The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, June 01, 1906, Page 6, Image 6

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    THE NORFOLK NEWS : Fill DAY. , JUNK 1. 1900.
Llohtnlno Struck Western Union Wire
nnd Molted Rejjulntor Third Dolt
of Week Struck nt C. G. Miller Corner -
ner Dnrna Dlown Over ,
[ From Krtitiiy'n DMIy.J
Anotlior storm foil upon Norfolk Into
lnat oviMilug , bringing n deluge for n
iiioiucnt. Only n I'"U Inch of rnln foil
In nil , hut tlio Hldrn 'MIS icrompnnlod
by Hovoro hollH "f lightning , wlilnli
struck frequently nliout town nnd In
tlio country A terrific gnlo hlow for
a few moments , tonrlng down trees ,
blowliiK over hnniB nnd shattering
chlmnoyH. Many people were cnught
out In tlio rnln unpropnrod for tlio
Hlonn , nnd were sonhod through nnd
through before they could Hook Hholtor.
The third holt of lightning to strike
nt tlio C. 0. Mlllor IIOIIHO , corner Mndl-
eon nvenuo nnd Eighth Btroot , thin
week , cnmo down nnd shnttorod ono of
the blR trcca In tlio front ynrd. The
llmba were simply Hhroddod Into rib-
bonn by tlio electricity.
Lightning Htruck n Western Union
telegraph wlro ncnr tlio ofllco , moltliiR
a regnlntor In front of tlio saloon of
John Woldonfollor. Mr. Woldonfollor
wna BtnndlnR In the door of hla plnco
nnd wna allghtly sl'ioched by the bolt.
A tonm belonging to Bolorly Iiros. ,
which wns hitched to a dray near by ,
started to run. Frank Hadllold of
South Fourth Btroot caught the hind
Htako of the dray wagon , HWUHR In ,
took the rolns nnd Btoppod the run-
awny horBOfl.
Two bnnis on South Fourth Btroot
were blown over.
A telephone polo on South Fourth
Btroot wna Blmttored by lightning.
Wind blow off the chimney of the
Morris Mayor house on Norfolk nv
enuo , occupied bythe Anthea and
Smith families.
A hnlf Inch of rnln fell In all.
Mrs , A. II. Bnchhaus of Plorco Is in
the city.
Ed. K. Wllllnms of Lynch IB In the
city today.
Mrs. 13d Williams of Wnyno IB a
Norfolk visitor.
A. Spence of Mmllsoti hiul bimlncBB
here yesterday.
I. W. Alter of Wayne was a visitor
here yesterday.
Fred Homondor was In the olty from
Wnyno yesterday.
F. II. Itoycshau of St. Jamo3 wont
to Wakcflold today.
N. S. Clark of Stromshurg was in
the city yesterday.
C. D. Cnso of Wood Lake was a busi
ness visitor yesterday.
10. , T. Anderson IB attending to busi
ness mnttors in Omaha.
Mrs. J. H. Hnssoll nnd family of
Fullcrton aio in the city.
S. .1. llnnford of Weeping Water ,
Nob. , was In Norfolk yesterday.
Miss Ruby Sleeper of Warncrvillo
is visiting her aunt , Mrs. Kynor.
Eve-rot Cokoloy , who has spout the
winter In Hnrtlngton , has returned to
Norfolk- reside.
F. J. Graham and J. H. Tuppor of
Osmond were In the city yesterday.
Mrs. G. F. Hnllowog of Hnrtlngton
is visiting at the C. A. Dalloweg homo.
Mrs. L. M. Thompklns of Inman Is
visiting her daughter , Mra. 12 Loucks.
Dr. Mackay returned from a profes
sional visit to Uattlo Crook last ovun-
Attorney Rnruhnrt returned last
night from a trip up the Honestccl
Mrs. Cora A. Heels returned today
from the musical festival nt Sioux
D. D. Martlndnlo of Plorco was a
passenger for Cedar Hnplds , Nob. , this
Miss Alice Mills of Omaha Is a guest
at the homo of her sister , Mra. John
R. Hays.
Mrs. F. A. Campbell and daughter
of Tlldcn were guests of Mrs. Matzon
J. D. Sturgeon returned yesterday
from a trip west on the C. & N. W.
main lino.
J. D. Sturgeon and E. P. Olmstead
of the Sturgeon Music Co. , are In
Wayne today.
Mayor John Friday accompanied the
Sioux City excursionists to Bonesteol
last night.
Miss Nolle Grant returned to her
homo in Madison this morning from a
visit In Pierce.
Dr. and Mrs. P. H. Salter have re
turned from their trip to Rochester ,
Minn. , and Chicago.
Mrs. C. D. Jenkins and daughter ,
Gladys , returned homo yesterday fron :
n visit In Kalamazoo.
Z. 1C. Doane , a prominent lumber
dealer of Fairfax , S. D. , went to Oma
ha this morning on business.
L. A. Brown of Pllgor , who was vis
iting In Norfolk last night , returned
as far as Stanton this morning.
Mrs. H. L. Whitney of Omaha Is
here for a visit at the homo of her
parents , Judge and Mrs. Powers.
Mrs. L. C. Taylor went to Niobrara
today to attend the high school com
mencement exorcises there tonight.
Senator W , V. Allen of Madison was
In the city over night and left today
on a business trip to Meadow Grove.
Mrs. Kathorlno Frahm nnd son Harvey -
voy returned to tholr homo In Prague
this morning from n visit In Plainviow.
"Billy" Wright , a Rosebud homesteader -
steader from near Carlock , S. D. , was
n passenger for Omaha this morning.
\\m Andont , Mr and Mra. G , W.
\VrlRht and Minn Minnie Andoru of
rolghton arc visiting In Ilnttlo Creole.
1C. U. Mlllor of UonoHlcol wns on-
route to Oregon thlw morning to look
ho country over with a view of locating
lieorgo I ) . Inittorllold accompanied
iho Sioux City oxcuralonlBts on their
trip to O'Neill nnd hint night to Done-
M. O. AyroB nnd II , H. Sheen arc
returning to tholr homo In Divhotn City ,
Nob. , nftor liiHpoctlng the Cherry coun
ty country.
llov. P. I ) . Wont , who has a home-
8toiul on Iho KoHobud near Nnpor ,
Nob. , waa a pasHongor for Missouri
Vnlloy this mom Ing.
H J. Randall , C. S. Wilson nnd A.
0. Grlnioa of Hoatrlco were returning
hla morning from looking over the
country In Cherry county.
Mra. Frank Colomnn , ar. , and MBB !
Hannah Hrenmnrk returned to tholr
homo In Inmnn today after a vlfilt nt
the homo of Walter Colomnn ,
Prof. J. M. Pile returned to hla homo
In Wnyno today after a several dnya'
trip along the C. & N. W. In the In-
toroat of the Nebraska Normnl college.
Mra. L. C. Rhodes and daughter ,
Edith , who have boon vlaltlng In Plorco
the pnat three weoka , were returning
to tholr homo In MaaflachUBottH today.
Rov. J. M. Hay of Madison wns on-
route to O'Nolll today. Rov. Day la In
the El Pasco concrete business , and
In establishing plants at various points.
Will Webber has recently moved to
Norfolk from Hnrtlngton. He has pur
chnsod property In the Hayes addition
and will make this hla future homo.
C. II. Grooabcck loft on the noon
train for Lynch , Nob. , where ho will
open ono of the finest saloons In north
Nebraska which will bo known as the
Knglo Duffel.
C. A. Johnson , vice president of the
Nebraska National bank , was In the
city from last evening until noon to
day on his return to bis homo In Fair
fax from a business trip to Omaha and
Mrs. E. M. Lederor Is on the sick
J. F. Walton has had gas lamps In
stalled In his saloon.
Mra. William Rokor , who has been
very seriously 111 , Is now reported out
of danger.
Reports Bay that a magnificent rain
foil over Iloyd county and the Rose
bud n'sorvallou yesterday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Weston arc vlalt-
lug nt the Durham homo In Pngo for
a few days , making the trip overland.
Dead wood , S. D. . la trying to Induce
the Elkhoni Vnlloy Editorial associa
tion , which moots next Saturday at
Newport , to take a trip Into the Black
Mrs. Wesley Morris of Burlington ,
Iowa , who has boon visiting at the T.
A. Weston homo , and who expected to
start for her homo Wednesday , was
taken 111 and Is unable to undertake
( ho trip at present.
Sheriff J. L. IluniB of Crolghton nr-
Ived In Norfolk this morning In charge
of Mrs. Elizabeth Senrles who wns a
put Ion t for the Norfolk asylum. Mrs.
Hums accompanied her husband and
visited In the city this forenoon.
Mrs. Asa K. Leonard was hostess
yesterday afternoon at 1 o'clock lunch
eon for a company of ladles. Euchre
was the delight of the afternoon. Mrs.
II. T. Holden won the shouting prize
and Mis. Ludwlg Koenlgstoln the prize
for high score.
The county commissioners will view
the path of the now waterway for Cor
poration Gulch tomorrow and the sur
vey will begin soon. This will prob
ably require about three weeks. It
will probably bo six weeks before the
actual digging begins.
A. L. Cunningham , vlco president
nnd general manager of Cunningham
& Cunningham , land and Immigration
agents of Omaha , was In the city last
night and made arrangements with J.
II. Conley to represent his company in
Norfolk and surrounding country.
W. S. Rawhalesor left last night with
a carload of goods for his now homo
near Tomahawk , Wis. , his family hav
ing left at noon on the oast-bound pas
senger. Mr. Rawhaicsor will engage
in agricultural pursuits at his now
homo. The many friends of this es-
tlmablo family here arc sorry to lese
Deputy Sheriff Adam Kunklo and
County Judge N. II. Mapos of Schuylor
were In the city over night , bringing
with thorn Joseph Opatrie , a Bohe
mian who Is suffering from nervous
dementia. The patient was placed In
the Norfolk hospital for the Insane.
Opatrio Is a and
prosperous well-to-do
young farmer who became demented
over a love affnjr.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Johnson very
delightfully entertained a largo com
pany of friends at 0:30 : dinner last
evening In tholr homo on the corner
of Koenlgstcin avenue nnd Thirteenth
street. The guests were seated at little -
tlo tables about the homo and were
served in four courses. Military on
chro was played during the evening
after dinner , the highest number oi
flags being won by the table captained
by C. P. Parish. The winners were
Mrs. Burnham , Mrs. Stltt , Mrs. A. J
Durlaud , Mr. Parish , Mr. O. J. Johnson
and Mr. Gibson. The ladles received
handsome American benuty roses and
the gentlemen pretty decks of play
ing cards.
Commandery Installation.
Damascus commandery No. 20
Knights Templar , Installed now ofll-
cers last night as follows : L. C. MIt
tlestadt , eminent commander ; C. E
Burnlmm , captain general ; J. B. May
lord , senior warden ; S. G. Dean , Junior
warden ; A. H. Viele , prelate ; W. H
Hoffman , recorder ; E. H. Tracy , treas
urer ; J. B. Barnes , warden ; E. J. Rlx
standard bearer , and J. S. McClary ,
Starting Fire With Kerosene For the
Purpose of Pressing'Her Little Ribbons
bens , Emma Nltz , Aged 10 , Dlea a
Terrible Death Here ,
[ Ftom Friday's Dnlly.J
Asconalon day ended In a fatal trag
edy at the homo of William Nltz In
ISdgowator park of this city , his 10-
year-old daughter , Emma , succumbing
at 5:30 : last night to the horrible burns
which she received nt 9 yesterday
morning by the explosion of kerosene ,
during the absence of her parents at
church. Mr. nnd Mrs. Nltz had gone
to the St. Paul Lutheran church to
attend Ascension day exorcises , and
during their absence little Emma de
termined to got out her pretty ribbons
and press them with a hot iron before
her parents should return , planning
tlniH to delight thorn with a surprise.
She bad atartod a flro in the stove
with paper and , to bettor kludlo the
heavy fuel , opened the lid and poured
into the Ilame a can of kerosene. In
stantly the oil exploded , splashing nro
all ever her llttlo solf.
Sister Unable to Sleze Her.
There was no ouo In the homo at the
time excepting an older sister , who
had advlsod against the lighting of the
tire with kerosene and who had once
put away the dangerous oil. When
she found the child enveloped In a
mass of soothing , cooking lire , aho
doused a pailful of water ever the
burning child , which only tended to increase -
crease tlio suffering and agony of the
llttlo victim , then burning to death.
And before other efforts could bo made
to quench the llamcs , llttlo Emma had
dashed out of doors , Into the wind ,
where the breeze only fanned Into a
hotter tire the blaze that was cooking
her to death. And not until the llamcs
had burned oft every Inllauiumblo portion
tion of her clothing , and with no moro
fuel to eat on , did the lire , of Its own
accodr , end.
Moanwhllo the older alstor gave at-
tontlo nto the house , which had start
ed to burn and the lire In which was
put out by her.
Dr. H. T. Holdoii , who attended the
case , says that the pitiful sight of the
child , after burning , waa the most horrible
rible that ho has ever scon In his
medical practice. And it was this sad
tragedy that greeted the parents when
they rolurnod from Ascension day ser
vices , Instead of the happy surprise
that the child had planned for thorn.
The victim survived , through the
agency of stimulants , for eight and a
half Hours after the accident occurred ,
tnougli it was known the moment the
llro was ever that she could not live.
Funeral services will bo hold at the
St. Paul Lutheran church , 1101 th of the
city , Saturday afternoon at 2:30 :
o'clock , Rov. Mr. Witto In charge.
The child was ten years , tlvo months
and twelve days old. She was born
in Norfolk.
Ernest Wcgncr of Wlsner was here
E. B. Cook was a visitor from Wnyno
Blalno Sheer was down from Wnyno
Goo. A. Davenport Is up from Madi
son todny.
Joe Dobbins of Hoskins wns In the
city Snturdny.
Win. P. Mobr of Spencer Is in the
city today.
Fred Martin of Naper , Neb. , Is In the
city today.
A. H. Law of Niobrara wns In the
city yesterday.
C. J. Carrlg of Columbus spent Sun
day In Norfolk.
Marguerite Dlxon of Spencer was
In the city yesterday.
M. II. and S. M. Christiansen of
Plnlnvlow were Sunday callers In Nor
A. Soblor of Bloomlleld was a Nor
folk visitor Saturday.
J. C. Larkln was a passenger for
rilooinllcld this morning.
Frank Hlrsch had business east on
the C. & N. W. this morning.
Mrs. J. W. Warrlck of Meadow
Grove was a Saturday visitor.
J. R. Foster of Crolghton was trans
acting business here Saturday.
C. A. Bard of Crolghton was a pas
senger for Omaha this morning.
John Monstormnn of Stnnton spent
Sunday with relatives In Norfolk.
E. C. Purdy of Newport , Neb. , made
a business trip to Sioux City today.
Senator W. V. Allen and Mayor C.
S. Smith arc In the city this afternoon.
W. L. Turner of Crolghton made a
business trip to Omaha this morning.
Ed Samuolson and A. E. Gustafson
of Wnyno were business visitors Sat
John RoznJchok of Omaha spent
Sunday with his mother , Mrs. Anna
Frank Schlndloss and Lyle Rathbun
of Emerson were Saturday visitors In
the city.
Bruno Kloko and Miss Gertie Hen-
slor of Plorco were Sunday visitors
in Norfolk.
R. U Sharp of Verdlgro was in Nor
folk 'over SaturdRy night onrouto to
Pllgor for a , short visit.
Peter Barnes , Jr. , who b In the em
ploy of Swift & Co. , at Omaha , spent
Sunday with his parents.
Mrs. Wm. Frlcko of Crolghton is
here and will bo the guest at the Wagner -
nor homos for several weeks.
A. N. Brown of Plainviow went to
Newcastle this morning In the Interest
of the Acnio Harvesting Machine Co.
Mrs. J. M. Hongstk'r returned to
her homo In Ilnttlo Crook todny after
a visit with relatives and friends In
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Haaklnson re
turned to tholr homo In Sioux City to
day after a visit with relatives In Bono-
atool , S. D ,
Mrs. J. C. Spollman loft at noon for
Fremont , where she goes to attend the
commencement exercises and to visit
with friends.
Mrs. Wlllia McBrldo of Elgin apont
Sunday with her brother , W. P. Logan
and loft this morning to visit relatives
at Ponca , Nob.
Titos. .Tonkins and B. F. Jenkins of
Clearwatcr were passengers for Woodbury -
bury county , lown , on renl cstnto bual-
ness this morning ,
Presiding Elder Thos. BItholl re
turned this morning from O'Nolll. Ho
was Joined here by Mrs. BItholl and
wont to Dakota county.
A party of Norfolk people left for
Shoahonl Saturday night. They were
Art Ahlmann , E. H. Sncdokor and
Martin Schocnohaum.
Mra. E. E. Mlllor arrived homo Sat
urday from Sioux City where she at
tended the May foatlval. Mrs. Mlllor
waa absent about a week.
Mrs. M. A. Small , mother of K. D.
Small , agent for the American Express
company , loft this morning for her
homestead near Goodrich , N. D.
Mra. J. F. Pouchor went to Herman
Snturdny to ho present nt the gradua
tion exercises at that place. Her
brother was ono of the graduates.
Miss Ethel Doughty leaves tomor
row morning for n two months' visit
with friends in Now York. She will
visit cnrouto at Belle Plalne , Iowa.
J. J. Cramer of Madison' S. D. , and
W. H. Cramer of Humphrey visited
with John Woldcnfollow ever Sunday.
They left this morning for Omaha.
N. Hanson has sufficiently recovered
from a sprained ankle to resume his
duties on the road. Ho wont to Lin
coln this morning to report for duty
W. J. Huston of Plainviow was a
passenger for Meadow Grove this
morning. Mr. Huston Is representing
the Ilanford Produce Co. , of Sioux
Dave Whltla of Stanton visited with
his sister , Mrs. William Darlington ,
ever Sunday. Mr. Whitla Is now as
sistant to the agent at Stanton and
came to Norfolk to take a physical ex
amination , before the Northwcstern's
examining surgeon.
In the case before Justice Lambert
In which Miss Lottie Brandos was
charged with stealing ( lowers , a con
tinuance was taken Saturday until 4:30 :
o'clock this afternoon.
Dr. Tlndall , Rov. C. S. Hughes of
Ponder and Rov. J. M. Bothwell of
Madison formed a party who loft Nor
folk at noon todny for Clearwater , to
fish for a day , returning tomorrow.
The committee recently appointed
by Iho Commercial club to visit Gen
eral Manager Holdrcgo of the Burling
ton railroad in Omaha , for the pur
pose of trying to Induce that railroad
to build Into Norfolk , loft this morn-
lug on tholr mission. Those who wont
were Sol G. Mayor , W. H. Johnson , P.
F. Sproclicr and Dr. A. Bear.
John Mellon , traveling passenger
agent for the Northwestern railroad ,
has been In the city for a few days
working up the excursion of the Ken
tucky home returners. Rev. and Mrs.
J. F. Poucher will probably take ad
vantage of It. There are several hun
dred Kcntiicklans In the state who
will probably go. Mrs. A. Bear Is a
member of the Kentucky club of the
Captain A. C. Logan of Center , Neo. ,
ox-county judge of Knox county , was
a passenger this morning for Laporto
county , Ind. , where he goes at the
earnest solicitation of bis old com
rades to deliver an address on Memo
rial day. When the civil war broke
out Captain Logan organized a com
pany in Laporto county that did va
liant service toward preserving the
union. He will visit relatives In Mich
igan before returning.
Sheriff M. A. Wright of Brown coun
ty was in the city Saturday , bringing
Mrs. Moore bnck to the asylum. Mrs.
Moore had boon out on parole , but it
was necessary to bring her back. Mr.
Wright is the sheriff who had such a
severe fight with Fred Ingals , an In
ebriate , while arresting him at Long
Pine last Tuesday , during which In
gals fatally shot himself , after trying
to kill the sheriff. Mr. Wright still
carries an ugly bruise on his cheek.
Ingals died from the effects of his InJury -
Jury last Thursday.
Two teams belonging to R. E. Tholm
the meat man , ran away this morning ,
but no damngo was sustained. Ono
team was bltchad to a delivery wagon.
Tholr headway was checked from the
fact that they wore dragging a heavy
weight and the slnglo-treo was caught
In the front wheel , causing It to slide.
Tommy HIght ran thorn down In front
of the Queen City hotel , secured the
lines and stopped them. The other
team wns hitched together but not tea
a vehicle. They were stopped at the
corner of Norfolk avenue nnd Sixth
Burl Mapes and Leo Pasowalk spent
an hour Saturday afternoon In the
yard at the rear of the Mast block
warming up their baseball arms for
use in the game which is to bo played
between the Mast block people and a
team selectpd from any two other offi
ces in town who care to play. Burt
twirled the horsehide nnd Pasowalk
acted as backstop. Burt received ono
wound on the forearm by missing the
ball , but the injury was not mortal.
Leo got his lingers instead of his mitt
In the way of one curve , receiving a
severe bruise. This battery have a
code of signals already established ,
two fingers signalling for an out curve
and ono finger meaning nn In-shoot.
Storra Mathowson acted as umpire.
Two Barns on Farm Northwest of Ver-
dlgre Were Demolished , Two Horses
Killed , Three Steers Killed and One
Man Sustained Broken Leg.
Verdlgro , Nob. , May 20. Special to
The News : A tornado passed through
the country eight miles northwest of
here , striking the farm of Joseph
Kurcka , yesterday afternoon. This
farm Is near Duxvlllo , a half mile from
the Niobrara river. Two barns were
demolished , two horses and seven
steers killed outright and John Shucka ,
a hired man who was in ono of the
barns , sustained a broken log.
Orchard Wiped Out.
All of the orchard and shade trees
belonging to the farm were wiped out ,
being torn up by the roots.
The tornndo formed near Inmnn ,
moving northeast to Duxvlllo , where
it ended.
Dipped Four Times.
Crelghton , Nob. , May 20. Special to
The News : The tornado that passed
west of hero demolished empty buildIngs -
Ings In its pnth but did little damage
aside from uprooting the crops and
trees , and tearing down outhouses and
sheds. It dipped near Venus , but no
ono was near enough to be hurt.
The storm dipped four times In ten
miles , disappearing at Duxvlllo.
Niobrara , Nob. , May 20. Special to
The News" : A tornado passed west of
the Nlobrnrn river yesterday afternoon
at 4 o'clock. Many farmers In that
section sought tholr collars in fear of
the funnel-shaped cloud. At the farm
of Joseph Krucka two large barns and
a corn crib were demolished , three
horses killed and a hired man's leg
broken In two places. Some now lum
ber was brought across the river from
People coming Into Norfolk from the
north say that they could see the fun
nel shaped tornado from the railroad
track yesterday afternoon as It swept
along the country. It was also soon
from Ewlng. Sheds on farms near
Orchard were destroyed.
Ed Haley , a commercial traveler ,
came in on a train from Ewing. The
train stopped for the tornado to pass
and the travelers were all ready to
lie down In a hollow along the right of
way , filled with water.
M. D. Tyler says that there was
heavy hall near Meadow Grove.
Biliousness and Constipation.
"For years I was troubled with bil
iousness and constipation , which made
life miserable for mo. My appetite
failed mo. I lost my usual force and
vitality. Pepsin preparations and ca
thartics only made matters worse. I
do not know where I should have been
oday had I not tried Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver tablets. The ef-
'ects were simply marvelous. The
ablets relieve the ill fooling at once ,
strengthen the digestive functions ,
mrify the stomach , llvor and blood ,
lelping the system to do its work na-
urally. They bring back new life and
energy , a bright eye , a clear brow and
a happy heart. " Mrs. Rosa Potts , Bir
mingham , Ala. Those tablets arc for
sale by Leonard the druggist.
Farmers bring In your repair work
for spring. I will save you 20 % as I
have the time and am prepared to do
tne work. Paul Nordwig.
Arrangements for Celebration Fell
Through , Firemen Make Good.
The firemen of Norfolk will hold a
Fourth of July picnic in Norfolk this
year , and there will bo no celebration
by the town. This decision was ar
rived at by Chief Will McCune and the
flre boys this morning , after receiving
from the persons who had started to
promote a celebration a decision that
there would be no celebration.
As there Is no other form of celebra
tion planned for the Fourth In Nor
folk , It Is probable that the fire boys
will make a complo success of their
affair on that day. The citizens of
Norfolk always make It a point to do
what they can to help along the pro
jects of the firemen , In return for the
glorious protection that is afforded the
property of the city by the flro laddies ,
and therefore tho.anouncement by the
firemen that they will hold- picnic on
the nation's birthday assures a big ,
glittering , mirthful celebration , with
plenty of fireworks.
The picnic will be held In Pase-
walk's grove.
Real stAte transfers In Madison
county for the week ending May 19
1900 , compiled by Madison County Ab
stract company , office with Mapcs &
Hazon , Norfolk , Neb , , :
Nellie E. Rothwell and husband to
Ernest H. Tracy ; consideration , $1,000
Lots 1 and 2 , block2 , Norfolk View ad
dltlon to Norfolk. W. D.
George Scheldel to Blakoman &
Colemnu ; consideration $4,000.
C-21-2. W. D.
Leo. Brnun and wife to Frank L. T
Drnun ; consideration $1,000. S& of f
of aw'4 0-23-3. W. D.
George McCombs to C. F. Shaw ;
consideration , $3,000. Lots IS nnd 19 ,
block 1 , Boar's ndltlon to Norfolk.
W. D.
Goo. H. Bishop to Cnrl Knull ; con
sideration , $3,000. SoVl 24-23-2. W. D.
John L. James to Llzzlo V. Schlccht ;
consideration $5,500. No U 11-23-2.
W. D.
J. H. Wentherholt nnd wlfo to Carl
Beyendorf ; consideration , $75. Lot 7 ,
block 7 , Hillside Terrace addition to
Norfolk. W. D.
F. E. Satterleo nnd wlfo to Alice M.
Vooburg ; consideration , $2,000. Lot C , .
block 4 , Koonlgstoin's Third addition ,
Norfolk. W. D.
Jane Reeves to Robert Reovco ;
consideration , $500. Lot 2 , block 7 ,
Fritz addition to Madison and part
of not of swM , 32-22-1. W. D. "
Philander Doud and wlfo to M. L.
Sullivan ; consideration $000. Lots
1-7-4 , block 2 , Lewis addition to
Meadow Grove and part swM , of nw 4 ,
25-24-4. W. D.
At the Home of His Brother In Edge-
water Park , In His Sleeping Room ,
Seefeldt Cut His Throat With Pocket
Knlft Last Night , Bleeding to Death.
f.From Monday's Dally. ]
August Seefeldt , a Norfolk tailor ,
suicided during the night at the homo
of his brother in Edgewater park , by
cutting his throat with a pocket knife.
Ills body was found Into this mornIng -
Ing , in his bedroom. The pocket knife
was found near his side.
Coroner Kindred of Meadow Grove
was notified by County Attorney Koen-
Igstcln and arrived In Norfolk on the
noon train from the west , to hold an
Inquest this afternoon.
Scofeldt was a bachelor of some
fifty years , and suffered with a largo
growth In the back of his neck , as a
result of which allllctlon ho had be
come lately totally blind. It Is sup
posed that despondency over his con
dition in life , led him to kill himself.
Also Deaf.
Soefcldt , besides having been blind
for four or five months , had been deaf
for the past four or five years.
Ho had frequently expressed a de
sire to end his life , as bo said he was
tired of living. He formerly worked
for C. H. Kralm as bushelman.
Seofeldt retired as usual last night
and nothing was known of his death
until ho was called for breakfast by
Mrs. John Scofeldt. Ho had made his
homo for some time with his brother.
When Mrs. Soefoldt received no an
swer to the call , she opened the door
nnd found the man lying In a pool of
blood. At first no knife was found ,
but later it was discovered under
neath the covers , with his hand above ,
hiding the weapon.
Lady attendant , is a
graduate optician , and.
speaks German.
Office , Cotton block , Ash 541 , resi
dence , 109 North Tenth street , 'phone
\sh S42.
You MUst | M Forget
We are constantly improv
ing in the art of making Fine
Newest Styles in
Cards and Finish ,
We also carry a Fine Line
of Mouldings.
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quickly cscertiiln our opinion free niit-ther an
Invunil'ii ) 19 probably piitpiitnbln ( niniiiien. .
llnn trtcMyronndciitlal. . HANDBOOK on Patents
cnt froo. OMSst ntency fur vuvunt'ir patent * .
r.'Vleius taken tliroui : ) ! .Munn , V Co. receive
iptiml notit , rltliout cliarae , lutuo
flme rcaiu
A hnniUomelr IHuMrntod ncpltly. I/irpp t rlr.
rulatlnii of any ( clontlUc Journal. Tcrmi , Ma
{ "Hr molltll9 > * - \
UraJCli OUlco. IBS Y SU Washington. 1) . (5.