The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, March 09, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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Fearing That the Fire Would Leap
Norfolk Avenue In the Pacific Block ,
the Pacific Guests Were Quietly No
tified A Heroic Battle.
I From Saturday's Dally. ]
Only by the most consistent nnd
headiest kind of flro fighting , Norfolk
was saved last night from the most
. disastrous flro In Its history. A wild
I gale swept out of the north and
whipped the fire , which began In n
shed In the rear of the Chicago Lum
ber company's yard , into a furious
blaze that threatened to destroy the
lumber yard nnd the buildings on the
corner of Fifth nnd Norfolk avenue ,
then Jump the street and carry away
the Pacific block nnd the Queen City
hotel. The fire department cut Into
Uio face of the flames and the wind
with all the water they could bring to
boar upon It and , fighting It from both
sides , cut off the flames In the center
of n lumber shed piled high with dried
lumber. It was only this persistent
fight in a swirl of driving smoke and
sparks and flames that saved the cor
ner nnd perhaps the buildings across
the street.
Fire Discovered.
The flro was discovered shortly be
fore 11 o'clock by C. P. Parish , who
was on his way home. Ho noticed
smoke coming from behind the build
ings on the corner but supposed it was
from an engine on the tracks beyond.
As he turned the corner of the Pacific
hotel he noticed a small flickering of
light and smelled the smoke of burnIng -
Ing wood. He Immediately turned In
the alarm and the hose carts were
hurried to the scene of the flro.
Magnificent Fire Fighting.
The two-story building , in which the
flro started , was wrapped in a mass
of flames when the hose carts reached
the blaze. The north gale beat the
flames against the adjoining shed
piled high with dried lumber and car
ried great masses of glimmering , flar
ing sparks whirling through the air
and onto the roofs of the buildings In
its path. It seemed like a hopeless
task for the firemen as the scorched
end of the lumber shod was blazing
A in places and the wind swept great
' ' floods of llamo against it every in
stant. Streams of water were carried
in the face of the blinding smoke and
sparks to bear upon the advancing
flames. It scorned a hopeless task to
stop but they fought stubbornly
against it as it advanced by leaps and
ate great holes into the north end of
the lumber pile. Moro hose was
brought and the flglit was taken up
from both sides and from the rear.
A switch engine puffed up the track
to take away a string of cars from
the track behind the flro and stayed
to push them further In to make a
windbreak for the flames. It was a
fire where the little things counted
and that windbreak stopped the furi
ous rush of the flames. Then the
stre.uns of water began to toll and a
third of the way down the shed the
flames were stopped and slowly turned
back toward the heart of the flames.
In the warehouse , where the fire start
ed , there was no stopping it. The
upper floor was filled with mill-work
and seasoned hardwood flooring. The
fire once started in that could not bo
extinguished. So the firemen held the
fire back from in front and slowly
fought it down behind until early into
the morning when there was nothing
left but a smoking mass of charred
Hotel Guests Get Out.
At the Pacific hotel there was In
tense excitement for a moment when
the alarm was first turned In and then
everyone made hurried preparations
to leave the hotel In case the flro
should carry the corner and leap the
street. Before a dozen taps of the
alarm had been sounded a bell boy
was passing down the halls to nwak-
, en each guest. They were all told of
the Hre , that there was no danger butte
to get up nnd dress ready for any
emergency. Several women in their
excitement threw wraps over their
night robes and hurried to the lobby.
When they were assured of tholr pres
ent safety they went back to tholr
rooms and dressed in order. Within
fifteen minutes everyone was up and
dressed and the sidewalk was lined
\ & with trunks nnd grips ready to carry
away If the fire communicated to the
All along the sidewalks on Fifth
street and Norfolk avenue , where
there was any possibility of the flro
reaching to , the sidewalks were plied
with trunks , grips , household furnish
ings nnd clothing ready to carry away
If the flre spread further. Few had
I. heard the alarm but the telephone
[ | first brought those who had offices
and Interests in the path of the fire ,
I then others until a largo crowd stood
9 nnd gazed at the flre until the cold and
- the wind drove thorn homo , when the
/ \ \ danger was once passed. In every
olllco niul store building there WHS a
light nnil preparations were tnatlo to
qnrry away everything that was of
vn1io | before the lire , reached to It.
Origin a Mystery.
Tlio origin of tlui lire In undlBCOv-
uriul. Its proximity to the Union Pa-
clilc tracks suggested Us starting from
a spark but the thin shale of lee that
covered everything last evening HCOIIIH
to preclude such an Idea and leave no
clue for discovering a reason for Its
iicglnnlng. The company Is unable testate
state the loss as there Is much charred
lumber and lumber damaged by smoke
and water must bo examined and as
sorted out before any definite Idea of
the loss can be secured. It will prob
ably bo between $2,000 and $3.000 , ful
ly covered by Insurance.
Firemen at Supper.
lloforo the men loft the lire Manager
N. H. DolHon of the Chicago Lumber
company and II. 0. Sattler took the
llromon to n restaurant and gave them
supper. This Is the first time that
imythlng of the kind has over been
ilono In Norfolk and the men , who
were soaked through with water and
chilled by the cold , went home warm
er and better for It. In the morning
II. C. Sattler gave the department $ fiO
'or their efforts.
All of the department went homo at
! ! o'clock with the exception of Chief
McCune and eight or ten of the men ,
who stayed to llnlsh the work. Short
ly after that the lire broke out anew
but the llames were quickly put out
and by 5 o'clock there was no vestige
> f lire left.
Hose Cart Broke.
The mombcrs of the Mast hose com
pany were forced to carry their hose
to the fire in their hands as the left
wheel of the cart was broken off as
the cart was leaving the house. The
axle of the cart had boon In a weak
ened condition for a long time and
snapped when the cart struck the side
walk. The hose was immediately un
reeled and , with it In their bands ,
they rushed up Norfolk avenue to the
Man Run Over.
An unknown man was run over by
Queen City hosecart on the sidewalk
in front of Thicnis' meat market when
they wore on the ( Ire. Later when at
tempts were made to find out who he
was It was impossible to find any trace
of the man , so It is presumed that he
was not severely Injured.
Fireman Anderson , III and Short of
Funds , Is Taken Care of Here.
A pretty case of kindly charity
among tbo railroad boys of Norfolk
lias come to light. J. J. Anderson , a
locomotive llremnn with headquarters
here , was taken seriously ill with ty
phoid fever and developed inter symp
toms of pneumonia. Ho had , at the
lime he laid off , , a check for $81 , and
the check , naturally , was soon gone.
Hut Fireman Anderson did not suffer -
for from tills .account. Not while the
railroad boys of Norfolk had money in
their pockets. They took up a sub
scription among themselves to help
out Anderson , and for four weeks he
was tenderly cared for , with the best
of everything In the way of attention ,
nursing , medicine and delicacies to
While the railroad boys themselves
will not talk about the case or tell
how much they took up for Anderson ,
because they believe in guarding the
matter -charity as sacred , yet it is
known that they took up enough
among themselves to pay more than
$30 each week for a month toward
Anderson's care. The railway olll-
cials here cheerfully contributed their
A few days ago Anderson was taken
back to his homo in Illinois and re
ports today indicate that ho is rapidly
improving in condition.
Every Fireman In the Town Has a Bell
That Starts Ringing With Button.
The city authorities of Wisner have
just installed an electric call bell sys
tem for their firemen in case of fire.
A bell is placed In the home of every
fireman and the wires are run Into
the telephone exchange , where they
can bo set ringing by a single touch
of a button. At times such as last
night It is difficult to get out all the
lire department as the sound of the
alarm does not carry to every house.
But the electric bell does reach every
home and rings until it is turned off
by the fireman.
Miss Wheeler is Hostess at a Delight
ful Party for Friends.
Miss .Tennlo Wheeler very delight
fully entertained members of the senior
nior class of the high school at the
home of her parents , Mr. and Mrs.
M. Wheeler , last evening. The high
school teachers were also Invited.
The homo was prettily decorated In
green and white and among the plea
sures of the evening was n guessing
contest , the prize for which was won
by Miss Walker , one of the high
school teachers.
Long Pine Editor Sells Paper and Re
signs as County Commissioner.
Alnsworth , Nob. , March 1. Special
to The News : Luke M. Bates of Ixmg
Pine lias sold his paper , the Journal
and has tendered his resignation as
commissioner in Brown county , to
take effect next Monday , preparatory
to tak'ng ' his position In the Valentine
land olllco.
Quit being a tenantless landlord
publicity rents houses !
The Series of Four Weeks' Evangelist
ic Meetings Began Under Propitious
Circumstances In the Congregational
Church Last Night.
[ From Momlny'fl Daily. }
The four weeks' series of union
evangelistic meetings to bo held by
the Congregational nnd Methodist
churches of the city , began under pro
pitious circumstances last night. The
Congregational church was crowded
to the doors and oxtrn chnlru had to
tie brought In from outside to accom
modate the audience.
S. II. Jackson has a sweet , well mod
ulated tenor voice nnd In n most ex
cellent leader of a chorus. Ills solo ,
"Ship Ahoy , " was very well received.
Mr. Olmste'ad took for bin text , "To
bo Carnally Minded Is Death. " Ho
said In part :
"Professor Herbert Spencer's defi
nition of death was , 'The ceasing of
correspondence between the Inner
man and outward life , or failure to ad
just one's self to his environment. '
The death referred to by Paul in this
text probably did not mean future ex
istence as most people bcllove , but
lack of proper adjustment to spiritual
and higher things of life. "
Mr. Olmstead Is devoid of the ncu-
satlonal methods of the peripatetic
evangelist. Ho IH clear , logical In
preaching and uses the conversational
.one of voice. If last night's meeting
can bo token as an example of what
s to follow , a good series of meetings
vltli splendid results Is to bo expect
Tuesday afternoon nt 3 o'clock the
afternoon meetings will begin In the
Sunday school room of the Congrega
tional church.
Wednesday afternoon , Immediately
nfter school , Mr. Jackson wants to
moot all school children between the
igos of 9 nnd 15 , to form a "sunbeam"
Notice of Probate of Foreign Will.
In the County Court of Madison
County , Nebraska. The State of Ne
braska , Madison County , ss.
To Cornelia Rebecca Wlble , widow ,
and Robert Edward Wlble , win , and
all persons Interested In the estate
of J. 13. Wlble , late of Gettysburg ,
Adams county , state of Pennsylvania ,
Whereas , Robert 13. Wlble , executor
of the last will and testament of said
I. 13. Wlblo , dcocnscd , by Mapos & , bin attorneys , has filed in my
office u duly authenticated copy of an
Instrument purporting to bo I ho last
will and testament of .1. R. Wlblo. , de
ceased , and of the prolmto thereof by
Uio register of wills in and for Adams
county , in Iho state of Pnnnsylvanlu ,
and a pHilion praying that said iiiHtru-
nu'iit may bo probated , allowed and
recorded In this court as the last will
and testamc'iit of said deceased , for
the appointment of Robert 13. Wlblo
as executor , if necessary , and for such
proceedings as the law reijuiroH.
It Is therefore ordered that the 10th
day of March , 1OC ! ) , at 1 o'clock p. in.
at the county court room in Madison
In said county of Madison , is the time
and place appointed for hearing said
matter when all persons Interested
therein may appear nt the hearing In
the county court to bo held In and
for said county and show cause , if any
( hero be , why the prayer of the peti
tioner should not bo granted and the
said Instrument probated , and that
notion of thependency of said petition
ind the hearing thereon bo given to
ill persons Interested by publishing
a copy of this order in The Norfolk
Weekly News-Journal , a legal news
paper printed , published and of gonur-
al circulation in said county , for three
successive weeks prior to said day of
Witness my hand and official seal at
Madison in said county , this 17th day
of February , A. D. 1900.
[ Seal ] Win. Bates.
County Judge.
Rockefeller Offers $125,000 For Hos
pital For Tuberculosis Children.
An offer of $12fi,000 from John D.
Rockefeller , for a hospital for chll
dren suffering from tuberculosis , Is
announced by R. Fulton Cutting , pres
ident of the New York Association for
Improving the Condition of the Poor.
ThiH offer Is made on the condition
that the association raises a like
amount from other donors by Juno 30 ,
1900 , and that the permanent main
tenance of the hospital bo assured.
The hospital is to bo located at the
Mrs. Burden and Mr. Sloane Say the
Laird of Skibo Broke Promise.
Mrs. Florence Adele Burden nnd
her father , William D. Sloane , have
begun an action in the supreme court
to enjoin Andrew Carneglo nnd his
real estate broker , Herbert A. Sher
man , from Belling to Lloyd S. Brlco
a pint adjoining Mrs. Burden's resi
dence , with a frontage of 47 feet on
Ninety-first street , COO fet from Fifth
nvonue , says a Now York dispatch.
The complaint recites that flvo years
ago , when Carneglo acquired the cor
ner of Ninety-first street and Fifth av
enue , with a frontage of 100 feet on
the avenue nnd 130 feet on a side
street , ho opened negotiations with
Bloane , who owned the adjoining plat ,
for the purchase of seventeen feet of
thnt frontage.
An agreement was then arrived nt ,
the complaint related , by which Rloano
sold the Hoventoon foot to Carnegie on
Curm'Klo'n agreement to neil the plat ,
H lion Id ho over decide to do mi , only
to a single purchaser , who would cov
enant to erect a handsome private res
idence thereon.
In consideration of thin , Mrs. Hur-
don agreed to erect on the adjoining
property , convoyed to her by her fa
ther , n flnep rlvnto residence I\H her
own home , with a woBtorn elevation
of limestone.
A few dnyw ago , Mm. Burden learned
that Cnrnoglo'n broker hud contracted
to sell forty-seven foot adjoining her
homo on the Fifth avenue Hide to
Moyd S. Itrloo , nnd that the latter
practically had completed itrrnngo-
inontH for the erection thorium of a
house , the onstorn wall of which would
bo right against the lltnotono western
elevation of the Bunion house.
Norfolk Veterinarian Undergoes Ope
ration for Appendicitis.
Dr. J. C. M.oyorH , a volorlmiry sur
geon of Norfolk , underwent a surgic
al operation Thursday for appendi
citis and IH getting along , HO far UH
( ! iin bo known today , nlcoly. The op
cratlon took place at Omaha In Wltio
Memorial hospital. In n Idler re
ceived yesterday by John Krnntx from
Dr. Mi'Klui , Hlnto veterinarian , the
latter says that ho WIIH with Dr. My-
ors before , during nnd uflor the operation -
oration and that ho stood the Htriilu
woll. Mrs. Myors WIIH with the doctor
during the operation. Ho had boon
suffering from appomllcltln for HO\-
oral moutliH and determined that an
operation waa necessary.
Pierce Leader Hopes Norfolk Editor
Will be Gloriously Exonerated ,
Plorco leader : W. N. llimo of The
Norfolk Dally NOWH will again hnvo
to slum ! trial In Madison country for
alleged llbo ! preferred by T. .1. Slid-
lily of Ponca , who thinks lie wan dam
aged four yeartt ago to the oxlont of
$0,000 , The CIIHO WIIH tried once and
Judge Boyd was HO dlngiiHtod with Iho
Injustice nnd unfalrncKH of Iho charg
es that ho took the case from the Jury
and rendered a decision for the defendant -
fondant , Mr. Huso. But the plaintiff ,
spurred on by bin nttornoyn who were
after that velvet which tickles the
heart , were not mitlRllcd and carried
the caHo to the Hiipromc court , which
tribunal rovorHod the decision of Judge
Moyd , on a technicality In the fuel
that the judge had made a Hllght er
ror in his Instructions. The Lender
bollovoH that The News wan JuHtllled
In making Uio statements It did and
believes and sincerely hopoH Hint when
Iho onfio IH again tried ( he paper will
bo gloriously exonerated. There are
too ninny fellows UIOHO da.VH aching
to prefer llbol charges ngaliiHt IIOWH-
papers but not ono out of ton has any
case. Judge Boyd did exactly right In
the foregoing CIIHO.
Petersburg Index Snys Shelbly Will
Never Get His $6,000.
Petersburg Index : W. N. Huso of
Tbo Norfolk Dally News , ( toorgo I ) .
Nelson of the Harlington Herald , and
Franklin Fnloa , ox-chairman of the
central commltoo for McCarthy's llrHt
congressional campaign , are the de
fendants In a libel suit brought by T.
S. Sholbly of Ponca.
During McCarthy's first campaign
defamatory charges wore circulated
against him and It Rooms The News ,
on the eve before ejection , published
a circular letter which came directly
from Iho headquarters of McCarthy's
liongrcHHlonnl commit too and which
said unkind things about Sholbly. The
letter was vouched for by the congres
sional commltoo who desired to refute
the charges made ngalnnt McCarthy.
About a year later the man from Pen
ca started suit against The News for
$0,000 , and Judge Boyd gnvo a deci
sion for the defendant , and dismissed
the case. Shelbly carried the case to
the supreme court which reversed the
decision on a technicality. The News
is now made the defendant once more
In the same case.
The case has stirred up no little In
terest in northeast Nebraska news
paper circles and proceodlngs will bo
watched with interest. However , the
evidence turned in at the former trial
was so one-sided' that wo fear Shelbly
will never get sight of that $0,000 ho
Is striving for so earnestly.
Methodist Church at Chadron Had
Close Call at 4 In the Morning.
Chadron. Neb. , March 1. Special
to The News : The Methodist church
In this city escaped destruction by
llro by a very narrow margin when
It was discovered to bo on Jlro In the
basement nt 4 In the morning. An
alarm was given and the ( lames ox-
tliigulKhnd. The fire department ar
rived after the danger was past.
Fifty or seventy dollars will prob
ably cover the damage.
Kvnngellst Geo. II. Williams Is con
ducting n union revival meeting for
the Congregational and Baptist
churches of the city.
Mrs. J. B. Elseffer is Hostess at Party
Given for School Girls.
Mra. J. B. Klsoffer entertained the
members of the choir of the Prcaby
torlan church yesterday afternoon at
a C o'clock luncheon. The choir is
composed solely of school glrla.
While Drifts Are Ten Feet Deep In
the Country Went of Norfolk , This
Immediate Aren Seems to Have Es
caped the Fury of the Blizzard.
( from Hiiturdiiy'H Dully. )
The tall oud of the big lill// nl
vhlcli baa boon raging over Iho north-
vent for bourn , Hi ruck Norfolk , but
hero WIIH no HIIOW In It. The norlbor-
y gales oamo alright , with a von-
loaiii'o , and ( ho drop In ( lie thormom-
lor. but the HIIOW drlflH. which hnvo
icon heaped high in all the country
t WOH ! of Norfolk , mlHHod thlH oily.
I'lie border line helwoon the HIIOW and
ho clear air HCOIIIH to have touched
"loiirwntor and Crolghton.
Big Train Lost In Snow.
The eiiHlbound Block llllhi train ,
luo bore yoHlorday at noon , IH lout in
ho HiiowdrlftH and IIIIH not been heard
'rom ' Hlni'o 0 o'clock Thursday night
'or moro Ilinn forty bourn ( hat big
rain , with pasHcngorH alumni bounder
or Chicago from Deadwood , IIIIH boon
milling against the mountaltiH of
vhltonoHH between the IllllH and Nor
oik and , tin all of the wlron are down ,
hero IH no dollnlto Information an to
vhero the train la or how the paHiton
; orti are faring.
Train No. u from BonoHlool , duo out
if that town liuil night at midnight ,
lid not leave the edge of Iho RoHobud
OHorvatlou until I MM morning and
wan announced to lie due hero at noon.
Train No. I , due out of l/ing Pine at
nldnlght hint night and duo hero IhlH
nonilng nt 0. did not conm In on time
mil wan nmmuucod for noon.
Wires All Down.
WlroH wont on tbo North WON ) orn
ire all down and It IH ImpoHHlblo to
et any Informal Ion regarding the
Htorni thore. There IH one wire
hroiigh to Slunrt but nothing further
mil thlH IIIIH helped little In getting
nfonnntlon IIH to Iho train that In lout
u the bll/ard.
Live Stock Situation Serious.
It IH feared that 11 vo Block In IhlH
Hoctlon of Iho world will tuiffor heav
ily from the Htorm , UH Iho snow ban
lieeu boating down heavily upon them
mil covering tholr piiHluroH over the
rnugo. In Home placoH In Boyd county
it IH reported that the HIIOW drlfla are
! on foot detip.
Train No. fi , Iho westbound Black
IllllH train which arrived hero IHH !
light and \\IIH Hclicdnlod In go right
in went , remained In Norfolk over
ilghl nnd did nut leave until 7 o'clock
IhlH morning. The piiHHongoi'H aboard
Hlepl In the cam and were coinfort-
ibly warm all night long. There were
few children on the train , which WIIH
'iiiiHldorod ' a fortunate fuel. The P.IH-
sengciH ale a lunch nt midnight , and
lien ate lircalil'iiHl Ihln morning be-
I'oro the Iriiln loft. The train wan not
run through hint , nigh ! liecinmo the
wires wore down out went and the
olIlcliilH wore afraid thai an accident
might , occur.
The coldoHl point reached yesterday
was 17 above zero.
Members of Norfolk Ladles' Band Will
Reorganize to Make Music.
Norfolk IH to have an orchoHtrn
composed solely of women. La
veiling flvo of those who belonged to
the Norfolk Ladles' band before It.
broke up , met at the home of W. P.
Dlxorr lo consider the matter. Kach
if them brought her Instrument with
lier and they spout the evening pnro
liclng. There are several moro of the
original mombeiH of the band , who
wore not there , and an attempt will
be made to secure them In the conterrr
plated orchestra. It IH probable ; that
the leader will bo a young man In the
city , who ban volunteered Ills services
to the new organisation.
Tlmes-Tribune Wants to Do as Other
Towns Did , and Gain for Norfolk.
Timos-Trlliuno : Not anticipating
any opposition to the plan of building
a largo depot in Norfolk to take the
place of the one burned last fall the
Northwestern have caused plans to
bo drawn for the structure , these
plans will soon bo completed so that
all can see just what we will got. that
Is the plans will be completed If the
spirit of remonstrance that Is being
started by a few of our citizens docs
not stop the work and cause the com
pniry to make other arrangements
What the company nskH IH nothing tin
usual In such cases , In fact such a depot
pot as Norfolk asks and should have
cannot bo built err the space of ono
block , that is with proper platform
connections. AS wo understand It
the company does not propose to add
to the number of tracks or to build in
Kiich a way as to prevent people from
crossing the track at Philip avenue ,
except when tralnn are standing
there , and that will bo the case with
a 7x9 depot and always was. Of
course It will stop the passing of
tennis but with small buildings it wll !
bo a very dangerous crossing and wll !
become Htlll more so ns the number
of trains Increase. The depot facil
Itlos of Norfolk have always been In
adequate , everybody visiting our city
remarks that fact and now that wo
have n chance to Improve them b >
so small a concession it looks llko
folly to protest , wo cannot punish the
railroad company by opposing their
building a good depot , a cheap ono
will iminvor Iholr purpono but wo can
lint ouniolvoii In a position to prevent
( ho company from doing anything for
iir oily only what they nro obliged , to
1 and that In very llft'lo. Mnnnftirn
if rallroadi ) are dimply human holTJipi
mil are governed largely by the mim >
rnpnldOH HH other Individuals are , nn
itifrlondly spirit will bo rnot by th m
n the imine miinner It would ho tnut
ly ether people. The Tlrnen Trllmno
H not arguing for the railroad com-
liiiiiy but for the bonofU of Norfolk ,
wo want to iieo our city got all It cn
ml of the
Northweiitorn and evyry
ithor road thai colloctn n freight 1)111 )
u our oily and wo bellovo that her >
H a ohaiico to got wmiothlug that IH
going to hn of much vnluo to UH Wo
ii'llevo that our Commercial club
invii done the very bosl they could In
Honirliig | | | | H proportion from the
'oivipiiny and If that IH all wo can got
hlH writer lit In favor of taking it
mil with an good a grace IIH possible
AH an Inducement , to ( rut
SEEDS Ion * mind Cibbige Slid I mail
FREE with cataloguo. one
for Hpring , Hummer , Full or
Winter- ( ho four HOUMOUS for 10 Cull
llllMI'ATIiAl ) , N.V.
Olllco , Cotton block , Anh 541 , re 4-
Uinco , 101) ) North Tenth street , 'phon *
Ash fi42.
You MUst ffot Forget
Wo aw ( MHistanlly iniprov-
iur in t.lio art , of malciim Kino
Newest Styles in
Cards and Finish ,
Wo also oarry a Kino Line
) f Mouldings.
lowest Rales.
W , J , GOW & BRO , ii
Money on Hand.
She Has Cured Thousands
I'rad.ii'.in . AliiopaUiy , Homo
[ ) , lOlci'lric and ( Jcn-
( M-al Mc-dicino.
Will , by request , visit profoHlotially
rfl.irnlriK < > \ory four WOP | < K Consult
lirr while the opportunity IK at liana.
Hit C-AUMVKU , limit * her practice
tO I llO HpfM-llll treatment. Of ( llKCUHCH Of
the oyc , oar. nose , throat , hint , ' " , female
lIlHC.IHCH. ( llHCUHCH ( if fllllllriMI 1111(1 all
chronic. norvoiiH and HiirKlotl dlseasu *
of a iMiriiblo iiuturn . Uarly c-onuump-
tlon. hroncbltlH. brnnr-hlal < atarrh ,
chronln catarrh , headache , roiiHtipatlon ,
stomach and bowel trouble * , rhoumtv *
tlHni. niiiiralKla , Hclntlca , kidney dln-
OIMCH : , HrlKht'H dlHt-axf , dl.seam ; * of the
liver and bladder , d 1x7.1 neHw , imrvous-
ni'HH. InillKOHtlon. obi'ulty. Interrupted
nutrition. Mow growth In children and
all wiiHlliiK dlHcases In adultx. duforrn-
! tpn. | Hut ) feet , cnrvntnro of the xplno ,
of the bruin , paralysis heart
dropsy , HuollliiK of UK- limbs ,
. open sores , pain In the honed ,
uraniilar enlargements and all long
standing diseases properly treated
Itlninl iinil SKIn DlNeiiMCN.
I'lmplos , blotches , eruptions. liver
spots , falling of the hair , bad e-otnplex-
on. I'l'xi-ina. throat ulecrs. bone pains ,
bladder troubles , weak haeli burning
urine , passing urine too often The of-
feels of constitutional . .
xlHcnev * .r tl > e
taking of too much Injurous inodirjno
receives searching treatment , pr.nnnt
relief and a cure for life .
Diseases of .
women. Irregular
truatlon. fallliiR of the womb , houring
down pains , female displacements lack
of sexual tone. Leucorrhea , xti-nlity or
barreness , consult Dr. Caldwell nnd she
will show thorn the cause of tholr trou
ble nnd the way to become eurod
riineerH , Colter , KlMiiln , I'lli-M.
nnd enlarged glands treated with the
subcutaneous Injection method , nbso-
utoly without pnln and without the
loss of a drop of blood , Is one of her
own discoveries nnd is really the moat
sclentine method of this advanced ago.
Dr. Ciildwoll has practiced lior profex-
slon In some of the largest hospitals
throughout the country. She has no
superior In the treating and diagnos
ing of diseases , deformities , etc , Slid
tins into opened an office n Omaha. Ne
braska , where she will spend a portion
of each week
treating her
many pa
No incurable cases accepted for
treatment. Consultation , examination
and advice , one dollar to those Interest-
mau to