NIK NORFOLK NEWS : Kill DAY , AUGUST 24 , 1900 FIRST THEATRICAL ATTRACTION OF SEASON IS DOOKED. IT WILL DE WEST MINSTRELS The Theatrical Season In Norfolk Will Start This Ycnr With One of the Well Known Minstrel Companies , Which Comes Monday , Labor Day. The tliontrlcnl Reason In Norfolk will open ( his your on Monday. September 3Labor day and tlio day lioforo Holiool begins On that night tlio llrHt attraction of l'i % si-nann will appear In the Aiiilltorlniii. mill It Is nil extraor dinarily goo.I M Mi-art Ion , too. Tlio West mliiRtiol company , one of tlio known minstrels In America to day , will lie hero for tlio Initial night nt tlio playlioiiso. The management , In announcing this attraction for the Auditorium , Bays : "Wo will open tlio season nt tlio Au ditorium on September It with West intiiHtrulH , ono of tlio good mlnstrol compaulefl1 In fart , Iho host that has over appeared In Norfolk. " Concerning tlio company , the llorald of Diiluth , where the tronplo played last week , nays : Although William II. West IH dead , the William II. West mlnntrolB still live , and for Hovoral RoaRona now they hnvo nmdo triumphant tourR of the country under the olllcli'iit chaperon- ngo of Sanford II. Hlcaliy. The Went niliiHlrolH opened nn engagement of two nights and a matlneo nt the Ly ceum hint evening , heforo an audlenco which enjoyed every minute of the en tertainment. To ho mire , Homo of the gaga hnvo been heard before , but on the whole , the Bhow aHBiiyB na high aa nny of the others which como to town , mid Duluth - luth usually fleoa nil tlio minstrel ahowa during n sonaoii. No ono member of the company IH heralded na n star to appear on the strength of laurola won In dim paat. They nro nil atara and every member worka with n zeal that ahould wnrm the nmplo heart of S. 11. Hlcaby. The first part wna very pleasing. .Tamea Cantwoll Rang the song which Paul Dreasor completed Juat before- his demise , "My Gnl Sal , " In a way that won him an encore. Iloawell .T. White , posRosaed of n very high tenor voice , nccompllBhed IIB much when ho Bang "Somewhere. " William Ronnud did very well with tlio armorer's song from "Ilobln Hood , " and .Toe Hrciiiinn scored heavily with "Tell Her That I Send My Lovo" and "Since Nellie Wont Away. " Of the comedians , Charles Van Nostrand , who dancea very clever ly , sang "Rood Night Miss Emlllno" as If ho enjoyed It and nick Mitchell made n lilt with his touching SOUK- George Van followed with n very pret ty song , "I've Got n Hoom to Let In My Heart for You , " the singing of which proved him to bo the possessor of no mean voice. Graham and Van Nostrand opened the olio with n dancing turn , Fred Smith did some clover baton juggling , the Sunflower quartet sang and the performance concluded with n pretty afterpiece , led by Joe nrciuinn en titled "Moonlight on the River. " . KINKAID IS RENOMINATED. Congressional Convention In Twenty- four MlnuMs. Kearney , Nob. , Aug. 22. In n con vention hold nt the city hall which lasted twenty-four minutes and wns n model of unnulmlty as well ns dis patch , Congressman Moses P. Klnkald was unanimously renomlnated by the republicans of the Sixth congressional district. There wns no contest am ! the credentials of the delegates were approved without going through the formality of having a committee take action. A committee oa resolutions consisting of Judge J. S. Honglaud ol Lincoln county ns chairman , and al of the editors of the district present ns associates , was appointed and re tired to decide on a set of resolutions which endorse the work of the tlfty ninth congress , also the record of Con gressman Klnknld. A congressional committee , consisting of one man from each county In the district wns then appointed , the member for Buffalo county being Phil Lambert. Mr. Kin- Raid's name wns then placed In nomi nation and the chairman's question If there wore any other nominations wns greeted with a burst of laughter. A motion providing that Mr. Klnkald be allowed to select the chairman and secretary of the congressional com mittee was carried. A majority of the committee was empowered to 1111 va cancies and the convention adjourned , many of the delegates taking the morn ing train for Lincoln. NEWSPAPER MEN ON FAST RIDE New York Correspondents' Auto Trip Across Continent. Fremont , Neb. , Aug. 22. Touring across the country in nn automobile to establish a record for a transcontinental tinental trip Dick Little nnd Christian D. Hngerty , eastern newspaper corres pondents , reached Fremont nt noon. Fresh from two accidents , one of which got them In jail at Marshall- town , Town , the tourists were scurrying at breakneck speed In nn effort to make up the twelve hours they lind lost. lost.At Marshnlltown they collided with a farm wngon nnd were arrested for exceeding the speed tow. Aftqr n short detention they managed to pay their fines nnd get loose. Enst of Fremont this morning they bumped Into a buggy and had the two tool boxes ripped oft the machine. They claimed to have lug up n amall fee to pacify the other imrty to the nccldeut nnd cnnio to Fro- uont for repairs. Little nnd Hagerty nro making the trip at the teiiu | > Rt of n ear mnker , the Hulrk company , na nn endurnnco nnd speed test for n representative of the Japanese government , which wantR to liny several cara for Held work In Man- chut la The two newspaper men Horved aH war correspondents In Mnn- Hiurln dm Ing the lluHslnn-JapanoHO wnr and gained nn acquaintance with olllelalR of the two governments. Lit tle la the conespondent who wna mla- tnken hy the Jnps for a Russian spy and would have been hanged to n lump post had ho not been too tall. The party loft Now York nt 3 o'clock last Thursday morning. At Syracuse greet Ings were exchanged with the F.rnnklln parly that passed through Fremont eaatbound ten days ngo and which wont from 'Frisco to Now York In llfleen days and six hours. Dick Little , who was wnr correspon dent In the Hour war , the Spanish- American war and the recent Jnpnncso war , latterly for Iho Chicago Dally NOWH , was ono of the party which took a apln acroHH the continent last De cember on the Initial run of the Los AngoloH limited trnln over the Union Pacific lino. At that time Llttlo contemplated making n lecturing tour , promising to Include Norfolk In the route , but hla [ ilnns were changed Inter nnd he gave up the lecture platform Idea. INSANE HOSPITAL SUPERINTEN DENT MAKES REPLY. ASKS TO HOLD HIS POSITION Dr. Alden Says That His Conduct Was Approved by the State Board Which Investigated Him , and Therefore He Wants to Remain. rirrom Tluirsdiu-'a Dally. ] An answer to the quo wnrrnnto pro ceedings In the supicmo court has been Illed by Dr. J. M. Alden , superlnten- lent of the Norfolk Inaano asylum , This is the second step In the pro ceedings Instituted to oust him from the bend of the Institution. Dr. Alden admits refusing to sur render the position to Dr. Young , who wns appointed hy Governor Mickey to succeed Alden. The defendant says that ho was ap pointed by the governor and that the charges against him were Invcstlgnted hy the hoard of public lands nnd build ings. ings.Ho Ho dcclnrcH that the latter body ap proved his conduct and ho asks to bo allowed to retain his position as head of the Institution. HOTTEST AND DRIEST WEEK. Last Week's Average Temperature Above 90 All Over the State. Lincoln , Neb , , Aug. 21. Special to The News : The past week wns the warmest nnd driest of the season. The wind was very light and the sunshine excessive. The dally mean temperature aver aged 9 ° above the normal. The dally temperatures were above 90 ° each day In most of the state , and they were between 25 ° and 100 ° In many coun ties on Thursday , Friday and Satur day : The dally minimum temperatures wore also high , being for the most part between 65 ° nnd 70 ° . Rain fell only In very light scattered showers , and none fell In the greater part of the state. Local showers with a rainfall of less than a quarter of an Inch occurred In Blalno , Merrlck , Ham ilton , York , Platte , Colfax , Butler and Lancaster counties. The total rain fall from April 1 to date Is below nor mal In most counties , but Is slightly In excess In Hall , Lancaster , Burt and Cherry counties. The deficiency is the greatest in Jefferson , Nemaha and Douglas counties , where It ranges from I to 0 Inches. WAR IN POPE'S LETTER. Encyclical's Ultimatum May Create Grave Crisis , Says M. Clemenceau. Carlsbad , Aug. 22. M. Clomencenu the French minister of the Interior , Is now hero taking the cure. When asked regarding the consequences of the pope's enocllcnl he replied : "It is n declaration of war nnd wll create a new political situation that will perhaps cause all other questions to pass into the backKround for some time to come , for If the Holy Set thinks that certain extenuating formu too in the encyclical will be Interpret ed by the French government ns nn Invitation to negotiate It Is making a very great mistake. "The pope declares that not only does ho reject the cultuellcs , but re fuses even to take advantage of the existing laws regulating public associa tions. This crentes nn entirely new state of things and may have very grave consequences for the exercise of religion in France. If no measures are taken and If the churches find themselves without proprietors in De cember next , they will have to be closed. "Hut my personal sentiment Is , nnd I hnvo never concealed it , that there Is no necessity for the churches to be 'cultuelle. " If there nro no association cultuelles n way must be found to con ciliate the law with the exercise of religion. " Try News want ads. You cultivate " " may "spare-tlmethrlft" by reading the "wants. " NORFOLK YOUNG MAN MEETS DEATH IN CHEYENNE , WYO. HE FELL FROM MOVING TRAIN Norfolk Doy , Son of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Williams of This City , Sustained Two Crushed Limbs and Injuries Which Proved Fatal Shortly After. Clyde J. Williams , son of Mr. nnd Mrs. 11. W. Williams of Norfolk , wns killed nt Uhoyenno , Wyo. , today by falling from n railroad train. Ho was not Instantly killed , but In the fnll he sustained two crushed legs and Injuries to which ha succumbed shortly after- ward. News of the sad accident reached the parents In Norfolk at an early hour In a telegram announcing the Injuries , nnd another dispatch fol lowed a half hour later telling of the death. Clyde Williams was n painter by trade , having learned that trade In Norfolk , where ho grow up. Ho for merly attended the public schools of this city. A few years ngo ho made his homo for n time at Unite , Neb , Mr. Williams had planned , when the first message came , to leave for Chey enne , hut changed his plans nnd the remains will be shipped to Norfolk. LONG LOST MAN HURLEY LAWYER Prof. Frye of Chicago nnd Attorney Goddard of S. D. , Alike. Pierre , S. D. , Aug. 22. Light wns thrown upon the mystery c > T Professor Frye of Chicago , who has just returned to that city after nn absence of thirty- one yours , giving his amazed wife $5- 000 with the proviso that she wns to ask no questions regarding his ram- bllngs. In 1878 there appeared In Hurley , S. D. , a man who gave his name ns G. II. Goddnrd. Ho began the practice of law nnd was fairly successful. Ho also Invested heavily In real estate , which was then very cheap and is now val uable. Ho never mentioned his past Ifo , but settlers agreed that Goddard VIIH not his real name. He possessed considerable ability and a line educa- Ion. Goddard was candidate for various illlccs , hut shifted his political beliefs so often that ho wns not successful In lint line. When ho came hero he losed ns an Episcopalian , but later be came very active In the Catholic church and finally was appointed pro- essor In the Catholic college nt the intlonnl capital , where ho remained i year and was then sent to the Phil- pplnes , whore ho remained two years is the head of the Catholic schools here. About a year ngo ho returned from he Philippines and rejoined his fain- ly here. Two of his daughters still eslde near Hurley. Shortly nftor re- .urning he quarreled with his wife , who left him and Is supposed to bo in Colorado. Goddnrd continued his practice at Hurley until a few weeks ngo , when he converted all his property Into cash , selling every vestige of the old home , down to the family albums and keep sakes , and oven his law diploma. granted him by the old Dakota court , and everything went on a cash basis , ic refusing to take any securities in xny form. The money as collected was deposit ed in the banks of the town , and when ho had disposed of absolutely every thing , he drew the cash out , refusing drafts of any description , demanding ready money. A large amount of it was paid to him In $100 bills , and on receiving the cash he left Hurley ns ho had come to It nearly thirty years ago , without any announcement ns to his destination and without good-by to bis old neighbors. It wns only a few days after God dard loft Hurley with his ready cash when Fryo returned to his wife In Chicago cage with a cash donation of $5,000 In $100 bills and desired that no ques tions be asked. Residents of Hurley have secured a description of Frye , nnd thny are nil absolutely certain that Frye was God dard , while In Dakota , and has become Fryo again on joining his wife , whom he deserted thirty years ago to Join another \\oman. Outside his trip to the Philippines , Goddard did no wandering further than wns necessary In his business as an attorney , but attended his work in n growing country , which rapidly added to the value of the property he se em ed when ho went Into the country nt the time of Its settlement , and ac cumulated a competency In that man ner. JUNCTION GRAVEL ROAD MOVE A Good Start In the Way of Funds for Such a Road Is Made. A good road between Norfolk am ! the Junction is highly possible. First street will be graveled up and so 1m proved that all wagons , hncks nnd carriages can travel on that road with ease In the rainiest kind of weather The county commissioners of Madison county nre said to be willing to do their share on the Improvement , he eaus.0 First street is n county road , the city council Is said to be willing to contribute its share , and n large sun of money has already been subscribe ! by people of the city. Some time ago A. J. Durland stnrted a paper asking for subscriptions toward such a fund A good sum was subscribed. Mr. Dur land Is now out of town , but H. W Winter has the subscription paper. It Is said that First street Is the roai I that ought to he first tackled , because I It Is n county road and because It lends to the depot. ADVISES DIRD PROTECTION. Prof. Drunor Finds That Death of Birds Results In Army Worm Attack. ' West Point , Neb. , Aug. 22. Professor ser Ijiwronco Hrunor , state entomolo gist , visited the territory In Ginning county north of Wlsner , which Is In- feated by the nrmy worm , nnd mndo n collection of the caterpillars chrysa- HH and moths , Ho explains their abun dance In the ball stricken district ns duo to the female moths having been attracted by the crushed corn , and de positing their eggs , which nro esti mated to bo from GOO to 700 per moth. The tacknla lly was killed and birds eggs nnd young birds destroyed by hall. The natural enemies of the army worm tliua being eliminated , the pests wore hatched In great numbers and destroyed much of 'tho farmers' corn. Professor IJrunor advises the protec tion of birds , for thby destroy many millions of harmful Insects each sea son. The fnrmors' "dend furrow" plan was approved by the professor. SPECIAL TRAIN LEAVES OMAHA ON FRIDAY EVENING. NEBRASKANS WILL BE ABOARD The Mayors of Nebraska Cities , To gether With Other Prominent Dele gates , Will Go to New York to Escort cert Mr. Bryan Back to Lincoln. Omaha , Neb. , Aug. 23. Special to The News : All arrangements have now been made for the trip of the "Bryan Homecoming" special train of democrats to New York for the pur pose of meeting William J. Bryan when ho lands next Wednesday , nnd to wel come him from home from his trip around the world. The Pullman company has tele graphed the committee In Omaha that the special Is "tho llncst rain on wheels. " It Is made up of a number of the choicest cars ever built hy that company and will run through from Omaha to Now York as n solid train. Leaving Omaha Friday night , August 21 , nt 8:15 : , the Bryan special will reach Chicago over the Great Western railroad at 10 o'clock Saturday morn ing. From that time until 12 o'clock , the delegates will hold a reception to the Chicago democrats in their private train. At 12 noon , Saturday , the special starts eastward over the Grand Trunk. Arrangements have been made to have prominent democratic clubs in towns through which the train passes , to come to depot to see the Nebraska contingent. The special reaches Ni agara Falls early Sunday morning and remains there an hour for Inspection of Niagara. The run from Nlngnra to New York is over the Lolilgh Valley road and will be maae In even 11 hours , arriving In New York Sunday night at G o'clock. Rooms have been reserved at the Victoria hotel for the Nebraska crowd , and the first 150 engaging berths on the special will have reserved seats at Madison Square gardens for the recep tion to Mr. Bryan. One of the big democrats of Goth am has placed nt the disposal of the Nebraska delegates his private yacht. The Nebraskans will have the use of his yacht during their stay In New York and when Mr. Bryan's steamer s sighted , they will go down the bay and be transferred aboard so that they nay be the first to welcome him home. One feature of the train will be ten lemocratlc mayors from Nebraska , leaded by Dablman of Omaha and Brown of Lincoln. Additionally , al- nest every county In the state is rep resented In the reservations already undo. From Omaha , while the official delegation consists of only ten men , : bere are something like forty who mvo reserved berths In the Bryan spe cial. From present Indications , the train will be run In two sections , In order to accommodate those who will decide at the last hour to make the trip. In addition to democrats , there are a number of republicans and nonpartl- sans who are taking advantage of the low round trip rate which has been made , mid are going to New York on other business or on pleasure. The party will leave New York , re turning , September 1. The train will probably not come back as a "special , " but tickets will be good on all regular trains of the Lehlgh Valley , Grand Trunk nnd Chicago Great Western railroads. WOULD LEAD NORFOLK BAND. Iowa Man Is Willing to Come Here for $25 Per Month. R. C. Smith today received a letter from J. B. Cajacob , of Slbley , Iowa , a band leader and teacher of thirty-two years experience , who makes a propo sition to come to Norfolk beginning December 1 , to take charge of a band hero , for $25 per month. Mr. Cajacob is said to bo an able Instructor and It Is believed that he is just the man the Norfolk band people have been looking for. It Is said that , If the subscription fund from business interests will per mit , ho will probably ho employed. He agrees to give two lessons each week to band members , nnd would probably devote other nights of the week to other towns , thus making it possible to come nt this low rate. From encour agement that has been given the band promoters , they hope that , with a lit tle more aid , they can make a success of the venture. CITY COUNCIL WILL LOOK INTO THE GRAVEL SITUATION. TALK OVER THE GULCH MATTER Claim of Mrs. Fannie Trenepohl , Who Was Injured by Falling on a Bad Sidewalk , Was Laid on Table for Further Investigation , The gulch ordinance passed Its second end rending last night ; the damage claim of Mrs. Trenepohl , alleged due her because of a broken wrist sus tained In n fnll on n sidewalk , wns told on the table for further Investigation ; a movement wns started toward mak ing a gravel road between Norfolk and the Junction ; and curbing on the new gutter was ordered lowered , at the council meeting. Council mot In regular adjourned session August 22. Minutes of Aug ust 7 , 1G nnd 20 read nnd approved. All councilmcn wore present except Craven. F. .T. Behrens wns reimbursed for special city tax levied erroneously , to the amount of $7.25. The city clerk reported that the fire department had paid twenty-five dollars lars toward refurnishing the city hall. The city engineer was Instructed to lower the outside of the cement gutters - tors two Inches from Fourth street eaat , nnd to drop the gutter on Fourth street to twelve Inches curb on south end of same street. The claim of Mrs. Trenopohl for damages was laid on the table for fur ther Investigation. The bond of Mike Endres and the guttering and curbing contract were approved. Ordinance No. 291 was read read the second time. This Is the 'gulch" ordinance and the motion to pass the ordinance to Its third reading "ailed to carry. The street and alley committee was ; nstructed to examine gravel west of town and has power to purchase. THURSDAY TIDINGS. Theo. B. Lakely of Sprlngvlew Is In town. Chas. Vitorna of Lynch Is a city vis- tor today. Axel J. Nelson of Newman Grove is In the city. L. T. Allen has gone to Nellgh for a short visit. Mrs. Dobbins of Hosklns is 'a city visitor today. F. A. Matson of Madison Is In the city on business. John Bell of Wayne Is visiting rela tives in Norfolk. G. E. Williams was a passenger to Omaha this morning. Paul A. Walter of Genoa is In the city on business today. Miss Clare Galbraith of Wisner was shopping here yesterday. E. W. Zutz went to Plymouth , Neb. , this morning on business. Mr. and Mrs. F. II. Price of York are visiting friends here. August Deck of Hosklns was in the city on business yesterday. M. P. Perkins came up from Stanton yesterday to spend the day. Carl Fall ; and wife of Hosklns were shopping In the city yesterday. Miss Moldenhauer went to Lincoln this morning for an extended visit. T. J. Collins and R. C. Catron of Til- den are visitors In the city today. F. J. Vasholz of Stanton was a busi ness visitor In Iho city yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. O. VanHausen of Schuyler are visiting friends In the city. city.Mr. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Vlgars went to Rendolph this morning to attend the races. Herbert Zutz returned yesterday from a week's outing at the Yellow Banks. Mrs. Behmer and Mrs. J. D. Nix left this morning for DCS Molncs , where they will visit for a short time. Mrs. A. Morrison and son , Harold , returned home at noon today from a visit at Emporia , Topeka and other Kansas cities. Mr. Morrison , who has been at Plaiuview for some time , came down on the early train to meet them. F. D. Domnlsse has rented the east side of the Krug building and will open a pool and billiard hall and lunch counter In the building. The hall will be opened ns soon as the fixtures can bo put In place. A heavy shower visited Norfolk at an early hour this morning , soaking up the soil and bringing a few moments' relief to humanity from the torrid wave that has hung over this section. When trie sun came out , however , there was promise of another bunch of heat through the day today. There was a good deal of Interest in Norfolk and north Nebraska last night over the outcome of the republican convention at Lincoln. The News tel ephones were kept busy buzzing with calls from all directions In towns and from many surrounding towns , where people were anxious for the result. A childhood friendship between Mrs. J. H. O'Connell of Ponca , Neb. , who Is visiting In Norfolk , and Mrs. C. E. Burnham of this city , wns renewed last night In nn odd and unexpected manner. Years ago In Sioux City Mrs O'Connell nnd Mrs. Burnham were playmates and classmates In the pub lic schools. Then their families moved away from Sioux City , and they were separated. They lost track of one another and neither knew of the oth er's whereabouts nor of the new names , each having been married. Last night Mrs. Burnham was n caller at the home where Sirs. O'Connell Is visiting In Norfolk. Neither recog nized the other and neither was fa miliar with the other's name. It wns Calumet Baking Powder Porfoot In quollty4 fflodornto In prloo. an hour or more heroic a common topic of conversation developed the fact that the two had been chums and play mates in their girlhood days. Each had many times wondered what had become of the other. Sarah F. Hull-Heels , mother of Ed ward E. Beels , Mrs. M. C. Hazen and Frank H. Beels of Norfolk , died at 9 o'clock last night at her residence here , No.130 South Fifth street , surrounded by family and friends. Last February Mrs. Beels was rendered helpless by paralysis from which she was unable to recover. The funeral services will be held from the residence tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock , the services to be in charge of Rev. G. H. Main of Central City , her former pastor. Mrs. Beels was born October 15 , 1S3G at Cincinnati. She was married to Wil liam G. Beels March 10 , 1SG5 from which union three children were born , Edward E. , Clara M. ( now Mrs. M. C. Ilazeii , ) nnd Frank H. , Mrs. Cora. A. Beels being a daughter of William G. Beels by a former marriage. The fam ily settled In Norfolk In July , 1S74 , previous to the advent of railroads , nnd shared In the Incidents of pioneer life of this country. The deceased had been a member of the Methodist Epis copal church since 1858 and was a member of the first class organized In Norfolk by her husband In 1874. She was the youngest and last survivor of her father's family of nine , five girls and four boys. GOOD EVENTS ON FIRST DAY'S SCHEDULE THERE. NELIGH WINS THE BALL GAME A Shut Out for Pllger Was Scored In the First Day Features of the Program - gram Crowd of 2,500 at the Initial Performance There. Nellgh , Neb. , Aug. 23. Special to The i\e\vs : An Ideal day greeted the opening of the Neligh carnival aud race meet yesterday. The banks close at 12:30 : each day and the business houses from 2 to 5 p. m. Never In the history of the Neligh fall festivals to the opening day. Fully 12,500 people ple passed through the gates. Thoraces races were simply fine , and not a horse was held. The two racing events were the 3:00 : trot aud the 2:20 : trot or pace. Cooksey won first in the 3:00 : and Surena flrst in the 2:20. : Fol lowing Is the summary : Jimmie ( Cushmau ) 7 G G Sailor ( Alien ) G 5 5 White Wings ( Kay ) 3 7 7 Billy Wings ( Fluch ) 4 4 2 Nancy ( Rice ) 8 8 8 Cooksey ( Douglas ) 5 1 1 Dug B ( McKilllp ) 1 2 4 Raven Boy ( Stantz ) 2 3 3 Time : 2:29 : ; 2:31& : ; 2:32 ; 2:29V4. : lu the 2:20 : race there were eight starters , but Sioux Chitf , Maranda and Gall Blewett were withdrawn. Alice Gill ( Grunke ) G G Clela ( Gibson ) 7 4 Elva D ( Rice ) 2 3 Mackiuetta ( Stantz ) 5 2 Sureua ( Kennedy ) 3 1 Time : 2:21 : ; 2:21 : % ; 2:21 : % ; 2:25. : The judges are : N. D. Jackson , Ne ' ligh ; R. O. Wall' , Fremont ; John Me- Leod , Brunswick. Timers : Judge Harrington , O'Neill ; Chas. Wiseberg- er , Tilden. Starter , M. M. Sornberger. The races scheduled for today will be watched with as much interest as those of yesterday. The ball game between Nellgh and Pilger was called at 4:30. : It was In deed interesting from start to finish. Alstott for Nellgh pitched a wonder ful game and shut the visitors out by a score of G to 0. Star aud Orchard are to play this afternoon. Following Is the Nellgh-Pilger score by innings : Neligh 0 1 0 0 2 0 3 0 x G Pllger 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Batteries : Neligh , Alstott and Al berts ; Pllger , R. Swartz and Skeene. Struck out by Alstott 13 ; Swartz 6. Hits , Nellgh 4 , Pilger 2. 3-base hit , F. Forsberg ; 2-base hit , Pickerel. WAS YOUNGEST CASHIER. Charles Vlterna , Formerly of Lynch , Moves to Norfolk. Charles Vlterna , formerly of Lynch , Is now a citizen of Norfolk. Mr. Vlter- na has for years been cashier of a bank at Lynch , before which time he was connected with banks at Pierce and Ptolnvlew. He at one time enJoyed - Joyed the distinction of being 'the youngest bank cashier in the United States he wns at that time fifteen years of age and was cashier of the Bank of Verdigre , of which Institution lie had complete charge , doing all of the loaning , in spite of his extreme youth. A few years ngo Mr. Vlterna was a prominent candidate for the republi can nomination as county treasurer In Boyd county , though he was scarcely of age at that time. Lynch people regret the departure of Mr. Viterna , according to the Lynch Journal , but ho will make many friends lu Norfolk , it Is a foregone con- elusion.