The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, February 09, 1906, Image 1

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, , , , ,
Man With a Birth Mark on His Left
Cheek , Who Was Seen at Edge of
Rosebud Reservation , About to Hunt
Work on the Plains , Is Lost.
Bonostocl , S. D. , Feb. 8. Special to
The News : Jits. A. Woodrli : Is In
receipt of a letter from Nashville ,
Tonn. , signed by 01-0 , U J. Robinson
inquiring ns to the whereabouts of
Kobt. H. Ki-ynr whose mother a.1 the
: - writer oto anxious lo locate ' ' < > & t
having hen id fi mi Mm for fy
months. It Is snul the last seen
him he WPS on the slree's ' of Bonosteel
preparatory to going ort on Iho reser
vation about twenty-five miles to work
on a laneb. His long i.llenco nnd the
mother's inability lo leain anything of
\vhcieabouls bus nmdo her fear
ful thpt ho has met .otil play . The
letter stii'es ' that he had a little Insur
ance on his life and his mother Is in
very hard clicumBlances and if such
is the case she should have his insur
ance. He Is doBct'.bed as being 5 feet
C Inehes tall , had a icd blitr mark on
loft cheek rnd his dan ; hair. Any In
formation loading to his whereabouts
will relieve an anxious ir other.
Man Living South of Fairfax Is Ar
rested on Charge cf Mischief.
Bonestcel , S. D. , Feb. 8. Special to
The News : John Kldn , who lives
south of Fail fax , was brought to Bone-
steel Wednesday cbaiged with com
mitting mallclcus mischief on com
plaint of Wm. M iirr-y , a leal estate
dealer at Fairfax. The case was
brought before Judge Biggins and Mr.
Klein through Ms attorney Roy Hnzen
waived piellminaiy hearing nnd the
defendant was bound over to the cir
cuit coutt. It Is alleged In the com
plaint that the plaintiff had sold a
piece of land for the defendant and
that when the deal was about to bo
closed Klein got possession of the
contract for deed and a note and mort
gage and destroyed them , contrary to
the wishes of the parlies In interest.
His arrest followed with the result as
above stated.
Ed. Maughin Has Caused Bonesteel
Police Much Worry.
Bonesteel , S. D. , Feb. 8. Special to
The News : Ed Maughin , who has
caused the police of Bonesteel a great
deal of trouble , was committed to jail
in Fairfax Wednesday lo await the
action of the circuit court next June.
He was under ball for a crime alleged
to have been committed by him last
fall and was out on bail , but his bonds
men requested to be relieved and in
consequence ho Is now a connly
Taking of Evidence May Continue Our-
ing Present Session of Congress.
Washington , Feb. 8. Hearings in
the case of Senator Reed Smoot was
resumed before the committee on
privileges and elections. The investl
cation ot the protests against tha
Utah senator retaining his seat con
tinued through the two sessions ol
congress and may continue throughou
the present session.
The first witness was Professoi
Walter N. Wolfe , former teacher o
ecology in Brigham Young college a
Logan , Utah , and an apostate of tha
church. John G. Carlisle of Now Yorl
York conducted the prosecution and
A. * S. Worthlngton of this city de
fended the senator.
Professor Wolfe testified that ha
had been a Mormon until Jan. 1 this
year , when his connection was sev
ered through failure to comply with
the demands for tithes. He was aakei
to tell what he knew of the alleged
plural marriage of Professor Benjamin
Cluff and Florence Reynolds , both
teachers at Provo. Concerning
trial had by the board of Brigham
Toung academy as to the rpasons fo
a long absence of Cluff from the Mex
lean .expedition , the witness said Apostle
tlo Reed Smoot was among those In
attendance and that the had heard
testimony given by the witness him
elf that the reason for Clrff's ab
ence was because he was Hvins
apart with a plural wife. He sail
that Ovena Jorgensen , a student a
Brlgham Young academy , went t
Juarez , Mex. , and married in polyg
He testified as to the oath taken I
the endowment house. "To pray Go
to avenge the blood of the prophet o
this nation/
Child Burned to Death.
Cedar Rapids , la. , Feb. 7. The ton
year-old daughter of Mrs. Charle
Voholka was burned to death hero am
her Infant sister only rescued from
death by neighbors who saw th
moke. The mother left the llttl
enes to e to the grocery store
Whllo away the older girl securet
eonio matches and accidentally se
the lounge afire. The flumes caush
her clothes and the was burned to
Mrs. Tolln Gets Sixty C yo' Reprieve.
Trenton. N. J. . Fob 8. Governor
Stokes gianted Mrs. Antonette Tolln ,
the Hackensack murderess , a further
reprieve of sixty days.
Hunters May Perish In Sight of Land.
Waco. TON. , Feb. 8. Telephone
messages iccelvcd heio state that
Turner E Hubby of this city , with
two companions , is In a stranded ball-
boat In Matagorda bay , In sight of
land , but Inaccessible to rescue , ow
ing to the position of the reef on
which their craft is stuck , and have
been In that dilemma since last Sat
urday. Mr. Hubby and his friends
were out duck shooting nnd bad pro
visions nnd water for one day only.
Turner Hubby has repeatedly won
championship medals at state shootIng -
Ing contests.
Flre at Morning Sun.
Morning Sun , la. , Feb. 8. A defcc-
n * flue started a fire that destroyed
J'ff business buildings. Loss , $20-
Ou ° < v * " Insured.
Deputy Marshal Lamb In Bonesteel
Yesterday Caused Three Men to be
Arrested At Preliminary Hearing
Today Two Were Released.
Bonesteel , S. D. , Fob. 8. Special to
'ho News : Deputy U. S. Marshal
, nmb was In Bonestcel Wednesday
ml nt the Insligatlon of U. S. Land
nspector Moore caused the arrest of
Charlie C. Horn , Frank C. Bebout nnd
ohn B. Leetch on the serious charge
f perjury. They wore brought bo-
ore U. S. Commissioner Keller and
leaded "not guilty , " nnd n prelim-
nary hearing was had last evening.
The cause of action , it IB alleged In
ho complaint , was In the giving of
estimony in the final proof of Charlie
C. Horn who on February 21 1905
nadc proof before County Judge
Starcher in Fairfax for the SE'/i oi
SEVS secllon 10 , and the WVfc SW'/t
ml SW1NW > 4 section 11 , 90 , 09.
The government contends lhat they
an prove that sulllclcnt residence on
he land was nol maintained , ns the
callmant and his witnesses testified.
Assistant U. S. Allorney Porler of
Sioux Falls was present and conduct
ed Ihe prosecution and W. B. Backus
appealed for Ihe defendants at Iho
irelimlnary hearing held Ihls evening
I. S. Commissioner Keller dismissed
he cases against Mr. Bebout , Mr.
Leotch and bound Charlie B. Horn over
o the federal grand jury under $500
) ends which he promptly furnished.
Ask Leasing or Selling of Lands.
Omaha , Feb. 8. Resolutions were
ordered adopted by the Commercin
club indorsing a reasonable leasing
and selling law applicable to govern
ment lands In weslern Nebraska.
This action was laken at the request
of the western Nebraska stockmen ,
represented at the meeting by Senator
Currie of Crawford , Senalor Reynolds
of Chadron. E. P. Meyers of Hyannls
and State Auditor Searle , who has
stock Interests at Ogalalla. Repre
sentations were made by the stock
men that If they are not permitted to
graze upon all of the lands , that the
stock inlerests of Ihe state will suf
fer Irreparable Injury ; but that they
desire to use the government lands
and secure legal possession of them
either through lease or purchase.
Shorthorn Breeders Elect Officers
Omaha , Feb. 8. Kansas City was
decided upon as the meeting place for
the next annual convention of tha Central
tral Shorthorn Breeders' association
and Nebraska was awarded th ban
ner for furnishing the largest attend
ance at the present meeting ; . Officers
elected : President , E. B. Mitchell of
Trenton , Mo. ; first vice president ,
John R. Thompson of G rover , Kan. ;
second vice president , C. A. Baunders
of Manilla , la. ; secretary , D. O. Cowan
of Chicago ; treasurer , H. R. Clay of
Plattsburg , Mo.
Boy Is Frozen to Death.
Edgar , Nob. , Feb. 8. Guy Carson ,
aged fifteen years , son of William Car
son , was found frozen to death beside
a haystack at the farm of J. C. Nice
ly , four miles east of this city. The
hey has been visiting his sister , who
lives at Fairmont , became homesick
and started from there on last Satur
day. Ho was walking and it is
thought that he laid down by the
stack to rest.
Start on Crowe Gate.
Omaha , Feb. 8. District court room
No. I was crowded when the case of
the state against Pat Crowe was called
for trial. There was little delay In
prellfinary formalities and empaneling
a Jury was begun to try the alleged
kidnaper of Edward A. Cudahy , Jr. , on
a charge of robbing the senior Cudahy
of $26,000 through putting him In fear.
Negro Leaves Money to Library.
Rock Springs , Wyo. , Feb. 8. Carl
Jenkins , colored , dlod at the state
hospital here , leaving property valued
nt $3,000 , which he leaves to the local
library fund and to the Booker T.
Washington Institute.
Fire Which Is Raging in n Mammoth
Store of Plttsburg Todny Will , It Is
Fenred , Cause Immense Loss Up
per Floor Is Mass of Flame.
Plttaburg , Pn. , Feb. 8. Kaufmunn's
urge department Btoie , occupying the
surface bounded by Fifth avenue.
Smilhlleld street , Diamond street nnd
Chert1 } nlloyll Is allre.
Tlie upper story of the mammoth
Htoro Is all alilaxa and It IH feared the
whole Htoro will burn. The IOSH will
H- very heavy.
Grnnd Island Island High School Takes
Steps to Abolish Game.
Grnnd Inland , Neb. , Feb. S. Thu
board of education took slops hero lo
either remodel llic rules of football
and basketball or else abolish the
game altogether among high school
To Take a Trip.
Lincoln , Feb. 8. Fiom February 19
to 21 the basket bal team of the uni
versity will visit Kansas and Missouri ,
playing a schedule of HX ! gameH.
Case Against Doctor.
Lincoln , Feb. 8. Testimony was
taken hero before the state board of
health in the case of Dr. S. S. Palmer
Holdrege , who IH accused of mal
practice. No decision WIIH reached.
Stockmen and Farmers.
Cambridge , Feb. 8. The annual
stock show and farmers Instllulo are
In session here.
Wooster Cross-Examined and Hand *
writing Expert Testifies in Case.
Now York. Feb. 8. The examination
of Colonel William D. Mann on a
charge ot perjury , pielerred by Rob
ert J Collier , publisher of Collier's
Weekly , was continued.
Moses Ellis Wooster , who was nn
agenl for "Fads and Fancies , ' was
cross-examined by Colonel Mann u
counsel. The wilncss said that affer
Colonel Mann had written "O 1C" nnd
his inlllals on the loiter of Count Regi
nald Ward , which forms the basis of
the perjury chaigeWooster ( ) look the
letter again and showed il lo Ihu
clerk , and lhat ho aflerwnrd put It In
a tin box at his homo. Later , he said.
he gave It to the law firm which Is at
present acting as counsel for Robert
J. Collier , and about a month after
giving them the letter , went inlo their
After Wooster left the witness stand
Edwin B. Hay , n handwriting expert ,
testified that In his opinion the "O K"
and the initials "W. D M. " on the
Ward letter were In Colonel Mann's
France Sends Gobelin and Cuba a
Collar of Pearls.
Washington , Fob 8. Miss Alice
Roosevelt received the wedding gilt
which the French government bad in
tended for her. The gift consifals of a
bcautttul gobelin , representing "Jus
tice , " and was offered to Miss Roosevelt
velt by M. Jusserand , the French
ambassador In this city. It was un-
dreslood that President Roosevelt
had informed several European powers
thut It would not bo agreeable If they
sent especially expensive gifts , and
accordingly moat European govern
ment * are expected to send small
gifts , merely to express their good will
and wishes to the daughter of Amer
ica's first citizen , but the French eov-
eminent had already given orders for
the manufacture of this rare piece ot
tapestry. The piece , though not very
large , is invaluable , as that particular
kind of gobelin is solely made for the
French government on special occa
sions. Dr. Ferrer , the Cuban minister
to Paris , has purchased a collar of
pearls as Cuba's wedding gift for Miss
Chlttenden Is Transferred.
Sioux City , Feb. 8. Major H. M.
Chlttenden , United States engineer In
charge of the entire Missouri river
and Its tributaries and the Improve
ment work nt Yellowstone park , has
been transferred to Savannah , Ga. ,
nnd will probably be succeeded In
Sioux City by Colonel J B. Quinn ,
who has been In Savannah. Major
Chlttenden has been In Sioux City six
years. He Is the author of several
books and one of the best known men
In the engineering department of the
First Conviction In Topeka ,
Topeka , Feb. 8 The first convic
tion In Topeka of keepers of Joints , or
illicit saloons , as a result of the cam
paign started by Governor Hoch to
enforce the prohibition law In the
larger cities of the state was secured
last night when Charles MacGrcgor
was found guilty of keeping a nuis
ance. It has been Impossible hereto
fore to secure convlctloni.
Will Run for Nomination of Governoi
In Opposition to Perkins.
Sioux r.ty. Feb 8lovt'inor ( Cinn
inliia expects wllhln 11 low days In
formally miimnnru his candidacy for
Iho noinliiiitlon for govciiior. Th.s
HlatenieutVMH nnulo by him at Prim-
Khar , la. , where ho addiowned tlio
fanuer'n Institute
The announcement of Governor
CiiiniiiliiH OJH-IIH a political strurglo
which will probably decide lor all
tlmo which faction shall contiol Iowa.
Governor Cuiiiinlim will go Into ( ho
convention as an advocate of the pri
mary election law , anil-pass loglsla-
tlon , railroad rate regulation , nnd with
a dotfjrmlnatlon to IIHO hlH power no
governor of ft great agricultural fltato
to Recuro tariff revision. Ho ntandn
with Pronld < ; nt Hoosevolt In his views.
Opposed to Governor Ciimmlna will
bo George D. Porklim of Sioux City.
Ho IB openly opposed- the primary
Inw nnd designated as a "uUiul-put-
tor" on the tariff question.
Bays Boston Financier Now Holds
Enough Proxies to Give Him Voting
Control of New York Life and
Mutual Has Card Up His Sleeve.
81. Paul , Feb. 8. Thomas W. Lawson -
son of Boston held a lout hours' con
ference with Uoveinor .lohiibon at the
cupltol. Immediately afterward Mr.
Lawbon left lor Chicago. The subject
of the confeience was the forming of
a committee of governors and other
prominent men to Invesllgato the af
fairs of the New York Life nnd the
Mutual Life Insurance companies.
At the close of the conference Mr.
Lawson dialed lhal his Interview with
Governor Johnson had been Very sat
"Uoveinor Johnson has consented to
remain at : a member of the commllleo
I have had In mind , " said M. Lawson ,
"and the others who will make up a
parl of the committee are Governor
Rrownid of Florida , former Attorney
General Frank S Monncii of Ohio
and Kicmonl Oelder of San Francisco.
I am not yet ready to announce the
other names I have enough proxies
right now to give mo voting control
of the New Yoik Life and the Mutual
Life "
Governor Johnson said after the
conference that ho had agreed to remain -
main on ( he committee , "although I
refused to act as chairman of It , as
Mr. Lawson urged me to do , ns It
would take too much of my time from
the state , " he added.
"Has Mr. Lawfion the necessary
proxies from pollcyholders to control
the \oilng in the two big life Insur
ance companies ? " was asked.
" 1 believe from the showing ho
made that he baa , " replied the gov
ernor , "and I believe Mr Lawson has
a card up his sleeve that will astonish
the folks. "
Coroner's Jury Returns Vordlct of
Death From Cyanide of Potassium.
Peoria , Fob. 8. Funeral service *
for the late Dr. George Simmons , who
committed suicide Tuefaday , will b
held from the First Hapllsl church , of
which the dead man was pastor , at 10
o'clock tomorrow.
The sermon will be preached by a
minister from out of tlie city , who
has not been selected. A storm of
protests which was raised la the
church when there was talk of holding
services in the church has quieted
down and there will bo no strenuous
Coroner Baker concluded bin In
quest and the jury returned a verdict
of death from cyanide of potassium ,
taken with suicidal intent.
A mass-meeting of the depositors ot
the People's Savings bank , of which
Dr. Simmons was chief owner , was held
and a report made there Indicates that
the bank will pay from 80 to 100 cents
on the dollar. The plan of the coroner
to go into the investigation of tin ,
charges which brought disgrace on
the dead minister was abandoned un
der pressure of public opinion.
Twenty school schildrcn wore pro
clpltated Into throe feet of water by
the breaking of the Ice on a pond In
Lafayette park , St Louis All were
A telegram from Valparaiso says
that the railroad laborers at Oruro
Bolivia , are on a strike nnd that fifty
men are said to have been killed dur
Ing rioting there.
Secretary Bonaparte has rccom
mended to the president the pardon o
Midshipman Minor Merlwether. Jr
convicted of hazing and sentenced to
dismissal from the naval academy.
From drinking too freely of wood al
cohol , which had been smuggled into
the military prison on Governor's IB
and , New York , one soldier , Robert El
well , Is dead , another Is dying and
eight are seriously 111 In the hoiplU
Wall Street Method of Doubling Your
Money Overnight Fryc nnd Ship
Subsidy Stone Hnn .1 Ten Bill VII-
II Service For Prcoldent ,
Washington , Kelt. S. | Special.JIf
congress wnlta until everybody goH (
through answering ( itieHtloim concernIng -
Ing the canal It will bo a lung time be
fore there In any legislation on Ihomib-
Joel. The HiMiuto committee ban been
nlttlng aH an Inquisitorial body now for
Nome \vecliH , but the value of ( he Information
mation It IIIIH obtained In doubtful. At
least It IIIIH obtained nothing ( hat will
guide It In tin * legislation that a great
many people think In necessary. Thuro
hiiM been uuch a viiHt amount of ques
tioning upon nonessentlnlH , nuch a va
riety of vloww obtained upon triviali
ties , that the committee In not much
wiser than when It began. Strange IIH
It may HCCIII ( he Hcnato committee on
appropriations In one day and the
IIOIIHC committee on appropriation ) ! In
another day obtained about all the In
formation that IH neoesimry for cuual
Things to Determine.
Of course eoiigrcm must determine
( he typo of canal , although It HLMMIIH to
me ( hut the president haw already done
that. It In not likely that eon arena
will go ngulnnt the Judgment of the
president , m-cietary of wur , chairman
of the coiiiinlKiloii and chief engineer
and decide In favor of the foreign con-
Bulling engineers. Ho It muy safely be
suld that a canal with eighty-live foot
locks hi already agreed upon. Thou
there Is ( he Rtiggcntion that there shall
ho a reorganization of the commission ,
but It Is doubtful If nnything upon
that line will be done. Satisfaction Is
expressed by the administration with
the present arrangement , and It Is
very much to be doubted whether n
better one can be devised. Htlll ( no
nenalo committee Is going forward
asking questions. It would not be
nrprlslng to see the ical legislation
or the canal enacted by the commit-
ces on appropriations. In abrogating
he eight hour law the house coinmll-
ee has already taken the Initiative ,
mil both committees have legislated
is to bonds and restrictions on appro
East and the West.
Representative Martin of South Da
cota wan making n speech crlllelHlng
rusts and combinations nnd spoke of
the "Wall streel mulhotl of doubling
your money overnight without putting
n any" and added : "I think there has
never been a more effective method
lovlscd of getting rich quick , of amass-
ng a large fortune without labor , than
the orKnnl7.niIon of u trust. Out west
weaio HlllI pursuing the simple life. "
"I would like to ask the gentleman
if tbev have ever Indulged In over
capitalization In the Black Hills coun
try In South Dakota ? " asked Represent
ative Uwlght of New York.
"Ob , yes , " responded Martin , "there
has been fictitious capitalisation In
mining operations everywhere , but gen
erally by eastern men. "
Frye Wanted to Know.
For years Senator Frye of Maine
inn been an advocate of the ship sub-
Bldy bill , nnd In days gone by bo was
the man who had charge of the bill In
the senate. Then Ilanna was the man ,
and since the merchant marine com
mission was appointed with Senator
Galllngcr ns Its chairman the New
Hampshire senator bus been In charge.
But Frye Is chairman of the committee
on commerce , which reported the bill ,
so when several Important amend
ments were to the bill on the Bug-
uestion of Galllnger Fryc rather se
verely said "I should like to know
what consideration , by what commit
tee or commission , him been given to
the amendments which the senator baa
offered today. "
Of course those amendments had not
been before any committee , and ( inllln-
gcr , after n moment's hesitation , said
that he did not think It necessary to
take the amendments to n committee.
At the same time It was pretty thor
oughly understood In the senate Uiat
Senator Fryc proposed to be consulted
bout ship subsidy methods.
Senator Stone's Tea Bill.
Ever since Senator Stone of Missouri
has been In the senate he has endeav
ored t J secure the passage of a bill to
prevent the Importation of Impure tea.
Ho had a favorable report on the bill
In the last congress , but It did not pass.
This year he began curly. lie Intro
duced his bill the first week of the
session and reported It from commit
tee Dec. 13 last. It Is now at the head
of the calendar , but every time It comes
np some senator Bays , "Let It go over , "
anil so It never gets consideration. "It
has been passed over four times now. "
Haid Senator .Stone the lust tl.Mc It came
up , "nnd there Is not any reason that I
know of why It should not be consid
ered. " But no one gave nny reason for
putting It over.
Would Extend Civil Service.
Democrats generally are not fond of
the civil service law , but Representa
tive Moon of Tennessee would have nu
extension of the examinations. SpeakIng -
Ing one day of what ho termed the dis
regard of President Koosovolt for the
constitution , ho said : "I have Just ono
rcmperntuie for Twenty-four Hour * .
Forecnot for Nebraska.
Condition of ( he wealliur ah record
ed for ( ho 121 Mourn ending at H a in.
today :
Maximum 34
Minimum : i
Avoiago 18
llaroitit'lor 29.H2
Chicago , Fob , K , The bulletin In-
sued by the Chicago Htullon of the
United Stales weather bureau thin
morning gives the forecast for Ne
braska as follows'
Snow and colder tonight with cold
wnvo north pot lion , Friday fair
fnull to llnilvlili the civil Hi'rvlce rogu
lallotiH. They do not go far enough.
They ought to go higher and make n
man who IH a candidate for president
stand an examination on ( lie constitu
tion. " AHTIIUH W. DUNN.
Chronicle Sees In It a Movement to
Capture Party Machinery Cham
berlain Makes Old for Support of
the New Labor Party ,
London , Feb. 8. A. J Balfour lift *
finally acceded to .losoph Chamber
lain's wish that a call be made for
general meeting of the unionist party ,
which It IB expected will bo llxod for
Fob. 15 In the muanllinu Chamber
lain hits IbHiied an liiiKirtanl | mani
festo , which , whilst accentuating rath
er than lobhcnlng thu party tension ,
still leaves Hnlfour n bridge over
which to croHs Into the tariff reform
camp Otheiwlse , beyond exactly de
fining Chamberlain's position , the let
ter leaven mailers rnmh as they were
before1 The Chambcrlalnlte newspa
per oigiuiH apparently assume that
Balfour will cross the bridge , for they
head Chamberlain's letter , "The Crisis
Ended. " "A United Party , " etc. . and
editorialize In the same strain The
suggestion , hnwcvor , Is made by the
Chronicle that Chamberlain has aban
doned the frontal attack on Halfour
In favor of an enveloping movement
In an attempt to cHJtuve tW patty
That Chamberlain has no Idea of
abandoning tariff agitation IB shown
by his declaration of nn Intention to
form his own parliamentary group ,
He also , In his letter , suggests that
questions of social reform now arising
will require largo revenue's , the rais
ing of which may bo Indirectly con
nected with the tariff policy This Is
regarded as a bid for the support of
the new labor party.
French President Dependent on Elect
ors and British King on Jews.
SI. Pelcrsburg , Feb. 8. A delega
tion of citizens of Ekatorlnosdar , Cau
casia , sent to St. Petersburg to ob
tain the emperor's personal assurance
that the land question would not bo
cttled by the present government ,
but by the national assembly , was re
ceived by Premier Wltte , who pointed
out that the agrarian problem could
not bo solved by a division of the
state land alone , amounting only to
1(5,000,000 ( acres , much of which is for
est land The peasants must be pre
pared to buy private lands on the
easy installment plan as provided by
the Imperial ukase of November last.
The spokesman of the delegation re
plied that the peasants did not wish
to buy land , but were determined to
receive It as a gift from the govern
At the close of an Informal discus
sion the premier thanked heaven that
the conditions In Russia were differ
nt from those prevailing In other
countries. Ho said , according to the
published report , that a French presi
dent was dependent on the electors
and an English king on Jewish bank
ers , but the Russian emperor was In
dependent. The consummation do
slPcd by the revolutionists that the
country bo ruled by Poles , Armenians
nnd Jews would not be realized
Still Reading Garfield Report.
Chicago , Feb. 8. The reading of
the report on the beef Industry mad < *
by Commissioner Garfleld occupied
the cntlic day In the trial of thu pack
ers' case and when court adjourned
for the day a large part ot tfee report
remained lo be read.
Three Children Cremated.
Helena , Mont. . Fob 7. Three chil
dren of J. B Cypher , girls , aged one ,
three and five years , were burned to
death in their homo. The parents
left the children alono. When they
returned the lionso was In ruins ,
Outlook In China Serious.
Hong Kong , Fob 7. J. C. Hoare.
bishop of Victoria , Hong Kong , in an
interview on the situation In China ,
expressed the view that the outlook
was more serious In the south at any
rate than before th Boxer rialas ,