The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, February 23, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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    ' 11K NOKKOl.K NtiWS : PHIDAY milM'AHY L'8 , 11)05. )
rZ *
Miss Florence Gaylord Would Have
Been Mrs. Emll Matthes Today But
For a .Mis-Statement .Concerning
Her Age by a Passenger on Train.
Miss Florence Gaylord would luivo
been trs. Etnll Matthes today but fern
n telephone call to the County .Indue
at Wayne just as Mr. Matthes was
rendy to sign the license. A Norfolk
business man had told the sheriff that
Miss Guylord was but fourteen and
lie got his Information to the county
clerk just in time to stop the Issuing
of the license , and today It waits In
Wayne all ready for the signature.
Miss Gnylord and Einll Matthes of
Stanton took the early train to Wayne
Monday morning expecting to bo mar
ried and with the knowledge of Mrs.
L. M. Gaylord , her mother. No par
ental objections had been raised to
the union , except the youth of the
couple. Miss Gaylord will not bo
eighteen until Friday , and Mar. Matth
es Is just a little more than twenty.
When they reached Wayne they wont
to the hotel , where Miss Gaylord re
malned while Mr. Matthes hied himself -
self to the court house to secure a
license to marry. In the meantime a
Norfolk business man , who bad ridden
up on the same train , informed the
sheriff of the contemplated marriage
and stated that the prospective bride
was but fourteen years old. Sheriff
Mears immediately went to Miss Gaylord -
lord and talked with her about It
She asserted her true ago , but ho de
cided to stop the Issuance of the
license until ho could talk with her
parents in Norfolk.
The sheriff and the judge then talk
ed to Mr. Gaylord over the telephone
but the young folks had decided tc
put off the wedding and so returned
to Norfolk Monday evening un
I married. Many untrue rumors were
rite upon their return and they have
kept closely to the Gaylord homo
T. D. Priest of Batlle Creek was Ir
Norfolk Monday.
C. II. Vail went to Tllden Tuesday
noon on business.
Max Tiedke of West Point is in the
city on business.
L. .1. Garage of Columbus came
Tuesday evening.
Herman Hecht of Plainvicw was in
the city yesterday.
Eugene Crook of Meadow Grove is
in the city on business.
A. R. Davis of Wayne stopped eve
In Norfolk Tuesday noon.
City Attorney Weathcrby weot to
Omaha Wednesday noon.
J. Dr. .T. C. Myers made a business
. trip to Battle Creek Tuesday.
August Karo went to South Omaha
today with a load of hogs.
R. M. Dutcher came down fron
Plainview Tuesday evening.
R. S. Dickinson of Columbus came
up on business Tuesday evening.
A. G. Mayers came down from Bat
tie Creek this morning on business.
The oldest daughter of Rober
Schoenfeldt is seriously ill with the
brain fever.
A. V. Anderson came down from
Neligh Monday on a business trip.
W. G. Weber of Humphrey spcn
a few hours in Norfolk between trains
T. D. Best , proprietor of the Battle
Creek hotel , was in the city Monday
on business.
Charles R. Hays is in the city
from Denver for a short visit at the
home of his parents , Mr. and Mrs.
John R. Hays. He will be here until
tomorrow noon.
S. O. Campbell and E. L. Rubel of
Creighton spent Tuesday in the city
on business affairs.
Mrs. M. Lovelace came down from
Battle Creek Monday to consult with
an attorney regarding a will.
E. R. Perfect of Kansas City , state
agent for the American Insurance
company , is in Norfolk on business.
George Mnyes of Tilden accom
panied his wife as far as Norfolk yes
terday on her way to St. Joseph , Mo.
Homer Wilson , cashier of the First
National Bank of Wayne , was in Nor
folk yesterday on his way to Plain-
O. II. Phllbrick of Coleridge spent
Monday night in the city. Ho has
just aranged to act as agent for Cedar
county for the Sturgeon Music com
pany ,
Mrs. Seth Jones and Mrs- . Charles
Pierce of Winnetoon came to Norfolk
Tuesday morjiing to visit with Mr. and
Mrs. Van Horn. Mrs. Jones left in
the afternoon for Ashland , Wis. Mrs.
Pierce will remain for several days
and visit with her parents.
S. W. Wanser and his nephew , Ster
ling , were In the city yesterday from
, v > South Dakota.
' Commissioner John H. Harding of
Meadow Grove stopped over night In
Norfolk on business.
Charles Sizer of Ewing came down
Tuesday morning to visit with R. B.
Severn for several days.
Mrs. J. C. Myers left today for her
old homo in Galena , 111. , to visit for
several weeks with her parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gahleman of
Green Garden are visiting for a few
days with the family of B. Kottleson.
The Degree of Honor will hold a
special meeting tonight.
Tomorrow , Washington's birthday ,
will .be observed by banks and a few
other Institutions In Norfolk.
George Berry has recovered from n
aovero slogo of sickness and In now
able to be > tp and about his home.
The county commissioners mot yes
terday at Madlmm to consider the
propositions for letting road grading
A pair of robins were seen yester
day by John Freythaler In his park
east of the city. They seonied bright
and happy , and hopped around just as
sprightly as If It were the middle of
summer. This Is the llrst report that
tas been made of any robins seen this
Ray Do Putrou , for several years
: mo of the star baseball players on the
Nebraska university team which won
so many victories all over the conn-
ry , spent last night In Norfolk. Mr.
Do Pntron Is now on the road as a
commercial traveler and makes his
lomo at Lincoln.
F. 11. Chandler received word of
ho death of his father at Red Oak ,
Iowa , Monday following an operation
for a clot of blood upon the brain.
Mr. Chandler was well along In years
and was unable to survive the opera
tion. Ills grandson , Pat Chandler ,
has gone to Red Oak to attend the
Charles Hartford and W. J. Ilahn
drove Into the country Tuesday after
noon and managed to get three ducks
on the Northfork. One of them was a
mallard and the others were teals.
Probably they would have gotten a
larger bag If they had gene out to
hunt ducks but these three they secured
cured only In passing.
O. N. Stnckey , railway mall clerk on
the Northwestern between Norfolk
and Long Pine on trains No. 3 and -1 ,
has purchased the residence property
of E. E. Adams on South Fifth street
and will make It his homo In the fu
lure. Mr. Stuckoy will soon move In.
Mr. Adams leaves for St. Paul where
he has accepted a position as train
Will Piller has returned homo from
Huron , S. D. , and will accept a posl
tlon at the Oxnard bar. C. J. Dugan ,
who leaves , will go to Shoshoni within
a few days to make his homo there
Mr. Dugan has many friends In Nor
folk who will hope that at the end of
the rush to the Shoshone reservation
ho may return to Norfolk and continue
his residence here.
Another beautiful spring morning
dawned in this mid-wintor month to
day and Norfolk can almost hoar the
melodious song of the meadow lark
out in the open fields. All remnants
of the white blanket that recently cov
cred the earth have disappeared , the
yellow sun beams down merrily , over
coats have taken to the attics and the
furnace has no appetite for coal
Farmers arc getting their fly nets
ready for use and plows are beginning
to work out of their winter hiding
Nebraska , South Dakota , Wyoming
and several other states , included Ir
the sixth division of the railway mai
service , are just now in the hands o :
the government weighers. The mails
on all trains in the division are beinj ,
weighed every day for the purpose o
getting an average of the weight o
malls , so that contracts can bo made
by the government with the railroads
This weighing will continue for nlnetj
days. Other states In the division are
Iowa , Illinois , Kansas and Missouri
The weighers get $90 per month.
The Madison County Association o
Retail Druggists will meet In Norfoll
Thursday afternoon. This is the firs
meeting they have held since their or
ganization last fall and It is probable
that a number of very interesting
themes for discussion will bo brought
up. The county association is part of
the national body , which is making a
strong fight against cut prices on pat
ent medicines. All but three or four
of the drug stores in the county belong -
long to the organization and a strong
ffort will bo made to bring them in
that there may bo no shattering of
prices duo to cutting by independents.
Miss Fleming , instead of Mr. Hyde ,
attained the honor of making the high
est grades in the civil service exami
nation hero some time ago. In grad
ing the papers , the men and women
who took the examinations were
marked separately , and Miss Fleming
was successful in making the top
marks of the nine in Norfolk who took
the examination. Mr. Hyde was first
among the men who took the tests ,
but was Incorrectly stated yesterday
to be first among the nine. The cor
rection is made at the instance of the
committee In charge of the civil ser
vice work. Miss Fleming IB a teacher
In the Norfolk schools and has not
yet heard as to the position that will
bo offered to her.
A telegram was received yesterday
from George A. Latimer at Spokane ,
announcing that Mrs. Latimer was
very dangerously ill and not expected
to recover , and asking that some of
the family como at once , Miss Mattlo
Davenport , sister of Mrs. Latimer , ac
cordingly left Norfolk on the early
train today In the hope of reaching
Spokane in time to see her sister.
She wont by way of St. Paul , Minn. ,
and over the Great Northern. The
ono surviving hope among Norfolk
relatives and friends Is that , In his
nerve strain and excitement , Mr. Lat
imer , who is naturally of a nervous
temperament , may have overestimat
ed , to some extent , the grave danger
of the situation , but from the tone of
the message it Is still feared that the
recovery of Mrs. Latimer Is a matter
of serious doubt. Among the relatives
are Mrs. Mary Davenport , mother ; F.
E. Davenport , John Davenport , George
Davenport , Carl Davenport , brothers j
Mrs. T. E. Odlorno , Mrs. B. C. Gentle ,
Miss Mattlo Davenport , sisters ; also
W. C. Davenport of Sioux City , a
The Baby Found on the Doorstep of
the L. A. Miller Home Proved to
Have Been Left for Practical Joke
by Mother , Who Called to See Child.
The leaving of the baby on the door
stop of the homo of Mrs. L. A. Mlllor
Monday night proves to have boon
> nly a practical Joke.
Ijisl evening a friend of Mrs. Mil-
or'n called on her am ) asked for the
iiaby. At the HIIIIIU tlmo , she ussort-
. 'd that the Imbo was her own and
was only left on the doorstop to see
whether Mrs. Mlllor really wouldn't
iocp a child that was left that way.
Not long ago Mrs. Mlllor had made
the statement to this same frloud that
who never would keep a child loft enter
tor doorstop. Her absolute refusal to
Hoop the child , even for a short tlmo ,
proved her assertion and brought the
[ iractlcal Joke to a complete ondlng.
Mother Called to See It.
Mrs. Mlllor hud a number of callers
luring the day to see the now baby
and among them was the mother of
the child , although at that tlmo she
did not suspect the Interest which was
shown by her hi the story of the llml-
Ing of the child and In the baby boy ,
Both Mrs. Mlllor and the mother
are well sat tailed with the return of
the baby , and the efforts of Jo Stuart ,
the Tllden farmer , to llnd a homo for
the child are needless now.
How It All Happened.
The llttlo baby boy was left on the
doorstop of I ho Mlllor homo Monday
night and with him was a little- note
that said , "Take him and glvo him a
good homo and some cU.-tblug. Ho
will bo four months old February 21. "
The child came at about 0ilO : In tin1
evening , when someone knocked at
the door and then disappeared Into
the darkness. When Mrs. Mlllor wont
to the door , she found the little baby
boy and the note. There was no clue
to the child's Identity and Mrs. Miller
never oven dreamed that ho belonged
only a few doors away and that slu
had scon him often before.
"Ho Is good natured and doesn't
cry , " paid Mrs. Miller yesterday when
the real mother called to take a peek
at the babe that had been loft on the
"Aro you going to keep hlm"askec
the mother.
"Oh , no , " replied Mrs. Miller , "We
have two children of our own and we
couldn't think of keeping him. "
"Don't you like him ? " asked tlu ,
fond mother , trying hard not to rovoaf
her unusual Interest on the bluo-oyoc
"Oh , yes , wo like him , " said Mrs
Miller , to the eminent but not evident
satisfaction of the neighbor. "He's
as nice a baby as you'd want to see
Ho looks like ho had good blood li
his veins and I'm amazed to think thai
ho over could have belonged to a per
son of the kind that drops the babies
on doorsteps. "
"Well , what are you going to d (
with him ? " asked the anxious prac
tical Joker.
"Oh , wo don't Just know , " said Mrs
Miller , meditatively. "Wo have prom
ised to keep the child a day or two
until Jo Stuart of Tllden can find a
homo for him , on a farm near Tllden
but wo positively will not have him
around past the end of the week. "
"Well , are you going to buy the
slnMiltii' thnt Mm nntn nskR for ? "
"No , Indeed I'm not. If they wanted
their baby so well dressed , why didn't
they dress him up before they droppei
him around on peoples' doorstops ? "
Then the mother , delighted with her
visit , reached down with her longlnt
fingers , puckered up the cheeks of the
llttlo homeless babe , and turned to
ward homo.
Came Back to Claim Him.
Later In the evening the mother re
turned. She couldn't got along with
out her baby any longer.
"I've come for that baby , " she said
"I guess I'll take It homo with me
You see , it is my very own , any way.1
Mrs. Miller was dazed at the an
nouncement. Explanations followed
amid roars of laughter which the
baby boy did not appreciate. Ho
was getting sleepy and wanted to go
home. And this morning ho woke up
in his own little trundle bed , a few
doors away.
Ho had had an adventure that does
not come in the lives of all men nor
babies either and , besides , ho had
been the means of clearly demonstrat
Ing that Mrs. Miller meant what she
said when she declared that she posl
lively would not keep a foundling , i
ono over happened to bo left on lie
Notice of Probate of Foreign Will.
In the County Court of Madison
County , Nebraska. The State of Ne
braska , Madison County , ss.
To Cornelia Rebecca Wlblo , widow
and Robert Edward Wlblo , son , am
all persons Interested In the cstat
of J. E. Wiblo , late of Gettysburg
Adams county , state of Pennsylvania
Whereas , Robert E. Wlblo , execute
of the last will and testament of sal
J. E. Wlblo , deceased , by Mapes & .
Hazon , his attorneys , has filed In m
office a duly authenticated copy of a
Instrument purporting to bo the las
will and testament of J. E. Wlblo. , de
ceased , and of the probate thereof b
the register of wills in and for Adam
ounl.In ( he Hlale of Pommyvitnla ) ,
nd a iiellilon praying ( hat mild liiHlru
tent may be probated , allowed and
ecorded In thin court IIH the hist will
nd ( cHlaiiictit of said deceased , for
ic apixilntmeiil of Hubert 1C.Vlble
s evecutor , If neceHMiiry , and for such
rocccdlngH as the law rcqulrex.
It IH therefore ordered that the Kith
ay of March , IHtH'i. a ( 1 o'clock p m.
t ( hi * county court room In Madlitou
i Hald county of Minllnou , IH the time
ml place appointed for hearing mild
latter when all permitis liilcrcHlcd
lereln may appear at the hearing In
ic county court to he held In and
ir said county and show caiiHo , If any
lore he , why the prayer of the pell-
oner should not be granted and the
aid Instrument probated , and that
otlce of the pendency of mild petition
ml the hearing thctcoii be given to
persons InlcrcHlcd by publishing
copy of Ihta order In The Norfolk
Veekly NewH-.loiinial , a legal news-
a per printed , publlnbeil and of goner-
I circulation In said county , for three
iteccHHlvo weekit prior to mild day of
Wit ness my hand and olllclal m > al at
IndlMiu In said coiiniy , ( hta 17th day
f February , A. I ) . I'.lllli.
I Seal | Win. ItatcH ,
County Judge.
Notice to Bridge Contractors ,
Public notice Is hereby given that
oalcd bids will bo received by the
oitnty commissioners of Madison
oiinty , Nebraska , for the furnishing of
II the necessary mnterali and laborer
or the coiiHtructlon , erection and
omplotloii of the following wooden
irldges , or so many thereof as shall
10 ordered built by the said county
ommlHHlonorH , for the year beginning
March 20 , 190G , and ending March 1 ! ,
907 , towlt :
One fiO-ft. , M-ft. roadway , wooden
irldgo across Union creek on the nee-
Ion line road near the farm of O. S.
Christ Ian , east of Madison , Nob.
Ono GS-ft. , M-ft. roadway wooden
irldgo across South Taylor creek on
lie section Hue road between sections
JO and 27 , town 22 , range 2.
And such other bridges of Ilko class
is above as necessity or emergency
shall icqiilro said county coiiimtaHlo'i-
rs ( o order constructed during said
> orlod.
All such bridge's shall bo what Is
commonly called a pile and stringer
irldgo. to bo built In accordance with
he plans and specifications heretofore
idopted by the said county coimnls
sloncrH and now on file In the office of
ho county cleric of said county at
Madison , Nob.
At the same tlmo and place as heron -
n specified bids will also bo received
iy said county commissioners tfor a
yearly contract for the repair of all
irldgos and approaches to bridge *
which may bo ordered repaired and
uaintalncd by said county commls
sioners during the period above specl
'led ' , said bids to bo at a specified sum
i > er unit quantity In placo.
At the same tlmo and place as bore
In specified bids will also bo received
'or the furnishing of all labor and ma
torlals necessary for the construction
erection and completion of stool sit
portsrueturo and steel and coinenl sub
structure for the following steel brldg
os , or so many thereof as said comnils
sloners shall order constructed with
In the period heroin specified , towlt :
An 80-ft. span , M-ft. roadway , liter
lirldgo across the North Fork of the
ISIkhorn rlvor on the section line bo
twocn sections M and 115 , Town. 2) )
range 1 , near the dwelling of Adolpl
A 70-ft. span , M-ft. roadway , sloe
bridge across the North Fork of the
Elkhorn river immediately north o
the bridge last described.
A G8-ft span steel bridge , with IG-ft
roadway , and 4-ft. walkway , across
Shell creek on Main street In the village
lago of Newman Grove , Nebraska.
A 90-ft. span steel bridge with 20-ft
roadway and G-ft. walkway across Un
on creek on Madison avenue In the
ty of Madison , Nebraska.
Stool and cement sub-structure only
: o bo placed under bridge now across
: ho Elkhorn river on section 31 , towi
2-1 , range 1 , near what Is known as
the Adam Kost farm.
All such bridges and parts of bridg
es to bo built In accordance with plans
and specifications heretofore adopted
by the said county commissioners and
now on file In the office of the county
lerk of said county at Madison , No-
No bid will be considered unless It
Is accompanied by a certified check
for | 250.00 payable to the county clerk
of Madison county , Nebraska , which
shall bo forfeited to the county of Mad
ison In case the successful bidder re
fuses to enter Into a contract If the
same should bo awarded to him.
The parly receiving the contract will
bo required to give a good and suffi
cient bond In the sum of $2,000.00 , or
such other amount as the said commis
sioners may designate conditioned for
the faithful performance of said con
Bids will bo received at any tlmo
prior to 12 o'clock , noon , of March 20 ,
190C , by the county clerk of Madison
county , nt Madison , Nebraska , and
said bids will bo opened at the com
missioners' ofllco at Madison , Nebras
ka , at 2 o'clock p. m. on March 20 ,
All bids shall be made on bidding
sheets prepared and furnished by the
said county clerk on application.
The commissioners reserve tin ; right
to reject any and all of said bids.
Done by order of the county com
missioners of Madison county , Nebras
ka , at Madison , Nebraska , this 13th
day of February , 1900.
Geo. E. Richardson ,
County Clork.
Always Keeps Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy In His House.
"Wo would not bo without Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy. It Is kept on
hand continually In our homo , " says
W. W. Kearney , editor of the Indepen
dent , Lowry City , Mo. That Is Just
what every family should do. When
kept at hand ready for Instant use a
cold may bo checked In the outset and
cured In much less tlmo than after It
has become settled in the system. For
sale by Leonard the druggist.
Banks Did Not Open , Carriers
Had a Renl , Drug Stored Shut at 10
This Morning and Flags Waved Mer
rily In the Breeze.
( Finn , iiH'Hilny'M Putty.1
The Hturn and Htrlpcs are Hying from
lag tuuiilH In Norfolk today to do lion-
01 to George WiiHhlngtoti. And there
ire oilier signs of ( ho holiday In Nor-
The schoota of I ho clly are cloHi'd
u i ohHcrvallon of Ibe day , I ho baiikH
ire \ \ cbineil , the poHlolllce IH observing
Sunday bourn , rural and clly carrier ! )
ire not on their roulcH , anil drugstores
'limed at 10 Ihta iiioruliig.
The day dawned beautifully , with
he | blue of the Hag Hprend all over
i he | heaveiiH and with the Hlani Just
leyoud. ,
Schools Celebrated Yesterday.
The school ) * of the clly celebrated
he I day yesterday with oxorclHOH In
ill of the gradoH. A great many upleii-
lid piogrnuiH were rendered and a
urge number of vtaltorH attended. To-
lay the school children went merrily
Into the frcHh spring air to idiout lust
ily for the father of ( heir country and
I he mail who never told a lie.
Probably the llrnl Hag ( o lly Into the
frcHh brcu/.o thla morning wan that.on
( ho ( lagHlarf of the llraaiich building.
Mr. Hraasch prides hlumelf upon hav
ing been llrnl for a number of yearn
to hoist the Hag In honor of Washing
After Illness of Three Wcckn , Norfolk
Woman Has Succumbed.
I From Wi'iliii'Hilny'H Dully. )
MI-H. C. O. Manwollcr died yesterday
afternoon at 2:110 : o'clock after an III
ness of about three weeks. The cause
of her death was pneumonia following
an operation for cancer three woolut
ago. The husband and two sons were
all present at the time of her death
as well as a number of friends and
relatives. Mrs. Maiiwoller had been
Hcrlously III for the pant , leu days and
several times her llfo was despaired
of hut she always rallied and showed
an Improvement until Iho last tlmo.
Her anaemic condition , however , was
Hitch that she had not the strength to
fight off the pneumonia when it In
creased In Intensity.
Besides her husband two sons , Man
rice and Harry , survive hor. She was
forty ytmrs old at the tlmo of her
death , and had lived mimt of her llf (
In Norfolk where she was well am !
kindly known.
The funeral services will bo bold
Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock from
the t homo of East Philip avenue ueai
First street. Rev. J. F. Poucher wll
conduct ( the services. A large mini
her id' friends and relatives from out
of the city are expected for the ser
Oswald rtelchc IB at the Home of His
Parents With Sore Eyes.
Oswald Rolcho , the mm of Mr. am
Mrs. Carl Ilnlcho south of Norfolk
who plays fourteen different muslca
Instruments and plays them weir and
who , Incidentally , plays six of thorn
all at the same time , using hl feet
In conjunction with his llngrs IB at
the' home of his father , having boon
forced to give up a scries of entertain
ments on the road because of sore
Mr. Holcho plays the Gorman con-
ortlua , cornet , snare drum , bass
iriim , triangle and symbols all at the
same time. Besides these ho plays
he Unto and guitar both at. the same
line , using his feet for the guitar.
\iid then ho plays the harplschord ,
) Iano-harp , magic ( lute , mouth harp
'Little Jo , " a new Instrument , and
larp of David , a new Invention.
Mr. Reicho has been giving enter-
ainmonts throughout the state. His
'rionds claim for him that ho can play
nero musical Instruments at once
than any other man on earth.
Letter List
List of letters remaining uncalled
for at the postolllco at Norfolk , Neb. ,
February 20 , 1HOG :
Mrs. .1. N. Austin , Mrs. Deull Os
wald. Mr. A. II. Altman , E. C. Burkett ,
I. S. Hill M. D. , Master John Mardls.
Mrs. Bessie Mlllor , Mr. Walter C.
Sharp , Mr. H. A. Wegnor.
If not called for In fifteen days will
bo sent to the dead letter ofllco.
Parties calling for any of the above
plcaso say "advertised. "
John R. Hays , P. M.
Tuesday Club Enjoys Evening WIs-
ner Orchestra Played.
The Tuesday club held an enjoyable
dance last o-venlng In Marquardt hall
with about thirty couples on the lloor.
The Wlsnor orchestra furnished the
music for the evening.
Indian Boy Is Jailed Here for Running
Away From School.
Robert Fremont , an Omaha Indian
from the Genoa Indian school , Is in
the city jail because ho ran away from
school to BOO his sick father on the
reservation. Ho Is being hold for an
officer of the school who is to take
him luirit to ( ienuM Monibiy evening
hlit uhMcnco wan dlHcovered at the
ichool and Immediately efforts were
made In llml him and lake him hack
l II WIIH prcHiimcd ( hut ho would go
nlglil buck ( o the reservation and
'hlef Hay WIIH nollllcd ( o watch for
Im In Norfolk , TiicHday afternoon
e came In on the Union Pacific on
IH way homo.
Chief Hay arroHlod him in the even
tig ' and lodged him In the city Jail
0 await Hie dlnpoHlllon of the Genoa
cbool uulhorlllcH , who were notified
iy wire. When questioned about hl > <
uiinlug away from the school he did
ml HCCIII to uiiilefHlatid that he nlmulil
nive UHked for periiilMHlon to go home
mloiibl prohably have received it
I' lita father WIIH very 111.
Mctbodlnt MlnlHlcr Recommends
Chnmberlnln'n Cough Remedy.
We have iiHi'd Cliiiinherliilii'M cmigli
tetlieily In our home for Hevelleurit
ml II IIJIH nlwa.\n proved to be a re
labie remedy , We have liininl that
1 would do more than Die maiiul'actur
I'M claim lor II. II IH cHpcclalh good
or cionp ami whooping couib
Itev. JllllieH A. I.ewln.
1'nntor Mlliicn , Minn. , M. 10. Church
( 'lllllllberlaln'H Cough Itemedy IH a
erliiln cine for croup and ban never
teen known to fall. When given IIH
HOOII an Hie crimpy cough appears It
vlll pievenl Hie attack. For wile by
/'onard the drugglHl.
Eight-Pound Boy Has Arrived at
Duval Home In California.
Word him he-en received of the ar
Ival of mi eight-pound hey to Mr and
Mi'H. 10. H. Duval , who was formerly
\llmi Anna Seymour , at. tholr home In
Snllcoy , California.
W. J. llnhn and Frank Schula Leave
Soon for Windy City.
W. J. Ilahn and Frank Hcbnlii have
resigned their poHllloiut In llarlford'i *
barber shop and will go to Chicago
the llrnl of next week to work In u
lll'leeii-chalr shop there. Mr. lluhn
will act HH hcconil foreman.
Miss Katherlne Roller Left Thle
Morning for Iowa.
MHH | Kalherliie Keller , the clerk In
KaiilTman'H confectionary Hlore , wan
called homo to Alton , Iowa , ( bin morn
Ing by a lelephoiio message saying
thai her father WIIH dying.
Whist Team Wins Regardless of Jim
Still's Work.
The Heights Whist club mot with
Itev. and Mrs. J. C. S. Wellls Tues
day evening. The loam captained by
J. C. Hlltt won by a margin of four
points despite the poor play of the
Melting Snow Was Carried Off Easily
By the New Ditch.
"Corporation Gulch" was well filled
with running water lasl nlghl that
came from Hie melting snow. Even
during I be night the snow continued
to melt and a goodly stream flowed
through the ditch.
The new ditch easily carried away
the water with no congestion :
Miss Adams Dead.
Mrs. J. S. McClnry lias received a
etter from H. 8. Adams , formerly
iianager of the American Boot Sugar
iompany's plant In Norfolk , but now
) f Now York , telling of the death of
ils only staler , Mary Annette Adams ,
i maiden lady at Weathorfleld , Conn
She lived at Hie family's old home.
J. D. Sturgeon Receives Encouraging
Letter From Son.
J. D. Sturgeon has received a lotler
rom his son Myron , who Is In Cali
fornia for his health , saying that his
condition Is greatly Improved and he
s recovering nicely fro man attack of
Want ado powerful , rapid workers
accomplish wonder * .
Notice to Contractors.
Public notice Is hereby given that
sealed bids will bo received by the
County Commissioners of Madison
L'ounty , Nebraska , for the furnishing
) f labor and materials for the erection
and completion of an addition to the
bounty Jail now standing on Block 48
if Clark and The Madison Mill Com-
imny's Addition to Madison , Nebraska.
Said addition to said building to be
milt In all respects In accordance with
lilans and specifications now on file
in the office of the County Clerk of
said county at Madison , Nebraska ,
[ lids will bo received by the County
Clerk at his office in Madison , Ne
braska , at any tlmo prior to 12 o'clock
noon on March 20 , 190C , and such bids
will be opened at the Commissioners'
office In Madison In said county at 3
o'clock p. m. on March 20 , 1900. No
bid will bo considered unless it Is ac
companied by a certified check for
$ : i5.00 ! payable to the County Clerk of
Madison County , Nebraska , which
shall bo forfeited to the County of
Madison in case the successful bidder
refuses to enter Into a contract , if the
same shall bo awarded to him. The
party receiving the contract will bo
required to glvo a good and sufficient
bond in the sum of live hundred dollars
lars conditioned for the faithful per
formance of his contract. The com
missioners reserve the right to reject
any and all bids.
Done by order of the County Com
missioners thli 15th day of February ,
Goo. E. Richardson ,
County Clerk.