The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, August 31, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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All Children Who Do Not Know Where
They Stand In the Schools Will Call
at High School on Friday Morning ,
Twenty-seven Teachers.
This Is the last week of vacation for
the public school boys and girls , and
they will undoubtedly make the host
of It. School will begin promptly at 9
t o'clock next Tuesday morning.
All school children who have not
secured their grades , or who , having
come from other places , are not sure
as to where they will go , and who will
have to take examinations , will call nt
the high school Friday morning at 9
o'clock for examinations.
There will bo no llfth grade In the
beginning of the year at the Junction.
There will ho twenty-seven teachers
employed for the schools this year and
their salaries will amount to something
more than $1,500 per month.
"Wo will not use the reform system
of spelling In the Norfolk schools , "
said Superintendent E. J. Bodwell. "It
would require a complete change of
books. Educators for a number of
years luvvo been using the now spoilIng -
Ing In educational reports and books ,
but wo are not ready for It here. "
C. G. Whlpplo of Niobrara Is In the
V. Selle of Stanton is visiting In the
city.E. . A. Bullock is In Fairfax on busi
Geo. Evans Is in Stanton on busi
A. G. Mayer of Battle Crock is in
F. J. Bicknell left this noon for a
trip west.
J. Earlo Harper spent Sunday In
R. Ruhlow of Pierce spent Sunday
In Norfolk.
J. T. Sophy of Hay Springs Is a city
visitor today.
James Clzok of Osmond Is a city
visitor today.
D. Mathewson is visiting relatives In
H. J. Blngenheimer of Crelghton Is
In the city.
Mrs. C. nightman Is visiting friends
In Dos Moines.
Judge Bates of Madison Is in the
city on business
S. W. Sloan of Pierce Is a business
visitor in the city.
P. McGann and son of Madison are
visiting In the city.
Win. P. Mohr of Spencer la visiting
friends in this city.
J. M. Coe of Cody Is a business vis
itor In the city.
Ed Frlcke of Madison was In the
city over Sunday.
Mlsa Dortsch will arrive home to
night from Denver.
L. J. Gnlzner of Warnerville was a
city visitor Saturday.
Chas. Pllger went to Omaha this
morning on business.
Guy Parish went to West Point to
day for a short stay.
Miss Verna Coryell is visiting with
friends In Bloomflold.
Miss Kenning of Schuyler Is visit
ing Miss Edna Loucks.
Mrs. F. Kllnetob of Inraan Is visit
ing friends in this city.
Miss Moldenlmner went to Stanton
today for a short visit.
Mrs. O. J. Johnson and son spent
Sunday In West Point.
Sheriff Wright of Alnsworth is do
ing business in the city.
Tom Coleman of Butte came down
on business this morning.
Miss Edna Loucks returned from a
short visit in Inman today.
L. F. Gottschauck of Columbus is a
business visitor In the city.
Snpt. C. H. Reynolds went west to
day on a tour of inspection.
Miss Edna Stafford spent Sunday
with her parents In Scrlbner.
R. Thomas returned yesterday from
a short business trip to Omaha.
Miss Kate Ryan of Crelghton is vis
iting Miss Matilda Fox.
Mrs. George Halm of Stuart is vis
ing her son , Will Hahn.
C. C. Marr of Battle Creek spent
Sunday with friends here.
Miss Weaver returned from a short
visit in Kansas last evening.
T. G. Little came down from Plain-
view this morning on business.
Mrs. Kluge and daughter of Hndar
are shopping in the city today.
Miss Alma Schwichtonberg of Hadar
f was shopping in the city Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. V. G. Read of Anoka
were in the city shopping Saturday.
E. M. Huntlngton has returned from
a short business trip to western Iowa.
Arthur Hlgbur of Meadow Grove
was in the city on business Saturday.
Miss Melllo Bridge has returned
from n short visit In Marshalltown , la.
Mrs. H. E. Owen and sons returned
last evening from a short trip to Den
ver.Mrs. . W. A. Peobles and children of
Bonesteel are visiting friends In this
city.Mrs. . Asa K. Leonard and Mrs. Em
ory have returned from a week's visit
in Fairfax.
Mrs. Herman Winter returned this
morning from a two weeks' visit In St.
Paul , Minn.
Will Zutz spent Sunday with his pa
rents In this city , returning to Omaha
this morning.
Mrs. E. H. Tracy and daughters are
expected homo this week from their
\islt in Wisconsin.
A. Bucholz is in Neligh today In the
Interests of the Elkhorn Building &
101111 association
Miss Mny Unrlniul returned this
morning fiom u two weeks visit at her
homo in Plalnvlow.
Mr. nml Mrs. Hurry Green and Miss
Pocssnockor of Stiuiton are visiting
friends In the city.
Kred llellennan returns tonight from
n two weeks' trip through .Minnesota ,
\Vlaconslti mid Illinois.
Hov. F. 1' . Wlgton of Elgin , former
ly of Norfolk , passed through the city
this morning on hlfl way to Omaha.
Mr. and Mrs. I. 0. Westorvelt leave
today for Ohio , where n largo reunion
of the Westorvelt family Is being held.
Mrs. 13II/.d Lostorman passed through
tho' city today on her way home to
Untto from Wisconsin , where she has
Just hurled her hnslmnd , who tiled In
iin Omaha hospital.
Mr. nntl Mrs. Clark , who have been
visiting relatives In this elty , returned
to their home In Omaha this morning.
Kirk White returns to Omaha to
morrow after an extended visit at the
homo of Hurl Mapes. Donald and Her-
nice will accompany him.
Mayor John Friday had Intended , tip
to the last of the week , to accompany
the Bryan special train to Now York ,
hut business Interfered and ho had to
give np the plan.
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Hiitz of Hosklns
spent Sunday with their son. E. W.
Martin Wagner left today for Water-
town , Wls. , where ho will attend
Miss Emma Meresvey of Fremont Is
visiting her sister , Mrs. C. .1. Llnd-
Mrs. H. Morrison of Sedalla , Mo. ,
Is visiting In this city on her way to
Claire Blakely returned to Omaha
today after a hsort visit with his pa
rents here.
II. G. Glasson of Tlltlen passed
through the city this morning on his
way east.
E. E. Miller left today for a six
weeks' trip through the Dlack Hills
and Wyoming.
E. H. Luikart of Tildcn passed
through the city this morning on his
way to Fremont.
Mrs. P. Stafford and son Will re
turned today from Denver , where they
have been visiting ,
Mrs. Guy Wilbur of Wayne , who has
been visiting Mrs. W. A. Emory , re
turned homo today.
Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Hlght left to
day for Lamar , Colo. , whore they will
make their future home.
Mrs. H. T. Ilolden returned last
evening from Omaha , whore she has
been visiting relatives.
Miss Temple , who has been visiting
her sister , Mrs. C. C. Gow , returned
to her home in Wayne today.
.1. Krasne , who has been visiting
his brother , II. Krnsne , returned to
his home In Fullerton today.
Miss Pearl Wldaman leaves tomor
row for Panama , where she has ac
cepted a position In the schools.
Miss Edith Barrett returned last
evening from Sterling , 111. , where she
has been spending a few weeks.
Guy Barnes spent Sunday with his
parents , Judge and Mrs. J. B. Barnes.
He returned to Tildcn last evening.
Herbert Zutz left today for North
western university at Watertown , Wls. ,
where he will attend school this year.
Mrs. E. E. Miller will leave Wednes
day morning for DOS Moines , Iowa , to
visit relatives and attend the state
Elmer Hardy returned last evening
from Lusk , Wyo. , where he has been
spending the summer on the ranch of
his uncle.
Geo. Williams and family , who have
been visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Rob
ertson , left today for their home In
Ithaca , N. Y.
Ruby Council of Sioux City , former
ly of Norfolk , is visiting at the home
of Harold Gow. He is on his way to
Gordon tp visit relatives.
Albion News : E. P. Olmstead of
Norfolk has purchased the auto of
Mrs. G. W. Lidell , so Albion has lost
the last of its "gasoline buggies. "
Miss Czarina Hall passed through
the city on her way to Pierce , where
she will visit for a few days. On her
way home she will stop off here and
visit friends.
Miss Hntchlnson and Miss Harned
have accepted positions with the John
son Dry Goods company.
George L. Sheldon , republican can
didate for governor of Nebraska , Is a
cousin of M. C. Walker of Norfolk.
New cement sidewalks are being
placed In front of the stores of John
Freythaler , Asa K. Leonard and John
W. L. Mote , Geo. H. Hecht and C.
C. Hecht are In the city to take the
remains of A. Hecht , a brother , who
died at the hospital , homo to Plain-
Charles Mathewson Is having plans
drawn for a new bank building which
will be built at Walthlll , Neb. Walt-
hill Is one of the new towns opened up
by the Sioux Clty-Ashland line of the
Great Northern.
The standplpo was cleaned out this
morning and water north of Norfolk
avenue was shut off. At various hy
drants on the streets the Hush water
came pouring out and the section lying
Just west of the tracks was pretty well
Irrigated before noon.
Harry Nye of Stanton won second
place in the state rllle meet at Colum
bus. He Is a member of Co. B of the
Second Nebraska Volunteers. This
entitles him to the honor of entering
the National rifle meet , which Is to be
hold at Atlanta. Ga. , this fall.
Among the people who accompanied
the Bryan special train from Nebras
ka to New York were the following ,
according to an Omaha report : May
or Friday , Norfolk ; W. H. Green ,
Crelghton ; A. D. Weber , Crelghton ;
L. D. Smith , Crelghton ; James Mill- !
ken , Fremont ; J A. Honolulu , A. F.
Mullen. O'Neill ; T R. Portur , Omaha.
Dun V Stephens , Fremont
About Koventy-flvo friends and rel
atives of Martin llrnlmker tendered
him n farewell snrprlso party yester
day at his home two miles northwest
of the oily. Mr. Drnlmkor IB about to
leave for Oregon , where ho will lorato.
An elegant dinner was served , all the
guests bringing large lunch baskets.
Mrs. Thayer , wno had been sick
since last February and who suffered
Intensely from the extreme heat a few
days ago , died at II o'clock this mornIng -
Ing In her home on Braasch avenue
The funeral arrangements have not
yet been made , awaiting the arrival of
relatives this afternoon. Mrs. Thavor
was about twenty-live years of age.
Tlltlon CHI/en : The contract this
week made by the village board with
John Thonis & Son provides for the
lighting of the streets of Tllden fur the
next two years. The agreement Is that
a minimum number of twenty lump *
Is to ho Uopt burning from dunk until
10:110 : every evening when the light of
the moon Is hidden. The price per
lamp Is 110 per year , payable quarter
Wakefleld Republican : The story Is
told of a farmer residing near Crofton
who found an auto horn In the road
one day and took It home and taught
the chickens Its "honk" as their food
call. Instead of calling them In the
old fashioned way the farmer or his
wlfo would toot the horn. One day
not very long ago , Dr. Bridges sailed
past the farm at about 25 miles an
hour tooting his horn. The chickens
about the farm yard sot out after the
auto and discovering that they had
been fooled , seventeen hens and six
roosters ran themselves to death behind
hind the machine.
The funeral of Clyde Williams , who
was killed under a train at Cheyenne
last week , was held yesterday after
noon from the Methodist church In
Norfolk , Rev. J. F. Pouclior having
charge of the services. A large num
ber of friends , Including about forty
members of the Highland Noble lodge ,
of which deceased was a member , at
tended the services. Mr. Williams ,
the father , is sick In bed today as a
result of the nervous shock and strain
connected witli the tragic death of his
son. No word has yet been received
by the family as to the whereabouts
of Clyde's personal property which he
had with him.
Fry's Wonderland Magazine for Sep
tember Is a surprising number , Just
as Mr. Fry had finished "The Story
of Crelghton , " the Chicago dispatches
announced the arrest of I. B. Miller
for fraud. Mr. Fry gives an account
of the case that compelled ex-Sherltf
Crockett and himself to settle over
$ :5,000 : In the federal court. "When
Mr. Roosevelt Was at Santee" Is Inter
esting , and a gooil article on a North
Nebraska product In W. II. Green , who
has been honored with the democratic
nomination for lieutenant-governor , is
from the pen of the veteran West
Point journalist , P. F. O'Sullivan. "The
Treasure of , " by Capt. A. Her
bert-Powers of the British army , Is ex
citing from start to finish. The cover
design Is a beautilul piece of art , rep-
restntlng the goddess Cere or Harvest
In the person of a pretty maid bidding
the world to her store of plenty. No
other ten cent magazine gives more
entertaining reading than Fry's . Pub
lished at Niobrara , Neb.
Sioux City Journal : Twenty-three
linemen employed by the Northwest
ern Bell Telephone company crossed
the Sioux river at North Riverside yesterday -
terday morning and are now at the
hotels of that suburb. They are en
gaged in stringing eight additional cop
per wires for the Bell line to South
Dakota and Minnesota , which will
mean an improvement in the toll ser
vice out of Sioux City of considerable
importance. The eight wires will fur
nish four additional circuits , which
will he connected up in such a way
as to increase the total number from
South Dakota and Minnesota points
from six to twelve. The work was to
have been completed several weeks
ago , but has been delayed by a line
men's strike In Minneapolis , which Is
the head ofllce of the Northwestern
company. The rivalry between the
New State Independent company and
the Bell people Is resulting in rapid
strides In the toll service out of Sioux
City In every direction. The New-
State company has Just completed a
copper circuit from Sioux City to On-
awa , which will serve all intermediate
towns. The same company is also
bringing In three now circuits from
Nebraska , and the work of connecting
them up with the copper line recently
put across the combination bridge will
soon bo under way.
Young Man Wrote , "I'm Leaving In a
Hurry , " Just Before Death.
"I am leaving In a hurry. That Is
a Joke. Clyde Williams. "
This was the strangely coincidental
note on a postal card which came to a
Norfolk friend yesterday from Clyde
Williams , the Norfolk young man who
was killed under a train at Cheyenne ,
Wyo. , and who wrote this postal and
mailed It evidently only a short time
before ho was run over.
Another note was received by the
dead boy's mother . This note was
written after ho had been hurt , and
while he was being taken to a hospi
tal. Ho succumbed enrouto to the hos
pital and , it Is said , begged those about
him to end his suffering by taking his
Miss Anderson Recovered.
Nellgh , Nob. , Aug. 27. Special to
The News : Miss LIlllo Anderson , In
jured some time ago In a runaway and
for some days unconscious , has recov-
crod and Is able to be about.
Dr. Mackny , Who Is Juat Home From
the Reservation , Snys There are
Many Things That are Not Equit
able and Right nt Shoshonl.
"The Shosliono reservation IH all
right and \\lll make one of the richest
sections of the country In the future , "
said Dr. J , 11. Mackay , who toturued
from the west on Saturday , "but right
now there are features of Its settlement -
ment that are rather disappointing , to
say the least.
"There was an absence of the usual
crowds at the registration , but ( hone
who made the trip to that country
went with the Intention of becoming
honu lido settlors. There \\as a luck
of the usual excursion froth at She
shonl , but those who came will remain
and become sturdy developers of the
soil. It IH a mistake to believe that
that country Is lacking In rainfall , be
cause It has an abundance. While 1
was there , about four \\eeks , six Inch
es of rain was reglsteied.
"Shoshonl Is now about the size of
Meadow ( Srovo and Is thrlytf a town
as one ever saw for a six months' old.
The railroad has put it ] ' a large hand
some depot , a warehouse 250 feet long ,
coal chutes the sl/.o of those at Nor
folk , and other substantial Improve
ments which show that the road him
faith In the country.
"But what Is going to retard the
growth of the country Is the action of
the government. The withdrawal of
the coal lands of the recently opened
reservation from purchase or occupan
cy by settlers will work a hardship
that must Inevitably retard and the
settlement and development of the
country. After the lands had been
ceded , after the Moduli bill had been
passed and the lands thrown open to
settlement , after funds were available
to pay the Indians and Irrigate the
land , one sinister inlluence after an
other has come up to chagrin liona lido
Settlers and to operate so that when
these lands are actually secured they
will have cost settlers , all things con
sidered , more than they are worth.
"After the announcement that the
lands would he disposed of by private
lottery was made the timber was sold
to private parties , thus depriving sol-
tlers of one of the great natural and
necessary resources of the country and
giving it to private parties for a few
cents stumpage.
"Next came the defective plan of
disposing of the lands whereby pros
pective settlers were compelled to re
main at registration points three
months before they could occupy lands
drawn. For some Inscrutable reason
the interior and war departments got
into a Jangle and settlers were con
fronted wtlh glittering bayonets The
American citizen does not take kindly
to the espionage of soldiers as the
monuments on Bunker hill will bear
"Today there arc still grazing on
the recently opened hinds vast herds
and flocks belonging to private parties ,
notwithstanding they were ordered to
be removed last May.
"The water rights under the present
contracts arc to bo very much more
expensive than settlers were led to
believe and now the government with
draws all the coal lands. There re
mains still forty days In which It can
withdraw the copper and oil lands and
leave to settlers a country stripped by
corporations of Its timber , denuded of
Its grasses by sheep and cattle men
and Its most valuable resources sealed
so that they cannot be developed.
"Evidently it was thought best not
to put temptation In the way of sot-
tiers for fear they might steal some
timber to aid themselves In building
homes , so the timber was sold to a
corporation. Perchance the same flue
regard for the morals of settlers
prompted the withdrawal of the coal
lands until they can be given Into the
safe care of a corporation. One of the
reasons that prompted the railroad to
build was the hope of seeing the coal
fields of the reservation opened so as
to be able to get fuel both for the road
and the vast population along Its lines
In Nebraska. It would seem as If the
government had made a gift with one
hand and then had the other hand dis
count It and raised ( insurmountable
obstacles to Its acceptance.
"The question naturally arises , have
all these co-lncldonts arisen through
inadvertanco and lack of forethought
or were they brought about through
ilesign , so that some one might profit
by them ?
"It would bo natural to suppose that
the men who occupy the public grazing
lands and are wearing diamonds ,
where one man's profit last year was
nearly $100,000 , would oppose and ob
struct the settlement of the country ,
hut what have these men to do with
the departments at Washington ?
"The country Is not a desert , not
withstanding that It has been stripped
of every resource that could bo re
moved without unnecessary toll. It's
soil Is rich and Its resources bound
less and It has a great future. "
Ed Jenkins Is Dead.
Columbus Telegram , 21 : E. II. Jen
kins died very suddenly at 10-10 :
o'clock last night at his home on West
Thirteenth street. Hemorrhage of the
brain , caused by heat prostration , Is
believed to have been the cause of
Yesterday afternoon Mr. Jenkins
went to his woodshed to do some light
work Remaining there for a lonm r
lime than nho thought was necesi. in
Mrs Jenkins went to the shed In uoo
what was the matter and found her
husband ncaily uiicniiHclnuH. HO was
unable to walk to the IIOIIHO without
assistance , and during I lie day suf
fered Intensely from what ho termed
a "red-hot headaeho. " Uiio In the
evening he seemed to he Improving ,
but within thirty minutes passed
a\\ny. Announcement of his death
was received with much surprise
throughout the elty , as Mr Jenkins
appeared In he In his usual rugged
health only a day or two ago , and no
one had been apprised of his Illness.
The time for the funeral him not
been not , as It has been lmpoHHlhh > ( o
send messages to several of the fam
ily relatives who will desire to attend
The life history of Mr. Jenkins Is
like an open book to the majority of
Columbus people , II Is the record of
patriotic , public-spirited and honor
able man. and one whoso Jovial dispo
sition was sunshine on a dark day for
many a friend. lOd Jenkins will be
missed In many circles outside ( hat of
his home.
Mr. Jenkins was born April 10 , IK5I.
lie came to Columbus with his pa
rents when twenty years of ago , and
for a time followed I ho trade of tin
smith. On the last day of August ,
187(5 ( , he was married ( o Miss llelllo
Turner. Until 18M ! they lived onthnlr
homestead In Madison county , and
I hen moved to ( heir homo In this city.
They were preparing soon to celebrate
their thirtieth wedding anniversary.
The surviving members of the fam
ily are the \\ldow and one son , ( he
hitler being I.evl J. Jenkins , who still
resides at home. Ono brother , C. I ) .
Jenkins , resides In Madison county.
Mr. Jenkins was senior vice com
mander of the Sons of Veterans order
In Nebraska , and an active member of
the Ancient Order of United Work
More People Than the Grand Stnnd
Could Accommodate Were Present
Snturdny Afternoon When the Rnln
Came and Stopped Proceedings.
Nellgh , Neb. , Aug. 27. Special to
The News : The Nellgb carnival , nice
meet and baseball tournament again
came to a sudden stop Saturday alter-
noon by a heavy rain. However , tour
complete heats were finished two In
the 2:20 : trot and two In the 2io. : : In
the 2:25 : Genuine took first. Freddie C
Second , Paraplnna third and llarney
fourth. Time. 2:3oy : , . The second
heat resulted In Paraplnna first , Fiud-
die C second , Genuine third and liar-
noy fourth. Time , 2:2PA. :
In the 2:110 : race J. H. A. won first
in both heats. Time , 2:211 : ; 2:2l'/j. : '
Never before was the grand stand
packed as It was Saturday afternoon.
Its seating capacity Is 1,500 and to ac
commodate the people who arrived on
the train , park seats were brought In
and used. The Stanton ball team ar
rived on the late afternoon passenger ,
but no game was called. It Is under
stood that they will play Nellgh this
week Friday at Battle Creek.
Following arc the summaries of thoraces
races :
2:20 : Trot.
Harney ( Mercer ) 4 4
Paraplnna ( Kay ) 3 1
Freddlo C ( Rhodes ) 2 2
Genuine ( Smith ) 1 3
Time : 2:30 : % ; 2:21'/i. :
2:30. :
Ashtown W ( Gibson ) 2 5
Miranda ( Wall ) 3 2
Ruben's Baby ( Stantz ) -1 4
J. H. A. ( Alstln ) 1 1
Jim Booth ( Logenblll ) 5 3
Miss Gund G C
Jackard Wllkes 7 7
Time : 2:2I : > / , ; 2:21 : > / . .
Burt Mapes of Norfolk Is On the New
State Committee.
The newly constituted Nebraska re
publican state committee Is made up
as follows :
1 W. F. Huff Stelnaur
2 Dr. M. Stewart Tecumseh
3 William Hayward..Nebraska City
1 Byron Clark Plattsmouth
5 P. J. Landgon Grotna
o Victor Rosewater Omaha
M. L. Learned Omaha
B. E. Wllcox South Omaha
8 Paul Buol Randolph
9 Charles II. Kelsey Nellgh
10 R. B. Schneider Fremont
11 Burt Mapes Norfolk
12 L. W. Dickinson Schuyler
13 E. M. White Burwell
11 J. C. Pettljolm Valentino
15 Alpha Morgan Broken Bow
10 Charles A. Robinson Kearney
17 E. O. Bartlett St. Paul
18 H. C. Beeho David City
19 William Husonetter Llnwood
20 L. L. Llndsey Lincoln
S. W. Biirnham Lincoln
21 George E. Emory Beatrice
22 Hugh McCargar Crete
23 A. F. Smith Fairhury
21 F. S. Ashley Fremont
25 Paul E. Boslaugh Harvard
2fi Dr. R. F. Halnes Red Cloud
27 J. D. Mines Hasti. gs
28 C. A. Luce Republican City
29 E. B. Perry Cambridge
30 W. C. May Gothenburg
W. P. Miles Sidney
Chairman Warner has called the
committee to meet with the candidates
at Lincoln next Tuesday
The Nnmeo of the Sixteen Jurymen
Will Not bo Announced Until That
Dfite Any Cnocn , Not Alone Hospi
tal , Mny be Investigated.
In accordance wllh ( hit request of
County Attorney Koonlgsloln dial a.
grand Jury ho summoned for ( lie pur
pose of Investigating complaints which
might bo brought up against attendants -
ants or oilier olllclals and cmplmi-H at
the Norfolk Insane hospital , Juduo J
F. Iloyd has Issued a call for a po-
elal grand Jury In Investigate am and
all complaints which may be brouuht
up against any persons on ati > charges
os whatever. The special grand Jury
will meet In Madison on Momla.v , Hop
lumber 17.
Al this ( line an adjourned session of
district court \\lll also ho hold Al
llrst the dale was set for the Kith but.
on account of conflicting dates. It wan
changed to the 17th.
Jurors Unknown TIM Then.
Names ol I ho sixteen grand lury
men who will sit In ( his special MOS
slon on ( hat dale at Madison , will not
he made public iinlll the grand Jury Is
assembled on ( hat date. Sheriff Clem-
onls now has a venire for the jury , and
will al once notify Hie men who ha\o
been drawn. The sixteen are to come
from all sections ol the county ac
cording to the population of the va
rious sections as piovldcd by law
Asylum C.IGCB to be Heard.
As the grand Jury was requested by
the county attorney for the purpose of
probing asylum mailers , It Is supposed
thai , although the court's order does
not specify the hospital complaints ,
chnrgiii will he brought before the
grand Jury by former employes against
al least four attendants of the Initltu
lion Manslaughter , It Is said , will bn
the charge which thq grand Jury will
bo anked to Investigate.
Sessions to be Secret. <
The sessions of the grand Jurv will
lie behind closed doors and the coun
ty attorney will be the only person
allowed In the room with the Jurv , ex
cepting Hie witnesses who shall hiex
ainlnod. Any one who may have a
complaint thai It Is desired to probe ,
may appear before Iho grand jury with
the c.hargc. Then the witnesses w d
ed for Investigating Iho rlmigos will
be called and examined by Iho countv
attorney and the Jurymen. In ra ' the
grand jury sees lit. an Indictment will
be brought In and Iho case will tin n
be prosecuted by the county atloiney
In district court the same as any other
By virtue of the court's order , nnv
one who may have a complaint against
anybody else In the county , mav ap
pear and ask that the charge ! > < > Inves
tigated , since the work of the spi-rial
grand jury Is not confined In tlil * Instance -
stance ' exclusively to the hospital mat
O'Neill Races.
People of north Nebraska will have
an opportunity to sco one of the great
est attractions over exhibited In tho.
state , at the O'Neill , Neb. , race meet
Ing to be held September 5 , o and 7
The famous guldoloss wonder , Hon
est Abe , with a pacing record of 2 18
will bo turned loose on the track with
out bike , driver or prompter and will ,
pace a full mile In 2:25 : or better
This will bo an exhibition no one In
this part of the state should miss see
ing. The society has up $1,500 In
speed purses and there are already
from 5 to 13 entries for every raco.
This large Held of entries Insures
three days of fast racing.
Last Seen at 10 O'clock Last Satur
day Night , the Pair Can Not be
Found Anywhere on the Rosebud
Reservation Parents Crazed ,
Horrick. S. D. , Aug. 28. Special to
The News : Two little girls , aged fif
teen and fourteen respectfully , have
disappeared from their homes at this
place and can not bo found. Their
parents are almost wild with anxiety
over their fate. The lost children are
Lena Ulrlch and Pearl Palmer , who
have not boon seen since Saturday.
The little girls were last seen In
Herrlck at 10 o'clock last Saturday
night. It was expected that they
would return to their homes shortly
afterward but midnight and dawn
came without their return. A search
was hegiin and the whole countrjslde
has been hunted without avail
The parents. Daniel Ulrlch and J
R. Palmer , are almost crazed over the
Lena Ulrlch Is fourteen > ears of
ago and weighs about ninety pounds
She Is four feet and ten Inches tall ,
has light hair , blue eyes and wears a
dark blue woolen dress with a white
straw hat which boars a red ribbon
Pearl Palmer Is fifteen years old ,
weighs 120 , Is five feet and four Inches
tall , has dark hair and dark blue eyes.
Any Information will be joyfully re
ceived by the anxious parents.