THU NO KIT ) 1,1C NKNVS : F HI DAY VIOUKUAHY 28,11)00. ) SCUFFLE OVER A SHOTGUN ENDS DISASTEROUSLY. ON A FARM NEAR CREIGHTON The Little Son of Farmer Van Hauler , Ten Miles Northwest of Crelghton , Receives Full Load of Shotgun In Knee and Will Lose Limb. Creighton , Neb. , Feb. 1C Special to The NewsIn a scnlllo over a double- barrelled shotgun In the kitchen of their home ton miles northwest of here this moining , tlio little 0-year old son of Fnimor Van Ilaitteti xxas shot In the knee and will , It is feated , lese the limb. . The lad xvho xvas shot and hla hi oth er wete living to get the gnu from the wall In order to shoot at something In the vaid Each wanted the gun. The r3iilt was that they scuflled until th" / trigger xvns snapped and one small boy xvas brought doxxn. A suigeoti xxns summoned and said that the knee Is I In n very bad condition The fact that the little fclloxv was so close to the nni7/.io of the gun xvhcti the explosion came , helped In tearing a greater wound through his lllesh. SATURDAY SIFTINQS. Dr. H. T. Iloldon has teturned from Sioux City. G. L Coimany of Doonebteel Is in the city on business. Herman Aliening of West Point xvas In the city over night. George R. Muff } of Meadoxv Grove Is In the city on business H. Barnes came doxvn fiom Battle Creek Saturday morning. C. O. MoUanlcl came doxvn fron "Winside on business today. Thomas Patias went to Plainvioxx Friday evening on business. Peter Hoxeo Is spending Sunday with his patents in Warneivlllo Mrs. C. Gteen and daughter woie doxxn from Hosktns shopping Ftidny Frank Beels x/as called to Hum phioy on business Satin day morning Messrs. Parkhurst , Bruce and Maly of Verdlgro xvoio visitors In Norfoll \ Friday. Mrs. Lucy Tlnloy of Omaha Is vis } Iting with her sister , Mrs. G. T A Sprecher. Anton De Greet has gone homo to Plainvlexv to spend Sunday xvlth his parents. t Miss May Durland left for Plainvlexv Saturday noon to spend Sunday xvlth her parents. Miss Elsie Everett of Randolph stop ped over Friday evening In Norfolk while on her way east. Miss Fannie Noiton , Miss Edna Staf ford and l.eo Pasexvalk xvlll go to Plainviexv Sunday for a short visit vxith friends The child of L V Kennnrson is re ported out of danger after .1 serious illness. W. J. Stafford and Harry Brown went to O'Neill Filday evening to at tend a dance. Dr. J C. Myers has sold his bay- team to T. M. Hull and will buy a single roadster The Norfolk oichestra left for Verdi- gree today to play at a dance theer Saturday cxening. John Koplin stopped over Friady night in Norfolk on his way home to Pilger from Battle Creek Mrs. Hart Oake has gone to Missouri Valley to visit xvith her sister , Mrs. Moore , for several months. E. P. Olmstend left for Wayne on business Saturady morning. Miss Opal Olmstecid accompanied him. J. J. Anderson , xvho has been dan gerously ill xvith the pneumonia for the past flx'e xxeeks , is out of danger. Misses Myrtle nnd Ethel Raymond of Creighton came doxvn Snturady to spend Sunday xvlth Miss Roxie Stur geon. geon.Mr. Mr. and Mrs. M. Domlsso visited over Friday night with their son , F. L . Domnisse , while on their way liome to Randolph from Humphrey. County Commissioners Burr Taft and John Malone xxere in Norfolk dur ing Saturday afternoon , looking after business for the county. Henry Evers , Henry Lawrence and Geo. Llndxvorm came doxvn from Plain- view this morning to visit John Evors , who Is a patient at the hospital. Mr.and Mrs Mellick of Nellgh stop ped over in Norfolk Saturday after noon while on their way homo from Pierce xvhere they had been visiting for some days with friends. Ed D. Clark of Wayne stopped over In Norfolk Saturday noon for several hours xvith his son , Milton , on his way- home to Creighton Mr. Clark has been in Wayne for the past xveck atending to his son , who was confined to his bed xvith a bad attack of rheumatism Friday ho xxns able to bo out of bed , although he could not use his feet and was barely able to Keep up to go home. Miss Hopkins has moved her mani curing establishment from the Cotton block to the Bishop block. Miss Mai ion Stltt , xvho had been 111 with a light attack of pneumonia , xvao reported much better today. The Trinity Social Guild has issued Invitations for its last dancing party of the season , which is to be given next Friday night at Marqitardt hall. Miss Mullen and Miss Katherine Shaw have Issued Invitations for a party that they will gix-o next Wednes day evening at the homo of Miss Mullen , South Ninth street , In honor of Miss Grace Ryan of Noligh. "Will Buckendorf has been promoto.l by the Northwestern railroad to bo ftation agent at Bassett. Ho passed through Norfolk Friday on his way > IliiHSutt to assume his noxx duties U > xxas formetly nHBlHtnnt agent ut 'nlrfax. S. P Julius Plllor arrived In Norfolk yes- onlny fioin CaHpor , Wyo. ami line one on to Onmhn to select futnlturo slth xxhlch to equip himself for living t Shoshonl , tlio now town nt the edge f the Shoshone lOHorxatlou xxhlch Is o lie tin own open In .Inno The Woman's riulstlan Tompoianco Inlon will liold a FrancoH Wlllanl noiuorlal pmlor mooting at tlio homo > f Mrs .1. A nallmitxno Tuesday nflct- loon. February 20. at II 11 m Refresh- iHMitH will lie sot x od and a eoullal In itatlon IH extended to all. Leo Tlpton lias boon nvar.lcd tlio 'otitinet for n taxing 'ho ' null finm Jmtlott to Elgin for the next foments ents period bogl'tn'ti" ; .Milj 1. "I ho continot price U * 7'ii ; a Mi Plpton iccoutly Hied on C.IO an OH of Wheeler county land near Haitlott and sill inaUo his homo on hl elnlni aftei \prll 1. Mis lleiman Mans , living on Main Htioot , enteitallied the ladles of lohatines Lnthetan chinch yesterday iffoinoon for Mis. John Ludeis , who t\lll romoxo to Hoskins about Match 1 A largo ciowd of ladles \\eic in en nt and a most enjo.\able afteiiioon was spout , which closed with the soix- UK of dainty relioslimentH The moinlng today dawned with a ni t In the air and with coatings of whiteness on the bianchos and limbs if the trees of the city. With the whiteness under foot , the whiteness In the air and a white mist overhead , Noifolk sticets had the appearance of n portion of a great city , wrapped In fog The nlr was comfortably warm UK' ' cilsp enough to stimulate. The weather man pi edicts fair weather > xlth model at o tenipciatiire foi tonight ind tomoirow. Mr. and Mis. C. C. Gow and Dr. mid Mis II. T. Iloldon entertained a compuiv of friends at the hone of tlio former last evening About seventy guests bi.ixod the storm to attend and the > wore moie than lepald by the Jollv ( iiteitalnment of the oxcning. j\ Four rouse supper was served at C-IIO nnd later military euchre was the older of the oxcning The table cap tained by ,1 K. Uoas , assisted b > Mesdnmes Utter , foryell , Davenport , and Messis C 13. Green and Gee H Spear , won the honors of the evening II 0 Mai tin , fornieily of Madison and at one time a student In the Nor folk college , was In the city today fiom South Omal.a Mr Martin Is now one of the salesmen for the National Live Stock Commission company of South Omaha and he was In Norfolk en route to other towns of this terltory on business. "Tho Norfolk News Is the greatest help the live stockmen of northern Nebraska have today , " he said , in commenting upon the market service that Is tendered from Noifolk In this city's dally newspaper "LUc stockmen all out thtough this teiri tory , north , northeast , west , south ami southwest get the full day's report a little after noon through this me dium , where befoie they never got il unless they paid 25 cents for a tele gram. ' HIGHEST PRICE YET THIS WINTER CAME TODAY. TOP PRICE IN MANY MOONS There Was Some Excitement on the Market This Morning When , After Buyers and Sellers Had Locked Horns , the $6.10 Price Emerged. South Omaha , Neb. , Feb. 19 Special to Tin ) News : The hog market jump ed up still higher today than It did last week , and struck the $0.10 point the very first shot out of the box. This Is the highest price paid for hogs in a long time , and there was some excitement when , after the buy ers and sellers had locked horns , the $ C 10 marked emerged from the scrim mage. The bulk of sales went at $5.95 ® $ G 08 , which exceeded the highest price paid this winter There were 1,000 hogs on the mar ket this morning and the rate Is 10 cents higher than on Saturday , A CLOSE GALL Alnsworth Farmer Comes Very Near Sustaining a Broken Neck. Alnswoith , Neb , Fob 15. Specla to The News : Robert Wilhert , a farmer or living ten miles northwest of hero was In town and bought a load of him her and as ho started to drive out o the shed , seated on the load , ho ben ; down hut did not get low enough , and the top of the frame caught him on the hack of his neck and came near mashing him to death. Dr Tambley was called and rendered assistance Ho Is hotter but not yet able to go homo. Daughter In Burdlck Home. A little girl has boon added to the family of E J. Durdick , who formerly Ihed In Norfolk , according to a letter Just received from Portland , Oregon where they are now living The chlh was born February 5. WANTED Bright , honest young man from Norfolk to prepare for pay Ing position In Government Mall Ser vice. Box One , Cedar Rapids , la. Farmers bring In your repair work for spring. I will save you 20 % as I have the tlmo and am prepared to do the work. Paul Nordwlg. FRED HIN2E OF WISCONSIN IS IN THE CITY TODAY. S INVESTIGATING CONDITIONS After He Looks Over the Ground He Expects to be In Position to Make n Proposition to the Industilnl Com. pany for Occupancy of Plant. A pioposltlon to orgmil/o n com- lany , composed hugely of local eapl- al , to Install new machinery and ipeiate the old sugar facloiy will nolmblx be made to the memheis of lie Inilustilal company within a few laxs Pied llln/e , manager of the nlppoxxn Palls Hoot Sugar companv , mixed ftoiu Minneapolis Kildnv noon ind Immedlatelx went Into consulla- Ion xxllh membeis of the Industilal . ompaiiy Helll inxestlgalo eondl : lens thoioughly befoio making aii.x [ imposition ( o the piesent outlets of ho building Accoidlug to Mr Illn/e's in fuel Intentions he will offer to In ing in a cot tain amount of oiitsido capital luoxiding the fanners and townspeople : * an be Induced to take n huge Mock of slock In the nexv company. Ho declines that he has xxoiked on a number of slmlhu propositions and that general ly It has not been dllllcnlt to gel sup- poit f loin the funnel H In the wav of stock subset IpUons , and that this Is the only wav that the factoiy can oxer bo started again. "You cannot get capital from the onlsldo out holy. " ho sajs. "Tho cap italists nnt in ally nro afraid of any pioposltlon that has failed liofoie They will not deny youc explanations but thev do not feel certain that they xx 111 fare any bettor. lint If yon shoxv that you haxe confidence In the piopo- Hltlon the outsider will gain it too and come In with jou I would sell just as much slock to the beet raisers as I could 'Phis stock should bo sold on the yeaiR time nnd bo paid for only in beets. Then they can pay one fifth of II In heels each > ear. If they doslio to ( hey can pay as much moio any xenr as they xvlsh but It must all be paid for In beets. In that xvay you gain die suppoit and the heels , xxhieh tie so necessaiy to the success of the factory There is one factory that I sold stock In to farmers up In Wis consin that Is paying seven per cent dividends to the farmers and they arc only getting three per cent for the moiioy they have In the hank. " "If you can raise 4,000 acres of beets that Is all you will need to make the plant a success. I should put In n ! ! 50 or 100 ton factory. That xvlll piobably cost about ? I00,000 ! to In stall However , I can not say how much no\v. I knoxv very little about conditions and Just xvhat the whole thing looks like. That Is why I came out hole I want to see just xvhat chance there Is of starting a plant heie I can find out more In a day by talking and asking questions than I can in six months by writing , and it Is about time to get started if jou aie going to get started next year. " Mr mure is a practical manager of beet sugar plants and has been In the hiibinobs for a score of years both In this country and In Germany Much of his work has been In places xvhere the farmer has co operated xvlth the company and has had some stock Interests torests In the concern. Ills experience with this plan has been gratifying and he xvnl push that Idea hero If there Is any chance of Interesting them. ITCH INJSATTLE Dr. Thomas White Dlscussesa Disease Now Prevalent Hereabout. Editor of The Noxvs : In jour issue of February IGtb I notice an article by Mr. Henry Klocs- nor , entitled , "G < x > d care needed for cattle , " In xvliicb ho doubts the exis tence of the disease commonly called itch or scabies In cattle , and tries to explain in ills article the conditions that have brought about the present trouble among the animals on the reservation. It Is not my intentions In this article to get into an argument with Mr. Kloosner , but to simply prove to him ( that there Is a disease existing called I . itch or scabies in cattle and is very prevalent in the state of Nebraska. On the range In the western part of the state this disease has existed for several years and it has been trans ferred from there to the feed lots In the eastern part of the state. Itch or scabies In cattle is a para sitic skin disease Cattle are affected xvith txvo varieties of these parasites or mites , which belong to the class Arachnoidea. The first is the Psoro- ptes and the second is the Symblotes. The first variety Is the one which chiefly affect cattle. It lives on the surface of the skin and causes great Irritation and itching by biting , and is most frequently seen upon the sides of the neck , shoulders , base of the tall , nnd on the back. It principally shoxvs Itself by numerous pimples , exuda tions , scaling of the skin , falling out of the hair and formations of dry , grayish broxvn scabs. In the course of time the skin becomes thickened , xvrinkled and leathery. When Itch or scab has spread over a large surface of the body the animal flesh , and becomes weak and rendoted constitutionally less able to xvlthstand the effects of the mite. The decreased vigor and lessoned vitality of the animal favors rapid multiplica tion of the mites and further extension and intensification of the disease. Therefore , wo have cause and effect xxoiUliig lot'.cther xxlth ( he lemilt flint HciiblcH miIn Home CIIHCH pioxe fatal Kspecliillx IH Ihlti liable to ooeur In ( be latter pait of n sexeie winter The H.xmblofeH or other xailely of PHI axil p pioducet xxluit IH Unoxxii IIH tall Itch II leinaliiH Inenllred In the deprettHlnim of tlm tump and at the huso of the tall. 11 may , lioxxovor , ex tend oxer the xxholo Htirfaeo of the body II die lieatiiienf of tlio diseased aiilmalH me neglected , allluiiili ) ; theiio OUHOH me not xery coiumoii. The lleli inltcH me found upon the affect ed aiiltuiilH and tlio HIIIIIO can ho bx a Kiuall magiilf.xliiK I xx 111 not attempt to i ; < > Into llu < life hlslorx of thin luiiunlto fin I her limn to Hay that the fpiualoH lav about Hoxonl.x four PKUH xxhlcli hat eh out \\llhlii liom Com ( o eight daxn and after iitidoiHoIng mixeinl chatiKPH thp > iinlxo ut tlio Htago of ippioiliiellou lie txxpcn the twelfth anil eighteenth da > I luoiel.x mention thlH In older to do termlno Hie time when the iipcond dip ping should taliP place The lluicau of Animal IndiiHlrv , U K Dejiailinen ! of Agilciilluio lian m > l the tenth day for Ihn tlmo of second dipping The life hlHtoiy of this paniHlle contains - tains lee much technical mailer to lie of any Impoitanco to the fanner If ho ktunxH the Htngp of hatching out and Hlago of lopiodtictlou , that should enable him to m range for his second lipping that ho can dustioy the mite befoio It gets to the Htago of la > ltiK eggs. Itch or scabies In leadlly tianmiilt ted from animal to animal , but the Itch that O\HH | ( In cattle xvlll not exist on horHOH , Hheep or plgH. Theip IH but OIIP posHlble lieatment of aiilmalH Unit tun In lingo herds , that is dipping either In lime am ) milphur or talmoco and milplmr 'llioio aio Home good propiloloiy illin | , but an tbeHe ate not recommended by the goxeinmenl , they mo left to the Judg meal of the HtoeKinen tlieaisol\en. Pieiuises x\heio Infected anlmalH haxo lieen iiiniiing Hhoiild be thoioiigbly din- Infected x\ltb a httong Holutlon ol xxhlloiiHh coiilalnlng flee pie cent of uiude caibolle acid Thomas \ \ nlte PLEASURABLE PASTIME ENJOY ED TO LIMIT HERE. USED EVERY SLEIGH IN TOWN The Merry Jingle of the Sleigh Delia Rang Through the Streets of Nor folk For Fair In the Warm , Snow- Filled Air of Last Night. The streets and roads leading Ink Noifolkero alive xxlth the music and Jlnglo of sleigh bollH all last evening and until xxell after midnight All Friday aftenioon the HIIOXV had fallen oxonlv over the city and covered the stieets and the yanlH and tlu > loofn xvlth a Hinooth , clean , blanket of da/ /Mug , xvhlto HIIOXV. Aliendy theio XVIIH a solid fooling of hatd-pac ked snoxx on the streets and the noxv covorlnj , made sleighing ah fine an It hnH evei boon. The night air was almost warn and theio xxas just enough suoxv fall ing nil the tlmo to heighten the In tensity of the pleasure to tno utmost Sleighs All In Use. Many xvcro disappointed by being 1111 able to enjoy the sleighing Hlmply because cause they could not get any kind o a sleigh. Everything xvlth runners oi it in town xvas on the streets. Early the haniH xverc turning away poisons looking for cutters and bobs LittU parties of two and thteo had engagei the cutters during the afternoon am then larger croxvds took up the bol Hlods nnd everything xvas gone. Sonu of the cutters nnd bobs were IIHCI twice during the evening and a few even saxv tervlco three times Tlu larger croxxds filled wagon boxes mounted on hobo , to outflowing am four horses wore required to pull them up nnd doxxn the streets and along the country roads. John Kruntz ' vti mounted a hayrack on runners urn took a largo number of his friends on for a ride. Many of the croxvds gathered erod at homes after the ride or xxen I out into the country to some farn house whore they wore entertained before - fore going home. Two Small Interruptions. Hut two accidents were reportec during the evening and neither was serious. The Eighth grade from the High school broke doxvn in their bol sled on Fourth street and had to give up the pleasure of the rest of the even Ing Another bob xxas overturned , bu no one xvas hurt. It was the one in xvhlch Wirth Adams and Leo Walters xvero taking the telephone girls on for n ride. Sleighing in the dnytlmo is oven prevalent. This morning a number o cutters are out of the barnn and every one xx ho oxxns one IB using it on the Htieets Aug. Hllle's Birthday. A birthday party xvas given lab evening by August Hlllo at his home txx-o miles southeast of Norfolk. A largo number of neighbors and friend from toxvn joined him In celebrating the event most onjoyably. Afternoon Wedding. Albert Machmuller and Miss Emma Klentz wore married at Christ Iuth oran church at 2 o'clock this after noon , Rev. J. P. Mueller officiating After the ceremony the wedding part returned to the homo of the bride's pa rents , where the wedding fostlvitle were hold. SPECIAL CITY ELECTION CALLED ron MARCH so. 10,000 TO RUN THIRTY YEARS Ordinance Covering tlip Proportion wnn Pnsnctl by Unnnimoun Vote of the Council at tlio Meeting Thursday Evening Text of Pioponltion , The pioposlllon to xolo $10,000 mill of Heuer homhilll bo xnlcd pen al n Hpoclal city election on latch L'O The bonds aio to diaw out pci cent InloipHl ami bo lodooiu bio Mi Ilililx .xcaiti The oidlnance ailing the election uan panm d at the looting ol I lie council Thuisilax ox on ug bj a ui.aulmouH xoto of the council Some dlmMiRHlnn mow In icgaid to Hie alllu , ' of n special Hicllon The con enlloil WIIH made that Iho CIIH ! of niieli n oli'cllon Hliiiiild bo tuixod to the cllx ix liaxlug Hie iiuipiiMllliin xotod niion it the Maine lime an ( lie legulat cllx lo'-tlon ThlH xx IIH di'cldod agihi'it , KivM'vi'i , on HIP gionnd that nlhei con HldeialloiiHMiiild Inllucnce the Millug in the bonds and that Iho council xxiu inxloiiH to haxo an alimilulels uu iiojudlcod xoto on the Hewer bond iioptiHltlou It wan almi mgncd ( hat ho combining ol HIP two olectliinn xould also gicntl.x changp HIP anpecl if the icgulai cll.x olcctlon , HO II XXIIH Inally decided xxltlmnt a xolo to hold IIP txxo elections HPpaiatol > . I'liPip XXIIH also bionghl foiuaul a imposition to IIICICIIHP HIP amount ol he bomlH HUlllclPiitl.x to coxor th ( > cowl if HIP special eleclInn ami ( o pa.x foi lie piellmluaix plant ) diaxxn up by Onglneei ItoHoxxnler ThlHa alno lecld"il iiKaliiHt an IIMIH unn < il Hint bo cost ( il Hie HOWOI would bo bel xv bo pHtlniale by luneial HioiiBaml del aid In inaulug his icpoil nnglneei tiiHe\\alei Hlaleil ( hat lilH oMInmte XXIIH plonlv high and soxoial n | the ui'iulieiH WPI < > poHltlxo lluil Hio con i.icl would bo lot al MKUICH eoimhl uiblx It MM ( hail Iho enllmale A gai lamp XXIIR "ideied placei ] at Mulli an 1 Madison avoniio after being lopoilod faxoiablx by the sliool anil ille > ciinimltleo The new bond of ( ) \V HHI | | xxiiH piohuiitod and ncc ( < poil | t\ I no council. Heinle adjoiiinlng a special meellnf it the council was called for I'ohinaiv 111. HOW "JACKO" WAS CAPTURED. South Dnkotnn RecallB Experience With Old Crook. C'hauncpv lav ) , of lluike , S D , In the IliiiKp Ca/cttp tells how " .Incko" WIlHon , noxv KPixIng a ppullontlai > Honloncp at Sioux Kails , and txvo "Pals" tiled to bloxv a nafo In the i-oiiit house at Olivet , the ( ounty Heal if Hudson count } . Mr lav HII > H : "I \\IIH bo.inllng al i hotel about a block liom HIP mini IIOIIHP 'I he county commlsRlonoiH \\oio In Resnlon at Iho lime and all bo.ndod at the mime hotel. One oxen lug Ihiee haul looking chaiactoiH Hal doxvn on the edge of the Hldowalk In fiont of Hie hotel At , i late liom twi went tow aid HIP com I IniiiHe and Hit thlid man made icgular tilps aioniu the hotel coiner. People had ntliei for th ( > night , and all xvas icaKonalilj quiet The cloik of the hotel and Pr < d Whiio became conxlncod that Home thing xxas xxrong. Anolhei man and xx PIP chosen to accompany WhiteV < seemed nnolvois and started. Our thlid man HOOII dropped out I felt i little xx oak about the thing , but agreei to stay xvith White through thick am tain "Wo passed up the street ant aiouti'I the corner of the court house xvlth no ono In sight. .liml as xvc leached the rear of the building ( . came upon a man In the alley no twenty feet from us. Without xvam Ing White ( lied point , plank at tin man and yelled "Hands up ! " White fired again , xxhen the fellow niihxveied "My bandH are up high Don't hi ! mo. " At this moment a volley o : Hhots came from another point. 1 Hied twice nt Hhott range and forcei the second robber to flee White ha < run into the allej and covered IIH ! man , xvho proved to bo Mncko' Wilson Wo stripped Wllbon of his weapons and boon had him safe Iwhlml the bars. The first Hhot had surpilsci Wilson so that bo figured another ganj , xvas laying for him at the othet OIK of the alley and the best thing for him to do xvns to glvo up "Ilj this tlmo the toxui xvas fully aroused. It xxaH dlscoxored that a team belonging to ono of the com missloneis had been stolen ami Hci Just outside of toxxn. The other txxc members of the gang had ( led. tool the hniness off the horses and rode thorn for dear life out of tno neighbor hood. A month afterxxards the team xxas advcitlscd and lotutned to its oxvnor. "Wlli-on xvas held txxo xveoks under strict guard. In Judge Smith's com he pleaded 'Not guilty. ' Judge Smltl apolntcd an attorney and gave him one day to prepare for trial. The morning of the tilal , xxhllo n Koivant xxas clean ing out the cells and the sheriff hat gone to his room for a moment , Wil son xvalked out of the jail and escap ed. ' BAPTISED IN COLD RIVER. Three Norfolk Women Are Immerset In the Northfork. It Is not often that ono can xvado into a Nebraska river In the middle of xvinter , but such \vas the case ono day last week when three women wor 1 > x iminoiHlnn m the North f ili HPX U A Italdvxln of Lincoln i iiiiilti ) ii > d HIP hapllHinal cciPinotilpH. I wo ol HIP woiuoii made Hioli confoti Hlon on Huiidav at Hie Horxlreii of the rhilHilan dintdi hold in HIP llapthit uippllng hiiiiHe Moinlax aflpinon they WPIP lakon to HIP NnillifotK xvheio niPinliPi of the Melhodlid dmrch who had made HIP confpHHlmi Jointd HIPIII llov. W It I'ploiH offi H-il a pi aver and then Hov MI llahlvvln walltod Into the clear , cold umnltig wiitci wllli HIP Ihiee WOIIKII and Ihev xx enliniiiPiHi'd Aflorwmd tin Ihrto women XVPIP bundled Into IdanKotn ind ( pilllH and dilveii home ijtildclx , mine Iho xx onto foi their cold dip In Iho lev xvaleiH Colonial Weigh Social. \ colonial weigh Hoclal xxlll IIP irlven lix HIP ClitlHllan lOaileavoi In I In par IOIH of HIP Ciiiigipgiillonal ilimili on 'liniHilax exenlng The HOI hil will bo Pllllileiliallc ill WllHlllllKloil s lillthdllt anil HIP deroiallnmi , faxoiH and other appnrli IIIIIICPH will ppiialu In W.inh Inglon and Ida llmi'H Tin object of HIP Hiiclal la to Milne monox ID moot lleleaey of alioul ff > ( > ' auwod bv tlio leclmo coin-HP , which IIIIM Ju l linen llnlHhpil raimei'i Inlng in Mini ri pair xvork 'oi Hpilng I will Haxp xou JO'1 ; an I lave Hie lime mid am piepaieil to do ho woik Paul Nonlwli ; . Yoil MOst | M Forget \Vo \ iini coiislanUy unprov- iiiL' in Iho sirl of nnikiiiu Kiuo 'hoi ON. Newest Styles in Cards and Finish , \Vo carry u Kino Line > ! ' Mouldings. I. M. MACY. FARM LOANS towesl Rales W. J , GOW & NORFOLK , NEBRASKA. Money on Hind FARM LOANS She Has Cured Thousands DR. CALDWELL OF CHICAGO riu'liniitf Aloopalhy , Homo opalliy , Mlocli'ic iind den- on ) I Modidno. Will , by rcfiuest , visit profoslonally NORFOLK NEBRASKA. OXNARD ONE DAY ONLY. IIO'I CL 'III ! iiKDAY , \RCII 8. ri-l irnlnK every four weeks Consult her xxhllo the opportunity IH at hand. DH c XI.DXX IJ.I , llmltH her practice to the Hpci lal tieatment of dlxuiHes of the ex ear none throat Mings female dim IIM H dlKeaHi H of < hlldren and all ihionlc IIIIIXOIIH and Kiirglral dlHeauei of a imahle nature IJarly conmimp- tlon lironi hltlH. lironrhlal latarrh , ihionli catarrh , headache i onstlp.itlon , htomaeli and bowel trouble * rheuma- tlHin. neuralgia , Ht-latlca , kidney dls- HilKlit'H dim ane iltHvaHC'H of the llxer and bladder , illz/.lru.sH norvous- IIOHH. Indigestion , obi-Hlty , Intorruptcd nutrition. Blow growth In children and all wanting dlHoasoK In adults < H form- Itlis dull ftet , curxatiiro of the Hplne , dim-awes of the brain paial > His heart dlKi axe dropHy , swelling "f tin limbs , ntil < lure open sines , pain In the honca , gniniilai i nlnrgemcntH and all long ng dlnea en propoilx tnuted IIIOIIll Illlll Skill DlMIIIMI-N. i > lon. hloti hen , eiuptlmiH liver HpotH fallltiK of the hair li.ul rornplox- on 11 n ma throat u ! < orw Imno pains , lilniMni tionhlcHveak h.u k burning urine pawsliiK urine too ofli n The of- loc l or i oiiHlltiitloiial HI Itnois or the t iltliiK of too mufh InjuioiiH mcdlclno leioKes hoarchlnw ttc.itniont piompt rill'f and a rure for llfp. nifoaMei of women Irrouular mens truation falling of the \\omli benrlnff down piilnu female dlspl u emi nt lack of Hoxual tone J.c IK orrhi i stmhtj or ImrionisB fonsult Ir Caldxvell and bho xvlll ihovx thorn the cause of tliolr trou- bli and the way to heroine rured Tnneer * . duller , I'lNdilii , I'lleM. and enlarKcd KlntidH trcnteil lth the siibrutaneous Injection method abso- lutolj without pain nnd xvlthotit the lo > , s of a drop of blood. Is ono of her oxvn discoveries and Is really the most sclontlllc method of this ndx-nnoed ago. Dr Caldxvell has practiced her profea- Blon In some of the largest hospitals throughout the country. She has no superior In the treating and diagnos ing of diseases , deformities , etc. She has late opened an olllce n Omaha , Ne braska , whore she will spend a portion of each \\ook treating her many pa tients No Incurable cases accepted for treatment Consultation , examination nnd advice , ono dollar to those Interest ed DR. QUA CALDWELL & CO. , Chicago , 111. Address all mall to Bee BuUdtn * . Oman a. Neb.