The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, March 30, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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With a Small Fund on Hand Now and
Volumes to be Secured From a Dook
Social , It Is Delleved the Club Will
be Able to Start May 1.
The Norfolk's Woman's dub lining-
wntetl movement nt tliolr mooting
this week which has for Its attainment
the establishment of a llhrury for Nor-
folk. Every person Interested In the
city will hope Mmi nothing miiy occur
which will In mi. way Interfere with
the worthy object , ami the ladles will
lie given every assistance possible. II
IH not expected to Htart on a largo
Nealo but the Woman's club plan to es
tablish the nucloiiH of what In hopuil
will grow Into a well patronized free
public library In the near future
As a preliminary to the project It
HPOIUH that the club IHIH for BOIUO tlmo
liwn accumulating n fund , which IB
called the library fund , and which now
contains about $100 In CHHI. ! ThlH In
the nest egg of the plan. It will ho
remembered that Homo yours ago Col.
.1. 1C. Simpson , now deceased , ralnod
Quito a fund toward u lllirnry , and It
was one of hlH fondoHt dreams that
lie might bequeath through bin offortH
mich a puhllo ItiHtltutlon to the town
which ho loved. An aHHOclalUm wan
formed at that tlmo and the old Cath
olic church was purchased an a library
Imlldlng , but a aovoro wind Hlorm dam-
ngod the building BO badly that the
nssoclatlon was forced to dispose of
it nt a IOHB. The trustees of that as
sociation were Dr. IF. .T. Cole , .T. 13.
BimpHon , 0. A. Lulhart and Prof.
O'Connor. Mr. O'Connor has gouo to
the Canal /ono , Mr. Simpson and Mr.
Lulltart are both deceased , leaving Dr.
Cole as the nolo olllclal ropreHontatlvo
of the association. At the tlmo of
closing up the affairs of the associa
tion there wan n cash balance on hand
of about $180. As the money was
rulnod for library purposes , Dr. Cole
IB disposed to place thin balance In
the hands of the Womau'H club to
Hid lu their efforts In again trying to
establish a library , and as It was raised
for that purpose by Col. Simpson this
plan moots with general approval.
ThuR with $180 ! at their command ,
the members of the club feel that they
are now ready to nmko a start. Their
plan contemplates the llrst move on
April 19 , when they will give a book
social at the parlors of the First Con
gregational church. A musical and
literary program will bo provided as
imtortalnmont , and the priceof ad
mission will be ono book suitable to
find a place in a general library. In
this way It Is believed the women will
Kccnro a start of at least ono hundred
Htandard volumes , and the amount of
money on hand will also bo Invested In
l > ooks , making a very respectable
beginning ,
The ladles have gene so far with
their project aa to partially secure a
room In the Bishop block where the
library will bo Installed. This will bo
comfortably lighted and heated , and
nt the outset will bo kept open one day
n week , probably Saturday , the mem
bers of the club taking turns In keep
ing the room open to exchange books
nnd attend to the business of the II-
The project further contemplates so
liciting memberships for which It IB
planned to collect a fee of $1.00 a year ,
the money to be used In defraying ex
penses of rout , etc. , and the balance
( o bo Invested in now hooka. It IB
hoped now to have the library ready
to open by May 1.
As to the need of a public library In
Norfolk there is no question. Although
several efforts have been made lu the
past to establish a library , all of them
liavo met with failure , and It Is be
lieved that the only practical manner
in which U ) bring results Is to star
in a modest way , as the Woman's clul
proposes to do. It Is their ambltloi
to got the movement started and se
euro public interest In It until such i
time as the city council , perhaps , wll
take hold of the matter and make I
a free public library.
Many other tous have started It
n similar manner In fact it Is asserl
ed that there Is scarcely a public 1
forary in existence that did not hav
its beginning In a small way and gro\
as the public demand Increased. Th
Woman's club Is certainly undertaking
ing a worthy project and should hav
the hearty support and co-oporatlon o
every person in town.
Frank H. Scott Is Coming Here From
Stanton to Live.
Prank II. Scott , formerly a merchan
in Norfolk and of late n" resident o
Stanton , whore he has just disposed o
his interests in a mercantile store , ha
been in Norfolk during the past fo\
days looking for a house and Intend
to move to this city shortly. Mr. Scot
Is now on the road entirely In the Interests
torests of the Modern Brotherhood o
America , of which ho Is a director.
Tourist Movement.
Chicago , 111. , March 1C. The passenger
gor department of the Chicago & .
Northwestern railway announces tha
as a moans of Increasing the ctllcienc )
of the "Seeing America First" movement
mont , round trip tickets will be soli
over that line to all Pacific coas
points , good on their fast limited
rnliiH , nt the ralo of $75.00 from Chi-
ago , dally .luno 1 to September 15.
Jvory facility Is being provided for In
ho way of stopovers and other convo-
ICIICOH , and the tourist movement to
ho Pnelllo coast , for the coming sea-
on piomlHCH to Hhow an Increase of
limy thousand people over that of
ny season over known.
A Proposition Wan Made to Rcmon-
strators Yesterday , Granting a Side
walk Through the Street , Thus OpenIng -
Ing Trains Is Turned Down.
Another effort , made on the part of
Itlzons Interested In accepting the
s'orthwestern railroad's proposition to
ulld a $15,000 depot In Norfolk , to
oinpromlso the problem with those
vho have Issued an Injunction against
lie city council , restraining that body
nun passing the ordinance providing
or the closing of Philip avenue , was
uulo ycHtorday afternoon , but failed.
The ground upon which this attempt
I a compromise was made , was to the
ffoct that Philip avenue should bo
ept open for pedestrians with a side-
Milk running along the street and this
alk to be maintained , but closing the
venue to vehicles.
U Is reliably stated that the North-
ostern company would accept a prop-
sltlon of this sort , and It Is said that ,
' such a compromise were made , keep-
ng the street open for pedestrians ,
ils would do away with the objections
resented by remonstrators aa to
rains blocking the thoroughfare and
ot being cut In two.
It was argued by these In favor of
uiklng this compromise that , inas-
inch as the main argument of the re-
lonstrators against closing the street
as that the school children could not
et through the street , this might do
way with that objection and solve the
roblem. But these who are leading the
lovoment to prevent the closing of
10 street , were unwilling to compro-
ilso In this way and the Injunction
till stands.
Shoulders are Broken and Ribs Pushed
Into Lungs A Wife and Five Chil
dren are Left Death From Internal
Grand Island , Nob. , March 2G. Spe
cial to The Nowa : James Downlo ,
light foreman at the Union Pacific
oundhouso , died last night as a result
> f Injuries sustained by bolnc crushed
between an engine and n door of the
roundhouse. Ho was entering the deere
o shut off an engine making for It ,
nit was hit. Both shoulders were
irokon and his ribs caved In , ponotrat-
ng the lungs. Death resulted from
ntenial Injuries. There are a wife
and live children.
Father Bryant Took Marvin Hughltt's
Word and Wrote Friend Roosevelt.
Dr. Mackay brings a good story from
Casper , Wyo. Father Bryant Is a pop-
ilar clergyman there. His congrega-
Ion Is not largo and his income- lim
ited. Nevertheless ho Is ambitious
ind makes long journeys at his per
sonal expense promoting missions nnd
lllllng the pulpits of the various
churches along the line of the North
western railroad. Recently Mr. Bid-
well visited Casper and Mr. Bryant
asked him for a pass which was grant
ed over the lines of the Northwestern
In Wyoming. Father Bryant desired
to have the pass Include the Nebraska
line as far as Omaha so as to enable
him to visit churches In western Ne
braska and to consult with his supo
rlors. Mr. Illdwell suggested that ho
should show some reason for the no
eessity of this and the latter therefore
presented a petition signed by his people
ple along the line of the roa'd In Wy
omtiig and In addition to this nearl >
all the residents of Casper , Including
Governor Bryant B. Brooks. Mr. Bid
well forwarded the petition to Mr
Marvin Hughltt , who , as a joke , wrote
back that Father Bryant lacked Jus
ono signature , namely that of Preal
dent Roosevelt.
"Good , " replied Father Bryant
Mr. Roosevelt was a classmate o
mine. "
Ho got the president's signature
and now has a pass over the ontlr
Northwestern system.
Mrs. Fred Chandler has returnee
from a trip to Essex , Iowa.
Rev. W. R. Peters returned Satur
day from his visit with relatives in
Mrs. A. II. Cropper wont to St. Joe
Mo. , Saturday to visit her parents.
Dan Murphy was hero from Omaha
last week looking after his farm.
O. D. Munson came up from Omaha
Saturday to look after his real estnt
Dave Miller and Otto Carson lof
Saturday for Scottsbluff , where thoj
expect to work on the irrigation ditch
Members of the Elks and U , C. T.
Take .Part In the Services Many
People Pay Their Respects to a Pop
ular Traveling Man.
[ From Moiuluy'H Dully. ]
The funeral of Otto F. Tapport , held
it Trinity Episcopal church ycsteiday
fternoon at It o'clock , was ono of the
argest attended events of the kind
ver hold lu the city. An escort of
Slkfl and Traveling men accompanied
he remains from the house to the
hiirch , whom the regular Episcopal
ervlcu was supplemented by an ad-
IrcHR by Judge Robertson on behalf
f the Elks , and at the grave the Elks
orvlco waa used.
Otto Tappert had friends not only
n Norfolk but ho could count them
the hundreds all ever north No-
raska , where ho has been traveling
or the Standard Oil company for
uiny years , having covered the torrl-
ory oven before there were railroads
ud when ho had to make his trips
) y stage. Always In a good humor ,
irlmmlng full of the milk of human
( IndncBs and ever having a good word
'or every person with whom ho came
n contact , ho made friends In an ear-
y day and has boon making them
vor Hlnco , and all were anxious to
ay their last respects to his memory.
At the tlmo of his death Mr. Tapport
van grand counselor of the grand
xlgo of United Commercial Travelers
f Nebraska , and the grand lodge was
veil represented at the funeral , the
rand ofllcors being F. Jetton , dopart-
lent supreme counselor , Omaha ; J.
A. Traphagcn , past grand counselor ,
Lincoln ; T. A. Walton , grand past
ounsolor , Hastings ; M. L. Dolan ,
rand junior counselor , Grand Island ;
j. M. May , grand conductor , Fremont ,
0. A. Bally , grand page , Lincoln ; C. J.
yens , grand secretary , Omaha ; D.
C. Hewitt , grand treasurer , Hastings ,
'ho Standard Oil company , for which
Ir. Tapport had traveled for thirty-
ivo years , was represented by Messrs.
Stokes , Fuller and McCutcheon , trav-
llng men , who had been delegated by
ho Omaha branch to represent the
ompany at the service. Manager
Jlieon of the Sioux City olllco and Mr.
'aylor , a traveling man , were here
luring the morning but did not ro-
ualn for the service , Mr. Ghoon being
called homo by sickness In his family.
Members of the United Commercial
Travelers and Elks met at the Elks
club rooms at 2 o'clock , and sent a
lolegatlon of more than eighty to the
1'apport homo to act as an escort. Af-
er a short prayer by Rov. J. C. S.
Wollls , rector of Trinity church , the
irocesslon formed escorted by the two
odgcs which Mr. Tapport loved In
ho following order : Grand officers
of the U. C. T. ; past exalted rulers
ind ofllcors of the Elks ; members of
ho U. C. T. and Elks , many belong-
ng to both lodges.
The capacity of the church was en
tirely Inadequate to seat the large
crowd of people present. Seats were
reserved for the Elks and traveling
nen on ono side of the room. The
Episcopal funeral service was conduct
ed by Mr. Wollls and at Its close Judge
lobcrtson , representing the Elks and
n response to request , pronounced a
icautiful eulogy over the remains of
the brother who was always present
it roll call. The church choir sang
with unusual feeling.
The pall bearers were Ed. Gotten ,
I. D. Sturgeon , J. T. Thompson , C. D.
Sims , W. A. Vlgars and C. E. Greene ,
ill members of the Elks and U. C. T.
The church was bountifully decorat
ed with floral offerings , the most sig
nificant piece being sent by the grand
ledge of the U. C. T. , a floral "grip. "
Other contributions were from Nor
folk lodge , B. P. O. E. , No. C53 ; Omaha
lodge , B. P. O. E. , No. 39 ; U. C. T. of
Lincoln , No. 101 ; U. C. T. of Norfolk ,
No. 120 ; U. C. T. of Chadrou , No. 308 ;
M. W. A. of Norfolk ; Royal Highlanders -
ers of Norfolk ; A. O. U. W. of Nor
folk ; Standard OH company of Oma
ha ; Standard Oil company of Stoux
City. Besides these there were many
private tributes.
At the cemetery the Elks had
charge of the final service. A quar
tette consisting of Messrs. Parker , Sol
onion , Maylard and Greene sang two
selections , there was prayer and re
sponsive readings , led by Exalted Rul
er Mapes. the closing ode and bene
Judge Robertson's Address.
Following is the text of Judge Rob
ertson's address , delivered aa repre
sentative of the Elks at the funera
of Mr. Tapport :
My Friends : Wo have met here
upon this solemn occasion to pay our
last tribute of love and respect to thq
memory of our brother who has gen <
before. But yesterday as it were , ho
was ono of us In the full vigor of life
and health , loving and beloved , toda >
nothing remains to remind us of hln
except his lifeless clay nnd the re
mcmbranco of the wealth of affection
ho had for his kindred and friends
Wo say that ho is dead , therefore wo
can do no moro for him now than to
place flowers upon the casket which
contains his mortal remains , pay our
feeble tribute , and when wo have con
signed him to Mother Earth , strew
( lowers over his grave and keep green
In our memories his deeds of kindness
and of love.
This then being true , my friends
mr duty IH rather to the living than
to the dead.
No man can pass through this life
without leaving behind him the lin-
liress of his character to a greater or
ess extent upon those with whom ho
was associated. I do not mean to
say dial our brother had no faults ho
wan mortal like all of us , therefore ho
was not faultless there are none of
IB perfect Above and beyond all of
bis shortcomings , however , he was
losseHsed of UIOKO characteristics that
; o to make up the qualities In a man ,
which endearfl him to his family anil
ils friends. It remains for us to em-
Male bis virtues and his goodness , to
write his faults upon the sand , and
iresei'Ne his virtues upon the tablets
> f our love and memory.
llrothor Otto F. Tappert was born
n Germany on the 2th ( ! day of Octo
ber , 1852 , and came to this country In
ISliti , At the ago of eighteen he on-
orod the service of the Standard Oil
company and remained with the one
employer In various capacities till the
line of hla death. He waa one of the
) Ioneor traveling salesmen of his com-
mny , as loyal to hla employers aa he
was to hla adopted country. In such
ilgh esteem was ho held by his fellow
traveling men that at the time of his
lemlso ho waa holding the highest
illlcc In the gift of the United Com-
norelal Travelers In this state , that
) f grand counselor. And right hero
et mo say of Brother Titppert and the
nen of his craft , the commercial trav
elers , that I can only compare theme
o a soldier. When on duty they are
inder orders ; In sunshine and In
storm , In good times and In bad times ,
vherover you may go , In the sunny
southland , or In the northern climes ,
in the rock bound coast of the Allan-
Ic , or on the wave washed shores of
ho Pacific , on the mountain side or
n the valley , you will find the Amor-
can traveling man with hla grip. He
a one of the best types of our citizenship -
ship , he carries the gospel of com-
nerco and of trade to the remotest
corners of the world. Ho Is loyal ,
constant and true , to his family , his
country , and his employer. Ono of
hose waa he whoso remains now lie
icfore us. Ills length of service with
such an exacting employer speaks vol-
lines for his ability , zeal and Integ
rity. And in a worldly sense , the best
rlliuto I can pay him la to say , that
10 was an American traveling man ,
which In Itself IB and should bo a
jadgo of honor. I know naught of his
enemies , hut 1 do know his friends
ire legion.
As an Instance of his loyalty and
lovotlon : Brother Tappert was elect
ed tyler of Norfolk lodge , number (153 ( ,
llonovolent and Protective Order of
Elks at the time of Us organization In
January , 1901 , and served In that ca
pacity up to the tlmo of his decease.
He never missed but one meeting of
the ledge up to two weeks ago , and
that was on account of being snowed
In at Oakdale , and then ho called up
an officer of the lodge by telephone to
explain his absence. I do not know
how others may view the matter , but
It seemed to mo peculiarly character
istic of htm that It so happened that
his last moments on this earth should
bo spent where he loved so well to be ,
that he should , In that place , where
ho knew ho had loyal and devoted
friends , calmly and peacefully drop
Into his last Bleep.
I might. If I would , go Into detail as
to the good and kindly qualities of
our brother , and the social side of his
nature , but enough has been said to
Indicate the kind of man he was. Wo
can not heal the wounda his depar
ture has caused , but we can be to his
family , In a measure , a source of com
fort , by reminding them that we as
well as they loved him , and that wo
will cherish his memory as a sweet
remembrance. Their remembrance of
him as a loving husband , a kind and
Indulgent parent and an affectionate
brother will bo a lasting solace In the
years to come.
To his friends I need say nothing ,
for they know him as a man and neigh
bor , n true and devoted friend. The
members of the several orders to
which ho belonged , will always bear
him In mind as one of tholr efficient
and zealous co-workers.
Last night was the first tlmo since
our ledge was organized that we have
met with the office of tyler vacant ,
and just before the session com
menced I was standing In the middle
of the room talking to a traveling
man , who Is a member of our order.
Wo were talking about filling Brother
Tapport's place. This traveling man
Is well known by all of you , ho lives
hero among us , and Is a man whom
we have all learned to admire and re
spect. While wo stood looking each
other In the fact , I noticed tears glis
tening in his eyes , and ho said to me :
"Wo can't get anybody to fill Otto's
place. Why , my dear Mr. Robertson
you people don't know Otto as we
traveling men know him. Wo know
of his deeds of kindness , his generous
impulses and uniform courtesy. I
don't know nor care what other people
may say about Otto Tapport , but 1
know ho was a prince among men
ono of nature's noblemen. " It struck
me as an eloquent testimonial from
ono of his brethren.
Although I have chosen to make this
tribute brief , it is not that I did not
love our brother , for I did , but It is
rather that I would not harrow up the
feelings of these who loved him in
life , and mourn him in his death.
And now. my friends and brothers
of Norfolk lodge , number C53 , Benev
olent and Protective Order of Elks ,
so far as this our brother Is concerned ,
"Tho parting has come , " and let us
Indulge the hope that his spirit is now
dwelling in the realms of the blest on
the other side , and when wo are called
to go up on high , wo shall clasp glad
[ lands with our departed brother on
that shining shore ,
Mr. Welds' Address.
The following sermon delivered by
Rov. J. C. S. Wellls at Trinity Eplsco-
ml church yesterday morning , Is pub-
Ished by request :
St. Luke VI. , : iG-t7 : : Bo ye there
fore merciful ; as your Father also la
merciful. Judge not that ye bo not
liidged. Condemn not and ye shall
not be condemned ; forglvu nnd ye
shall he forgiven.
These are among the closing words
of the Sermon on the Mount. They
ire very full of practical religion.
They net forth the spirit of the ro-
talon taught by our Blessed Lord.
In another part of Holy Scripture wo
ire taught that the highest Christian
virtue Is charity and that being desti
tute of It the professing follower be
comes as sounding brass and as a
Inkling cymbal. The teaching Is that
n proportion aa wo become Imbued
with true piety , wo become broad , lib
eral and charitable In our judgments
) f others. That wo become tender ,
ompaaslouate and merciful to the err-
ng and the unfortunate , that wo com-
nlserate with the erring and the fall
en. The psalmist says of God that
le Is good to all and that His tender
norcles are over all Hla works. That
le careth for all , that He scndoth
rain upon the unjust and upon the
The average cast of human nature
s quite otherwise disposed. There Is
nuch generous and kind feeling dls-
ilayeil In men's treatment of each
ither , hut there la an equal , If not a
argor share of a contrary sort. It
ins been said , and truthfully no doubt ,
hat "man's regard for man , apart
from pelllsh Interests , Is not exces
sively large. " Certain It Is that his
generous sympathy and sworn friend
ship are often found wanting when
ested by conflicting Interests. Many
warm friendships havct when thus
ested , been found to grow cold.
Aa we are to be merciful and com-
msslonatc In our treatment so are
we to be lenient and loving , that Is ,
'nil of charity In our judgments. In-
urles , censures and unkind words the
Christian can forego , knowing that
'This Is thankworthy , if a man for
conscience toward God endure grief ,
suffering wrongfully. "
Charitable judgments , lenient treat-
uent , free and full forgiveness are the
ilalnly written requirements of a true
Christianity. .
Hard judgment , an eye for evil rath
er than for good , a strained severity
ire thorns that prick and hurt those
who use them. They alienate the
neart and mind from the tenderer
phases of social life , beget a restless
uneasiness which robs of true peace
ind quietness of life. The happy heart
Is the one that Is full of meekness and
of gentleness , not given to criticism ,
or unpleasant comparisons , not ready
to see a slight or formulate a motive
for hypocrisy In speech or act.
There la a dignity .ind a composure
in an honest , frank , open , forbearing ,
forgiving spirit which sets at naught
the assaults and wrongs that are put
upon It.
The world Is full of opportunity for
the exercise of charity. There are
fallen ones to bo lifted up , erring ones
to bo recovered , injured ones to bo
defended and all manner of wrongs
to be righted. And all by those who
have the power , and social standing
and strength of character to bestow
the needed support to these In trou
ble. We are not to forgot either that
wo ourselves are not already perfect
when seeking opportunity to supply
the deficiencies of others. The Savior
reminds us that we may possibly over
look greater faults in ourselves than
we find In our neighbors. A spirit not
given to magnifying defects , not censorious
serious , not prying after the evil
abounding In the walk of another is
ono worthy of the highest commenda
tion. True piety Is more concerned
to bo right Itself than to seek to
bring to light the fallings and faults
of another. It is an easy thing to sit
In judgment upon another much of
the zeal expended in setting others
aright might be expended with great
propriety and profit upon those who
manifest It. There Is a zeal which
fattens on the flesh of its fellows , that
loves to feed on others' fallings , ever
on the lookout for other people's faults
and wrongdoing and blunders , and
never slow to spread and magnify
them. They see the motes In the eyes
of their fellow travelers , their own
massive beams being held In shadow.
All such zeal the Savior calls hypoc
risy. True piety remembers Its own
shortcomings and is not given to swift
judgment. It is most concerned about
Its own standing before God and it
deals gently with the faults of by
It Is well also to remember that it
Is not an evidence of virtue , holiness
or salntllness for men to bo facile In
discovering defects In others. A zeal
for censure may exist without a zeal
for tmth or right or God.
It is best ordinarily that our criti
cism of the shortcomings of others
should bo kept nt homo and that our
charity bo sent abroad. Most blessed
are they of whom It can bo said , as
It sometimes truthfully can bo , "They
woro. never heard to speak an ill word
of anyone. " All such have heard nnd
kept many of the sayings of the Master -
tor and are far on the way that ends
In the kingdom of heaven they have
moro than faith , moro than knowl
edge. They have charity. When wo
are minded to talk about the faults
and wrong-doings of our neighbors
and are tempted to pass judgment
upon tholr errors , and mistakes , and
sins , then ought wo to recall the gold
en words of the Master spoken from
the mount , "Judge not that ye bo not
judged , condemn not and ye shall not
bo condemned , " or these other words
spoken later In His ministry , "Ho that
Is without sin among you , let him cast
a stone. "
It IB to be regretted that the Phar
isee still lives. The "I-am-hollor-than-
thou" man is still abroad In the land.
Forgetful Is he that God's love is not
limited to the perfect , the holy and
the good. Forgetful that the sin-
flecked ono Is precious In His sight
In God's Bight the difference between
a saint and the greatest sinner can
be but small. Surely his love and Ills
mercy la bounded by no such limited
variations. The God of the rose Is
the God of the bramble as well. Ho
gives bloom to the thorn tree. Ills
temples In human hearts nro con
structed upon former ruins. There is
not a nolsomo marsh or stagnant pool
on the face of the earth but that Hln
sun shines on It. A bruised reed shall
Ho not break.
May the thought that God loves each
of His children comfort and strength
en us when we need comfort nnd sua-
tnlnlng power.
When the Prisoners In the Missouri
State Penitentiary Were Called to
Breakfast This Morning , a Colored
Prisoner Pounced on Guard.
Jefferson City , Mo. , March 26.
When the convicts at the state peni
tentiary were called for breakkfast to
day , Guard Woods of Macon waa
pounced upon by a colored convict
and stabbed three times.
Woods died Instantly.
Another guard Instantly killed the
Second Semi-Annual Meeting of North
Nebraska Dental Association.
The second semi-annual meeting of
the North Nebraska Dental associa
tion will bo held in Norfolk April 5.
The sessions will be held at the Ellc
club rooms.
The following papers will bo read :
1. "Tho First Permanent Molar , "
W. M. Condon , Humphrey. Discussion
opened by D. W. McLaren , Sprlng-
2. "Cleanliness of the Oral Cavity , "
B. F. Powell , Wakefield. Discussion
opened by J. F. Doly , Wlsner.
3. "Tho Necessity and Methods of
Dovltallzation , " G. M. Mullen , Crelgh-
ton. Discussion opened by H. J. Cole ,
1. "Somnoforme , " G. M. Berry ,
O'Neill. Discussion opened by B. M.
Hogan , Bancroft.
5. ( a ) "Benefits Derived From
Small Associations ; " ( b ) "Interesting
Case of Fracture of Inferior Maxil
lary , " G. B. Balrd , Fremont. Discus
sion opened by W. C. Hastings , New
man Grove.
C. "Our Patients and Patience , " G.
B. Hartman , Randolph. Discussion by
T. B. Hcckert , Wayne.
Porcelain inlay demonstration , II. A.
Mittelstadt , Norfolk.
( a ) Reid Swager demonstration ,
( b ) method of filling roots , L. H. War
ner , Fullerton.
Demonstrating construction of dum
mies , B. B. Goblo , Laurel.
Correspondence. Letters from Dr.
C. N. Johnson and Dr. N. Ottollengln.
Business meeting. Blectton of offi
cers. Action on constitution.
Ofllcers of the association are : C.
K. Brown , Emerson , president ; T. B.
Heckert , Wayne , vice president ; E.
M. Hogan , Bancroft , treasurer ; C. S.
Parker , Norfolk , secretary.
An Interesting exhibit will bo on
Elks Elect Officers.
The annual election of officers of
Elks lodge , No. 653 , was held Satur
day evening , the result .being aa fol
lows :
Exalted ruler , M. D. Tyler.
Esteemed leading knight , B. H. Tra
cy , re-elected.
Esteemed loyal knight , W. M. Rain-
Esteemed lecturing knight , F. K.
Secretary , B. C. Gentle , re-elected.
Treasurer , C. E. Burnham , re-elect
Tyler , R , H. Reynolds.
Trustee , G. D. Buttorfield , re-elect
Representative to the grand lodge ,
Burt Mapes , retiring exalted ruler ;
alternate , C. H. Reynolds , past exalt
ed ruler.
Appointive officers are to bo named
by the now exalted ruler.
A commiteo to draft resolutions on
the death of Otto Tappert was select
ed , consisting of M. D. Tyler , W. M.
Robertson and W. H. Bucholz.
Boyd County Man of 40 Is to be Sent
to the Hospital.
Butte , Nob. , March 27. Special to
The News : Adolph Sternburg , a
Swede living near Gross , Neb. , was
brought before the board of insanity
last night and adjudged insane. The
complaint was filed by his cousin and
Adolph's father , who Is some 74 years
old. Ho was not violent but had become -
come very melancholy. Ho will betaken
taken to Lincoln. Stornbrug Is n man
40 years old.