The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, February 02, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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"Hoss" Owner From "Shadron" With
.1 Dottle Plctuic of the Coniluctor'o
Wife In Low Neck nnd Pink Stock
ings "Pa" Flirts With Cigar Girl.
Editor No - l' war. nfrmlo IIH !
I iiH ) Wild ' I M'll'O , " hO HhlppOd
. M of 'em to c > IHI. Ito only hnd n
. . irlodu nn' n Inn l-.ul n nnyhor put In
li.ii a.loilo mnkln' two lodes Then n
i in tlint shipped a loilo of onttk
v.miod pa to look after tlu'in , nn' a
t.-u bj-er lodud up jcnr of hogs thai
Mine day. no I axed p If I cudn't go
iixiig , but pa sod I'd got In a'rock.
\i i epoU up and so"YoK pa , ttiko
inhnny along with you thin tlino , ho'z
iner bin to Om.\hu. " 'Pa didn't well
; ( t out of It. bavin' too pnBBOi , BO 1
mil to go , but 1 soon pa wasn't nnU-
tlnift to have mo along.
"Hossman" From "Shadron. "
The way-par wo wont on wnz fuH'r'n
n bos of elgnrR. Thnro waz u man
fioin Slmdron with too lode of bosses
' ' to talkln' . Tho'
on. an' him an' pa gel
man sod ho onod a thousand hod of
line IIOHKOH on his ranch near Shadron.
Pu told him he onod neerly lee thou
sand lied of the faltost hogs In No-
lirasUa an' had three car-lodes on the
trano. The mini from Shadron sod he
ouod a hole town-ship of line grazing
bind for his bosses lo run over.
Pa's Stories Grew.
Pa sed ho onod twonty-llvo hunderd
acorn of the Uncut farm land In Mndl-
son county an' a town-ship of butlful
pa tur land in Antelope county. A
man with a loilo of hogs from Nellgh
thai had bin asleep woke up onuf lo
nay ho'd llko to no whnro In boll H
wast. 1'u sed ho hadn't clamed euy
property In Iho lower rogun. Ho wa/ .
speakln' of Antelope county. That
the from No-
M-enied to aallsfy man
llgli , for bo well I to sleep anon. The
man from Shadron tuck a Hut modl-dn
boltel out of his pocket and asl pa
it" ho wudn't toke sumthlng on him.
Conductor's Wife's Picture.
Pa squinted ever nt me , but I wa/
loitkln' up at' the conductor's wife's
plcklure ho bad lacked on the wall
ever bis desk , ( she wax an awful prlt-
ty woman with rod cheeks an1 goldy
hnro an' a low-necked dress an' pink
stockings ) nn' pa thoU I didn't see him
so ho told Iho man bo boloevod bo wild
tuko a lllllo sumlhlng. 1 cudn't see
him hill t herd his Adam's appol g
gor-olue.k three times , llko It dux who
bo's drlnkln' coffee , so I need ho'd till
on three big swallors. Whllo ho wn
takln' It the man from Slmdron so
bo onod the finest hotel In Shndroi
nn' It paid him a hundord dollars
intuit b cloor.
Owned the Oxnnrd.
I'a handed hack the medlsln hottol
an' sed ho had a haf Interest In the
Oxnard hotel an' that ho onod a hotel
an' livery burn at O'nool Hint paid
him ono-llfty a itiimlh eleor. The mnn
trout Shailron opened his sachol an'
ast pa If ho wtidn'l'lry a lootle of an-
tulior brand. Pa sed his hey wax
netting sleepy an' he wild put him to
bed furst , so ho found mo a place
about too feet wide between n big
lat traveling man an' a man with a
lode of hogs that sol on at Untile-
crick , an' he told me to lay down
thare an' get a wood sloop.
How Johnny Slept.
1 bunched up an' portended to go
to sleep. The man with the hogs had
taken oil' bis shoos an * I lay awake a
long tlino tryln' to think wlinre I had
swelled a smell llko that afore. Pa
\\ont to got a drlnU of water an' when
bo on in buck he ihot 1 wax asleep an'
ho trille the other brand the man from
Shadron had In hlx suohol. lie tneU
fore swallers of the other brand , then
they went on talkln' an' prltty soon 1
weal to sleep. I waked with n hump
nn' herd the brahomnn say "Fremont
all out ! "
Pa Was Dreaming.
The bump must have cum when p :
was dreomlif about the cow klokln
him , for bo hollered out , "hot the oh
rip go If she don't want to bo milked. '
Everybody laft an' the brakcmai
shook pa an' sed "Wake up old man
this Is Fremont. " Pa sod ho dldn'
euro If It wnz Shecago , he wivzu't goln
to wako up till ho got redy. Hut lit
opened hlz eyes entif to see mo , an
then bo remembered , an' wax wide
uwuho In n mlnnlt , an' he got up nn
sed "wake up .Johnny an' get on yon
cote , tlils Is Omyha. " I told bin
'twnsn't outlier , It \ \ aFremont. . Thot
bo sed ho must have been sleopin' .
The Commission Man.
Wo got to South Omyha just afto
daylito an' went up to n restoraiit fo
brokfast. Pa looked sleepy an' set
the niniatlsm bad gon' to the back o
hibed. . Ho didn't want much brok
fast an' while I wax llnishln' mine h
went out to got sum medlsln for hi
bed. He seemed to fool better whet
bo cum back an' wo went down to th
stock-yards. Pa found hlz bogs an
biz commlshnn man , an' the mat
seemed tickled to doth to oo pa , ai
told htm ho wax a nice ninnto.dpjh
ness with an' hnd the fattest U0finji
been this your. Pa sed he llkod t
sbl ) ) to a commlshiin man that 1100
his hlzncss so well. A- hog byor cm
along an' offered live an' a quarter
The commlshun mnn sod ho'd haf t
liavo thnrty. The byer sed lip ctidn'
see him an' bo started on. The con
mlsbun jnan sed he'd split the dlf. ai
the byor saw him an' tuck pa's hog
at flvo twenty-seven an * a baf. Th
i man made tuolvo dollars
lu IOHM'II live mllinltn. I'm Koln' to' '
a eommldhun mnn when I get big-
Dnrky Owns Hotel.
When pa not neil led up wo wont up
i Omyha on the tieol-rnr , an' wont
dlnnor. Pa glv
) a nwoll hotel for
10 darky thai onod the hotel an' wat-
d on our label a quart or an' ho sod
Cum anon IIOSHVo ! went out Into
hat they call the loppyvmro ) tlm
ilkH lei | around after dinner , nn' pa
eon a prllly woman soiling cigars mi
o wonl to bye ono. She nays , "will
on Hhako ? " an' pa HOH , "Sun1 ! " They
hook an' pa lost and had lo pay twon-
y RODIN for a ton neuter , lie pndo Iho
vomiiu a Ion dollar bill an' nod ho wax
t wellhy rnnchor from the west.
Looking for Jnys.
She HOI ! Khe llkod to null to Kood
iiokltiK nion with money , an' pa told
tor Hho wax an attract I v bird for a
. ! . . . . . n.ntn * * fill aim UMK "Tllflt'l * 1llHt
. mo here for , to attract
ho JayH. Pn hop on talklu' to her an'
wuz nfrndo he wild forglt his trnno ,
HO I reminded him of It an' ho wont
mok to HOO HIP clerk. Whllo ho wax
uotio the cigar girl mv to mo , ' I/ thai
voiir dad ? " 1 HO"Yes , that's pa. "
She BOB , "Hnx your ma no bo'/ out ? "
I RIM ! 1 Hint she did. "Woll. " she sox ,
You loll your ma If my husband wax
IH oxy n mark as horn I'd ty a hell or
ilin. " 1 sex , "Ilo you a married wo-
" ' "Well 1 sliud hope
nan , nn' she sod ,
o goss ! " 1 told pa nflor we wax out
that she wax married , nn' pa sod ho
reckoned ho now a married , woman
when he soon hor.
Jobnny'n New Rifle.
I asl pi : If ho didn't want sum more
mndlsln for his bed , an' pa sox , "soo
bore , ( .on , If you'll promls not to tel )
your inn anything about this I rip , I'll
liyo you a nice present. I sod I'd
hoop still If ho'd bye mo a twonty-too
illlo. Pa stopped at a gnn-storo an'
hot mo a dandy rlllo , nn' 1'vo never
M' < 1 a word to inn about the medlsln
pa tuck ( Jr the cigar woman , but I tbol
I'd write my experience for the paper
so mini other buys wild no how to gel
lharo pas lo lut > them a rlllo.
Yours ,
.lohuny Dumper.
Flndltui $50 In Dills on Norfolk Av
enue Last Saturday , John Werner
Overcame Temptation to Keep it
and Drought It to T. M. Hull Today.
John Werner , a Commit farmer who
lives near llosklus , thirteen miles fiom
'orfolk , Is an honest man.
hast Saturday Mr. Werner was in
Norfolk. Walking along Norfolk uv-
line , near Fifth street , his eye was
nddonly pinned to a llttlo green roll
f currency that lay doubled up near
ho sidewalk. Picking up the roll ,
Ir. Werner found that ho bad In bis
anils $50two $ 0 bills and two ? 5
tills. Today ho returned that money
o the man who lost It. T. M. Hull of
bia city.
Overcame His Temptations.
The story of the temptation to keep
be money that lie bad found , as told
n a straight , clour , honest way by Mr.
Werner today , could but command ad
"WJien 1 found the money , " ho said ,
'tlmro was a strong temptation to
loop It. 1 luivo Just recently lost some
logs by cholera and for a time I
bought maybe this money had been
sent to me to mnko up for my bad
lick. 1 am a poor man , and $50 In
ash picked up from the street looked
t\\ fully good.
Mill 1 tool ; tne money Homo and
old my wile about It and then I went
nlo prayer ever the matter and made
ip my mind to Hnd the owner. And
; o today 1 drove Into Norfolk , thlr-
eon miles , to bunt out the man who
mil lost the bills. 1 wanted it to go
: o the right ono. 1 Know how I would
fool If 1 lost the money.
First Looked at News Want Ads.
"And when I came to town , the
llrst thing 1 did was to bunt up The
N'ews nnd go through the want col
umns. And 1 found the ad. that said
money had boon lost. Then I came
10 the olllce hero to llml who that man
was , and a llttlo later 1 located him. "
Mr. Hull gave Werner a reward of
$5 for the llml. Mr. Werner also took
11 receipt In order to show that ho had
delivered the money ever to Its right
ful owner.
"And now 1 fool , belter , " said the
man from Hosklns , after the matter
was closed. "It weighed on my mind
so much Hint I couldn't wait until to
morrow even , so I hitched up and
drove In today. And 1 shall mnko the
drive of thirteen tulles back homo this
afternoon with a clear conscience.
The Ad. That Did It ,
Fallowing is the want ad. that re
stored the $50 to Mr. Hull :
"LOST. A sum.of . money. Finder
will bo liberally rewarded. For fur
ther Information Inquire of Dally
News. "
The ad. ran three days.
Dlrthday Party at Buetow's.
Many friends nnd neighbors of Mrs
H. Unetow surprised her Friday even
Ing on the occasion of her birthday
An enjoyable time was hnd , refresh
meats being served during the oven
At the Home of Mr. nnd Mrs. A. J.
Durland Last Evening the Dlrthdays
of Robert Duma and Mm. McMillan
Were Jointly Celebrated.
The moml'oiH of the Drowning e.luli
n most delightful banquet Thurs
day ovonlim at the homo of Mrs. A. .1.
Durland In honor of the seventieth an-
nlvemnry of Mr * M. A. McMillan. II
WIIH also the annlvcrmiry of the hlrlh <
day of Iloheit Hums and much of thu
quaint humor and "brimey" frlcifdshli :
f ( he Scotch pool marked the talk anil
Inughlor of the evening Tor Mrs. Mc
Millan II 'hnd a special Rlgnlllrnnco
lu being the llrst formal gathering
that had ever honored her birthday.
In the restrained eulogies of the toasts
and the many kind remembrances
from out-of-town members and friends
of Mrs. " McMillan and I bo club thoto
was a happv feeling of friendship that
told perfectly anil without embarrass
ment their goodwill ami appreciation
of I he honoied member.
Sovernl unexpected changes were
niado In Iho toasts list but their unex
pectedness only heightened Iho pleas
tire of the evening. In Iho absence of
H. A. Stewart the place of toastmaslor
fell to M. D Tyler and Hurt Mnpcs
responded to Mr. Tytor's toast most
The banquet board was spread In
I he shape of a letter T. The color
scheme was green and while and
everywhere were great masses of
( lowers , many of them remembrances
from friends of Mrs. McMillan In
town and from Omaha nnd Slonx City ,
In responding to her toast of "Fel
lowshlp of Kindred Minds. " Mrs. A. J
Ourhind read n number of regrets nut
letters from previous members of the
club , who have belonged to the circle
at some lime during the past clover
\oars. Among those letters was ono
from D. C. O'Connor detailing his 1m
piesslons of Panama vividly
The ( oasis of the evening wore :
Toast master M. IX Tylor.
Itlrth .1. UMaylard. .
Heredity Allllrnmtlvo , Oavld Roes
Heredity Negative , Hurt Mapos.
Friendship Mrs. 11. ,1. Colo.
The Poetry o'f Life Ilov. W. J. Tin
ner.Tho Prose of Mfo Mrs. Hurt Mnpcs ,
The Fellowship of Kindred Minds
\ 1 tin \ 1 l"\lll'ltlttt
The Conclusion ttov. J. .1. Parker.
"Me and Hobby" Mrs. M. A. Mc
Thirty covers were laid and nt each
lilato was placed a hand-painted card ,
the work and gift of Mrs. P. T. Uurch-
itrd of Omaha.
Clever Report of the Banquet by One
Who Sat at the Splendid Board.
A session of the Drowning club of
Norfolk was hold last evening at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. A. .1. Diirlnml
and H banquet provided by the club
was given In honor of Mrs. Martha A.
McMillan , this being her seventieth
H. A. Stewart , who was detailed as
toast master , was unable to be present
ind the chair was most admirably
tilled by M. D. Tyler , who , by the way ,
Is becoming a past master in the art
and can be highly recommended as
prollcient In this specialty for such an
The subject of the evening was
"Mfo , " and the various toasts touched
uiion this subject more or less in Its
many phases. J. D. Mnylurd took up
the subject of "Mirth , " Mr. David Hees
took ill ) the nlllrnmtivo of the subject
Heredity , " treating the matter large
ly from a scientific standpoint , and
was ably answered by Hurt Mnpes ,
who took the negative side of the
question , treating it largely from the
standpoint of environment. This
closed the subject with the exception
of a' llttlo private discussion bold In
the ball between Mr. Mnpes and Mr.
Hees. in which more or less emphatic
remarks woie indulged in.
Mrs. H. J. Cole in a very sweet and
admirable manner spoke on the sub
ject of "Friendship. " The Hovcrend
W. J. Turner , poet and scholar , took
up the subject of "Tho Poetry of Life , "
and ably sustained his position as to
Sardelo , ono of the most ambiguous
poems that Drowning has written
This was followed by Mrs. Durt Mapes
speaking on "Tho Prose of Life" in a
very entertaining nnd witty manner.
"Tho Fellowship of Kindred Minds"
was then taken up by Mrs. A. J. Dur-
land , which consisted of lellers from
absent members of the club , among
which wore very Interesting letters
from D. C. O'Connor , R. A. Stewart.
Mrs. T. F. Memminger , A. J. Durland ,
Mr. and Mrs. Hlrchnrd and Mrs. Lily
Parker Scott and Mrs. T. J. Morrow.
Also quotations from all members of
the club , touching upon the subject of
life and the character of the guest of
the evening , nil of which were admir
ably chosen , expressing a variety of
sentiment that was both touching and
"The Conclusion" was taken up by
the Hoverond J. J. Parker , In his char
acteristically scholarly and forcible
way nnd the subject of "Mo and Dob-
by" was responded to by Mrs. M. A.
McMillan , the guest of the evening In
a manner that will not soon bo for
It was an enjoyable , entertaining
nnd instructive evening , ono of the
bright spots which appeal with partlc-
nr luster , and only conies occasional
U This date being also the annlvor-
ui\ of Hobby Hums , more or loss
iiionMoti was made of this disting
uished pool In dlffotont parts of the
The lloral tributes which were very
bountiful were received from Chniles
Harding and family of Omaha , Mrs.
Kwlng of Sioux City , Mrs. ( Jeorgo Hut-
terllold , Mrs. Mary MnthowRon of Nor
folk , and Mrs. Mommlngor of Tlsho-
mlngo. Indian Territory. The \\atci
colnr place cards were painted and
sent by Mrs. Hlrchard of Omaha.
The banquet was a pronounced mic-
0014 as the Hrownlng club contains
HOIIIO of the best cooks In Norfolk and
ill Iho guoHlH departed wllh a " ( lood
Night" and \\lsh of many happy re
inum ol the day to the guest \\lin In
her own \uuda paid. "She felt sovontv
vo'ii-H .vomits. " HilH being her llrm
birthday parly.
rcature From Central America Came
to Norfolk With Bnnnnns.
A Central American snake la run-
Ing loose In the basement of the
torohoiiRO of Haley * Lang on Nr.r-
ilk nVonuo. It was found , presuma-
ly dead , In a bunch of bananas that
ami' last week from British llnndii
as. II \\ns only numbed by the coll.
lowover , ami once Inside the store-
louse came back to life nnd Is now
unking Us home In Ihc collar much
0 the confusion of the nits and mice.
In lopacking a bundle of bananas
lie men came across the snake , which
VIIH alioul four feet long and had a
) oaullful yellow sklu striped In a deep
rimson with faint greenish spots
ilong IIH back. They shook it out of
bo bundle and loft It lying on the
leer while they finished up their work.
\ little later , when they went back to
; el the snake , It was not to bo found
nit In a few moments ( boy saw half
if Us body just as it was slipping
lown the stairs Into the basement
Manager Fred Haley , who has scon
* i'veral of those snakes before in
ruilt brought from Central America ,
ilecl'ires that they are house pots down
1 bore ami are kept the same as a P.I'
lo drive out the mice and rats and
bugs. As ho has had some trounlo
from rats and mice recently bo hope.
that the snake can stand the cold
weather yet to come nnd tuko up its
permanent homo In the cellar. Thr
snake is absolutely Imnnloss. Thei"
has been a noticeable shyness on tbr
part of both mice mid rats this wool ,
and Mr. Haley believes that the snake
Is already getting in its work
The First That Ida Irish Knew of Her
Father's Death at Nellgh Was When
Her Letter to Him Came Back , "De
ceased" Stamped in the Corner.
Ida Irlsb-Macomber , the Insane wo
man from Tlldcn who attracted such
wide attention last spring by advertis
ing for husbands and receiving so
many proposals for marriage , is now
In the Norfolk insane hospital , having
been moved hero from Lincoln since
the cottages were opened.
Just the day before the old man died
at Nellgh. Miss Irish wrote a letter to
him at that place. The letter was en
closed In an envelope with the return
card of the Norfolk Insane hospital In
the corner. It went to Nellgh on the
night of her father's death and when
it reached that place his eyes had
closed to this world's objects and bo
never knew what the epistle said.
The next morning the letter , un
opened and bearing across the cornet
In a cold , rubber-stamp line the word
"Deceased , " came back to toll Idn
Irish that her father was dead. Thlf
was the llrst news she had had that
bo was c\en ill and all of his last suffering
foring was unknown to his daughter
Since then she has been hysterical am !
weeps much of her time. Her mothci
died years ago , shortly after the I rag
le death of her lover , Dr. Macomber
who was found dead in bed not loiif
before the time of her wedding dnj
and on account of which she has evei
since claimed the numo of Mncomber
Though she receives many letters
here , it is said that Ida Irish Is not
now advertising for husbands.
D. C. O'Connor , J. W. Tannehlll and
Dr. Walters All at Ancon.
A letter from J. W. Tannehlll at
Ancon , Panama , brings the Informa
tion that D. C. O'Connor and Mr. Tan-
nohill have clubbed In with the post
master of Ancon nnd arc running their
own table. Mr. Tannehlll Is living
with the postmaster in the postolllco
building. Their living rooms nro fitted
up by the government and are directly
off of the offices. Ancon Is also the
home of Dr. Walters , whoso wife
sailed to Panama on the same steamer
with Mr. Tannehill.
Ancon is a delightful little city , sit
uated about three-quarters of a mile
from Panama nnd on a high hill. It
is very healthful and always receives
the cool broo7.cs of the ocean. The
government buildings on the Pacific
side of the Isthmus are situated most
ly In Ancon , which is also the homo
of the government officials thoro.
Dancing Billiards and Cards Afforded
Pleasure For Nearly 200 Guests at
the Club Rooms Last Night Re
freshments Served in Dulfet Style.
The llfth annual ball of Norfjll.
lodge , No. ti."ii : , Denevolont ami Prot-c-
live Order of Slks , wan a complete sue
rest. Ill ( ho club rooms last night Ti'.e
party was attended by fully 200 people
ple , Including many from out of town ,
, ind both the curd room , the billiard
mom and the ball room were constant
ly the scenes of pleasure among the
The lodge room was equipped tur
. . . . . . ! XA. > I. > . . ln fAnmitiloil Mm
eng ball until late in the ovoninr
Alien the little tables wore convened
nto hoards for the luncheon that . 'n *
soruid In buffet style , consisting of
offpe , sandwiches , pickles and othei
lollcnclPH. The dancing look place In
ho large hall over the club and cont.'i
led until after mldnlghl.
Delirious punch was served to llu
Jancurs during the evening In the hui
room. The llonr was Ideally smoot !
and It was declared that no prottlei
Hirty had been given by the club thai
Among those present from out < >
town wore : Mr. and Mrs. P. 10. Me
Klllup , Humphrey ; William Hastings
Humphrey ; Count and Mrs. M. C. voi
Ilhadeii , Crolghtou ; Mr. and Mrs. Join
Harms , LJonesteol ; Mr. and Mrs. C. A
Riinditll , Newman drove ; Mr. and Mrs
W. 10. llnrvcy , Newman Grove ; Sen
ator F. J. Hnlo and daughters , Dnttlo
Crook ; Mr. and Mrs. Drown , Slou.
City ; F. .1. ishnor , O'Neill ; T. 11
Itrice , Chicago ; Mr. Day , Omaha ; Mi
! lorry , Wayne.
Miss Fay Wldaman Is here to spent
John Marshall of Foslor was in th
< -iiy Ibis morning.
H. K. Williams returned from DatU
' 'reek this morning. .
fleorgo F. Cain of Albion was i
Norfolk Friday night.
Frank E. Smith of Wakeflold Is i
the city on business.
II. T. Peterson of Laurel steppe
river night in Norfolk.
Air. nnd Mrs. Mrnno Hanson rotnrnc
Irom Tilden last night.
Frederick Herry came down froi
lOmorsun Friday evening.
C. A. Wolfe went to Omaha Sntu
day noon to spend Sunday.
10. F. Miller wont to Slon\ City Sat
urday morning on business.
Mrs. C. 10. Durnhum went to Mead-
) w Grove to visit over night.
lOd Kntpplo of Milwaukee Is visiting
friends In Norfolk ever Sunday.
George N. Deels went to Pierce
county today on the noon train.
Miss Harriet Alberry has gone to
Omaha to visit with her sister.
S. G. Dean lelt this morning for
fialesburg , 111. , to visit his father.
J. C. Lai kin returned this moruinr
11 om a trip up the Honesteol lino.
Mr. and Mrs. George Davenport
were hero to attend the Elks ball.
Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Reynolds w r.t
to Omaha yesterday returning last
J. 10. Douglas came up from Madison
Friday evening to attend to business
Mrs. L. M. Hay of Oukdalo came
down Saturday morning to do some
Hobort Peyton of Creighton was bete
to attend nho Elks ball. Ho loft thU
morning for Slonx City.
W. White has accepted a position
as assistant clerk at the aCtaract
house , Colorado Springs , Colo.
Ira Hull will return to morrow to
bis work at Lyons after a pleasant
visit with his parents and friends bore
A. Million in company with his fain
ily loft Saturday for Dixon. S. D.
where bo has bought n Gregory count )
W. F. Tannehlll visited with G. W
lOvans ever night while on his way ti
Plainview where he will spend several
days visiting with friends and rolu
Mrs. M. E. Parker has just returned
from Stanton where she has boon pros
olytlng with a deal of success feu
Work's Ladles' Tailoring and Dress
making school.
J. W. Cooper of Minneapolis , whr
has been In Norfolk In connection wttl
the commit users' convontlnn enos tr
Wayne to spend Sunday with his wife' ;
relatives , Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Arm
Jacob Dernhardl of Hadar was Ii
Norfolk Salurday.
M. F. Norton of Fairfax was In tin
city Saturday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Alborl Kenney canv
up from Stnnton Saturday.
Den E. Dlerer came down from Oak
dale Saturday on business.
Ed Wagner and Frank Moldonlmuc
went to Pierce Saturday on business
W. A. Peoples of Donostcel stoppei
ever between trains Saturday morn
Mr. Fitzgerald of Omaha Is in thi
city. Ho came up to attend the Elk
Miss Edna Durland of Plalnviow re
nialned over for the Elk party am
went to Lincoln Saturday.
Counl and Mrs. M. C. von Rhadon o
Crolgbton , who came down to take Ii
the Elks party , were guests at tin
homo of Mr and Mrs. Otlo Tnppert
Mr. and Mrs. John Harms of Bone
steel , who were In Iho city last night -
U , attend the Elks ball , are guests Dt
Mr. and Mrs. Hrtino Hanson. Mr. Han-
son Is one of the largest merchants In
the northwest.
Miss Richardson , daughter of .Mr.
and Mrs. A. D. Richardson of Hitlllo
Creek , and a teacher In the Oakdalo
schools , who was recently operated on
fii.St. Joseph's hospital , Omaha , will
be taken homo unlay.
The Odd Fellows who attended the
big mooting at Ciolghton , have re
turned. They wore Rov. .1. F. Poacher ,
John Pcrvlancc , C. 13. Doughty and
W. H. Clark. They report a splendid
lime and n inugnlllcunl spread after
Iho mooting.
A coinini rclal tinvolor named Bar-
low Ip voiy seriously 111 ill the Pacific
holer with erjslpelus. It Is loured
that IIH cannot recover us ho Buffers
from bond to foot.
Yesterday was ; to all Inta.nts and
purposes , u snmmor day In Norfolk.
The thermnniotor registered 02 111 the
imde oaring tno nriornoon auu winter
lothlng was decidedly uticointortaiiiy
The little daughter of Engineer
, lght Luu'llc nt South Norfolk was
milly scalded yesterday by accidental-
y pulling n teakeltle full of hot water
) vcr upon her. Ono whole side of her
'nee was scalded severely.
Miss Josephine Hiittorllold wrliofto
lor mother. Mrs. W. IF. Dullerlleld.
'rom Wellesley thai last Sunday hi
lloston the people went about with
iiimmor wraps and were uncoiufort-
ihly warm. People drove for miles
without great coats and Uio weather
was. withal , like the good old iiimmor
A mooting of the North Nebraska
Short Shipment race circuit will beheld
hold In the Oxnard hotel at Norfolk nt
! o'clock u. m. on Wednesday , Febru
ary. 7. for the purpose of electing of
ficers , arranging dates and purse ) for
the ensuing year and for the transac
tion of such other business as may
piopcrly come before the mooting
Dr. F. G. Suiter , formerly of Norfolk
and now of Dallas , S. D. , helped ox-
bunio the remains of Peter Kadcu. the
HoMilns farmer found dead in : \ well
on the Rosebud and for which Icaas
Syfe has been arrested for first d < gioo
murder. The Honesteol Pilot s.iys-
Dr. I. S. Hooker drove to the ppter
Katlen homestead Tuesday lo oxiiume
U'O body of Iho dead man and ninke a
thoiough examination of the s-ama.
Dr Hooker was assisted in the r\-am-
inulion by Dr. Sailor of Dallas. ! > oth
doolors agree lhal there is 116 o/ldtuco
of ilrowning , there being no wnler in
'he ' lungs. The doctors nttnhuto
. ' ath to exposure.
Hurrying at Ainsworth to Catch Train
No 116 , Mr. Butler Gave His Mileage
to the Conductor and Was Found to
be Dead at Long Pine.
Long Pine. Nob. , Jan. 20. Special
lo The News : Lev ! Duller , traveling
salesman for a suspender bouse of
Kearney , Neb. , died of heart failure
on freight No. 110 between Ainsworth
and Long Pine. Mr. Duller bad to run
to catch the train in Ainsworth and
probably had heart trouble. The con-
dnctor took bis mileage after the train
loft town and nothing was noticed
wrong with him , until coming into the
j.ards at I eng Pine the brakcman no
ticed that be looked strange and speak
ing to the conductor about It , they dis
covered ho was dead/ The body was
taken to the undertaking rooms to
await instructions.
Battle Creek.
Frank Mashinan was hero Wednes
day from Meadow Grove.
Henry Hahre of Elgin is visiting
here this week with relatives.
August Kaio was here from Norfolk
Wednesday on business.
J. W. Hisk has rented Mrs. Whltla's
farm east of town. The place will bo
vacated by G. G. Salmon , who will
move onto the Llntccum place near
the Elkhorn river.
D. H. Duffy of Stnnton county has
traded his ball' section farm flvo miles
east of the new town of Enola for Fred
Schereger's Implement business hero.
The trade was made through the agen
cy of F. G. Corycll of Norfolk.
Henry Eden sold his farm east of
O'Neill nnd has bought James McKlb-
boil's place in Valley precinct.
Mrs. O. H. Mans was visiting at
Norfolk Thursday.
Rudolph Kerbol of Deemer was hero
the middle of the week visiting rel
Wm. Meissnor , the oldest of Mr. and
Mrs. norm Molssner , who live near
the Yellow Danks , was completely sur
prised Sunday night. The occasion
was his thirtieth birthday. The num.
her thirty is quite a figure with the
Germans , when they roach that age.
They have some beautiful hymns to
Illustrate the age of thirty.
Popular Jack , Former Baseball Star ,
May Locate at Bonesteel.
"Jack" Davoy , for two years Iho
mosl popular member of Iho Norfolk
league baseball team but now a doc
tor of medicine , passed through the
city this morning enrouto lo Donestool , /
where ho went to look ever Iho field V
with a view of locating to pracllco bis