The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, August 10, 1906, Image 1

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, , , , . .
Reward for the Fugitive White Haired
Bank Cashier Was Withdrawn When
McGreevy Was Turned Loose Sher
iff , However , Wires to Hold Hagerty.
O'Neill , Nob. , Aug. 9. Special to
The News : Patrick Hagorty , fugitive
cashier of the defunct Elkhorn Valley
bank of O'Neill , who has been missing
since a year ago last Thanksgiving ,
lias been located in Webb count' Tex
as , but has not yet , been arres' ' ! >
4 ' Hagerty has been trailed .
than a year by a deputy she. 4 '
I DCS Molnes , Iowa , and this olllcer v
Just wired to O'Neill authorities lu
quiring about the reward and as to
whether Hngerty Is still.wanted. The
reward for Hagerty was withdrawn
when Judge Westover dismissed the
case against his partner , Bernard Me-
Greovy at Bassett last spring.
New Complaint Against Pat.
A new complaint against Hagerty
was Hied In court here on Monday of
this week and warrants are out on
both this and the former complaint for
his arrest. Both complaints charge
him with receiving money for depos
its after he know the bank to be In
Sheriff Hall has wired the sheriff of
Webb county , Texas , to hold Hagerty
and it is possible that he may be
brought back.
May Not be Prosecuted.
It is possible that Hagerty , however -
over , although he mined the bunk hero
and robbed poor orphans and widows
as well as business men of O'Neill of
their lifetime savings , may not be
After the county had gone to the ex
pense of capturing McGreevy and hold
ing him , he was summarily dismissed
I from court and all charges against him
thrown to the winds In a day , before
the trial had ever had a start. The
county attorney declared he would not
have anything more to doith the
matter and it is not known that Hag
erty could be prosecuted under condi
tions existing here.
In disgust , the county commission
ers withdrew the reward offered for
Hagerty , fearing that he might be
caught by his friends for the sake of
the reward and then turned loose In
It is therefore not yet known what
action will be taken , even though he
has been found and will be arrested.
Hagerty is white-haired and eighty
years old.
, Flve Marines In Irons After Fight
With Officers at Navy Yard.
Philadelphia , Aug. 9. It became
known that five marines are In double
Irons on board the receiving ship Lan
caster at the League Island navy yard
and ten sailors are under arrest as the
result of a mutiny , In which two of
the mutineers were badly injured.
A boating party , consisting of Pri
vates Burnett , Kensey , Haggerty , Al-
derson , Erbo and Nowland , left the
navy yard. They went to Gloucester
and , it is alleged , sold their uniforms.
With the money thus obtained beer
was purchased and when the men re
turned they had two half barrels of
beer In the boat. This they smuggled
Into camp and about a score were
coon under the influence of the in
While in this condition the men at
tempted to leave the yard and , when
halted , attacked the corporal. The
alarm whistle was sounded and tbo
V men of the Lancaster quickly re-
Vm ponded. A general fight ensued , dur
m ing which several shots were fired ,
Burnett , one of the ringleaders , had
his throat cut and Kensey's right arm
was fractured. After nearly an hour
of fighting the mutineers wore sub
dued and the principals placed under
Truce B. t Shusha.
Tlflls , Aug. 9. Reports received
here from General Goloschalcoff , at
Shusha , declare that In spite of the
pledges of the belligerent races to ob
serve a truce during the negotiations
for peace , Armenians have set the
torch to several Tartar houses and
killed a number of nomad Mussulmans
who came to the assistance of the Tar
tars , A renewal of the fighting In th *
region along the Turkish frontier Is
Labor to Oppose Longworth.
Cincinnati , Aug. 9 Representative ;
Nicholas Longworth will have the op
position of organized labor in his can
didacy for re-election to congress from
the First district Frank Rlst , an or
ganizer for the American Federation
stated that Mr. Longworth has been
placed on tbo federation's political
Mutual Must Furnish List.
New York , Aug. 9.The Mutual Ufa
Insurance company was ordered by
Justice Glegcrlch to furnish n correct
list of Its pollcyholdcrs to the Interna
tional pollcyholdcrs committee and to
file a similar correct list with the
state Insurance department at Albany
within ten days. The order was li-
sued In response to nu application for
a writ of mandamus made by Colonel
A M. Shook of Tennessee , a member
of the committee , nnd was opposed by
counsel for the Mutual Life Insurance
company. Justice Glegerlch denied the
petition of the pollcyholders' commit
tee that their circulars he sent to
pollcyholders on the stencils prepared
for the company.
If the etrlke Continues , Hundreds of
Carloads of Perishable Food Products -
ducts Will be Tied up Men Demand
'f0 'ncrease of $5 a Month.
iff York , Aug. 9. A strike of sev-
,5 , % 'fed deck hands , oilers and
fin. ° O/Q * ' 10 railroad tugboats hero
today 0oadly tied up freight com
ing frou the railway terminals In
Jersey City to this city.
Nearly all roads are affected by the
The men demand an Increase of $5
a month in their wages.
If the strike is prolonged , hundreds
of carloads of food supplies will be
tied up. Some of the dockmen have
already struck In sympathy and more
are expected to follow.
Pollcyholders Attach Deposit.
San Francisco , Aug. 9. The $605-
000 deposited In New York by the
Trans-Atlantic Fire Insurance com
pany of Hamburg , which has dis
avowed liability for Its losses here ,
has been attached by pollcyholdere of
San Francisco to prevent the German
corporation from withdrawing from
the United States.
Young Stensland Will Turn Over His
Father's Property to Receiver.
Chicago , Aug. 9. Theodore Steus-
land , vice president of the Milwaukee
Avenue Stale bank and son of tbe
fugitive president of that Institution ,
has come to tbe rescue of the 22,000
depositors and it Is the general belief
of those who are endeavoring to
straighten out the affairs of the bank
that there Is an excellent chance that
all those who have deposits In tne
failed Institution will receive almost
dollar for dollar when a final settle
ment is made. The Improved condi
tion of the bank's affairs was brought
about by young Stensland , who an
nounced that ho would turn over to
Receiver Fetzer today all the real en-
tate and personal property of Paul O.
Stensland , his father. The son places
a valuation of $000,000 on this col
lateral and he stated that he had full
authority to make the transfer of the
property for the benefit of the dopogl-
Paul O. Stensland , president , and
Henry W. Hering , cashier , are still
at largo and search for .these fugitives
Is being mnde all over the country.
Five thousand pictures of the two offi
cials are being prepared , with full de
scriptions of both , apd these will be
spread broadcast throughout the en
tire world. At one time It appeared as
If there would be serious trouble with
the depositors , who swarmed around
the doors of the failed bank. While
fully 1,000 of the depositors shouted
their protests , over $300.000 was re
moved from the vaults of the Institu
tion to those of the National Bank of
the Republic , where It will be held for
safe keeping until next Tuesday ,
when , It is said , distribution to tbe de
positors will bo made. The reoval
of the money put the crowd In an
angry mood and It took a big police
detail to 1 < eep the excited throng from
upsetting the patrol wagons , which
were filled with bluecoats.
Peasants of Tchemeernlk , Poland ,
murdered four socialists upoi tnelr ar
rival In the village for the pi'rpot ' : ) of
Inciting the peasants against lite laud-
A cloudburst and flood at Duraiigo ,
Mex. , caused the death of three per
sons. Water was six feet deep In the
streets of tbe town and many IIOMUJS
were badly damaged
William Esler of Downville , WIs.
killed his seven-year-old daughter by
striking her over the head with a gal
Ion Jug. He says he killed the child
because the mother did not want it.
Rams Horn , a four-year-old colt ,
winner of this year's $25,000 Brighton
handicap and of last year's Crescent
City derby at New Orleans , died In his
stall at Gravescnd race track of In
flaminatlon of the bowels
Several members of the Grand
Trunk Pacific survey camp , fifty miles
south of Vermllllon. Alberta , were
taken violently 111 after partaking of
canned salmo n. Major Herbert J
Smith Is dead and others are seriously
Father and Oldest Child Were Out of
the House and Escaped Tragedy at
Country Place of Dr. George L.
Miller of Omaha.
Omaha , Aug. 9. Flvo out of the sir.
children of Thomas O'Donnell , a farm
er living at Seymour Park , the
country place of Dr. George L. Miller
of Omaha , three miles cast of South
Omaha , were burned to death. Mrs' .
O'Donnoll , the mother , was probably
Injured , nnd Mr. O'Donnell and the ce-
mhlnlng child , n daughter of eighteen
years , wore slightly burned. The trag
edy was caused by the explosion of n
five-gallon can of gasoline , on which a
lighted match bad been carelessly
dropped by one of the unfortunates.
The house In which the family lived
was destroyed by the flames and throe
horses owned by Dr. Miller also per
ished. Since the burning of Dr. Mil
ler's country home on the place a few
years ngo the O'Donnoll's had occu
pied the barn , which had been fitted
up as a habitation. Just how the ac
cident occurred Is not known exactly ,
as the survivors , O'Donnell nnd his
oldest child , were out doing the milk' '
Ing when the accident occurred. The
bodies of the flvo victims were
charred beyond all semblance to human
beings. Mrs. O'Donnell was frightfully
burned over her entire body.
The dead : Willie , aged 15 ; Inez , 9 ;
Bertha , 7 ; Earl , 4 ; Florence , 3.
Government Wl | | Express Regrets for
Killing of Japanese Poachers.
Washington , Aug. 9. Although tak <
Ing the position that the killing of the
flvo Japanese poachers within the tor
rltorlal limits of the United States In
Alaska was Justified , this government
In nil probability will extend to Japan
Its regrets for the fatal clash between
the native lookouts of the North
American Commercial company and
the Japanese raiders. This statement
was made by Acting Secretary of
State Bacon Meantime the district
attorney for Alaska Is making prepara
tlons for the speedy trial of twelve
Japanese who were taken prisoners ,
The prompt action of this government
In notifying Ambassador Wright at
Toklo of the facts as reported by
Solicitor Sims of the department of
commerce and labor was designed to
give to Japan Information first hand
of the occurrence. After a careful In
vestlrn'lon by the Jnpnneso charge
here the conclusion was reached that
the case was one Involving no Inter
national Incident.
Assessors Find Over Million Horses ,
With an Average Value of $62.14.
Des Molnes , Aug. 9. The state au
ditor's oIIIce completed the tabulation
of the assessors' returns on live stock.
According to those figures , Iowa has
1,081,724 horses of all ages , of an
average value of $02.14 and a total ad
justed value of $07.225,235 ; 3,543,182
cattle of all ages , of a total value of
$73,550,850 and an average value of
$20.75 ; 4,231,901 swine , of an average
value of $5.64 and a total value of
$23,879,779 ; 638,090 sheep , of an aver
age value of 93.44 and a total value of
$1,853,090 ; 12,303 goats , of an average
value of $2.54 and a total value ol
? 32.743. TUt total value of the live
stock in the state Is $160,041.697. This
Is a very nubstantlal increase over
the value of last year.
Sayi He Was Led to Crime by Moving
Picture of Train Robberies.
Evansvllle , Ind. , Aug. 9. Leon
Young , aged ten , was arrested ,
charged with burglary , nnd confesses
the crime. The boy says he was
taught to be a burglar by going to a
moving picture show , where he saw
pictures which showed train and bank
robberies. He went home , he P.TT
with a desire to become a creat rob
Dies While Preparing for Wedding.
Chicago , Aug. 9. While preparing
for his wedding , Dr. Samuel B. Craw
ford , thirty-two years old , died suddenly - '
denly at the home of his prospective
bride , Mrs. Rose Sykcs. Mrs. "Sykes
was In her room donning her wedding
garments when she heard a moan
from Dr Crawford's room. Hurrying
to the room , she found him lying on
the floor scarcely able to speak. A
physician was Immediately summoned
but Dr. Crawford died within a few
Hartje and Friend Held for Trial.
Pittsburg , Aug. 9. Augustus Hnrtje
and his friend , John L. Welshons , who ,
with Clifford Hooe , the former negro
coachman of Hartje , who are charged
with conspiracy In connection with
the Ilnrtje divorce chso. appeared J > o
fore Alderman F M. King for a hear
ing and. waiving all procedure , were
held for court under bonds of $3.000
which were furnished by Attorney
Edward H Hartje , a brother of one
of the defendants.
It'a an Offense to Do It In the Street
In Berlin and a Crime In Army ,
Berlin , Aug. 0. Tlio citizen who re
cently \viis punished for the crhno Of
ncczlng In tlio street lias a conv
pnnlon In misfortune. Tlio now victim
la a lawyer imtneil Bchtnltlt , who , as
n ml'ltitry ' reservist under periodical
Inspection with his roglmont nt Mag
deburg , committed the offense of
blowing his nose while ntunillnjc In
line before the reviewing officer. The
following il y Schmidt wan nrrnlgned
before n court-nmrtliil. He pleaded he
suffered from catarrh The Inspecting
ofllcer , however , sworn Schmidt blow
his nose In n manner betraying either
scorn or disrespect of military com
mand and the court watt so shocked It
ordered the offender to bo placed
tinder arrest for ten days
Immediate Aid to-Be Given Stricken
People of Russia Ministry Begins
Campaign for the Election of a More
Tractable Parliament.
St. Petersburg , Aug. 1) ) . M. OnlpUo.
the peasant member of the lute parlia
ment , who was captured red-handed al
CronMadt after the mutiny there , will
bo tried , It IB uuml-olllclally announced ,
according to the rules of war for In
citing and participating In an armed
revolt , the penalty for which Is death.
The authorities are convinced that
they have a good case against Onlpko
and hope that It will Involve several
other prominent extremists In the late
paillament to such an extent as to pre
vent their ic-election to any further
The ministry already Is beginning a
far-reaching campaign preparatory to
the election of a more tractable par
liament in December. The ministers
Insist on a program that will consist
of the promulgation of definite reforms
and the nomination of candidates who
will represent these Instead of letting
the elections go by default , as was the
case In the defunct assembly They
disclaim all Intention of attempting to
throttle public sentiment , but It Is
noticeable that their first step was
taken through the police , who were
asked to report on the possible candi
dates for scats.
The session of the cabinet was de
voted to measures of famine relief ,
which Is recognized as one of the most
urgent problems In the administration
as well as being an eloquent campaign
argument. It was decided to rccom
mend to the emperor an additional
credit of $27,500,000 In addition to the
$7,500,000 voted by parliament for this
use , $25,000,000 of which sum Is to pro
vide food and employment to keep the
ctrlcken population from starvation
and the remainder for the purchase
of seed grain.
The official telegraph agency reports
the formation at Vekerlnoslav of a re
actionary organization whose purpose
Is to exact life for a life for every offi
cial killed by the revolutionists The
murder of the ex-deputy , Herzer-
stein , Is an example of this procedure
The agency also reports on encounter
between police and workmen at Kos
troma. during which Cossacks were
summoned and dispersed the crowd
with a volley No mention of the cas
ualties Is mnde.
The official telegraph agency has Is
sued an authorized statement declar
Ing the statement published by the
Novoe Vrernya that the emperor In
tends to place Grand Duke Nicholas
Nlcholalevltch In Immediate command
of thf whole army to be devoid of al !
Police Capture Revolutionists ,
Moscow , ug 9. The police have
captured a store of Mauser rifles and
automatic pistols and a number of
revolutionary proclamations and pos
ters issued by the revolutionary fight
ing legion. Several members of a new
revolutionary committee were also
captured and thirty-six suspects have
been expelled from the city
Major "MacBrlde Loses.
Paris , Aug. 9. The civil tribunal of
the Seine confirmed Its decree grantIng -
Ing Mrs. Maud Gonno MacBrlde
( known as the "Irish Joan of Arc" ) a
judicial separation from her husband ,
Major MacBrlde , but tHe tribunal re
fused to grant her an absolute dl-
Torce on the ground of her Irish na
tionality. Mrs. MacBrldB was award
ed the custody of her child The
major's cross-bill was overruled.
Wreck on Missouri Pacific
Armour , Kas. , Aug. 9. Two Missouri
Pacific passenger trains collided hero
Injuring Conductor Wflllam Welch ,
who was taken to a hospital in Atchl-
son. Governor Polk was on the train ,
en route for a picnic at Stewartsvllle ,
Mo. , but was uninjured.
Umbrella Is Deadly Weapon.
Minneapolis. Aug. 9. Frank Staff-
ler died at St Mary's hospital after
hit brain had been pierced by the
point of an umbrella which had besn
poked Into his eye by John Harrli dur
ing a fight.
Charged With Receiving Rebates In
the Form of Non-Pnyment of Stor
age Charges to Railroads Judge
Dethea Summons Second Grand Jury.
Chicago , Aug. 0. The federal grand
Jury returned nn Indictment ngnliiKt
the Standard' ' Oil company , charging
It with having Illegally received ) a rail
road rebate on storage cbuigcH.
Details of the syHtom by which the
Lake Shore and Michigan Southern
Ralkoad company handled the pi oil-
uetu of the Standard Oil company
wore loJd bcfwo the federal grand
Jury by two olllclala of the ralltoad
nnd ono government attache. J. I , .
Clark , western freight agent , and C.
A. Slauson , local freight agent of the
Lake Shore , and George T. Roberta ,
tariff schedule exjiort for the Inter
Btato commerce commlnfilon , woi * Ml
men who testlllod. Mr. Roberta. the
first wltncHH , was given a large num
ber of tariff schedules of various rail
roads handling Standard Oil Inmlnesn
which wore taken before the grand
Jury at Cleveland , nnd ho Identified
thorn nnd at the snrno tlmo explained
the method of apportioning rates on
oil between Whiting , Intl. , Chicago nnd
St. I uls. Mr. SlaiiRon Identified
voluminous documents , concerning
which ho testified previously before
the Clrvo'und grand Jury.
The Indictment contains nineteen
counts , rnch count , conalltutlng a nep-
arate charge. Tb > - rue bills conic
under the RlklnR law , which provides
a fine of from ? 1.000 to $20,000 for
each violation. Under ttila Indictment ,
should the government proeuro a con-
vlctlon _ oi\ the trial of the Issues , n
fine o ? $380,000 aT a maximum under
the TClklns law may ho assessed.
The Indictment alleges that by tx
system of granting the Standard Oil
company certain concessions the oil
company benefited to the extent of
$8,500.72 during a period of time from
August , Ifin.l , to February , 1905. The
Indictment , nK explained by the gov
ernment attorneys , moans that In nine
teen Instances certain consignments
of oil for the Standard Oil company
wore stored by the Lake Shore nnd
Michigan Southern naflrond company
and that the railroad company re
ceived no pavmont of 5 cents per ton
per day from the oil company for such
storairo. but that Its competitors wore
compelled to pay this amount This
Is equivalent to granting n concession.
It Is charged , the non-payment of stor
age chnrgon being practically a rebate
In favor of the oil company. Knch
count seta tip a discrimination of from
$300 to $500 a month In favor of the
oil company. It will bo necessary for
officials of the FABdard Oil company
to appear In court nn'd present bonds
of $25,000 for the corporation.
By order of Judge Bethea , a second
grand Jury was drawn and summoned
to appear next Tuesday morning This
body will take up the Investigation of
the business methods of the Standard
Oil company where the present In
quisitorial body was compelled to
leave off. The second Jury will begin
Its Investigation with March , 1905.
Convention at Chicago May Elect Two
Sets of Officers.
Chicago , Aug. 9. A strong effort
was made to got the warring factions
of the International Brotherhood of
Teamsters , who are holding their
fourth annual convention in Chicago ,
together In harmony for the election
of olflcers today , but It was without
EUCCCSS. Several conferences between
emissaries of both factions were held ,
but neither side waa willing to com
promise , and unless President Shea or
Albert Young , leader of the scceders ,
recedes from his present position
there will undoubtedly be two sets of
officers elected.
A message was sent to President
Samuel Gompers of the American Fed
eration of Labor to come to Chicago
and make on Effort to bring about nn
amicable settlement of the dllllcultj.
but It is not believed ho will bo able
to reach the convention In time to pro-
rent the spilt In the organization un
less the election of officers is post-
Total Abstinence Society Meets.
Providence , R. I. , Aug. 9. The na
tional convention of the Catholic Total
Abstinence Union of America began
here , when a majority of the 800 dele
gates assembled In Music hall for the
formal opening exercises. The dele
gates represent 6 membership of
about 100,000 In the United States ,
nnd they are hendejd by Bishop J. F.
R. Canevln of Pittsburg , as president
Railroads Fall to Reach Agreement.
Chicago. Aug. 9 Executive officers
of the Western Trunk lines met here
to consider the differential between
the gulf and seaboard on shipments
of export grain from points west of
the Missouri river , but were unable
to reach a settlement Another con
ference will be held next week to { ur
ther consider the subject.
Temperature for Twenty-four Hours.
Forecast for Nebraska ,
Pondltloim of the weather nu record
ed for the twenty-four hours ending
it 8 a. in. today :
Maximum . gj
.Minimum . Oil
Aveiage . 71
Barometer . 2 ! 71
Chicago , Aug. It. The bulletin IH-
Htied by the Chicago Hlatlon of the
United Stuteu weather bureau thin
morning gives the loieeiiHt fur No-
bniHka at ) followtt :
Fair tonight and Friday.
Wltnesaes In Denver Fraud Coses 8nt
to Jnil for Contempt.
Denver , Aug. ! ) . llofimlng to bu
aworu In tbo franchluu election con
test case In the Dn.tvor coii'ili1 ' court ,
George N. Ordway , jnoHlilcni n' the
city election coimulMtloii ; llci.ry L
Dobe'rty , pieflldcnt of the Denver Gaa
anil ICleclrle company ; Ficd A. Will-
Imti , former chairman of the Itepjih-
llcan central county commltto' ! , anil
J. Cook , u real ontatrb dealer , were
committed to the county Jail by Judge
Ben U. UndHoy until they paid linen
of $500 ruth for contempt of court
William Lull and -Tlioodor. ' Opinin ,
walcherH appointed by the election
commlsHlon , who forcibly prevented
Sheriff Alexander N1nbut trom getting
the ballot boxen which Judge Lludsoy
had ordered him to bring Into court ,
were lined $25 each and their linen
The Imllnt boxen wanted were dellv
ered to the sheriff after JiiHlIco Haili-v
of the supreme court rotiiHcd to ln or-
fere wllli the content proconljnps In
the county court. The bailie boxes
wore opened and the ballots examined
Only the ballots on the franchlacu
wore counted. While the poll book
ehowcd 25(5 ( votcn were cant , 280 bal
lots were found inside the boxes. Thn
ballots were counted nnd the results
Bhowod a Blight loss for both corpora-
tlonn , four for the tramway and seven
for the gn company. The dlfforencn
In the number of votes cant and the
number of voters aa reported by the
poll books has not been explained and
will bo examined Into later.
Missouri Men Accused of Killing
Negro Face Court at Springfield.
Springfield , Mo. , Aug. U. The trial
of the lynching cnhi-H resulting from
the lynching of seveial men here faov
oral months ago after an assault com
mitted by a negro was begun In the
Green county circuit court. The de
fendants are Galbrulth , charged with
murder In the first degree , and Gooch
and Hnecker. Assistant Attorney
Kennlsh IB conducting the prosecution
for the state.
Soon after the trial was begun J.
L. Maxey , ono of the regular panel of
Jurors , received word that his house ,
fifteen miles west of Springfield , had
been struck by lightning , his two chll
dren killed nnd the house destroyed.
He was excused from further service
The cao of Hill Gooch was taker
up first He Is charged with murder
In the first degree in that he Is desig
nated as having been one of tbo le.u !
ers In the mob which hanged ac'l
burned three negroes Fred Coker ,
Horace Duncan and Will Allen In tbo
public souaro on the night of April 14.
O T. Hamlln attorney for Gooch ,
pleaded not guilty In behalf of bis
Killed During Maneuvers. Iy
Austin , Tex. , Aug. 9. Another en-
lllsted man In the regular army waa
killed during the maneuvers at Camp
Mnbry. Jesse Cantls of Fort Worth , , o
attached to troop K of the First
cavalry , was shot during tlio maneuv
ers In the mountains nnd died shortly
after noon Immediately following hla n-
death the maneuvers were called off nn
All the men are supposed to have'had 7
blank cartrldHCs In their q'uns at 'ho Is
time and 1' Is not known how th .r *
killing occurred. ml
P-efers Death to Selling Whisky. ho
St. Louis , Aug. 9. After writing a ler
note stating that he took his life nc-
rather than again earn his living by
eelllng liquor. Ernest Stelnhardt ,
whose home Is supposed to have been
In New York City , committed suicide
by drinking morphine. Stelnbardt was
formerly n traveling salesman for a
Kentucky whisky house , but resigned
at the request of his wife. He tried
other lines , but. fairing to make a sue-
ee , became tlespcradent.
Effort Wln7 RoyaTcup.
Newport. R. L , Aug. 9. P. M.
Smith's little sloop Effort won the
race for the King's cup. The new
schooner Queen , owned by J. Rogers
Maxwell , led the fleet at the finish ,
but lost the race by nine seconds on
tlmo allowance.
American League Cleveland , 1-0 ;
Boston , 3-1. Chicago , J ; Philadelphia ,
0. St. Louis , 2 ; Now York , 1. De
troit , 0-4 ; Washington , 6-T.
National League New York , 2 ;
Chicago. 3. Boston , 0 ; Pitteburg , 2.
American Association Indianapolis ,
3 ; St. Paul , 2. Louisville , 0 ; Minne
apolis. 2.
Western league Pueblo , 4 ; Des
Molnes , 3. Denver , 4 ; Sioux City , 3.