TIIK NORFOLK iNHWS : I'MUDAY ' MARCH 23 , IflOG. THIS IS THE GOAL TOWARD WHICH EFFORTS ARE DENT. REACH THIS POINT IN 1007 Norfolk Now Heads the List of Tele phone Exchanges In Nebrafcka for Local Connections and Connections With the Outside World , A thousand tolopliemi'H mi the Nor folk oxchnngo In 10 7 IH the goal to ward whlcli District Manager Sprech- or of tlio Nobrnskn Telephone com- jmity Is Htrlvlnf ? The exchange now hnH over 700 telephones In service , which IR nn l-i'io'isp of 100 nor cent ever two yo'irs HRO To thlM ho ox- poets to ailil 'JIM moro 'phonos during lHOf. anil thou will piifih over the 1,000 mnrU with the * very beginning "f < ho noxt. year , There are a nuinliur of streets In the residence Hcctlon of the city , wlioro nine out of ton houses have telephone Borvlco now. Ilut oth- nr Ht roots have only a scattering Of telephones on thoin. It In on UIOHO Htrootn , In particular , that offortHWlll ho inailo to IncroaRo the Horvlco. Mr. Sproohor hollovoH that tlio telephone - phone becomes moro valuable to the router every tlino a now nnino IH added to the exchange and with a thoiiHiuid 'phones the oxchniiRO will ho worth half afl nuii'li iiRiiln to every user of a telephone than It now IH. The pro jected Hcopo of the local exchange IH far Rreator than that of any other city of the nnnio Hlzo In Nebraska and will put It at. the head of all NobniHka telephone - ophono oxchatiROH from the standpoint - point , of local Horvlco and honolll. In the HoHohnd country and nil over the roHorvatlon the vine of the telephone has Rrown roinarkahly and today there are scarcely any trndlng uolntH on the entire reservation that are not connected with long distance telephone wires and within easy IICCOHH of Norfolk and the oiiHl. Not only do the telephones reach Into the trailing points , hut. the farm honsofl and ranch es all ever the reservation are well supplied with 'phonoH which conununl onto with Rood Rl/.ed local exchaiiRea. The telephone hnslnoHH on the reser vation and west , of Norfolk IH prac tlcally all local or eo-oporatlvo. They have arraiu'onientR with the Nobras kn Telephone company for IOIIK ills tanco connections. This year the local companies are not only putting In now Hues and extending - tending tholr service hut they are bet- torlnR It with hotter connections , now Instruments and apiillances. The toll line from Stuart to llonestoel , ever which all nioHRiiROR hetwoon Norfolk and the reservation are carried , Is to ho rosining with copper wire , , making a hotter circuit than the old grounded line they have boon using. In other places plans are making for other cop per lines for long distance talking so that the distance talks will bo made clearer and moro distinct , hut can bo handled In all kinds of weather , which Is often dllllcnlt If not Impossible now. Among the list of telephone mag nates who are to Improve their ser vice the coming year and who are , for that matter , continually Improving the service In their districts , are M. C. Thelsen of Crolghton , owner of the Camp Dewey system which has stretched Its wlros clear up Into the Kosebud territory and Is giving a most excellent service , and A. H. Hug , own er of the IMalnvlew telephone line , which has branched out Into the conn try around IMalnvlew extensively. THAT LIBEL CASE. Bad Mess for McCarthy. Wnjno Democrat : The Norfolk News of last Saturday drew a oharae ) .1. .Mc tor sketch of congressman . . . . . Carthy that ought to he sulllcient to put thai gentleman away to the bad In the future polities of the state. Feeling Hard to Down. Dakota City RigU" W. N. Huso , editor of The Norfolk Daily News , has sot tied his libel ease with T. .1. Sbelbley of Ponca , by paying the costs niul a little on the side. The case em anates from Conurossinau McCarthy's first campaign and has stlned up a feeling that will be hard to down by Mac in bis effort to capture a third term. Prepare to Retire. Madison Star-Mall : The scathing rebuke administered to Congressman McCarthy the other day by The Nor folk News was no more than bis nlbbs deserved. It's a cinch Huso has the undlvldo'd support of the newspapers In thr Third district regardless of politic * and McCarthy might as well prepare to retire from the fight at once for bis name Is "Dennis. " McCarthy Can't Ri-n. Newman Grove Ilorald : W. N. Huso In his Norfolk News renounces Congressman McCarthy In terms of bitterness so bitter that one Is led to believe that he dipped his pen In ox gnll and aloes. He refuses to allow the present Incumbent to again bo a candidate for ro-olectlon. Why not bring out W , M. Robertson ? We be- llovo from present prospects , that lie will stand much better show of ob- talnlng the congressional plum than the governorship. Not Any Too Severe. Madison Star-Mall ; W. N. Huso , editor of The Norfolk Dally News , has settled his libel suit , out of court and In speaking of the matter said while It COM ! him HOIIIO hard eiirnod dollar * to hrliiK the KcUlomont around Ihe piinlwhmonl was not any lee HO- vore. ThlH certainly Hhowed a broth- ory spirit In llrother Ilimo. llo got Into trouble whllo defending McCar thy's somewhat spotted record anil the bi'Ht ho got In return WIIH a severe criticism from the hard-hearted Irlb'- ! niiiii. Well , good-bye. MeCailhy. you run your political race In a hurry. McCarthy an Inornte. ( Irand iHland Independent : Editor Huso of The Norfolk NOWH , wan "lot down hard" by Congressman McCar thy , who , If Mr. Ilnso'H version of the affair IH corrct , IH certainly an Ingrate - grate , If not moro. Under the clrcum- Htanoori no ono can blame the Norfolk News for opposing Congressman Mc Carthy for hln ro-olectlon. Such con duct , \H Mr. McCarthy's IH alleged to have boon toward The News IH only exceptional In the degree of Indlffor- once nhown to the nownpapor man by the politician after the former haH la bored vallai'tly to aid the latter Into posdlloiiH of prominence , tnifil and am pic salary attachments. Don't Like to Let Go. Creighton Liberal : Chairman KIUOH iMimo to Norfolk to sou how McCar thy's political fences looked. He found little loft In the way of fencon. Ho left the Impression that McCarthy will make a vigorous light to attain a third torin In congress. And It would take a vigorous light Indeed , to land Mr. McCarthy back In hlHHoat of honor for another term. Ills chair man left Norfolk iiullo despondent , It Is wild , and no doubt there was rea son for despondency. Norfolk NOWH. It IH hard to blame McCarthy. When once ono of these followfl get hold of the public teat they are llko a year- Ing calf , twice an hard to pry loose as ono only six months old. McCarthy Responsible. Plorco Leader : The llbol suit of ThoR. Sholbloy of Ponca against W. N. Huso of Norfolk has boon settled out of court , the defendant agreeing to pay all the costs In the case besides paying a stipulated amount to the 1'lalntlff. Congressman McCarthy , who was virtually responsible for the llbol suit being brought , treated Mr. Huso In a most shameful manner. Air. HIIRO Is editor of The Norfolk Dally News , a republican paper , and Is recognized as being ono of the most brilliant and reliable writers of his party In this part of the state. With .Mr. iMcrartny no now mm no use for and be "believes that ho Is but paying a fair penalty for being guilty of supporting .1. .1. McCarthy for con gress. " Mc.'s Hard Row to Hoe. Omaha World-IIorald : That Con gressman McCarthy will have a tighten on his hands when bo goes after a third nomination In the Third district Is certain. Editor Huso of the Nor folk News has let slip the dogs of war. That Huso Is mad through and through Is not surprising. Huso pub lished a defense furnished by McCar- thy'H committee to ugly stories being circulated against him. The committee - too assured him the stories were false and the defense was absolutely truth ful and authentic. The result was a libel suit , and Huso was loft holding the sack. Now ho has settled the suit by paying the costs and a stipulated sum and opened war on McCarthy for Ingratitude and worse. And Huso publishes the most Influential and widely circulated republican newspa per in this district , not to mention that he has hosts of friends. Mr. Mc Carthy will have a hard row to hoe. The Sting of Ingratitude. Stantou Ueglster : The Norfolk NOWH has had a touch of "tho sting of Ingratitude , " and has paid quite a bit of good money to boot. Near the plnso nf Ihn oMiniiiituii tu-n vonrw nun in this congressional district some very damaging campaign thunder was sent out about McCarthy. In answer to the attack , the republican con gressional committee prepared an ar ticle that was an attack on the author of the llrst article. Huso , after repeated - ed entreaty by McCarthy's chairman , printed the answer and had a libel suit on his bands. He recently set tled the suit by paying the costs and some money to the injured man. Mc Carthy , when asked to pay the cost of the suit said he couldn't pay for all the fool vaporlngs of the republican editors of his district. Huso now asks that the republicans put up a man he can support. Huso can rest assured that the democrats will put up an hon < est man. Congressional Candidates. Creighton Liberal : Since the broadside delivered Into the McCar thy ranks by the odltor of The Norfolk News there is whispering abroad that It would not be safe to lit Congress man McCarthy for another term race , Man proposes and some ono else does the rest. It was a clover stroke ol politics for Mr. McCarthy to use hU influence to get the best federal Job in Nebraska for the man most likely to bo asking for his shoes ex-Senatoi Warner of Dakota county , who was made United States marshal. Now this Is all lost. McCarthy will have a bard row if ho gets the noinlna tlon and if ho docs got It bo will be defeated whether W. N. Huso un sheathes his knife or not. As a successor for the nomination Judge Frank Boyd of this Judicial dls trict seems to have the Inside track al this time. Should the Roosevelt luck continue and a railroad regulating measure go through congress without the democrats gottlng too much crod It out of It .Itidgo lloyil would make a hard race. Hon. J. F. Boyd for Congress. Nellgh Register : For many montlm Hoveral of the nowspaporH of thin con gressional district have boon suggest ing .1. F. lloyd of thlH city an the re publican candidate for congrosH and it Hcoms the nomination would not bo dlHlastefiil to the judge himself. J. .1. McCarthy , thu present Incumbent , ban become very unpopular with many of the republican editors who got IhoniHolvcB nnd tholr newspapers Into damage HUH ! In trying to further bin political ondH during hlu first cam paign and when these newspaper wore cinched by the doclHlon of the mipromo court , McCarthy refused to help them out. If these editors don't make McCarthy go some we'll miss our gueHH. And then McCarthy ban never made much of a mark In con gress any way just filled his Heat. If wo have got to have a. republican congroHBiuan from this district , wo don't know of ono wo would rather see get the plum than Hon. J. F. Boyd : > f Nellgh. Upholds the Position. Nellgb Leader : The Norfolk News has recently settled a llbol suit , grow Ing out of the campaign for congress two years ago. Against. hlH bout. Judg incut the editor Inserted notices in H paper , at the urgent domandH of the campaign managers of Congress man McCarthy , that rellecled upon Mr. Shelbley of Dlxon county , who was active in his opposition to the re publican candidate. These were the basis of the null , and after lighting the matter through the courtH , the case was to come up again for a now trial. Our congressman failed to take any Interest In what might he the result , and thlH led to the settlement. The News paying all costs , and something more. The odltor apparently has grounds for resentment against Mr. McCarthy , and In a recent Issue of his paper devotes considerable space to an explanation of the matter and se verely censuring that gentleman. Those who are familiar with the cir cumstances sympathize with Mr. I In so , and will uphold him In the po sition ho has taken. A Long Shot. O'Neill Frontier : W. N. Huso , ed itor of that , cracking good llttlo dally , The Norfolk News , takes a long shot and a hard flhot , at the Hon. J. J. Mc Carthy , congressman in the Third ills- Irli't In nn nilltorlnl mibllshod hist Sat- iirday In The News In which ho ex- InliiH that bo has settled out of court i $0,000 libel suit against him. The wit was the result of the publication : > f an article in defense of McCarthy tvheu ho llrst made the race for con gress , which Mr. Huso says ho pub- Ished at the Instance of McCarthy's jhalramn and against , his own judg- nent. The Norfolk odltor says that iftor the libel suit was tiled McCarthy icver called at The News oliico to dis- uss the matter , never uttered one word In regard to the case of the de fendant , made It a point to dodge from conversation , and , further , when it. was suggested to him ho ought. In fairness to the newspaper , to stand a tort Ion of the expense of trial , It Is said In the article that Mr. McCarthy s quoted as having declared : "I do not propose to stand responsible for : he vaporings of every damned fool newspaper man In the state. " Blxby Snys It's Alright. Hlxby , In State Journal : Colonel W. N. Huso will have the sympathy > f a good many of the boys of the newspaper profession who know how It Is themselves. The average poli tician Is ungrateful to the last degreo. He thinks any sacrifice made by a newspaper man Is for the good of the party and the peace of an approving conscience nn entirely adequate and satisfactory reward. It was in the good work of helping to elect Con gressman McCarthy that Colonel Huso made the mistake of publishing some thing that reflected heavily upon the voracity of a man Interested In the triumph of the fusion candidate. A suit for damages followed nnd when Huso .who had published the offen slvo statement at the Instigation of the congressional central committee , under protest , called to McCarthy to come forward and help drag him out from under , Me. shouted hack that ho was busy , and so the man who had done n thing ho didn't want to do to help the candidate of the party when ho needed help , had to wlgglo out of the mlro alone without so much as a note of sympathy from the beneficiary of his sad mistake. Now ho proposes to try to play oven , and a good many will think that the provocation Justi fies the purpose. Ingratitude of Politicians. Humphrey Democrat : The $0,000 libel suit brought against W. N. Huso , editor of the Norfolk News has been settled out of court , and in sunning up tlio case Editor IJuse takes n long crack at Congressman McCarthy which Is liable to cause that gen tleman many sleepless nights be tween now and the next republican congressional convention. Editor Huso's denunciation of Congressman McCarthy is well founded and It serves to show the gross Ingratitude of many politicians. The $0,000 libel suit resulted from certain charges made by McCarthy's campaign man ager in 1903 and published In The Nor folk Dally Nows. Mr. Huso questioned the advisability of publishing the ar tlclo referred to , but did oo against his own judgment , upon the guarantee too of McCarthy's manager that they wore true. Whllo Mr. Huso became Involved in this trouble to help olecl McCarthy to congrosH , the wily con gressman ban nlnco Ignored the NOWH editor entirely and his treatment to ward him has been Hlmmeful. ThlH cost Mr. Huso Hovornl hundred dol- ItirH , not ono cent of which Congressman - man McCarthy has offered to Hhoul- dor. A paper by Editor Huso on libel sultH of this character would ho ap propriate on the program at the next mooting of the state press association , It. .would servo to guard other cdltorH against Impositions resulting from the defense of unscrupulous politicians. Vigorous Opposition. Wayne Herald : In Saturday's Nor folk NOWH , W. N. HUHO announces that the llbol null , Instituted against that paper by Thon. , T. Sholbloy of I'onca , has been nettled out of court , the defendant agreeing to pay the coHtH of the action In the district and supreme courts , besides a stipulated amount. It will bo romembcrod that the suit grow out of the publication of a statement at the Instance of the chairman of the congressional central committee In defense of Congressman McCarthy at the close of his first cam palgn In this district. It appears the statement reflected unfavorably on I. ailUllllU.V WI1U damages of $0,000 through the courts. Mr. Huso states that McCarthy did not take proper Interest In defending the suit and was Indifferent to the claims of ono who had been dragged Into trouble by giving him defense at a critical tlino a defense that wan urged In the Interest of the party and without which It was alleged the can didate would suffer a great Injustice. The signed editorial by Mr. Huso han dles the subject at length , giving all details of Interest and showing the In gratitude of McCarthy In his person al treatment of the defendant and failure to take a willing part In the case. "Assured by the chairman of Mc Carthy's committee that the articles were tnie , and accused of disloyalty In case they wore not published , " says the editorial , "thoro was nothing left to do , according to local politi cians , who brought preturnro to boar , but print , In order to save McCarthy. " The News will wage vigorous oppo sition to McCarthy's rcnomlnntlon. Portends Mlghy Struggle. Creighton Liberal : W. N. Huso pushed out a thlrtcen-lnch gun loaded with .slugs , shells , vltrol and other death dealing missiles last Saturday. The range was taken and when the vas measured off the lighted fuse was ippllod. Pieces of debris are still in he air and falling. We quite forget the particulars of his case but page ten of the Norfolk Mows of March 10 is a hard proposl- Ion to go ngntnst. After just stepping out of one ox- lonsivo libel suit it Is hardly likely hat Brother Huso would leave him self liable for another. Congressman McCarthy has some good friends , who were bitter politic- il enemies , and they hope that ho hns some answer to this vltrolic letter. The sympathy Is duo Mr. Huso who out. of the party fealty has been the victim of a great deal of annoyance and a heavy loser financially. LookIng - Ing nt the matter from the point of 1 political critic It portends a mighty struggle this fall. t Thus far the Nebraska delegation in congress has bad easy sledding. Conservative opinion from Washing ton and elsewhere goes on record that Ihe Hepburn rate bill will never be passed by the majority party except In an emaciated form. Should this take place the prairies would begin to burn out here even before the snow goes off. It Is just possible that these gentle men who manipulated the blocks of live and those who unselfishly joined the mid-road pop party may yet get their proper duo. Serves McCarthy Right , Hastings DaJIy Republican : Col. W. N. Huso , editor of The Norfolk Dally News has the sympathy of the publishers all over Nebraska. The i colonel has just found out to his great humillntion and mortification that ho made the greatest political blunder of his life when he helped to boost and elect Congressman McCar thy. During the heat of the campaign Mr. Huso was called upon to publish some statements supplied by McCar thy's henchman which reflected to n damaging extent upon the record of one Thomas Shoibley of Ponca. Mr. Huso had lived In Ponca and knew Mr. Sholbloy to bo an honorable , up right and respected citizen of that place and rebelled against publishing the allegations presented him. The central committee persisted in de mands for the publication of the ar ticles , and ho was given positive as surance that the facts were true , and likewise that the central commlteo would stand by him that ho ( Huso ) published them under the strongest pressure and assurance as to reliabll ity of facts given. Not long after , Mr. Shelbley brought action against Mr. Huso for $0,000 damages. Now what did McCarthy do In the promises ? McCarthy and his henchman were the ones responsible for the suit and Mc Carthy should have been the first man in the world to come to Mr. Huso' aid. But he did just what a lot of politicians have done before. Ho steered clear of Huso and the News ofllco as though It had been a skunk hole and when friends suggested to his congressional nibs that ho should go to Huso's support with money nndv good legal aid , ho said he was too busy and that ho "didn't propose to stand responsible for the vaporings of every damned fool newspaper man In the state. " Thin undignified and un- statesmanlike retort would not hnvo been so badly out of place If Mr. Huso hnd belonged to the "damned fool" class of newspaper men. It is well known thnt Mr. Huso Is ono of the most level-headed , reliable and nblo newspaper publishers In the state and deservoH no Bitch classification nnd Ingratitude - gratitude nt the hands of McCarthy. Wo don't blame any reputable citizen or ofllco holder from holding aloof from the "damned fool" class of so- called editors , for , ns In every pro fession , there are fool editors of the unreliable , characterless nnd grafting class , but In the case at Norfolk Con gressman McCarthy should be taught n lesson that will servo ns a lasting warning to other politicians , that such examples of Ingratitude toward an honorable publisher will not bo tole rated by decent partisans and citizen ship. Editor Huso , when convinced that. McCarthy Intended to lot him paddle his own canoe , did the honor able thing by going to the plaintiff In the case and offering to settle , which ho did by paying costs and a stlpu latod sum besides. In last Saturday's Issue of his News , Huso comes out with all the facts In the case which show rank Ingratitude and cowardice on the part of McCarthy. Huso de clares ho will light the ronomlnatlon of McCarthy to the last ditch and ho will bo doing the people of the dis trict and the state a good turn In do ing it , for a man of McCarthy's stamp should not be allowed to sit in con gress. "TAME , " SAYS DEADWOOD DICK Famous Indian Fighter Now Handles Baggage Instead of Six Shooters. The original Deadwood Dick , scout Indian lighter , stage driver and Inspl ration of scores of dime novels , Is In the employ of the Northwestern rail road at Lead station. For elghtcei years ho has been handling frelgh and baggage Instead of slxshootors but he ban never become entirely roc oncllcd to civilization. His buckskin clothes nnd long braids of hair have given place to more conventlona garb , but in his heart ho Is still an Indian lighter. He is a tall , spare man , with reddish-brown hair am board , and sinnll , brown eyes tba have the keen , alert look of the man accustomed to watch the horizon fo Indians. He looks llko a frontiers man , but this Is not always patent to the tenderfoot. A few years ago a young man fron t tin nn t * t frrtf r\ff t It n 'NJrf lutmatnt * * ruin nt Deadwood and went into the itatlon with the feeling that at las 10 had found the west. "If I couli > nly see Deadwood Dick , " he said to ils friend , "I'd be satisfied. " From out of the piles of baggag lolng unloaded there rose a tall , spare man with curly hair and sandy beard. "Well , " ho said , In a tone of dls- iniHt , "look at him then. " "You ? " said the tenderfoot , "why , you're the baggageman. " "Woll , I guess 1 can be the baggage man and Deadwood Dick , too. I am , iinyhow. " Deadwood Dick , whose renl name Is Ulchnrd Clark , gave up driving stage nnd went to work for the Northwest ern when the railroad reached Buffa lo Gap , 100 miles south of Deadwood. In ' 85. He came up into the Hills with the road , working at Rapid , Whitewood - wood , Deadwood , and now at Lead , as baggageman or warehouse man. True to the instincts of his old wild life , he has always been at the end of the i rond. He has always gone just as I fnr townrd the frontier ns the railroad would carry him. Nobody knows how old be is , where he was born , or where he came from. "Thoso are things we never ask each other , " he says. "Your real west erner never nsks a man where ho came from or what his real name is. It's something a man doesn't always want to tell. " The first account ho gives of him self is when ho went to work ns a scout on the Rod River of the North , between Fort Abercromblo and Fort Pcmbinn , in ' 71. Since then , he has been a scout In the regular army , a guide for train's coming Into the hills in the days when the way was unsafe , stngo driver , outrider and messenger. Now ho works within sound of pound ing stnmpmills , locomotives and trol ley cars , nnd regrets the old wild life. "It's pretty tame , " ho says , with a shako of his head. "There's nothing doing. If I was footloose I'd strike out tomorrow. He is held to the quiet life by a wife and three children , the oldest a girl of 1G and the youngest a boy of 3. COMMERCIAL CLUB GROWS. New Members are Coming In None Are Solicited What It Means. The directors of the Commercial club state that quite a number of now members have recently been received , which fact naturally gives fresh cour age to the present membership. Some of these now members have Intimated thnt they expected to bo solicited to join. It is not the policy of the Commcr- clnl club to urge the enrollment of now members , but rather to stand upon the proposition that the only object of the club Is the material advancement of Norfolk , In other words the greatest good to the greatest number of Its people. On this basis an application for membership Is simply an Indica tion as to the honesty of the efforts being mado. Single membership dues are 50 cents per month. Additional memberships may bo taken If desired. The highest number at'present taken by one person Is ten. A line to Secre tary D. Mnthowson will enroll you. A REFLECTION ON FAST MEANS OF TRANSPORATION. DEBT TO INVENTOR OF WALKING Visit to the Camp of Madison County's Giant Fish Frozen In the Bayou's Ice , Preserved for Use In the Winter A Story of Ozone. fFrom Saturday's Dnlly.l Last Sunday Harry Hartford and Jio writer of these reminiscences walked down to Fred Bocho's camp on the Elkhorn. What a debt ofgrat- tilde wo owe to the genius who , away back in the In debased and undcgen * orate days of the race , Invented walk ing. What execration should .bo leaped upon the memory of the fol low who first caught a wild horse anil taught men to rldo , for that was the precursor of the limited express , the steam launch and the flying machine , appliances inhibitory to the ancient and healthful method of locomotion , and because wo have forgotten how to walk we have become a nation ad dicted to antes , trains and steamers anil are allllctcd with gall stones , ap > pondlcltls , Brlght's disease and con sumption , and the anomaly Is present ed of these snmo appliances of speedy transportation hastening people to the uttermost parts of the earth to regain the health they have robbed them of. Over-eating and lack of physical exor cise and pnro air clogs the organs and hence It Is that every other person Is suffering from Imperfect elimination and must go to the operating table , to Europe or to heaven. Bless ings then on the man who invented walking. How the blood pulsates as the lungs expand in the crisp air. Every organ Is stimulated and a warm glow comes to the skin and health radiates through the body. How for- tunnte are the poor who cannot af ford antes or to dine on patl do frol gras and who have to walk. At the camp wo found the giant trapper enjoying his usual good health. If health was contagious what an ideal environment the camp would be in which to contract it. Some day the American people will pause In their mad pursuit of money to consid er greater questions , health nnd con tentment. Falling to find these nt the wntering plnces of Europe or the mountain tops they will discover Mr. Boche s elixir of life , namely , to take long walks and to live In the open air. How we enjoyed that supper of fish ! They had been cutting ice on the bayou and , imbedded in the cakes of Ice , wore a number of sunflsh frozen - en and in a fine state of preservation. , .1. II. Mackny. HORSEMEN AT MADISON. Charles Moore , Owner of Moore , Has Located at County Seat. Madison Star-Mall : Chns. Moore , the well known horseman of Omaha , Is now located in Madison and Is operating - orating what Is known as the Public Training stables for speed horses on the fair grounds. Mr. Moore Is a horseman of wide experience and Is considered one of the foremost race Cl horsemen in the west. Mr. Moore hns handled speed horses all his Ufa nnd has a thorough understanding of the business as Is evidenced by his career on the race course. Among the horses In the public stables is the famous Moore horse which attracted such great attention throughout the west last season. This horse established a world's record by winning twenty races out of twenty- one stnru , doing tlio same in the re markable short time of three weeks , which surpasses any record in the world. Another horse In the public stables which Is attracting consider able attention Is one owned by Lewis Belts of Omaha and is said to bo the most handsome animal In the west. Among the other horses now In the care of Mr. Moore are those of Mayor C. S. Smith , Al Smith , John Wahl and Billy Onward owned by J. W. Davis. The public is cordially Invited to visit the training grounds to Investigate Mr. Moore's method of training. The location of the public stables In our city should bo the means of develop ing several good races and'lt Is hoped that these stables will receive the deserved - served support. Use Bridge In Wyoming. The expectations of a majority of the business men of Long Pine took a big slump when word reached them that the Northwestern Railway com pany had withdrawn their offer to sell the old railroad bridge , formerly used by the company but abandoned since the completion of the new mammoth steel bridge there , to I/ng Pine for , $1,000. The leading business men had hoped to purchase this old bridge and move it up the canyon for the convenience - & nienco of farmers and cattlemen llv- Jf- Ing west and north of town , who , when coming hero with loads , are necessi tated making : heavy , hard pulls In j crossing a steep canyon just on the western edge of town. It looked for awhllo like the railroad company would dispose of this bridge to Long Pine , and they did finally offer It for sale for $1,000. A few days later , however - over , they withdrew tholr offer , hav ing decided to utilize the material In It on the road's extension out in Wy oming. Farmers bring In your repair work V for spring. I will save you 20 % , as I / have the tlmo and am prepared to do the work. paul Nordwlg. Superior encraved cards. The News.