The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, August 10, 1906, Page 4, Image 4

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The NoiloiK Weekly News-Journal
The Sown. KMnbllnhetl , 1881 ,
The Jniinml. KtnlllniPil. ) ISir.
\V. N. N. A.
Hvcry Kridny. l |
Untori'il lit tlio pontoillpo nt Norfolk ,
in tl r.
ToleDhoiios : IMIlorlnl Ooimrtmenl ,
No. 25 Olllro ntnl Job IlooinH ,
No. H 22.
It Is n couilltlon , not a theory , Unit
Norfolk Is up against.
lustiucted congressional delegations
In this district mi to dalo. with their
number of votes , uro an follows :
Judge Hoytl Antelope 17 , Mnillsou 21 ,
Wayne 111. total ntV. : . W. Young
Stanton 8 ; .1. .1. McCarthy 0.
Mr. McCarthy didn't not any wilier
The NOWH olllco on this visit to Nor
folk than ho did on any of IIH ! visits
dnrhiK tno several yours directly lol-
lowliiR the tlinn when this paper was
plunged Into a $0,000 llhol s\ilt \ for his
unite , tie consistently steered shy of
this olllco both before and after.
Congressman MfCaitliy , by the end
of his present term , will have received
$20.000 fioin this nation for aorvleo
that ho hasn't rendered to the Third
congressional district. Congressman
Pollard drew money for a period of
time preceding his election. Each got
something for nothing ono before and
the other after he was elected.
Apparently Norfolk Is unanimously
In favor of ro-ostnhllflliing " Industry
In the sugar fac.tory. Hut no town
can accomplish this sort of progress
while Its mind Is In an uproar over
disadvantages that arc HH lot and
which It can't remedy. Concentration
Is needed If Norfolk Is to go ahead.
The sugar factory ought , Indeed , to bo
re-established. Hut no community can
build up and tear down at the same
Among the other things which Con
gressman McCarthy fulled at , but
which ho Is going to try to push
through next year , according to Wash
ington dispatches. Is "a bill for the
relief of Nyo-Scbnoldor company. "
AVe don't know Just what relief the
Nye-Schnolder company was in need
of , but this ahows that Mr. McCarthy
did not devote every bit of bis time
In Washington to the Interests of the
common poe-pul , ns ho would have us
think , anil It may also show why ono
Fremont faction loves him BO.
* The News 1ms always boon willing
nnd will always bo willing to make a
light for anything that will help Nor
folk and which there Is a reasonable
prospect of gaining. It believes that
agitation Is out of order when there Is
absolutely no prospect of winning the
point desired , and when that agitation
can not fall , In ono way and another ,
to Injure Norfolk. Ono of the most
injurious effects Is the fact that hope
less Internal Irritation on Impossible
theories , prevents the town from unit
ing In building up along lines that are
Norfolk Is ready to unlto in an ef
fort to develop for the upbuilding of
the city , any plan or Idea which has
even a reasonable prospect of success.
Norfolk Is not willing to devote energy
and money and time , or to risk what
industries wo now have , In fighting for
a concession which Is apparently out
of roach and to gain which not oven
the most ardent advocate , after years
of study , has been able to point out a
possible method. Norfolk Is more
ready to tackle a constructive idea
with a hope of success than a destruc
tive scheme which Is , under present
conditions , absolutely hopeless.
The News admits It Is prejudiced.
It is prejudiced In favor of Norfolk.
It Is partial to the Idea of building np
the city along lines that are possible ,
rather than batting our heads against
a stone wall and gaining nothing. The
News believes that If roads open to
Norfolk's progress had been traveled
for a score of years with as much zeal
ns some have devoted during that tlmo
in trying to batter down gates that
N are locked nnd too high to climb , the
city would have been several miles to
the good. And since there Is nowhere
a key with which to unlock the gates ,
oven though that unlocking would ad
mlt us to lanes of gold , nnd since
there Is apparently no prospect what
ever of there being" key In the near
future , why not for the time being take
1 the roads that are open to us roads
i 1 which we know can not only bo trav
rt eled but which will lead us to much
better pastures than we now enjoy ?
Those who spread constantly to the
public gaze testimony with which to
r , prove that Norfolk is oppressed by the
GJ railroads , declare that the now rail-
pi road rate law , which was passed by
t > the last congress and which goes Into
effect next January , Is lacking In so
'ufar us relief to Norfolk Is conceined.
* * - They claim that the new law will not
° kforce the railroads to change their
Pfrelght rates Into Norfolk. Since the
tejconcesslon which Is claimed to be Nor-
BiUolk's due , can not be forced from the
'railroads , and since antagonism can
lo no iood ; but may do much harm for
Norfolk , It would seem that the thing
for Norfolk to do Is to turn Its efforts
toward possible and available prog
ress , nnd build up Instead of tear
The NOWH has all that It owns In
Norfolk. Norfolk's progress means a
lift for The News Just as for all other
business Institutions and properties In
the town. It might bo Just ns well ,
therefore , to give The NOWH credit for
common horse sense enough to bo ad
vocating a policy which It believes will
benollt rather than retard Norfolk.
Wo take II that there Is not ti business
man In thin community who would de
liberately do anything that would hold
down the town's progress. There nro
simply differences of opinion as to
what ought to bo done In order to go
ahead. Those who bollovo that fron-
"led Industrial antagonism In a hope
less effort to got concessions to which
wo may bo entitled but which they
thoniHolves admit are out of roach ,
have failed after llftoou years of con
stant agitation to point out any way
of landing the prl/.o. The News be
lieves that Norfolk would profit by
turning our energies Into paths that
are open to us Just now and that there
will bo tlmo to make an effort for con-
i-OHHlotiH which nro now Impossible ,
when now conditions may have brought
these concessions within our grasp.
In the meanwhile , let us get busy and
do some of the many things thnt can
bo done nnd ought to he done and
which will help every business man
In Norfolk.
Crowds resembling a circus throng
arrived In Norfolk this morning to at
tend clothing sales that are now being
hold. Many came from a distance of
tlfty miles and some came from as far
away ns 125 miles to tuku ad vantage
of the special bargains being offered.
At the store whose sale had been
most extensively advertised , thirty-live
salespeople proved Incapable of hand
ling the purchasers and' It was neces
sary , because of the crowds , to close
the doors every ten minutes nnd to
keep them closed until the crowd then
Inside had been wnlted on. Norfolk
Dally News , December 7 , 1901.
The News contends thnt Norfolk has
a splendid opportunity to expand In
n retail way , and the sales that wore
hold during the month of December ,
1001 , demonstrated this fact beyond a
shadow of n doubt. The Item quoted
above In no way exaggerates the size
of the crowds which Hocked to Nor
folk on December 7 , the opening day
of the sales. Probably more business
was transacted by Norfolk stores on
that day than on any other day In the
history of the town , as most of the mer
chants surpassed all previous records
on thnt occasion.
The Incident Is brought to mind at
this tlmo for the purpose of showing
that a bargain day Idea , If properly
planned nnd orgnnlzed by the Com-
morclnl club , nnd supported by the
merchnnts , could bo mndo n winner.
This Is ono of the plans thnt can bo
successfully developed for the benefit
of Norfolk. It Is not a dream nnd It
Is not out of rench.
The business men of the town of
Tlldcn have arranged for a Inrgo cele
bration nt that place tomorrow , given
expressly for the entertainment of the
farmers from the surrounding terri
tory. Rev. J. F. Pouchor of this city
hns been Invited to make the day's
address. There will bo entertainment
plus from morning till night , every
thing will be free for the farmers ,
good spirit will prevail nnd the people
upon whoso trade Tllden is built up ,
will go homo nt night feeling n whole
lot bettor townrd the business Inter
ests of the town thnn they otherwise
A Norfolk firm hns expressed a wil
lingness to head the list with a sub
scription to any move which will start
something in the way of entertain
ments hold free In Norfolk for the ben
efit of the farmers who live around
this point and who buy their goods In
Norfolk. It Is a plan which can not
fall to give good results. It would
help Norfolk's Interests -qulto materi
ally in the course of a y.ear , by creat
ing a closer relationship feeling be
tween farmer and merchant nnd by
diverting dollars thnt go to Chicago
nnd ought to come to Norfolk.
Any town in an agricultural country
could afford to adopt the Tllden Idea.
Tllden will make It pay. Norfolk
could make It pay.
This Is ono of the things thnt Nor
folk could do nnd can do , nnd one of
the things that Norfolk ought to bo
doing , Instead of wasting good energy
on barking at the moon.
Waste not jour Hour , nor In vain pursuit
Of This or That rndeaumr and dispute ;
llcttcr bo Jocund with the fruitful Grii | > eThan
Than sadden after none , or bitter , Fruit.
Omnr ,
Norfolk Is not so large a city today
as those who came here twenty years
ago hoped It would be by this time.
In fact , Norfolk has not been gaining
In the number of its Industries during
the past live years but has , on the
contrary , lost some of the institutions
which employed labor and helped to
keep the city thriving and growing.
The city has managed to hold Its own
nil along , desplto these losses , but It
ins not gene abend ns rapidly as those
who have devoted the best part of
'heir lives to Its upbuilding , had noped
for. There are , no doubt , n grent
many different causes which might be
assigned ns responsible , ench In n de
gree , for the fnct thnt Norfolk Is not
today a city of 15,000 Inhabitants , but
probably the most potent factor that
la blocking Norfolk's progress today
IB n spirit thnt hns crept Into the com
munity of tearing down Instead of
building up.
Fortunately It Is not the entire com
munity that Is nllllcted with this Icon
oclastic spirit , but ono In a communi
ty , who Is nlwnys and everlastingly
tearing down , can do moro damage
than all of the rest of the community
can repair nnd the result Is that Nor
folk , constantly Irritated Intornallly ,
has little strength or enthusiasm nbout
going after new Industries and now
forms of enterprise that are needed to
make the town grow.
And even though there wcro the
energy and the enthusiasm and the
organl/od effort on the part of the vast
majority the very fact that there Is
In the town over so small a percent
age of those who constantly advocate
antl-ovorythlng principles , Is enough
to frighten away from the place cap
ital that might wish to Invest here or
Institutions which might seek to lo
cate Seeing unfavorable symptoms ,
these who have the means to Invest
and the ability to construct will pass
by this community nnd select one In
which there Is some assurance at the
outset that they will bo met half way
by the locality and given loyal assist
ance rather than constant IJaylngs.
Fren/.led abuse heaped upon Indus
tries which are already located in
Norfolk , and which contribute largely
toward making Norfolk a larger town
than Ilosklns or Ilndar or any other
trading point , not a county seat , In nn
agricultural section , will never make
Norfolk a city.
Radical criticism against those Insti
tutions which are now located in Nor
folk , will neither gain desired conces
sions from those Institutions nor in
duce others to locate hero.
The constant stirring up of a policy
which threatens and antagonizes all
that the community owns In the way
of constructive Industry , will not tend
to create In the community the health
ful , wholesome spirit which is needed
first , last and all the time If new
things nre to bo gained which will
help make Norfolk a bigger and a
more substantial city than it is.
Norfolk Is a town located in a farmIng -
Ing region that Is , for the most pn
rich In Its fertility. As n result of Its
agricultural environment , Norfolk is
entitled to be a community of , say ,
1,000 to 1,500 souls. Lacking the coun
ty seat , it Is entitled , by virtue of the
'arming area alone , to bo a town some
what smaller thnn Stanton or Pierce
ir Madison.
But Norfolk , fortunately , Is the cen
tering point for three lines of rail
road. Years ago the Northwestern
cnmo through this country , headed for
the Black Hills. They offered to build
their line up Into the city of Norfolk
for a consideration. But there were
those In Norfolk at that time who
would see a railroad company in
China before they would vote bonds.
The bonds asked for did not carry.
And the Northwestern railroad com
pany built their depot a mile and a
half south of Norfolk. Two other rail
roads came into Norfolk , and held the
main part of the town where it stands
today. Otherwise the town would
have moved to the Junction.
At that time the Northwestern rail
road could get along without Norfolk ,
but It has been a sorry day for Nor
folk that this city did not make the
trade of ° a few thousand dollars for
the location of the railroad station up
By virtue of-the locntlon of these
three railroads here , Norfolk was a
good place to get In and out of , and
it became the homo of a large number
of commercial travelers perhaps 500
persons now living hero are Inhab
itants of Norfolk because of this fact.
I ator the Northwestern railroad
company established a division head
quarters point in Norfolk. They could
hnva done It at Stanton. They nstnb- ,
llshed the "same sort of a division at
Fremont. With the division headquarters -
ters came several hundred progressive
railroad employes , and the city today
has perhaps 1,500 Inhabitants men ,
women and children from this cause.
It would be possible to separate Nor
folk and the division headquarters.
Thnt is what was done at Fremont ,
but moro officials were brought here.
With 1,500 Inhabitants here because
of the railroads , with 500 commorclnl
travelers here by virtue of the rail
road connections , and with 1,500 by
virtue of the farming region round
nbout. n city of 3,500 persons results ,
The other 300 families living here nre
here because they can make n living
In a town where 3,500 people nre to
be fed and clothed ami educated , while
they could not In a town of a thou
And there you have Norfolk as It
Is today. During years that have
come and gone , Norfolk has had a
creamery , n foundry , a cold storage
plant and n sugar factory. For ono
reason or another , these Industries ,
nil of which contribute to the building
up of the otherwise ordinary town ,
have dropped out of the game.
Through Individual effort on the
pnrt of Norfolk men , and desplto lack
of organized effort toward an avail
able goal , a number of successful bust-
nets Institutions which build up the
town by bringing In outside business ,
have demonstrated that the town can
grow. Among these are a first class
mill , one of the best laundries In the
state , wholesale bakeries and Ice
cream factories , distributing houses
for machinery and other things , the
best retail stores In the northern half
of the state ninny of which do largo
mall order business , tailoring houses
that cover largo territory , dairy pro
duct commission liousc , loan and trust
companies , wholesale houses , hotels ,
grain elevators , bottling works , physi
cians and attorneys with largo out
side practice , banks doing outside
business , a business collcgo and other
schools , dye works , planing mill , news
paper nnd printing plants , brick nnd
tile works , cement block factories ,
building contractors , an insurance
company , and many other Industries
which bring money Into Norfolk from
the outside and thus help to build ftp
the town.
With n scratch of Marvin Ilughltt's
pen , practically the only big Industry
remaining to make Norfolk more than
the ordinary well located town , could
bo taken away. From Omaha the op
erating wires could bo worked ns well
as ffom Norfolk , and' tralncrews could
run Just o many trains out of other
terminal points as from here. By n
changing of time tnblcs , Norfolk could
be made so disadvantageous as a
center , thnt commercial travelers
would bo forced to Sunday and live In
other places.
And yet an effort goes on , day after
day , to create a policy In Norfolk
which will threaten and antagonize
nn Institution which now pays $30,000
per month Into Norfolk , and which
could reduce that amount to $100 with
out particularly damaging the Institu
In the face of conditions , an effort
goes on trying to create a community
policy which would pretend to threat
en the biggest Industrial factor we
have , into granting concessions which ,
though it Is universally agreed would
bo n help to the city , can not possibly
be forced by any menns known to
These who advocate antagonizing
everything , admit that under existing
laws In the United States it is abso
lutely Impossible to drive a railroad
company Into granting any better
freight rates than are now In force.
And yet they would fight.
The News believes It is as much in
terested in the welfare of Norfolk as
any other Institution in the town. For
eighteen years It has been trying
every day to do what it could to help
build up Norfolk. It believes It has
contributed as much to that upbuild
ing as some of those who advocate
tearing down. And from n purely
selfish standpoint from a viewpoint
which sees only Norfolk's welfare
The News believes that Norfolk's fu
ture demands that wo devote our en
ergies as a town to building up Indus
tries that are available and can suc
ceed , before tearing down what we
have left In n wild , blind battle that ,
as Is conceded by all as a foregone
conclusion , must result against us.
If Norfolk wants concessions from
this freight carrier which has so much
more of a lever over Norfolk than
Norfolk has over It , why not , in the
name of common sense , go nbout it In
a business way , Instead of trying the
bully role , and , In case the concession
Is not granted which , under the ex
isting conditions , it probably will not
be then why not , for the sake of
building Instead of remaining dor
mant , devote the town's organized ef
fort toward developing something that
Is possible nnd which will keep Nor
folk moving Instead of standing still ?
No ono denies that lower freight
rates would bo welcome" to Norfolk ns
to any other town , but on the otlier
hnnd no one denies thnt there Is no
way to forpo n reduction. Efforts to
gnln lower rates , mndo by heavy ship
pers of the city In a buslness-llko way ,
might succeed ; we believe they would
fall for the reason that railroads cen
tering hpre have not In the past cut
their rates , have stated that they
would lose money by doing It and
therefore would consider a reduction ,
apparently , as bad business policy
from their point of view. And' it is
conceded on all sides that there Is no
The News would be only too glad to
make a fight for any concession thai
there was a reasonable prospect of se
curing for the benefit of Norfolk , but
It bolloves Norfolk Is not ready to
make a fight , for the sake of fighting ,
when failure to secure the desired end
Is clearly foreseen.
Today Norfolk has an empty , Idle
sugar factory that offers , according to
the secretary of agriculture of the
United States government , on admir
able opportunity for Investment on n
paying basis. It was vacated because
the company running It had n good
chance to boom Colorado land values
by nicnn < j of the move , nnd not be
cause the plnnt could not bo made to
pay In Norfolk.
Today Norfolk offers opportunity for
a donnturlzed alcohol plant.
Norfolk stnnds ns n gntowny to a
magnificent field whoso Omaha nnd
Sioux City retail trade could be swung
to Norfolk by the proper extensive or
ganization and united effort.
Norfolk Is In need today of an or
ganized crusade for making better
roads Into the city from the surround
ing farms , so that more trade could
bo had than Is now enjoyed from that
region. Farmers many miles further
out could ho made tributary to Nor
folk's stores by means of good roads
nnd the right kind of advertising.
And theio are other things that
could bo done to make Norfolk.grow
other things which can be done.
It Is well enough to nsk for bettor
freight rates and do what can bo denote
to gain thorn , but even those who ad
vocate < tcarliig down the present Nor
folk railroad possessions for the sake
of shoeing fight , admit that there Is
no way of forcing no lighting or
threatening or punishing that will ac
complish the desired concessions.
And so why noi look Norfolk's sit
uation calmly In the face , nnd net
with common sense ? AVhy not put
aside frenzied abuse In an effort to
ga'ln for the city what Is , under pres
ent laws , as Impossible" to gain as the
capital of the United States , and adopt
a sane policy , of building .up what can
bo built up rather thnn tearing down
all that we have left ?
Why not get together In an orga
nized effqrt , with every business In
terest In the city of Norfolk represent
ed , toward developing the things that
arp right nt our door , first of all ?
Why not cut out the destructive pol
icy and get together on Ideas that
will build. Construction , not destruc
tion , Is paramount.
Hastings Tribune : Editor Huso , of
The Norfolk News , Is making Con
gressman McCarthy go some up in
the Third district , ns a result of the
Ingratitude shown by the politician to
the newspaper men.
Whether Huso succeeds in defeating
McCarthy lu the convention or not he
deserves congratulations for the good ,
clean , open-handed fight ho has con
A man should have sense and a wo
man taste.
Every bore thinks he Is pestered by
a lot of bores.
People are compelled to smother re
sentments at least a dozen times a day
When a sick person Is more than
seventy , people say : "His age Is
against him. "
It Is as difficult to secure farm hands
In the country as it is to secure hired
girls In town.
There never was a king , were he
not afraid of the queen , who wouldn'
lllrt with the cook. '
All good advice has a family resem
blance to the good advice thnt one
should not drink cold drinks in sum
m or.
If there is a watermelon in the re
frigerator , there isn't room for any
thing else there except a hope that 1
will flnallly get cold.
"I feej , " said an Atchlson man thl
morning who ate too much yesterday
"as If I had eaten n dose of brick bats
nnd finished the meal on cement grout
ing. "
Mention that a church has a ver
large membership , and some woman
\Vho Is a member of a rival churc
will say , "That church hns always bee
great at proselyting. "
There Is one consolation about thing
getting as bad as they can get : Yo
quit worrying when.they have reache
that stage. All the worrying is don
when bad luck is getting started you
When a'natural born housokeepe
passes a yard where there are clothe
on the line , she takes one look and ca
toll afterward how many sheets , pi
low cases , tea towels , etc. , her nelgl
bor has In the" wash every week.
How much can a child hold ? A
Atchison family recently went on
day's outing , taking two children be
tween four nnd seven , nnd n lime
basket along. They left at 8 in th
morning , nnd when they returned a
7 that night , neither child had steppe
eating one minute , nnd everything the
nte was trash like peanuts , popcon
cookies , etc. Still if they had take
sick and died , the preacher In hi
funeral sermon would have told th
parents that they had done all the
could In the way of parental duty , an
there was nothing left now but t
"submit to the will of the Lord. "
Delicate woman will never becom
strong , happy , hearty , free from pali
until you build up your system wit
the neiwe refreshing , blood-makln
tonic , Holllster's Rocky Mountain Tea
Tea or tablets , 35 cents ! Ask you
All That Is Lacking Just Now Is a
Tuba Player Will Ahlmann , on Sug
gestion of R. C. Smith , Has Begun a
Canvass of the Musicians.
A brass band will In all probability
> e Immediately organized In Norfolk.
\ move looking to that end was start-
d today and It Is said that there is
very reason to believe It will succeed ,
'hero are enough musicians In the city
t the present time , It Is claimed , to
nake up the entire organization , ox-
eptlng a tuba player nnd a man to
low this Instrument will bo hunted up
t once. If the band Is organized , It
vlll be under the leadership of some
utsldo bandmaster , as there is no one-
n the city who wants to undertake to
ead the praying.
The first step looking toward the
iand organization was tnkqn today by I
I. C. Smith , himself n cornet player ,
vho believes that a band would be need
oed thing for Norfolk In more ways
linn ono. lie suggested the project to
Vlll Ahlrtmnu , whtr has been Identified
vlth bands In the past , nnd Mr. Ahl-
lann agreed to start out and'see w.hato
ould be done with the project. He-
ecllned absolutely , however , to as-
mne leadership of the iJandtind it was
Is opinion thnt n bandmaster must
ome from outside of town to make
lie organization a success.
It Is argued by those who aye push-
ijg the organization that' Norfolk
eeds n brass band which can enliven
he air about town. Band concerts
once a week , It Is claimed , would be
ns effective ns cement In bringing Norfolk - '
folk people closer'together. It would
lend a cheer to the town that can not
be gained In any other way. Band
music , It is argued , would give an ad-
itlonal attraction to the farming
riends of Norfolk , who would appro-
late the feature fully as much aa
There are bands In almost all of the-
mailer towns in Nebraska. At Hadar ,
a town of sixty-seven inhabitants live
miles north of Norfolk , there are two
lands , each of them first class.
It is said that contributions from the-
business interests for the maintenance
of a band would not need to be large.
Vhether or not the business men of
he city will support the institution , ,
however , is just now the question
vhose answer , it Is claimed , will de-
ermine whether or not the band is or
Don't you think you'd better let it ,
When It is raining , rain away , { '
For the sun will be shining bright ,
If you take Rocky Mountain Tea to
night. Ask your druggist.
Dixon County , His Home , Will Vote
for Mr. McCarthy.
Ponca , Neb. , Aug. 8. Dlxon county
held her convention at Emerson yester
day for the election of delegates to the-
state and congressional conventions-
The following are the delegates elect
ed :
To the state convention John D ,
Haskel , E. E. Shackleford , F. L. Sheep , .
George H. Haase , D. A. Paul , W. J.
Armour , G. L. Wood , Chris Wischof ,
A. S. Palmer and O. Butter.
To the congressional convention
Judge F. D. Fales , Dr. J. M. O'Connell ,
Dr. G. A. Young , Dr. W. W. Elliott , J.
V. Pearson , H. J. Linderink , J. D. Has
kel ] , H. P. Shumway , Henry Lessman ,
M. F. Brink , Seymour Smith , E. E.
Ellis , George Surber , Dr. W. R. Talboy
and Owen McQullIen.
The congressional delegation was se
lected in the Interests of Congressman
J. J. McCarthy.
The delegation to the state conven
tion was not instructed in favor of any
candidate for United States senator
but was instructed to insist on a rec
ommendation for senator being made- ° f
by the state convention. m
this Is the first county that has In- mm. .
structed for Mr. McCarthy.
Judgments Against it Aggregate Five
Thousand Dollars.
Dakota City , Neb. , Aug. 9. Sheriff
H. C. Hanson at 10 o'clock on August
9 , will offer for sale at public auction
all the real estate together with the
right-of-way , rolling stock , fles , iron ,
rails , materials and appliances of what
soever nature belonging to the Sioux
City , Homer & Southern Railway com
pany. The parcels of land Include the
Talbot Crystal Lake park and a small
parcel of land adjoining Dakota City
on the north , formerly the property of
Charles S. Hollman. The sale Is"to
satisfy judgments aggregating nearly
$5,000 obtained In the district court
of this county. The following are the
judgment holders : E. R. Oilman , $ ' , -
988.19 ; Mechanics' Bank of Brooklyn ,
$3,892.75 ; Northern National bank of
New York. $2,214.50 ; Western Tie and
Lumber company , $1,700.20. The prop
erty was appraised between $15,000
and $10.000 by Appraisers M. O. Ayres
and John H. Ream.
If fortune disregard thy claim ,
Don't hang thy head In fear and shame.
But marry the girl you love besj.
Rocky Mountain Tea will do the rest.
Ask your druggist.
The ijian who never tries to trade
something he needs
slightly for some-
things ho needs
badly overlooks a
"want ad. opportunity. "