The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, February 02, 1906, Image 1

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Fire Broke Out Last Night In the Car
go of the United States Transport
Meade and the Firemen Have Not
Yet Checked the Flames.
San Francisco , Feb. 1. Flro broke
out last night In the cargo of the Unit
ed States transport Meade and at an
early hour this morning had not been
There ia great dlfllcul' 'u locating
the seat of trouble , In , 'v of the
TOHSOl , ' < * /
Third Officer Wallace has 4/
phyxlatod and two engineers au
missing and are supposed to be H
the hold , ( load.
Perkins Makes First Speech In Oppo
sition to the Measure.
Washington , Feb. 1. Discussion of
( ho railroad rate bill continued In the
house. Incident to It two speeches ,
the efforts of Campbell ( Kan. ) and
Martin ( S. D. ) took a wider range
and swept the horizon of "trust evils"
generally. Bartlett ( Ga. ) , a minority
member of the committee reporting
tbo bill , made a two hours' speech ,
to which he discussed the legal and
constitutional questions Involved and
advocated the passage of the bill as
a proper remedy for on Intolerable
condition. The first speech In oppo
sition to the bill was made by Perkins
( N. T.He baaed his opposition to
government control of rates on an In-
asrent aversion to government control
of business enterprise. Red tape and
flbted conditions , be said , were an in
separable part of government action
on any matter. A bill was passed
granting a federal charter to the Car
negie foundation for tbe advancement
of teaching. The fund consists of
$10,000,000 , the Income of which Is
to furnish a pension to retired edu
Patterson Endorses President's Policy
Washington , Feb. 1. In the senate
Patterson strongly endorsed the posi
tion of the president In Santo Domin
go and in the matter of the Moroccan
conference. He said that ho was sorry
ry to differ from his Democratic col
leagues , but that he felt it his duty
to do so In these matters. He also
expressed absolute confidence in the
patriotism of the president and in his
good faith in announcing his deter
mination not again to bo a candidate
for the presidency. The remainder of
the session was devoted to a debate
on the shipping bill.
To Preserve Niagara Falls.
Washington , Feb. l. Another step
looking to congressional action to pre
serve Niagara Falls was taken in the
filing of the report of Chairman Dur
ton of the house committee on rivers
and harbors on a resolution calling for
information from the international
committee on that subject. The re
port says that tbe American members
ef this commission are to be directed
to exert all possible efforts , in conJunction -
Junction with the members of the com
mission rcpiescnting Canada , for the
preservation of the falls in their nat
il condition.
Policeman Fined for Swearing.
St. Louis. Feb. L Recently the
fcoard of police commissioners Issued
an order prohibiting policemen from
swearing while on duty and Chief of
Police Klely Issued an order that po
licemen shall arrest all persons who
may bq board using profane language
on the streets. After the police
board's order was issued ono patrol
man swore and was fined $90
Blackleg Among Cattle.
Sioux Falls , S. D. , Feb. L Farmers
residing In Hutchlnson county who
are the owners of largo herds of cat
tle report that blackleg has appeared
among some of their herds Some of
tbo ( armors state they already have
lost quite a number of their animals
from this disease , and strenuous ef
forts are being made to stamp it out
before serious losses occur
The United Irish League of America
cabled $5.000 to John Redmond. M
P. , chairman of the Irish parllatnent
ary party , for the general election
The volcano on Savail , ono of the
Samoan islands , is still in eruption
Tbe lava , after flowing fourteen miles
on land , bus extended four miles Into
the ocean
William Taylor shot and Instantly
killed his wife and probably fatally
wounded himself at the homo of his
father-in-law , Morton Baker , a
Sparta , Ky. Doth are of u promfnent
The boiler of the erist mill of W. H
Harford , near Carrollton , Mo. , ex
ploded , killing Harford and Warren
Swank. The body of Swank was blown
100 yards and whea recovered , was
being torn by hogs.
Jnps Permit Americans to Look Into
Abandoned Llnotung.
Toklo , Fob. 1. A permit for Amor-
leans to vlHlt thu Llnotuug peninsula
mid Investigate tlio ooiulltlona thuro ,
whuru properties were nbandonotl i\t \
the otubreak an dourly rush of the
. .IiipancHovir , wns olllclally grunted
CUrvatlon , Sickness and Race War.
Ellzabethpol. Trans-Caucasia , Kob.
1. A race war hns again broken out
In the roglon between Elizahothpol
and Shusha. where the Armenians and
Tartars are massacring each other
These horrors are added to by the
fact that the population of the re
gion Is starving and that typhoid Is
racing. It Is Impossible to send feeder
or medical assistance.
Judge Glldersleeve Says Action la
Taken Without Prejudice to a
Future Application of Same Nature.
Statement by Attorney General.
New York , Feb. 1. A decision that
Henry H. Rogers , vlco president of
the Standard Oil company of New
{ Jersey , shall not bo compelled to on-
ewer questions which he recently re
fused to answer In the taking of testi
mony here In the case of the state of
Missouri against the Standard Oil
company of Indiana and other oil com
janles was handed down by Justice
Slldersleeve In the supreme court.
The application to compel Mr. Rogers
to answer the questions was made by
Attorney General Hadley of Missouri.
The companies interested in this case *
are the Standard Oil company of Indi
ana , the Waters-Pierce Oil company
and the Republic Oil company. The
state of Missouri seeks to oust them
: rom doing business In Missouri.
The application was denied for the
reason that in Justice Glldcrslecve'a
opinion the court of original Jurisdic
tion In Missouri should determine the
question raised by Mr Hadley. Leave
to renew his application was granted
Mr. Hadley.
In his decision Justice Glldersleeve
said : "The principal questions to
which the witness refused to answer
relate to the ownership of the stock
of the respondent corporations. Due
regard for the court of original juris
diction demands that this court should
await the decision of the supreme
court of Missouri and not at this time
consider the propilety of compelling
the witness. Rogers , to answer any
questions relating to sroclv ownership
In the respondent companies"
In denying Mr. Hartley's application ,
the court declared that this action Is
taken without prejudice.
Mlssourlan Says Rogers V ill Yet Have
to Answer Questions.
Jefferson City , Mo. , Feb. 1. Regard
Ing the decision handed down in New
York by Justice Gildersleeve in the
supreme court that Henry H. Rogers
shall not be compelled to answer
questions he recently refused to an
swer in reference to the Standard Oil
company , Attorney General Hadley
made the following statement :
"From a telegram received from
Henry Wollman of Now York , I am
advised that Judge Glldersleevc's de
cision Is to the effect that he will not
compel Mr. Rogers to answer ques
tions asked him pending the decision
by the supreme court of Missouri con
cernlng the questions certified to it
by Judge Anthony. This case was re
ferred by the supreme court of the
state of Missouri to Judge Anthony
and he has decided that similar ques
tions to these asked Mr. Rogers were
material , and Judge Gildersleeve , at
the conclusion of the arguments be
fore him , also decided that the ques
tions asked Mr. Rogers were proper
and material , and his decision Indi
cates that he is still of tbe sarno opin
ion. If the supreme court of the
state of Missouri decides that this
question has not been certified to It
by Judge Anthony , or If It decides that
the position taken by Judge Anthony
and Judge Glldersleevo in reference
to the materiality of these questions
Is correct , then , under the decision of
Judge Gildersleeve , It will be neces
sary for Mr. Rogers to answer the
questions asked him. "
Insurance Commissioners Meet.
Chicago , Fob. 1. The national con
vention of insurance commissioners ,
called under the direction of President
Roosevelt , began hero with repre
sentatives from all parts of the coun
try In attendance The first session
wag devoted to the examination of
the credentials and to the appoint
ment of committees to consider sug
gestions which have been submitted to
Temporary Chairman T. C. Drake in
surance commissioner of the District
of Columbia , and the accredited repro-
ent&Ure * f President Roosevelt.
An Effort Will be Made at the County
Seat to Learn Where the Schoolboys
Procure Tobacco Which They Bring
Into School.
Madison , Neb. , Feb. 1. Special to
flu ; NOWH : SOVIMI boyB wore' sent
lomo from the lower grades of the
iiibllc Hchoohi by I'rofesHor DoronuiH
yesterday for bringing tobacco to
school and using It during school
lours. Their fathers Iiuvo been not I-
led to appear at the Hchool houno to-
lay to give assurance of their cooperation
eration with the flchool authorities In
stopping the youngsters from the prac
Stops will nlHO bo taken to discover
f possible where the boys got tliolr
supply of the stuff and to punlHh tno
loulorslio soil It to them. There IH
i law prohibiting the sale of tobacco
o mlnoiH and these who defy It should
mvo meted out to them the maximum
Miss Kvn Horsham , who toachen the
llfth grade In the public Hchoola , was
taken Hick yesterday and Miss Nelllo
Trent IH flllliiK the place toirpoiarlly.
Young Man at Atkinson Is Put Out of
Diamond for Time.
AtkliiHon , Neb. , Feb. 1. Special to
The NOWH : Quito a Horiotm accident
happened to Mike O'Donnoll , a young
man living with his mother nine miles
east of town. While ho was driving
some cattle Into the yard the horHo
foil , and the young man struck the
ground In such manner that bin log
was broken just above thu ankle in a
very bad way. Dr. DoughiK wan called
and ( adjiiHtod the broken parts awell
as possible , and In a few days he will
bo able to toll how it may ond. Mr.
O'Donnell was an oxperl ball phyui ,
but it will bo Homo tlnio bolero ho
will bo able lo play again.
Married at Alnsworth.
Ainsworth , Nob. , Feb. I. Special to
The News : At the home of the
groom's mother , at S o'clock Tuesday
evening , Mr. F.V. . Stpson and Miss
Nelllo Warner were joined in matri
mony , Rev. Mr. .lohiihon ol the M K ,
church officiating. The happy pair
took the train yesterday morning tor
Omaha and the easl on their wedding
trip. Mr. SihKon is one of the wealth-
lest ineichants in town , and IK among
the first settlers of the town. All join
in wishing thorn much happiness.
Mortensen's Report Shows That Ne
braska Has Gained $150,000.
Lincoln , Fob. 1. The receipt H of the
state treasury for January exceed the
expenditures by $1.0,000 according to
Treasurer MortoiiHon's rcpoil.
Mickey Declares Himself Again.
Lincoln , Fob. 1. Governor Mlcko >
declared against free railroad passes
last , night. Ho said :
"I am opposed to any of my appoint
ees accepting passes. The deputy eli
inspector is now riding on a mileage
book charged to the state. "
Verdict for Mrs. Parkinson.
Lincoln. Fob 1-A jur > In Hie fed
eral court allowed Koso I'aikinson
$5.0dO. At Aurora , Neb. , In the fall of
1904. Bngineer Parkinson was burned
to death In the cab of his engine , the
train colliding with a wagon of the
Standard Oil company The verdict
is against the Standard people
Lincoln Buys Starnagle.
Sioux City. Feb 1. Catcher Georg *
Starnagle of the Sioux City Western
League team has been sold to Lin
Revolution In Colombia.
Panama , Fob 1. Private advices re
ceived here from Cartagena are to thn
effort that General Gonzales Valencia ,
former vice president of Colombia ,
and Genera ) Nelosplna have started a
revolution in the province of Antloqua
against President Reyes
Appropriation Bills Flood Legislature
Des Molnes , Feb. 1. The Iowa legis
lature was Hooded with appropriation
bills , the deluge being largely on the
house side , where bills were presented
asking money aggregating $845'J8.48.
Most of this Is for state Institutions.
Merna Fat Boy Is Dead.
Broken Dow , Neb. , Feb. 1. DOB
Stanford , the phenomenal fat boy ,
who was only twelve years old ami
weighed 240 pounds , died of pneu
monla at his home In Merna. Th8
boy was well formed and no taller
than the average youth of that ago
Undertaker Cole left here with a spe
cially constructed coffin.
Brown Wants Evidence.
Lincoln. Feb. 1. Attorney Genera !
Drown said in regard to the protest
against the flro insurance companies
alleged to bo in a trust : "If evidence
Introduced In support of this protest
warrants It. 1 will take the matter
up. " The allegations will bo sifted
as soon aa State Auditor Searle re
Indicts the Censunt.ikar ,
Atlantic. In. , Fob. i. Tito giiunl
jury lotunicd an Indictment against
C.V. . Noodles , omuuorator of the
Btato census hero , as a result of whoso
unnnioratlon litigation wns on In tbo
district supreme and federal court 1
for some time. The grand Jury chargi-a
Needles with fraud In the numeration
and makes live cases agnlnnt him ,
four on ono enumeration , and the fifth
on the enumeration of eighteen persons -
sons His bond was fixed at $2GO In
each caso.
Chapln a Former lowan.
Sioux City , Kob. 1. Midshipman
Ned L. Chapln , who hau been dlu-
mlnsed from the naval , academy at
AnnapollH for hazing , Is a former
Iowa boy and rosldod at Rock Rapids ,
being the son of U K. Chapln , former
editor of the Rock Rapids Review.
.Tho young man expected to Graduate
In Juno apd stood high In tils claaa.
Ilia home In at Pasadena , Col.
Not Required to Tel ) Whether There
It Anything in His Books to Show
the Injunction Had Been Violated.
Edward Swift on Stand.
Chicago , Feb. 1. No facts of great
Importance wcro developed at thu
hearing of the packers' case. Edward
Morris , treasurer of the Falrbank Can-
nine company ; Ira N. Afbrrlti , hlH
brother , secretary of the same cor
poration , and Edward F. Swift , vice )
president of Bwift & Co. , were the
cjnly witnesses on tbo stand. Edward
Morris was asked If there was any
thing In the books of his company
which might have convicted him of
Violation of an injunction Issued somu
time previous lo thu Gaillold investi
gation by Judge ( Jiosseup of the federal -
oral bench in this city , enjoining tbo
puckers Horn combining In restraint
of trade , but the court declared that
ho could not he reiiulied to answer the
Ira N Morris and Edward Swift de
clared that ( hey bad been assnied by
CommisHionei Uiirllcld that none of
the liiluimatlon ho received from
Ilium Vvould bo lurni'd ovei to the department - '
partmont of justice.
Amundsen Starts on Return Trip.
ICaglo City. Alaska , Fob 1. Cap
tain Itoald Amundsen , the Norwegian
e\ plot or , who discovered the noith-
wc.'st passage , will start next Snlmday
to his sloop. Hie ( Jjon , on bib return
trip to lleischel Island. He will be
accompanied as far as Foil Yukon by
rnuil cnnlcrs of the Northern Com
mercial company , and at this point ho
will be Joined by his ISqiilmaiix guides
Captain Amundsen lias a splendid out
111 of dogs and toboggans. Ho Is In
good spirits and has received many
letters , books and papers from Nor
way. as well as lettois from the crew
of ( ho Gjcm The captain on his Join-
ney to Herschel Island will carry
much mall lor the whalers then-
Wood Takes Command In Philippines.
Manila. Feb. 1. Major General Cor-
bin relinquished command of thn mili
tary division of tbo Philippines to
Major General Wood and sailed for
Hong Kong , accompanied by his per
sonal staff. The transfer of command
was made with Impressive ceremony
at Fort Santiago. Army and navy of
ficials , clergy and business men and
others from civil life were present
For the first time ! n the change of
commanders there wns no parade of
the troops.
Shoots Wife , Two Men and Self.
San Francisco , Feb. 1. In the midst
of a throng of pedestrians at Market
and Kearney street , William Wai-
bridge shot and dangerously wounded
his wife. Mabel , shot two bystanders
and killed himself. Jealousy prompted
his act. Ho had been separated from
his wife and came Into possession of
letters sent to her signed "George. "
Ono bullet struck William T. Parlln
In the mouth , shattered a tooth and
lodged in the Jaw. The other by >
stander wan shot In the ankle. Wai
bridge was about forty years of age
and apparently a laborer. Mrs. Wol
bridge died soon after belnt taken to
the hospital.
Colorado Railroad Blockade Broken ,
Dnrango , Colo. , Fob. 1. The rail
road blockade which has existed be
twcen this city and Sllverton for the
last two weeks was raised and a
double-header freight train left hero
over the Rio Grande railroad for Sll
verton. The cars were loaded prin
cipally with coal and this supply will
avert the fuel famine , which has been
threatened In the San Juan mining
camps. The blockade was caused by
extensive snowslldes in an Immense
Fatal Wreck In Kentucky.
Richmond , Ky , , Feb L A Louli
vllle and Atlantic freight train was
wrecked at Foster's station. Engineer
Paul Akors was killed and Fireman
John Ruhard and Head Drakeman
Both Gates were fatally injured. The
wreck was caused by striking a cow
Plan Proposed to Drain Swamp Lands.
Rodey Objects to "PIng-ponglng. "
The Elder Longworth a Wine Pro
ducer Arizona Minerals.
Washington , Fob. 1. [ Special. )
Tho.iu are bu y days for Senator Hov-
ridge , who In leaving no Htonn un
turned to m'ouro a majority of the HUH-
ate for the Joint statehood bill nx It
pnsueel the house , Whether or not tint
sumo tactics will be lined In the sejuato
us In the IIOIIBO to nccurc a majority IH
hard to sny , but they cannot bo nu ef
fccllvo. There In no all powerful man
like the npi'akcr to coerce Hunaturu , nor
are tha senators quite wo sensitive to
presidential prensuro an are tint moin *
boru of the house. Consequently It may
not bu UH easy to secure a majority In
the senate as la tbe house. Already
there In a "lineup" of the opposition ,
and It develops that a do/.en or more
Republicans will Inuls ! that the people
of Arl/.ona nhall IIHTO an opportunity
to Tola on tbo question of being united
to Now Mexico. This proposition wan
rotcd In tbo 1)111 n yuar ago ami IH
known an the ForaUor anuMidmcnt be
cause It was offered by tbe Ohio HUH
tor. Many Republicans In the benne
would have volud for It If they had
been afforded an opportunity.
Ow mp Land Reclamation.
Millions of dollars hare boon piled up
for eipcMidltnro upon Irrigation proj
ects under the law which grants the
proceeds of the milcn of public ; lands
In arid states for tbut imrpnse. Now a
well do fin eel movement Is on foot to defer
for the- swamp lands In dllVc-rent states
what bau been dona for the arid lands.
It Is proposed to grant the- proceeds of
the sale of linidM In the states for the
purpo-io icclalmliig them by drain
nge. It H bcllc\cil that many million
acres run ho reclaimed by drainage1 ,
and the liellel' Is general Dial tbo
Ht.ltosvlilib have iiliniHl entirely gone
out of ( he public land | HIMIICSH | will lie
come Intore led. The movement start
ed In Mimic-ota. but It Is believed that
the southern -dales will at once take H
up. as there U a gieat amount of
swamp l.uid In those states.
Hodoy's Lalt Ploa.
When Ilirimid S. Itodcy made his
ast | dea for the joint statehood 1)111 In
was being piesscil rather hard by Rep
losontalho Moon of Tennessee , who
: IH.C | ( | him why lie was not willing to
Imvc the mailer submitted to a vote of
be people.
"You. sir , " lie replied , directly ad
dressing the 'I'c'iinc'ssc'ean , "have boon
too good a ft lend of mine , Mr. Moon
to plngpong mo here like that. [ Laugh
ter. ) You know , Judge' Moonas well as I
do that It Is either joint statehood or
else it Is terrltorlalism for twenty yearn
to come , and then Joint statehood forut'
[ u New Mexico and Arl/.ona. That
Jook of fate is sealed , Judge , and you
now It. Now , don't yonV"
A little later Moon asked Rodey If
; he people of New Mexico were too Im
moral to bo trusted to vote on the
Jolntmc proposition.
'My friend Is plngpongiug the great
question again , " retorted Rodey amid
renewed laughter.
In his last words Rodey asked to be
pardoned If he had given offense U
any one. "If , " be said. "I have said
unytblng Hint has offended any persot
from Arl/ona I ask to bo forgiven. 1
lo not Intend to. We have got to hltol
up ami run In double harness , and w <
might as well quit biting each other
across the point of the pole. " [ Laughter
tor and applause. |
Father of Wine Production.
Nicholas Lougworth since his engage
rnont to .Miss Roosevelt has been In re
celpt of many kinds of communlcn
tlons. He received a letter rceuntlj
from thu president of the Callfornlii
Wine I'rcxlui-ers' association saying
that Mr. Longwortli's great grandfather
was the father of wlnu producing li
this country. It seems It was the ldei :
of the elder Longworth to produce li
this country such quantities of llgl
wines that they could be sold as cheap
ly an In Europe and would be used In
stead of the heavier and more Intoxl
cntln , ' ? beverages. His efforts fuller
because the area of wine producing
soils was not as great ns be supposed
Matlory Once a Middy.
There Is a little story behind the ex
change of committee places betweei
Senator Hlackburn and Senator Mai-
lory. The Florida senator has long
wanted to be a member of the naval
affairs committee , and Kluckbtirn , who
will retire In a year , wns willing to
accommodate him. Mallory was a mid
shipman in the Confederate navy , and
his father was secretary of that navy.
He has always taken a particular In
torcst In tin1 navy since he has been In
congress , not only.because he wns an
officer In the Confederate navy , but
also because' the people of his state
are Interested In the present navy.
Mining In Arizona.
"Montana Is the biggest mining state
In the 1'nlon today , " assorted Senator
Clark of that state"although. . " he con-
tinned , "Arizona is treading right close
after us ami will be second In the
race. I bellp\ very soon If not today. "
Such n statement coming from a manse
so well Informed as Senator Clark U
surprising. Tbo general Unprenslon
Temperature- Twenty-four Houre ,
Forecast for Nebraska.
Condition of thu weiitlmr IIH rucord-
oil for the 24 hours ondlni : at R > in.
today :
Maxlinittn ( j. {
Minimum yr
Avorugo 45
llaromotor 2,24 ! )
1'hleugo , Kob. 1. The biillotln lit-
Hiiud by the Chicago ntntlon of th
Unltud Btatuii wonthnr btiroau this
mnriiliiR given the forocant for Ne
braska an follows :
Fair loiilbl | and Friday. Colder to
wan Hint California , ( "olonido , Idaho
and Utah we're nlicnd of ( ho big terri
tory In ( he southwest and that the
till larger territory , AliiNka , was a
irrciittr producer of mrtuls.
Sending a Detailed Deocrlptlon of His
Tragic Death to the Paper for Which
He Had Worked .is .1 Reporter , Big-
gerstaff Dlew the Can.
Clnclimall , Fob. 1. IIlM IIOWH In-
Hllncl alive until the hint--or what ho
I bought wan the last I ) C. Digger-
Htaff of C'harloHton , 111. , after being ro-
jocloil b.v | IH ! sweetheart Monday night ,
wrote a dolallod Htory of hlH death ,
mailed It lo I he CharloHton Courier , on
which ho wan onro a topoiter , retired
lo lib ! room In the I'alaco hotel , twisted -
od a liundkore'hlof about his nock and
I lien liiniod on the gas.
A/ool Growers Condemn Policy ef
Taxing Them for Grazing.
Denver , Feb. L Resolutions con
demning I'lcstdcnt Roobovoll'B policy
of taxing stockmen tor grazing in for *
et reserves were ndoptou by tuo
executive committee ot tlio National
Wool Glowers' association , and a
committee was appointed to go to
Washington and oppouo thle measure
and advocate railroad rate legislation.
George H. Wnlkor , the now secretary
ot the association , has begun his cam
paign to spciiro every sheepman
the United States as an active mem
ber of tlio organization.
A committee was appointed to wo k
In conjunction with a llkj committee
from the American National Llvo
Stock association in securing an
amendment to the twonty-elght-hour
shipping law , extending the limit of
tlmo stock shall remain in cars to
thirty-six hours. M. A. Westou , vice
president ; Dr. .1 M. Wilson , secretary ,
and George S. Walker wore Instructed
to visit the live stock exchanges at
Omaha , Kansas City , Sioux City , St.
Joseph and Chicago and protest
against any Increase of commission
charges Denver was s < lected as the
next meeting place of the national or
ganization , the date to lie two days In
advance of the meeting of the Amer
ican National Live Stock association.
Toney Arrested on Bribery Charge.
Pine Bluff. Ark. , Feb. L State Sen
ator Hardln K Toney , accompanied
by his bride , who was Mlbs Mussoll-
man of York , Pa. , where the wedding
took place last Wednesday , arrived
here and after being tendered an ova
tion at the railroad station , surren
dered himself to Sheriff Philpot and
gave bonds In the sum of $5,000 on
account of two warrants , resulting
from Indictments charging conspiracy
and bribery. Senator Toney was In
dicted as a result of the Inquiry Into
alleged legislative boodling. Ho wai
greatly shocked when he heard of
the Indictments , anil his brother , Po
lice Judge Toney , fainted on the
Brother of Archbishop Stefan Killed
and Two Others Mortally Wounded.
N.CW York , Feb 1. Ono man was
killed and two others were probably
mortally wounded In the Syrian quar
ter of New York city , marking another
tragic chapter in the leud which has
been raging between the adherents
of different religious faiths among the
Syrians hfie. The man killed. John
Stefan , \\as a brother of Archbishop
Stefan , the Syrian Roman Catholic
prelate. Stetan was shot to death in
a Syrian restaurant , where he was
dining with a party of friends. Two
cousins. Ulins.arlk and George Xank.
residents of Brooklyn , entered the
place , drew revolvers and began to
flro. Stefan fell dead after the first
volley. Another of the diners.
Raphael Sholisch , was shot In the
back and mortally wounded. In the
melee that followed the llrlng of the
first shot , George Karlk , the police
say. actually sent a bullet into his
cousin's chest , the ball lodging over
the heart. Ho Is In n hospital In a
critical condition. George Xarlk is
locked up , accused of being an accom
plice to tbo murder. Four others ro
also under arrest.