The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, July 13, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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Dr. Greene Una Deen Offered Appoint
ment ns Superintendent nt Knnkn-
kce , III. , nnd It Is Said He Mny Ac
cept the Tendered Pooltlon.
The fuel Unit BuporlntendentB of
other Htnto Institutions In Nolmmhu ,
besides tlio Norfolk lioiipltnl for Ilio
Insane , tlrnw expense money from tlio
cash funtlH of tlio lnnMltitlotiB wllliout
ha\lng tlio voiu'lioi-H Ural audited , IH
pointed to by olIlclulH at tlio Norfolk
lioflpltnl IIH evidence that there WIIB
nothing wrong with tlio cimtoin horo.
1 nut nun nun
es Is tlio Hliitoiiionl of tlio State Jour
Lincoln Asylum Superintendent Will
Probably GO East.
Lincoln Jnuriinl : The Chicago Trl-
liuno of Sunday announces that Dr ,
James L. Greene of the Lincoln hos-
pltnl for tlio liiHano him been appointed
superintendent of tlio Institution at
KnnUnUeo , Illinois. It IB presumed
that the doctor will accept for the po
Bltlon offered him carrloB with It n
much larKor salary than the state
of Nebraska pay for llko service ,
Dr. Oroeno has long beim recognized
ns an authority on mental distempers ,
and this call fiom Illinois Is a fitting
tribute to his ability In the difficult
field 'wherein ho Uns labored so lirns
and well. The KttHkntdw hospital f n
the Insnno la out ? of tlio largest In Uic
world , hnvlttff ncruraiuadattitua for
2Sd& patients.
Civil Service * fop Institutions ,
ttUfieci Express : fusion
ari ? gleefully commenting on the
and recriminations that arc
being handled about the Norfolk asy
lum , should not l , i of short memory.
When the late lamented fusion admin
istration was In full bloom there wore
some doings around a state Institution
located In Gage county which wore a
bad advertisement for the state , and
made people very tired. Generally
these Investigations are caused by n
desire from somewhere to Ret posses
sion of public plnow bold by somebody -
body else. This was pretty much the
case In the Beatrice fuss , and Is piGb-
nhly behind the matter at Norfolk.
An Investigation can always show
up brutality In a state Institution.
This Is especially the case when em
ployes are selected because of their
political endorsements rather than for
their Illness to fill the positions. The
ward politician who takes a Job In an
asylum under the Impression that
there will bo nothing to do , Is certain
to arrive at occasions when ho will
lose his temper and use his muscle
on the patients who cause him trouble
and work. When somebody on tbo
outside wants to got control of the In-
shown up to prove that the superinten
dent Is unfit for his position. There
will bo no end to this condition until
state Institutions are absolutely put
under civil service nnd the merit sys
tem. Beatrice Express.
Judge Boyd Is down from Nellgh.
Mrs , P. A. Shurtz left for Hrlstow
Miss Mullen will spend Sunday In
I * Wetzcl went to Tllden an busi
ness today.
C. D. Case of Wood Lnko Is visiting
friends horo.
A. M. McGlnnls has gone to Lincoln
on short visit.
A. B. Dillon of Qntzdalo Is In the
city on business.
Mrs. L. M. Dealer spent the day yea
tcrday In Columbus.
A. H. Knll cnmo do ij from BtmtJ
etel this morning.
Chas. Harris of Meadow OTOVQ Id to
the city on business.
Anon { Klaraer of Stuart la busi
ness visitor In the city/ .
.Mrs. II , J. Herbes of Iltunphnoy IB
shopping In Norfolh today.
Edwin Jonko drove over from Win
side yesterday on business.
Claire Blakelj' is homo to spend
Sunday with his parents' .
Mrs. J. D. Sturgeon went to Oak
dale last night for n short visit.
C. O. Johnson of Newman Grove
arrived hero last night for a short vis
Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton of Stnnton
were shopping in this city yesterday.
Ernest Beemer , president of the
Hosklns bank , was a city visitor yes
Lawrence Hoffman has returned
from Plntto Center , where ho spent
the Fourtn.
Mrs. E. J. Schorrego returned from
a three weeks' visit with relatives in
Minnesota last night.
Lucy H. Cornish , Florence Johnson
nnd Amanda Collln of Crelghton are
shopping In the city today.
Mr. and Mrs. K. B. Cressey nnd
children of Sioux Falls , S. D. , nro vis
iting nt the homo of S. F. Ersklno
Miss Edith Estabrook returned Fri
day evening from Madison , where she
had been visiting since the Fourth.
A. 1C. Barnes is in town from Kear
ney to spend the summer nt the homo
of his parents , Judge and Mrs. J. B.
The Misses Ryan of Ncligh passed
through Norfolk today enrouto to Col
orado , where they intend to spend the
Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Bear of Nellgh
ire here vlnltlng Mr. nnd Mrs. David
Oihn. They will bo here until Man-
lay , when they leave for Wayne.
Or. Free of Ixs Angolon was In
s'orfolk vlHltlng yesterday on his way
, vay to Ci-elghton for a short stay.
He was ( ino of the doctors of a Call-
'ornla liiHiino aflylum.
Mra. nillenlmok arrived from Now
Vork yesterday and will visit with
liur son hero during the summer. Mr.
Dlllenbeck was taken by surprise In
I ho arrival of his mother.
A. II. Winder loft at II o'clock for
llouldor , Colo. , where he will visit for
four weeks with his family. Ho will
enjoy a rnmplng-oiit expedition In the
Clarence Hartford and Albert Ueck-
er have rotimuul from Clearwater ,
whom they spent the Fourth. The
report line Hsblng In the neighborhood
of deal-water and while there nmdu
Homo good catches thomHoIven. °
13. C' . ( Jay has removed from Omaha
to mnko thlH his home. Ho IB manag
er for the north Pintle portion of the
state In the Koynl Achates. Ills fam
ily are now In the east , and will ar
rive In Norfolk In about two weeks.
Mrs. Pheasant and Mrs. Mills of
Osceoln , Neb. , Mra. 13. Keuimrd , non
and daughter , and Archie Hurford of
David City nro all guests nt the homo
of Mrs. MtiBselninn. Mrs. Pheasant
and Mrs. Mllla arc mother and sister
of Dr. Pheasant of Pierce and are on-
route to visit him. Mrs. Konnnrd is
a daughter of Mr. and Mrfl. Mussel-
man.Oeorgo Hoffman and H. C. McCul-
lough arrived from Omaha yesterday
to tnko charge of the Offcnhausor Jewelry -
olry and mimic Btoro and will conduct
the business from now on.
If the people of Norfolk wish to do
away with the worms that were so
prevalent Inal ywir , It would IMS a good
tliliifl If they wimld cut off ami burn
the l w < ? worm m > * t that are now
tormina on almost all the tn-es. If
nr * allowwl to Brow th < ? r will
n much larjjf * jwsl than tucy
( lid last ywir.
Advertiser : The AilvorUsor
that a movement Is now ou
foot for the establishment nf a now
town on the line of the proposed mil-
mud eNtenvilon between Boncatcol nnd
Ilerrletc. Th exact location of ihn
town Is still In doubt and Its immo
has not yet been decided upon , Inllti-
ciitlal business men of Fairfax nnd
Bonesteol nro nt tbo head of the move
ment. The location of the now town
Insures Its commercial Importance. It
will l s the nearest rail rend point for
the Nnpcr nnd Jamison , Neb. , trade ,
and lmn Rood trade territory In every
direction. Articles of Incorporation
are boliiK spread for n bank In the
now town , the Ineorporators belngr W.
A. Leach , C. A. Johnson. U G. Steven
son , John N. Kllernmn , Chas. A. Davl ,
II. H. Kennston and Honj. Turnc-on.
A week from tomorrow there will
b a Jolly crowd of Norfolk Elba en
route to the national convention of the
ordnr , which meets at Denver. There
will IKS thirty men In the crowd , they
will travel in their own special car
with ti porter and cooU to take cnrc
of them , and they will be ROUO for al
most a week , taking In the convention
at Denver , enjoying a ride around the
Twenty-live Imvo already signified
their Intention to fo , as follows : W.
C. Frye , J. B. Mcllor , W. A. Wltxlf-
man , D. H. Crouln , S. J. Wcokes , Wil
liam M. Ixxsknrd , Jack Koenlgsteln ,
George B. Christoph , George D. Butter-
flqld , C .A. Johnson , N.V. . Clover , Burt
Mapes , C. P. Pariah. B. C. Gentle , D.
S. Day , C. W. Potter , M. D. Tyler , J.
C. Stltt , George H. Spear. J. B. Mny-
lard , George Davenport nnd C. B. Sal-
tor. Five more will be allowed to Join
the party. II. C. Matron of Norfolk
has charge of the excursion.
Horse Frightened , the Buggy Wa *
Overturned and Mr. Kreb * Was
Caught Underneath It Unconscious
for Pour Hour * After Accident.
Nclloh , Nob. , July 11. Bnwilal to
The News : Henry Kr b , an old
townsman of Nclldh , was quite se
riously Injured last evening at his
farm northeast of hero. The supposi
tion is that the horse Mr. Krebs wtis
driving was stung by a- bee and pro
ceeded to jump nnd kick. The tenant
on the place noticing the actions of
the animal made haste to the rescue ,
but before ho arrived the buggy was
turned over nnd Mr. Krebs thrown
out. Dr. A. F. Conery was Immediate
ly notified , and In company with Ed
Krebs the unfortunate man was
brought to town. Ho was uncon
scious for over four hours and upon
a closer examination by the physician
It was found that ho has an Injury of
the spine. However the case seems
a serious one , yet the doctor reports
that ho thinks there is no question
but there will bo a speedy recovery ,
unless other complications set In dur
ing the next twenty-four hours.
Nellgh Masons Install.
Ncligh , Neb. , July 7. Pneelal to The
News : At a recent meeting of Trowel
lodge , A. F. & A. M. . of Nellgh , oc
curred the Installation of olllcers for
the ensuing year : H I * McGInltio.
W. M. ; Gay McDougal , S. W. ; W. W.
Cole , J. W. ; II. B. Hauser , treasurer ;
D. W. Beattle , secretary ; J. W. Lam-
son , S. D. : Wm. Buhner , I. D. ; W. G ,
Romlg , tyler : F. E. Glesekor nnd A.
M. Cool , stewards.
Attorney Greenlenf of Lincoln Cnme
to Norfolk and Was Granted an Order -
dor by Supreme Judge Barnes , Pend
ing Final Decision" ,
Supreme Judge J. B. Barnes of Nor
folk IIUH just iHBiiod an order to Attor
ney ( iroeuleaf of Lincoln restraining
a school district In the state fiom
paying current oxpoiiHos out of the
school funds and disregarding the reg
istered warrants Htaiidlng out against
the fund. A case Is lo come up In the
supreme court next fall for a decision
> * t * < i it 11\ ntlifttlifit * ii urtltfWil
If II llIJ ( Mfllllt II (1 t * ' 1IIUII * > 1 I * llVrl < * vi
district has the right to pay current
expenses out of the school funds , whllu
registered warrants go along unpaid.
The dlHlrlct tu question has been payIng -
Ing current expenses regardless of the
pending case , and Judge Barnes Issued
an order to restrain this further pay
ment until after the case comes up
for final settlement.
The supreme court Is now taking a
vacation , HO that Judge Barnes Is
spending all of the time In Norfolk
and for this reason the Lincoln attor
ncy came hero to secure the order.
P. M. Barrett went to Pllgor today
A. II. Corbett of Madison Is in the
W. W. Weaver of Meadow Grove is
In the city.
Mrs. Burnham of Genoa is visiting
friends here.
Chas. listract of Ilndar is a business
visitor here today.
J. W. Hansom went to South Da
kota this morning.
John Traulson was n city vlslto
from Stantoti yesterday.
Isaac Ifalvomm of IlaHilo Mills 1
In the city on business.
D. 13. Cottrell of Meadow Grove la
In the city on business.
Mrs. W. Carbine of Omaha la visit
ing relatives In the city.
M. Cronln came up from Platte Center
tor last nlfiht on business.
Will Shultof Wayne county wa
hem on business yesterday.
Mlw Alta MeKlver has returned
from a hort vlxlt at Wayne.
W. M. nnd Otis Taylor of Madison
are lmatnes visitor * here today.
Percy Sullivan la spending this
wtek with friends In Sioux City.
Archie Gow has returned from Slous
City , where ho si > ent the Fourth.
C. II. Leveler came down from
Plalnvlew yesterday on business.
Mlaa Mabe.1 Estabrook hna accepted
a position In the Haley Art store ,
Alfred Bohlamlor came over from
Wlnalde yesterday to spen dthe day.
Will Hnaso nnd family spent Sundaj
with their nephew , Henry Hasenpflug
Mra , Emll Heckman left for Stan
ton this morning to be treated for can
A. J , uiinruiu leuTUS iiMiuy lor a
week's trip over the Rosebud reserva
Mrs. Chas. Saunders and daughter
of Stanton wore shopping In Norfolk
J. A. Drew of Pierce was In Norfolk
today enrouto to the G. A. R. reunion
at Oalulalo.
Miss Lixzlo Schelly leaves for Rock
Island , III. , today for an extended visit
with relatives.
Miss Fao Widnman left this morn-
ins for a two weeks visit with rel
atives at Huron , S. D.
Miss Stella Woodbrecker of Anoka
passed through Norfolk this morning
on her way to visit at Madison.
S. Mayor , who has been visiting his
brother , Sol. G. Mayer , returned to
his homo in Lincoln this morning.
Miss Otllo Gardels of Battle Crook
and Miss Kathleen Kuppol of Hartlng
on are visiting Mrs. Paul ordwlg.
Mrs. Guthrlo , dressmaker for the
Johnson Dry Goods company , leavct
today for Chicago to study fall styles
Miss Josslo Drebort returned lasl
evening from Pierce , where she had
been visiting relatives for severa
Mack and Ruth Harding arrived Ir
Norfolk last night for a short vlsl
with their grandmother , Mrs. M. A
Burt Mnpcs Is In Madison on bust
Sam Smith of Mndlson was in towt
C. C. Gow went to Battle Creek 01
business today.
E. O. Mount has gone to the grave
pit at Atkinson.
Mrs. O. Street of Hartlngton Is vie
Itlng Mrs. John Lyndo.
Mrs. Talbert of Battle Creek 1
shopping In the city today.
Sheriff Clements passed throng !
Norfolk on his way homo to Madlsoi
C. E. Burnham went to Battl
Creek and Tllden to attend bank meel
Will Ahlmann ami Norton How
have gone to Oakdalo to attend th
reunion there.
Mrs. H. C. Redlnbaugh left toda
for Colorado Springs , where she gee
for her health.
E. D. Perry left last night for
trip west. His son Earl Is conductln
the restaurant in his absence.
M. C. Gamble of Stanton romnlne
over In Norfolk yesterday to vlsl
friends. Ho went west last night.
Mr. and Mrs. John Lelk went t
Clenrwntor today to spend a shoi
time with the Norfolk campers nt the
W. E , Wlntorrlngor of Hartlngtoi
10 balloon man , passed through the
Ity on his way to Oakdale , whore ho
111 perform ,
Word has been received here that
'has. Burbank , formerly stenographer
o C. H. Reynolds , Is critically 111 at
lie Clinton , Iowa , hospital.
The Banner has suspended publlca-
Ion at Bassott , Neb.
The Sunday school class of Miss
tilth Shaw are enjoying a picnic at
Mgowatcr park today.
A regular meeting of the West Side
lose company will bo held at the city
mil nt 8 o'clock tonight.
Hopporly'B team tried to run away
in Main stret this morning , but were
caught before damage was done.
A boy was born this morning at the
lome of Mr. and Mrs. Charles HntiBky.
Mr. HnnsKy Is a section boss on the
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Ilopperly are to-
lay moving their household goods to
Newmans Grove , where they Intend to
uako their now home.
Airs. I'ranK nmery , WHO is visiting
icr parents , Mr. nnd Mrs. H. E. Ge-
ccko from Plttsburg , fell yesterday
mil suffered a broken ligament , which
ins given her a severely strained arm
While driving from hero to Stanton
Sunday night the team Ben Reid was
Irlvlng ran away and demolished the
! > uggy. It happened about four ml lee
from Norfolk and Mr. Reid was com
pelled to walk back lo Norfolk.
The county commissioners yester
day began the annual checking up of
the records of county officials , nt Mad
ison. The work used to take weeks
but now , with the aid of the adding
machine , It Is done In very brief time.
Miss Maud Tnnnehill has accepted a
position ns teacher In the schools of
Panama. Miss Tnnnohlll Intends to
start teaching this fall and will leave
In the middle of August for that place.
Her brother , John , has n postofllco po
sition there.
This la great growing weather for
corn. The mercury reached the 90-
polnt yesterday nnd was not below 57
at any time last night. Corn which
was small two weeks ajjo has now
leaped up far above knee-high , and
there Is every prospect , If this weath
er continue ! ) , for a magnificent yield.
The Norfolk Elks are making great
preparations for their trip to Denver
next week. Burt Mapes has been se
lected as official photourapher , but the
restriction is placed upon him that
all pictures are to bo subjected to the
censorship of Exalted Ruler M. D. Ty
ler and Trustees Parish and Stltt. It
Is said that Stltt can't make up his
mind whether he will take a grip ,
suit case or trunk. The Ixiys tell him
that a strip will be all that Is neces
sary as pajamas will be prohibited.
Stltt has Iwen trying to borrow Bob
Reynolds' suitcase which was boiiRut
when Bob went eaxt last winter but
Bob refuses to let It go in that kind of
a crowd. Bob says Stltt can have his
now overcoat to wear on top of Pike's
Peak and that George Spear can wear
It the rest of the time. Burt Mapes
spent yesterday afternoon digging
flshworms with which to catch trout ,
and he is said to be preparing for a
barbecue when the crowd returns
home from the mountains.
Five Men Apprehended at Atkinson
are Taken to O'Neill and Jailed.
Young Woman's Silence Saved the
Day and Effected the Catch.
( Atkinson. Nob. , July 7. Special to
The News : A burglar caught In the
act of trying to rob a cash drawer in
mi Atkinson store , together with his
four companions , all of them supposed
to be the flve crooks who recently
broke Jail at Norfolk , have been ar
rested hero nnd sent to O'Neill.
The man caught In the act of at
tempting to rob , was an umbrella re
pairer. He tried the cash drawer of
the Wnlrath Sherwood Co. store. A
young woman book-keeper In the rear
tiof the office saw and heard the burg-
_ j lar as It was at the noon hour , nnd af
ter ringing the boll , he at once tried
to make his escape , but was run in
by the marshal within ten minutes.
The fact that the young woman made
no noise saved the hour , ns he did not
see her at nil but left because he could
not get the combination.
He was tried and sent to O'Neill.
He had some four companions who
were run In as suspects. They are
believed to bo the outfit who recently
broke jail at Norfolk. The authori
ties were In touch with Norfolk by
telephone , but as yet the result Is un
Dick Sleeper returned from Grand
Island Tuesday , where he has been
attending the business college.
It Is rumored that the elevator will
open up for business the first of Aug
Mr. and Mrs. H. Warner have gone
to their homestead In Garfleld county.
Geo. Wheeler has gone to Wheeler
county in the Interests of n Lincoln
Insurance company.
There Is the best prospect of a largo
It crop of corn In this township of any
time In the past flve years.
The republican voters of this pre
cinct will meet In caucus Saturday
evening , July 1C , for the purpose ol
electing delegates to the county cou
rt , vontlon.
Contest on the Diamond Yesterday
Afternoon Was Featured by Spectac
ular Plays and Good Fielding PitchIng -
Ing Wns Good Stuff , Too.
Norfolk defeated Pierce yesterday
In one of the prettiest games of the
Benson , by a score of (5 ( to ! . The
game was full of good plays and pret
ty fielding on the part of both teams.
The Pierce boys made most of their
runs on the errors of the homo team.
Both Peterson and Estnbrook pitched
a line game , although Peterson lacked
iiiu Huppuri inai inu iNoriuiii
gave their pitcher.
The Pierce team started things rollIng -
Ing In the first , when Powell hit safe ,
stole second , went third on Craig's
out anil homo on Larkln's error. Pow
ers fanned nnd Miller went first on a
hit but was caught on a trick play.
Norfolk tied the score by a two
bagger of Barnes. A sacrifice by Par-
sh sent him to third and Schelly
knocked him in.
In the second Peterson singled , Nel
son singled and both came In on or-
ors by Hoffman nnd Lnrklns.
Hoffman on the first ball thrown In
ho second landed out n triplet. Esta
brook knocked a fly nnd Miller and
Craig worked a double play.
Estabrook settled down to work in
ho third nnd shut out the Pierce boys
for the next six innings. In the third ,
on a single by Larking , single by
Schelly and home run by Krahn three
scores were run In , making it four to
Them Peterson fanned three men
straight for two innings.
In the sixth Norfolk ran In two moro
scores , and wore shut out In the next
.wo Innlnss.
In the seventh Schelly made two
long ; runs after flicB nnd took them
both in. Hoffman did fine work at
catch , making excellent throws to sec
ond. Parish did goo < l work In center
iCRgeman and Lark Ins also held
their own , Larklns making a pretty
one hand atop of a grounder that
might have lost the game had he
missed It.
Miller played a. fine game at short
for Pierce and McWhorter took In
two pretty file * . Craig was good at
In all It wan one of the best games
played here this year.
The score was :
Player AB U I ! PO E
Powell , c 4 1 1 12 1
Craig , 3b 4 0 2 S 2
Powers , Ib 4 0 1 4 1
Miller , M . . . . 4 0 2 2 0
Peterson , p 6 1 2 0 0
Nelson , 3b 4 Z 2 1 1
McWhortcr , cf 4 0 0 2 0
Lanman , rf 4 0 0 0 0
Mitchell , If 3 0 3 1 0
Totals . S3 4 12 24 6
Player AB R H PO E
Barnes , RS . 5 1 2 0 0
Parish , cf . 4 0 0 2 0
Schelly , If . 4 1 3 2 0
Krahn , 2b . 4 1 2 1 2
Younm , rl . 4 0 0 0 0
loffman , c . 4 1 3 11 2
2tabrook , p . 4 1 1 0 1
ib . . . . 4 0 1 8 0
3b . 4 1 1 3 2
Totals . 37 0 13 27 7
Score by Innings :
Norfolk . 10300200 * 0
Pierce . 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 4
The summary :
Earned mns. Norfolk 3 , Pierce 2.
Stolen bases : Powell , Crate (2) ( ) , Miler -
er , Nelson , Mitchell , Barnes , Schelly ,
Hoffman (3) ( ) , Brneggeman and Lar
klns (2) ( ) . Sacrifice hits : Peterson
(2) ( ) , Powers , Parish , Krahn (2) ( ) , Brueg-
geman , Estabrook. Home run : Krahn.
Three base hits : Hoffman , Mitchell.
Two base hits : Barnes , Schelly ,
Brueggemnn , Craig nnd Miller. Dou
ble plays : Hoffman to Larklns ;
Mitchell to Craig. Bases on balls :
Off Peterson 4 , off Estabrook 2. Struck
out : By peterson 12 , by Estabrook
9. Hit by pitched ball : By Peterson
2 , by Estabrook 1. Umpire , Wetzel.
Time 2:00. :
Notes on the Game.
Where Is that twenty dollars on
Pierce ?
Pierce Is a fast bunch but they
couldn't get warmed up.
Peterson did pretty work by strlk
ing out eight men in succession.
Those flies that Schelly caught were
Estabrook is ono of the steadiest
pitchers in Norfolk.
Norfolk made more errors but made
up for It In stick work.
With a little more practice Norfolk
ought to have the best boys' team In
the state.
Real estate transfers for Madison
county for week ending July 7 , 1900 ,
reported by Madison county Abstract
company , office with Mapes & Hnzon ,
Norfolk. Neb. :
P. E. McKHIop nnd wife to Phillip
Schwartz , W. D. , consideration $0,000 ,
SVj of SEVi nnd SE'4 of SWM , 13. 22
Amelia Bear and husband to Clyde
M. Panconst , W. D. , consideration
$200. lots 7 nnd S. block 2 , Collamor's
addition to Norfolk.
Amelia Bear and husband to George
Schwenk , W. D. , consideration $1,000 ,
lots 7 , 8 , 9 and 10 , block 1 , Collamcr's
addition to Norfolk.
Frank D. Williams nnd wife , Mary
J. King , George B. Williams and wife ,
and Maggie E. Sheets nnd husband to
Lolloy Brown , W. D. , consideration
$ 1,300.
Louise Palm to August Ixmser , W.
D. , consideration $4,000 , W of NEV4 ,
25 , 24 , 2.
l.ioreno Bower to Antono J. Svatora ,
W. D. , consideration , $8.100 , NW > 4 17 ,
and E ! of NWM , 18 , 24 , 2.
Irma Bathko and husband to Otto
Uhle , W. D. , consideration $900 , lot
3 , Adam Pllgcr trustees subdivision
of lot 11 , block 2 , Machmuller's addl-
tlon to Norfolk.
Ella T. Blair and husband to T. J.
Burbank , W. D. , consideration , $150 ,
lot 15 , block 1 , Gardner nnd Braasch's
addition to Norfolk.
Robert M. Lindsay to Julius Rupp ,
W. D. , consideration $5,700 , SW > 4 of
NEVi , and W of SE / , , 35 , 2-1 , 4.
At 2 O'clock This Morning Fire De.
stroyed Two Buildings at Brlstow.
Money Is Saved Women Help Fight
Flames , Dousing One Meddler.
Brlstow , Neb. , July 7. Special to
The News : The general store of P.
A. Shurtx and Carl Piljror , both Nor
folk men , together with the American
Exchange bank of this place , were to
tally destroyed by fire at an early
hour today. It Is believed the fire was
of incendiary origin and there is much
feeling abroad as a result. Further
trouble is anticipated by some. The
fire started in the Shurtz store.
The flre was discovered at 2 o'clock
this morning and alarms were at once
turned in , the citizens rospondins
quickly. But the flames had made
such headway that to get the flre un
der control was Impossible. The
American Exchange bank adjoining
the Shurtz store on the south , caught
the flames and the two buildings were
soon In ruins.
Moneys nnd Records Secure.
Most of the fixtures and records of
the bank were carried out and saved ,
but the loss on the buildings and mer
chandise stock is complete. The val
uable records and moneys were locked
In the fire proof safe of the bank , and
are secure. Loss on the buildings and
stock is estimated at $10,000 , partially
coTored by Insurance.
Ladles Help Fight Flames.
Much credit is given the ladles of
the city , who accomplished as much ,
toward gutting the flames under control - .
trol as did the men.
One Individual , after the flro was
under control , cast several slighting ;
remarks about their work but two of
the moro active ladles , after serving
him with three or four palls of cool
spring water , soon had him hushed.
Feeling still runs high over th
cau&o of the flro.
This Firm Has Had Hard Luck With
Brlstow Store.
Messrs. Shurtz and Pllgcr are both
well known Norfolk men. Mr. Shurta
established the Fair store here and
was in business until last year. Mr.
Pllgcr learned the mercantile business
here and this was his first business
venture for himself. He lives at Brls
w and Mr. Shurtz chanced to be
there last night. Norfolk will sympa
thize with them In their loss.
Big Milk Givers Headed for Norfolk.
Rome Miller Here.
The ten big Holsteln cows ordered
some time ago for the Rome Miller
dairy farm here , have been shipped
and will arrive this week. These cows
come from a family of stock that give-
more than 100 pounds of milk each
per day , one animal giving 119. They
will have to be milked anyway three-
and perhaps four times a day.
Mr. Miller spent the night In Nor
folk , looking over the farm. He was
enthusiastic In his praise for Manager
Wolcott , who has made such a suc
cess of the scientific dairy here.
Fair Store Defeated Junction Yester
day , 22 to 21 Hotels Didn't Paly.
The Fair store base ball team de
feated the Junction team yesterday by
a score of twenty-two to twerjty-one.
It was a very close game from start
to finish.
The Pierce base ball team arrived
In the city this morning to cross bats
with the Norfolk boys. This is going
to be ono of the best games played
here this year.
The Pacific and Oxnard teams could
not play yesterday through the failure
of the Oxnards to get up a team.
Mr. Young at Battle Creek.
Battle Creek , Nob. , July 11. Spe
cial to The News : Hon. W. W. Young ,
candidate for the republican congres
sional nomination in the Third dis
trict , Is hero today greeting his