decide what the city cnn do
nnd what It can not. Then , with the
imposition thnt the Industrial com
lany has to offer , the possibility here
should bo advertised all over this
country nmong cnpltnllsts.
If It Is an established fnct thnt noth-
ng can bo made to go In the plant ,
then the land ought to ho sold nnd
the building torn down for the bricks
.lint are In It.
But something cnn be made success
ful In thnt building. Beatrice has n
lacking plnnt thnt promises to be suc
cessful. Norfolk Is In n better region
for this enterprise than Beatrice. Sec-
retnry Wilson says that a sugar fac-
ory will go here , and go well.
But It Is too Indefinite. It Is up in
: he air. At first the people Interested
decided to go slowly and to be con
servative In accepting n. proposition.
The project hns moved slowly enough ,
nnd here has been conservatism.
There Is no blame to attach to anyone
In the matter. The blame all lies
with us hero in Norfolk for not get
ting busy.
Comes ono T. Roosevelt and an
nounces that the Carnegie reform
spelling will henceforth hold sway In
the white house of this country , ant
In the messnges of the president of
the United Stntos. Whereupon , the
eighty million Inhabitants of this lain
or ns many ns spell at all are ex
pected to at once say "enuf sod. "
Hereafter , according to the ofllcla
ukase , rough will be "ruff" and tougl
will bo "tuff. " Every business mai
will lose his business and have "biz
ness' given to him instead. Even the
swine of the field will bo affected , for
after this they will drink out of a
"trnuf instead of the old fnshlonei
trough that they have learned to love
so well.
Mr. Roosevelt has usurped n bit o
authority that was never intended for
him. It has never been the custom to
elect n president of the United States
for the purpose of telling us how to
spell and how not to. If Carnegie
wanted to sanction a reform methoi
of spelling , thnt wns his privilege ; 1
the National Educational association
at the ad\Ico of E. Benjamin Andrewb
chose to reform Its spelling , that was
Its right nnd Its plnce ; if nny hull
virtual elected to write "tho" for
though , nnd "do" for dough , that was
the Individual's personal business , am
wns perfectly proper , so long as ho
did not become obnoxious to his neigh
bors In the mntter.
But when the president of the Unit
d States ofllclnlly announces to the
public printer , nnd sends the message
nit on Associated Press wires to all
lilH land , thnt ho IHIH adopted n re-
orm method of spelling , lie Is over
topping hlH jurisdiction. Ho Is get-
Ing1'through the fence nnd Into the
educational pastures. He ought to
uivo waited until ho was chosen to an
educational position.
The president linn enough to do to
egulate the rallrondfl , probe the pack-
ng IIOUHOH , begin suits against Stan-
lard Oil , the beef trust , the drug trust
uid other things ; to make peace he-
ween nations of the world ; to write
orations about "muck rakers" and to
Inuv distinctions between "the honest
mil the dishonest rich , ' the "real hon
esty and the law honesty. "
When Mr. Roosevelt finishes some
) f the reforms ho hnu started In other
llr < > ctloiiH , the people may ho more
vllllng to concede to him this last bit
) f foiolgn authority thnt ho hns an-
sunied. But there Is too much In the
ilr of icforniB begun without the right
sort of goods being delivered. An at-
empt IIIIH been made to reform the
cpuhllcan party , without bringing
nuch except confusion as a result ;
ery sdon the political campaign will
iced more attention than old fash-
onotl words' .
Uut right now the president Is tak-
ng his vacation nnd he ought to bo
President Roosevelt has got out of
ho white house yard nnd Is playing
vlth his neighbor's children when he
attempts to dictate a spelling reform
o the people of this country. He has
leforo this told Americans just how
uany children they ought to bring up ,
mil what breakfast food they ought to
bo fed ; ho hns given us his Idea of a
nodel menu for three meals a day ;
ve have had his1 theory that the pugl-
istlc art Is one we all ought to learn ;
ind now we are told to sit up and
change our spelling.
But the reform spelling will not at
once become apparent In this country.
t has been hard enough to learn how
hlngs ought to be spelled the old way ,
vlthout bothering about the new. And
n written nnd printed pages there will
still ho traces of the old fashioned
If the president would only tell us
low what ho thinks of the compara
tive merits of silk ties and cotton ties
'or low shoes !
The president has told people how
nany children there should be In each
'amlly , ho has told them now how to
spell the names , and all that Is lack-
ng arc. the names thnt shnll bo plas-
; ered to ench one.
We hnve yet to be told what the
president thinks of white shoes.
They can't work any new dictionary
grnft llko that on us.
Agents may be expected before the
end of next week , taking orders for
the latest dlctionnry , approved by the
We wonder what T. R. thinks of
short sleeves for women in summer.
The president has yet to announce
his ofliclal Idea about the peek-a-boo
Wouldn't It be well to tackle a few
dress making reforms , before the pres
ident undertakes to tackle our spell
ing methods ?
It will now be Rusvelt.
Gongs will soon ngain be ringing
In university halls and the unlversltj
campus will soon revive with studenl
life. Many high school graduates will
soon start east to the universities
there , some will enroll In western col
leges and some are puzzled as to
where Is the place to go.
The east claims older universities
becpuse the east is older In all points
of development than the west. B >
reason of age , the eastern universities
have attained a fame and a prestige
which is unknown to the western In
stltutions. There cnn be no question
on this point. The east , too , lays
claim , nnd no doubt justly enough , to
n higher degree of polish thnn hns yet
been attained by the newer west In
conventional society. But aside from
this , there are reasons which will tend
to offset those points , In favor of the
western school for western people.
The young man in Nebraska who
leaves home to acquire a university
education , hopes to some day take his
plnco ns n citizen of his state. Ho Is
ambitious and ho hopes to stand
among men of his state. Acquaintance
anco Is one of the most valuable as
sets of any man , bo ho In profession
or In business. A thorough acquaintance
anco In his own county means much
to any business man , and a frlenddhli
extending throughout his state Is al
most Invaluable.
The young men who attend the stnto
university will for the most part make
the future homes In Nebraska. Am
thus to attend Nebraska's university
for four years means , aside from the
books , the acquisition of a statewide
acquaintance which will forever beef
of vast benefit nnd actual profit for
the student. Around the stnto unlver
sky campus he makes friends who
tire to live as his neighbors , In adjoin *
ng towns nnd counties , for the rest
of his life. And the value of these
rlendshlps nnd acquaintances most
choolday acquaintances mean friend
ships for there Is no competition to
naho enmity can not easily bo over
For the sake of this acquaintance
vlilch will mean so much In every
vay , the western school Is the place
or the western young man , other
hlngs being equal.
The western university will provide
he student with just as thorough an
education nnd just ns much ability to
hlnk for himself , ns the cnstcrn Instl-
utlon , The cnstcrn universities hnvo
prestige hccnuse of their ngo nnd he-
cnuso they arc enstorn. But when It
comes to the men who do the think-
ng and teaching at the various Amor-
cnn universities , the western schools
invo as much Just claim to prestige
oday ns do those of the Atlantic sea
It Is true that the older universities
n many Instances have greater funds
vlth which to pay their professors
ind department heads , but money
probably has less Influence In swing-
ng university professors from place
ban in any other profession. The
average university professor , If he has
a salary which will support him com
fortably and If ho loves the Instltu-
Ion In which ho works ns well ns the
icoplo of his community , is sntlsfled
o stay right there for an Indefinite
icrlod , regardless of higher money-
offers thnt may be held out to him by
other Institutions ns inducements for
lim to leave. In our own University
of Nobrnskn , for Instnnce , are found
nany examples of this fnct.
The chancellor , E. Benjnmln An-
Irews , Is ono of the big men nmong
Vmerican universities. He is one of
the lending thinkers of his time , nnd
s iccognlzed as such. He was re
spected at Brown In the east and was
jffered an increasqd salary at Chicago
university. Regardless of what one
nay think of his views , it must be
admitted that ho Is one of the leading
university heads of the age and he
will rank up with any of the chan
cellars or presidents of any of the
reat American universities todny.
Among the heads of depnrtment are
several cases to the point. Among
them are Dr. Fling , head of the Euro
pean history department ; Dean Slier
man , head of the department of lit
erature ; Dean Bessey , head of the
department of botany ; Lawrence Bru
ner , the "bug" man ; and Dr. Ross ,
head of the department of sociology.
These are all big men in this coun
try. They nre recognized by students
and thinkers all over the world as
authorities In their various depart
incuts. They are are a set of men
whom any university could be proud
to boast. And their Influence nnd
their teaching will do as much to make
men and women of their students as
thnt of any set of professors to be
found anywhere.
The eastern university can bent us
nt football and the eastern university
will charge more money for tickets
to its junior prom. , but the western
university for the western young man ,
because of the acquaintance It gives
him for future use and because ho
keeps in closer touch and sympathy
with conditions that he must one day
enter , hns points in its favor.
She is the pink of prettiness. Girls ,
be careful of your complexions. None
should believe In "matte up. " Take
Holllster's Rocky Mountain. Tea ;
"saves making up. " Tea or tablets , 35
cents. Ask your druggist.
Paul Nordwig dreamed last night
that he could buy coal for $3 per ton.
This kind of weather makes a man
sleep right through and never hear
the alarm clock.
Norfolk has arrived at the point
where people are talking about auto
mobiles exceeding the speed limit.
Boys are flying their last kites of
the season. Next week they will hnve
to wind in the strings and get busy
with the books.
There Is no "sklddoo" about Nor
folk's new band , even though there
nre twenty-three members to stnrt
Some girls spend twenty-four hours
every day reading over the letter that
hns just como and waiting for the one
that Is about to arrive.
Most women who go to Sioux Falls ,
go for the purpose of getting rid of
men. A Norfolk girl plans going soon
for the purpose of getting one.
Old settlers claim that we will have
an early winter nnd a very severe
ono. They say that the rats have be
gun to como In , and that this is an
unfailing sign.
One of the jo > s of having a bli ;
back yar-1 In a country town .s the
fact that In the summer time yo i can
go out every day and find no\y toma
toes Urn * have turned red.
This is great weather. It is so cool
thnt you don't need ice. nnd so warm
that you don't need coal A man
ought to save a million dollars on 'this
weather If It would last long enough.
Ono man In Norfolk has these sug
gestions to make to the coming legis
lature , now that "reform" Is saturat
ing the air :
"It should be made a crime for a
man to take guests home with him
for a meal. It Is discriminating
against the hotel and restaurant , by
cheating them out of the meal-price.
"It should bo made n crime for any
one driving In a buggy to allow a
friend to rldo with him. It Is discrim
inating against the hack men , and
beating them out of a 25-cent fare. "
There are so few young men In
Norfolk , comparatively , that about the
only hope of a young woman is to
moot some young man , who will im
mediately want her , while she Is vis
iting with a friend in some other town.
Is it discrimination for a county fair
to furnish editors with free passes ?
There's n question for the Inwmnkers.
We don't want to be bribed , and wo
have a deskful of county fair passes
right now. Is It right , In your opinion ,
to thus corrupt the editors ?
Chickens have become so high
priced that for the first time within
memory of the oldest Inhabitant , the
preacher Is not fed chicken at farm
houses. The only place that a presid
ing elder can get chickens Is at the
homes of the ministers In his district.
What hns become of The Hnlghtu
base ball team ? It makes one truly
sad these days to see the lots back
of Gus Kuhl's house filling up with
moro houses , for there's where The
Heights baseball team and Its rivals
used to have the times of their lives.
A pessimist is a man who got up
this morning and said he was afraid
this cold spell would bring frost and
kill the corn crop. An optimist Is the
man who said he'd wait till the frets
came , and who declared this kind of
weather always happens after a hot
period like last week.
There Is one man in Norfolk who-
was never known to have a good word
for anybody or anything , who never
In his life failed to criticise any Im
provement that was made In the town
or to tell how It might have been done
better , who never has anything but a
gloomy tale to tell about Norfolk's fu
ture despite the fact that the town
gains a little right along , who Is al
ways and eternally tearing somebody
to pieces behind their backs and who ,
as a result , is always on the ragged
edge In a business way. He has brains
and ability but he has allowed himself
to get so deep Into the nit of pessim
ism that most of the business custom
he might enjoy is driven away be
cause he Is so disagreeable. It pays
to boost Instead of to knock , and It
pnys to smile instead of to growl.
A Norfolk woman went Into the
postofllce yesterday and complained
over the loss of $5.50 which she had
sent from Norfolk to some other town ' V
. *
by mall. The money and letter had >
failed to arrive. The woman said she
had wrapped a silver half dollar In a
$5 bill and had then enclosed the
shole bunch between two pasteboard
rovers and sewed the pasteboards to
gether. There was no way In the
\\orld of getting trace of the mone.v ,
of course. It would have cost her five
cents for a. postofllce money order , or
hho could have bought a bank draft , '
or an express money order. In either
cnse\she would have so protected the
money that , the letter being lost , she
could have recovered the $5.50. It Is
a pretty good Investment to protect
money that is sent by mall , and silver
coins are especially risky.
I pays no taxes i pays no rent ,
Often busted without a cent ;
But a king among men from disease
I'm free ,
Since taking Rocky Mountain Tea.
Ask your druggist
Certain men want to be leaders , and
certain other men want to be follow
Notice a gang of men nt work. Is
there not a great deal of standing
around ?
It may bo possible to trace whore
ono got a cold , but it Is never possible
to trace whore ono got a spot on new
When a protestnnt and a Catholic
fall In love , the protestant always
gives in.
In this season of Chnutauquas ,
there is liable to be a big man on
every railroad train.
The ono thing thnt stands by you ,
keeps yon Interested In life , nnd Is al
ways the snmo Is your regulnr work.
When n woninn mnkes n visit nnd
has the spare room , her favorite
things to eat , and parties given her ,
she cnn depend upon ono thing : Her
day of reckoning will come , and It's
no more than right that It should.
Her hostess will visit her , and the wo *
man who makes the last visit Is like
the person who tells the last story :
She gets the best of H. If a womnn
mnkes n three weeks' visit , when her
day of reckoning comes she will re
ceive a live weeks' visit , and so on.
Beauty Rules of the Beauties.
Breakfast onrly , n little walk , a lit
tle talk , luncheon , an hour's rest , and
at night Holllster's Rocky mount.
Ten. Ten or tablets , 35 cents. Ask
your druggist.