THE NORFOLK NEWS : FRIDAY , AUGUS i 31 , 1906. MERCURY SANK LOW IN ITS TUBE HERE LAST NIGHT. THREE-FOURTHS INCH OF RAIN A Frenzied Storm Dropped Down on Norfolk Lnte Saturday Afternoon , nnd Autumn Weather Followed Yes terday and Today Rain Was Local. Autumn came galloping I" t Hm heels of summer nnd nlinoHl got under the wire Into Saturday iiftornnon , when n MOITO rainstorm swooped down on tills city nnd brought In UH path u cold wave tlial oiuno wltliln eight do- grooa of tlio fniHt line. Prom the swel tering boat of tlio previous two woolen , people were suddenly thrown Intoahlv- ors and fiirniico Urea and nvurcnntH would not linvo been at all uncomfort able yesterday . The lowest point reached by the thermometer waa10 ° , early thin morning. And It WIIH no Hlouch of n rain. More than thrt'o-quartora of an Inch of water dropped In the storm , and It didn't last long , either. Ugly looking cloudH liankod up against the northwest at about ! o'clock In the afternoon and before people had time to turn around the rain was bore. awlahlng up and down the streets like a frenzied woman who had loot her child. The barometer baa shot skyward , In- dlcatlng the cold wave that la now hero. hero.A peculiar feature of the day was the fact that It was warmer out of doors In the HUH than It was In the house Tboro was no rnln south of Stanton. TUESDAY TIDINGS. N. P. Jeppeson la In the city on business. Miss Dolllo 1'fuiider Is visiting In Valentine. F. V. Nelson of Nlobrarn Is visiting In this city. Ed. O'Sbea of Madison IB In the city on business. A. ,1. Thatch of Madison Is n city visitor today. Carl Scbulz of Wayne was In tlio city yesterday. G. II. Brown wna In the city from O'Neill yesterday. John Wilson wont to Battle Crook today on business. Fred Koorbor went to Omahn this morning on business. P. C. Anderson of Brlstow Is spend ing the day In the city. Mrs. W't/.lor of Madison was shop ping In the city yesterday. E. Frodrlokson of St. Edwards Is n business visitor In the city. Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Wood of Plorco nro visiting friends In this city. N. .T. Haverstow of Plnlnvlow was In the city on business yesterday. Frank Flynn returned from n short visit In Gregory , S. D. , this morning. L. Crasman cnmo down from No- llgh this morning to spend the day. Miss Marlon Plnntz of Plalnvlow was shopping In the city yesterday. Ed. Mnllloy left yesterday for Stromsburg , S. D. . for a.short visit. A son of August Kahlman , living near Hosklns. Is ill with typhoid fovor. Mrs. Kuhl and daughter , Birdie , went to Scrlbner today to visit friends. Miss Kate Stafford came up from Scrlbner last evening to visit friends. Mrs. F. A. Simmons returned last evening from a short visit In Plaln vlow. .1. Hulff and daughter , Grctcbon went to Omaha yesterday for a short visit. visit.Mrs. Mrs. Wltto and children left yester day for Appleton , WIs. , where she will visit. visit.Miss Llzzlo Mueller has returned from a short trip to Cheyenne and Denver. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. IIlllo and daugh ter of Hadar wore shopping in the city yesterday. Misses Hello Dufphoy and Ieo Halo of Battle Creek are visiting In the city today. Dr. P. H. Salter and daughter Dor othy , went to Lincoln this morning fern n short visit. Chandler Owen has gone to Lincoln , where he ha * been appointed foreman on a grading crow. Miss Geneva Moollck returned this morning ftom Verdlgre whore she has been spending'a week. Mrs. S. F. Ersklne and sou , Lowell , returned last evening from n two weeks' visit In Jackson , Minn. Miss Anna Becker of Columbus , who lias been visiting at the homo of W. S. Fox. returned to her homo today. George Richardson and daughter , who have been visiting at the homo of W. H. Bridge , left this morning for Illinois. Clare Clark nnd Everett Cnrrlck re turned to Leavitt this morning after attending the funeral of Clyde Wll- llnms liere. Mrs. C. A. Pennant of Cbadron Is visiting with Mrs. M. P. Suitor. Mrs. Pennant Is enronto to her homo from n visit at Fairfax. I. W. Alter of AVnyno was hero at noon on his way .o Grand Island to attend the meeting of the Hnnnco com mittee of the A. O. U. W. H. A. Haley left today for Chicago. Mr. Haley will be on the road for the next four months , but his store will be open during bis absence. Mrs. Goldswortby of Meadow Giovo passed through the city yesterday on her way to tlio stnto of Washington , where she goes to visit relatives. Will Westerhuus nnd Mrs. Press nnd two sons passed through the city yesterday on their way to Watertown , WK , where the will attend Northwestern university. Herbert Lohmnn of Norfolk also left for the university. The funornl of Mm. Thayer was hold this morning from the family homo at 10 o'clock. Ton teams nro at work on the low road west of Norfolk , grading up that thoroughfare preparatory to graveling It. II. C. Battler Is adding to his series of wnrohouHt's nnd liarna another largo barn on Madison avenue , be tween Fifth nnd Sixth streets. On the lowlandH In this section there was n very light frost yesterday morning. The weather baa warmed Hlnce then. A light rain fell during the night last night. M. Mlbllls baa shipped a line blood ed pig ( o the Iowa Htato fair. Ho waa too late with his application to get n pen nt the Nebraska state fair , but will hnvo some of hla stock on exhibi tion at tlio trl-stnto fair In Slonx City. Four bird dogs belonging to Nor folk sportsmen arrived In the city yes- tonlny from O'Neill , where they hnd bron under a trainer's care. The mil- mills belong to Judge .1. It. Barnes , Dr. P. H. Halter , Jack Ijirkln nnd C. E. Hartford. John Kay's horse ran nwny Inat evening , the band on the atrcet having frightened the animal. Ho ran for a considerable dlatanco but Mr. Hny held him fast. Then the homo began plunging nnd retiring. Ho stood up on hla hind legs and In coming down turned hla head In such n way as to run the shaft Into his oyo. The eye was put out and the horse almost screamed with pain. N. M. Cronln of Lincoln passed through Norfolk todav onronto to Ilutto , where ho goes to represent the Nebraska Teacher In n county tench- era's Institute that Is to bo hold there this week. Mr. Crouln Is n teacher In the Lincoln high school. The Insti tute nt Butte begins tomorrow. C. A. Manvlllo Is county superintendent , nnd Instructors will bo C. E. Clans nnd B. F. Snail. Ninety teachers are needed In the county. Mr. Crouln was highly Impressed with Norfolk. "This Is about the llvertoat business city of Its size I have seen , " ho said this morn ing , "and any city In the country could bo proud of the Norfolk postotllce. " Work on the two now steel bridges over the Northfork river n mile nnd a half north of Norfolk on First street , is progressing nicely. The steel Is all up on the north bridge and work was begun yesterday on the south bridge. A foreman was sick for several days , which delayed work somowhnt , but now the force of nine men are busily engaged In resuming work on the south of the two bridges. Arthur T. Ransom of Greencastle , Ind. , died at the homo of his brother , .1. W. Ransom In this city last night. The deceased arrived In Norfolk n week ago , accompanied by his wlfo nnd n daughter eight yonrs of age. Ho was forty-three years of ago and la survived by a widow and two daugh ters. The remains will bo shipped back to Indiana for burial. He took cold In Norfolk and pneumonia caused his death. Oscar Rlchoy , street commissioner , was acquitted In the sidewalk case. The jury found a verdict In his favor at a late hour In the day. This was the case In which the city street com missioner tore up a sidewalk on the property of Brae Hlght , North Tenth street , under Instructions of Mayor Friday , who declared the walk was In a dangerous condition. Mr. Hlght brought complaint for the wilful de struction of property because ho hnd received no notice that the sidewalk had ever betJn condemned. County Attorney Koenlgsteln filed the com- ilalnt nnd prosecuted It , while City Attorney Wenthorby defended the street commissioner. The jurors were E. B. Kauffmnnn , August Brummund ind Dr. C. F. W. Mnrquardt. No rec ord of condcmnntlon proceedings against tlio walk could bo found by the city clerk In his record , but the mayor Insists that the walk was con demned by the council nt one time. A band was organized In Norfolk last night. There are twenty-three players In the organization to start with , nnd there nro prospects of forty before the season Is Mulshed. The en thusiasts met nt the city hall Inst night nnd decided to organize and to give a band concert within the next two weeks for the purpose of demon strating to the people of Norfolk that the local talent can make good music. On the strength of this concert the band will then ask subscriptions from the business Interests of the city , so that a lender may bo employed. The twenty-three original members nro nil good renders of music so that It will bo n short time until they can produce a first class concert. In Will Ahl- mann's safe there Is music to the val- HO of $200 which has never yet been opened , nnd some of these new pieces will bo played in Norfolk. The band men-hope that the Norfolk business Interests will subscribe to the band fund so that the leader can bo em ployed. STEAMBOAT EXCURSION. Capt. Leach's First Excursion up the Missouri From Nlobrara. Nlobrnrn , Neb. , Aug. 27. Special to The News : Capt. Leach's Hrst steam boat excursion up the Missouri river will take place Tuesday. The steam er Josephine , an historical boat of the Indian days , but overhauled , has n capacity of 000 passengers. The Chicago cage , Milwaukee & St. Paul will run n special from Ynnkton and Scotland Tuesday morning to bring about 200 passengers from those nnd Intervening points. The excursion Is only 60 cents from here , and many parties from nearby points have expressed their Intention to "got off the earth" for a day. BIG PICNIC TO BE HELD AT NE- LIGH NEXT WEEK. WILL CONTINUE FOR THREE DAYS Undaunted by the Rnln of Last Week , Which Proved a Dnmpcner on the Race Meet , Ncllgh Will Try Another Event With Hopes of Good Weather. Nellgh , Nob. , Aug. a. Special to Tlio News : Following Is the program of the old aettlera nnd soldiers' picnic to bo held In this city nt Riverside park Wednesday , Thursday nnd Fri day , September 5 , 0 nnd 7 : First day. U a. in. to 2:30 : p. in. . goIng - Ing Into camp ; 3 p. in. , address of welcome by Mayor .1. C. Jenkins ; ! p. m. , abort speeches by old settlers nnd soldiers ; 7:30 : p. m. , address by Charles H. Kelsey ; 8 p. in. , progrnm of ladles' quartette cornet solo , Mrs. Schenefell ; recitation , Miss Mellck ; violin solo , Miss Mary McDougal ; vo cal solo , Mia. Myrtn Conger. Second day. 10 n. m. , abort speech es by old settlers and old soldiers ; 1:30 : p. m. , address by Chnrlcs Weston of liny Springs , Nob. ; 3 p. in , , exhibi tion of speed by Kay Bros. ' horses ; 7:30 : p. m. , address by Ilov. F. V. Clark ; 8 p. m. , program of Indies quar- lotto recltntlon , Miss Brenton ; solo , G. A. Sellery ; male qunrtctto ; solo , Mrs. R. H. Rico. Third day. 11:00 : a. m. , nddrcss by 0. A. Williams , Nellgh ; 3 p. in. , ad dress by P. E. Taylor of Tokamah ; I p. in. , exhibition of speed by Kay Itros. ' horses ; 7:110 : , address ; 8 p. m. , progrnm of qunrtotto ; mnlo qunrtetto ; recltntlon , Mrs. W. W. Cole ; duet , vo cal ; whistling solo , Harry Bulmor ; violin and piano duet. Proposed Constitutional Amendment. The following proposed amendment : o the constitution of the stnto of Ne braska , ns hereinafter set forth In full , Is submitted to the electors of the stnto of Nebraska , to bo voted upon nt the general election to bo hold Tuesday , November C , A. D. , 1900. Bo It Enncted by the Legislature of the Stnto of Nebraska : Section l. That at the general olec- .ion for stnto and legislative officers : o bo hold on the Tuesday , succeeding the first Mondny in November , 1906 , the following provision be proposed nnd submitted to the electors of the state ns an amendment to the consti tution. Section 2. There shall bo a state railway commission , consisting of three members , who shall bo first elected nt the general election In 1905. whose terms of office , oxceit those chosen at the Hrst election under this provision , shall bo six years , and whoso compensation shall be Mxed by the legislature. Of the three commissioners Mrst elected , the one receiving the highest number of votes , shall hold his ofllco for six years , the next highest four years , and the lowest two years. The powers and duties of such commission shall Include the regulation of rates , service nnd general control of com mon cnrrlers as the legislature may provide by law. But In the absence of spoclMc legislation , the commission shall exorcise the powers and perform the duties enumerated In this provi sion. Section 3. That nt said election In the year 190C , on the ballot of each elector voting thereat , there shall be printed or written the words : "For Constitutional Amendment , with reference - oronco to State Railway Commission , " and "Against Constitutional Amend ment , With Reference to State Rail way Commission. " And if , a majority of all votes cast at said election , shall bo for such amendment , the same shall bo deemed to bo adopted. I , A. Galushn , secretary of state of the stnto of Nebraska , do hereby cer tify that the foregoing proposed amendment to the constitution of the stnto of Nebraska is a true and cor rect copy of the original enrolled nnd engrossed bill , as passed by the twen ty-ninth session of the legislature of the state of Nebraska , as nppears from said original bill on file In this office , nnd that said proposed amendment is submitted to the qunllMed voters of the state of Nebraska for their adop tion or rejection at the general elec tion to bo hold on Tuesday , the Gth day of November , A. D. 109G. In testimony whereof , I have here unto sot my hnnd nnd affixed the great seal of the state of Nebraska. Done at Lincoln this 24th dny of July , In the year of our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred nnd Six , of the Independence of the United States the One Hundred and Thirty-second , and of this state the Fortieth. A. Gnlusha , [ Seal. ] Secretary of State. SEND TO NORFOLK FOR YEAST. Mrs. F. G. Walters Writes . . . From Pan ama for Few Cakes. Yenst Is n very rare nrtlclo In Pan- num. The. Mrs. Craft company re ceived an order today from Mrs. F. G. Walters , who is now living in Pan ama , for a number of packages of yeast. Yeast Is BO very scarce that It Is almost Impossible to get the ar- tlclo and most all the bread has to bo baked without it. Cheap Excursion to Hot Springs , Dead wood nnd Lead , S. D. On August 2S excursion tickets will bo sold nt Nor folk for 110.00 to Hot Springs , nnd $15.00 to Dendwood and Lead , S. D. . with return limit September 12. Sleep. Ing car rate nt half fnro in tourist cars. Reservations should bo made early. H. C. Mntrau , Agent. CONGRESSIONAL CONVENTION. McCarthys' Defeat. Lincoln Star : The bright light which Is suffusing that part of Nebraa- ka of which Norfolk la the hub Is noth ing more nor less thnn the smile of the fnco of W. N. HIIRO , of The Norfolk News. The News probably could claim and deserve more credit for the defeat of Congressman McCarthy at the con- volition In Fremont than nny other factor In the tight which resulted In victory for Judge Boyd. The bitter opposition of Huso wna the result of tin alleged wrong on the part of McCarthy , that wrong being one of the most monumental sins In- grntltudo. It happened that In another campaign , when McCarthy waa run ning for congress and Huso waa Blip- porting him , The Norfolk News and another newspaper In the district printed , at McCarthy's request and In hla behalf , an nrtlrlo which wna given n Hbi'lotiH construction by the courts. H use nnd the other editor were "atuck" for damages and , It la alleged , McCarthy , the renl benellclnry of the costly publication , failed to bcnr n portion of the penalty paid by the pub lishers for printing that which might better have been left out of their col umns. Leaving out of consideration the merlta of Huso's defense and the ques tion of whether or not he was justified In publishing the nrtlclo which caused the trouble , the fnct remains that trou ble cnmo nnd , according to Huso , Me- Cnrthy fnilcd to step up nnd take his dose of the medicine. Indignation on the part of Huso fol lowed this evidence of Ingratitude. Ho believed that a man who had acted In that way should not bo sent back to congress , and he told the people of his county all about It In pretty strong terms , bringing In n few other Issues which hnd more or less effect. Newspapers nro so often the victims of Ingratitude that it will please many of the publishers of Nebraska to know that one thoughtless man has learned n lesson he will not soon forget. The nverage political ! thinks the newspaper was created for his special benefit , to bo used as he would direct and whenever - over he gives command. The mnn who would not think of asking the publisher to print n free notice about his hardware store expects a column of compliments when he decides to run for the legislature nnd Is offended when the space is not given. And when n newspaper , particularly the so- called country newspaper , has wasted Its space , its time , money nnd energy In promoting the cnuse of a homo can- dldnte , how often Is.It . thnt the fellow , after his election , even thinks of going to hla editor and thanking him for the service he has rendered ? The Ingratitude of which Mr. Huso complains Is n notable case in Itself. But It does not stand alone. Probably every editor in Nebraska knows how ungrateful most ofllce-seckers are , how forgetful they are , how "nervy" In ex pecting nn editor to give , in unlimited quantities , that which to the editor Is the equivalent of cnsh. Newspapers have as one of their prime purposes the support of partic ular principles , such support to be given without price. But the average politician appears to believe that the newspaper was created for the purpose of boosting him Into olllce , the editor to be passed without sign of recogni tion after election day. Huse's Victory. Hastings Tribune : By defeating J. .T. McCarthy for a reiiomlnntlon to rep resent the Third district of Ncbrnskn In the lower house of the United States congress , W. N. Huse , who Is editor of The Norfolk News , won a splendid victory. McCarthy made the mistake that so many men mnke thnt of underesti mating the other man's strength. When Honorable J. J. McCarthy ran for congress two years ngo Editor Huso published nn article In his paper which denounced in the most emphntlc terms McCnrthy's opponent. The nr tlclo wns furnished by the chairman of the republican county central commit tee who informed Mr. Huse that Mc Carthy requested the publication of the story and that he would vouch for Its truthfulness. At first Huse refused to give the article publication , and it was not until the strongest kind of pressure waa brought to bear that ho consented. The article was published , McCarthy was elected and Editor Huso had a $ G,000 damage suit on his hands. What did McCarthy do ? Nothing. When ho was notified of the suit thnt had been stnrted against Huse ho put on a bold front nnd wnnted to know whnt In h 1 he hnd to do with It or words to that effect. And that was all ho did have to do with it. Ho left Huso to fnco thnt dnmngo suit alone. Huso faced the damage suit nnd Mxed It up. Then he turned his atten tion to McCarthy and his campaign. When Huso announced In his paper his Intentions of defeating McCarthy , and gave his reasons for doing so there were sonio politicians who smiled , and said thnt Huse was only wasting good advertising space In his valuable journal. They Mgnred that by virtue of his ofllco McCarthy would have the party organization back of him , including every postmaster throughout the Third district. It did look a little dubious for Huse ; but not for one minute did he lose courage. Every dny he tallied to the people through the columns of his pa per , and all that ho said was the plain truth , without frills or nourishes , The people know him , they listened to him , nnd they believed him. Thnt wns enough -McCnrthy's boom wns doomed. At no stnge of the gnmo did McCar thy dronm of failure. Ho laughed nt the Iden , hence the dofont cnrrles with It a death-blow thnt will bo hard to bear. 3 A Good Selection. Nebraska Politician : In the nomi nation of Judge J. F. Boyd of Nellgh UK the republican candidate for con gress In the Third district , the party has inndo a selection which will assist In Incrcnslng tlu > majority this full. The district convention hold at Fre mont Thursday turned down by a most declslvo vote Congressman J. J. Mc Carthy's request for n renoniluatlon and designated the Nollgh man as the standard bearer In the battle this fall. Judge Boyd Is one of the most popular men In the Third district. Ills popu larity is not confined to any particular section of the district , but Is general. As a member of the district judiciary Judge Boyd hns made a record which his successor on the bench will have to work hard to equal. The nomina tion of Judge Boyd wns brought about through a feeling of general dissatis faction over the district with the way In which Congressman McCarthy has looked after the interests of the dis trict. Mr. McCarthy has not been as successful In securing appropriations for the district as was desired. Ills desertion of W. N. Huso of The Nor folk News when the latter was being sued for a llbelous publication made In support of McCarthy , had much to do with turning sentiment ngnlnst the congressman and the leading newspa pers of the district were quick to take up the cause of Huso and demand Mc Carthy's retirement. In nominating Boyd to succeed McCarthy the repub licans of the district have selected a man who will work tirelessly for their Interests and who Is bound to bo rec ognized down at Washington. Ho Is one of those men whom the district cnn afford to keep In congress for many years. Congratulations. Mlddletown , N. Y. , Aug. 20. W N. Huso , Norfolk , Nob. Dear Sir : "Be cause of gross ingratitude shown you by Congressman McCarthy , I have been greatly Interested In the matter whether McCarthy would again be nominated. To me It has been a won der why you have been so lenient with him in showing him up as he deserved , since "the mills of the gods grind slow but grind exceedingly Hue , " which em phasizes what yon say In the edltorlnl bended "The News Has Been Fair. " Concerning an Ingrate "nothing more detestable does the earth produce than an ungrateful man. " If you have half a chance of winning In n legnl notion ngalnst McCarthy growing out of the libel suit brought agnlnst you nnd for which he , as I understand It , was re sponsible , or should hnvo been a party in defense of said libel , I wish you would begin action agnlnst him. You owe it , it seems to mo , to your friends who have stood by youi to endeavor to recover what expense you were put to in defending McCarthy. I beg to reiterate , the best editorial and newspaper for a country Issue I hnvo ever seen is The Dally News. Success to you. Yours most sincerely , S. W. Corwin. McCarthy Was Disappointed. Fremont correspondence to Omaha World-Herald : McCarthy was greatly disappointed , as he went into the con vention with what ho supposed was n sulllcient number of votes to have made his nomination only n matter of form. Boyd nnd his workers were very nctlve. Before the convention they had determined to beat McCarthy , and made a canvass of the district. Be cause some of the delegates on the Brown ticket nt North Bend were fa vorable to McCarthy the town conven tion went ngalnst the attorney general. Editor Huse of Norfolk bad claimed McCarthy broke faith with him , bit terly fought him , and the editor wield ed influence in his part of the district against McCarthy. There was no Mght on the conven tion floor the Boyd trick was turned too quickly. The candidates , W. W. Young of Stanton , In addition to McCarthy and Boyd , were called before the conven tion. Boyd said he had been very ac tive. McCarthy admitted his disap pointment , nnd joined with Young in saying ho would support the ticket. They Loved McCarthy. Pierce Call : Wo desire to Inform The Norfolk Daily News that the en dorsement of Judge Boyd for congress by the republican convention of Pierce county Monday was not a slnp nt our present honored congressmnn , J. J. McCarthy , but rather because Judge Boyd In his many visits to Pierce coun ty in years past ns district judge hns become voiy popular. Ho hns a close and Intimate acquaintance with nearly every voter In the county and has the highest esteem of all. Wo have never heard a republican In this county speak disrespectfully of Congressman Mc Carthy or complain of his not doing his duty In Washington. In fact many have heartily commended him for do ing his dntv , the past four years , but that was lost sight of In their- enthusi asm for their old friend nnd neighbor , Judge Boyd. The personal scrap of The Norfolk News editor had no Influ ence whatever upon the result In Pierce county. Suited Them. Hurt County Herald : No one frit more jubilant over McCarthy's defeat than we did. When the news was 'phoned to us from Fremont a few minutes after Judge Boyd was noml natod instead of McCarthy , we arnbbid nn armful of lings nnd un furled them to the breeze proclaiming that McCarthy was defeated Ho got just whnt wns coming to him , just whnt ho Invited. The time is past when n congressmnn cnn tnko his or ders from n few political bosses In each county and expect to servo his constituency satisfactorily. The poli tical boss as a rule Is a man of bad repute at home and It will sooner or later kill the olllclal who hearkens to his advice. The political bosses will soon bo out of a job. There Was Trouble. Omaha Dally News : Congressman McCarthy was defeated In his Mghtfor the congressional nomination yester day from the Third district and Judge Boyd of Nellgh was pushed through on the first ballot , 129 to 123. McCarthy bad expected to carry the convention without any trouble , but there was no Mgbt on the lloor. The Boyd men had been very nctlve nnd mndo a canvass of the district be fore the opening. Prominent among the fighters agnlnst McCarthy was Editor Huse of Nor folk , who claims that McCarthy broke fnlth with him. The third candidate was W. W. Young of Stantou. Machine Men Sneered. Battle Creek Enterprise ( before con vention ) : While ninny of the mnchlne republicans of the Third district may have sneered nt the efforts made by W. N. Huso of The Norfolk News to defeat Congressman McCarthy for ro- nomlnatlon , It Is a self evident fact that Mr. Huse has succeeded In doing what ho started out to do. Dodge county , supposed nt one time to be solid for McCarthy , refused to endorse his candidacy and It now looks like Judge Boyd will receive the nomina tion on the first ballot. So far ns re publican newspapers nre concerned. The News has made the Mght slngle- hnnded and in the results the publish er must Mnd great satisfaction. Boyd All Right. Tekamnh Journal : lu the ifomlna- tlon of Judge Boyd of Nellgh for con gress in this district the republicans are extremely fortunate. He will make an ideal candidate. Fully equipped with a mentality of high or der , a pleasing personality , and one whose life has been irreproachable , ho unites all those quallMcatlons In one whom men like to meet , think about and vote for. We predict for him an overwhelming plurality and a career in congress that shall please everyone of his constituents no matter what their political predilections may be. Boyd Defeats McCarthy. Wayne Democrat : At the congres sional convention held at Fremont yes terday Judge J. F. Boyd was nominat ed for congressman on the first ballot , defeating Congressman McCarthy by a vote or two. The Mght will now be between the two judges , Boyd and Graves , for Graves will surely be nom inated by the democrats at Norfolk next Monday. This will put two men In running who arc able , clean , prog ressive Nebraskans. The halls of con gress have certainly been disgraced too long by men of McCarthy's stripe. Boyd Won Easily. Petersburg Index : Judge J. F. Boyd of Ncllgh was unanimously nom inated for congress by the .Third dis trict republicnn convention at Fre mont. McCarthy , the present Incum bent , hardly knew that he was In the race. Wonder what Boyd will now do about the Norfolk asylum scandal. Will be Elected. Plalnview News : Judge Boyd re ceived hearty support from all parts of the district In the congressional convention. He conducted a good clean campaign , and will receive the active support of every true ' repub lican. Pays to be Decent. Howells Journal : Editor Huse of The Norfolk News has certainly gotten even for the sting of Ingratitude given him by McCarthy. It pays to be de cent. But for the shabby treatment of Huso McCarthy might today be the nominee of his party. "Great Caesar. " Wisner Democrat : Mourning over tlio defeat for renomlnatlon , Postmas ter Hubbard of Ponder tearfully de clares thnt his "henrt is In the coffin there with Caesar. " McCarthy to Cae sar ! What a Hlght ! Great Caesar ! When people are good to a turkey or a boy , the turkey or boy should bo suspicious. When n turkey Is fed a good deal , Christmas or Thanksgiving threatens ; when a boy Is brought to town In a buggy , It is probably for the purpose of having a tooth pulled. Excursion Tickets to Fair and Races nt Bnttlo Creek , Neb. , via the Northwestern - western line , will bo sold at reduced rates August 27 to 31 , Inclusive , limit ed to return until September 1 , inclu sive. Apply to agents Chicago & Northwestern R'y. Very Low Rates to Boise City , Idaho , Via the Northwestern lino. - Excursion sion tickets will bo sold August 30 , 31 , and September 1 , with fnvornble re turn limits , on nccount of Nntlonnl Ir- rigntlon congress. Apply to ngonta Chicago & Northwestern R'y , You will have more time for other things If you entrust more of your tnsks to want nds Or R C , , , Simmons- fits glasses for those - dofoots of vision whio often cnuso headache * , nervous- , nflnmmorl Hd8 , blurred vision , etc. Room 15 , Cottou Block , Norfolk