The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, August 24, 1906, Page 7, Image 7

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Going to the Races , Trylnjj to Keep
Cool and Falling at It , and Playing
Cards In Slight Degree Have Formed
Week's Calendar.
Norfolk society 1ms been betting Its
small change on the races , drinking
Ice water nml sweltering In the almost
tinemliirnblo heat of the past week.
Few events have been on the social
calendar In a formal way.
On every afternoon of the three ,
"Wednesday , Thursday and Friday ,
there have been large crowds of la
dles among the spectators who
watched the racing at the track.
Many have had seats In the grand-
etand and many other have enjoyed
the sport from their carriages along
the quarter stretches. Yesterday af
ternoon practically the whole town
turned out.
Miss Laura Durlan dentertalned the
members of the camp "Heinle" crowd
Thursday evening. Light refresh
ments were served and u camp fire
was the feature of the evening.
Miss Pearl Widaman very pleasant
ly entertained a small crowd of young
people on Wednesday evening In nor-
or of Miss Parke of Huron , S. D. A
delicious luncheon was served and the
evening very pleasantly spent.
A large social was held last evening
nt the Baptist church. Tables were
set on the lawn , which was brilliantly
lighted with arc lights , and ice cream
and cake served. The evening was
very pleasantly spent by all those who
The Hlght-Crotty wedding was one
of the features of the week. Both the
bride and groom were well known
among a large circle of young friends ,
who extend heartiest congratulations
and best wishes. Many very hand
some presents were received by the
young couple. They will make their
home in Lamar , Colorado , where Mr.
Hight has a position with the sugar
Miss Mattle Davenport entertained
n company of ladles at 1 o'clock lunch
eon on Thursday. A very tempting
and dainty lunch was served In three
courses , followed by an afternoon at
six-hand euchre. Mrs. Oscar John
son and Miss Etta Durland proved
most skillful and were presented with
pretty pictures as souvenirs.
Those present were : Mesdames J.
S. Mathewson , C. S. Parker , Emory ,
J. Koenlgstein , Gathers , L. Koenlg-
stein , Hall , R. MIttelstadt , W. M. Rain-
bolt , N. A. Huse , McCornack , Pilger
of Madison , Hood , J. Banm , W. Pow
ers , Asmus , F. Davenport , P. H. Salter -
ter , Robert Johnson , O. J. Johnson ,
and Misses Walker , May Durland , Nor
ton , Pearl Reese , Lulkart , Rudat ,
Shaw , Hartley , Josephine Butterfield ,
Edith Butterfield , Bridge , Stafford ,
Etta Durland , Small Burnham , Laura
W. T. Brown of Spencer Is In town.
Herbert Zutz Is visiting in Meadow
J. C. Mann of Albion Is visiting In
the city.
Frank Mohrman of Pierce was down
Max Wilde returned from a trip
west today.
V. Zlemer of Hoskins Is visiting
friends here.
John Wltzlgman of Battle Creek was
here yesterday.
Mark Johnson of Spencer Is in the
city on business.
Miss Harrington left for a short visIt -
It In Omaha today.
Alfred Bohlander of Winslde was In
the city yesterday.
E. W. Zutz went to Hoskins thl&
morning on business.
Mrs. Welsenstein of Columbus Is
visiting relatives here.
Joseph E. Spencer of Beemer Is vis
iting friends In this city.
J. K. Smith of Plainview is in the '
city visiting his daughters , Mrs. Mel
on er and Mrs. Irvln.
Miss Bessie McFarland of Madison
Is visiting relatives here.
Mrs. Allen and son went to Stafford
today to visit her parents.
p. W. Sloan of Pierce was In the
city on business yesterday.
S. J. Weeks of O'Neill was In the
city for the races yesterday.
. Marion and Lorine Gow have gone
to Wayne for a short visit.
M. M. Smith came down from Os
mend yesterday on business.
T. D. Preece of Battle Creek was
here yesterday for the races.
Mrs. W. Honeysett of Battle Creek
Is visiting friends in this city.
C. W. Bayer and T. M. Cory of
Hooper are city visitors today.
J. O. Zuck of Battle Creek came
over yesterday to see the races.
Joseph Hughes of Battle Creek at
tended the races here yesterday.
County Clerk W. G. Hlrons of Pierce
was In Norfolk to bee the races.
J. H. Kuhener of Hooper arrived In
the city this morning on business.
Miss Rose Brogan of Tllden was
taking In the races hero yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Lee of Pierce
were shopping In the city yesterday.
A. H. Backhaus came down from
Pierce yesterday to attend the races. :
Win. Hoferer and daughter , Laura ,
of Crelghton , Is In the city shopping.
W. M. Land came over from Ilatllo
Creek yesterday to attend the races ,
Mrs. R. L. Doyle and child have
gone to Newport to visit her relatives.
George W. Ixisoy came down from
Battle Creek yesterday to see the rac
Henry Schmode of lAMivttt Is In the
city visiting his mother , Mrs. Itlttvl-
E. P. Weatherby has returned from
Valentine , whore he has been holding
Mrs. R. C. Simmons Is enjoying n
visit from her nephew , Albert Beck of
The Misses Wade and Mrs. Tanner
of Battle Creek took In the races here
F. E. Barnum and M. A. Dnvles of
Madison were hero to take In the Nor
folk races jesterday.
Misses Edith and Inez Vlele re
turned this noon from an extended
trip through Michigan.
Miss Byers of Sioux City , who has
been visiting Mrs. C. H. Vail , returned
to her home this morning.
Miss Emma Schorrego returned last
evening from Sioux City whore she
has been visiting for a week.
CluiB. Case , R. Y. Applcby , John
Hancock , and Bob Grattnn of Stanton
took In the races here yesterday.
D. Rees and family leave Mommy
for England , where they will spend
a year visiting relatives and traveling.
Mr. and Mrs. Reese Solomon re
turned today from Chicago , where
they have been spending the summer.
George Burrows , who has been vis
iting Lawrence Hoffman , returned to
his home In Phitte Center this morn-
M. R. Lohlboepple of Ncllgh passed
through the city today on his way to
South Dakota , where he goes on a
laud seeking excursion.
Col. J. S. Baker of Hermosan , S. D. ,
is here to visit Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
Humphrey. He is returning from the
G. A. R. reunion at Minneapolis.
Ben Bier of Oakdale passed through
the city yesterday on his way home
from Omaha in a handsome new tourIng -
Ing car that he has just purchased.
Misses Mattle and Elsie Simmons
passed through the city last evening
on their way home to Battle Creek
from Madison , where they have been
attending the teachers' Institute.
Mayor Woods Cones and wife , Mr.
and Mrs. W. G. Hirons , Mrs. Hason
Turner and daughter , Belle , H. H.
Mohr and two sons , and Albert Pohl-
man of Pierce were hero to see the
W. P. Duffy left today for Colum
bus , where he is to report for duty
and then will go to Newark , N. J. , to
the National rifle meet of the U. S.
army. Mr. Duffy last year won the
title of champion rifle shot for the
state of Nebraska. lie Is a member
of the Nebraska National Guards and
will enter the volunteers' class at
Yesterday was not so hot , by two
degrees , as the day before. The mer
cury reached ninety-six.
A large number of the horsemen left
this morning on various trains for
their homes and other race meets.
The democratic congressional conb
ventlon , to name a candidate against
Judge Boyd , will be held In Norfolk
on Monday.
A large crowd of pierce people came
to Norfolk yesterday afternoon for the
races. They were headed by Mayor
Woods Cones. It was said that every
livery rig In Pierce was brought to
Norfolk. The whole town moved 'out ,
said the Pierce man.
' Dr. C. S. Parker bought # new hat
yesterday. Not that the old hat had
worn out. It was the victim of auto-
mobllltls. Dr. Parker accepted an In
vitation to ride down town with Dr.
Salter In the hitter's new machine. A
gust of wind lifted Dr. Parker's hat
from his head and carefully placed
the hat In the revolving wheels of the
engine at the rear of the car. The
hat was chewed to bits. And now the
hatters see a new trade booster In
this pedestrian's peril.
Mrs. M. L. Blake , formerly Miss
Bertha Sims , for some time a teacher
in the Norfolk public schools , died at
her home In Sheridan , Wyoming , on
August S. Mrs. Blake succumbed to
pulmonary trouble from which she had
been suffering for some time , so that
her death was not entirely unexpected ,
but It was very much regretted by all
of Sheridan. Mrs. Blake was librarian
in the Carnegie library at Sheridan
at the time of her death and was prom
inent in church work there. Her hus
band Is a prominent attorney. As a
teacher for three years here , Miss
Sims had charge of the fifth grade and
she was one of the most successful
and one of the most highly esteemed
teachers ever known In Norfolk. Her
death will be regretted by all of those
here who knew her when she taught
In Norfolk.
Norfolk's Mayor.
In the following from the Montlcel-
lo , Wls. , Messenger , will be recognized
John Friday , mayor of Norfolk :
John Ferltag of Norfolk , Neb. , Is at
present a guest at the home of his
brother-in-law , Jacob Voegell , of
Washington township. Mr. Ferltag ar-
rived hero Friday evening and will
spend a week or ten days In visiting
atrelatives In this vicinity and also at
New Glarus and Dayton. His mother
and one brother , Oswald , reside at the
former place , while another brother ,
Samuel , resides near Dayton. Mr
Freltag was a former resident of Green
county and moved to Norfolk , Neb. ,
some twenty years ago. He Is engaged
In the hardware business at that place ,
and Is also mayor of his homo city ,
Returning Mr. Freltag will be accom-
panted by his two daughters , Helen
and Fannie , who preceded him here
I about five weeks ago.
Free.for-AII Was the Biggest Event of
the Day Five Entries In This Race ,
Also 2:50 : Trot or Pace and Running
The third day of the Norfolk race
meet series opened with a bllHterlng
sun shining down on the track , and
with one of the best galleries of on
lookers that -over witnessed a pacing
heat In Norfolk. Both previous days
were altogether outstripped In point
of attendance , the racing promised to
be excellent , and the series ended in
a complete success.
President Pasowalk , Secretary Bar
rett and Treasurer Haaso expressed
satisfaction at the attendance , and de
clared that all expectations had been
There were largo delegations of
farmers , many visitors from surround
ing towns and the whole town of Nor
folk ! to look at the races.
On the calendar were a 2:50 : trot or
pace , a free-for-all for a pnrno of $2fil (
and a running race for a purse of $100.
There were five entries In the free-
for-all , Vyznnt Star , Captain Mack ,
Fred H , Jessie A and Genuine.
Surena , the reinless wonder , wan
scheduled to perform.
Annual Stockholders' Meeting at Chicago -
cage , October 17 Personal Attend
ance of Individual Holders Desired.
Free Ticket to the Meeting.
Public notice Is hereby given that
the regular annual meeting of the
stockholders of the Illinois Central
Railroad company will be held at the
company's office In Chicago , Illinois ,
on Wednesday , October 17 , 1900 , at 12
o'clock noon.
To permit personal attendance at
said meeting there will be Issued ot
each holder of one or more shares of
the capital stock of the Illinois Central
Railroad company , as registered on
the books of the company at the close
of business on Monday , September 24 ,
1900 , who Is of full age , a ticket en
abling him or her to travel free over
the company's lines from the station
on the Illinois Central railroad nearest
to his or her registered address to
Chicago and return , such ticket to be
good for the Journey to Chicago only
during the four days immediately pre
ceding and the day of the meeting ,
and for the icturn journey from Chicago
cage only on the day of the meeting
and the four days Immediately follow
ing when properly countersigned and
stamped during business hours on or
before Saturday , October 20 , 190C
that is to say , between 9:00 : a. m. and
5:00 : p. m. In the office of the assist
ant secretary , Mr. W. G. Bruen , In
Chicago. Such ticket may be obtained
by any holder of stock registered as
above , on application , in writing , to
the president of the company In Chicago
cage ; , but each stockholder must Indi
vidually apply for his or her ticket.
Each application must state the full
name and address of the stockholder
exactly as given In his or her certiil-
cate of stock , together with the num
ber and date of such certificate. No
more than one person will be carried
free In respect to any one holding of
stock as registered on the books of
the company. A. G , Hackstaff ,
Battle Creek.
Mr. Otto Fuerst and Miss Martha
Wolff were married Sunday night at
7:30 : at the Lutheran church hero by
Rev. E. Just of Green Garden. The
groom Is the fifth son of Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Fnerst and was raised In this vi
cinity. The bride Is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wolff of Hadar.
The young couple left the next morn
ing for a visit with relatives at St.
Paul , Minn. , and were accompanied by
Mrs. Ed Fuerst and two children. Af
ter returning the young couple will
make their home on the corner of
Main and Depot streets.
James Hughes was over to the coun
ty capital Saturday.
Mrs. A. Krevanlk of Meadow rGove
was visiting here Saturday at the
home of her daughter , Mrs. L. Korbel. ;
Miss Minnie Zimmerman , superintendent
tendent of the Lutheran hospital at
Sioux City , was visiting here Sunday
with her parents , Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Zimmerman , and other relatives.
Ralph Fuerst , who is repair man for
the Farmers' Home telephone corn-
pany at Shelton , Buffalo county , was
visiting relatives hero Sunday.
G. C. Bennlng of the Valley bank , Is
spending his vacation at Hot Springs ,
S. D.
Mr. Forsyth , a prescription druggist
of Omaha , who was working here a
while In C. T. Hainan's drug store , re-
turned home again ,
A. D. Wlllberger was hero Wednes-
irday from Anoka.
Wm. Pratt and family of Meadow
Grove were visiting hero Sunday with
his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Pratt ,
and other relatives ,
Miss Lottie Gates returned Monday
after a week's visit with the Reeves
families to her home at Gordon ,
The Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. John ,
Borchers was christened at the Luth-
eran church Sunday afternoon.
Rev. Father Walsh of Norfolk was
holding service at the Catholic church
mhero Wednesday.
John Voborll was hero Tuesday on
business from Howells.
| Hon. F. J Hale was down from At
kinson Tuesday. .
Aug. Steffen , our furniture merchant ,
linn joined the largo News family.
Prof. Albert Hoffman , who him been
visiting hero about six weeks with hlR
parents , Rev. and Mrs. J Hoffman , returned
turned Wednesday to IndlanapollR ,
Ind. , to follow his duties.
Prof. M. G. Doerlng nml Fred. Ho-
hoiiHteln wont to Waco Wednesday to
attend Lutheran synod of the state ,
which Is In session there for one week
Paul Hogrefe's private pet horse IH
one of the best trained anlmalH In this
vicinity. On Thursday morning the
horse went all alone with a buggy be
hind him to the llogiefu ranch , four
mill's west. As heIIB never told to
go out Mr. Herm. Hogrefo followed
him and got theie about the same
time. There was no punishment and
nothing was hurt.
Result of Events on the Track Thurs
day Afternoon.
2:30 : Trot or Pace.
Summary of race :
lluhber Ilaby ( Stiuitz ) 1 1 1
Maranda ( Wall ) 2 2 ! l
. ! . II. A. ( ChrlKt ) ! i 3 U
Urlt ( McKlllup ) G 4 C
i me name luougiasj u u o
Ashton W ( Ashmoro ) 7 C -I
Jackard Wllkes ( HIco ) 4 7 dr
Time : 3:22 : % ; 3:24 : > 4 : 3:20 : % .
There were nine entries In the 2:30 :
trot or pace. Among them was a
blind horse , Brit , driven by MeKlllup ,
which started the fireworks right In
the beginning. A protest was made
against allowing this blind animal to
race on the ground that he was un
safe on the track and might Injure
some of the other horses or drivers.
The Judges did not sustain the protest.
In the Initial scoring Brit Jammed
into Lottie Rattle's sulky , chopping it
right In two. Brit wabbles around
the track like a drunk man , but his
entrance fee was paid and ho prom
ised to give a race to the field The
broken sulky was taken to the sin-
hies and a new one brought out for
the first heat. Brit and Wllkes were
a pair of bad actors In the scoring
The blind horse , when ho started ,
could not bo stopped and was apt to
Jam Into any sulky on the road.
"We're afraid , " said one driver.
When the race got going , the blind
kept hard at It. The heat was won ,
however , by Rubber Baby in a neck-
and-neck finish with Marnnda. It was
a fast heat , 2:22 : % .
Before the third heat In this race ,
the judges ordered a new driver be
hind Maranda , on the ground that the
driver had talked to the driver of
Rubber Baby , believing that Maranda
had been held In. The driver claimed
she has had lung fever and had been
training for only six weeks. He called
attention to the fact that the Judges
were held responsible for the animal
The Judges reconsidered , cautioning
him to drive out. As Rubber Baby
had first money and Maranda second ,
It was figured the two drivers had
agreed not to disturb trie condition by
Jarring things.
Rubber Baby won the next heat ,
however , making it three straight and
the race. The moneys went : Rubber
Baby , Maranda , J. H. A. , Brit.
Running Race.
There were the following entries :
Young Pilgrim , Kitty O , Saale , Welch-
er , Jennie F and Revenue.
Pilgrim , the beautiful stallion which
galloped against time the first day ,
won the race easily. Pilgrim has
been a show horse In California and
the British possessions , and has won
several prizes for beauty. Kitty O
was second.
2:25 : Trot or Pace.
The race was won by Parpinna ,
Genuine second , John L Blair1 third ,
Harncy fourth.
Following Is the summary :
Parpinna ( Kay ) 1 1 1
Genuine ( Moore ) 4 2 2
John I. Blair ( Moore ) 4 2 2
Harney ( ) 3 4 3
Time : 2:33 : ; 2:28 : % ; 2:23 : % .
After the race , Charles S. Moore ,
driver of Genuine , protested paying
first money to Parpinna ( John Kay )
until the Judges should determine
whether or not Kay was a member of
the American association ,
Before the second heat , Harney's
owner announced a new driver. "I
want to see If drivers make any dif
ference , " he said. "If the horse has
the right stuff in him , I'll go on the
circuit. Otherwise I'll go back to
Fremont. "
Spokes From the Sulkies.
The judges protested against the
secretary for not furnishing refreshments
ments , and the protest was sustained.
Pete Barrett made a hit with the
officials in the judges' stand by a hai I > -
py thought. Ho had a fine awning
tacked up over the sunny side , mak
ing the stand as cool a place as any
There were forty-one people re
from Tllden. They came down on tie
afternoon train In a bunch. Among
them wore Charles M. Wurzlmcher ,
rePat Stanton , Dr. Nelson , E. R. Han
son , R. W. Ashton , Z. Yeoman , D. Ver-
ssplank and Pat Murphy.
B. Landers of Onawa , Iowa , who was
one of the Judges , was boosting the
Monona county fair , which Is to beef
held September 5 , C and 7.
"On the grand circuit , " said one of
the Judges , "they are now photograph
Ing finishes of the races. Then If
there Is any dispute the snapshot will
settle the matter and no blame can be
thattached to the Judges for decisions. "
Dr. Smart of Madison , one of the
timekeepers , has Just recently returned
from Shoshonl. He Fays that there
wore seventeen saloons , twenty hotels
and about thirty-five houses.
John S. Hancock of Stanton was
At-"oro. |
AND Iron Moxmtain
R ovite
° Offer The Following
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To Crrli\ln nnlnU In Iliit
Special Homesters' Tickets al Less Than ONE FARE COD THE ROUND TRIP
I'lnnl Limit of Ticket A 21 Dny.s , With Atnpovcr Privilege. *
Them1 Tii'kt'tN will be limited In coiitinuouH ,
PIIKHHW no HlopovorH tom \
allowed ; nil tk'lu'tH to iniirkoil "HOOOMI-OMHH | | , not good in htuiulunl HCO ! | in
Go BOO the wonderful prosperity of the Country offer-
intr the greatest onnortnnitioB on nnrth.
lor further Information , mnp.t. folders , etc. , nddrcs/i
T. F. GODFREY , Passenger nnd Ticket Agt , Omahn , Nob.
H. C. TOWNSEND , Gen. Pass , and Tkt. Agt , St. Louis , Mo.
TOM HUGHES , Traveling Pass. Agt. , Omaha , Neb.
J Low R.ovmd Trip R.actes
Chicago , Milwaukee © . St
Paul Railway
| One fare plus $2.00 for 15 day ticket , .
* One fare plus § ' 1.00 for 30 day ticket.
§ On sale daily to many points in Canada and
. Western New York , and on August8th and
* 22nd , and September Oth and I'.ith to many
New England points. Tell us where you
* want to go and wo will give you the host.
* rate for your trip. Kor further information -
' tion and folders write to
! F. A. NASH , I
I General Western Agent.
! 1524 Farnsvm St. Omaha , Neb.
Omaha to Chicago and Return
Angubt 4th , Gth and lith. Return limit AngnM Ifit . Tickets good
all trains , and iu chair .
ou cars and sleepers. Diagrams now opou
for refcervatioiiH. Double berth in Tourist car f LUG.
Tickets sold In Advance
Fast Trains Icavo Omaha at 8 00 a. in. , 5.00 p. m. and G.OO p. m.
City Ticket Office M02 Farnam St. , Omaha.
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Feeling Nature's
Throw aside the cares of every dny life and hide yourself amid the
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The Midland route "hits the bull's eye of the world's scenery. " Spe
cial rates all summer. Best line to Salt Lake and Pacific coast points.
Elegant dining cars , service a la carte. Through Pullman observation
Send l&c In stamps and get a handsome
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C. H. SPEERS , Q. P. A. , 17th and California Sts. , Denver , Col.