THE NORFOLK NEWS : FRIDAY. JUNE 1. 1906. INJUNCTION IS NOT SUSTAINED DY JUDQE DOYD , WILL 00 TO SUPREME COURT Demurrer Filed by City In the Depot Injunction Case Is Sustained , nnd Case Ends so Far as District Court It Concerned Dond $2,000. , I From Momlny'H Dnlly. ] Judge Iloyd yesterday nfturnoon ills- solved tlio injunction ( Hod against doa- Ing Philip nvonno for tlio purpose of nllowltiK tlio NorthwoBtorn railroad to build n now $15.000 ilopot. A demurrer filed by tlio city. and argued by Attor ney W. M. Roboitaon nt the opunliiK of district court sosnloit lioro , wa niiHtnlncd. This onda thu cane , unless It In up * pcnlod to the supronio court by tlio roinonatratorH. Judge Doyd fixed tbo bond nt $2,000 , tbo Rainu as It wan llxod by County JudRO llatea. Tlio plaintiffs wild they will nppotil. Attornoya In tbo case proaont were : For tbo plaintiff , W. V. Allen nnd I. Powera ; for tbo defendant , W. M. Rob- ortaon , Hurt Mapos , M. D. Tyler , M. C. Hazen , IS , P. Woathorby. TUESDAY TIDINGS. UlrlcU Mntbowa of Madison was In tbo city today. Mias Ixma liana of Columbus apont Sunday In tbo city. P. A. Shurtz nnd family wont to Brlstow yeatorday. J. D. Sturgeon and E. P. Olniatoad wont to O'Neill today. Cliaa. Pilfer inado n bualnoaa trip to Brlatow yoatordny. C. S. IlaycH loft laat night on n bus ! neaa trip to Wyoming. Miss Alum Kluge of Hndar Is shop ping In Norfolk today. Mrs. W. S. Fox wont to Columbus yesterday to visit bomo folka. Mr. nnd Mrs. 0. Mnratnnd dnugh ter , Ida , of Hosklns , are In the city. Miss Mnhlo Klx , wbo Ima boon very 111 with typhoid fever , In much bettor Miss Vorim Weed of Boulder , Colo. , Is the guest of bor slstor , Mrs. C. D SIlllH. M. A. Wright and Mrs. W. II. Bald win of AhiRworth were In. the city Sat unlay. Mrs. Henry Bnioggonintin nnd daugh tars , Clara nud Elslo , are vlBltlug It Wlsuor. Miss Pauline Zlogler of Stnnton was n guest nt tbo Ludwlg Koonlgstoli homo ypstorday. Mrs. Hurt Uuohnor of Cbadron vis Hod over Sunday In Norfolk nnd lef today for Lincoln. Mrs. 11. E. Perry nnd F. E. Porrj wont to Elgin totlny for n few days visit with relatives. Miss Eva Carpenter , wbo bns boor teaching near Plalnvlow , Is homo fo the summer vacation. Mr. nnd Mrs. Robert Schrnm lof Saturday for tbolr bomo In Chlcng after a visit In Norfolk. Miss Anna Mlllor of nnttlo Croe spent Sunday nt the homo of her pa rents , Mr. nnd Mrs. II. Mlllor. II. I. , . Doughty returned from Lin coln yesterday. Mr. Doughty Is state deputy for the Highland Nobles. W. S. Cunningham of Tllden , who has boon In Madison on business , wont to Pllgor this morning to visit his son. District Deputy Grand Exalted Rul er Lynn of Hastings was In Norfolk and attended the meeting of the Elks lodge. R. J. Park came homo to spend Sun day. Mr. Park Is engaged In remodel ing and greatly Improving the homo of II. J. Graves In Stnnton county , nine miles southeast of Norfolk. Mrs. II. M. Sollon accompanied bor mother , Mrs. Tobo Mnyrowlch , nnd slstor. Miss Anna , to their homo In Omaha today. Mrs. Mnyrowlch nnd daughter have been hero for several weeks under the treatment of Drs. Bear and Pllger. Judge E. P. Wenthorby will leave Tuesday for Nellgh to hold bankruptcy court. Tbo case to come before tbo judge Is the First Nntlonnl bank of Nellgh vs. John S. nnrk , n cnso to ascertain whether or not llurk owns cortnln property. C. G. Miller is a Wisnor visitor to day. day.Flrt Flrt Fritts Is In the city from Ran dot ph. E. II. Tracy Is lu Sioux City today on business. John Conwny Is In the city fron : Monowl today. Mrs. Lensor of Hosklns wns In the city yesterday. H. L. Kindred of Meadow Grove wa hero yesterday. O. J. Palmer of Plalnvlew was In the city Saturday. A. Bruns of Nlobrnra Is a vlslto In the city today. Lera Remendort of Wnyuo was In Norfolk yeatorday. Dr. H. J. Klrstead of Tllden spen Sunday In Norfolk. Wm , P. Mohr of Spencer , Nob. , wa In the city yesterdny. D. S. Bullock has returned from i visit at Hnrlnn , Iowa. Mrs. J. H. Conloy Is visiting relative ; nnd friends In Plalnvlow. Mrs. E. B. Kelley of Rosebud , S. D was In Norfolk yesterday. F. J. Peterson of the Oxnnrd ton sorinl parlors Is visiting In Omaha to day. day.Ezra Ezra Davey of Wlnnetoon was her today enrouto to Fullerton W. M. Blaero of Spencer , Nob. , hat business In Norfolk yesterday. Carl IIoi'Hl of Madison was an early iiornlug piiBBongnr for Omaha. M. H. RiiHflplI of Gregory , S. D. , wan nroiito to Omaha thin morning. J. J. ClomontB nnd W. II. Field were n the city from Mndlson yoBtorday. Attorney II , F. Barnhnrt went to leadow Grove today on legal business County Judge Calvin Keller returned lodny from Oakdalo ( o bis homo In A'auan. Mm , C. L. Brown and daughter of Minneapolis IB a guoat of Mra , W. A. MlHB Alma Hcnner of Iloaklna wnn daltlng nt the Geo. Schwonk homo 'OB ! onlay. JoaBlo and Bertha Pile of Bonoatcol i-oro paaHongora for ML Ayr , Iowa , Ibis morning. Mr , and Mrn. O. Morotz and daugh- era of HoBklna were shopping In the illy yoalonlay. Mrs. C. A. Moore and mother , Mrs. Coyno , loft this morning for Vllllacn , Iowa , on a vlalt. Editor W. F. Klnnoy of the Burke , S. D , , Gazette was a passenger for Sioux City this morning. Mrs. Waller Elloy of Madison visit- 'd In the city yesterday whllo on her el urn home from Elgin. W. A. Wtlzlgmnn wont to Meadow : imvo today to attend n meeting of ho directors of the Meadow Grove itato hank. Mrs , Frank Kublc was a pasaongor 'or Wnuan today. Mrs. Kublc IB quite known In Norfolk , having lived lioro for Bomo time. Mrs. Robt. Howe of Randolph nr- . Ivod today for a few wooka * vlalt with Mra. C. J. Iltblion. Mra. Hlbbcn mot lior guest In Wnyno. Mrs. H. C. Rolcholdorfor and Mrs. A. H. Foldbahn of Hartley , Iowa , who liavo been vlaltlng In Norfolk , loft this morning for Bcomor to vlalt their mother. Mlaa Eva Lundogon of Crolghton , who bns boon vlaltlng In the city with Mra. Idle for several days , loft for Ixmg Pine to visit n short time with Mrs. Walter Russell. Mrs. John Scott nnd son of Crolgh .on were pnaaongors for Omaha tills morning. The little boy Is having sc ions trouble with his eyes and they go to see a specialist. R. C. Smith hns returned from his iiuslnoss trip to Chlcngo and Mr. An- : hos will lenVo tomorrow for Kansas City and other points to attend to liusliipos matters for Anthes & Smith , Otto Graul hns nccoptod n position In the pharmacy of Geo. B. Chrlstoph Mr. Graul Is n registered pharmacist receiving ono of the hlghosl grading ; In the examination hold hero on May Hon. W. W. Young of Stnnton , a candidate for the republican nomina tion for congress In tlio Third district passed through the city this nftcrnooi : enrouto to Mndlson , whore ho wont to deliver the Memorial day address. W. A. Moldonhnuor was on ( ho slcl list yesterday but Is much hotter to day. day.A A baby boy was born to Mr. nnd Mrs , Goo. \Yoodwnrtli of Battle Creel on May 23. The flour stealing case In Judge Lambert's court hns boon contlnuei until Friday. Albert Mnniuardt , who hns boon 11 for some time , seems to bo growin worse. His trouble Is n mental aflllc tlon. tlon.Mr. Mr. nnd Mrs. C. E. Burnhnm enter tained n company of friends nt n de lightful dinner party last night , nnd entertain again tonight. W. II. Clark hns just finished re painting nnd papering the Rome Mll lor eating house nt the Junction. The rooms nro now very attractive and wholesome. There will be no paper Issued from this olllce tomorrow , on account of the proclamation of Mayor Friday request ing that places of business bo closed during the Memorial day services from 10 till 1. The young friends of Miss Dora Mol- dcnhnuor gave her n most pleasant surprise Sunday evening , the occasion lelng her eighteenth birthday. About twenty-five were present nnd n most ilollghtful evening wns enjoyed by all. Almost six Inches of rain has fallen during ( be month of May to dnto. The record up till this morning was 5.S2 Inches. Almost half an Inch fell last night. The barometer dropped from 30 to 29.61 , showing that another bunch of rainy weather was duo. Train No. C. which was derailed west of Cbadron , arrived In Norfolk nt 9:30 : o'clock Inst night from the west. The rails on the Black Hills division had spread , and the wheels merely ran off the track. No damage otherwise thai delaying the train , was done. Geo. Stork shipped a carload of cat tie to Omaha last week that were top- notchers. The load consisted of twen ty-llvo head and averaged 1142 pounds , Mr. Stork sold them to a special buyer who had an order for five carloads to bo shipped to Now York. Ho bough only the best , which speaks well foi Mr. Stork as a stockman. Two schools In district No. C , nortl of Norfolk , have closed their session for the year and held a joint celebra tlon In the commencement. Thos were the schools of Miss Callle Brown In the north part of the district , ant Miss Emma Braasch , in the south The two schools closed with a plcnl and a program in the Braasch schoo house. The family of Mr , Courtney nen Lynch experienced n severe lightning shock last week. They were alttlni on the porch at their homo when th lightning struck fn .two places. Th family were knocked down and ver ; severely shocked , but not Injured The two bolts of lightning collided am exploded within n few feet of eacl other. A force of men nro nt work with r pile driver fixing the bridge between tbo rnllrond track nnd Thirteenth atroet on the road that runs west from the Junction. The wntor from Corpo ration Gulch PIIBBOH under this bridge ( aomollmoR ) nud It baa been almost constantly In need of repairs. The work now being done la Intended to lo away with repair work In the fit lire. lire.Thoro There IH no trace of robbers who nterod the poatolllco nt Hndnr nnd ootod ( hut Institution , together with ho store adjoining and $21 , all In aai. ! No stamps were takon. The obbera entered the oiiBt window of the MiMtoIllco , In the renr abed , then got nto the main building nnd went hrough the door. They secured toola 'or ' prying open the caah drawers , from ho blnckamlth shop near nt hand. Deputy Sheriff Baker of Lynch , who oaterdny telegraphed to the police f Norfolk , Instructing them to catch Oscar Wagner here , arrived this morn- ng to take hla prisoner back to Mon- > \vl for trial on a chnrgo of arson. \Vaguer owned a half Interest In Uio uiloon that burned nt Monowl and ho , vn charged with setting it afire. Wagner has boon hold In the jail bora mill this noon. Ho was formerly a 'armband nonr Norfolk. DEATH OF THOMAS HUTTON _ Well Known Ranchman of Newport Succumbs at His Home. Newport , Nob. , May 29. Special to The News : Thos. Hutton , an oxton slvo and prominent rancher living flr- eon miles north of bore , died at bis lomo Inst night of Brlgbts dlaoaso. Deceased was sixty-five years of ago. Ho settled In this territory In 1877 , coming hero from Iowa. Ho was an old soldier , doing valiant service ilnrlng the civil war In the Twenty- ninth Iowa regiment. Ho was a wor thy citizen nnd has accumulated con siderable property slnco locating hero. Thos. Hutton was an undo of Ed ward and Ray Hutton of the Junction who will Icavo this evening for Newport - port to attend the funeral. WOMANS CLUB FEDERATION. Mrs. A. J. Durlnnd , as State Delegate Goes to Minneapolis. Mrs. A. J. Durland loft at noon today for Minneapolis , whcro she goes ns n delegate from the stnto federation of woninns clubs to attend the bl-ennln ! session of the general federation whlcl convenes there tomorrow nud coiulu lies until Juno 7. There nro nlno dele gates from tbo state federation nm : Individual clubs will also send dele gates. There nro generally about 3,000 del cgates at the federation. Sarah Clarl Becker of Denver Is president of the general federation. EPOCH IN CIVILIZATION. Was a Time When Fort Nlobrara Wa Needed to Fight Indians. Fremont Tribune : The dotcrmlnn tUrn to abandon Fort Nlobrnra will de prlvo Nebraska of one of Its Importnn military posts. For a little more thai twenty-live years this fort bns beei one of the btrong chain maintained b the war department. It has been great consumer of Nebraska products Millions and millions of bushels o grain nnd millions of pounds of meat produced on Nebraska ranches an farms Imvo gone to feed the soldlen wbo have been stationed there. It proximity to Valentino has made tha town a lively business center In th sandhills district. The nlmndonmon of the fort will work a grent hardship to the prosperity of this tough little town. Only Fort Omaha on the east border of the state , and Fort Robinson in the far northwest will remain. Those will bo added to perhaps suffi ciently to make up for the discontin uance of Nlobrara. This change marks nn evolution of civilization. Time wns when Nlobrnra was on the border of a country likely to bo over run and the settlers scalped by the warlike Sioux. These have now be- coma ns tame and harmless ns so many qtiaker preachers. There Is no onger the least danger from the erst ivhile savages. They are thankful to be quietly loft alone In their pursuit of rations , blankets and contraband whisky. NEW WHOLESALEHOUSE JUNE I _ Faucett & Cearney , Distributors of Fine California Fruit Juices. [ From Tuesday's Dally. ] A new wholesale house will bo es tablished In Norfolk this week , on Juno 1. It will bo the wholesale dis tributing establishment of Fnucett & Cearnoy , who will handle fine Califor nia fruit Juices. The firm will have two men on the road to start with and will later Increase the force to three or four. The matter of location permanently has not yet been established. The firm will either lease a downtown building or build a new one on the lots of Mr. Faucett , who lives on South Eighth street and owns property thoro. The entire territory of northern Ne braska will bo tributary to this house OTHO JOHNSON PROMOTED. Former Well Known Norfolk Young Man Gets Good Place. Word has been received liero tha Otho Johnson , who has been employed In a furniture store In Seattle for th past year , has secured a position a Spoknne In the same line nt $100 pe month. Otho Is a bright young man n graduate of the Norfolk high school His success since leaving Norfolk li a source of great pleasure to hi friends hero. INVESTIGATION IN CASE IS CONCLUDED - CLUDED AT LINCOLN. WAS FORMER NORFOLK GIRL She Wrote a Pitiful Notation In Her Diary Just Before Going to the Hos pital for an Operation Girl Friends Loaned Her Money. Lincoln , Neb. , May 29. The Invesll- atlon Into the death of Mlaa Edith Short , a former Norfolk girl , has closed : ioro. In the final hearing of charges gainst Dr. John Mathowa of Omaha loforo the state board of health today Aptnesses for Dr. B. F. Bailey were examined. Dr. Malhewa la charged .vlth performing n criminal operation which resulted In the death of Miss 3(11 ( th Short nt Omnhn In November , 905. John O. Yeisor , attorney for : ) r. MnthowB , at n former hearing mkod that tlio case be quashed for ho reason that It could not bo heard .vlthout Implicating Dr. B. F. Bailey , member of the board , who was hear- ng the case. This Insinuation against Dr. Bailey caused a storm of protest at I ho time , and much of the evidence ins slnco been taken to disprove Mr. Yolaor's Intimation , . A letter frqm Mra. Short , mother of the girl , aaya hat the girl told on her deathbed that ho man in the cnao wns a former sweetheart of hors who was engaged 0 her about six yeara ago. The name iaa never como out in the testimony. As to advice given by Dr. Bailey when ho girl , who was a nurse at his snnl- arium In Lincoln at the time she In formed him of her trouble , all the wit nesses present agree that he told her to go to her mother In Fremont nnd hat on her future conduct depended lor chnnce to return to the Institution OB a nurse. H. F. Rose , attorney for Dr. Bnlley nnd the board , hns in his possession a diary kept by Miss Short. This Is the entry she made October 9 , 1905. just before she wont to Omnhn : "Well , I went to the office this morn lug and opened my heart to Dr. nBiley and Miss Fisher and they were botli Oh , so good. I felt perfectly awful but I really did not expect such char ity 'No , not even In Israel. ' Dr. Bni ley is ns near n anlnt ns man ever got 1 felt all 'cut up' when I went down but really fool I could hold up my head nnd be someone yet nftor the tnlk ho gnvo mo. He said a had grca prospects before me. nnd talked , else so good. My own mother could nebo bo kinder than Miss Fisher wns. nm solemnly to ctu out everything tha will hinder mo in nny way from mnk Ing n good nurse nnd n noble woman and do something that will make then proud of my being a graduate of Greet Gables. I do think Dr. Bailey Is a Christ-like man and I simply worship him. Miss Fisher is next to him in my heart nnd no one cnn ever ngnli say anything against them to mo pray God that I may bo spared to mnk n useful woman. I may never writ In this little book again , but will com iiionco on a now one with pages brlgb nnd fair and I pray God for strongtl to keep it so always. I may recon some things of the next few weeks , but not on word of the new life goes down here. " A letter from Miss Short's mother stntes that a former sweetheart , a man to whom she wns engaged to marry about six years ago , is responsible. Ho visited Miss Short In Lincoln last July or August. He Is snld to bo n mnrrled mnn. The girl remained away from the Institution ono night nnd ho incident resulted in the announce ment by Dr. Bnlley of a rule estab- Ishlng hours for employes of the In stitution. Mrs , Short snld in a letter hat her daughter gave the name of tbo former sweetheart nnd ns the statement cnme whllo the girl wns on nor death bed in Omnba the mother Iocs not believe she would tell n false- lood about It. The mother's affidavit filed with the Doard says that neither Dr. Bnlley or any ono connected with his Institution wns nt any time responsible for the trouble or for the effort to secure nn operation. She says she further knows that no effort was ever made by Dr. Bailey or nny physician In Lincoln or Omnhn or any other place to have the operation performed , other thnn Dr. Matthews. These statements the mother makes because what was told her by her daughter on her death bed. Emma Anderson of Fremont , filed nn affidavit In which she said she had visited Miss Short nt Omaha before she died and that Miss Short had told her Dr. Matthews performed the op eration. The witness was present nnd on cross examination snld Miss Short realized what she was saying although suffering so much that she expressed a wish to die. Miss Anderson wns ono of two young women who loaned Miss Short $100 after a vain appeal had been made to another party unknown to them. The money was sent to Miss Short while she was In Omaha. Mary Ostrand , n nurse of Fremont , was the other woman who loyally stood by Miss Short when she ap pealed for money. She sent $100. Miss Ostrand and Miss Anderson to gether visited Miss Short In the Swed ish hospital nt Omaha and remained up to the day of her death. Miss Os trand snld : Dr. Stokes was then In attendance upon her ns her physician. I asked Miss Short what physician attended her before Dr. Stokes , and she replied "Dr. Matthews. " I asked her whether Dr. Matthews dd | not take good care of her , and she replied "Dr. Stokes says he didn't. " During the time I watt with Miss Short In the ( Swedish mission hospital ) she was In appar ently clear mental condition. " Commissioners' Proceedings , MndlHon , Nob. , May 22. The board lot pursuant to adjournment. Pres et , John 11. Harding , John Mnlono id Burr Tnft. The minutes of the meeting of April 0 nnd 11 , 190C , were read nnd ap- roved. On motion the county clerk wns nit- .lorlzcd . to draw a warrant on the 1901 ettcral fund for $100 In favor of Glaus oung , chairman of the soldiers' re ef commission. On motion the board voted to re- onalder Its notion of January 30 , 1900 , lowing claims for damages on no- ount of opening the Christian road nd ordered the clerk to notify claim- nts that said claims will bo reheard n Juno 11 , 190C , nt 2 p. m. On motion the county treasurer was tithorlzcd to transfer $250 front the 901 general fund to the 1905 general nnd. On motion the board consented that : io Chicago and Northwestern railroad ompuny should have the right to lace bridges under their tracks on ic cast and west sides of the section no road between section 25 , town 2-1 , ange 4 , nnd HO , town 24 , range 3 , and n the west sldo of the section line oad between sections 30 and 29 , town I , range 3 , In Madison county. On motion the resignation of T. K. Hanson , justice of the peace in and for cfferson precinct was accepted. On motion the following bonds were pproved : John Weland , road overseer , district o. 21. David Larson , road overseer , district > . 13. J. D. Gabolman , road overseer , dls rict No. 27. Battle Creek Valley bank , deposl ory bond. W. P. Dixon , grading contractor. On motion the personal tax of John , V. Dover for the year 1886 in Jeffor- on precinct was ordered stricken 'rom the tax list on account of a doa ) le assessment. On motion the clerk was ordered to , trlko from the tax list of 1901 $400.99 if the road tax assessed against the hlcago nnd Northwestern railroad i company on account of erroneous as sessment J. E. Ilnase filed a petition and bond [ 'or the payment of costs for the loca- .Ion of n ( Irnlungo ditch , which bond [ 1 was approved by the county clerk. Snid proposed ditch Is for the purpose of carrying off the water of what Is i litiown as Corporation Gulch in and I icar the city of Norfolk. C. F. Shaw filed a petition and bond I for nc location of n drainage ditch to Irnln certain ponds or swamps on sec- .Ions 29 , HO and 32 , town 21 , north , range 1 west. Which bond was np- proved by the county clerk. On motion the board sot apart and 1 appropriated $100 for the aid of farm ers' in&tltulos within the county dur ing the year 1900 under the provisions of Chapter 87 of the 1903 statutes. On motion the board then adjourned to SP : 0 n. m. , May 23 , 190C. May 23 , 190C , at 8:30 : n. m. Board 1 met pursuant to adojiirninont. Pres ent Harding , Mnlone nnd Tnft. On motion the county treasurer was authorized to nccept $21.43 in full of balance of tax of Western Union Tele graph Co. , for the years 1900 and 1901. On motion the following bills wore allowed ngntnst the general fund : F. W. Knul , work on court house yard ? 24 00 Karl Iinhoff , work on yard. . . . S 00 B. Wchrle , work on yard 10 00 D. Wells , work on yard 5 00 F. Wahlstedt , work on yard 14 00 A. Walker , work on yard 12 00 Thos. Fnrage , work on yard. . . 7 00 J. C. Jones , work on yard. . . . 31 50 R. H. Thomas , work on yard. . 11 00 William Smith , work on yard. . 9 00 William Smith , work on yard. . 4 00 R. N. Thomas , work on yard. . . GOO Snm Hnnen , work on yard. . . . 700 Thos. Farnpe , work on yard. . . S 00 Albert Wahlstedt , work on yard 11 00 Sam Hanen , work on yard. . . . 2 00 Robt. F. Cato , work on yard. . . 2 00 James Brown , work on yard. . . 4 00 B. Wehrle , work on yard 9 00 William Studts , work on yard. . 13 00 Ed. Wachter , work on yard. . . 13 00 John Bauman , work on yard. . 2 00 Karl Imhoff , work on yard. . . . 5 00 E. Walker , work on yard 2 00 Win. Studts , work on yard 10 00 Ed. Wachtor , work on yard. . . . 12 00 A. Wnhlstadt , work on yard. . . . 10 00 Roy Brown , work on yard 5 00 James Brown , work on yard. . . 3 00 F. Wnhlstadt , work on yard. . . . 10 00 Gegner & Tannery , painting. . . 83 50 ( W. G. Irwin , laying floors Ill 00 J. J. Adams , plans 21 80 Earl Flcbter , hauling dirt 95 00 ' L. W. Lyon , hauling dirt 94 50 E. D. Hammond , trees for yard 12 50 John Horst , hardware and re pairs on court house 38 08 John Krantz , claimed $24.50 , al lowed at 23 50 C. F. Schmledcke , wolf scalps 18 00 S. C. Blackman , printing 38 00 Hammond Stephens Co. , printIng - Ing and supplies 20 50 Gus Kaul , janitor 45 00 Dr. F. A. Long , commissioner insanity 8 00 S , R. McFarland , premium on bond 7 50 ! Perkins Bros. Co. , claimed 67.35 nhowed nt 65 25 ! Dr. F. A. Long , commissioner Insanity 11 00 ' U. D. Mathews , livery , Perdue. 18 00 U. D. Mntbews , livery , commis sioners 750 ' W. W. Welch Co. , supplies for superintendent 133 50 > Fred H. Davis , assisting county surveyor 3 00 1 State Journal Co. , supplies. . . . 12 35 j Hollls Wright , wolf scalps 12 00 James Nichols , commissioner Insanity 9 00 Nebraska Telephone Co. , Nor folk , tolls. March 4 10 Gus Kaul , floor brush 2 50 ) Moderate Price 11.00000111 bflRltMi for ( in/iulMUnro Injnrloai to htulth fount ! In Unlnntt. Frntiiv Young , land for road. . . 25 00 Thomas . O'Shea , coal S 15 r- * A. M. Lowell , wolf scalps 14 00 - Nebraska Telephone Co. , Nor * folk , tolls , April 2 75 City of Mnd.son , water nnd tap 15 50 John Mnlone , transportation for pauper 3 00 Felix Hales , supplies for coun ty treasurer 12 00 E. H. Hart , wolk scalps 16 00 Paul Rentier , wolf scalps 16 00 H. L. Kindred , coroner , Inquest of Mlnno D. Bohlsen li 60 George Krumni , juror , Inquest of Mlnno D. Bohlsen 1 10 John F. Newhall , juror , Inquest of Mlnno D. Bohlson 110 H. C. Thompson , juror , Inquest of Mlnno D. Bohlsen 1 10 C. B. Hnnsen , juror , inquest of Minno D. Bohlsen 1 10 T. T. McDonald , juror , inquest of Minno D. Bohlsen 1 10 C. A. Smith , juror , inquest of Mlnno D. Bohlsen 1 10 John Verplank , witness , Inquest of Mlnno D. Bohlsen 1 10 Roy Stanley , witness , Inquest of Mlnno D. Bohlsen 1 10 Ed Enton , witness , Inquest of Mlnno D. Bohlsen 1 10 W. H. Klrchhefer , witness , in quest of Minno D. Bohlsen. . . 1 10 Walter Mallory , witness , In quest of Mlnno D. Bohlsen. . . 1 10 Arthur Burke , witness , Inquest of Minno D. Bohlsen 1 10 George Roby , witness , Inquest of Mlnno D. Bohlsen 1 10 Felix Hales , witness , Inquest of Mlnno D. Bohlsen 1 10 II. Marshall , witness , inquest of Minno D. Bohlsen 1 10 James Gallagher , constable , in quest of Mlnno D. Bohlson. . 9 00 | H. Kilburn. register of births nnd deaths 4 25 Clyde Rynenrson , register of , births and deaths 10 00 . F. Ringer , register of births nnd deaths 2 75 S. M. Juelbon , register of births nnd deaths 1 25 Chas. Letheby , register of births and deaths 250 Julius Hulff , register of births and deaths 14 75 B. H. Mills , register of births nnd deaths 9 00 Claim of W. C. Elley , livery for Purdue 37 00 W. C. Elley , livery nnd drayngo 43 60 S. C. Blackmail , supplies 31 50 Dr. F. A. Long , commissioner Insanity . " 3 00 John Hay , fees state vs. Man- ske 3 20 C. F. Eiseley , fees state vs. Manskc ami Goon 5 95 Goo. C. Lambert , foes stnto vs. Piper 3 55 Goo. C. Lambert , fees stnte vs. Bottncher 3 55 Geo. C. Lambert , fees state vs. Mcoitire rejected , fees paid into district court. u' . P. Dixon , unloading grader. 4 00 Win. Low , rip-rapping 10 50 5. P. Johnson , rip-rapping 4 50 L. W. Lyon , moving grader. . . . 15 00 The following claims were al lowed against the road funds : M. Warnke , work , commission er district No. 3 600 Stokes Barnes , work , commis sioner district No. 3 10 50 Fred DIerks , road district No. 26 9 50 J. H. Clans , work , road district No. 31 1.00 John Horst , road district No. 26 40 John Horst , road district No. 17 50 John Horst , road district No. 24 25 John A\ ado , commissioner dls- trlct No. 2 10 00 Perry Harris , work , road dis- trict No. 5 31 42 Joe Benlsh , work on road , com- missloner district No. 2 9875 H. Uecker , road district No. 1 22 50 Geo. Good , commissioner dls- trict No. 2 12 00 John W. Rice , road district No. 10 3 00 J. L. Derrick , work , road dls- trlct No. 11 IS 00 Carl Zessln , work , road district No. 31 1 00 Carl Relneccius , work , road dis- trlct No. 25 27 00 C. S. Johnson , plow , road dls- trlct No. 5 12 00 B. B. McGlnnls , road district No. 16 34 50 Arthur C. Pettltt , road district No. 1C 3 00 Win. Clasey , work , road dls- trlct No. 11 5 50 W. P. Dixon , grading , commis sioner district No. 2 CO 00 Wm. Low , work , road district No , 7 15 00 John Wade , work , commission er district No. 2 15 00 Mark Richardson , work , road district No. 25 1 00 G. P. Johnson , work , road dls- trlct No. 7 4 50 W. E. Reed , work on roads , commissioner district No. 2. 22 50 L. W. Lyon , grading , commls- sloner district No. 1 , claimed $25.00 allowed at 22 00 J. T. Moore , work , commission er district No. 2 68 55 Carl Relche. work , commission er district No. 2 , claimed $23.00 , allowed at 1900 Wm. Makelin , road work , road district No. 32 34 50 The following claims were al lowed against the bridge fund : Mark Richardson , work 4 00 John W. Warrlck , lumber. . . . 123 81 John Wade , work 27 50 James Lodge , work 1 50 Wm. Ixw , work 15 00 Nebraska Culvert Co. , claimed $44.80 , allowed at 4000 Carl Rolnecclus , work 45 00 On motion the board then udjourned w to Juno 11 , 1906 , at 1 p. m. Geo. E , RJchardson , County Clerk. \