The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, April 20, 1906, Image 1

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Secretary of the Treasury Leslie M
Shaw Today Authorized the TelC'
graphic Transfer of $10,000,000 From
the Sub-Treasury at New York to
the Ruined City on the Pacific Gen'
eral Funston Wires War Department
That It Is Impossible to Inform Gov
ernment as Yet of the Disaster's
Washington , April 19. The war de
partment received the following from
General Funston :
"It Is Impossible to Inform you of
the full extent of the disaster.
' /J "Tho city has been already practic
ally destroyed.
"Troops are aiding the police In
maintaining order.
"Martial law has not been declared
"Two hundred thousand people are
"Food Is scarce. .
"All government buildings in the
city are gone. "
Water Supply Gone Again.
Washington , April 10 , The war department
partment has just received the fol
lowing bulletin from the Western Un
Ion telegraph company :
"Outside cities have been sending
flre engines to San Francisco , but it
Is useless on account of the fact that
there is no water. Firemen report that
the city Is doomed. "
Another Western Union bulletlr
says :
"The entire district , as far as the
top of Neb Hill and California street
between Powell and Mission streets
is all gone.
"One hundred thousand people have
been rendered homeless.
"The flre Is not under control.
"The water supply has again been
shut off. "
Fire Still Raging.
' Oakland , Gal. , April 19. The flre in
San Francisco Is still unabated.
Government Sends Money.
Washington , April 19. Secretary o
the Treasury Shaw today authorized
the telegraphic transfer of $10,000,000
from the sub-treasury at New York to
San Francisco.
The cash will be deposited at New
, < * -P
York and Immediately paid out on
order of the San Francisco banks.
Chicago Has no Wire.
Chicago , April 19. There is no win
communication between Chicago and
San Francisco today whatever.
Soldiers Distribute Water.
San Francisco , April 19. The fin
continues burning up the hill in a dlag
onal line , commencing at McAllister ,
running up Battery stret , and on Mis
slon street as far as Sixteenth. Then
Is a rising wind and scarcity of water ,
No one is allowed to enter the city
and soldiers are distributing water.
New York , April 19. The Western
Union Telegraph company recelvoi
received reports early this morning t
the effect that the flre Is spreading
o the Neb Hill section of San Fran
This Is the section In which arc. lo-
ati'd mini ) Hiu > residences , Including
ho CrocUor and HuntliiKtcm homos.
Lieutenant Blown to Bits.
Lieutenant Charles I'ulK Twenty-
'ourth light artillery.IIH blown up
y d > naiultt' .
Thuio Is death and min'orlng on ov-
ry side.
The city Is now under nmrtlnl law.
10 a. m. Fire raging still. City
lartially destroyed. Too early to
earn definitely thu water front ttltuii *
Ion. rtoutH mid suburban tiahiH run-
Ing on schedule time , except Almcda.
Military doing polite duty , and the
Ity Is now tinder martial law.
' 0:30 : a. in. Fire burning Into rosl-
lonco dlutilcts. Number of deaths tin-
{ not.'ii.
ftan Francisco , April 19. Earth
quake and lire have put over half of.
San Franclbco In ruins. At least 500
people ' 'live been killed , 1,000 others
ur i the property loss will ex-
ceea \ ' 000. Thoiibands of people
ple aib fo// s and destitute and all
day long irp * f people have been
fleeing from tin stiickun dlbtilcts to
places of safovy.
The first earthquake shock appar
ently lasted t\\o minutes and there
was almost Immodlatu collapse ot
flimsy structures all over the city.
The water supply was cut off and
when flres broke out In various sec
tions there was nothing to do but let
the buildings bum. Tologiaph and
telephone communication was shut otT
for a time. The Western Union was
put completely out of business and
the Postal company was the only 0110
that managed to get a wire out of the
city. About 10 o'clock even the Pos
tal was forced to suspend In San Fran
cisco. 121uetrlc power was stopped
And street rnrs did not run. Hallroadn
and ferryboats also ceased operations.
The various llres uio still raging and
the flre department hns been power
less to do anything except to dynunv
Ite the buildings threatened. All day
long explosions have shaken the city
and added to the terror or the Inhab
Itants. Following the first shock there
was another within llvo minutes , but
not neatly so severe. Another sharp
shock was felt at 6.30 p. m.
Loss of Life May Never Be Known.
It will be many days before the
complete story of the ruin wrought by
the double calamity of earthquake
and flre that visited San Francisco
will bo written and then there will
Btill remain untold countlcbs tales of
pitiful tiagody. The exact loss of life
will never be known , as hundreds of
unfortunates have been inclnuiated In
the flames , which made the rescue of
those burled under tippling steeples
and walls impossible. Temporary
morgues wore Improvised at many
points , only to be razed by the flames
The city resembles one vast shambles
Forgetting for a moment the terrible
uttering , physical and financial loss
that trails In the wake of the disaster ,
the scene presented by the Unmet ; la
one of unspeakable grandeur. Look-
lag over the city from a high hill In
the Western addition , the flames can
be seen rolling skyward for miles and
miles , while in the midst of the spout
ing ami belching tongues of red flre
can be seen the black skeletons and
falling toweis of the doomed build
Ings. At regular Intervals the boom
ing of the dynamite tells of the work
of the brave army of men that are at
tempting to save the city from com
plete annihilation.
A falling wall from one of the dyna
mited buildings on Mission street
crushed out the life of Fheman Max
Fenner , while countless others met a
like fate. Through all the streets au
tomobiles and express wagons , are hur
rying , canying the dead and injured
to the morgues and the hospitals ,
At the morgue In the Hall of Justice
flfty bodies He on the slabs. The
flames rapidly approached this build
Ing and the work of removing the bed
les to Jackson square , opposite , began
While the soldiers ana police were
carrying the dead to what appeared
lafe places a shower of bricks from a
building dynamited to check the progress -
ress of the sweeping flames , injured
many of the workmen and sent sol
dler after soldier hurrying to the hos
pttala. The work of removing the bed
lea stopped and the remainder of the
dead were left to possible cremation
In th morgue.
Under the fierce heat of the noon
4y tun nineteen bodies lay In Wash
lagtoa iquaro , where they were taken
at the ortjer of the mayor when the
morgues and Hall of Justice basemen
held all that could bo cared for.
Partial List of Dead.
Following is a partial list of th <
dead : Professor George Davidson
Frank Burge , Mrs. McCann , Willie
Carr , Patrick Broderlck , Mrs. Lena C ,
Powder , \V. A. Hiibetel , William
Knowe , Peter Llnd , Annie Wheelan
Myrtle Mlnze. W. Koonteldt , William
Vail , Anna Webster , William Guelll
man , John Thrapy , Gcronlmo Stag
man Philip Busalachl , Max Fenner ,
Steve Bunncr , Mrs. Ida Hestep , Dr
The scene at the Mechanic's pa
vlllcn during the early hours of th
morning and up to noon , when the In
Jured and dead were removed , because
of threatened destruction of the build
Ing by flre , was one of indescrlbabli
sadness. Sisters , brothers and wive
and sweethearts eagerly searched fo
Bomo missing dear one. Thousands o
persons hurriedly went through the
building Inspecting the cots on which
the sufferers lay In the hope that they
ftoulil llnd sotuo loved otu mi
The dead woto pluicd In
ono portion of the building and the
romnlm'cr was devoted to hospital
purposes. After the flto forced the
nurses and physicians to desert Ihu
building the oanor crowda followud
them to the Presidio and thu chll-
Iron's hospital , where they renewed
Iholr search for missing relatives.
More than 730 poisons who weru
seriously Injured by thu uarthquakn
and thu flro have boon treated at thn
various hoiipltnls throughout thu city ,
The front or the Balloy and "tho l/i-
costu buildings , on Clay street , near
Montgomuiy , full In , killing tllreo man.
Caring for the Destitute ,
At a meeting of llfty cltlzent ) , culled
by thu mayor , It was announced that
1-iOO tents would bu pitched In Golden
Gate park anil nirangumunta had boon
inado to feed thu destltutu In the pub
lic squurcn.
A llnuncu committee , with James
D. Phulnn at thu head , was appointed
and Maor Schmlt/ was ItiBttuctod to
Issuu drafts tor all needs , on this com
It Is probable that oven with thu
spirit and willingness shown h ) San
Fianclsco people , oiitshlu aid will bu
necessary. A message Horn Pieslilent
Hoose\elt was iciolved and It had a ,
cheeilng cfTect. Gcoige Gould also |
The ficalls of the oaithqtiako woio I
many. Wldo llssures woio made ln |
the stieels , stieet inllways weio
twisted out of line , sowois and watei-
plpob weio burst and It Is routed that
there will bu an epidemic of disease.
The day's u\pui lonco hns boon a
testimonial to the modern stool build
ing. A POOIU of these structuiCH weru
In course of erection and not one of
them suffered. The completed mod
ern buildings were also Immune fiom
harm by earthquake. Thu buildings
that collapsed wore all flimsy wooden
and old-lashloned brick structures.
Thu damage by earthquake does not
begin to compare with the loss by flre.
Provisions Hie being sold al fancv
prices and even water Is being vended
by the glass. It Is Impossible to glvo
a list of the dead and wounded.
Ferryboats Resume Running.
In the afteiiioon the leiryhoals re
sumed running lioin Oakland and
thousands of homeless ami panic
stricken peoplu loft the clt ) and
sought shelter In Oakland and other
suburban towns. Thu suffering and
huulshlp beggars dcscilptlon. Count
less iiumhcis of lusldents of the city ,
including the Chinese , Japanese and
Italian quaitors , have been tendered
homeless and unless supplies and aid
reach the city within twcut-lour
hours , starvation will add to t.hujiwful
calamlt ) Nearl ) ever famous land
mark that has made Han Fiaiiclsco fa
mous over thu woild has been laid In
ruins or bin tied to the ground In the
dire catastrophe. Never has the fate
of a city been more disastrous.
Mayor Schmlt/ soul oul word to
the bakeries and milk stations
throughout the city that thuli food
supply must be harbored for the
homeless. Provisions have already
been made to place tents In every
park In the city , and In those those
who have lost all will be given food
and shelter.
Early In the morning the prisoners
confined In the city prison , on the
fifth floor of the Hall of Justice , were
transferred to the basement of th
structure. Later they were removed
to t'ie branch county Jail.
Troops Patrol the Streets ,
At 9 o'clock 1,000 men from the
Presidio arrived down town to patrol
the city streets. The Thirteenth in
fantry , 1,000 stiong , arrived I rom * An
gel Island a little later and went on
patrol duty at once. The soldlcis
have been ordered to shoot down
thieves caught In he act of robbing
the dead and to guard with their lives
the millions of dollars worth ol prop
erty which has boon placed In the
streets , that It ma ) escape the rav
ages of the flames.
From the "Barbary coast" the horde
of vicious and criminals that Infest
that section pouted forth and started
early In the evening to loot the stores
and rob the dead. Fearing such a
fiendish climax to this day of horror ,
Mayor Schmltz and Police Chief Dl-
neon Issued orders for the soldiers to
kill outright all who engaged In such |
work. Before the eyes of an Associat
ed Press representative three thieves I
were shot In the back and fatally
wounded In the burning commercial
Shock Comes Without Warning.
The dreadful earthquake shock
came without warning at precisely
5:13 : a. m. , its motion apparently beIng -
Ing from east to west At first the
upheaval of the earth was gradual
but In a few seconds it increased in
Intensity. Chimneys began to fail and
buildings to crack , tottering on their
foundations. People became panic
stricken and rushed Into the streets ,
most of them In their night attire. They
were met by showers of falling build
Ings , bricks , cornices and walls
Many were instantly crushed to death
while others were dreadfully mangled
Those who remained Indoors general
ly escaped with their lives , though
scores were hit by detached plaster ,
pictures and articles thrown to the
floor by the shock. It Is believed
that more or less loss was sustained
by nearly every family In the city.
The tall steel frame structures stood
the strain better than brick buildings
few of them being badly damaged
The big eleven-story Monadnock olflco
building , iu course of construction , ad
juii'iiiK the Palace Intel. W.IH an ex
ception , howovoi UH i on i wall ilil
lapsing and mati ) eiiuKs bolus minlt
actosfi Its limit. Koine or the docks
and freight sheds along dm watoi
front slid Into thu hay. Deep MSHIIICH
opened In the filled In ground near the
nhoro and the Union ferry depot WHM
damaged. Its high tower nllll stands ,
but will have to bo toin down.
A portion of the now city hall ,
vbtch coit inoru than ! 7,000iOO , col-
lupHud , thu roof Hlldlng Into the court
yard and thu utnallor towers tumbtliiti
ilo\\il , thu great domu bultiK moved ,
but not fulling. Thu now pustnlllcu ,
ono Of thu tlnuut In thu United Slaiux ,
was badly uhatteiud.
Thu Valencia hotel , u font Hlory
wooden building , sank Into the baso-
uient , a pllf or bpllntoied tlmhciH , \ \ \ \ -
dut which \Vei'u pinned niiiii > dead and
d > | ug occiumntH ol the IHHIHO Thu
buHumutii waH till ol walot and omo
of ( liO'iielil'HH' | \lcliniH wele diowimd.
Seaicely had Cio eiiilli i eased to
shako when III OH hioke out Hlmultauo
ousM ) In mail ) platen. The Ilio dupait
meiil piompll ) iCHponiloil lo the llrst
calls lot aid , hut It was lonnd ilu.t
the water n.ins had heon lumloicd
b ) the iinduigiotmd movo-
mint. Fanned b ) n light biee/o , thu
Hames . qiilcKI ) spicad , and soon many
blocks weie seen to bo doomed. Then
( liiamlte j was resorted to and thu
sound 01 licqnenl explosions milled to
the tenor ol the pi ople.
Progress of the Flames ,
The lluinth , lanned h ) the lining
bree/e , swi pt dovvn Ihu main whole
sale busliiei-s sixcts lo within 1IIU
leet til the Union Icii ) depot , tlm
high towei ol whlth stood at u dun-
gcions angle. Tliu big vvholesalu
giocei' ) establishment ofVullinan ,
PO ( k .t CO. WUH Oil IllO lldlll M'lllll 1(1 (
reel and the heat was so oipiusslvu |
that passuiigeis from Ihu feir ) boats
were obliged to kcup ( ; losu lo thu
water's udge In onloi to gel past thu
binning Hliiictuio. It wlTs ImposBlblu
lo reach thu center of the city from
the bay without shilling the shore for
a long distance HO as to get entirely
mound the burning dNIrlei. At about
8 o'clock Ihu Southern Pacific olllchilH
rut used to allow ail ) inoic passeugois
from trans-bay points to lunft , and
soul back those ahead ) on thu boats.
Thu ferr ) and train scivhe o | Ihu
Key route was onlliel ) abandoned ,
owing to damage donu to the power
house b ) the caithquaku at Kniei )
Grand Opera House Destroyed.
The Hie swejil down thu sheets m >
rupldl ) IbiH It wiiS piaillcall ) Impos
slble to Mivj anvHiing In Us wa > . U
reached the Gland oneia house , on M
Mission stieul , and In u moment hud | |
binned Imongh the reel The M Mio-
polllan Opeia Kunpiinv fiom New
York had just opened its season them
and all Hit i'\ni'iuhe sccnei ) and fos-
tuinch wore soon reduced lo ashes
Ftoin tin- opera house the lire leaped
lioin building ( o bnililiiig , quickly
levelling them. The Call oil loiiui
and mechanical departments wiio to
tall ) ilestiood In a low minute- und
the flames leaped across Sioviison
sheet toward Hie flue ( lid en story
stone and Iron Clans Spreckt Is buildIng -
Ing , which , with Its loll ) dome , Is Hie
most notable edlllie In Han Kiauclsio ,
Two small wooden buildings furnished
fuel to iKiiIto the splendid pile.
Thousands of people watdied the hun
gry tongues or llame licking the stonu
walls. At flisl no Impression was
made , but suddenly theie was a crai k
ling of glass , and an entrance was ef
fected The Intel lor furnishings of
the fourth floor were the llrst to go.
Then , as If h ) magic , smoke Issued
from the top of the dome This was
followed b ) a mom spectacular Illu
mination The round windows or the
domu shone llko so many full moons ;
the ) buist and gnvo vent to long , wu <
Ing streamers of flame. The great
struct me , which had withstood the
forces of the earthquake , appeared
doomed to fall a prey to flre. After
a while the light grew leas Intense ,
and the flames having nothing more to
consume , wtnt out , leaving the build
ing standing , but completely gutted.
Buildings Burn Like Tinder.
The Parrott building , In which weiu
located the chambers of the state supreme
premo court , the lower Moots being ill
voted to an immense department
store , was ruined but Its massive
walls were not all dostrood. A Httlo
farther down Market street thu Acad
emy of Sciences and the Jennie Flood
buildings and the History building
burned like ao much tinder. Sparks
carried across the wide street , Ignited
the Phelan building and the army
headquarters of the Department of
California wore burned.
Still Hearing thu bay , the waters of
which did the firemen good service ,
along the docks , the flre took the
Rlalto building , a handsome sky
scraper , and converted scores of solid
buslnees blocks Into smouldering piles
of bricks.
Banks and commercial houses , sup _ ,
posed to be fireproof , though not of
modern build burned quickly and the
roar of the Harries could bo heard even
on the hills which wuro out of the
danger zone. Here many thousands o
people congregated and witnessed the
awful scene Great masses of ( lame
rose high In the heavens or rnsliei
down some narrow street , joining mid
way between the sidewalks and mak
Ing a horizontal chimney of the form
er ways.
The dense smoke that arose from
the entire business district spread ou
llko an Immense- funnel and could
have been seen for mllea out at sea. .
Oi i a-mii ill * as MIIIIIO di UK IIOIIMO or
place Hloted with cliemiculM wa
reached , mom laniiiMilc eiietts wen
produceil b ) ( he colored llninen an.
fiinoke which tolled out aialiiHl ; the
darkened hiicliKiomul.
Palace and Grand Hotels Gone ,
All ufToilH to prevent thu Ilio lioin
teaching the Pulaco und ( Irund hotels
weio iniHiicccHHl'iil , and both woiu
completely deslioyed , together with
nil their oontoulH
All of Han FiunclHcn'n best play
houses , Including ( ho Mujesllc , Coliim
bin , Oipheum. and Gtuiid opera house ,
are a IIIIISH or niliiH. Thu oiutliqiiaku
demolished 1)10111 ) for all practical pur-
poHon und thn ( Ire completed Ihu wor'C '
of destruction , Thu haiiilsomo Itlullii
und CusHuil ) btilldliiKH weiu biiinud
to thu HI omul , UB was ever ) thine l
thut dlslilct.
Chinatown Destroyed.
In ( ho nor I limn section ot thu down
town business section the Ilio swept
uioiino HID Hall or .lustlcu and com
iiiuiildk'cd lo Chinatown , thence pie
ceeillug wcstwatd Into the heail ol
thai ( oloti ) It then began rapidly
eatliig Its wii ) iioulhwaid on both
bides ol' Keainev si I eel.
Onu of Ilio big losses of the day win
the desliiicllon ot HI iKuallus chinch
und college , at Van NOSH uvuiiue and stieet This was Hie nieulisl
.lesiilllcal niHtllullon ID the west ami
was bull ! ut a Kisl ol' u couple ol mil
Hun dollars.
Al 7 p in thu Ilio had swept from
the south side of Hie town acioss Mai
kel si i eel Into the dliililcl culled thu
Wesieiu addition , und was biirnliiK
IIOIISCH al ( lOldon ( late avenue and
Oclavla. 'I'hls icsult was reached all
ei alruoHl Ilio sotithcin ( Undid , fiom
Ninth Hi i eel. ( o thu eastuin water
fionl. had been converted Into a
blackened waslc. In Ihu section woio
himdicds of factor Ics , vvliolesiilo
houses and many business linns , In
addition to thousands ol homes.
In Hie south Hide district on Itln-
con hill , HI Mai's hospital , a laud
mark , ( onstini led by the Misters of
Moicy , was reduced to ashes.
The Meichants' Kxchaiigo building ,
one or the handsomest and most sub
stantlal eilllkes In the city , Is In
llames , as Is also the Crocker \Voo\
\vorHi bank building. Thn foimei
building Is a four teen nloi > Hlritetuif.
Cliff Housa Wiped Out.
Fiom the Clllf house comes woiil
that the gnat pie.mure let-oil anil
show place of the dlv , wbli h stood
upon a foiindailori ol solid lock IIIIH
been swept into Hie sen Not u Hit
stands lo lell while the monstei Mom
building OIK e stood n him been lev
riled lo the round .Him anil onl.v Hut
rock lining the sea < east Is Inli'.it
.n Union Sitmji | ) pur It , v licio : ' , Hum
her ol' I'liin .h ai being given loin
point ) hlieli i , tut might )
iiioiiument has been shllleil from Its
base. It m w stands leaning at an
nnglu ol ten devices and Iheie IH dan
Rer of the Imiiierise stone stiiicluru
Sclentiits Discuss Probable Cause of
California Disaster
Washliiglon , Apill IS Thu possible
relation of the eatthqnaku In Sun
Fiunclsco lo thu eruption ol Mount
Vesuvius foimed thu subject of much
discussion unions scientists In this
ell ) . None ol them wus willing to
advance an > uiuument which would
tend to corinei i one with the olhor.
In fuct , thu olliclals of the geological
Burvoy declaiud thai tbeie wus no re-
lutlonshlp whatever , both being local.
Professor G. W. Hues , dlruclor of
geology of the geological suivc ) , suld.
"Tho San Fiunclsco dlstnibancus uru
duu to trie slipping of the
rocks to adjust themselves to changed
conditions Inside thu earth They have
no relationship whatever to the erup
tlon of Vesuvius. The Intorloi of thu
earth Is In a molten state , except In
the region ol thu volcanoes , but If ) ou
go down u distance of sixty or si v
only miles the rocks art ) practically In
a fluid state from thu Immense pru.-v
sure on top of them. They act llku
a liquid and they flow to adjust them
selves to changed conditions. Hut
when you come ncarur the surface ,
where the strata arc hard und brittle ,
the slipping of a part of thu earth's
crest along the line of a fault will
give you just the conditions that at
tended trie attack in Ban Francisco.
The old earth , take It as a whole , is a
rery uneasy body , and is In a state of
constantly changing equilibrium
When thu foundations dip down thecc
lias to bo an adjustment , of the sur
face , like the breaking up of Ice on a
r'lvur , and a readjustment of the
blocks to each other. This Is evidently
what has Jtfsl happened on the coast. "
Strikers exploded a bomb In the
town hull at Callmora , Italy , Injuring
several persons.
Judge Julian \V. Mack of Chicago ,
in a decision , declared that the strike
is a form of boycott and that the boy
cott is Illegal.
Fall er Gapon , the labor Deader ,
mysteriously disappeared from St.
Petersburg a week ago. His wife
fears foul play on the part of his en
emies , as the police Insist he has not
been arrested.
In the Melcnlk district Turkish
troops destroyed the united Bulgarian
bands under Bakaltchoff , Coona , Volv-
uda , and Illzo , killing forty , Including
the four chiefs mentioned , and losing
( our meu killed and three wounded
Temperature for Twenty-four Hour * ,
Forecast for Nebraska ,
CoiiilllloiiH or Ilio weather as roconl-
oil for thu 21 hoinii ending at 8 a. m.
today :
Maximum 7'l
Minimum Ill
Aciugc Ii8
Kaltifall II Inch
llaioinulor ! IO 17
Chicago , ApiII III. The bulletin In-
ritieil by thu Chicago ntatlon of th
United Stilton weather bureau this
morning jjlvoii the forecast for No-
hrunka as foliown :
Fair tonight and Friday Cooler
southeast poitlon tonight. Warmer
Bulldlnijo or Lclnnd Stanford Unlver-
olty Demolished Ajnewa ( Insane
Asylum a Total Wreck and Over
Two Hundred Inmates Killed.
Los' Angeles , Apill JU.lloportu
from dlstihtu outside ol San Francis
co Indicate widespread damage by thu
Al Hun Jose , Ihu Vuiiiloiuu hotel an
nex WIIB badl ) w locked and leu or llf-
leen people killed. The Hohuily blocU
was completely but nod and onu wom
an killed. Ur. DcGiow was killed and
his wllu lindl ) Injured. lOvery busi
ness building was demolished. Mar
tial law has been declared und the
militia and 000 deputies uru guarding
Ihu Htiocls. It Is estimated thai ally
people hu\o boon killed. The poatof-
lieu WIIH paitly wicckud , thu I'resby-
lurlan church totally dumollubud and
thu court house wiecked.
I'asseiiKUiH uulving Mom other clt-
ICH In Caliroinlu bilng talus of death
and disaster fium Santa Cnu , Mon
terey , Gllioy and llolllstur. The dcuth
list at Santa CmIs luported largo.
Santa Hona IH u total wreck , and 10-
000 people uiu liomulesu. Thu loau ot
life will probably reach hiindiudu.
Main stiuct IH piled mail ) feet deep
with fallen hitildliiKfu- Not onu busi
ness bulldln ttTlefl Inlact. The four-
blot ) i ouri' yLjrfo. In 'lo of brokun
masoni ) , d troyVd > Cltl/oiiB
lied lo thu Holds and hllia to watch
thu destruction of the city. Thu water
HHii n \ < a < ( , ( ) ) by thu earth
Hupei visor Tied Iloinei of Oakland ,
who lotutnod lioin Han losu In his
automobile , stateu ( hat the Agnuws
itiHanu asylum near that city , IH a to
tal wreck ; that many of the Inmatua
weru killed and that thu remainder
uro running around loom , lorrorlzlnc
thu community. Thu superintendent
of the Institution and his wife were
both killed.
Dr. Slono , siiptiilntendenl of the
Nupu stutu hospital , telephones that
an automobile arrived there with
news thai Suntu Itosu Is In ruins , and
that between 200 and 300 people are
Stanford university and Palo Alto
Buffered. At .Stanford many of the
hundsomu bulldlngH weru demolished
and two people wuie killed. Ono of
them was Junius Hubert Ilannu of
Bradfoid , Pa. , and the other was Otto
Gurts , a ( lieruan. Six other students
aru lying In thu Palo Alto hospital
with bruises , cuts and Internal In
A dispatch from Mllpltas says that
thu state hospital Is damaged and.
useless and thai Dr. Kelly Is killed.
The number of Injiiiud Is unknown.
It is asked that physicians and nurses
bu sent there.
A long distance telephone message
from Salinas. IH miles south of San
Francisco , gave the following informa
tion :
"Ono hundred and twenty bodies
have been taken out of the Agnows
Insane asylum and there are probably
150 moro corpses in the ruins. The
magnificent structure was demolished.
Right duad Italians were taken out
of the Italian hotel at San Jose. At
that place the Presbyterian church ,
St. Patrick's cathedral and the high
school were destroyed. The new Hall
of Justice at San Jose , just completed
at a cost of $300,000 , was demolished.
All but two of the university buildings
at Stanford uro In ruins. At U > ma
Prlotu , eighteen miles from Santa
Cruz , a mine house slipped down the
side of a mountain , burying ten men.
in tbo ruins.
American League St. Louis , 0 ;
Cleveland , 4. Boston , 3 ; New York , 5
( darkno.18) ) . Detiolt , 3 ; Chicago , 2.
Philadelphia , 4 ; Washington , 2.
National League Chicago , 11 ; St.
IxMils , 1. Brooklyn , 1 ; New York , 4.
Plttsburg , 4. Cincinnati. 7.
Pall Hangs Over House.
Washington , A.prll 1'J. A pall bung
over the house by reason of the great
calamity which has come to San Fran
cisco and nearby towns of Oakland ,
Berkeley and Alamcda. Legislation
went on , but In a most perfunctory
way. There was no heart or Interest
In the bills under consideration.