I11 IK NOUFOfjK NKWS : FIUDAY , FKBHUAUY 1(5 ( I'JUG ICE HAULERS AND ICE CUTTERS WANT BETTER PAY. PICKETS ARE ESTABLISHED Recruits Who Slotted Out to Work This Mornlnjj at the Old Rates Were Greeted With Cries of "Scab" Sea son Short , Famine Imminent. Cieanvaler , Noli. . K"l . ' > - Hpcelal to Tlio NWVH : Clearwater IH In lliu throes of tlio lilKWHt Hlrlko In tlio ! IH- ! tory of Antelope county toiluy. All of tlio IPO cnUoi-H and IPO liaulorH of tlio town , Homo lUly In nnnilior , wont on u slrlko anil , tlio employers ImvltiK roftiHod to want the IIIPI-OUHO In wnji'H ; iitdu'd for , tlio IPO inakliiK IH tied iii | tlio HoaHon IH fiiHt drawing to a clone and an IPO fainlno lor next HIIIIIIIIOI HtarcH tlio town In ( litfiuo. . TalditK advantiiKo of the fact that IPO can lie made here lint a few days moro. the workmen Htruck yoHlorday afternoon. The hantora of Ice , who had boon Ki'ttlni ; 25 centa nor Ion for their work , HtrucU for a ralHu of 1(1 ( contH jior ton , umltliiK for thorn. Ilfi cents nor ton. They are alilo to haul about olnht loan nor day. HO that they wvro making about $ ' . ! a day and they want $ .2.80. The Ice cuttorn who work on the rlvor have boon getting lf > cents an hour and they Htruck for a ralHo of r > c.onta per hour , which would give thorn $1 ! | ior day. Tlio employci-n rofiiH ( > tl to grant the raise and the men iiult. Cries of "Scab. " The omployerH tbon mieceed In get ting a nnmbor of mon abottt town to agree to work at the old rate and when they started out this morning with picks and tonga and saw they were greeted everywhere on the Htroots with the erica of "Sealm ! Scalw ! " . The roault was that thcso rocrultH alno dropped their toola and no leu is being put up In Clearwater today. FRIDAY FACTH. Horace 13l8oloy haH returned from Anoka. O. Sottoft Is In I'latnvlow to visit friends. Hov. Mr. Gruober of HoBklus la In the city. P. C. Sims has gone to IMulnvlow on business. Hey Holbrook will spend Sunday In Plalnvlow. Mrs. Joseph Schwartz went to Plorco this noon on business. Alex Madson Is thinking of taking a trip south for his health. Myron S. Whitney canto down from Randolph on business Thursday. J. 10. Douglas of Madison stopped over night In Norfolk on his way homo Mr. Paddock has gone back to Hoop er after spending a few days In the city. Henry Lehman , the well known singer of Omaha , Is lit the city on business. John Stafford canto up from Omaha this noon to attend the dance this evening. Miss Nettle Dortch left this noon for Omaha whore she will visit over Sun Any with friends. Jmlgo J. B. names returned lasi evening from Lincoln , where ho liai been attending supreme court. II. C. Matratt has returned froit Omaha where ho went to attend the meeting of the Ixiyal Ixsglon. 0. 0. Stone and Attorney Charles Johnson of Schuylcr stopped over li Norfolk today whllo onrouto to Plnln vlow. Frank Flynn has given up his posl Uon with Humphrey's and will bo wltl the Pair store from now on. Ixiret Doughty resumes his place with Hum phrey's. Mrs. K. M. Bradley of Heloit , WIs. Is expected hero to visit Mrs. Shaw and to attend the Valentino party Mrs. IJradloy will arrive next Tttesda ) and will remain for a visit of sovera days. The Norfolk orchestra played In Tlldon last evening at a danco. Miss Dollo White entertained a mint bor of friends last evening at her homo on Prospect avenue. Mrs. Weatherby and Mrs. Warrlck are entertaining a number of friends at luncheon and an afternoon party to day. day.Tho The Kpworth league will glvo a val ontlno social in the church parlors o the M. 13. church on next Tuesdaj evening. Misses May Durland , Laura Durland Edna Stafford and Fannie Norton wll entertain at a dancing party In Mar qnardt hall tonight. Mrs. 13. A. Amarlno , Mrs. B. High and Mrs. J. Allbery entertained the Ladles Aid society of the M. B. chttrcl yesterday afternoon itt the homo o Mrs. A marine. George Wheeler , who has been llv Ing six miles south of Norfolk , Is mov ing Into the now homo ho recently pur chased in Warnorvllle. As soon as the family Is settled Mr. Wheeler expects to visit his brother In the western par of the state for the remainder of tin winter. Mrs. M. B. Starkoy and son , George Dewey Starkoy , who had been stop ping at the Pacific for the past three weeks have gone to Sioux City George is the lad who first foil and broke his wrist In two places and who a week later , became atlllcted with ap pendlcltis. Rev. Dr. Tyndall , presiding elder o the Methodist church , will build a now home this spring. Ho has practical ! } closed a deal * to purchase the lo owned by Dr. Hacey on Koonlgstoln voiuui liotwcon Twelfth and Thlr eolith and will erect hlH homo there All ineinborH of the Commercial club tro urgently reiiuoHled lo meet at Iho IIy hall next Monday night. There tro two foaturcH ( o ho given attention mpeclally. ( ho election of dologatOH to ttlend ( bo Htalo mooting of commor Mill clulm In Omaha next week and ho organization of thotui Interested In ho race meet Ing , HO that the plann nay bo parried through lo make It a complete HIIPPCHH. Mrs.V. . II. llulterlleld entertained t hoiiHofnl of frloiidH Thurmlay after noon at Hlx-liandcd euchre and Illnch. There wan a tie for the oiiclirn prize between MTU. John It. HayH and Mrs. Sturgeon , which was won on the cut by the former. The Illnch prl'/.o wim won by Mm. A. Million and the Hlioul- Ing prl/o by MrH. llunllngton. The prlr.eH potiHlHtod of beautiful dlsplayn if holhouHo Unworn. Supper wan Herveil lo the guewlH before tlioy departed parted In Iho jury trial of the Norfolk Lum ber cnmpuily ngulimt II. Hlglil for a bill for lumber ( he former WIIH award ed $5' ! . ( ' > 7. The original hill agalnut Illghl amounted to * lir , and ho In turn lalmed an oTfHol milllplont to overbal ance It by $ ! ) ( ) . In ( ho toHtlmouy the various clalniH of I light for sorvlcoti rendered the Norfolk Lumber com pany IIH a carpenter , for unloading him- lior and for HltortagoH of Invoices were coiiHldored and ncaled Iho original bill down to the amount allowed. A hitler wan roeoivod yetitonlay by Secretary MathowHon of the Comntor- clal club from a man who clalniH to represent one of the big packing ItoiiH os of the country , unking what bonmi Norfolk would glvo for tlio ostabllHh inont of a packing plant hero. Mr. MathowHon replied stating that not much could bo expected In the way of bontiH but that a Hllo might poHHibly bo granted in case the deal were a bona lido proposition. Mr. Mathowson liatj for several years boon porHonally aciiualnted with the writer of the letter - tor , and says that he has never known the man to "talk through his hat. " The total ecllpno of the moon last night was clearly vinlblo In Norfolk. Tim moon entered the shadow at about II o'clock and the eclipse became complete pleto between I and 2. The air was clear and the moon brilliantly white until the blackness crossed UH face at midnight. Not many people In Nor folk lemalned awake to see It but Homo few are known to have set alarm clocks so that when the proper time for the shadow approached they were awakened and given a vlow of this phenomenon. There will he another eclipse of the moon this month , when It Is partially obscured by the sun on February 22. A letter has been received front Butte asking for dellnlto details re gardlng the man who appeared before County Attorney Koonlgstoln last week and declared that ho was going crazy. The Butte people were Interested be canso of the llrat name given by the man , which was Barney. It is said that there was a man named Barney who formerly lived at Butte and from whom his wife secured a divorce at ( bo last term of district court. It Is said at Butte that this sort of a stunt would bo very much like that Barney , It has been learned since , however , that the name of this mini Is Dick McKay and not Barney at all , HO that there Is no possibility of this being the same person. The funeral services over the bed > of J. K. Hutehosou will bo hold Sun day afternoon from the Methodist church according to present arrange incuts. A letter has boon received h > A. II. Vlolo from Conductor A. M Leach , who Is with the widow , saying that they will probably arrive Satur day noon with the body. Working on ( his assumption arrangements are be ing made by the Masons to hold the services on Sunday. The present In tention Is to hold the services under the auspices of the Masons , burial to bo at Prospect Hill. Ilov. J. R. Me KOU/.IO of Onkdalo assisted by Rev. W J. Turner will conduct the religious services over the body. The body will bo taken to the homo of A. II. Vlole upon arrival hero and remain there until the services. Warnervllle. Roy Johnston has gene to Buffalo county. Geo. Wheeler has purchased Mrs Konnorson's house and will take pos session this week. The Omaha Klevator Co. , shipped a carload of hogs to South Omaha Tues day. day.H. H. J. Morris and R. C. Miller are haling hay and shipping It to Omaha Rolche , the "musical wonder , " will glvo an entertainment In the hall Thursday evening , February S. Fred Woodruff has moved his famll > to Norfolk where they will make their future homo. Geo. Woodworth has leased the Sticker farm and will take possesslot as soon as the buildings are repaired DEATH OF E. A. KNIEVAL. Prominent Man In Boyd County Sue cumbs to Cancer of Stomach. Butte , Neb. , Feb. i ) . Special to The News : E. A. Knleval , one of the mos prominent men of Boyd county , died at his homo a few miles south of Na per of cancer of the stomach. Ho was commissioner of Boyd county for four years and was quite a factor In the re publican party. Ho leaves a wife and a largo family of children. The fuuer al was held in the Catholic church at Spencer yesterday and the burial was there. If yon have merchandise to trade for land or land to trade for morchon disc , write F. G. Coryoll , Norfolk , Neb COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS WILL FORM STOCK COMPANY. EACH MAN WILL DE SALESMAN Each One of 100 Commercial Travelers Is to Take $100 Stock In the Propo sition , Making $100,000 to Start With. The pOHslhllltloH of a packing plant 'omlng ' lo Norfolk grow stronger as iddltlonal Information cornea ( o light. According to Information given out by i prominent member of the Commer cial club the proposition of organizing Htock company with 100 members was llrst broached by a traveling man , who IH one of a number who are work ing In that direction. According to Ills Htatomont a number of traveling mon In Norfolk territory and oven out side of It In Iowa and NebraHka , have the matter under consideration , At the next meeting of the Iowa Slate Traveling M n'a association , of which these men are inomberfl , the matter Is to bo taken up and an at tempt made to Interest 100 traveling men sulllclently to start the enterprise. ISach ono Is to take $1,000 stock In the now Htock. With the $100,000 thus raised the plant will bo prepared. Then each stockholder will put In $100 a month for four or ( ivo months or as long as necessary to get the packing plant on a sound financial basis. It Is pointed out by the traveling mon that besides the natural advant ages which Norfolk possesses as a point for small plant , the co-operation of UK ) traveling men In the sale of the products will bo of Incalculable benefit to Iho plant. Kaelt traveling man will act as a salesman for the company and all expense of sales will thus be done away with. lOvery particle of territory In which the company could compote will bo thoroughly covered and the various products and brands rapidly established. It Is presumed that the story etna mil Ing from Sioux City early In the week was based on this proposition and Is the same thing. Whether the original Intention has been changed so us to Include stockmen and cattle men is not known although there Is a possibility that such may be the case. Again the project was llrst considered when It was supposed that the sugar factory could bo made Into a packing houso. Whether the refusal of the sugar factory for such a plan would materially change the plans of the traveling men or not Is not known , al though It Is pointed out that from an economic standpoint It would be cheaper to build a now plant than to use the old building. The cost of altering the sugar factory to comply with the needs of a packing nous would bo considerable and It never could bo made to be as economical In handling as a plant specially designed for the business. For this reason It Is presumed that the change of plans ol the Industrial company will not change Iho aspei't of the original project. Battle Creek. Xac Cox of Stuart was down here Tuesday and Wednesday to look aftei his business affairs and visiting rela lives , also. Monday Win. Nicolay's team , which was tied In the Baker lumber yard became frightened at noon when the passenger canto in from the west. They broke loose and started east , losing ( bo wagon and running against a tree In front of W. W. Craig's rest donee. Ono of the horses was so bad ly hurt that It had to bo shot by City Marshal Frank Flood. II. H. Fnndum was a business visit or to Norfolk Monday. Goo. Nordhouso was here Monday on business from Norfolk. Harry Starlln , who loft here In March last year for Idaho and the Pa- clllc coast. Is back again and will make his headquarters at Battle Creek. August Steffen departed Tuesday for a trip to Oklahoma and Indian Terrl tory. During his absence his business will be in charge of T , L. Curas. Win. Ludwlg and Chas. Flllmer of Cumtng county were the guests here for ono week of J. A. Wright. D. P. West of Beaver City arrived here Monday for a visit at the home of his sister , Mrs. D. B. Simmons. Ho was accompanied by his nephew , Fred Simmons , who makes his home there temporarily. Herman Kuckor has rented the Hy . nebs house on corner Main and De pot streets. J. W. Risk , who Is going to move onto the Whltla farm east of town , has routed his residence on North Fourth street to T. D. Precco. Martin L. , the llttlo seven months old son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dltt rlk , died Friday after a short Illness The funeral was conducted by Rev J , Hoffman Sunday afternoon from tin Lutheran church. Interment was made on their private lot at the Luth eran cemetery. Herman Voltof Jefferson , Wis. was hero the fore part of the week vis Itlng friends and buying horses. John Omnterman was down hero from Johnstewn visiting relatives ant ! friends. Chas. McBride of Tlldon Is visiting hero this week with his grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Mark Seslor. The Fuorst families have their Ice for their private use harvested. Frank Woisman was here on bust ness Friday from Norfolk. "Win. Jest , who has been living In different places in California for about six years is bore on an oztendod vlali vlth hlfl parents , Mr. and Mrs. John lost and other relatives. Valentino Klein returned Friday from Corona , Roberts county , S. D. , wher ho bought a fl20-acro farm for U 0.000. Ho Is well pleased with his largaln and will move there this mouth. He claims it Is a llttlo cooler .here than hero. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Krlvanek of Meadow Grove wore visiting relatives lore Friday. Win. Nlcslay Is building a now largo Imrn on his farm three miles south. Fred Decker wna hero several days this week from Madison visiting rel- [ itlveii. MADISON NOTES. K. Brown of Albion has bought prop erty In the west part of town and will make his residence horo. Mr. Brown Is a son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. Dodge of Warnorvillo. Hume-RohertHon-Wycoff Co. have decided to establish a branch business at Knola , where they will operate an elevator and sell lumber , coal and hardware. Will Jones will bo the man ager. Hd Crno has been over from Tllden since Monday at the bedsldo of his father , V. Cruo , who was taken serious ly 111 Sunday. His Is a case of general breaking down caused by old ago. He Is soTottty-sIx years old. There Is a slight Improvement In his condition today. Contractors and bridge builders wore in evidence Wednesday as that waa tlio day when the county board was to act on the bridge bids. The contractB were not let , however , but It was decided to roadvortlso for bids. The county board also decided on building an addition lo the county jail for which plans and specifications were ordered drawn. It was rumored hero today that O. H. Glllesplo had sold a half Interest in his general merchandise store. In an Interview Mr. Glllesplo states that such Is not the case exactly. Ho says , however , that ho has made arrange ments to turn his business Into a stock company In which a number of farm era and Madison citizens will bo inter ested. The name of the concern will bo The Madison Mercantile company , and It will bo capitalized at $20,000. The Highlanders' ball and banquet canto off last night and In point of numbers was possibly excelled only by that of the Modern Woodmen of some time ago. The drill team , com posed of the ( lower of handsome young manhood of Madison , commanded by Henry Faes with sword at side , ap peared in whllo caps , coats and leg gins and did their part admirably. Re fresbments left nothing to bo desired save the dance which followed and lasted till a late hour. Attendance was by Invitation but extended prac tically to everybody. STATE COMMERCIAL CLUBS. Wide Interest in the Meeting to be Held is Manifest. Great interest la being manifested In Nebraska in the coming meeting of the State Association of Commercial Cluba , which Is to bo held In Omaha on February 20 and 21. The initial meeting at which the association was organized was held in Fremont a year ago and there was a splendid response to the Invitation of the Fremont Com mercial club , Indicating that there wa a very general desire in the state for some sort of organization which would enable the various local commercial bodies to Interchange Ideas and to work together in a practical fashion upon state wide subjects. The officers of the state association have already received numerous and enthusiastic acceptances from the lo cal bodies throughout the state , who will send large delegations to the Oma ha meeting. It Is the desire of the officers to have representatives present ent , not only from every organized commercial club In the state , but also from every town that desires to have a commercial club. A general invita tion has been issued and there will bo little or no formality about the cro dontlals of delegates , the ono requisite being that they are Nebraska busines' mon. mon.The The principal session of the associa tion will bo hold on Tuesday evening and will begin with a dinner tendered by the Commercial club of Omaha to the delegates. After the dinner there will bo formal addresses as follows : "Central and Western Nebraska , It- Present and Future" Hon. F. M. Cut1 rle , Broken Bow. "Shall Wo Have a Constitutional Convention ? " H. M. Bushnell , Lin coin. "Harmony In Towns" Chas. F. Hot nor , Lexington. "Education , Its Practical Relation to Business" K. O. Garrett , Fremont. "Nebraska's Balance Sheet for 1905. ' Don C. Despaln , Lincoln. "The Country Commercial Club. " Hon. W. M. Robertson , Norfolk. "Shall Wo Send Lawson Our Prox les ? " Chas. G. Ryan , Grand Island. It will bo seen that this program * covers a wide range of subjects and the character of the speakers who have ; accepted assignments on It assures tlio association that those subjects will bo treated in an able and interesting ' manner. INTEREST BOYS AND GIRLS. Corn Growing and Cooking Contests in Gage County. Beatrice , Nob. , Feb. 9. The officers of the farmers' Institute hero decided ( yesterday to organize the school boys of Gage county for a corn growing contest and the school girls for a cookIng - Ing contest , in which prizes will bo given. DISASTROUS RUNAWAY ACCIDENT AT DANNEBROG , NEB. SORENSEN INSTANTLY KILLED While Driving Down a Steep Grade the Horses Became Frightened by School Children and Dashed to the Bottom of the HIM Wife Bruised. Grand Island , Neb. , Fob. 0. Special lo The News : Ono man Instantly killed , his wife badly bruised and the driver slightly Injured was the disas trous result of a terrific runaway at Dannebrog yesterday afternoon , says a special received here today. A. SoreiiBcn , his wife and a driver. John Thompson , were driving down a steep grade when tholr team of horses became frightened by school children and dashed to the bottom of the hill. Sorciiften was almost Instantly killed , his wife was thrown for a distance and badly hurt , and the driver shaken up In the fall. NORTH NEBRASKA GETS OFFICES Snyder of O'Neill , Krotter , Mohr , Cor- rell Are All Elected. L. C. Mlttelstadt has returned from Omaha , where he attended a meeting of Nebraska lumber dealers. Con cerning the convention the Omaha Uoe says : The Nebraska Retail Lumber Deal ers association adjourned Its sixteenth annual convention at the Auditorium yesterday afternoon after organizing a mutual fire Insurance company , elect ing Its officers and those of the asso ciation , adopting resolutions favoring the abolition of the tariff on white plno rough lumber Imported from Can ada , opposing the formation of a lum ber tmst In Nebraska , appealing to Nebraska's delegation In congress to oppose the parcels post law , reaffirm ing opposition to combination In re straint of trade and expressing sympa thy with the national anti-trust poli cies. cies.O. O. O. Snyder of O'Neill was elected president of the lumbermen's associa tion and William Krotter of Stuart , vice president. The new directors elected were : P. M. Green of Aurora and G. W. Eggleston of Bennett for terms of three years. The other di rectors , II. H. Mohr , A. V. Perry , Hen ry Blnger and A. B. Outhouse , held over. The legislative committee Is G. W. Baldwin of Crete , P. D. Correll of Plainvlew and T. W. Khlffen of Do Witt. E. T. Chapln of the Humbird company and II. L. Harris of Minne apolis addressed the meeting on prices and freight rates. The name of the Insurance organiza tion is to be the Nebraska Lumber men's Mutual Insurance association and the homo office will be at Lincoln , which also will be the principal place of business. The object is to indem nify the members against loss or dam age by lire or lightning to their lumbei vards. The rates and amounts of In surance on each risk shall be fixed ami regulated by the board of direct ors , which Is empowered to make rates. The association'is strictly mu tual and will not Insure any person or incorporation not a member of the as sociation. H shall not divert Its funds or make assessments for any other mil-pose than to Indemnity its mem bers against loss by fire or lightning or to pay the necessary expenses of tlio association or to create and main tain reserve funds. All policies of insurance of the asso- Hatlon * shall bo Issued for a term of flvo years and no policies are to be Issued for more than $1,000 until there ire 300 members , with Insurance in force to the amount of $200,000 when each mav take out policies for $2,000. When there nre COO members , with 'psii'-nnr ' MI fnivo f > fir a nnunt of $100.000 , policies may Issue not to exceed $3,000 , and when there are 1,000 members with a total of $750,000 In surance , policies may ho Issued at the discretion of the company. No person Is eligible as a member who Is not a retail lumber dealer. The officers are president , vice president , secretary and treasurer , who shall hold office for one year. A board of direct ors consisting of nine members shall bo elected , one-third for ono year , ono- third for two years and one-third for three years. BUY FOSTER JrtARBLE PLANT Stannard & Glldca Promise to Make Norfolk Marble Center. ( From Kilduy'H Pally. ] The Foster marble works have been purchased by Stannard & Glldca and arc to be thoroughly overhauled and Improved so ( hat the scope of the busi ness will be largely Increased. The now owners are figuring with an out sider to put In $20,000 additional cap ital with which to make the necessary Improvements to make the business the largest of Its kind In the territory west of Omaha and on the Northwestern ( ern lino. It Is the Intention of the new firm to put In machinery at a cost of $20- 000 and do practically all of the cut ting and polishing with it. At present most of the tomb stones made in Nor folk are shipped In practically finished. The cost of those stones laid down in Norfolk Is so great that competition with larger manufacturers , who finish their own stone , Is almost impossible. With this machinery it will be possi ble to ship In granite and marble In carload lots and unfinished. The ma chinery will not only cut the stone Into any desired size or shape hut will put a rough face on It , polish it or glvo It any other finish possible by hand. With the additional capital Staunard & Glldca believe that they can buy much moro cheaply by hand ling nothing but carload lots of the rough stone. They will put two men on the road all of the time. Last year , before ho sold his old marble works , Mr. Stannard did a busi ness of $20,000. To do this he was on the road but half the time and was unable to meet much competition that canto from other parties with machine- equipped plants. This ho will now be able to meet and so with the two regu lar salesmen they expect to do a busi ness In excess of $100,000 a year. The plant acquired by them has been owned and run by Mr. Foster for about twenty-two years , although he had not made an active fight for business during recent years because of numerous outside interests. BOUND OVER. Adolph Johnshek Is Held at Butte In Sum of $500. Butte , Neb. , Feb. 9. Special to The News : Adolph Johnshok , the fellow who was arrested for kidnapping Anna Proklsh , the 17-year-old girl , had his hearing In the county court here and has been bound over in the sum of $500. See F. G. Coryell for insurance. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE : MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &c. Anvonospnillnjf n Kkcloh and dcicrlntlnn may- quickly i-arorlnlii our opinion frco wliclhor an HiviMitlnii n prohnbljr pntontiihln CoiiirmmlCA- llonHitrlcllycnntlilrntlnl. HANDBOOK on l'nl < > iit out flc'n. Olilcat UL'ciirf lor HucurntK patent * . I'ntonts taken tnrouKh Munn & Co. receive f nntfcc , vltliout clinree , In the A hnndnomolirllliiiitrntcd weclilr. Lnrc st rulallon of any nclcntlUo journal. Trrms , J3 u yi'iir : four months , $1. Hold byiill iicmxlciil . New York RIDER AGENTS WANTED No Money Required until you receive and approve of your bicycle. } Ten Oays Free Triai Finest guaranteed ftf'tn & & * * * * % Jf I9O5 Models & * * * O $ > & * * with Coaster - Brakes and Punctureless Tires. 19O3 & 1OO4- Models & y A * tiH Best Makes * ff a mw + ffm Any make or model you icant at one-third usual price. Choice of any standard tires and best equipment on all our bicycles. Strongest guarantee. Wo SHIP ON APPROVAL C. O. D. to any ono without a cent deposit and allow JO DAYS FREE TRIAL before purchase is binding. 5OO Second Hand Wheels < fc Q i 6 o taken In traclo by our Clilcaco retail stores , Ou TO | QO _ . . _ _ . a.makes ] ' and models , good as now * rr till NRT RIIV a blcrclo until you have written for our FAOTORr < , , , , , PRIOES AHO FREE TRIAL OFFER. Tut equipment , sundries and spnrUiiir ( roods of all kinds , at half reeular tirlco. In our big free Sundry Catalogue. Contains a world of useful information. Write for it. PUNCTURE-PROOF TIRES flogulai * prlco $8.5O per pair. , To Introduce " 7 T wo will Soil O You a Sample NAILS. OR TACKS GLASS Pair for Only OUT WON'T THE LET AIR NO MORE TROUBLE from PUNCTURES Result of 15 years experience in tire making. EASY RIDING , No danger from THORNS , CACTUS , PINS , NAILS , TACKS or GLASS. Serious DURABLE , SELF HEALING punctures , like intentional knife cuts , can bo FULLY COVERED by PATENTS vulcanized like any other tiro. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS Send for Catalocuo "T. " showlnc all kinds and makes of tires t 1200 ncr nalr - also Coastor-Hrakes , Built-up wheels and lllcycles-SunUrlea at Half 'th i umuml Notice the thick rubber tread "A" and nuncturo " " " Tiiil . strlns "H" and "i , . . . ) ti i.t ' i11.3ti n * " -oilier make Soft. Elastic and Easy Kidlne. Wo wl" - i1-1.3- Wo will allow a o mh discount of 5 * ( tberoby tnaklne tbo nrlco W 50 send full ommh with orc/ar. Tires W ta relUrn0 < 1 at our MI1"0 ° "nS Batfitactory on MEAD CYCLE CO. , Dent. J.L CHICAGO , ILL