The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, March 09, 1906, Page 7, Image 7

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    THE NOKFOliK NKWS ; FRIDAY. MARCH fl , 15)06 ) ,
. -
Both Engineers and Firemen are In
jured Many Passengers Injured
But None Seriously The Passenger -
ger Crew Mistook Orders ,
Kearney , Neb. , March 2. Special to
The News : Union Pacific local pas
senger and an extra freight collided at
Gannett , cast of North I'latto , last
evening. One engine was piled on
top of the other. Many passengers
were Injured hut It Is thought that
none Is seriously hurt. The * track will
bo blocked all day.
The passenger train had orders to
wait on the siding for another passen
ger and an extra freight to pass , hut
after the first train had gone by the
passenger train pulled out onto the
nmlu track and the result was a head
on collision.
Another Report.
Grand Island , Nob. , March 2. Spe
cial to The News : Union Pacific
train No. 13 , the local passenger east
bound , and an extra freight , collided
three miles east of North 1'latte at
10 o'clock last night. Both engineers
and dromon were hurt , but It is
thought not seriously. None of the
passengers was hurt.
A bll//.urd Is raging and the work
of clearing the track Is progressing
slowly. Many doctors were llrst
called to the scene but it was found
that their services were not In grout
Owing to the condition of the
wires and distance , special informa
tion is difficult to obtain.
N. W. Clover Talked With Man Who
Says This is the Point.
Norfolk would make an excellent
location for a canning factory accordIng -
Ing to an Iowa canner , whom N. W.
Clover , commercial agent for the Un
ion Pacific , met on the train the other
day. The canning factory at Fremont
was being discussed when the Iowa
canner took tip the question of Nor
folk as a location for a similar effort.
"Norfolk should have a canning fac
tory. " he said to Mr. Clover , "which
would can vegetables through the entire -
tire season not for thirty or sixty
days as is the case at Fremont. They
could start with peas and string beans
and run through the vegetables of the
season until the last thins in the fall ,
when they would finish up with corn
and pumpkins. That would keep the
factory In operation for six months
of the year and keep a large force
of persons employed half the year.
Then think of the truck farming it
would build up in the country sur
rounding Norfolk" , Truck farming Is
remunerative and employs large num
bers of persons. "
The grade of canned goods which
such a factory would put up would
not be strictly fancy and yet it is the
very kind that Is most easily sold.
There Is an enormous demand for just
such a grade as would be packed in
Norfolk , and you have a good terri
tory to sell out of without meeting too
fierce competition from other fac
tories. "
In regard to railroad rates for such
an Industry Mr. Clover declares that
suitable rates could undoubtedly be
secured of the railroads. He Is of the
opinion that the rate from Norfolk to
eastern points would be made only a
cent or so higher than out of Frcomnt ,
whore the factory has proven eminent-
ly successful. To the westward the
rate would give Norfolk a slight ad
vantage , and there Is a large trade In
western Nebraska , the Dakotas , and
Wyoming , which Is well worth going
after. In fact there are vast ranges
of country west of Norfolk where prac
tically everything they eat comes out
of cans. This trade should bo han
dled by a Norfolk factory with the
proper kind of management.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Abso
lutely Harmless
Every mother should know that
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Is per
fectly safe for children to take , as It
contains nothing harmful. For sale by
all druggists.
Wlsner Farmer Couldn't Find His and
Was Bound to Have One.
M. C. Carroll has recovered his lost
grip , which was taken from the Dead
wood train several nights ago. Ho
was In Wlsner , where ho thought the
grip was taken from the train , yester
day and was telling the cashier In ono
of the banks of his loss. They laughed
at him and told him they know where
'ffrji ' It w sA farmer living six miles out
of Wlsner had carried It off of the
* * x train because ho '
couldn't find his own
grip and was bound to have one. So
_ the lost property was recovered with
mm out further ado.
Trail of Crimson Leads From Fire
Scene to Tailor's Home.
Footprints of human blood form a
definite trail leading cast from the
scene of the Chicago lumber yard
flro , along Norfolk avenue. These
marks of crimson , the shape of a
man's foot and at Intervals indicating
steps , lead along the north side of the
street , on the sidewalk , dotting the
snow with spots of rod , and at Fourth
street turn south and go for several
blocks down the west sidewalk along
that thoroughfare.
Who was wounded ? Who has been
gashed wide open ?
These are the questions that canio
Into the mlndH of Norfolk people on
their way down town after the flro.
A pursuit of the bloody trail led to
the homo of John Ohm , n Norfolk
t'lllor. Mr. Ohm had slipped down on
the crossing near the scene of the flro
and had received a very severe gash
In his knee , bursting a blood vessel
which bled profusely and sprinkled
the sidewalk with footprints of near-
let. When the pools of blood flowed
from his knee , ho stepped Into thorn ,
thus forming the footprints. The
wound Is not serious.
Two Railroad Laborers Mix and One
Is Laid Out Cold and Wounded.
Oabrlel Harhath , a railroad laborer ,
was severely bruised and cut about
the head In a light last evening on
the railroad platform at the Junction.
He and Michael King , his assailant ,
wore two of a gang of railroad labor
ers on their way to Casper where they
will work on the SlioshonI extension.
During the evening the men had been
drinking quite heavily and a dispute
arose between the two. They came
to blows and Kink knocked llarlmth
down and onto the rails of the track ,
cutting n number of severe gashes In
his head and rendering him uncon
scious. Dr. llolden was called and
gave medical attendance to the man ,
while King was locked up in the jail
until the train lelt for the west , when
he was put aboard and started for
Casper with the man ho had beaten
Trinity Social Guild Makes Good Show *
Ing for Winter Season.
The Trinity Social guild , an organi
sation composed of about twenty pop
ular young women of the city , who
gave a series of six dancing parties
during the winter , cleared $ u5 on the
venture , or a little more than $10 for
each party. The guild now has $80. II
In the treasury , as a result of this and
other efforts , and the money will bo
used for various tilings In connection
with their church work.
High School Boys Settle Difficulty in
Marquis d'Queensbury Style.
Annapolis tactics have come Into
favor at the high school , as a result
of which two of the boys adjourned tea
a spot behind the vault of the Anhaus
or-Busch Hrewlng company yestciday
morning to settle a dllllciilty. Ar
rangements were made for settling
their disputes according to regular
ring rules with seconds to preside
over the meeting. After the fight was
well started the janitor of the high
school building telephoned for Chief
of Police Hay to stop the "affair of
honor. " However , the fight was fin
Ished before it was possible to get
the police on the ground.
A Habit to be Encouraged.
The mother who has acquired the
habit of keeping on hand a bottle of
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy saves
herself a great amount of uneasiness
and anxiety. Coughs , colds anil croup ,
to which children are susceptible are
quickly cured by Its use. It counter
acts any tendency of a cold to result
in pneumonia , and if given as soon
as the first symptoms of croup appear ,
It will prevent the attack. This rem
edy contains nothing injurious am ;
mothers give It to little ones with a
feeling of perfect security. Sold 1
Leonard the druggist.
Warnervllle News.
Zell McGlnnis is moving from Nor
folk onto his farm southeast of town.
The bell for the new church has ar
rived from Chicago and will bo put
In place this week.
Wm. Lovell has leased a farm cast
of Madison and Is moving this week.
Alex. Snider bought a house near
the sugar factory and moved It onto
his farm last week. Ho will also
build an addition to his house and
paint all the farm buildings.
Mrs. A. H. Cropper received a draft
for $1,000 last Saturday , from the clerk
of the local camp of Modern Wood
men , that being the amount of the
policy carried by Mr. Cropper , who
died January 30.
Telegram Received This Morning by
Norfolk Woman , Announces Death.
Mrs. Henry F. Hnase received word
by telegraph this morning of the death
of her father , G. Thlelman , Friday
evening at his homo In Merrill , Wis
consin. Mr. Thlelman had been grad
ually losing strength for the past two
months and no hope had been given
for his recovery. Ho was 78 years
of age. Mrs. Haaso and her daughter
left this noon for Merrill to attend the
funeral , which will bo hold Monday.
Attorney General and Burlington At
torneys Went to Washington.
Lincoln , March 2. Attorney Gen
eral Norrls Brown and attorneys for
the Burlington railroad loft hero last
night for Washington , whore they go
to be present at the argument before
the supreme court on Monday , on the
motion of the state to advance the
case of the Burlington against the
state and several county treasurers ,
Involving the assessment of railroad
High Northerly Winds are Blowing n
Heavy Snow Over Territory West
of Clearwater and Crelghton Storm
Heads This Way.
Spencer , Nob. , March 2. A bad
Htorm Hruck ( hero last night and this
morning , and the snow , which full
heavily , has been drifting. In places
the drifts are six feet deep today.
The storm came from the northwest
and Is accompanied by a high north
erly gale. It prevails all over this
section of Nebraska and on the Host- !
bud reservation. The mercury Is
dropping gradually.
O'Neill , Nob. , March 2. A heavy
snow struck here during the night and
Is drifting. The air IH growing cold
er. The storm Is moving rapidly east
of hero toward Norfolk.
West Point , Neb. , March 2. A rain
storm prevails here.
Chicago , March 2. The cold wave
flag has been ordered hoisted over all
parts of northern Nebraska. Heavy
snow Is falling In the northwestern
part and the storm Is moving oast.
A very cold wave with high northerly
gale will strike Saturday.
Train From West Inreflnltely Late.
No Snow at Norfolk at Noon.
At noon today no wire could lie got
ten through to the west to roach the
Black Hills train , oaslhound , and it
was announced at Northwestern head
quarters here nt that tlmo that the
train would bo indefinitely late. A
special train , enstbound , was made up
at Norfolk , headed for Chicago , to
substitute for No. 0 , at noon.
A telephone message received by
the local exchange at noon from
O'Neill stated that the storm was prevailing -
vailing there with tremendous fury.
Wires were paralyx.ed further west.
At noon today no trace of snow had
struck Norfolk , though there was a
rain last night. The air was not par-
tlculnily cold at noon , but according
to reports received , a most ( errifle
storm is yet to swoop down upon this
territory , and farmers and livestock
men would do well to lake warning
and prepare for the attack.
It Is feared that there will bo some
Buffering among men ami beasts out
on the open prairies.
The sky in Norfolk at noon was so
dense that lights had to lie burned in
doors as though it were night.
$10,000 BONDS.
The City Council of Madison Has De
termined to Vote Upon a Bond Prop
osition , to Erect a Handsome New
City Building Soon ,
Madison , Neb. , March 3. Special
to The News : At the city council
meeting a motion was carried and a
proposition will bo submitted to the
voters at the spring election to Issue
city bonds in the sum of $10,000 and
with the proceeds erect a city hall.
The bonds will como duo In twenty
years and draw 5 per cent interest.
The matter of the building of a now
city hall has been quietly agitated a
year or more and recently a petition
was circulated requesting the city
council to take action in the matter.
What serves as city hall now Is and
has been a discredit to the town and
Is a veritable eyesore. In an Interview
Mayor Smith expressed himself as
perfectly conddcnt that the proposi
tion will carry.
Norman Bryant Dies.
Norman Bryant died at his homo on
the north side last night of paresis
after an Illness of nearly two months.
Ho was nearly seventy-five years old
at the time of his death , n native of
Vermont. For years he had followed
the sea , both on the Atlantic and Pa
cific oceans. Later ho settled at Law
rence , Kansas , where he lived during
the border wars and Quantrell's raid.
He was married In 1859 and In 18G8
came to Madison county , settling on a
farm three miles east of hero. His
home has been In this city about 15
years. Ho leaves to mourn him hero ,
his wife , little granddaughter and ono
brother , a farmer. His children , of
whom there were six , are all dead.
The funeral will take place here Sun
WANTED By manufacturing cor
poration , energetic , honest man to
manage branch office. Salary $185.00
monthly and commission minimum Investment -
vestment of $500 In Block of company
required. Secretary , Box 401 , Madl-
oa , Wls
Sum of $25 Was Cleared for Church
Choir A Delightful Talk.
The talk on Ohoramniorgau and the
iHHlon play given by MHH ! Von ( loot *
at the Congregational church Batur-
du.\ evening proved a very entertain
ing description of thin old world spec
tacle. Miss Von ( loot/ told In passing
of her arrival at the little Bavarian
village , of the history of the play , and
what It meant as a rollgloui ) service to
the peasants. Then iihe told the nlory
of the play , which gives In pantomime
the main events * In the old testament
before taking up1 the life of Christ.
The play IH given 111 the open with
the mountains forming a most Inipron-
HVO ! background , and yet the entire
village IH part of the tipectaclo. It
wan from thin view that nho told of
the play.
The lecture was given for the bene
fit of the church choir and cleared $25
Mrs. L. Marshall of This City Will Not
Move to the Zone to Stait n
Boarding House Butter Is Worth
SO Cents Per Pound.
Mrs. L. Marshall , when her sinter ,
Mrs. Walters , left for Panama , laugh
ingly remarked that she might go
down to Panama , In CUHO the country
was pleasant , and Hlarl a hoarding
house. Now she IUIH changed her
mind. With eggs at $1 per do/.en anil
butter worth fiO rents per pound , HIO
thinks that the Canal /.ono would not
he a particularly desirable spot , and
therefore has decided to slay In Nor
folk. Her Information concerning the
high prices of provisions came yester
day In a letter from Mm , Walters ,
who is now living at Panaam.
Mrs. Walters writes that she often
seen the Norfolk people who 1110 In
the /ono. There are an Increasing
number of Americans there HO that
( .ho oily IB becoming more pleasant IIH
a place to live In.
Among other features of ( ho life In
I'anuinn , she writes that a club IUIH
just boon formed , something like I lie
Klkn ( lull In Norfolk , where social
hours are enjoyed. There are band
concerts frequently , parlies are held
often and the whole life Is last be
coming modelled after flint In an
American city.
A new minister ImH Just arrived In
I lie /one to conduct services In the
Methodist church there , his work be
ginning this week.
Mrs. Walters wrlles that the tem
perature Is not excessively hot during
the day and that It Is always cool ai
night. She has felt extiomoly well
ever since Khe lias boon In Panama.
After Twenty-five Years of Litigation
That Has Brought Grief.
After twenty-five years of litigation
that has at one time or another
brought grief to a dozen men , the Pap-
stein place , ono mile east of the city ,
is being sold at sheriff's Hale today In
Madison. The trouble began twenty-
five years ago when the property , con
sisting of 210 acres east of Norfolk ,
came to Mrs. Florence Pap.stoln
through the death of her husband.
Shortly afterward , becoming heavily
Involved through the signing of notes ,
she deeded the land to Carl Schultz.
Later she tried to get It back from
him and , after taking It through the
courts , managed to have it transferred
to a Mr. Teade at Wlsnor. Soon this
was not a satisfactory arrangement ,
and , with the help of A. H. Oloson of
Wlsner and Attorney Koenlgsteln of
Norfolk , the land was deeded to A.
. Oleson. Then she fell out with
Oleson and Koenlgsteln and secured
M. D. Tyler as counsel. Later she
shifted attorneys again and secured
Harrington and Mullen of O'Neill but
they In turn wore succeeded by Attor
ney Ehrhardt of Stanton , who Is now
her attorney. And during all these
changes of ownership and attorneys
the land was dragged back and forth
through the courts until there will
probably bo but little left for Mrs.
Papsteln today after the sale Is made
and the Incumbrances are paid off.
Rev. Benjamin Met With Baptists
Last Night to Discuss Field.
Rev. Benjamin of Palestine , Neb. ,
met with the members of the Baptist
church last evening at prayer moot
ing and discussed the dold to which
ho has been given a call. He did not
say at the meeting whether ho would
accept the call or not but It Is consid
ered probable by the members that
ho will after further consideration.
A Question That Every Man Should
Decide for Himself.
There Is ono subject In which many
of ) is are Intercstod and that Is , what
Is the quickest way of getting rid of
a troublesome cold ? Is It best to take
some now remedy put out with exag
gerated claims , or to pin your faith
to Chamberlain's Cough Remedy , a
preparation that has won a world wide
reputation and immense sale by Its
cures of this disease ? This remedy Is
for sale by Leonard the druggist.
Farmers bring in your repair work
for spring. I will save you 20 % as
I have the tlmo and am prepared to do
the work. Paul Nordwlg.
A Number of Cltlzcnn Appeared at the
City Council Meeting Lnot Night to
DlnciiRs the Depot Ordinance Pub
lic Vote Would Accept.
ll-'nini Tui'Miliiy'N Dnllv. )
Philip avenue was the hone of con
leiitlon al the council meeting lam
e\enlng , ind Inlcront and IHCUHHOII | | |
In Iho piopoHod ordinance eclipsed
Hie nihcr hiiHlncHH of the meeting.
The meet Ing chamber wan ontly filled
\\llh clll/eiiH , wlio came to hour what
\MIH ID he Hiild about the vacating ol
a pmllon of the iiltcet for Iho North
western rallioad to build a $15.000
depot on , Mini the ) were mil dlnnp-
pointed. The council "removed ( lie
lid" mid called on ( lie oltl/omi present
to dlHcunn and air Ilielr vlinvii on the
Hiihjocl. and they did. PelllloiiH and
roiiioiiHl ranees with I heir long linen
of HlgnaliiroM were read , Hiipporleni
and obJerloi'H to the ordinance were
called upon to give their viewn , and
every Hide of the proponed ordinance
wan carefully Hcnillnl/ed. In Iho af
ternoon Hlioilff Cloiuonln came up
from Madison and nerved the order of
Injunction upon Mayor Friday and the
CDiinclliiicn HO ( hat they were prevent
ed from voting on the ordinance al
the meeting. But they did make prop-
anilloiiH lo fighf the Injunction quick
ly and olTocllvoly , to employ addition
al rotiiiHel and to pimh Ilio work ol
dissolving Iho Injunction HO ( hat the
council can move In Iho matter with
a free hand
ATI or Iho regular monthly lilllH had
been passed Hie meet Ing wan open
for dlnciiHnlon and UHIHO who had
come lo rcnioiiHlnilo with ( ho council
and Ilium ; who favoroil ( heir Hlnnil In
Iho depot piopoHlllon came forward
and gave their reiiHoiiH. First the re-
moimliance ngaliml ( he ordinance
with MM signers ami ( lion Iho petition
for HH panning weie road. AH I lie
nan'ii'H on I he Inl'ler were read there
WIIH an occasional ripple of hinghler
, in a name wan repealed , which had
only boon read on I lie remonstrance
a few intuition earlier. From the
Htaiiilpolnl of nunilierH al leant , Hie
pelIIIon greatly overshadowed the re-
nionnl ranco. It had 'ill ! signers
iignliml eighty-four on I lie remon
How Proposition Game About.
lion W. M. Koborlson In an explan
atory talk gave the history of thopio-
po.Hcd ordinance , how It had come
alioul and why lie , as a member ofllio
Commercial club , Kiipported It.
"The position of the Commercial
club In IhlH matter ban been severely
criticised , " he said. "They have said
that we are working for the railroad
( hut wo are owned by ( he railroad.
That In not HO. We have been work
ing for Norfolk for the good of Nor
folk. Before ( lie embers of the old
Crelghton depot had ceased Htnoklng
Mr. Burnham and I called on the gen
eral superintendent of the Northwest
ern to see what ho would do toward
building a union station. For weeks
we worked at that. Then wo found
that It was useless to attempt to got
the railroads to agree to such a
scheme. Wo did not consult all the
members of the Commercial club at
once because wo had to act quickly
and wo know wo wore doing what wo
could for the bcHt Interests of Nor
Will Really Cost $20,000.
"Then they offered to build a frame
depot uptown If wo would give our
support to a proposition to vacate
Philip avenue. Wo took this up with
the city council and they refused It.
They demanded a $15,000 brick depot.
If wo get that they are to blame , not
the Commorclal club. It was they
that asked for the good brick depot.
I was talking with Mr. Hughes today
and he said that the plans are being
drawn In Chicago for this depot and
It will cost nearer $20,000 than $15-
000. In fact It may cost more than
that. They are going to straighten
out their tracks , take out their spurs ,
remove the stockyards , and clean up
the yards.
Answers the Arguments.
"We are told that they don't need
that much room. Mr. Hughes says
that they want to build a platform
from Park avenue to Madison avenue.
They are going to run longer trains
on that track and they want n plat
form long enough to accommodate
them. Then they must have room for
a separate freight house below the
station. The complaint has been made
that It will close up the street entire
ly. It won't. It will be open for pe
dostrlans. Thcro will bo a sufficient
opening for them between the pas
senger and freight depots. Besides
that crossing could well bo closed up
It is the most dangerous crossing In
the city. All the fatal accidents have
been there. "
City Wants It.
M. D. Tyler pointed to the govern
ment building and the hospital as ev
idences of what good buildings do and
will do for Norfolk and said that the
depot would do as much. "W all 1' '
iliouuht that Iho Crelghtoti depot hnit
< orvoi | HH purpoHo , " he Hiild "Thoro
Hccinod lo he a general iloHlrn for
'lomolhliig holler ; lo have the yardn
' leaned up ; to get rid of Urn iitoclf-
Minim to have a nice depot and nice
urnitnihi. Do we want ( he depot an
a city ? I think wo do and that , If It
\M'ro put lo a vole of Iho clll/.oiiii , the
ordinance would receive ulno-tentlin
of the voloii. I can't conrelvo how It
will hurt property and wo certainly
can't keep on getting noinotlilni ; with
out nothing. "
A Protest.
The principal talk agalnul the ordi
nance wan made by W. It. Hoffman ,
who look the Miami that the giving of
I he uvcnuo to the railroad wan a con-
cowilon to a corporation and that no
corporation nhoiild receive conecii-
idoim from the people. Ilo Hounded
hu ! few of the nrguniontM agaliiHt the
propoMlllon ( hat have been made about
the city but Instead lianed all of them
on the argument Unit the rallroadn
were rlillng over I lie people. He do-
chired that their revenue out of Nor
folk wan no gical that they nhould not
be backward In building a good depot
\\llhoul receiving any concession
from Iho city.
Mike lOmlerii nlno registered h la pro-
ICH ! to the piopoHcd oidlnaiice on I he
ground Ilial II would Injure bin pro | > -
oily although II wan on Park avenue
Me declared Hint II would reduce the
value of bin properly by moro than
I wenly per cent.
Opponcntn Weaken.
Before the dlHcuimlon on the ordl
nance a coininllleo coimlHtlng of Conn-
cllinen Hpollinun , MalhowHon and Klo-
nan wan appointed lo confer with the
city attorney to pieparo lo light the
Injunction milt , agalniil. the council
Additional cnuiiHol will he retained If
ncrcHHary and a motion filed nhortly
lo dlHHolvo the Injunction.
Tim opponenlH to the depot propo-
Hlllon , when Hie overwhelming noiill-
niont appealed lo he In favor of the
acceptance of the offer , Hccincd lo
weaken coiiHlilerahly. One man , who
had npokcti In regard to bin properly ,
mild that If ho though ! it would bo
alright he would quit. Ami ho wan
one of ( ho iilroiig oppononlti of the
The city council and ( he hundred ) )
of olll/onn In favor of accepting the
hanilHonio depot are determined lo
pimli Iho mailer rapidly lo a head and
II IH known Ilia ) they will carry I he
mailer llnoiigh JIIH ! an many Hinges
of the coin In an IH reiitlred | lo win.
With the hacking of ( lie greater portion
tion ol' ( he city , they declare Mini It
In I heir duly lo sweep away obhlacloii
and gel dm depot for Norfolk.
They declare thai II will be an easy
mailer In Iho end lo wipe oul Iho In
junction hconiiHo of I lie lacl thai the
aiguinenln ol Hie Injunction me not
based on fact and because I lie ntroct
In lo lie cloned for tlio good of the
coinniunlly , an In piovlded by law
The following lilllH weio allowed by
I he council :
Illrlinrd Pelor , $5.50 ; Aug. Brum-
itiiind , $ : ! 2.70 ; Norfolk Printing Co ,
$ K.80 ; Nebraska Telephone Cot , 70
rents ; Albert Degner , 50 rents ; H U
AlcFnrlniul , $12.50 ; O. Hlile. $1 10 ,
Aug. ( Jraul , $00.00 ; C. W. Braancli ,
$21.75 ; F. \ MH$1.00 \ \ > ; O Illchey ,
$10.0(1 ( ; I ) . Hunter , $2.00 ; W Living-
Hlone. $10.00 ; II. Boomer , $2.00 ; Nor
folk Klectrle Light & Power Co. , $71 ,
W. I ) . Uecker , $01.15 ; J. Hay. $00 ,
Win. Koch , $10 ; Norfolk Light & Fuel
Co. , $0i ( ; P. F. Spreclior , $8110.
The police judge's report for Feb
ruary showed $ l'j collected In fines
The treasurer's report for Febru
ary allowed the following balances :
( Jonoral , $ : i5.0 : ! ; Interest , $191.19 ;
water , $002.10 ; road10 : ! ; sinking ,
$ l,2t.5G : ! ! ; ntroot lights , $01.
Both reports wore referred to the
auditing commlttco.
There Has Been Considerable Stealing -
ing In a Small Way Going on North
of Gregory , on the Rosebud Reserva
tion Bridle Was Missing.
Gregory , S. D. , March C. Special to
The News : A warrant has been is
sued for the arrest of W. A. Benson
on the charge of stealing a bridle
from Mr. Marshall , north of town.
Benson lives six miles north of town.
When Sheriff Hall went to servo the
complaint ho did not find Benson at
homo and thereupon , having Issued n
search warrant , entered the house , to
gether with J. f ! . Homes and John Mc
laughlin , and found considerable
miscellaneous property. The warrant
for the arrest of Benson was Issued
on complaint of Mr Marshall after
Mr. Marshall went to the Benson homo
in search of bin bridle and found a
bridle which ho alleges Is his.
There has been considerable petty
thieving north of here and the author
ities are determined to put an end to
E. Shafer Is Dead.
Tekamah , Neb. , March C. Edmund
Shafer , a Hurt county pioneer , Is dead
hero at the ago of seventy-five.
Public Ownership.
Lincoln , Nob. , March C. The com-
morclal club endorsed the municipal
ownership of public utilities.
If you want to buy Norfolk property
BOO F. G. Coryoll.