The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, February 23, 1906, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 NOUKOL.K . NtiWS : FRIDAY , FEBRUARY 2J ! , llluG.
The Northwestern Railroad Fireman
Who Was Charncd With Robbing n
Woman at Sorlbnor Because of an
Entjaoement With Her Daughter.
Fremont , No' h. 21. Informa
tion received ti ' 'ib.v ' . Sheriff Han-
man Indicates tl-nl Ilio NorlliwoHtorn
llroman who defrauded Mrs. Wllhol-
mlna Sohoonfolt of Scrlbnor out of
$100 has figured In a number of pro-
vloim scrapes and tliut ho IIIIH been
traveling over the country using the
nnmo of nn lionoHt bollor-muUor of Og-
don. rinh , who WMH ono of bin vIc.tlniH.
The Information comes from u man
who purports lo ho thn real .1. .1.
Lynch , whom * luuuo the llromun gave
when ho wont to work at Scrlbnor.
Lynch claims Iho Hull Lake Clly
uuthorltluH at present hold u wnrrant
for the llroman anil that hlH iiiuno IH
Stafford llo HayH bo will bo taken
buck lo that oily If the complaint
against him hero fulhi to bold. Lynch
claims that Stafford occupied a room
adjoining bin In n boarding IIOIIHO at
Ogden and that the fortnur dlsap-
poured with $80 worth of bin belong-
limn , together with UIOHU of hlH room
mate llo clalniH Stafford IHUI boon
traveling over the country doliu ; thlH
norl of business.
Sheriff lluuman haH ovldonco that
tends to show that Stafford got uwny
from OHHiiwutoinol , Kansas , with n
trunkful of clothing tliut ohlongod to
\Vllllum NVnkomnn , a llruman of that
T M. Moodlo of West Point IB In
thecity. .
13. A. Pollard of Fnlrbury IH In the
city on business.
U , 15. Williams made n biiHlnoBH trip
to MadlHon today.
.1 F. Iloyd came down from Nollgh
Wednesday evening.
HorthaVblto of Pllgor IB visiting
with frlonda In ( ho city.
Louis Sonunor came down from Randolph -
dolph Wednesday evening.
Senator F. .1. Halo of Iliitllo Creole
Is In the city on business.
C H. Unrlaml rotnrnod Wednesday
from a trip up the UonoHtccI lino.
Fred Haley wont to Stnntou
Wednesday evening on luiHlnosH.
(1 W. Pask of Wayne came down
Wednesday evening on business ,
W U. Hoffman has gone to Albion
to visit with relatives for several days.
H. P. Lewis of Council Hluffs Is vis
iting with the family of S. W. darvln.
Mr and Mrs. Charles 13. Turnbull
have returned homo from u visit In
Otto Xllilor and sister Miss Pauline
/Iblor of Stanton wore In Norfolk
Frank Wellborn of Kmorlok visited
this morning with Mr. ami Mrs. ( Jus
Kubl whllo on his way lo the county
The members of the I. O. O. F. will
give work In the llrst degree Thursday
( ! len Holler of Grlswold , Iowa , Is
In the city looking after bis farm Inter
ests near Norfolk.
Lewis Hrown came down from Mead
ow drove Wednesday to purchase lum
ber for a in w barn.
F It Lvnsor went to Tlldon Wednes
day evening to help bin brother In the
erection of a now barn.
Ferdinand Koch and little son Wll
Ham of West Point are visiting at the
homo of Charles Kudat. They came
up on account of the Illness of Mr
Koch's mother.
13. K. McClellalmn was In the clU
yesterday arranging to build a no\\
barn on his farm twelve miles soutl
of the city.
Miss Lillian Jackson returned lionu
Wednesday evening from u visit wltl
nor brother and friends In Comic !
HlnIts since Christmas.
S. O Campbell stopped eve
Wednesday night In Norfolk while 01
his way home to Crelghton from Mad
Prof , and Mrs. Hugh Compton o
Wlsner were Norfolk visitors Tuesda
evening and returned homo Wodnes
ilny noon.
Mrs. Ferdinand Koch , mother o
Mrs. Charles Hudat and Mrs. Carl As
inns , Is seriously 111 at tlio homo o
Mrs. Riulat.
Mrs. Walter Hraasch of Hnmphre
Is visiting with her mother Mrs. King
Miss Maud Denol of Meadow firov
Is also a visitor at the King home.
I3d H. Bohle of Johnstown and hi
brother August stopped ever In Nor
folk Tuesday to visit with old friends
Ho is on bis way homo from Grca
Falls , Montana.
Miss Grace Ryan of Nellgh cam
down this noon to visit with Mis
Katberino Shaw for n few days nn
10 bo present at the party this ovci
ing , to bo given at the Mullen horn
In her honor.
The ladies of St. Johannes Lnthora
church will meet with Mrs. A. Knr
this afternoon.
Special meetings will be held tonlgh
and tomorrow night at tbo Secom
Congregational church , South Norfoll
Rev. N. T. Packard , state evnngolls
for tlio Congregational church , coi
ducting tbo services.
Miss Mullen and Miss Kathcrln
Shaw entertained thirty-five friend
last evening at their homos on Th
Heights In honor of Miss Ryan of Ne
Jlgh. Flinch and euchre wore th
amusement features of the evening
ini-I- , being won by Minn Doughty for
( llueh. Mr Pasowalk and Mlsn Ituilat
tr euchre At II o'clock the guests ,
ho had enjoyed ( he cards at the
lullen Imme , vent lo the Shaw homo
n Hlghth nl root and were nerved with
dainty luncheon In two countim.
llMft Denser of llonHliin wax among the
mists ,
Carl Welnrlcb has purchased a car-
uitl of lumber to bo used In tbo oreo-
on of a homo on Iho homestead on
10 rchcrvatlon , of which ho purchased
10 rellniiulHbmenl last fall. Ho will
mho blM homo on tbo reservation
A telegram received this morning
om Mr 1/atlmor at Spokane says
uit Mrs. iJitlmor Is slightly Improved
> dny and tbo many Norfolk friends
ml relatives of the far-away patlonl
uivo boon buoyed up lo the hope that
he may yet survive her very serious
A largo crowd of Norfolk people at-
mdod the fair and dinner of the W.
t. C. and the ( I. A. It. In the Paclllc
lotol annex today , and a largo crowd
H also promised for tonight , The din
er was dollclotiH and Iho affair a sue-
ess In every particular. Tbo war rol
es wore of nnuHital Interest , and the
adloH found great attraction In the
IcturoH of the fashions of Paris dur-
ng the civil war days. The dinner
omorrow will bo a boiled one , with
n auction sale In the evening that
munition fun. There will bo a pro-
; ram tonight.
'opular School Teacher Is Married to
Butte Farmer.
Crolghton , Neb. , Fob. 21. Special to
'lie Nown : Miss Anna 13vnns of
rolghton and ( J. Nlckorson of llutto
ere married hero at 10:110 : o'clock
its morning at the homo of Iho bride's
arentH , four miles east of town , Rev.
Mr. llrown of Crolghton officiating. A
argo number of Crolghton people are
( tending the wedding , which watt un-
Himlly largo and brilliant.
Miss lOvnns has for some years been
teacher In tbo schools of this vlcln-
y and HIO ) Is universally popular.
Ir. Nlckorson Is a prosperous and
iroinlnont farmer near Hutte. Crolgh-
on regrets to lose Miss ICvans.
A Number of Resolutions Were Passed
at the State Meeting of Commercial
Clubs Mr. Robertson Spoke Twice.
Hlrons Secretary.
( From Tlmrsdiiv'H Dally.I
W. M. Robertson , A. II. Klosnu , C. 13.
Umilinni and .1. C. Stilt have returned
rom Omaha , whore they went to at-
end the state meeting of commercial
lubs , as delegates from tbo Norfolk
irgnnl/atloii. Mr. Robertson made two
speeches , one at the banquet on "Tho
'onntry Commercial Club , " and anther -
> thor , spontaneously , at a luncheon
given Wednesday noon. Norfolk was
s well ropieseuted at the meeting as
my other club In tbo state. Tbo del
egates report a very pleasant time ,
say that ( bey learned many now things
ind are glad they wont.
Among other things , tbo clubs
mssod resolutions against parcels
lost , against ( he giving of railway
asses to anyone excepting railway
mployes , against the postal savings
bank and for acent faro.
They also tried to pass a resolution
condemning < be veidlct In the Pat
Crowe case , but this did not carry.
The other three delegates say that
the speech made by Mr. Robertson was
as able as any that was delivered nt
the banquet.
W. ( i. Hlrons of Pierce was elected
secretary of the state organization.
It was determined by tlio clubs to In
corporate commercial clubs.
Sewer at Albion.
Albion News : At the request of u
number of elll/ons , Mayor Graham
called a citizens' mass meeting at the
court house , last Friday evening , for
the purpose of discussing the sewer
proposition , and to llnd out if the pub
lic sentiment was In favor of the city
council going ahead In the construc
tion of a sewer the coming season.
There was a goodly number of repre
sentative citizens present , and there
was not a single dissenting voice to
tbo plan of putting In a sewerage sys
tem this season. The necessity IB
acknowledged by all and our ability
Is admitted , so that the only point to
decide Is that wo will. This meeting
decided it so far as It could by passIng -
Ing a resolution requesting the city
council to proceed in the matter. It
was tbo general opinion at the moot
ing that It would bo necessary to vote
bonds for n sewer system , but Investi
gation since leads to the belief that
it will not bo necessary. Whichever
plan Isadopted , , it seems to bo appar
ent tluA the people are in a mood to
endorse it and back up the city au
thorities In prompt action.
If yon bavo experienced "many a
slip 'twlxt the cup and the lip , " and
have had enough of such casualties ,
Insure against them , in your minor af
fairs , by rending the want ads .
"Idleness Is tbo holiday of fools , "
and the prudent worker may abolish
"fools' holidays" from his calendar by
looking for work in "tho want ad.
way. "
WORK FROM 8 P. M. TO 0 A. M.
Grand Secretary Gage of Fremont and
Twenty-five Members From Each of
Atkinson , Butte , Dustln and Spen
cer , Installed Lodge No. 311.
Napor , Nob. , Fob. 21. Special to
The NOWH : 1. O. O. F. lodge No. 311
was Installed here Monday night by
( Jrnml Secretary I. S. Gage of Fre
mont , together with twonty-Ilvo mem
bers of each of the lodges at Uutte ,
Atkinson , Dunlin and Spencer. The
work began at 8 p. in , , and closed at
C a. in.
At midnight the ladles of the town
served a magnlllcont nupper to the IfiO
people. The charter lodge wan put
through tbo different degrocn of tbo
order , olllcerH wore elected and In
stalled and the lodge starts out under
most fnvorablo circumstances , with
a membership of twenty-six.
Tlio visitors were profuse In tholr
ompllmenls of Napor's entertainment.
View of the Live Stock Markets at
South Omaha , Neb. , C. A. Mai-
lory , Mgr.
South Omaha , Feb. 22. This market
has stood tbo test of liberal receipts
of cattle this week and has behaved
well throughout.
The demand for fat cattle and feed
era of good quality continues strong
at the best prices of the season , whllo
the other grades Including butchers
stock ruled 10 to 20c lower than the
high time , but wo si 111 have confidence
In the market for desirable grades.
From our reports already In wo
think tbo supply of cattle on feed In
Nebraska and western Iowa Is consid
erably less than one year ago ami al
though there are more bay fed cattle
than last year wo look for higher pric
es later all around.
Don't hesitate to write us for any
special Information you need regard
Ing any part of this business.
We again suggest that any of our
readers who want stock or feeding
cattle should place their orders with
us without delay.
Hogs. The demand for hogs kept
puce with the supply until prices
passed I he ( ic mark all around.
As usual after such a continuous ad
vance and In sympathy with n weak
ening In ( he provision market wo note
a renctlon of 10 to 15o In the bog mar
ket compared with the high time
which was on Monday.
The quality of the hogs continues
good but the average weight Is lighter
causing a wider range In prices with
light and common hogs selling at a
lair discount and we advise our read
ers to operate accordingly.
We still have confidence In the mar
ket especially for heavy bogs , but
present prices are good and packers
will work harder than ever to prevent
further advances.
The Omaha market has not kept uj
with eastern or southern markets 01
this advance but will doubtless go
In line again but not until the receipts
are lighter , and as the "National" Is
equally well , "llxed" in jiill of the
markets , we are in position to give
unselllsh and reliable advices and i
.service that produces the best results
The bulk of the bogs are selling a
$ "i.8Ii to $5.ii ! [ with favorable pros
peels for good bogs the balance of the
Watch the provision market am
ship bogs fast as they are ready to tbo
market that looks best to yon at tbo
time you make shipments.
Sheep and Iamb feeders have bai
such easy times figuring profits dur
Ing the past two years that they are
becoming over confident and are no
using the good judgment in marketing
their stuff that has characterized thel
shipping In other times. This Is jus
as Important feature of the busines
as the feeding Itself and should hav
the same careful attention. If feeder
do not got In closer touch with th
markets and use bettor judgment ii
their shipping they will realize to <
late that they should have kept In
closer touch with this end of the sit
nation , and it will bo another case o
locking tbo barn doors after tbo hors
es have been stolon.
Receipts this week have been heav
at all markets and the quality poore
than over before at this time of th
year. Feeders have bought the bnl
of the stuff and will continue to bn
more. Hut the packers want good fa
sheep and lambs and If you want unit
ton prices you must sort your stuf
closely and ship only tbo good ones
There were no more sheep and lamb
fed this season than a year ago ye
so far this year total receipts at al
markets are fully 25.000 ; ! more tha
a year ago. Ijist year fully 10 pe
cent of tbo second feeding was bough
on the range juid only figured In th
receipts once , this year , fully 95 pe
cent of tbo second feeding will b
bought on tlio markets. Taking thl
Into consideration , the number o
sheep and lambs slaughtered so fa
this year Is not as many as last.
Host lambs are selling from ? C. 10 t
$0.00 , yearlings $5.50 to $5.75. wether
$5.40 to $5.50 , ewes $1.50 to $5.00. W
look for lighter receipts tbo Imlanc
of this week and the first of next am
expect to see a little reaction In va
uos for strictly good stuff.
Superior engraved cards. The News
t Is Said That Hosklns Homesteader
on Rosebud Was Blackmailed.
decent developments pi eve that
'eler Kaden , a homesteader on the
eiled lunds of the RoHobud Indian
CHervut Idii. whoso body wan found Iti
i well near bin home , ended bin life
lorntiho of tbo fact thai bo was Iho
Ictlm of alleged nharporn , who are
aid to bo operating In the RoHobud
ountry , and who attempted to din
IOSHCSS him of bin land upon bin re-
UHiil to pay them "blood" money , says
i Sioux Falln report.
It will be remembered that following
lie finding of Kadon's body It wan bo-
eved for a ( line thai ho had boon mur-
orod. Then It was learned that with
omo friends ho had , purely for a prac-
leal joke , taken the team of an Assy-
Ian peddler named Isaac Syfo , who ,
vhun ho discovered Iho nature of the
eke ( hat Kadcn and bin friends had
> layed upon him , threatened to liavo
Caden arrested on the charge of grand
arcony. Upon this theory It was then
lellovcd Dial Kaden , In a spirit of re-
lorse , bad ended his life by jumping
nto tbo well.
Hut these who bcllovo ho had been
lurdoied pressed tholr bellof so per-
Kle.nlly that Iho authorities of Ore-
ory county , a week or two ago had
yfo arrested on tbo cbargo of having
iiirderod Kaden. The preliminary
xamlnallon of Syfo was very ex-
anstlvo and hundreds of persons
ere present during tbo day or two
uit the hearing lasted. No criminal
aso since the opening to settlement
f the coded portion of the Rosebud
enervation attracted so much niton-
Hut Syfo.vns able to show thai head
ad not boon responsible for the death
f Kaden , and Iho authorities wore un-
bio to present any conclusive evi-
once that ho was guilty of the serious
rlmo charged against him. Tbo result
vns that Iho case agalnsl Syfo was
Ismlsscd and ho was released from
Since Hint lime a man named Stiles
Jnddlo , who went to the Rosebud conn-
ry from Oklahomo , has Instituted n
ontcst agalnsl the homestead entry
f Iho dead man Polor Knden. Ho
eeks to have the entry canceled hy
ho United Slates government on tbo
ground thai Kaden entered tbo land
nirely for speculative purposes.
This action has given rlso to an In-
creating crop of rumors , which Kn-
lon's friends say will , at the proper
Imo , bo able to prove are hard , cold
'acts. The commencement of tbo con-
est proceedings against the entry of
ho dead man caused a genuine sensa-
Ion and aroused so much feeling that
scores of the Rosebud settlers swear
hey will make up a purse to be used
n making a defense In the case in
ho interest of the heirs of Kaden.
Friends of Kaden's who claim to bo
familiar with the circumstances in the
case state that for some lltllo time
irior to Hie Irnglc death of Kaden
certain persons bad been endeavoring
to defraud him out of his homestead.
ind on one occasion , after gelling him
ntoxlcatcd , Induced 111 in to sign n
contracl for Iho sale of his homestead
For the homesteader to sign biich a
contracl tluows a cloud on bis gooi
faith In making Iho entry and wouh
furnish a good foundation upon which
to base contest proceedings. In Iho
contract signed by Kiulon he agreei
to transfer his claim to a certain part >
as soon as he mndo final proof on bis
entry. The consideration sllpulalei
In Iho contract was a horse and a
It Is further staled In Iho conlrnc
Unit the party to whom Kadon was to
Iransfor bis land should furnish tliu
necessary funds for Kaden to innKo
final proof and cnablo him to pay the
government price per aero for the lam
Included In his homestead. The con
tract further provided that the loan
of Iho funds for final proof purposes
should bo secured by a mortgage 01
the horse and jackass.
Tlio friends of Kaden declare tha
when tbo proper time comes they wil
bo able to show thai as soon as Kadon
became sober ho went to certain of his
neighbors and explained the detail
of the transaclion lo thorn. Ho Is al
leged to have told just how ho hai
been "worked. "
They advised him to fight the cnso
Kaden already had sent In his appllca
lion to make final proof , but aflc
realizing what ho had done with reference
once to the signing of the contrac
while intoxicated ho immediately with
drew his application , believing that I
ho did not make final proof the parlie
in possession of the contract could no
cause him any trouble.
Not lo ho beaten , however , by thl
move on the part of Kaden , It is nl
logod Iho holders of Iho contract wen
to Kaden and threatened that thoj
would institute contest proceeding
against his homestead entry on In
ground of speculation. The most ser
ions feature of the charge agains
them Is thai they offered , it is alleged
to abandon the contemplated contcs
proceedings if bo ( Knden ) would pa
thorn the sum of $2,500.
Kaden's friends further declare thn
they will bo able to show thai th
case Is ono of attempted blackmail am
that they will nol resl satisfied nnt
they make every effort to have tb
alleged guilty parties prosecuted an
punished by being sentenced to term
in the Sioux Falls penitentiary.
Whether or not Mr. Gaddlo was In
plicated in prevailing upon Kaden t
sign the contract , tbo friends of Kade
nro not prepared nt Ibis lime lo slate ,
but it is known that Gadrtle expects to
produce the contract at the hearing in
the contesl proceedings before Iho of
ficials of the Unlled Slales land office
and thus attempt to prove the charge
of speculation made by the contestant.
Recommended by
Prominent Physicians
and Chemists
Baking Powder
Perfect in Quality
Economical in Use
Moderate in Price
ce Men In Norfolk Hope That There
May be Another Cold Wave Within
a Few Days , When a Little More
Ice Will be Cut.
[ From Wednesday's Unlly. ]
If a slight cold snap would como up
his week , as the Ice men hope It may ,
Norfolk will have nearly a normal sup-
) ly of Ice lo run through the summer ,
nsl al present Iho supply Is sborl ,
lone of Iho Ice houses of Iho clly bo
ng filled to their capacity.
The variable weather of the wlnler
las been such that it lias been impos-
ible for Iho regular summer supply
o be hnrvesled. Several limes Ihe
comcn have gollen Iholr harvesl un-
lor way when a warm wave put a
complete slop lo It. The last cold
spoil promised lo remedy Iho earlier
lisappolnlnienls of the season and
hen came Ihe snow , which put a short
stop to most of the operations. Deere -
ore the covering of snow bad been
cleared away warm weather set In and
ho last Ice put up was only about six
nches In thickness.
Just as Iho slluntlon stands today ,
f no more cold weather conies , there
vlll not bo enough Ice in Norfolk to
un through the summer. Waldo &
Jlllenbeck have about half of their
co put up , but have nlno inches on
their pond and are waiting only for
i cold snap in order to cut It. Fred
Schelly has about two-thirds of his
crop up , but will put up more with
cold weather. Oertwlg's now Ice
louse has but seven loads in it.
Mosl of the private Ice vaults are
filled bul llioy will not relieve the sit
uation among those who buy tholr ice
from tbo wagon day by day. What
ever they have Ihey will nso them
selves and , unless a cold snap comes ,
the Icemen will either have to curtail
tbo consumption throughout the sum
mer or else ship in ice from time to
time during Ilio summer. A number
of men , who are largo users of Ice
declare that the supply now In loca'
Ice houses will not last llirough July
Waldo & Dillenbeck said loday that
they bellovo a cold wave will come
the latter part of this week or the first
of next , and they are Irnsllng lo Ibis
to cut their pond. Mr. Schelly sail
that the crop will be short unless more
cold weather comes , In which case
more Ice will bo put up.
Another Fight
Stanton Picket : There was another
big fight at a sale oul In Haymow pre
clncl lasl Friday a week ago which is
said lo have been oven more fierce and
more blood was spilled lhan al Iho
one of Iho Wednesday previous , men
lion of which was made in these col
umns last week. It Is stated that some
who were opposed to the Miller broth
ers went to the sale reinforced and
armed with clubs for the express pur
pose of doing them up , and thai while
the mill was on the Millers got posses
slon of the clubs and used them over
the heads of their assailants. There
were sonic split heads and more sore
ones. Threals are being made as lo
what will be done when the factions
meet again and some are predicting
thai Iho number of combatants wil
bo increased on both sides and tha
the trouble will continue until someone
ono is killed.
Railroad for Center.
Center Register : There are rail
roads and rumors of railroads but Ihe
latesl is headed rlghl smack dab
llirough the town with a bath tub
When thieves fall out , honest men
get their dues.Vo don't mean any
Ihing pertinent by this , but on ac
count of the activity on the part o
the Northwestern in almost touching
the river in the north part of thl
county , very significant moves nro be
ing made by the Great Northern 01
the other side that look toward a con
nectlon with the Burlington. Thl
would take them through this count }
from north to south. Ono route i
along the east side through the hills
but the most practical and where it
would hurt the most Is to tap the
north central part where they would
havea fertile valley all the way. This
route has been surveyed right through
Cenler , and during ( ho past few weeks
non with the brass collar stamp
on them have boon taking views and
Irlklng levels In and about the lowu ,
ind many legal papers pertaining to
and are being filed for record every
ay In Ihe counly clerk's ofilco. The
Sioux Clly papers assort that the New-
astlo branch of the Northweslorn
vlll bo bulll across lo connect with
ho Honestcol line at Nlobrara , and
his would como down Howe creek
our miles north of Center.
Some ot J. J. Hill's Valuable Ayrshires
Infected With Tuberculosis.
The valuable Ayreshlre catlle owned
> y James J. Hill and now on his farm ,
'The Oakes , " al the end of Rico streol ,
inve been invesllgaled by Ihe Stale
livestock Sanitary board for tubercu-
osls , says a St. Paul reporl. Many of
ho blooded slock could not take Iho
cst , and according to stale law will
) o condemned and killed lo prevent
ho spread of the disease. In most
cases the law allows the owner of the
condemned cattle a certain ronumera-
.Ion , varying with the value of Iho
inlmal. But It Is understood that Mr.
Hill's agents offered to refund this
imoiint , about $40 or $50 per animal ,
o the board If the case wore not giv
en publicity , as il was feared Ihe fact
thai his herd was diseased would pro-
vonl Ihelr future sale , and more lhan
> ffset Ihe Immediate profit thai ho
iad a righl lo demand by law.
The sanitary board needed the mon
ey and agreed and scrupulously ad
hered to their agreement with Hie rail
road magnate.
Mr. Hill's Is one of the best and
most valuable Ayrshire herds in the
Traction Magnate's Property Will be
Far Short of Fifteen Millions.
The Chicago Chronicle says : Start
ling reports have reached the ears of
Chicago financiers that the reputed
$15,000,000 estate of the late Charles
T. Yerkes is fictitious. That it will
not aggregate more lhan $0,000,000 is
a report credited by Chicago bankers
who have had occasion to make an
Investigation of the former traction
promoter's holdings.
Since tbo death of Mr. Yerkes , much
of the supposed values of tracllon
stocks In Chicago and London are de
clared to have dwindled to an enor
mous degree. This situation has
placed in jeopardy the gigantic New
York hospital project which Iho lalo
traction king bad provided for in his
will , as a monument to his memory.
That Iho estate of Mr. Yerkes could
not truthfully bo quoted at $15,000,000
was admitted last nlghl by Allorney
Clarence Knight , who represenled Mr.
Yerkes during Ihe closing years of his
life and who drew Iho will disposing
of his properly.
"There never was any aulhorizalion
for the tsalement that the Yerkes es
tate would amount to $15,000,000 , " ho
said. "There was nothing In the will
to Indicate thai such was the aggre
gate value of the estalo. As lo wheth
er the estate will amount to more or
less than $15,000,000 I have nothing
to say. "
Colonist Low One-Way Second Class
rates to Missouri , Now Mexico , Mexico
ice , Texas , Western Louisiana , Arkan
sas and Oklahoma and Indian Terri
tories , via the Northweslorn line , will
bo in offecl on Tuesdays , March G and
In effect on Tuesdays , March G and
20. For tickets and full Information
apply to agents Chicago & NorthWestern -
Western R'y ,
Sometimes a classified ad. Is printed
which means lltllo to the first linn-
dred people who read It bul Is "like
finding money" lo Iho ono hundred
and firsl person.
You do not "kno\v real estate" in
this city unless you keep yourself up
to date by reading all of the real estate -
tate ads. Nothing changes overnight
so frequently as real estate values.
Quit "waiting" advertise for that
new tenant or boarder now !
FOR SALE. Good team of work
mules , terms to suit. Krantz livery.
FOR SAL13 or will trade for good
heavy work horses , dapple
gray stallion -
lion 4 years old , weight 1,700. W1H
give a good bargain If taken soon
John H. Hardinsr , Meadow Grove Neb