The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, February 09, 1906, Page 4, Image 4

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\V. N. IIKSI3 , I'uhlUln-r.
( K tiibU llPil 18X7. ]
Bvrry duy oxi'flpt Htlmlny. Hr rnr-
rl r per wonU. I ft cent * . l y NorfolU
noittoillcp delivery. i > nr your , Id. on My
mnll on rurnl route * nml ntitmil * of
NorfolU , per yenr.
The Now * . ICMnbllHlictl , IM1 ,
Thn Jonrnnl. KmiitiUMimt , 1K77.
Bvory Trliliiy lly mnll i > r yenr. ll.KO.
Hnteietl i t , Norfolk ,
Nnl ) . , nH ncroiHl cliiBH mutter.
Telephone * Killtnrlnl Department ,
No 22 , lltmlnemt Olllon niul Joli Unomti ,
No , ll2 _
_ _ _ - -
„ „ "
* So ProHldt'iit H < > o ovi lt iHiT"THt fan
cy "KatlH niul KouthiTH ? "
When you nro In crowd , loop ; cool ;
when yon are homo , do tlio HIUIIO
I'nuHod ( nli'nlH ivro valnoloHfl nlM < o
In tlii'lr posHOBHor anil to UIOHO nronnil
There Hi'i'iiiH to lie nbout nw nnicli
dlm'ord over reforming footlmll n
( hero Is over ralo roguhillou.
If you iniiHt run pcoplo down , urn1
an unto. It IB a Krcat Imiirnvumunt
ov r tlio srnndnl iiinclilno.
It IH reported tlmt only lnOO ! Invltii-
UOIIH Imvo been iHMiod for tlio Allco
Iloomivolt wcddliiK. U > tH of people nro
to 1 Hllihtod. ;
On n mnvur bond proposition , tlio
corner lot ilooa not pay for tlio ontlro
dlBtanco of both fronts. Ho pays for
tlio uvornRO of tlio two.
Tlio cold wave WIXH prodlctod more
than twenty-four liourH by tlio wonthor
department. HlrltH Isn't the kind of
a prophet to foretell those.
HIIH anyone a now Htory of Abrabam
Lincoln ? February 12 In near at hand
nnd a mnv crop of stories and anecdotes -
dotes should bo coining forth.
It IB mild that the mmiinor resorts
on the planet Mars aru Hltnatod near
the poles. Why doesn't Walter Well-
man point bis airship that way ? .
The man who IB not attracting much
attention considers blniBolf the fortu
nate ono slnco the era of InvoHtlga-
< tot n and accusations lmn sot In.
IlntH are fatal to progress. Malto
line of every now Idea that will ad-
viuico your own business or will help
In the Improvement of your own town.
Furs will not bo worii at the rocop
tlon given by Vlco 1'rosldont Fair
banks. Reports sent out that they
would , have been chased down and
proven false.
The statement was made tiorlously
by a Now York woman that ono could
llvo ( julotly on $1,000 per year. A
good many people couldn't llvo quietly
on that amount.
Tlio tines In Norfolk's police court
for January amounted to $10. The
board bill In the city jail amounted
to $9. Ixxiks like Judge Wostorvolt
knew what ho was talking about.
"Why girls leave homo , " may not
always bo understood. But when aNew
Now Jersey woman who had twenty-
seven children eloped the other day ,
no ono blamed bor. The only wonder
Is that she didn't years ago.
The Denver Woman's club has voted
to wear gymnasium suits while doing
housework. Club women wore never
before known to descend to such go-
nlnl tasks. Must bo that the Denver
women are still In bondage to tyrnn
nlcal men.
If the election on the sewer bond
proposition were held tomorrow , It Is
not at all Improbable that the bonds
would bo defeated. Like everything
lso , this Is n matter of education nnd
publicity advertising , as It were ,
must bo used before the people will be
convinced that the sewer proposition
Is a good thing. Now , therefore , is
the time for those who nro anxious to
have sewerage nnd who have pushed
the matter up to this point , to got Into
the game and toll the people why they
ought to have sewerage In Norfolk.
Andrew Rosewater told n largo num
ber of the business men nil about It ,
nnd the report of his speech was read
by many who could not attend , but
that ono speech will not bo enough.
A great lawyer always presents his
cnso to n jury In Just as many differ-
cut ways , from just as many different
directions and viewpoints , as It Is pos
sible for him to construct
A lawyer's cnso before n Jury is
Just tlio same ns the sewer bond prop
osition. If the promoters desire the
bonds to carry , they must tell the pec-
plo of Norfolk why the bonds ought to
carry And they must tell the people
In Just as many ways as possible. It
Is a campaign of advertising that must
bo conducted , and conducted scien
The people will not vote for the
bonds on pure sentiment. They must
bo convinced that there nro good rea
sons tor voting those bonds. Now Is
the time for those who bare succeed
ed In gelling the proposition before
I ho people , to start In with more energy
ergy than over In arguing for the
bonds. The columns of The News are
offered for a dlHCUHHlon of the < iuon
A campaign of Hpeechmaklng would
lie no bad plan.
The simplicity displayed In the
Itonmn'oll wedding Invitation Is com
mendable , even though the recipients
'ire making fools of themselves.
Tlio robbers who attempt to steal
the iingugemnnt ring of the future Mrs.
l.ouguorth will bo shot away by thom
m > lld gold rlllo that will adorn the now\Mii'lli homo.
Wouldn't It bo a commendable thing
hi Mr. ItooKovolt If ho wore to Insist
upon as much simplicity In his daugh
ter's wedding gifts as ho Is reported
to Insist upon In many other tilings ?
Among the things suggested the oth
er night by Secretary Hanson of the
Fremont Contmerclal club as objects
worthy the effort on Norfolk's part ,
were state conventions of various or
ganizations of business nion. This
mouth there are to bo several state
con vent Ions In Lincoln , nnd Norfolk
would bo glad to entertain any of them
next year.
A careful Investigation at the banks ,
the postolllco nnd the express olllcos ,
shows that about $2,700 In cash wont
out of Norfolk during the month of
January this ycnr to catalogue mer
chants In the cities. Many people of
Norfolk had known that there was n
large amount , of mall order business
being done out of here , as there Is out
of every country town In the middle
west , but few had any Idea of the enor
mity of the sales being made by the
Chicago mall order houses to Norfolk
" 1 am surprised , " ono merchant la
quoted as saying , when told of the
vastuess of this expenditure outside
of Norfolk during n single month and
that after the holiday season when
business Is naturally dull.
Another says that something must
be done to head this off. "Parcels post
will kill us , " ho said , "unless wo can
devise n menus to prevent this outside
business. "
There Is a way to bond it off.
"I can sell on nn average , just aa
cheap as the mall order house , " says
n Norfolk merchant. If ono can , all
Now If the merchants of the west
and of Norfolk particularly , can and
they can because they say they can
sell goods for the HIUIIO money that
the Chicago mall order houses can ,
then the foundation Is nil made for
getting the business. All that Is nec
essary , that being true , Is to prove to
the people who buy that that Is a fact
The whole solution of the problem ,
then , lies in devising n way in which
arguments may bo presented to tlioso
people to convince them that they can
as well buy hero as through the mall.
Perhaps It might bo well to study
the methods of the mall order man In
this regard. Ho does It by sending
out a book once n year , containing pic-
lures , selling points nnd prices of the
thousand articles which ho hns nnd
also has not , on sale. The Norfolk
merchant has nn advantage In this re
gard , In that ho can reach his trade
every single day of the week Instead
of but ouo time a year. And ho can
make his ads. more Interesting , by
keeping them fresh and Interesting.
Parcels post , as Postmaster Hays
said at the Commercial club banquet
the other night , Is coming and the
merchants must head It off with adver
Norfolk hopes that the projected
packing plant will land hero. It is
hoped that the rumor may prove true.
Thus far there Is no definite knowl
edge hero about the proposition.
If your property Is lucky enough to
bo of so much value that your sewer
tax will amount to more than your
neighbor's , then It will bo even of
greater value after the sewer bonds
are passed.
To snow under the sewer bonds , now
that they have gone this far , would
give the town something of n black
eye , in the sight of outside territory.
Sewer bonds are not generally voted
down In progressive communities.
While all the world loves n lover ,
and while Nick Longworth is n good
follow nnd Miss Roosevelt n promi
nent young woman , yet It does seem
that some of these foreign countries
are carrying things to extremes when
they try to outdo each other in send
ing such costly wedding gifts. These
souvenirs of their folly nro not going
to win any particular political favor
with the United States government
Ono of the penalties of grentness Is
that you can't even send n wedding
Invitation through the mall with as
surance that the precious document
will arrive. Complaint Is made that
the Invitations to tlio Roosevelt-Long-
worth affair have boon tampered with.
Ono of Mr. Longworth's friends in
CMiiclnnall received an envelope con
talnlng a blank sheet of paper nnd
now the secret service men are out
looking for the curious criminal. All
of the Invitations sent to Norfolk have
arrived Intact.
Queer though It may seem , the Ice
man and the coal man are both work
ing over time In Norfolk this week.
The Union Pacific people have
bought the Illinois Central and It maybe
bo expected that the Union Pacific-
NorlliNNostoni alliance at Omaha , In
connect dig the east and the west , may
noon be broken. That tends to explain
the movement of the Northwestern
toward ( he coast and that , too , tends
to Inoieaso the Importance of Norfolk.
There Is every reason to bellovo that
this Is going to bo the main line of
the Northwestern In time , and the Im
portance of the city could not help In-
ureasng with n transcontinental line
running through It.
It wns reported In yesterday's tel
egraphic news from Sioux City that
there Is n movement on foot among a
syndicate of 100 Iowa and Nebraska
men to ntart a big packing plant In
Norfolk for the purpose of catching
much of the stock now being shipped
through to Sioux City nnd South
Omaha. Although It Is Impossible
hero to trace nny foundation to the
story , yet It Is sincerely hoped by the
business men of Norfolk that the pro
ject may como through. The yarn
sounded well enough nnd It Is evi
dent , If nothing else , thnt Norfolk Is
on the map and that over around Sioux
City tlio packers nnd stock men Imvo
boon thinking something about , the
gateway to the now northwest. Nor
folk Is getting Into a bigger sphere
every day of her life , and something
Is going to develop , in time , from the
location of this city.
Mnrshal Mathews , who was recent
ly too hastily discharged from his po
sition In Nebraska because of Presi
dent Roosevelt's displeasure over the
verdict of Judge Munger , Is exonerated
by the Saturday livening Post In an
editorial entitled , "Tho Federal
Judge , " which rends us follows :
After sovernl years' effort nnd n
largo expenditure the Interior depart
ment procured the Indictment of two
rich cattlemen In Nebraska who had
unlawfully Inclosed n quarter of a mil
lion acres of public land. The court
sentenced them to pay a fine of $300
each and to remain In the custody of
the United States marshal for six
hours. The marshal , not being devoid
of a sense of humor , carried out the
sentence by appointing the culprits'at
torney a special deputy to take charge
of them for the six penitential hours
which they spent without any such
physical hardships as would bo likely
to undermine tbolr constitutions. The
president thereupon dismissed the mar
shal nnd the district attorney who con
ducted the prosecution which wns ns
fnr ns ho could go in evidence of his
disapproval of the Joke.
The case interestingly Illustrates nn
odd feature of our government system
that Is , the peculiar position occu
pied by n federal judge. Ho is by fnr
the mightiest llguro with whom the
vast majority of us over como In con
tact. What the president nnd the sen
ate do may nffeit our feelings , nnd ,
after a time , have some influence upon
our prosperity. Rut they are really
remote nnd have no such power upon
us in our dally walks ns the federal
Judge hns , nnd exercises. If there Is
a strike his injunction forbids us to
go In certain plnces nnd spenk in n
certain manner. Very often his decree
cancels the laws we have made In our
legislature. Not long ago n federal judge
set aside the whole tax machinery of
a sovereign state , backed by a deci
sion of Its supreme court , by simply
saying that ho would Intervene with a
restraining order If his views were
not nccepted.
But this Immensely powerful ofllclal
Is practically not accountable to any
body. After the Ill-advised nttempt to
Impeach Judge Swayne last winter
nothing short of some gross malfeas-
nnco would set In motion the only process -
cess there Is for bringing him to ac
count. Altogether , he makes an odd
Imperial cog In the democratic ma
Scrub yourself daily , you're not
clean Inside. This means clean stomach
ach , bowels , blood , liver , clean , heal
thy tissue In every organ. Moral :
Take Rocky Mountain Tea. 35 cents ,
tea or tablets. The Kiesnu Drug Co.
A woman worries until she gets
wrinkles , then worries because she
has them. If she takes Holllster's
Rocky Mountain Ten she would have
neither. Bright , smiling face follows
Its use. 35 cents , tea or tablets.
The Klesau Drug Co.
Old mnlds would bo scarce and hard
to find ,
Could they be made to see ,
How grace nnd beauty Is combined
By using Rocky Mountain Tea.
The Klesau Drug Co.
There is ono way of startlncr on the
pathway to got rich which Is soldow
traveled these days ? " 'Hunnlng a store
and living over it.
A Careful Investigation by The New
Shows That $2,700 Was Sent Out of
Norfolk In January to Buy Mall Or
der Merchandise ,
The January report of Postmaster
Hays shows a most prosperous condi
tion In Norfolk on the whole. The
postal receipts for the month not only
exceed those of any previous January
but exceed the receipts of any pre
vious month In the history of the lo
cal postolllco. The postal receipts of
a city are considered n business ba
rometer which records faithfully the
growth or decline of n city nnd Its
business activity. Generally there Is
an abnormal increase in the holiday
season ever any other period owing to
the largo amount of postage paid out
on letters , packages and other evi
dences of the holiday giving. Even
this was overcome In January by the
receipts. The amount of box rent has
decreased more than $150 slnco the
Institution of rurnl ddlvory but this
loss also has been overcome In local
receipts from stamps , postal curds nnd
so forth.
In money orders the business
showed n substantial Increase In or
ders Issued although the amount prild
was practically the same as that of the
previous January. In January , 1905 ,
the orders Issued amounted to $2,591.78
as compared with $3-i8G.25 for this
year. The orders paid in 1005 were
$2,743.-13 ngninst $2,703.00 this year.
The postal receipts for January were
$2,700 to Catalogue Houses.
A surprising amount of money was
sent to the mall order bouses by Nor
folk citizens nnd farmers during Jan
uary according to a careful record
made of money orders , express orders
and bank drafts. It represented
oiiough money to keep another store
In business in Norfolk. The total for
January is approximately $2,700. Of
this $550 went as postolllco money or
ders , $150 ns express orders , and the
remainder as bank drafts. Practically
everything that was bought with this
numoy could have been bought of Nor
folk merchants at a probable saving
t f money or at no more cost to the pur
chaser under nny circumstances.
In speaking of the mutter this morn
ing ono Norfolk dry goods merchnnt
snld , , "I can take a catalogue of nny
of Iheso houses and put down my
prices alongside theirs on any page
that has my line of goods and will
Undersell them on four-fifths of the ;
articles. On the remainder I will
place the same prices as theirs. Oc
casionally they will offer goods of a
certain kind for less money than my
prices are. But If you will figure out
the cost of the freight , draft nnd other
things in connection with this pur
chase my price will bo no higher than
thnt'of the mall order house. It will
prolmbly bo lower. "
Merchants Are Amazed.
Another merchant was astounded
when told what the mail order houses
had taken out of Norfolk. "There nre
a good many stores , " ho said , "that nre
not doing above that amount of busi
ness from month to month. To think
that the mall order business would
keep another store going in Norfolk Is
a surprise to me. I knew It was big
but I never had an Idea before that It
was so large. It certainly Is up tons to
do something to stop it. The parcels
post will kill us off If wo don't find
some way of meeting this form of
competition before It comes Into ef
Leading Norfolk Business Men Are
Still in Dark on the Story.
The business men of Norfolk have
no definite information regarding the
packing plant project which wns re
ported In n Sioux City telegram. Secretary -
rotary Mnthewson of the Commercial
club has had no information of any
sort thnt such n project wns on nnd
President W. M. Robertson of the club
says that , while ho understands there
has been some talk about such n pro
ject for a couple of months , yet ho has
had no first hand evidence. If there
were nny Norfolk business men con
nected with the project or If It were
being planned by persons In this lo
cality , It Is quite probable to suppose
that the Commercial club would have
been consulted before this , because of
the aid that the organization could of
It Is possible , of course , that out-
pido parties are planning it and have
not yet informed Norfolk concerning
"If there were assurance that such
n proposition were to be capably nnd
efficiently managed , I bellovo that con
siderable Norfolk capital could be en
listed in such an enterprise , " said a
lending business man today.
Rosebud Lumber Co.
Fairfax Advertiser : The Rosebud
Lumber company which has been doing
business hero slnco the summer of
190 i and operating yards at Bonestool ,
Burke , Gregory and Dlxon , has been
incorporated under the laws of the
state with a capital of $50,000 and the
following are Its list of officers : J. J.
Bonekompcr , Bonesteel , president ; I.
G. Chapln , secretary , Lincoln ; I. F.
SenrJe. Lincoln , treasurer. Under the
now organization thr < lrroiwill begin
operations February 1 and henceforth
the company will operate upon n larg
er scale than ever , The now associate
with Mr. Bonokomper will greatly
strengthen the firm and It Is expected
that within the next ycnr this company
will greatly extend their field of op
A Number of Friends Were Pleasantly
Mrs. W. A. Moldonhauor celebrated
her Ilfty-nlnth birthday Monday evenIng -
Ing by entertaining n number of
friends nnd neighbors. The evening
wns spent enjoynbly.
Robert Renner Was Born After Paul
Renner Left the Old Country and
Consequently He Had Never Set
Eyes on This Prater Till This Week.
MndlHon , Neb. , Fob. C. Spccinl to
The News : Pnul Rennor , out in Fnlr-
view , Is entertaining two guests from
abroad this week. One Is his brother
Robert Rennor who wns born after
Paul left the "Vaterlnnd" and whom
ho saw for the first time , the other Is
Mr. Froohllch , a young merchant , also
n German , but who has for several
years been In the employ of an Import
ing firm In southern France. Both
young men are on their way to the
French possessions In Australia , and
leave bore next Friday. They go via
San Francisco and Hawaii.
Clearwater Farmer Writes He Will
Locate In Store Here.
Another store will bo located In Nor
folk shortly according to a letter ,
which has just been received from
Clearwater. According to the letter
a farmer by the name of Weyglnts
near Clearwater will remove to Nor
folk within the next ten days and enter
In the retail business. No additional
information was given.
Dick McKay , the Laboring Man Who
Was Sent Down to Madison , Is In
Jail Waiting for Action of the County -
ty Board on His Sanity.
Madison , Neb , , Fob. C. Special to
The News : It Is not often that sub
jects of crime or Infirmity present
themselves before the authorities to
have meted out to them their dues or
deserts. Yet such a case occurred
bore Saturday when one , giving his
name ns Dick Mnckny came to the
courthouse and stated that ho was in
sane and wished to bo sent to the
asylum. Mr. Field , the clerk of the
district court , who Is ox-olllclo secre
tary of the board called In Attorney
.lames Nichols who happened to be In
In tlio building at the time. An exam
ination of the candidate for non corn-
pus monies honors disclosed the fact
that the latter had come over from
Norfolk in the afternoon on the advice
of County Attorney Koenjgsteln to
whom he had first elated his desires
In the matter.
Ho said further that he was a la
boring man nnd hnd come to Norfolk
from Rnpld City , South Dakota. When
asked If thnt plnce wns his home he
answered In the negative , stating that
he had como there from Omaha , where
ho had stayed off and on a number of
Dr. Long , who Is the third member
of the board , was out of the city , so >
the man was turned over to Sheriff
Clements nnd placed In the county jail.
At this writing ho is still in custody
nnd under surveilance , the board not
having tnken nny action as yet.
Mrs. F. H. Cornell Left This Morning
For Canada.
Mrs. F. H. Cornell left this morning
for Blenheim Cedar Springs , Ontario ,
Canada , to see her mother who is very
sick. The same telegram that brought
the news of her mother's sickness also
announced the death of her brother *
two weeks previous.
! Pure Bred Sow Sale !
February 13 , 1906.
55 head Duroc Jersey fall gilts and siged
i sows , guaranteed to be safe in pig to good I
M boars.
Daisy Profit 505GC > , and Anna Belle , a half
sister to Junior Jim , the champion sit
Nebraska Pair , 1905 , and many other good
things. Ii
M. I. Moats & Son.
Randolph , Nebr. i
Who wants to land
buy easy
ARE YOU terms that will pay lor
itself m3 YEARS.
Rich Soil Near to Market
A Fine Climate.
a e o
For full particulars write
immediately to
227 Neville Block. OMAHA , NEB
'll -r
Cw . i
The word results means a whole lot to the farmer of to-dav and it h
especially attractive to the homeseeker or those seeking new locations
If we tell you of a country where you are sure of success , will
believe us ? It is only for
necessary you to farm the land and the
best results will follow-a State which the government
show leads in the production of wheat. It also ranks reports the will
in the raising of corn , alfalfa , timothy and other products among ? first
with stock raising. We speak of together
The great State of the West , where lands can be purchased from
to $30 per acre which equals the returns of the $ < 0 to i iiso
n-r r
lands of other States. EASTERN COLORADO is idenicnnn
respects and the same opportunities are offered there ? Buy most
.heart of this rich agricultural region and
offered allowing stop-over at pleasure ?
4 we wiu