The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, February 23, 1906, Page 4, Image 4

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W. N. IUIHI8 , PnblUlirr.
MCntnhllMtUMl 1887.J
Kvery dny oxoopt Humbly , lly jnr-
rler per week , U. oonln , Hy Norfolk
poMoim-o itollvury , nor yonr , $ ( l.oo. lly
tnnll na rural rouirit nml numiii * or
Norfolk , t > or yonr ,
The New" . K tutill lin < l. " " .
The Joiirmil. ICMiil M"hoi1 , 1877.
Kvory Frlilny. lly mull l > r y " > " ' - " Bn'
ICntorctl nt tlio tioMotllPn nt Norfolk.
Neb. , nn nopoml cli\BH mitttnr.
Toloplioin n : Killtorlnl | inrtinonl ,
No , 22 , HiwliiP" " Olllcn nml Joli llooinn ,
13von the town of Albion Is getting
ready for sewerage.
The Kansas City Jobber still wants
to come. Norfolk Is willing to have
him come.
Whom WUH tlio JoUn on Hi" hnby
or tlio niotliur or tlio homo Unit tlliln't
wnul to keep It ?
From all sides tlioro IH roniUunmi-
tlon of tlio rat Crowo vordlet. Unl
that won't put Pat where ho ought to
Tlio Pat Crowo Jury In Omaha decid
ed against tlio tmcltor , and tlio Chicago
Jury will do the HIUIIO thing If possl-
Aberdeen , South Dakota. IIIIH called
R special newer hond election for
March 8 , for $75.000. That'H going
than Norfolk.
An Omaha dlHpatch says Buffalo
Hill Is played out all hrokon down.
Ho WUH "playod out" In IhlH section a
good many yeara ago. And ho was
"played lip" hy nowHpapora long after
Mrs. LoiiKworth received n magnlll-
cent llonil trlhuto ut Tampa , with
million. Flno ! Kino ! The telegraph-
lo report featured It ns though flho
were expected to rocolvo the trlhuto
with tonrH.
Unless the weather man comes on
with u llttlo cold weather , Norfolk may
luivo to ship In Ice next aiinunor , and
to pay a premium for frozen mum at
that. All of which goes to prove that ,
wlillo thlH Itullun hnind of weather IB
ull n very enjoyahlo propoHltlon , wo
do need u little normal atmosphere In
tills section of the world , uftor all.
That Is , until wo got Ice machines.
The cunning of the redman was ex
cellently displayed In Norfolk yester
day when the young student from the
Genoa Indian school , who ran away
from the Institution , was captured
hero. Ho claimed that ho ran away
because hla father was sick on the
reservation and ho wanted to reach
the old man before ho died. Ho said
that he didn't know that ho had to
ask for leave of absence. The chances
nro that ho know all about the rules
nnd made up the story of a sick father
when ho saw jail bars staring him In
the face.
Fred lllnzo of Chlppowa Falls , Wis. ,
baa como and gone , and the empty
sugar factory still stands at Norfolk.
Mr. Hlnxo made a proposition which
was so eminently one-aided nnd so
eminently unfair to Norfolk that It
couldn't bo accepted nor oven con
sidered. Ho wanted Norfolk people
to put up the money , raise the boots ,
run the risk and let him run the fac
tory. Norfolk has finished with ono-
aided propositions. What Norfolk
wants now Is n proposition that will
Involve a llttlo risk on the party of the
second part. Hut tho'factory will run ,
regardless of the fact that Mr. Hlnzo
has gone. It may not run next sum
nier , but there are other persons lookIng -
Ing at the proposition , and something
will unquestionably develop.
"Tho verdict In the Crowo trial Is a
travesty on Justlci\ " according to
Judge Powers , a. prominent lawyer of
Norfolk and ono time attorney general
for the state of Nebraska. If a mar
was ever proven guilty absolutely am' '
beyond n shadow of doubt It wns Pat
Crowe , ho declares. Not only was i
letter acknowledging his guilt wrltter
by Crowe , nnd Introduced Into the tes
tlmony but there was ample and abso
lute testimony to corroborate the
statement of bis letter * In every stage
of the testimony It was shown that
Crowo was the chief conspirator am
the man whoso brains engineered the
plot. Eddie Cudahy Identified him as
the man who kidnapped him ; a yonnt ,
man of twenty-four or twenty-five , the
son of a. liveryman , identified him is
the man who telephoned to Cudah }
and asked him If ho had received the
letter. These two facts alone were
Biifllclent to prove that Crowo was
guilty. But the Jury thought other
Judge Powers spent two days at the
trial during the bad weather last weel
nnd followed the testimony closely
But oven more startling than the tes
tlminy to his eyes was the Jury. With
out an exception ho considers them o
the commonest class of men who couh
possibly have been selected. There
were two negroes among them. One
of them was of the very lowest class
In iippcnnmro and the other WIIH or
hut a HllKhtly higher grade of Intelli
gence The olhei-H In ( ho Jury were
while men but men without education
or power of clear reasoning and abso
lutely unfit to glvo an unprejudiced
Judgment on any caso.
I In was alHii greatly Impressed with
the appearance of Mr. Cudahy , sr. ,
who had I ho hearing of a very sonslhlo
man and one who scorned clean cut
and honorable in every way.
The first tsep to oust the Stan-
dim ! Oil company and other corpora
tions not Incorporated In the state ol
Nebraska , has been taken hy Secre
tary of Slate Onliisha In a firm and
convincing statement. The stop will
he welcomed by the tax payers of
Nebraska at largo , and the ufforls of
Secretary ( Jalusha will rocolvo the
hearty approval of the people at largo
of Hit ) commonwealth.
Concerning the taxca duo the state ,
Mr. ( lalusha says :
"Wo expect either to collect several
hundred thousand dollars of foca right
fully duo the ( dale or to drive the con
cerns from Nebraska. " Thin action
will not only ho against the Standard
Oil and other foreign corporations not
Incorporated bore , hut also against the
coucerna which have filed articles
with the county clerks , but not with
his department. The department will
Ighl for the Imposition of the full pen-
iltlos of $1,000 for the first offense or
ho same flno and a discontinuation
f business for the second. The nc-
Ion will also bo against concerns
vhlcli have pretended to comply with
ho law by forwarding to this ofllco
oploa of their original artlclcn of In-
iorpornllon , but who have not remit-
ed the full fee required on their cap-
tall/.atlon. Such action by the con-
orim does not comply with the law.
'ho articles cannot bo tiled until the
nil fee Is paid. "
The Nebraska drain Dealers' as-
relation and other defendants in the
ult of the atato against the Omaha
Olevator company must answer the
ult In the supreme court March G.
I'ho court nt the laat session decided
igalnst the grain men , overruling their
lomurror and sustaining the antl-truat
tiws of the stato. The grain men
mist answer whether they will allow
ho prayer of the state for a perpetual
ostrnlnlng order or fllo a direct an-
iwor nnd proceed to trial. Nobras-
< ana generally will hope to see the
intl-truat laws upheld permanently In
i forceful manner.
Dr. Newell Dwlght Hlllls , who la
low standing In tlio place of Henry
Ward Heochor , Is writing some excel-
out things each week for the Now
fork World In Sunday sermons. I lore
ire a few of his good thoughts , worth
vhllo to every human bolng : _
"Thoro are only two kinds of people
n the world the people who live in
ho shadow and gloom and those who
Ivo on the sunny aide of the street.
"These shadowed ones are some-
lines called pessimists ; sometimes ,
icoplo of melancholy temperament ;
sometimes they nro called disagree
able people ; but , wherever they go ,
heir characteristic Is this : their
shadow always travels on before them.
"Thoao disagreeable people travel
forward enveloped with gloom and
hopelessness. Ono of them was In
: ho Subway last Wednesday when the
funnel was full of smoke from a burnIng -
Ing fuso. That man will carry the
odor of smoke In his conversation , to
terrify bia frionda , for the next ton
"Ono man was ungrateful to him ,
nnd henceforth ho will represent the
whole world na made up of ungrateful
wretches. Having read the now book
on "Tho Monaco of Privilege , " hence
forth this man will represent pluto
cracy and corporations as hanging
over Now York as the day of judgment
hung over Sodom.
"Theso people never bear their own
burdens , but expose all their wounds
to others. They nro so busy looking
down for pitfalls and sharp stones ant
thorns on which to stop that they do
not oven know that there are stars
In the sky.
"Theso folk live on the wrong side
of the street. And yet it Is enl >
twenty feet across to the other side
walk , where sunshine always lies. "
Pat Crowo has gone ireo. The ver
diet of the Jury was applauded b >
people who swarmed the court room
and It was with an effort that the judge
brought quiet. The jury of twelve
men who declared that Crowo was no
guilty , knew the confession as to the
kidnaping of Edward Cudahy , Jr. , am
the robbery of $25,000 from Edwnri
Cudahy , the packer. They heard the
law from the lips of the judge , am
yet they turned loose Pat Crowe.
Where Is the Justice in the Jurj
trial ? What Is there now to proven
n dozen other toughs of Omaha from
simply duplicating the plot , robbing
another wealthy man of his gold , one
going free In the court room ?
It will be recalled that not manj
months ago a very able article on the
jury system of trials was written by
William V Allen of Madison , and pub'
llshed In a prominent legal magazine
Senator Allen spoke then of the weak-
nesHea of the Jury system that la In
vogue In this country. The Pat Crowo
trial baa spoken even more forcibly
of this weakness.
It Is said that the Pat Crowo jury
WIIH a weak looking lot of men to ho
meting out justice. A couple of them
were colored men , and the other ten
who were whllo probably know less
just Ice and more prejudice than oven
these black fellows.
11 la Imposalhle , It suoms , for either
the very poor or the very rich In this
country to got justice In the Jury trial
The very poor are not able to employ
able enough legal talent to defend
them against the shrewd and clever
prosecution of the atnto's attorney.
And the very rich , because of the
odium that has been atlrred up against
them , find just uu much dlfllculty In
securing justice.
Unquestionably the fact that Ed
ward Cudahy Is a very wealthy man ,
had much to do with the finding of
that biased jury. Perhaps , too , the
fact ( hat ho la a packer , now that the
packing Industry Is bolng censured by
the country , had something to do with
It. The verdict was a farcical play ,
upon the word "Justice , " and spelled ,
more clearly than anything else , baao
Hut now that Onmha has allowed
this world-renowned criminal to go
free , after hla confessions and self-
convicting stories , the other wealthy
cltlx.ena of Nobraaka'a inotroK ] > llB have
every reason to fear for tholr safety
and for their homos. For , If ono who
committed so serious n crime as wns
charged against Crowo , can go free ,
merely on account of prejudice against
money , what but glory and freedom
would como to another for committing
a lesa heinoua offcnao ?
"flo rob the rich of Nebraska ! Mur
der them ! IJlncknmll them ! Kidnap
their families ! " This Is what the
twelve men who disgraced the term
"Jury" said , in loud words , to the
criminals and rufllans of Nebraska
vhen they turned loose Pat Crowe.
The verdict Is a disgrace to the
'Unto of Nebraska. It Is moro of a
llagnico to Omaha. It la a trump carder
or those who advocate that Jury trlala
n the United States afford prejudice
mil unfair opinions rather than jus-
About all the climbing up in the
vorld some men do , Is when they get
m the water wagon , nnd they soon
all off.
A llttlo girl who receives "hundreds"
if valentines will receive "hundreds"
> f proposals of marriage : It is Just
is easy to fib about ono as the other.
An Atchlson woman Is such a gos
sip that when people say anything bo-
'ore her they fool as though they had
)1anted a mine which Is sure to blow
ip and do harm.
Wo never see a milkman's horses
without admiring them for their cour-
ige. Think of the women they see
coming out in tholr kitchen clothes
without running away !
It may bo a gift If a woman has a
voice for singing that moves the people
ple but It la moro Important In the
long run If she has ono that is effectual
in getting the baby to sleep.
The first day a boy starts to school ,
lie hears , "Come straight homo with
out stopping on the road to play , " and
ho hears the same thing from the lips
of some woman till the end of his life.
Hook talk as heard at an afternoon
party : "Say , have you that now book
liy whnt's-her-nnmo , nnd may I borrow
It ? " * * "o , goodness , I never did
return that book I borrowed of you.
I will surely bring It to you tomorrow.1
* * "No , I have not read that story.
Our next door neighbors take the mag
azine , but I have never screwed up
my courage enough to nsk to borrow
it , " etc. , etc.
It happened once upon a time that
when a shndo presented himself nt the
pearly gates , ho was received with
great homage , and a crown that was
weighted with jewels was put on his
head , "Hut why ? " asked other shades
gathering around. "Ho never gave a
fortune to n theological school , or
helped out the foreign missions , and
never oven attended church. " "Hut
ho had a wlfo who Imagined she was
a great sufferer , " replied the chief
clerk in the crown room , "and was al
ways patient , "
Many men give lavishly of gold ,
To build bridges and castles and tow
ers of old ;
If you want everlasting fame , a bene
factor be ,
Glvo the poor and needy Rock Moun
tain Tea. The Klesau Drug Co.
If you have lost your boyhood spirits
courage nnd confidence of youth , wo
offer you now Hfo , fresh courage and
fredom from 111 health In Hollistor's
Rocky Mountain Tea. 35 cents , Tea
or Tablets. Klesau Drug Co.
The up-to-dato woman avoids cans
tics , drugs nnd powders. They are
extremely harmful to the skin , whllo
HolllBter's Rocky Mountain Tea makes
It soft nnd beautiful , 35 cents , tea or
tablets. Klesau Drug Co.
The Union Pacific Railroad Company
Will Either Guild a New Depot In
Norfolk or Unite With Northwestern
on Union Depot.
[ From Thurmluy'H Dully 1
Tlio local passenger station of the
Jnlon Pacific nnd the surrounding
rackngo was Inspected yesterday nf-
ernoon by a party of Union Pacific
iporatlng officials , who arrived on a
apcclal train from the south. Wlillo
lone of the party mentioned a now
loKt | or the project of a union station ,
ho fact that they did not leave the
station grounds whllo In the city but
spent all of their time looking over
ho ground on which a now station
vould ho built is looked upon aa an
issuranco that they are considering
he proposition carefully.
( ioneral Manager Mohler has prom-
nod that the Idea of a union station
will bo tnkon up with the Northwest
ern ofllclals. If this falls through It
H probable that the Union Pacific con-
emplates building a now station of
heir own as the old ono Is practically
worn out. After the Inspection of
yesterday the operating ofllclals are In
a position to know just what manner
) f a station Is needed to care for the
growing business and where It could
10 built to boat advantage. The ofll-
ilals on the special train Included Gen
eral Superintendent W. L. Park , Su-
lerlntondei t Charles Ware and As
sistant Superintendent W. H. Cahlll.
The Northwestern olllclals nro fret-
Ing at the delays , which seem likely
o bo Interposed to the passage of the
tow ordinance , na they want to got
started with the actual building op-
trillions of Iho now station before reg-
ilar spring track work begins. It is
nnc heaslor for them to secure labor
o help In building now than It Is
when the spring opens for then many
) f their men are out on bridge nnd
structural work. This means a delay
n getting the station finished and ac
cording to present expectations they
lo not bellovo that they can finish the
contemplated building much before
October 1 If they are not hampered in
securing the use of Philip avenue. It
s positively stated thai every effort
will bo made by the Northwestern to
novo Into the now station before win-
: or , no matter how great are the do-
ays In getting started.
Text of the Ordinance Calling for Spe
cial Election April 3.
The text of the ordinance calling for
ho sewer bond election is :
Ordinance No. 284.
Providing for submitting to the elec
tors of tlio City of Norfolk the ques
tion , shall the City of Norfolk issue
its bonds in the sum of $40,000 , for
the purpose of obtaining money with
which to establish and construct n
system of sewerage In the City of
Norfolk , to bo owned and operated
by said city , according to the system
of sewerage heretofore adopted by
said City ; and to provide for the
levying and collecting , by the proper
officers of said City , a tax sufficient
to create a sinking fund and to pay
the interest and principal of said
bonds as they mature.
Re It Ordained by the Mayor and Coun
cil of the City of Norfolk :
Section 1. That a system of sew-
rage has been determined upon and
ulopted by the Mayor and Council of
the City of Norfolk ; and nn estimate
> f tt.o cost of such system nnd of the
cost of so much theieof ns the Mayor
nnd Council propose to construct , with
the amount proposed to be borrowed ,
and the plans of such system and such
estimate are In the bands of Iho City
? Iork , subject to inspection. That pe
titions , signed by at least ten resident
freehold electors of each ward of said
City , have been presented to the
Mayor and Council , asking that an
election be called for the purpose of
voting bonds to the amount of $40,000
for the purpose of constructing said
sewerage system.
Section 2. That a special election
be , nnd the same Is hereby called in
said City of Norfolk , to bo held on the
Hrd day of April , 190G , the polling
places to bo at the appointed voting
places In each ward of said City ; at
which election the following proposi
tion shall be submlted to the voters of
said City :
"Shall the City of Norfolk Issue its
bonds In the sum of $40,000.00 , in de
nominations of $1,000.00 each , dated
May 1 , 190C , duo In thirty years from
their date , to draw Interest nt the
rate of four per cent per annum , pay
able semi-annually ; principal and In
terest payable at the Fiscal Agency of
the State of Nebraska , in the City of
Now York ; said bonds to bo negotiable
in form and to bo designated ns 'Nor
folk Sewer Ilonds. ' Said bonds to be
used for the purpose of obtaining
money with which to establish and
construct the main sewers of the sys
tem , heretofore adopted by said City ;
said system of sewerage to bo owned ,
operated and controlled by said City
of Norfolk , for the nso and benefit of
said City nnd the Inhabitants thereof.
And shall the proper olllcors of said
City bo authorized to levy and collect
a tax , in the same manner as other
municipal taxes may bo levied and
collected , In an amount sufficient to
create a sinking fund as required by
law , nnd to pay the interest and prin
cipal of said bonds ns the same ma
ture , on all the property within said
City , as shown nnd valued upon the
assessment roll of the assessors of
said City. The ballots to bo used at
said election shall have printed thereon -
on :
"FOR issuing $40,000.00 of sewer
bonds of the City of Norfolk , for the
purpose of obtaining money with
which to establish and construct the
main sewers of the system heretofore
adopted hy said City ; nnd for levying
and collecting n tax annually , suf
ficient to crento n sinking fund as re
quired hy law , nnd to pay the Interest
and principal on said bonds ns they
mature. '
"AGAINTS Issuing $40.000 of sower-
bonds of the City of Norfolk , for the
purpobo of obtaining money with
which to establish and conatruct the
main fcowers of the system heretofore
adopted hy said City ; and against levy
ing nnd collecting n tax annually , suf
ficient to create n sinking fund as re
quired hy law , and to pay the interest
and principal on said bonds as they
mature. "
Section 3. Those voting In favor of
said proposition , shall mark tholr bal
lots with nn ( X ) after the paragraph
beginning. "FOR Issuing $40.000.00 of
sewer bonds of the City of NorfolU. "
Those voting nrnlnst an Id proposi
tion , shall mark their ballots with an
( X ) after the pnrapraph b'tlnnlng ! ,
"AGAINST Issuing f10.000.00 of sewer
bonds of the City of Norfolk. "
Section 4. Notice of said election
shall ho given by publication ! n
Weekly Press , Dally News , Times-
Tribune , An/olgor , newspapers publish
ed and In general circulation In said
Oily , for four weeks prior to the date
of such election ; and the clerk is
hereby Instincted to cause publication
of said notice to bo made.
Section 5. Tills ordinance shall take
effect and bo In force from and aftei
Its passage and approval according to
Dated this 19th day of February ,
[ Seal. ] John Friday.
Attest : Mayor.
J. Hulff ,
City Clerk.
Battle Creek.
Frank Toglcr will move to town nnd
has rented the Chas. l > ampert proper
ty In East Hattlo Creek.
Herman Euckor , who rented bis
farm to Win. Palmer , will move Into
the Hurch house In Highland Park.
Floyd Collins and family of Tllden
were visiting here the forepart of the
week with relatives.
Mart Sullivan and Andy Cell were
hero on business Monday from Mead
ow Grove.
The suit of Mrs. Anna Lovclnnd vs.
Mrs. Anna Sevora was decided In
.Midge Rates' court in favor of the de
W. lj. Boyer , one of our loading mer
chants , departed Tuesday for an ex
tended visit to his old homo in Vir
Joseph Vlazney of Norfolk was hero
Tuesday on business.
W. M. Armstrong bought 1GO acres
adjoining his place north of the river.
I. A. Wrighl made the deal.
A. C. Osborn wns down to Norfolk
on business Tuesday.
G. W. Wright , who has been here
about three years , and Jones Kirk de
parted Tuesday for Chicago. From
there they will go to old Virginia. Mr.
Wright expects to make his home in
Norfolk , that state , and Mr. Kirk in
tends to como back next month with
a partner nnd move to Cherry county ,
near Mullen.
Xac Cox , who Is here from Stuart ,
wo understand sold his livery barn
and dwelling to a man by the name of
Martin from Bassott.
Harry Starlln has moved onto the
old Olerist place nnd will feed cattle.
The M. E. parsonage Is treated tea
a now roof of shingles this week. F.
H. Palmer Is doing the work.
Mayor C. S. Smith and brother Mon
roe were hero Monday on business
from Madison.
August Stoffen returned Friday from
his pleasure trip to the south. Mr.
Stoffon wns a sick man when became
hack nnd ho Is confined to the room , 1
since. T. L. Curas , "Old Tom , " Is In ' "v > .
charge of his furniture business.
Ten carloads of bogs and cattle by
a special train were removed from
hero to Omaha Monday night.
Dr. II. O. Munson has moved into
the .lost house on Hast Main street.
Miss Lizzie Zimmerman , who Is a
teacher In the Emerson high school ,
was visiting here Sunday at Iho homo
of her parents , Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Johnnie Hall Is back from \fordlgro
and playing with the devil in the En-
terprlso olllcc.
The ladles' Union of the Lutheran
church will meet at the homo of Mrs.
Fred Schoregor Thursday afternoon.
The voting members of the Luth
eran church will hold a special busi
ness meeting after the ain sermon
Sunday morning. It Is on considering
a new parsonage , as there are specifi
cations on lllo with the trustees. '
John Boltxcn of Emorick was here
Sunday visiting friends.
Mrs. John Pracuner , sr. . has been
very sick about two weeks and she Is \
not much bettor nt this writing. X.
Mr. and Mrs. John Moore moved to
Hattlo Creek Saturday from Platlo
Center , nnd have occupied the Cox res i-
idence on North First street. Mr.
Moore was an employe of the roller
mill nt thai place.
Mrs. A. D. Wllbergor Is here from
Anoka nt the homo of her parents , Mr.
and Mrs. D. B. Simmons. Mr. Simmons - (
mons , an old soldier , is very ill nt the
present time.
Fred and Geo. Brcchler are at Page
this week working to get that now
bank In operation.
Henry Mnssnmn put up his prlvato
ice supply this week.
Paul Brleso and John Langhoff of
Albion were visiting here Friday with
John Koplin of Pilger was hero on
business the latter part of last wook.
Geo. KJoin wont to Norfolk Tuesday ,
where he had business with E. A.
Bullock of the Norfolk foundry.
Three Candidates Went Through the
Mill Last Night.
The local ledge of the Eagles , Aerie
No. 357 , held an Initiation last evening
In tholr ledge rooms and put three-
candidates through the mill. After
the initiation ceremonies a banquet
was served in the club rooms at which
a largo number of
out-of-town mem
bers sat down. Among the visiting :
members were : Messrs. Munger ,
Mathieson , Schwarlz and Koplelu of
Pilger , Johnson of Stanton and Julius-
Pillar of Casper , Wyo.
"Fame is a revenue payable only f
to our ghosts , " whllo thrift is a daily
meal-ticket. The favorite literature of '
thrifty people is the advertising printed - 4
ed in their homo newspapers.
Want ads. need not be "next to puTo
reading matter , " for as a rule they
are , themselves , real reading matter ,
of the widest human interest.
n r r n ft As an inducement to test
A r r II \ Long Island Cabbage Seed I mail
. .
w i. u v
packet for Spring , Summer , Fall or
Winter or the four seasons for 10 Cents.
Office , Cotton block , Ash 641 , resl-
dence , 109 North Tenth street 'phone
Ash 542.
Who wants to buy land easy
ARE YOU terms that will pay tor
itself in 3 YEARS.
Rich Sell Near to Market
! A Fine Climate.
a D
For full particular ! write
immediately to
227 Neville Block , OMAHA , NEB.
J\\ \
The word results means a whole lot to the farmer of to-day and it is
especially attractive to the homeseeker or those seeking new locations
If we tell you of a country where you are sure of success , will you
believe us ? It is only necessary for you to farm the land and the
best results will follow a State which the government will
show leads m the production of wheat. It also ranks among the first
in the raising of corn , alfalfa , timothy and other products tocether
with stock raising. We speak of ' l ° tctner
Thf , rent State ° .f.t'e Wes . where lands can be purchased from $5
to $30 per acre which equals the returns of the $50 to $150
per acre
lands of other States. EASTERN COLORADO is Identical in iSTst
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