nil ! ) NORFOLK NEWS : FRIDAY. Al'fll'STK ) 11)06. ) MAN FELL UNDER TRAIN WHEELS AT LONQ PINE. WAS FOUND LYING NEAR TRACK In Trying to Catch an Extra Freight Train That Was Pulling Out , Zorn Dennett Fell and Was Badly Bruised and Cut up. Long I'lnc , Noli. , AUK. 7. Spuclul to Tlio Nmva : As an oxlrn freight Iniln wns leaving for tlio east at 2 o'clock In tlio aftunuion , Horn Bennett , In at tempting to got on , Toll umlor the wheels. Ills hand was run ever , throe lingers worn rut off and tlio skin ami lloshvoro torn from IIH ! ami. Ills face , aim ) , \VIIH somewhat cut. Dr. MoKnlitlit anil Dr. Black were called and patclioil him up tlio best ( hey could. Sot-lion Foreman Olllvur found ( ho wounded man a few inlnutUH aflur the train hail loft. TUESDAY TIDINGS. Oliver Utlur In In Slanton on husl- 1108 * . Mlitu Alma llaano IH visiting In lion- kins. 0 .1. II. Lolimnn of Illoomllold IH In town. .1. F. Grim of Crolghlon In In tlio city on huilnoHH. ,1. M. Hay of'MndlRon IH In Iho city on business. ,1. Hoaoborough of Tlldon loH u city visitor today. Harry Nye of Stanton wan a city visitor yesterday. Ira Hull of Lyons , Nch. , IH Iwimocls - HI UK his mother. I. .1. Shook IUIH roturncd from a trip through the oast. N. 1' . Jopposon of * I'lalnvlow IH. a city vlsftor today. Otla Rothaohor of Winner spunt the day hero yesterday. I * . II. Von Soygorn of Gregory Is In tlio city on'huslnoMS. 15. T. Brlnkinoyor of Sownrd IB In the city on business. S. H. and Perry Theohald of Wayne are visiting In tlio city. W.V. . Ix'wls was In the city yobtor- day from Meadow Grovu. Mrs. J. Mlsklmmons of O'Neill IH shopping In the city today. A. W. Thatch of Napor was In the city yesterday on huslnosH. .Sir. nnd Mrs. Harry Hull have KOIIO to Atkinson for u short vlHlt. 13d Charf came down from Crolgh- ton this morning on business. Miss Etta lllchardson of Dattlo Creek IB visiting the Misses Pllgor. J. Hastings and M. Kelly of David City are visiting friends In this city. II. Ilarnos came down from Battle Crook tills morning to Hpond the day. Miss Kato Stafford of Butte , Mont. , ' Is visiting relatives and friends In this city. Homo Kelehor has returned from Lynch , where ho has boon visiting fern n week. Mrs. W. A. Vlgars , who had boon visiting In Sioux City , returned homo last night. Bon Hull has returned from Casper , Wyo. , where ho has boon working on the railroad. The Misses Mansko returned to their homo In Plorco yesterday after n short visit hero. Mrs. II. L , McCormlck and children returned Monday from n week's visit with relatives In Plorco. A. II. Klaus returned to his homo In Battle Creek last evening after a short visit with friends hero. Fred Inglls Is expected homo today after spending the summer in Frank lin , Neb. , with relatives. I. J. Vlgars Is in the city from Mo- yllle , Iowa , for n visit at the homo of hla brother , W. A. Vlgars. Mrs. O. J. Johnson will return to night from West Point , where she has been visiting her parents. John Dedlow and son of Plalnvjow passed through the city this morning on their way to Colorado on n visit. Mrs. 1E. . OdlOrno and Mr. and Mrs. John Davenport of Elgin loft Sundayr for au extended visit with relatives in Ohio. Ohio.Miss Miss Edna Stafford has returned from Scrlbner , where she has been vis iting her parents , Mr. myl Mrs. J. Stafford. ° Percy Sullivan , who has been book keeper for the Nebraska National bank , will leave tomorrow for St. . , James , Nob. , where ho has been put in charge of a bank. . There wore a number of parties who ; went to the Yellow Hanks Sunday. They wore A. E. Amarlno and family , Mr. and Mrs. Will McCune , Goo. n. Chrlstoph and family , Goo. Burton and family , and Dr. Bllger and family. The choir boys are having a line ontlng and are coming back Thursday. Asa K. Leonard spent the day yes terday at the camp of Burt Mapes. Archibald Gow has accepted a posi tion with the Nebraska National bank. Miss Margaret Barnes has resigned her posltliMi at the Johnson Dry Goodji company. Mason & Imson opened their week's stand in a tent show last night. The first performance was featured with blood and thunder and the acting was very , very poor. The Pacific hotel has a now silver register. It Is very largo and Is cov ered with advertisements that are hand painted. The register has a very pret ty effect on the whole. Mrs. J. C. S. Wellls gave n 1 o'clock luncheon today to a dozen Heights la dles complimentary to Mrs. P. T. Rlr- chard of Omaha. Mrs. Blrchard ex pects to return home tomorrow. J. J. Clements nnd family , and Wal ter Elley and family of Madison , Pete Barnes and family spent the day pic- tii'lng at Tuft's grove. Burr Taft 'olnod ' thorn and a vary pleasant time was spout. Homo of the Trinity choir boys , Damping at the Yellow Banks , are ex iR'ctod to return to Norfolk tomorrow. The rain last night , which waH no "ompnnlod by heavy thunder and Miditiilng , amounted to about n half nch of water. Three-quartern of nil Inch of rain has been the August rain * 'nil In Norfolk up to date W. A. Glasson nnd Mlfm Maggie Fry stele n march on their friends yester day and went to Stanton , where they were married. They returned last ovenltiK and loft on thin mornlng'H train for 'IVkamah. wlioro they will make tholr future homo. The early morning train from Long I'lnc today reported a severe hailstorm at Long Pine shortly after midnight. Tlio Htorm hiHtcil about an hour , broke a window from ono of the coachoHaml , It IH Hiild , did Homo damage. I'M 8. Amos , owner and editor of the TlmoH-llorald of Hot Springs , \VIIH run ever at Hot Springs by nn engine of the Northwestern railroad Saturday night nnd died a Tow bourn later. Mr. AIIIOH loaves a wllo and tliroo children. 10. W. BraftKoh has just Mulshed thu orcellnn of the monument ever Iho grave of MI-H A. N. MoCJInnls. ThlH IH one of the llnoHt monitmontH soon at the poinotory , being inado of MontolPo Kranlto , Iho HIIIIIO that was used on Iho tomb of U. S. Grant. About twonly-llvo young folks wore enteitallied at ( bo home of MHH ! Tona Itoohnko hiHt evonlng. Minn Itoohnko IH vlHltlng her parents here on her va cation and will rojUirn to Omaha today The young people enjoyed the evening with games and otbor amuHumontH after - tor which a dollcloiiti lunch waH served , W. 1) . Ueod of Sioux City IH In the city greeting old frlumlH this morning. Mr. Heed traveled through thlH part of fho country about ton years ago foe the Moyor.s shoo company and was ono of the most popular salesmen on the road. Mr. Heed now lives In Sioux City , where ho IB engaged In the shoo hustnosH. Ho Is on his way to look ever bin claim on the HoHohud , whlitr , ho drew at the time of the opening. Charles Andormm , an engineer on the Northwestern , dropped dead from heart trouble at his homo In Fremont. Mr. Anderson , who lived with bin wife and children at 515 Boll street , arose at Ii0 ! : : , built a tire In the kitchen steve , Hilt down In a chair , remarking that ho felt 111. Ills wife hurried to his side , found him gasping and ran to summon neighbors. When she returned - turned Anderson was dead. Anderson was forty years of ago nnd had served fifteen years on the Northwestern. Ho was well known In Norfolk among railroad men. Miss Pearl Wldnnmn last night ten dered her resignation to the Norfolk board of education , having accepted a position as teacher In the schools In the Canal Zone , Panama , whore D. C. O'Connor , formerly superintendent of Norfolk schools , Is superintendent. Miss Wldaman Is the oldest daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. W. II. Widaman of this city and has been ono of the most olllclent and best-liked Instructors whoever over taught In the local schools. She will bo missed In Norfolk , but the people ple of this city will congratulate her upon the recognition she has received In this excellent offer. Fremont Tribune : The republicans of Madison county have endorsed C. A. Randall for state senator , which means that ho will bo nominated to the position. In the Hood time of 19SG Mr. Handall made the race. Ho went through the district like a whirlwind , lighting back the hosts of silver men and made such a campaign that he came within eighteen of overcoming a majority of 000 against his party In the district. Mr. Randall Is a repub lican who can give reasons for the faith In him . Ho Is n perpetual repub lican evangelist. It Is n foregone con clusion that ho will be a member of the Thirty-three club nt Lincoln next winter , and one of the best of the bunch. Fry's Wonderland magazine , pub lished at Nlobrarar for August , is the most attractive number that has yet appeared. The cover is featured with a trout fishing scene that makes you want to bo casting flies In between the rocks. There Is nn Illustrated ar ticle on the Santee Indians In History , a very Interesting political review of the present senatorial contest In Ne braska In which John R. Hays of Nor folk Is quoted In connection with Mel- klejohn In the early days , and an ar ticle on Edgar Howard as a pioneer of anti-pass legislation , written by Dan V. Stephens. In the magazine Is prom ise of an article for next month telling of President Roosevelt's visit to the Santee agency and the now Ideas ho got on Indian affairs from that visit. Ed A. Fry , the editor , writes many Interesting anecdotes In regard to pub lic men ho has known , nnd the publi cation ought to grow In favor. The town of Bristol ( S. D. ) has bu rled its third victim of the horrible wholesale poisoning nt Evarts of the excursionists to that place the first of .Inly. Andover and Webster have each paid by a death for the part In the hol iday , while nil along the II. & D. divi sion of the Milwaukee road that fur nished the excursionists nearly one hundred victims are still tossing on their beds In the delirium of typhoid fevor. The blame for It nil seems hard to fix. While the lemonade can count Its victims by the score thp chicken stows served nt the restaurants also claim n largo number of victims as does also the Ice water. It seems as if the whole place was cursed and In many a homo In that part of the state the news that Evarts Is to bo aban doned by the Milwaukee road and the site deserted Is received with grim sat isfaction. The name of Evnrts will always call up sorrowful memories. MOVE FOR SPECIAL DAYS IN NORFOLK - FOLK IS STARTED. MERCHANTS WOULD HEAD LIST A Norfolk Firm Has Expressed a De. Biro to Contribute to a Fund Which Would Give Norfolk n Special Day Now and Then. A movement has been ntnrlod In Norfolk which may result In n special bargain day once a month , with street attractions , for the purpose of attract ing special crowds of people Into this city. The movement , which haw long been needed and which IH now being successfully adop'ed ' among many ol Iho IOWIIH of Texan and Oklahoma , would iinqiiostlonnhly make headway In Norfolk If the merchants of the city would tinlto on the Idea , and at leant one linn IUIH oxprosHod to The Mows n desire to j il'n In the plan. "Wo would ho glad to head a list of subscriptions for the purpose of giv ing onlertnlnmont In Norfolk to visit- nt-H who might tlniH bo hiought Into the town , " tftild dills linn today. 'I'hi ! plan , tin ban boon adopted In southern HlntOH , rontomphitos making a big day out of one day during each month , when people from a largo terri tory can find amusement as well as bargains In the town. Besides these features , the soul horn towns make Iho day ono on which trading or 'swapping' IH done by all of the visitors In town. Anyone who happens to * have an old watch that ho wants to get rid of , takes It Into the town on that day and there llnda * n hundred of his acquaintances from miles away who nro anxlouH to trade other nrtlrles for his watch. By making this a feature , Intet-ost Is add ed without extra cost. By having Iho special day como on ( ho same day each month , such as the llrst Wednesday of each month or the second , and then by well advertising It at the Htart , the whole ti Unitary ter ritory soon becomes RO acquainted with the day that crowds look for that day. Excursion trains could bo run , with cheap rates , and when the visitors ar rived they could find attractions In street nhowB , theatrical performances and any number of similar specialties. It is probable that such a plan would find ready support among the Norfolk business men , If taken up by the Com mercial club , and The News will bo glad to act as n medium through which the Idea may bo discussed , If any care to enlist In the movement or criticise It In any way. If It would help the town of Norfolk , It is taken for grant ed that It would be a success and would bo encouraged by the business Interests. START IS MADE ON NORTH NE BRASKA ASSOCIATION. _ _ _ _ _ _ NORFOLK FARMERS ORGANIZE A Meeting of Citizens Interested Was Held In the City Hall Saturday Af ternoon , and Officers Were Elected. Meet Again Next Saturday. [ From Monday's Dally. ] In nccordanco with The News sug gestions , ninny citizens of the north eastern part of Madison county met In the city hall Saturday afternoon and organized n North Nebraska Antl- Horsethlef association. The purpose of the association i"s to organize in the northern part of the state to catch protect the members from them , nnd prosecute horsethloves nnd to The association met at 3 o'clock and elected Goo. Evnns temporary chair man , and Herman Buetow temporary secretary. The ? association took for an exam ple the Pilger Antl-Horsethlef associa tion. It Is hoped that the towns around this will organize similar com mittees that will co-operato with one another , having ono head over all these associations. "Thero Is to be no discrimination be tween the members and no-members , for when a horse Is stolen they will go after it and catch the thief If possible. But non-members will not have the protection of the association. The association Is to have a captain , who shall order his men where he will nnd who shall have full control of on- orations. A committee was appointed to draft n constituion and by-laws. 0 After the drafting of the constitu tion by the conunittecLlt wns rend , and adopted. The oillcers elected were as follows : Goo. Evans , president ; Herman Bue tow , secretary ; A. L. Carter , treasurer. A membership fee of $2.00 will be charged with quarterly dues of $1.00. The meeting was then adjourned to next Saturday , WILLLANDJHE THIEVES Plan for Farmers' Organization Com mended by Former Officer. The plan to organize against horse thieves Is commended by n former law otllcor in the following letter : Norfolk. Neb. . Aug. 2. Editor News : As suggested by The News nnd taken up by the farmers , 1 will state that I have for years favored just such a plan. Wo are located only about two nights' drive from the best organized band of horse thieves In the country nnd to cope with them , the farmers munt organize and have al ways on hand siilllclctit money to run thorn down and It tnkes money to do It. By an organization which would not cost more than twenty-live cents each month ; this can ho dono. During my experience In this line , I have never failed to gt t the horse and the man , too , when my expenses were guaranteed , but In the majority of cases when the owner got his horse or team ho did not care to have fur ther expense where ho wan standing It nlono , consequently the thief wan permitted to escape In many casern and this has boon the experience of every sheriff In the country. The move Is a good ono and I hope to sou the farmers attend the mooting on Saturday and organize. Such an organization will not only land In the penitentiary many of the thieves , but will have a tendency to discourage their operations where they know of such an organization. . ) . H. Conloy. SUMMER SIESTA SEASON IS ON JUST NOW IN NORFOLK. O AND THERE IS LITTLE TO IT About All That Has Transpired of In terest In a Soolal Way Have Been Small Picnics"Whlcji Have Become Exttemely Popular Here. fKrom Situmlny'H Dnllv.l Society In Norfolk Is taking a nap. The Hiimmur siesta season Is on anil the whole town , more or loss , seems to bo spending spate time at comfortable - able s'lumbor In n hammock , rather than In playing bridge whist. There Is little to It In a social way just now , outside small picnic jKirties , which have become extremely popular this season. Many Norfolk families are enjoying cool rutraits In camp and many others are away from home for their ? ) iitlngH. Within a short time , however , plc- nlccrs will ho returning , campers out will strike down their tents , lake re- sorters will come packing back to Norfolk , and there will bo things In the nlr again. The approaching season of horse races In Norfolk and In other towns of this vicinity promises to attract more than usual Interest this year and , as the races are promised as good ones , It Is very likely that many Nor folk people , after enjoying the events In Norfolk , will drive to surrounding towns to wntch the continuation of the stepping contests. Pleasures Pnst. The Baptist Sunday School enjoyed a picnic at Tnft's grove on Thursday. A largo number attended and n big dinner was served. The Heights Indies visited the mix- on camp Thursday , bringing their lunches. Everyone enjoyed the out ing. Miss Hazel Adams was twelve years old Monday and n largo crowd of young folks were Invited in to help her celebrate the event. The time passed swiftly with games and other amusements and a very dainty lunch eon was served. The Sunday school of the Second Congregational church enjoyed a pic nic Tuesday at JCIentz's lake. Miss Lethn Blakeninn very pleas antly entertained the "Volonte" club last Saturday. Very dainty refresh ments were served nnd the afternoon pleasantly spent. Miss Jane Durland was nine yunrs old yesterday and , in honor of the event , she entertained n lage number of little friends who spent a delightful afternoon nt the pretty A. J. Durland home On The Heights. Mrs. W. N. Huso entertained a few old time friends who were visiting In the city nt 1 o'clock luncheon yester day afternoon. The guests were Mrs. I. Powers ? Mrs. J. C. S. Wellls , Mrs. C. II. Reynolds , Mrs. W. P. Logan and their guests , Mra. J. H. Ixgan of Ponca , Mrs. Barker of Poncn and Mrs. Willis McBrldo of Elgin. KAY WILL RACE IN NORFOLK Nellgh Man Will Bring Parpina , Dash- On and White Wings. Nellgh , Nob. , Aug. 7. Special to The News : From all reports every thing Is looming up for the Nellgh carnival and race meet , which will beheld held August 22 , 23 nnd 24. Secretary W. W. Cole says that the concessions will outnumber those of previous years by at least a dozen. J. R. Davis of Monroe , Neb. , has secured the exclu sive right for a merry-go-round. Stanton and Nellgh ball teams are scheduled to play on the last day , Aug ust 24. Clenrwater and Orchard for the second day. Manager Dr. W. I . Conwell of the Nellgh team says that ho is a ball team short , and if ono can bo secured they will play the home boys on the first day. The business men's association have hung up $50 a day for each game. John Kay of the Riverside park sta bles says ho will have at least three horses in the races bore , and possibly four. The three that he will take to Norfolk next week are : White Wings , a 3:00 : minute trotter ; Parplnna , u 2:23 : trotter , and Dash-on , a 2"iO : pnc- or. The entries close in harness races on the evening of August 14 , here nnd also nt Norfolk. "You will learn to limp If you live always with lame people ; " nnd you will become n "back number" If you are ambitious to compete. In your busi ness , with only these who do not ad vertise. EXTRA TRAINS ARE PASSING THROUGH NORFOLK NOW. N'lNE SPECIALS LAST SUNDAY The Cattle From Belle Fourche , S , D , , Begin the Season and Later the Stock From This Section Will be Shipped Englncmen Scarce. The stock rush on the Northwestern rallrontr has begun , and ninny trains are bolng run dally through Norfolk from the cattle country In the northwest - west to the packing houses nt South Omaha. Thuro Is Hiich n rush of busi ness on Clint line nt present , with the stock run nnd other heavy hauling , that onxluomon are at a premium , and engineers are bijlng nmdo of younger men than is usual Last Sunday nlno special stofik trains ran through Norfolk nnd lhot run may bo expected to Increase from now- until Into In the fall. It Is prob- nble that more than that number of trains will bo run tomorrow , and each succeeding week will see the number grow. 0 The rush always begins with range stuff from the Hello Fourcho country , and Is ondeil later In the season with the stock from this section. It Is saUf that engineers nro so rare , compared with the number of trains that are in use , that many a young llroman who shows ability Is being promoted to the throttle , where In some seasons he might -have to wait many nionthsMieforo gaining the loco motive for his own. . MONDAY MENTION. P. C. Anderson of Bristow is In the city. city.J. J. W. Ransom is in Lincoln on busi ness. ness.Mrs. Mrs. Boehnko went to Omaha today for a visit. C. W. Perry of Emerson is visiting friends here. Mrs. Frank Clements went to Fair- bury today. Sheriff Clements is in town today from Madison. Gene Huso spent Sunday with friends at Poncn. Chas. Rico went to Humphrey this morning on business. Mrs. Robert Hofti of Wayne Was a city visitor Saturday. Dr. P. H. Salter Is In Hoskins on professional business. Mrs. A. J. Durland has gone to Fos ter to visit a few days. Miss Inez Kyner went to Wayne this morning to visit friends. F. Moore of Creighton was In the city on business Saturday. D. Brucggeninn of Columbus wns a business visitor Saturday. H. D. Weyglnt of Clearwater spent the day In the city yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jones of Alma are visiting friends In the city. G. M. Phlpps came clown from Plain- view this morning on business. Frank Lehman and daughter went to Pierce today to visit relatives. Ed. Call and Miss Schler of Madison were visiting friends here yesterday. Dallas Brunson , jr. , son of Mr. nnd Mrs. D. D. Brunson , Is seriously 111. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Brltz of Oakdale were shopping in the city Saturday. Willlflm Poppo of Fremont Is in the city looking for n restaurant location. Miss Anna Viergutz of Pierce was here to attend the misslonfest yester day. day.Rev. Rev. W. J. Turner has gone to Yank- ton to attend the theological seminary there. A. 0Johnson of Brlstow arrived in Norfolk for a short * visit with friends yesterday. W. W , Young , the Stanton candi date for the nomination for congress man on the republicano ticket , was in the city over night. A. T. Helen of Randolph passed through the city yesterday oil his way home to Randolph from Madison , where he has been visiting. Mr. and Mrs. John Huebner of Hos kins we re visiting with Norfolk friends yesterday. 0 Mrs. J. O. Lowman and Mlss Clara Lawman were shopping in the city Saturday. ° 0 Miss Pearl Wldaman , who has been visiting Mrs. C. A. MfcKlm of Lincoln , returned today. J. A. Duncan and G. W. Swiegnrd of Wayne were business visitors in the city Saturday. Frank Perry has accepted a position with Mrs. Craft & Co. , In their store n ± the Junction. Rev. Mr. Benjamin has gone to Pal estine , this state , where ho will preach a funeral sermon. Miss Minnie Schrnmm and Bernard Field of Stuart spent Sunday in Nor folk with frlendS" " and relatives. Henry Kellogg of Wayne passed through the city today on his way to Spencer , where he owns n farm. Mr. and Mrs. John Ballantyno left this noon for Gpuverneur , New York , where they will visit a few months. Miss Lora Leonard of Binghnmton , N. Y. , Is a guest at the ? home of her uncle , Asa K. Leonard of this city. W. C. James is in Battle Creek on business. Ho Intends to leave tomor row for an extended visit In Colorado. Mrs. J. H. Logan and daughter , Mrs. Pearl Barker of Ponca , who have been visiting with Mr and Mrs. W. P. Logan - gan of Norfolk , returned to their homo Saturday. Mrs. Harry Overockor returned to her home at Fairmont yesterday noon after a visit at the home of her father , Robert Mills. Miss Jennie McCormlck has re turned homo from Niohrara , where sho- has been employed for several months on a newspaper. Misses Gllbcrta Durland and Gall Corell of Plnlnvlow were in the city Saturday shopping nnd visiting rela tives and friends. Charles Belersdorf , Miss Emma Schorroggo nnd Miss Margaret Barnes are all enjoying annual vacations from the Johnson Dry Goods store. Mrs. Henry Mntthcs and children , Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank King , nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. John Brehle nnd children of Stanton - ton were here attending the misslon fest yesterday. Senator Win. V. Allen of Madison passed through Norfolk this morning' on his way to visit friends and rel atives In western Iowa. Miss Weeks of Monroe and Miss Adams , who have been attending the B. Y. P. U. convention at Battlb Creek , passed through the city today on tholr way homo. J. Temploton nnd son passed through the city this morning on tljelr way homo to Lincoln from Hoskins , where they hava been attending the funeral of tholr aunt. II. W. Anderson , Arthur Weather- holt. Stella Wcathorholt and Minima Koohn oworo n parly of young folks that drgvo In from Ilosklns yesterday to attend the mlsslonfest. Camp was broken at camp "Ilolnlo" this morning nnd Uio campers , * nil tanned and thoroughly rested , returned to lake up civilized life once more. They report a good outing .and plenty of fish. Earl Fairbanks , son of Conductor Fairbanks of Norfolk , has enlisted in the United States navy. E. A. Bullock nnd Dr. P. I-T. Salter a of this city have each ordcre'd a run about automobile. The machines are expected this week. 1 The Mason & Imson company ar rived in Norfolk yesterday with their tent shows. They will present a week's stand In Norfolk , beginning to night. Edward Rosewater , after attending the republican county convention at Stanton Saturday afternoon , returned to Norfolk1 in the evening nnd left for Omaha early yesterday morning. The Norfolk Brownies will play a game of baseball at Stanton on Thurs day of this week and will play two games on the homo grounds with Ne llgh on the last two days of the race meeting which is to be hefd horo. The W. C. T. U. will hold Us regu lar meeting Tuesday , July 7 , at 2 p. m. in the parlors of the M. E. church. A general invitation is given ns the union is preparing another box for the Luckey rescue home. Bedding nnd infants' clothing will be gratefully received. Bring or send to Mrs. Wes- tervelt or to Mrs. W. M. Robertson. Congressman McCarthy of Ponca was In Norfolk Saturday morning and again Saturday night , remaining here until noon Sunday. He attended the republican county convention which was held at Stanton Saturday after noon , and returned to Norfolk on the evening train that night. He returned to Ponca yesterday noon. This was Mr McCarthy's first visit to Norfolk In a good many months. Mrs. Atlee Hart , owner of the North Nebraska Eagle at Dakota City , with her two daughters , Misses Lornine and Beulnh , left that place today for Long" Beach , Wash. , where they will estab lish their home. The Hart residence- hero has been purchased by Judge R. E. Evans , Claude R. and Harry A. Hart will continue their residence at Da kota City , publishing the paper estab lished over thirty years ago by their father , Atlee Hart , deceased. Will H. Hough stole a march on his friends at Pierce last week and went to Alliance where he was married to Miss Katie Bourrett , who lives near Harrison. He told his friends that he was going to Yellowstone park on a trip. Mr. Hough has been in the hard ware business nt Pierce for a number of years. He has a host of friends w3io w411 give him a rousing reception when ho and his bride arrive homo , Mr. Hough Is well known in Norfolk. The funeral of Mrs. N. H. Spear , whose death occurred at Canton , 111. , last week , was held from the home of her son , George H. Spear in this city , at 10 o'clock this morning , Rev. J. F. Poucher conducting the services. In terment was in Prospect Hill ceme tery. A large number cof sympathiz ing friends attended the services nnd paid tribute to the memory of Mrs. Spear , who was remembered by Nor folk people as having at one time- made her homo with her son In Nor folk. Many expressed their sympa thy In beautiful floral tokens. Mrs. Relda Clew of Plalnvlew , charged with administering a drug to Miss Mattlo Roll of the same place with the intent to produce an unlawful operation , will have hero preliminary hearing before the county judge to morrow at Pierce. County Attorney Van Wngencn wns called to Plainview by different parties to investigate the alleged immoralities that were being practiced nt that phlce. As a result ) ho had Mrs. Clew arrested and had n warrant Issued for the arrest of a young man by the name of Julyan , . who Is wanted on the charge ofo so- ductlon , nnd giving the young girl a plosonous drug to avoid effects of his- net. It Is stated that when the girl was In a delicate state that Julynn took her to the Clew homo nnd there n quantity of pills wore administered. They failed to have the desired effect nnd later she was taken to the same home and asked for some of the same liquid medicine that the Clew woman had given to other girls. This was re fused , but that night Julyan brought the girl n bottle of medicine which , upon being opened , wns so strong that she could not take It. Young Julynn left for parts unknown a short time- ago and has not been seen since.