The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, July 27, 1906, Image 1

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, , . , .
NItro-Glycerine Was Used In Demolish
ing the Safe In Stuart's General Mer
u chandise Store Between 1 and 2 a.
m. Sheriff Hall Pursues.
Stuart , Nob. , July 2C. Special to
3 The News : Robbers blow open the
* > - safe ! n the general merchandise store
of Mr. Stuart of this place at an early
hour today and secured $175 booty , In
money. They damaged the store build
ing considerably and escaped. The
sheriff Is pursuing them , but no trace
of the burglars has been found.
The store was entered and the safe
blown up between the hours of 1 nnd
2 o'clock. Nltro-glycerlne was used In
the work. The store was damaged to
the extent of about $160.
Mostly Cash Taken.
j\ \ > ' 'Tost of the plunder secured by the
° & q was cash. There were about
fy(0 'cks , but the balance was In
CUi 1 JS.
ThOi ° fyc "e as to the highway
men , nnd Afy * * ' us to who they may
have been.eO'
The explosion aroused people In the
neighborhood of the store , but the loot
ers had gone.
Sheriff In Pursuit.
Sheriff C. E. Hall of O'Neill was
notified Immediately of the robbery
and came at once to Stuart. He Is
making every effort to catch the nltro-
The Mayor of Omaha Shows His Skill
as a Cowboy.
Valentine , Neb. , July 20. Special to
The News : The Omaha trade excur
sion arrived here at 7 a. m. yesterday
morning , thirty minutes late by the
schedule time. After breakfasting
they proceeded to boost for Omaha.
Bells , badges , horns , buttons and oth
er novelties advertising Omaha and
Omaha firms were distributed freely
and for about an hour the town as
sumed a carnival appearance. A fea
ture of their stop was an exhibition of
roping by Mayor "Jim" Dahlman of
Omaha. Borrowing a horse of a cow
boy standing near , ho uncoiled the
rope and roped one of the "boosters"
as he ran past. The commercial pho
tographer snapped him In the act.
They departed at 8 a. m.
Two Railroad Men Killed.
North Platte , Neb. , July 20. Joht
Mcllvane , a switchman in the Uniot
Pacific yards was Killed while attempt
ing to throw a switch. His fool
slipped , owing to mud , and the ca
boose passed over the limb , cutting
il ; It off below the knee and causing in
ternal injuries from which he died.
Robert Conn , a bildge foreman in
the employ of the Union Pacific , wai
killed near Ogalalla while riding a
railroad tricycle. He was hit by train
No. 18 , which afterward stopped and
picked up the remains and brought
them to North Platte. They were senl
to b0 ! home at Columbus , Nob.
Hailstorm in Adams County ,
Lincoln. Neb. , July 20 Dispatches
from points In Adams county say a
hailstorm there last night did heavy
damage for a radius of several miles
Around the town of Hartwell crops
were totally destroyed all vegetation
being pounded into the giound. There
was a furious windstorm In Lincoln ,
followed by a heavy rain and hall
Damage was limited to broken trees
and flooded gardens.
Cannot Find Nelson.
Sioux Falls. S. D. , July 2G. Tha
mysterious disappearance of Christian
Nelson- wealthy Lincoln county
farmer , and the failure to secure the
slightest tiace of him , has led to the
belief that he wandered away while
temporarily deranged and may have
mot his death by drowning or other
Foreman Killed at Work.
Omaha , July 20. Crushed to death
under a 2,000-pound plate of bollei
metal , Harry R. Williams , foreman ol
the DraKe-WllHarns-Mount bollei
works at Twenty-third and Hickory
streets , wab killed by the slipping of a
. clamp used in lifting the Iron from a
railroad car.
Acute Crisis in Persia.
Teheran , Persia , July 20. Political
discontent here is again assuming an
acute phase The people are loudly
demanding the dismissal of the grand
vizier , the rotuin of the mullahs and
a codification of the laws. The mul
lahs who recently left the- great
mosque are now assembled at Kum
There are now over 5,000 refugees un
der the protection of the British le
gation here.
Forest Fires In Michigan.
Marquette , Mich. , July 20. Serious
forest fires are raging west of hero.
The town of Birch , fifteen miles dis
tant , the scene of the extensive oper
ations of the Northern Lumber com
pany , is in grave danger , and help has
been telephoned for. A special train
will be rushed to Birch with the Marquette -
quetto fire department and volunteers.
Half a million dollars' worth of prop
erty Is in jeopardy at Birch.
Boy of Six Makes New Record In
Omaha Police Circles.
Omaha , July 2G. In the arrest of
Brnoiit Clark , aged six years , on tht
charge of burglary , a new record In
Omaha's police annale for youthful
criminals has been set. Ono of th
worst features of the case Is that th
boy says he uns taught crime by his
After Fierce Fight In Platte County ,
Democrats Go to Him.
Columbus. Nob. , July 2G After on
of the most bitterly fought conven
tions ever held In Platte county the
Democrats In county convention
passed resolutions Instructing the del
egates to the state convention for
George W. Berge of Lincoln for gor-
The Great American Democrat Is En
tertained by Royalty , and is Intro
duced by Ambassador Reid , Through
Whom Invitation Was Communicated
London , July 20. William J. Bryan ,
who was Introduced by Ambassador
Reid , was received In private audi
ence by King Edward at Buckingham
palace today. The visit was paid at
the king's special request , his majesty
liaving notified Ambassador Reid that
lie desired to meet Mr. Bryan.
Former Nebraska Girl , Bride of Wyom
ing Man , Drowns With Him.
Cheyenne , Wyo. , July 26. T. ' A.
Renner , a wealthy sheep owner and
banker of Meeteetse , Wyo. , and nil
bride , formerly Miss Catherine Woodi
of Eddyvllle , Neb. , were drowned In a
flood caused by a cloudburst In Iron
Gulch , near Meeteotse. They had
been spending their honeymoon at one
of Ronner's ranches and were driving
from town to the ranch when theli
buggy was overturned by the rushing
water in a stream which they at ?
tempted to cross. Their bodies were
Two Children are Seriously III at Rule
as Result.
Rulo. Neb. , July 20. Putrid iatb in
a cistern caused the poisoning of two
children of James Randall , a farmer ,
and of John Odell , who works for
Randall They had drunk from the
water of the cistern , which was low ,
and in which the decomposed bodies
of two rats that had been poisoned
were afterward found , and all soon be
came seriously 111. Odell is conva
lescent , but the two Randall children
have typhoid fever.
Cupid Softened the Tone of the Old
Maids and Bachelors' Convention.
Forest City , la. , July 20. Bachelors
and spinsters oi Io\\a in state con-
\entlon heie , after discus&ing tha
race suicide question at length , wem
forced to concude In the quebtion ol
government that all rebts upon tha
homo , and that this is so generally
looked upon as the basis that to placa
a bachelor in the field foi governor
would be folly. They acTCoidingly in
doised the candidacy of Go\ernoi
The convention , which was tlio
most unique In the history of the
state , was called to order in the towu
hall by Clinton Merrlck , a confirmed
bachelor , who was made permanent
chaiiman. Mr. Merrick is not an
eloquent , but foiceful speaker , and
without hesitancy denounced in hla
opening address Roosevelt's race sui
cide theories , claiming that the coun
try is injuied more by too many births
and not good support foi the children
The euro for social conditions , ho
urged , was fewer births and bettei
education and i earing ot the popula
tion. But there was a rupture be
cause wily Dan Cupid stole into tha
convention hall and so closely shaved
the heaits of men and women that tha
gentler side of all hearts was touched ,
and It was conceded that though
there may bo too many births , mar
riage Is the necessity of the race foi
the safety of the country , and homes
the only foundation on which to build
a government which will stand. It la
rumored that the convention resulted
In converting several who will leave
splnstordom and bacholordom to unlta
In marriage.
Fire Destroys 50,000 Sacks of Rice
Beaumont , Tex. , July 20. The Iarg
brick warehouse of the McFaddln
Weiss-Kvlo Rice Milling company
containing 50,000 sacks , of rice , waj
destroyed by fire. The rice was val
ued at $200,000 , and the building and
contents nt about fllB.OOO. Th
amount of rice destroyed represented
half of the stock of rough rlco In th
Will Provide Something More for De
positors , Who Have as Yet Received
But Twenty Per Cent Suit Growing
Out of Failure of the Bank.
O'Neill , Neb. , July 20. Special to
The News : O F. Blglln , receiver of
the defunct Elhhorn Vnlioy bank , an
nounces the sale of the Hagorty home ,
an asset of the hank , Jo James Mullen
of Page for $5,000. This will add a
goodly sum to the receipts of the re
ceiver toward paying the depositors ,
who as yet have received but 20 per
cent of their claims.
County Attorney Mullen has begun
action In district couit against ex-
County Treasurer D. J. Cronln and his
bond company. The United States Fi
delity nnd Guarantee company of Marj-
land , In behalf of the county to rocoor
$1,131 01 , the amount of county nioiu > >
the former treasurer Is alleged to ha\o
had on deposit In the bank before UH
failure In excess of the bank's pro
rata share under the state depository
The former treasurer \\as asked to
pay the amount to the county , but re
fused ; hence the suit and judgment
prayed for.
Lumber Yard Being Rebuilt.
The Bazelman Lumber company ,
whoso yards were destroyed by lire a
month ago , have the work of ro-estnb-
llslrlrrg their yard well under way.
They are putting up largo buildings
nnd sheds where the old ones wore
burned and will guard against a repe
tition of their disaster by covering all
buildings with Iron.
The fire which destroyed the Bazel-
mnn yard originated In a livery barn.
The city council has passed an ordi
nance prohibiting liveries In certain
sections of the town.
Colored Troops Rout Band of 601
Near Paneun.
Manila , July 20. Advices received
here from the island of Leyto saj
that a largo band of Pulajaiies at
tacked a column of constabulary am )
regulars. The engagement , whict
took place near Paneun , resulted In
the Pulajanes being repulsed with i
loss of 150 killed and wounded. The
troops suffcted no losses. One scr
geatit of the constabulary was wound
ed. The flght took place-'in thicl
underwood end lasted thirty minutes
The Pulajanes , who are said to havi
numbered GOO men , armed with gum
and bolos , charged the American col
umn three times. The latter wai
composed of fifty constabulary , com
manded by Captain Neville , ana
twenty-six colored soldiers of tin
Twenty-fourth infantry , commanded
by Captain McMasters.
Kentucky Judge Orders Posse to Ar
rest Warring Mountaineers.
Brinkley , Ky. , July 20. Much ex
cltement prevails heie as the result
of an order by Judge Gardener of the
county court summoning a posse ol
300 men to bring in a party of feud
ists , dead or alive , from Heaver Creek
As a final wainlng to the mountain
eers , Sherift Hays left Ilinchman vet
Beavei Creek , wheie certain member !
of the Hall and Martin families , under
dor indictment on the charge ol murder
dor , have been delying the author !
ties lor some time. The H.ills are al
the homo ol Dick Hall , the \voundec
leader of thtir lactlon , and Wyatl
Martin is hiding In the mountain !
with fifty well-aimed men. Doth lead
ers are suriounded by armed moun
talnocrs and if the sheriff attempts u
make any arrests a fight Is expected
Interstate Commission Orders Peavey
Contract Brought Before 'It.
Washington , July 20. An order
was made by. the interstate commerce
commission , on petition of the Chicago
cage Great Western Railway com
pany , the Chicago , Burlington &
Quincy Railway company and tha
Atchlson , Topeka & Santa Fe Rail
road company for a rehearing In the
matter of allowances to elevators by
the Union Pacific Railway company.
The petitioners allege that tha
Union Pacific entered Into a contract
with Peavey & Co. , under which the
latter company erected grain elevators
at Council Bluffb and Kansas City for
the transfer of grain for the public
from the Incoming cars of the Union
Pacific to outgoing cars , of the con
necting lines at these terminal points
of the Union Pacific , and for this
service the Union Pacific agreed to
pay Peavey & Co 1 1-4 cents per hun
dred weight The complaining rail
roads allege that the facts are "the
elevators of Peavey & Co. were not
built for such purposes and never
have to any considerable extent , if at
all , thus transferred grain for the pub
lic , but wore built and have been used
eolely and exclusively for their own
UBS in the grain trado. "
Auditor Foster Taken Before Judge
Hough as a Recalcitrant Witness.
Now York , July 2i. ( That tliu
United Status grand Jury la Investi
gating western trunk line railroads
suspected of having granted roln\toH
to the Amuluin Sugar Refining com
pnny was made Known \ylion W. II
Poster , general auditor of that coin
inuiy. whs laKuit lioloio Judge Hough
In the United States olicnlt court as
a lucnlcltrant witness bofoio tint
Brand jury. Tlio foreman of the B > and
Jury stated to the court that Mr Fos
ter had declined to produce before
the giand jury cot tain hooka and doc
uments demanded of him. Unions tliu
hooks art1 forthcoming today the jitdijo
In lor mod Mr. Fobter that he would
consider an application to punish him
both as a recalrltiantltncss and for
contempt of con it
Murder Was One of a Series of Brutal
Crimes Against Women Committed
In Chicago Which Aroused Public
Indignation to a White Heat.
Chicago , July 20. Fiank J. Con'
Btuntlnu , th ( ! alleged murderer of Mrs
Louise A. Gentry at her home , G8H
l.o Hallo avenue , Jan. ( i lust , l suld
to be under arrest In Poughkoopslc ,
N. Y. An clllcor was sent to Spring
field for requisition papers.
Constantine Is said to have baon
recognized by a woman who at one
time lived In the apnitmenl bulldltu ;
In which the murder was committed
She repotted to the police authorities
at Poughkeepsle thai the man was
Constantine and he was at once ar
rested. Shc'tiff Huff man of Uutchcss
county. New York lolegiaphed to the
local police that he was holding Con <
Btantlne , sajirig that Iho prlbonor did
not deny his name , but claimed that
ho was a brother of Finnic J. Constantine
stantino Letters , cards and papers
found In the possession ol the man
all bore the name of Constantino.
The murilei ol Mib. Gentry was one
of the boile , ol hmtnl ci lines against
women committed In this city early
In the year , which aroused public In
dignation to a white heat. No motlva
for the crime has e\er been discov
ered , as Constantine and Mis. Gontiy
were alonij In the apartment at the
time She died without being able to
utter a woid and no tiaco of Con
Etantlne was ever discovered after ho
had left the building.
Mayor Johnson Violates Injunction
and Is Cited for Contempt.
Cleveland , July 20. Papers were
served on Mayoi Tom L Johiibon
citing him to appear in common pleaa
court to snow cause \vny he should
not be puuibhed lor contempt for vlo
latlng a temporary injunction Issued
by Judge Ford. The Injunction was
issued upon application ol tliu Cleveland -
land Electric Railway company , retraining -
training the city tiom proceeding
further with the teat Ing up of thu
street cor lails In Fulton stieet , which
was begun by a force of several hun
dred men under the personal direction
of Mayor Johnson. The work of tearIng -
Ing away the tracks was well undei
way when the icstialnlng eider wan
served on the mayor and no atten
tion was i > ald to it. The matter in
the only outgrowth so far of the con
test on between the Cleveland tlcc-
trie Railway company , which is seek
Ing an extension of its ttanchlse , and
the Foicst City line , which is the new
municipal line backed by Mayor John
son and others.
The Republicnnb of the Eighth Mis
Bouri district nominated William F
Qulley of Tipton for congressman.
Despondent over ill health , James
Major , cashier of the Carlton ( Kan )
State bank , shot nnd killed himself
In a room of the bank.
Arthur S. Paugh , convicted of second
end degree murder for the killing ol
the sheriff of Iron county , Mo. , was
sentenced to fifty-five years In the
James McKlnloy , superintendent of
the Virginia anu Ophir mines at Vir
ginia City , and one of the most promi
nent mining men in Nevada , died of
miner's consumption.
Hlrara D. Cook , of the engineering
department of the Northern Pacific
railway , Is believed to have bean
drowned in the Yellowstone river
while fishing with a party of friends
Two men were killed , one was fa
tally hurt and three others seriously
Injured in a Northern Pacific railroad
freight wreck near Valley City , N. D.
The men were stealing a ride in a
freight car.
As the result of a gasoline explo
sion at tne homo of Guy Morgan at
Stelnmltz , Mo. , his three-year-old
daughter was burned to death , his
wife was fatally burned , aod ho ana
Frank Flaspholer , a neighbor , were
badly burned.
Government Determined Not to Let I
Be Known What Is Happenln (
Throughout Russia Comdlftons No
Ripe for General Revolt.
St. Petersburg , July 20. Though II
Is dlltlcull lo obtain u tiuu pletuio ol
thu conditions In the inteilor , owlny
to the emlmico that has been pill
upon pitiss dlHputrhoH , ull Indluatloui
point mine and more to the postpone
rnent of the thrtmlonod guianal stilki
until tlio tovoi nment shall be ICMH ana
thu ouuntij moro pirpaiod lot uncL
mi event , until the harvest Is finished
and the rovolullonui ) movement do
vulops spontunuously among thu idli
Whut news bus been received froic
the provinces Indicates that condition !
ure scuicely rlpo , except In the famine
districts , for un upheaval The stral
oglsts of the revolutionary council are
labeling with the hotheads to ludiicr
them to defer thu call for a general
strlku until it can comu as a supple
rnent to thu movement ulieady undei
w y. A delinltu decision will hi
reached within a day or two In thu rw
organized council of woikmon.
The icmnanl of the constitutional
democratic deputies , many of whom
after having collected the arrears ol
salary and mllouno dun them , Imvo
started hoir.uuaid , ure cnucuLlnc In
dustrlously , but thvlr Importance has
gene , nolthor thu government nor th
revolutionists paying much attention
to the tormer dominant purty In the
lower house of parliament. Tlio gov
eminent , Indeed , has not abandoned
Its offortb to enlist moderates In tha
cabinet. Prof. Mou'omtnuff , the pros !
dent of the dissolved house , for when ;
Premier Stolpyln was vainly bearch
Ing with un Invitation to go to I'oter
hof whllo the former \vas piesldltiR
over the outlaw paillnmont at Vlhotg
was again appro.ichcd , hut there IH no !
the sllghtoht prospect that ho can he
Hwn > ed , CMMI by luipeilal command
to take olllco.
The most nigont piohlcm before Ihu
gou'inmonl , In , case an IminodliiU'
out hi ink Is poslpctiioil , Is the icIlH
of tin. ' distress In the Interior. Thu
cabinet moutlng wab devoted to con
sideintlnn of this subject , and It wai
voted to extend relief woiks In thu
famine dlstilcts A commission was
appointed to decldn where 'he budget
could best DO cut to find the $7,500,000
voted by parliament for famine relief
It will bo necessary also to provide
moro cash for the settlement of claims
for damages to estate * during tin
peasant OXCOSEOB , the commission for
Yokoterlnoslav province nlono demanding -
manding $160,000 in addition to th
1260,000 already expended , but this li
capable of being deferred.
Premier Stolypln announced to tha
council of the emplro that ho had ob
tained from Emperor Nicholas special
powers for Admiral Skrydloff In re
storing and maintaining order and dis
cipline In the Black sea fleet. Tha
admiral , who departed for Sebastopol ,
told the Associated Press that his first
task would be to Invctslgate the ar
rests of sailors of the fleet and lib
erate those who were unjustly sent to
The Rech says that the recovery on
the bourse duo to a loan of $250-
000,000 by the Mendelsohns to sus
tain prices.
Mad Bull Runs Amuck.
St. Ixmls , July 20. A maddened
throo-year-old Durham bull , named
"MIKo. " seriously Injured Chris Sol
terman , a butcher , at Wordcn , III.
kept Gus Albright up a tree for several
oral hours , killed a horse , and by be
bleging tactics kept the family ol
Louis Illume Imprisoned at homo
Finally the bovine was shot dead.
Explosion Wtecks Leather Plant.
Newark , N. J. , July 20. An explo
sion , presumably of a naphtha tank ,
wrecked the saddlery and leather
plant of M Caffroy & Sons hero. Four
men were burned seriously and three
others slightly. The fire which fol
lowed practically destroyed the plant.
The men most seriously hurt wen.
Matthew Caffrey , the head of the firm ,
and his sons , Matthew , John and
James , the latter fatally.
Panic Reigns at Odessa.
Paris , July 20. The correspondent
at Odessa of the Matin reports that
the governor has ordered the popu
lation to give up their arms. The cor
respondent adds that panic reigns In
the city , owing to the threats of the
Cossacks to recommence massacres ,
and that tra'nloads ' of people are leav
ing Twenty-five battalions are pa.-
trollne the streets. There have been
600 arresU.
Missouri Pacific Cuts Grain Rates.
New Orleans , July 26. Announce
ment of a cut of 2 3-4 cents per hun
dred In grain rates over the Missouri
Pacific Hues from Now Orleans , Mem
phis and other gulf points to Chicago
was made. It was stated that this cut
was made to meet a reduction of 8
cents by the Chicago , Milwaukee &
St. Paul railway between Missouri
river points and Chicago.
_ _
Temperature for Twenty-four Hour * .
Forecast for Nebraska ,
Conditions of the weather an record-
tl for the twenty-four hours ending
it 8 a in. today :
Maximum , 01
Minimum , . , 5'J
Average 75
llntotnolor 2982
Chicago , July 2(1. ( The bulletin Is
sued by the Chicago station of the
United States weather bureau this
nornliiB given the forecast for No-
inuilm as follows :
Gone-tally fair tonight and Friday.
Premier Stolypln Tolls Why Parlia
ment Wno Dissolved.
St. IVIfthbutg , July 2(1 ( Promloi
Stolypln nuthnilnxl the olllclal St
Pototflburi ; iiBimcy to Issue the fol
lowing Htiili'iiHiil lo the forejgn proSH
"Fiom the vor > Hist dnjh'ot KM ex
istence thu lower hoimn of parliament
oveisti < pcil | ) all the limits of law In
Its reply to the speech from the
throne modlllcallon ol the fundament
al law was demanded In the Hhapo of
the uuppiUHslon of the council of the
umpire ami the creation ol a respon
sible cabinet Hy Its agrarian pro
Knurr , hanod on Iho oxpioprlatlnn of
land , the hens ( > ralni > d hopes that
could not he realised and weakened
the lospoct for property of others , al
ready enfeebled. In thu speeches of
Itg menthol a the house consistently
discredited the tjovurnmont , which It
von accused of ornnnl ln pogroms
and disorders. By Bonding a deputa
tion to lllalystok It openly aspired to
xecntlve power. Fourteen doputtna
appealed to the people , Inciting din-
orders , a slop which called forth no
expression of disapprobation from th
hounu. In the last month of Its exIstence -
Istenco thu house declared that the
govvrniuont hud uctod Illuually in ex
plaining to the population the naturt
of the agiarlan project proposed by
Itself nnd decided to address a uianl-
( onto to the pnnplit poinuadlng thorn
not to believe In the goveimncnt ro-
Harding the ( inostlon , but to await Its
Rcttlument by parllamont. Several
incmhors slno undertook Journoyn to
the Inlet lot of Russia with the object
of supporting ngltallon , thelt uppoar
mice being followed by tenowtid dls-
oidetH , pnpionm and strikes All these
causes iieceKsltati'd the decision to
dlhuolvo the house. "
Murderer Commits Suicide.
Peoila , July 20. Llge Wages , who
shot and killed James Donnegan < U
Edwards elation , \\iib found dead
within one half mile from the shoot
Ing , by a posse of resident of thu vil
lage , with a Inillol hole In his tt'inplu
A neaiby revolver told of biilclde
Shooting on Crowded Street.
New York , July 2G Prompted by
Jealous rage , Salvator Ie\e Hied four
shots at Theiesa Lodlto In West One
ilundiedth street Miss Lodlto es
caped uninjured , hut three pudcstrlans
were struck by Hying bulletb , two of
them being seriously wounded.
Tracy Nominated for Congress.
Mount Pleasant , la. , July 20. Geo.
S. Tracy or Burlington was nominated
for congrcbs by the Democratic con
vention of the First district The con
vention induisod William J Bryan.
Fire Raging In Leeds , Eng.
Leeds Ki g Jul > 2fi Flio broke
out in the hunt of thl1- city late last
night and Is ' -till burning ficiol ) this
morning The damtge thus fat Is tb-
tlinate 1 at $ .nn uou , including the
Oicat Northern hotel.
Oakdnlc Goes Down to Defeat Ready
for Norfolk.
Nellgh , Neb. , July 20. Special to
The News : An interesting game of
hall was played yesterday afternoon
on the Riverside par ) : grounds between
the NeHgh Sludgers and tlio Oakdalo
Juniors , resulting In favor of Nrllgh
by a scoio of 0 to 12. Onkdalo had the
game sacked but by a batting rally tri
the ninth Inning by the Nollgh boys
ga\o them the game by a good margin
Following Is the score by Innings-
XcliKh 20202010 5 12
Oakdalo 300 120000 9
Hattcrles : Nollgh Ilerold , Cole and
Miller ; Oakdalo Kvarrs and Bangs
Umpire , Geo. Webster.
All Is in readiness for the reception
of the Norfolk Brownies on the local
diamond this afternoon at Riverside
ball park. As this Is the first "real"
ball game advoitlsed to take place on
the homo grounds this season with
Nellgh's fast bunch of players , a large
crowd Is anticipated to witness the i
contests. Baseball fan ? from Oakdale , r
Clearwater , Royal and Brunswick have
signified their Intentions of being on *
hand eR
Baseball Results. r
American Association Minneapolis , f
3 ; Indianapolis , 2. Milwaukee , 3 ; }
Louisville , 2. Kansas City , 3 , Tola e
do. 4. is
American League Philadelphia , 6- 3tm
4 ; Chicago , 1-2. Washington , 2 ; St , 3tP
Louis , 0 New York. 5-9 ; Detroit , 4-0. P-
Boston. 2 ; Cleveland. 3. ,11e
National League Plttsburg , 0 ; New
Yorh , 3
Webtorn League Sioux City , 5-Sj
Denver , 3-2 Lincoln , 5-14 ; Pueblo , S
3-1. Omaha , 8 ; Des Molnea , 8. ,
) .