The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, February 16, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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    ' 11H NOKKOIK NKWS : KHIDAY milM'AKY ' 1(5 ( , IHOfi
Fire Which Destroyed the Fair Store
and Robinson's Store at Wayne Last
Night Could be Seen In the Sky from
IProm Wrdncstlny'R Dnllv. ,
The Norfolk fire department came
very nearly having to make a long ,
hard trip In the cold air of last night
to help battle against flames at Wayne ,
forty miles away , which destroyed two
s buildings In the business section of
's the town , the Fair store nnd Robin
son's store. The lire started at about
10 o'clock and so fiercely did the blaze
gain headway and so much did It
threaten the town that Wayne pre
pared to call on Norfolk for help In
case of necessity. Later the llnmos
/ were extinguished , however , and the
* local department was not needed.
The fire could be easily seen shining
J against the northeast sky In Norfolk.
/ Though the thermometer registered
fifteen degrees below zoio , the Nor
folk boys were ready nnd willing to
make the trip In case they were need
A special train was to have boon
run by the Omaha road to carry the
local department.
Both the Fair store nnd the Robin
son store , which contained a now
stock , were completely destroyed.
Both are covered by insurance and thu
loss wns not definitely known this
The fire stnrted from nn explosion
in the second story of the roof of the
Robinson store.
F. C. Asmus Is on the sick list.
D. B. nines Is bnck from Omaha.
Roy Bye went to Slonx City Tues
John Larkln has returned from
Will Carrel of Crelghton is in the
city on business.
H. J. Graves of Tilden was in Nor
folk on business Tuesday.
Gus Zander of Stnnton wns up on
business Mondny afternoon.
H. C. Vail of Albion was in the city
Wednesday morning on business.
Miss Mabel Green of Meadow Grove
was shopping in Norfolk yesterday.
Miss Lulu Schultz has returned from
a visit with friends In Battle Creek.
C. G. Whlpple came down from Ni-
obrara on business Tuesday evening.
Henry Krasne has returned to Au
rora after a few days visit with rel
Henry Kruse , who is working in a
drugstore at Wnkefield , is visiting
with his parents for a few days.
H. Krasne returned to his home in
Fullerton Tuesday accompanied by
his son , L. Krasne , and grandson ,
i P. Neiibauer of Pierce is in the city
p today on business. He says that he
may move lo Norfolk In the near fu
Miss Fnt Wntt left for her homo in
Columbus today after visiting with Mr.
and Mrs. Blnkely while returning from
Miss Ludwig returned to her duties
as nttendnnt nt the hospital todny af
ter spending her vacation with her pa
rents In Mndison.
Jnnette Mayer is sick with the
measles in New York City according
to a letter , which has just been re
ceived from her father , Sol G. Mayer.
Gnat Broberg has resigned his posi
tion as day clerk at the Pacific hotel
and will leave for Galveston , Texas ,
next Mondny , where he expects to lo
Mr , nnd Mrs. R. Fnlconer of Fre
mont stopped over Monday night with
the family of C. H. Boschult , while on
their way home from Madison , s. D. ,
whore they have been visiting with
their son.
Mr. Caldwell of the Northwestern
service returned from Chicago Tues
day with hla daughters , Stella and
Bthel. The remainder of his family
have gone to Fort Wayne , Ind. , for a
rlslt of several weeks before return
ing to Norfolk.
Andy Buckley has removed with his
family to Tilden.
Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Ralnbolt pleas
antly entertained the West Side Whist
club' last night. $
Mrs. 'Lambertson of Oakdale fias pre
sented her daughter , Mrs. L. MRay ,
with a pinno , which she recently pur
chased "in Norfolk.
Xtrs. William Riggert entertained
a number of friends at her home In
Edgewater last evening on the occa
sion of her birthday.
Mrs. S. F. Beels , who suffered from
a partinl stroke of paralysis yesterday
morning. Is much better today and is
able to sit up nnd move around In n
wheeled chnlr.
A birthday party was given last
evening at the home of Herman Korth
in Edgownter In honor of his daugh
ter. Miss Emma Korth. All enjoyed
a pleasant evening.
* To < lay is the birthday of little Daisy
Dnvenport nnd her many friends are
this afternoon being entertained for
her at the home of her parents , Mr.
and Mrs. F. E. Davenport on Norfolk
Last night wns the seventeenth
birthdny of Miss Maude Collins , one
of , the Jolly hello girls at the Nebras
ka Telephone exchange , and her com
panions nnd friends took advantage of
the occasion by dropping nt her homo
for a surprise party. A delightful
evening wns enjoyed.
There Is a suggestion of baking In
the air nt lllaUenuui R Colemau'H
store today. All day long a large num
her of people have been dropping In
and they have found all prepared for
them a downy white table , with tempt
ing biscuits and hot coffee , which are
bulng given In demonstration of the
merits of the Majestic range. 1C. 0.
Hoffman Is In charge of the demon
stration nnd Mrs. Hans Vogt Is assist
A large number of people braved
the cold weather last evening to at
tend the social given by the Hpworth
league In the parlors of the Methodist
church. An entertaining prognun of
musical numbers and recitations was
rendered during the course of the
evening. In the absence of Rev. J.
F. Poucher the fun of the evening was
presided over by Rev. Dr. Tyndall ,
who gave a little talk brimful of sto
ries and Jokes. The league cleared
$15 on Its venture.
For several hours Tuesday after
noon the sidewalks on the south side
of Norfolk avenue proved a paradise
for the small urchin with a pair of
skates. Up and down the street the
boys skated back and forth until the
walks were covered ovur with sand
and ashes. Even then some of the
hoys skated out In tbo street where
there wore level stretches covered
with a thin scale of Ice. Many of the
sidewalks were not covered with sander
or ashes and remained slippery all
day and all night. Where the wind
from the north had a clear sweep
across these stretches of ice it was
almost Impossible to walk and , in
some places , pedestrians were forced
to walk in the middle of the street.
On the east and west streets everyone
seemed to have a preference for the
north side where the snow , was heaped
high but the danger of falling wns re
duced to a minimum. As it was many
persons received nasty falls nt cor
ners and where the wind swept across
the slippery sidewalks.
The Auditorium was dark last oven-
ng because of the severe winter weath
er that kept an audience away from
the performance of "The Hunker's
Wife , " which was the bill for the even-
Ing. The few who braved the cold
were but a handful and It was deemed
best by tbo management to give the
company a rest for a night. Tonight
will be the last performance. "Little
Lord Fauntleroy" will be cast with
Baby daman In the title role. In the
many years that it has been on the
stage probably no play has made so
Immediate and continual an appeal to
children as this When Mrs. Frances
Hodgson Burnett first wrote the book
of the same title it had an immediate
success and was soon followed with
the acting version , which has never
left the stage entirely since. Not only
does it appeal to children in its tender
pathos but it takes a ptrong hold on
older persons because of the intense
humanity of the characters depicted
throughout its scenes. Properly "Lit
tle Lord Fauntleroy" should be classed
as a melodrama and yet , so subtle are
Its appeals to the human sympathies ,
that It stands without the pale of most
of them.
Insane Man Who Wanted to Go to Hos
pital , Is Richard Mankey.
The following letter from Dr. Long
of Madison , concerning the man who
recently walked Into the ofilce of Coun
ty Attorney Koenlgsteln here nnd de
clared , "I am Insane , " Is self-explan
atory :
Madison , Neb. , Feb. 12. Editor
News : The Dally News has published
several items concerning the man who
became famous by declaring to the
county attorney , "I am crazy , " but the
man's real name as given to the com
mission of insanity hns not been given
in The News , and the various items
published were full of errors if the
story given to the commission of In
sanity in correct.
The man's name is Richard Mankey ,
age 38 , single , native of Wisconsin ,
and a resident of Omaha for the last
ten years. He has a brother living in
Sioux City , foreman in a harness fac
tory , and two brothers In Newell , Iowa.
Ho la a laborer , and until .recently
was employed by Kilpatrick Brothers
on the South Omaha-Lane cut-off of
the Union Pacific. He was transferred
to a grading camp in the Black Hills ,
and after working for two or three
days , being junablri , to concentrate his
mind on th.oworlc"inhand , , he quit and
came to Norfolk. His trouble Is mel
ancholia witn\a suicidal .tendency , all
superinduceil * by a neurasthenia of a
special type , not necessary to mention.
I nm Induced to give this criticism
of your several articles Taecauso of the
Inquiries about the man from points
distant. F. A. Long.
A Methodist Minister Recommends
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy.
We have used Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy In our home for seven years ,
and it has always proved to be a re
liable remedy . Wo have found that
it would do more than the manufactur
ers claim for It. It is especially good
for cionp and whooping cough.
Rev. James A. I owls ,
Pastor Milaca , Minn. , M. E. Church.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Is a
certain cure for croup and has never
been known to fail. When given as
soon as the croupy cough appears It
will pi event the attack. For sale by
Leonard the druggist.
Norfolk Parties Interested In It Will
Get Together on Action.
All thoao Interested In the Texas
colony deal are requested to call nt
the office of County Attorney Koenig-
stein Saturday afternoon to consider
action to bo taken.
H H4H-H I--H-H H i m i H m n 11 m
Are You an Investor
Wo have a clean list of strong In
First Mortgages ,
Municipal bonds
and warrants ,
If you are an Investor , we can Inter
est you.
We respectfully solid your atten
Oldest and strongest Savings Hank
In Nebraska.
1523 Douglas St.
AM H-H-t I" I"M ! iI I M-1 M-i ii i i i IN I I I MI
Because His Wife and Family Nagged
at Him For Buying a Farm Upon
Which He Had Lived But Two
Weeks , August Schenzel Ended Life
Crelghton , Neb. , Feb. 11. Special to
The News : Dissatisfied with the farm
that ho had bought and because ho
was said to bo censured for the
purchase by his wlfo and children ,
August Schen/.el , formerly of Wlsner ,
committed suicide at his now farm
eight miles northeast of hero last
night by cutting bis throat with a
knife. It was three or four hours after
he had slashed his throat before ho
finally succumbed to the injuries
which hu had Indicted.
Schenzel lived at Wlsncr until two
weeks ago when ho bought a farm In
the bluff country northeast of here
After hu had moved on the land he
became dissatisfied and , It Is said , de
spondent because of the criticism
which he received from his family , hu
ended his life and troubles.
He is survived by a wife and seven
Madison , Nob. , Feb. 12. Lincoln's
birthday was observed by the Madi
son Woman's club , by holding a pub
lic meeting and rendering a piogram
at the Presbyterian church this even
ing. The church was tastefully deco
rated , n picture of Lincoln appearing ,
surrounded by ferns , Hags and bunt
ing. A special Invitation had been ex
tended to tbo pupils of the high school ,
a representative number of whom were
present The meeting was presided
over by Mrs. W. 1C. Rood , and Civil
Service Reform was the subject of
discourses and discussions. Senator
Wm. V. Allen was the first speaker
In an able talk adverse to the subject.
Following him Rev. J. M. Uothwell
called attention to its merits and ben
efits. He was ably seconded in a pa
per read by MJss Mentzel giving the
view of the club and dealing chiefly
with the effect of the system on our
public schools. Professor Doremus ,
superintendent of the Madison schools
also read a paper eulogistic of the
system. Owing lo the Inclement
weather the attendance was not largo.
The program opened and closed with
solos by Dr. Emlgh.
A series of revival meetings begliiB
here at the M. E. church tomorrow
About ten families of the German
Evangelical church drove out to the
Gust Klltzki homo northeast of town
Sunday afternoon and gave the family
a farewell surprise party previous to
their departure for Dixon county ,
where they will make their future
At tonight's council meeting Judge
Berry's bond as police judge of Mad
ison was approved to fill the vacancy
caused by P. A , Clark. A former re
port concerning the matter wna wrongly -
ly anticipated.
On Friday evening a > little social
event took placeat the homo of Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur Pllgv in the shape
of a surprise party on Mrs. Pilger.
About thirty couple were present. Re
freshments were served and all en
joyed a most pleasant evening.
Today while John Classen was tend
ing his brother's horse , the animal
readod up and struck him over the
right eye , breaking Die bone. The In
jury Is not serious.
School In Two Rooms Had to be Dis
missed at O'Neill Because of It.
O'Neill Frontier : A teachers' feud
at the public school reached a stage
today where it wns necessary to dis
miss the eighth and ninth grades tern
porarlly In order to preserve the peace
nnd dignity of the rest of the schools.
Relations have been somewhat
strained between the teachers of those
departments for some days and things
seem to have been going from bad to
worse. Today those departments wore
dismissed as a result of the two pre
ceptresses again coming together. The
hoard had Intended last evening to
hold a meeting and settle the difficulty
but owing to the absence of some ol
! : 11 m : : ' i i !
Are You a Borrower
We are permitted by state law to
loan money on first mortgages on good
farm security.
Liberal rates mid all the conveni
If you are not familiar with a Sav
ings Hank's advantages , write lor In
formation ,
Accounts may he opened at an > lime
for any amount , and may bo with
drawn at convenience.
I' " compound Interest.
Write for Infoimillion about "Hunk-
Ing l Mall "
-I-I-I-I-I I-I-M I M-I I I-I I'M-1 I I I ! i I , , , , i i
Hio momburs of the board from the j
city the uiiino was deferred. The mat-1
ter will ho taken tip by the board at
in cnily date , It Is stated.
Ladles Home Journal Prize Winner
Now Lives nt Wlsncr , Neb.
Wlsner Free Press : Master Hen-
jamln Honney , little son of Mr. ami
Mrs. 11. R. Honney , n child of striking
personality whoso portrait won him
the $50 prize In the Ladles Homo Jour
nal , Is a Into acquisition to Wlsner
prl/o winners. Master Honney's portrait
trait was also painted by a noted Now
York child artist , at the home of Jean
Do I ougpero , the great ( lower artists ,
In California , and exhibited at the St.
Louis exposition. Wo trust none of
Hie fathers and mothers In our reading
circle will become Jealous of Master
Verdlgre Has a Trace of Snow , Crelgh
ton Has Quite a Quantity and That
Seems to be the Border Line of
Whiteness Today.
Crelghton , Nob. , Feb. 14. Special to
The News : The cold wave arrived
hero and pushed the mercury down to
twenty below zero.
There IH considerable snow hero , a
tnico at Vordlgro and none at Lynch
or north of there.
Author of Item Announcing New Dem
ocratic Daily Defies Denial.
The item printed in Die Omaha
World-Herald Sunday announcing tial )
a democratic dally will bo started In
Norfolk was written by Robert Gilder ,
telegraph editor of the World-Herald ,
who says thnt hu knows that the story
Is true and that if his Mmrco of Information
mation could bo made public the de
nials would become ridiculously ab-
surd. Becnnso it has been charged
that the Item emanated from The News
olllco with malicious motives , the fol
lowing letter Is published :
Omaha , Nob. , Feb. 12. Mr. N. A.
Huso , Norfolk. Dear Sir : In regard
to the item announcing the now demo
cratic daily nt Norfolk , I am not at
liberty to disclose the hourco of Information
mation but will say that I wrote the
article myself. I believe the story to
hu true In every essential as It came
from a source which I consider thor
oughly reliable. If thobu accusing you
of writing the item knew my source
of Information , they would keep still.
Very truly yours ,
Robert P. Gilder ,
Telegraph Editor World-Herald.
Mrs. H. J. Morris has gone to
Spauldlng for a week's visit with rel
R. E. Collins leased the Inkley farm
and moved onto It last week.
The school board In district No. 25
have appointed H. R. Harrington as
treasurer to fill vacancy.
The ladles of the M. E. church will
have a social in the church Wednes
day evening , February 14.
Mrs. P. H. Carberry will sell her
personal property nt public snlo todny
nnd will then remove to Norfolk.
Social Held In Home of Mrs. Amerlne
Is Complete Success.
At the social session of the Indies
society of the Methodist church , held
In the homo of Mrs. A. A. Amerlne ,
where tea was served , $3 was netted
for the society. A good time was en
Mother of A. N. Anthes of This City
May Not Survive Attack.
Mrs. Anna Anthos Buffered a seri
ous stroke of paralysis Monday after
noon at her homo In Fort Dodge , lown ,
nccordlng to a telegram received by
her son , A. N. Anthes. Ho loft for
Fort Dodge today to bo with his moth
er. Her condition la considered very
serious and she la not expected to sur
vive the shock.
' - ' I ! ! ! ! ' ! I ' ' I | h
Have You Idle Money
\Vo piiy I1 , } luloresl on deposits.
Absolute Heciirlty.
Ahuoliilo spciwy.
Our fiicllllleii are very oonveulnnl.
You eiin "Hunk by Mull" mi thousands
ure alrcndy doing with the host of mil-
Over 7,0111) depositing
We respectfully nollcl ! an account
I'limi you.
\Vili < - tincircular. .
Kslnli ISSI.
1b23 Doiitjlnn St. ,
I I I I i I i I i I I i i 1 I i I M I I I
As a Result of a Confession Said to
Have Been Made by Two Other
Members of an Alleged Gang , La
Point , Who Was Implicated , Is Taken
Itoiicstcel , S. I ) . , Fob. II.- Special
to The News : Deputy Sheriff Wood
of near Dlxon Innl ; Into custody lust
Satuidiiy one John l.a I'olnt , a quailer
breed Indian , ulio has been wanted
fur some lime lor hoi so stealing , and
arrl\ed In lloiiesteel Sunday night
with Hie prisoner. On Monday morn-
lug lie was Inonght before .Imlgu Dig-
glim and pleaded not guilty.
The defendant's father was piemuit
and secured Attorneys McDonnell and
Donahue to defend the prisoner.
States Attorney Itackus wah present
to piosecule. It was tbu desire of
both the slate and the defendant that
the pi.'llmlnary hearing bu deferred
until some later datu In order that wit
nesses might be secured and by agree
ment the case was set for February
27. Nearly all the witnesses to bo
called In the case will bu from the
Dull cieek country.
This case Is an outgrowth of the
threatened lynehng affair which
catisod considerable excitement In the
Hull creek country a few months ago
when an Irate mob took from Deputy
Sheriff Wood two prisoners taken on
thu same charge , and with ropes
around their necks secured confes
sions from Sam Cra/.y Dull and Will
Jones , also two quarter breed Indians ,
which Implicated John Ln I'ont , the
young man now tinder arrest , and sev
eral other piomlnent citizens of that
vicinity said to be banded togcthui
and well organized , and rustling on
IL largo scale.
So fiuqnonl were thefts up In that
count i y that the settlers sought pro
tection by the organl/.atlon of a vlg
llancu committee and a systematic
effort Is now being put foilh to re
Hove the people of this series of law'
Icssncss and the citizens contemplate
ferruttlng It to thu end. They have
secured the survlces of G. I' . Harben
of Platte to assist In the prosecution.
Startling developments will evidently
be madu at the preliminary hearing.
Killed In Runaway.
Honesteel , S. D. , Feb. M Special
to The News : Peter Knndson , a Rose
bud farmer who lived four miles north
east of Jamison , was killed in a run
away accident. Burial was at Hcrrick
Monday. The man suffered with many
broken ribs and a broken back.
When the smiles of spring appear ,
Read The Norfolk Dally News.
When the summer time Is hero ,
Read The Norfolk Dally News.
When the corn la In the ear ,
In the winter cold and drear ,
Bvory season in the year ,
Read The Norfolk Dally News.
When you've nothing else to do
Read The Norfolk Dally News.
If but for an hour or two ,
Read The Norfolk Dally News.
It will keep yon good and now
With a purpose firm and true ,
Fall in line itV up to yon ,
To Know the news Sned.
Five Phonographs With Slot Attach'
ments Will Go to Work Here.
A nickel vaudeville will be opened
In the half of the store room in the
Richards block vacated by the Bar
gain store on next Monday morning.
Five phonographs with nickel In the
slot attachments will bo Installed and
operated. The persons Interested , and
whoso names have not been made pub
He yet , declaio that they will put in
moving picture machines and other
nickel In the slot novelties If this first
venture Is Mifllclontly patronized.
Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Hayes Went to Oak-
dale to Attend Concert.
Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Hayes accompa
nied the- members of the "Orlolo Girls"
quartet to Oakdalo Monday afternoon
and attended the performance in the
evening. Miss Evelyn nargelt , elocu
tlonlst and reader with the quartet h
a nloce of tholra. Next year Mr.
lla.\eH In anxious to have them appear
In Norfolk and will make an effort to
Hull end , either trying to secure a full
card fiom I ho lledpath Lyceum bureau
or at leant the members of the "Orl
lie Ulrls. "
Mrs. C. E. Staley Swallows Strychnine
Instead of Headache Powder.
I'lerce Call : MIH. C. 13. Staley had
i nanow escape fiom accidental poi
soning last Thursday evening Suffer
ng liom a violent headache late In
lie mcnlng Him took what she sup
itmed In be a headache powder to ro
lleve Hie pain. After swallowing the
ponder Him wan HlrucK with the blttor
taste of Hut same and In an Instant It
Hashed over her that she had got hold
ol slrvclmlne powder b } mistake. Mr
Slalej telephoned Dr. 1'lieasaiit who
lespondod Immediate ) ) . ICmtllcH were
glM-n but lor time they did not weem
lo give the desired eflecl. Dr I'heaa
anl wns about to UNO thu Htoiuach
pump when ( ho aiilldolus administered
proved effect I vu and the poison was
I In-own from the system. It HI-CIHB
that the Htryelmlno powders had been
purchased last year for a bothersome
eat and In some manner one of them
had been gathered up and placed with
the hcadachu powders. Mrs. Staluy's
presence of mind saved bur from what
would have undoubtedly been a fatal
Doard of Directors Met This Morning
at Office of A. J. Durlnnd.
The board of directors of the Indus
trial company met this morning In the
olllce of A. J. Dm land and elected of
ficers. No action was taken nt the
meeting on the finding of an occupant
lor the sugar factory. The ofllccn ;
elected are : II. A. 1'asewalk. presi
dent ; li. A. Hear , vlco president ; M
i' . Ha/en , secielary ; Albert Degner ,
Try a NOWH want ad
Millers of Nebraska Find Difficulty In
Supplying the Demand.
The high prlco of hogs and butter
lias caused n shortage In the shorts
market , as well as in bran and local
millers sny that it Is practically Im
possible for the mills of the state to
supply the demand In this line of
goods. Many of them , it Is said , have
bad to cut down on their supply to
dealers excepting exclusive customers.
Always Keeps Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy In His House.
' vVe would not bo without Chamber
lain's Cough Kuinedy. It Is kept on
hand continually In our home , " says
W. W. Kearney , editor of the Indepen
dent , Ixnvry City , Mo. That Is just
what every family should do. When
kept at hand ready for Instant use a
cold may be checked in the outset and
cured In much less time tnan after it
has become settled in the system. For
sale by Leonard the druggist.
In Response to the Weather Man's Spe
cial Cold Wave Warning , the Tem
perature Began Dropping Last Night
and Sank to Extreme Point.
[ From Wednehdny'a Dally ]
It wns fifteen degrees below zero in
Norfolk last night. The weather man
said there would be zero weather along
the north shore of Kansas , \\hlch was
enough to Indicate that it would go
lower here , but there were many who
did not expect such n severe drop iu
the mercury as came. The cold wave
was flashed Into town during the af
ternoon by way of telegraphic warn
ing from Washington , and It was not
many hours before the mercury began
to sink in its tube.
A year ago today there was a bliz
zard , with trains stalled and snow
The coldest day of the winter waa
sixteen below , so that last night was
within a single degree of the minimum
point reached thus far this season.
The prediction today la for rising
temperature and fair Bkloo ,