THE NORFOLK WEEKLY NEWSJOURNAL NOHKOMv , NKUKASKA , Ml DAY , tMAUCIl HO , I HOB. CHARLES MEADE GREW UP IN BEEMER INSTITUTION. HOW HE DECEIVED THE BANK He Would Keep Money on Deposit in New York and Get a Statement From the Directors , Later Transferring Money Kept Up For Five Years. West Point , Nob. , March 29. Mendo has been released on ball. Lincoln , March 29. Charles Meade , accused of embezzling $8,300 from the Doerncr bank , grew up In the institu tion , declared Warden Bcomer , pros- dent of the bank. It has not been learned what the young man did with the money. He would keep cash on 4 deposit in Now York , j. ' get a state ment from the dlrcv ° $ Afterwards ko would transfer the tfi , to South ' Omaha and get a state In thli way ho deceived the banv ' t01 hre years. Wright Resigns Hastings. Neb. , March 29. . Van Dyke Wright , for eight years'.ne pastor of the First Presbyterian church In this dty , has announced hit resignation lo his congregation. About a week ago the trustees of the Hast ings Presbyterian college re-elected Ror. Wright as president of the college and feeling that the double duties that would bo expected of him would be more than he could attend to resulted In his resignation as pastor. Stranger Killed by Train. Lexington , Neb. , March 29. A man whose name Is given as John Hanley was instantly killed three miles west of this city by train No. 5. The man , with two companions , had been walk ing on the track and becoming sleepy , all three laid down and fell asleep. Hanlcy's head being close to the rail a was struck and broken. The train j sped on , the crew being apparently un conscious of its deadly work. RSALOON MENJUT OF3WORK Estimate That Ohio License Law Wilt Make 15,000 People Idle. Columbus , O. , March 20. Thousands f men will be thrown out of employ ment by the enforcement of the Alkln $1,000 liquor tax law , which has Just been passed. The 5,000 proprietors of the saloons that will close , will be out of employment. At least half of tbera have barkeepers , making 2,500 more. Many porters , men who get up the ealoon lunches and bakers thrown out of employment by the decreased de mand for bread from the saloons , will lose their Jobs. Brewery drivers and other employes at the breweries will also suffer , and It is said that between 10,000 and 16,000 people In all will bo out of employment. Representative Aikln estimates that the gain in the state revenue will bo about $3,450,000 , three-tenths of which goes to the state. I SMELTING PLANT IN RUINS Fire at Grand Encampment Causes a Loss of $300,000. Grand Encampment. Wyo. , March 29. The great smelting , concentrat ing and electric and steam power plant of the Penn-Wyomlng Copper company was almost completely de stroyed by lire , entailing a loss esti mated at $300,000 , partially covered by Insurance. The smelter building was saved after a hard fight. The flre will bring the business of the town to astandstlll for months , The Penn Wyoming company handled Encampment district In addition to the copper ores of a large part of tht ores from Its own mine. Destruction of the electric plant has deprived the city of light and power. GAS WELL STILL BURNING Sixth Attempt to Smother Gusher Fire at Caney Falls. Caney , Kan. , March 29. The burn lag gas well defeated a sixth attempt to smother the flames. An eight-Inch < pipe hod been lowered Into the wel / and the flame confined to the uppei end of the pipe. A hood was placed bout the mouth of the well anc round the pipe , and then an effori was made to close a valve In the toj ot the pipe. As this valve was cloaec gaa burst through the hood below and soon the well was a mass of flame again. The hood woa removed anc the well is burning as fiercely ai ver. Find Adams' Burled Explosives. Pocatello , Ida. , March 29. Four o the flvo bottlns of Stove Adams' "hel flro" wore found here. Last spring i man working in the old mill found thi tin box. He opened ono of the hot ties and was badly burned. Aftc that ho burled the box in a pllo o cinders outside. After being found be pointed out the spot In the old mil where they were discovered. It is th < xact spot where Adams began dig glng when taken there to recover th bottles. Steve Adams left Pocatell to return to the penitentiary In charg ef Warden Edwards. The place wher Adams regUtered Sept. 24 , 1804 , wa found. CHICAGO FACESA COAL FAMINE * _ Only Contract Fuel Being Delivered and That Is Short , Chicago , March 29. The Record- Hornld says Hint tlio supply of com mercial coal for Chicago has prac tically been cut off. For two weeks the- coal carrying railroads have bceu taking 75 per cent of the output of many of the mines and the entire pro duction of others Actual confiscation of coal by the roads within three days Is predicted by coal men. During the remainder of this week not a pound of fuel from Ohio. West Virginia or Pennsylvania will reach Chicago , ac cording to dealers who asserted It would all bo taken up by roads run ning to the mines. There was very little , If any , "free" coal In the city. All of the coal received was contract fuel and the supply of that did not meet the demand. The market price is tending upward and the limit has not been reached. Wreck on the Santa Fe. Las Vegas , N. M. , March 29. SanU Pe passenger No. 10 east-bound was wrecked at lllbora , thirty miles south of Las Vegas , by colliding with the rear end of a freight train. Several passengers and the fireman on the flyer were Injured , the latter seriously. A number of cars wore destroyed. The track Is blocked and nil trnmc Is at a standstill. The accident Is Bald to have been caused by the failure on the part of the freight train to carry a flag on the caboose. Will Not Meet Perkins. DCS Molncs , March 29 Governor Cummins answered the challenge of George D. Perkins to meet him In Joint debate In each congressional dis trict of Iowa , refusing to Join In the arrangement. He states ho has made all his speaking dates , and to accept would bo to disarrange all his cam paign. CONSULAR SERVICE IN ORIENT Charges of Misconduct Against Good- now , McWade and Williams. Washington , March 21) ) . The presi dent sent to the house of representa tives the report of Herbert H. D. Pierce , assistant secretary of state , regarding the consular service In the Orient. The message Is accompanied by a letter from Secretary Root , In which he says : "I wish to call especial attention to one feature of these reports. They disclose grave misconduct on the part of two consuls formerly occupy ing Important posts In the east. Thcso consuls are no longer In the service. I regret to say , however , that there arc Indications of other cases of mis conduct or inefficiency among consuls In various parts of the world. " The visit of Mr. Pierce included many cities , but his severe criticism is reserved for ex-Consul General Good- now , at Shanghai ; ex-Consul General McWade , at Canton , and Consul Will- lams , at Singapore. The charges against McWade , form er consul at Canton , are drunkenness , employment of a felon , issuance of fraudulent Chinese certificates , ex tending protection to Chinamen who claim to bo American citizens , perse cution of American citizens for pur poses of revenge , and corruption in ofllco. The charges against former Consul General Goodnow at Shanghai are eighty-two in number , some serious and some slight. Some are sufficient to support suits at law and give- evi dence of corruption In office. Three Spans Have Gone Out. Lincoln , March 29. Three spans ot the south channel Platte river bridge of the Sioux City and Western rail road have been washed out by a flood. Traffic Is completely paralyzed on that line. There is still danger from Ice gorges at other places. Threats Against Life of Wltte. St. Petersburg , March 29. Many threats have been made against the life of Premier Witte. He received warning that unless he left the gov ernment within a week he would bo killed. Life Sentence for Assault , Anamosa , la. , March 29. Jack PIzer was sentenced to life Imprisonment for criminal assault on a woman sev enty years old. It was Pizer's fourth conviction for criminal assault. TELEGRAMSJERSELY TOLD By an explosion In the Takashlma coal mine , near Nagasaki , Japan , 250 miners were killed. Masonic temple , the largest bust ness block in Dover , N. H. , was de stroyed by flre , entailing a loss of $200,000. A receiver was appointed for the Modern Samaritans of the World , a fraternal Insurance order doing busi ness in Indiana , Illinois and Michigan. Governor Beckham of Kentucky signed the legislative act imposing a tax of l'/i cents a gallon on rectified spirits manufactured in the state or shipped In for the purpose ot brand- Ing. Ing.The The village of Muelhelin , Germany is threatened with destruction by a hill , which has been gradually slipping into the valley for several days. Up to thla tlmo 150 houses have been 1 , damaged and 300 persona rendered homeless. THE SHIP WILL NOT BE READY TO LAUNCH FOR LONG TIME. MICKEY HEARS FROM BUILDERS In Case the Governor Furnishes Onr- nance , the Ship Can be Prepared for Commission Within Six Months , But Delays are Promised. Lincoln , March 29. The battleship Nebraska will not be finished for some time , according to a letter re ceived b > ' Governor Mickey from Moran - ran Bros. In case the government furnishes the ordnnnco the ahlp will be ready for commission within * U months. If there nr * delays the ve- sol will bo delayed accordingly. KNOX FAVORS COURT REVIEW Say. Rate Bill Would Be Unconstitu tional Without It. Washington , March 29. Mr. Knox made his first set speech In the sen ate. Ho spoke on the railroad rate Question , and dealt almost exclusively with the legal featured of thU problem. The railroads , ho said , are entitled to their day In court and an act which prevents a Judicial review ot the reasonableness of an order ot the com mission would deprive the carriers of this constitutional right and would , therefore , bo unconstitutional. Mr. Knox said that In his bill he had un dertaken to preserve the constitution ality of purpose of the measure and to throw around Iho provisions for the review such conslllutlonal restric tions aa would prevent unnecessary or frivolous appeals -to defeat the end of the remedial legislation. When Knox concluded the senate en tered upon the consideration of the conference report on the bill regulat ing the final disposition of the affairs of the five civilized tribes of Indians , and much objection was expressed to many of the changes. Some of these were criticised on the ground that the conference committee had transcend ed Its authority by the Insertion ot new matter. There was a renewal of the discussion of the disposal of the coal lands In Indian Territory and sev eral senators , Including LaFollotto , Clark ( Wyo. ) and Tillman , expressed disapproval of the conference pro vision authorizing the secretary of the Interior to lease lands. COMPROMISED STATEHOOD New Mexico and Arizona May Be Per mitted to Settle Question. Washington , March 29. That the senate and house will reach a com promise on the statehood bill to per mit Arizona and New Mexico each to decldo for themselves the question oi their admission as ono state , seems a correct conclusion from present Indi cations. The conferees met for the second time , and whllo the session was de voted to what are termed the minor amendments , there are indications that a basis of agreement on the chief question is suggesting itself naturally and will result In Iho restoration ol Arizona and New Mexico to the bill with the Fornkcr amendment , and in quiry among the senators wno opposed the original house bill Indicates that they will accept this compromise. House Adopts New Rule. Washington , March 23. The house , in order that the legislative , executive and Judicial appropriation bill might bo considered without being subjected to limitless points of order , passed a rule prohibiting that method of fight ing the bill. Notwithstanding that this appears to have bean the first spe cial rule ever reported from the com mlttee on rules directly affecting an appropriation bill , Its necessity was regarded as paramount to precedent It was adopted after an illuminating debate of an hour by a vote of 169 to 109 , twenty Republicans voting with the minority. The remainder of the day waa devoted to consideration o ! the bill and moro progress was made than In all the days heretofore given to the measure. Moors Obstructing Conference. Algeclras , Spain , Marcn 29. The delegates to the conference on Moroc can reforms spent yesterday In prl vate discussions on the remaining details tails of the proposed compact , on which agreement waa virtually ef fected in preparation for today's plen ary silling. The Moora are display ing a spirit of obstruction , protesting against the decisions of the confer ence until they shall have been given the ratification of the sultan. Mclntyre Pleads Guilty. Chadron , Neb. , March 29. Philip Mclntyre , who two years ago swln died Captain Allen G. Fisher out o $200 by means of a forged check pleaded guilty In court hero and wa sentenced to three years In the penl tentlary. Brodle Duke Gets Divorce , New York , March 29. Brodlo L Duke of Durham , N. C. , a relative o the president of the American To bacco company , was granted a dlvorc from his wife , Alice Webb Duke whom he married in this city , Dec IS , 1804. THREE AIN8WORTH WEDDINGS. Matrimonial Market Is Brown County Is Prospering. AliiHworlh , March 20. Special to The NUWH : At 8 o'clock limt ovonlng , ut the residence of the lirlilo'H parents , Mr. and Mm J. H. Flnnoy , MHH ! Lena Flnnoy WUH married to Mr. Oscar OH- born , llov. Mr. Saxlon of Iho Congre gational church olllclntlng. Mr. On- born will engage In the lumber and milling biiHlnoHH with bin father-In- law In AltiHWorth. At high noon yesterday there WUH a ( inlet wedding at the homo of the hrldo'H unclu and aunt , Mr. and MPH. Wm. Fauvo/ , whim Mhrn Jonnlo Fink WUH married to Mr. L. llarton of Spring vlow , Hov. Mr. Kuhlor of Hprlngvlow olllclallng. They will make Sprlngvlow tholr homo. On Tuowlay Lute- ( illicit anil Mlmi Grace Ulckncr were married at the court luniHo , .ludgo Potter olllclatlng. HINTS AT INDIANAPOLIS OF AR BITRATING MINE TROUBLE. FAR APART ON WAGE SCALE ndependent Operator Says There Is Chance of Opponents Agreeing to Settlement Through Committee Ap pointed by President Roosevelt. Indianapolis , March 29. The joint conference of coal miners and oper ators ot the central competitive dis trict adjourned until thlu afternoon , with no settlement ot their wage dif ferences reached and apparently with .olio in prospect. A motion to continue the present acnlo for two yearn , made by the op erators , was defeated by the aolld vole of the miners. An amendment to [ 'resident Mitchell's motion to restore .ho scale of 1903 , offered by F. I * Hobbtns of Iho Pennsylvania operat ors , that It be made effective for two years , was accepted by Mr. Mitchell , subject to ratification by the national miners' convention , which met this morning to consider the question. This was the only action taken dur- /fig the day. The rent was argument , during the course of which great earn estness upon the part of the miners and both factions of the operators was shown. President Mitchell charged that many coal companion are owned by railroads , and the profit on coal In not Indicated by the books of the coal companies. , as much of it Is absorbed by the railroads. Ho announced that the miners would continue In the fut ure to ask for more wages If the mar ket justified , and staled positively that the miners would ndhero to their demand for an Increase at this time. Operators of Illinois , Indiana and Ohio , speaking through A. J. Moores- heacl of Illinois , who said he thought Illinois should break away from the Interstate agreement ; H N. Taylor of Illinois , H. H Hammond , Chairman Winder and Secretary Kent of the Illi nois operators reaffirmed their refusal to pay an advance. F. L. Hobblns of Pennsylvania offered to pay the ad vance asked , not only In the mines ol the Pittsburg Coal company , but In his own mines In Pennsylvania , Ohio and Illinois , and urged the minors to sign the scale wherever It was offered , even though the mlnco of the other operators should Ho Idle. Hints at Arbitration. There were a number of suggestions and hints at an arbitration commis sion during the day. W. D. Kuhn ol the Independent operators made refer ence of a possible committee , to bo appointed by the president. Mr. Mitchell said in ono of his speeches : "I want to ask the opcr ators of the Plttsburg district If they are In accord with the suggestion as to an Investigation ? I want to ask Mr. Winder and the operators of Ohio and I want to ask the operators of In dlana , If this proposed Investigation contemplates an Investigation as to the relative cost of coal in pick and machine mines ? " J. H. Winder , chairman of the operators ators , replied : "If there Is to be an investigation upon which the price o mining Is to be fixed and the relative differences adjusted between the varl ous portions of the interstate move ment , then I think It would bo prope to take Into consideration all ant any questions that are pertinent there to. " Answering the arguments made dur Ing the day against an advance , Mr Mitchell closed the debate with the following staloment : "Tho miners , so far as wo are concerned , in case of a strike , will have no riots and no bloodshed. Wo may , if a prolonged strike takes place , have hunger and we may wear poorer clothes. We may endure greater hardships , but th miners are just as law abiding ant just as patriotic as are Ihe gentlemen on your side. " Turkey Must Come to Time. Constanllnople , March 29. In repl to further representations made b the porte on the subject of the pro posed Increase In the customs Untie the American legation has reiterate that the government at Washlngto can make no concessions until th American demands for a settlement o the schools and other questions ar granted. REPUBLICAN APPREHENSION AS TO NEXT CONGRESS. VOTERS GROWING INDEPENDENT Bennot Defends New York City Li brarian Too Busy to Rend Commit tee Service Makes Strange Friend ships How Beverldgo Won Out. WiiHhlngton , March 29. Special. Probably there Is donlit lu the licgln nliiK of every nimimlgn iw to the out come , but It IH rather HlnuiKO to hear BO long before the coming coiiKrctHlon al I'loctloiiH oxprcHHloiw of iii | | > reheu nlon among IlepubllcuiiH of mieeeHa. II would worn ( hut ( boy fcur ( ho iinroHt u tlu country , ( ho tendency toward Soeliillmii In Uu > great eltlcn niul the general Independence of people. Mvtm those UciublleuiiH | who have immt ear nestly supported the rate IcglHlatlou ind other meiiHiircH demanded by the > eople HCCIII to have Home fount Unit .heir efTortii to pleiiHU the public will not nave them. Home Itepulillcunn arn very pcHHlmlHtlu and go HO far aa ( o nay that the next benne of reprcHcnta- lived will bo Democratic. Thin vlow In not Nhiiml by the house lemlerH , who expect to retain control , but not by thu overwhelming majority they have In UlO IHTHOIlt llOUHC. Defended New York. HeprcHentutlvo Hopkins of Ken tucky made a Hpeeult on Immigration lu which ho nllnckwl Now York clly. ItcprcHcntallvo Itennet defended thu city In a Hpeech that Hhowed Kentucky moro Illiterate * than Now York , even with UH foreign born population. Ho WIIH naylng that when people miulii money in any part of the United Hlulon Ihey usually wont to Now York to upend It. "Do they K < 't tholr mouey'H worth ? " aHkeil HcprcHcututlvo Hlnm of Ten- nessec. "I have no complaint to make of what I get for my money , " replied llennet nml added , "I desire to nay In- cldentally Unit there IH one senator who Is building what I assume IH a house In Now York , but who IH not , 1 think , getting ( ho worth of bin money. " ThlH allusion ( o thu palatial residence of Kenator Clark of Montana caused a Hiilckur In ( ho house. Kennel snld that no man In New York wan niolenletl nlghl or day na long as he had sense enough to mind hlH own business. Too Buiiy With Booki to Read. Some one called the attention of Herbert I'utnam , librarian of the Con gressional library , to Home new book recently published and nuked how ha liked It. "I haven't read It , " replied Mr. Put- num. "Not rend 111" WIIH Iho uHtonlHhiMl re ply. "Why , It wan written by a frlond , If not n relative , of yomu" "That iimkoH no difference , " remark ed Iho librarian. "I never get tlmo lu rend books. " ThlH WIIH surprising , HH the mipposl- lion WIIH that the librarian WIIH rather familiar with books. Committee Service Makes Friendt. Continual sorvlcu on committees makes warm friends In Ihe Hcnatc. Men who scarcely knew each other when they first begun to work In the Hume committee often become the best of friends before a scnulon cudn. Thin IH true of Senators Knox of Pennsyl vania and Talluferro of Florida. Thcso men have been together for weeks on the Intcrocuiiule canals committee and they have found many tuntuu In com mon. Hoth are fond of good clgurn uuQ are expert Judges of Ilavunas. They go to lunch together , and they discuss the canal matteru with each olber , although Ihey do not ulwayH agree. At the beginning of the hear ings t'lero WIIH Home objection to Hinok- lug , Senator Hopkins of Illinois be ing especially vigorous. Knox and Tulluforro joined forces and Insisted on the right to smoke In one end of the room. So they sit togeUier and Binoko , and Hopkins remains as fur away an he can get Hot Timei In Arkaniai. "There must be hot times In Arkan sas , " remarked a senator who was one day figuring up the possible voting strength of the senate on certain meas uren and reached the names of Berry and Clarke of Arkansas on his list. "Both of these senators are at home , " ho continued , "and boUi are In politics very deep. Berry Is lighting to retain ula neat in the senate and Clarke is trying to defeat him. It Is certainly an Interesting situation , when two sen ators In the same party are fighting each other HO vigorously. " Beveridge'a Original Bill , Some time after the vote on the state hood bill a man WDH commenting on the subject as though he thought It was n defeat for Senator Beverldgc , chairman of the committee on torrl torlea. "You needn't be sorry for Beverldge , " was the reply. " 1 have Just been talk Ing with him. and he has won out. The senate lias passed his original bill. Thut'H what he said. 'Oklahoma and Indian Territory joined \vns my orlgl mil bill , ' Is the way ho put It. 'Don't you remember when Quay was light ing for Ihrco stales Oklahoma , Now Mexico and Arl/.ona we reported , with a majority of Iho commlllee , n bill combining Oklahoma with Indian Ter ritory and leaving out both the other territories ? Thut was my bill. The THE CONDITIONjOF THE WEATHER Temperature for Twenty-four Hour * . Forecast for Nebraaka , Condition of the wimthur an record- nd for the 21 bourn ending at 8 a. to. today : Maximum 39 .Minimum 112 Avorugu 35 lluroimitiir 30.00 Itulnfull 02 Chicago. March 29. The bulletin lu- Hited by the Chicago nlntlon of the United Stulon woulhor bureau this morning given lltu forocant for No- Immlm mi follown : ( lonorally fair lonlght and Krlilay. Neiiiiio HUH JUKI got immnii HI my po ultlon ( if live yeiii-M ago , ' The donate may liino played home with the bal ance of tin * commlttc * , but not with Hoverldue. " Arthur W. Dunn. MINNEAPOLIS POLICE FIND MU TILATED DODIE8. VICTIMS WERE ALL BULGARIANS Two Probably Murdered for Their Money and the Others Killed In a Fight Over the Spoil * Shocking Evidence of Wholetialo Crime. Minneapolis , March 29. The hacked and mutllutod bodies of nix Bulga rians , evidently workmen , were found lying In pwls of coagulated blood In a little tumble-down house , 245 Tenth avenue. Four of the bed Ion wore found In u Bleeping room on the second floor , cut and slashed In shucking manner , while In the collai were t vo othurH , with their throutn cut from ear to ear. Near the bodlou were found llvo largo bowle knlvea , with razor-edged hludeu , nearly eight inchH long , and a blood stained hatchet. The dead : Nlcholo Dlmltrl. Karl Dlmltrl , Ague Kiuolll , KonUun Yovko , Unka Naudaba , IJuakon ICup- nnnl. The Dlrnitrlu were evidently father and non. All of the men were compara > lively young. The only clue to the wholesale mur der was obtained from a drayman named Mlekloborg. He miya ho wa * approached hint Monday by some men , whom he took to bo Itallanu or Greeks , who wanted him to take six packages from the house where the bodies were found to the Union station. At the elation ho noticed that the men from the house wore Joined by several oth er men , a woman and a lltlle girl. The men In the basemen I had been killed by having their Ihroats cut , and the police are , Inclined to bollevo that they were murdered for their money and that a free-for-all fight fol lowed over a division of the spoils. Thin Is Indicated by the wounds on the bodies found In the upper room. Their faces were slashed almost be yond recognition and mere wora wounds all over the bodies , all , how ever , huvlne deep ula ies In the throaL SERIOUS FLOODS IN IOWA Waterloo and Cedar Falls Suffer From Overflow of Cedar River. Das MoIiifH , March 29. Floods are causing thousands of dollars' worth of damage all over Iowa , largely due to the unprecedented rains of the past few days. The situation I.H most seri ous at Wntei'oo , wiicro the Cedar river lias overflowed Us banks , caus ing loss estimated at from $50,000 to $ I i/O.OOO / Scores of families wore removed from their humus In boats. Serious washouts have occurred on the Hock Island tracks , the Illinois Central track on the Albert I ea branch , north of Cedar Falls , and the Waterloo and Cedar Falls Interurban line. Over 12fi families have been driven from their homen In Cedar Falls and the city Is In darkness , owing to the submerging of the electric light plant. The water rose so rapidly that many families had no opportunity to save anything. Three bridges have been washed out at Shell Hock , and the Shell Rock river Is at the highest point it has reached In twenty years. In Clayton county , Turkey river has overflowed Its banks and the towna of Elkport and Ostordock are flooded , serious damage being done at both places. In Fremont county , the Nlshnabotna river Is out of its banks , farms are flooded and roads are Impassable. Indians Save Passengers. Cheyenne , Wyo. , March 29. The Casper-Lander stage coach was over turned In Wind river , twenty miles eas.t of Lander , and many of the pas sengers would have drowned but for prompt work of Arapahoe Indians , who rescued them from the torrent The coach was swept down stream and the mall was lost. Insurance Investigation In Iowa , DCS Moin. . . . March 29. The War- rcn-Molbberry bill for an Investigation of all kinds of Insurance and under writing business both life , fraternal and flro in this state was passed by the senate by a vote of 42 to 2. The house passed the senate resolution to adjourn April 6.