TI1K NORFOLK NHWS : FRIDAY. .IANUAKY& . 1HOB. TUB NORFOLK Nivb XV. > . llt'SK ' , PnltlMirr. I ) \lt.V. [ KMntillHliiMl 1887 ) Kvory tlnv rxn < | U Hnniliiy lly oni HIM PPI xxi'uk. Ill ronlM lly Norfolk pflNtnlllPc tlt'llxnry PIT > piir. $ on llx mull nit nn il roun uiul imtnlili > of Norfolk , per your , 13.00. XXKKUl.t M0s.JODHNAI - The NBVXH. ICiUHlillHlioil , IHSI. The Jotirniil KNtiibllMnMl. IH77. Kver > Frliliiy lly innll p r your tl r > o r.nlcrrd nt tlin pciHlitllU'o nt Norfolk , Noli. UN KOi'iiml elitMw iiiiillnr. lioniiM IMItiiilnl No 22 llimlnoi Ollli'o anil J' l > No IIS2 . , _ , . , 4. 4. 4. 4. . ; . .j. . : ; > t ! 4- * All circulation records , pa- ! f per accounts , pressroom nnd ! } mailing recordn , flro open to * the Inspection of any .ulver- f User nt .my time. Every nil- f vcitiBcr Invited to accept this JInvltntlon. . * : - * : : : Tinili'li nro liaxtug such u haul ( Innnf II Uiut U IH almost tlinu to bo- ; ln In ciix } mo poor limit Engineer Simons nays u clean , tem perate llfO Will help II WllOlO lOt III I'aiminu. It will nlHO\\liori' , loo. Itonlil seem UH though tliu tlmo had nrrlvi'd for Freedom to Hlop bricking In Poland and i ; < > tn lighting. Wo Rhall Know thu plain , nnllanud(7) ) ( ) tnitli concerning tlio Filipinos noon. W .1. Hryan IH now on tlio npol taking noloa. Oxer 8,000 bills woio Introilneed In co.igross lieforo Ilio holiday adjourn- ntiint That IH going Homo Jimt tor a utarter. The C7itr has sent tlio Ciown Jowoln out or tlio country and the present In- dlcatlmiH aio that hovlll lm\o to fol low tlunn p. d. q. If times got teal hatd In Russia , the crar might ho Induced to cut his sal ary In two for the common wood. ThlH poor man only nets $12.000,000. The men who stole government InndH tluoughout the weHtern states are finding out that the way of the land thief IH not HO easy as Itsoomod. England lutH i educed her ( It Ink hill $85,000,000 In the hiHt Iho years. U In gratifying to know that one great nation IB making gain In this dlioc- tton. Whoever succeeds In becoming speaKer of the house In New Yotk will piohably discover that the lecont Investigations In that state have 10- duccd the prollt of that position some- w hat The Mug of Gtoeco , not having a vei\ largo countiy to rule , has tound time to hecomo the gioatost among the xx in Id's monaichs toda } . lloieadn tvxolx'o languages and speaks most of thorn. When a man has the people behind him he has little to fear from the poli ticians. The secret of 1'iesldont Uoohoxolt'a nnrlxailed popularity Is because ho shows the qualities the Yoters like. There la crying need , according to English publications , for President Roosevelt to go across the pond and dolh'cr his "raco suicide" lectnie. The birth rate Is falling off In an alarmIng - Ing degree there. The state press Is Unanimous In Its expressions of gratlllcation over W. P. Warner's appointment to the mar- ahalshlp of the Nebraska district. lie Is a thorough NohrasKnn , the right man for the place. The open door Is demanded every- where. Even In Minneapolis nnd St Paul , where the street cars haxo gates the nexvspapera are demanding their removal , and are conducting a spirited campaign to that end. Fltzslmmons acknowledges that ho Is a back number and declares that ho will fight no more. What a pity tha some of the politicians who haxe out llxed their usefulness couldn't bo as wise as the old prlro fighter. Congressman W. S. Burnett has brought the xvrath of the solid soutl upon his head by Introducing a hll which xvonld considerably reduce the representation of the south. The bll is based upon the dlsfranchlsomcntof the negroes. In Nexv York an actress took off hoi plnK stocking oiid xvaxcd It at friends on an approaching steamer. It Is so much easier for some people to at tract attention , by the stnfl they wear on their feet than by the stuff they have In their heads. The xvorld Is demanding the open door and the open game In all Its af fairs Whether It ho football , politics , trade or social life , there Is a grow ing spirit of detestation lor an } thing that smacks of brutality , favoritism or uncleanness Opportunity and fair 11\ lor all .illl.e iindei fair conditions H the call of the hour. On Christmas day Congressman Hnl- Ivan nf Nexv York city gave a dinner o 5.000 people living In liln dlslilct , xho ratcl } gel micli a In } nut In the vay of food as he gave them. Ills chances for te election next fall are mid to bo excellent. A Noilh Dakota editor has pur- 'based a chinch and IH having It 10- nndelled for a pi In ! Ing olllce He be- tati climbing up and lemovlug the iplie with a hamlsa'w It fell point loxxn nnd IIH II lemiilns slicking In the ground , helll line It for a hitching lOHl A dead wine mei chant's stock , eon- listing of a million hollies nf wine , \XIIH icceiilly sold at auction Tbroo iinnsatid bottles xveto consumed In irelluilnary tasting opoiatloim. They night to have had a fair Idea of the , unlitv of the stock and Its effect by hat time The piesldeiillal xelo on the sugges- Ion made to raise a popular subsetIp- Ion for a piesent for Alice Itoosexelt , commands the heailest ( appiox'al. H'H t pit } that even a piesldciil's ( laugh er can't get mauled to the man of lei choice xvlthnu ! siiffeilng from In- llncreet fi lends. It IH very evident that the pollll- hcllexe what he meant when toosexelt said that he would not ho n the Held again for the piesldoncy , * lso they would not ho shying so many stones at Knot and Tuft , who are rec- ) gnl/cd as the heavy-xvelghts among iicHldnntlal possibilities It IH seaieoly fifty } eais since the Irst ft Id Ion matches weie liixented. They xxoie moiety spllntoiH of xxood lipped xvlth sulphur The sulphur xould burst Into llamc when It was lipped Into a bottle of pliosphoius Matches haxe decidedly Impioxed xxlllt other things since that time In anticipation of a coal stillce In the spilng among nilneis , the anthia cite coal companies aie piling up a gieat lesetxe supply H Is estimated that by Apill 1 the companies will haxo Htored 12,000.000 tons , which me four times as many tons as the } usual ly stoie at that season of the > ear. It remains to bo seen xvblcb will be come the most successful In Nexv YoiK politics the conciliation which the late Senator llanna used to adxlse on some occasions , "conciliation with the a\o , " or "conciliation with the big stick" which Piesldent Itnosexolt Is ile.illng In. All ptevlons locoids in the New Yoik pestolllce lor the \-oliimo of east w aid transciinllneiit.il malls .it Chilstmas time woie broken this SPIIMMI The same thing is tiue ot the malls ol the connti.x In all sections. Uncle Sam's coopeiatlon with Santa Clans to sup- plv the xx01 Id with tokens of good will fiom distant friends Is becoming each year a moio stupendous undertaking. It seems a tlttlng thing that the him of Kear Admlial John A Wlusloxv. xvho as commander of the Kearsage sank the Alabama off Cheibonrg In ISGI , should bo made commander of the nexv battleship Kearsago , which has Just been commissioned Captain Wlnsloxv has been detached from the Charleston , and will leave Fort Mon roe In a foxv da > s to take command of his noxv battleship. The number of millionaires Is being decreased by the automobile habit Scarcely a day passes without ncxvs of another fatal accident In these fas cinating x chicles. For a tlmo It seemed to bo the unlucky pedestrian In the way who buffered most , but the pedetsrlans haxo learned xxlsdom and clear the track , feeling sure that If ho Is given a xxldo path the automo bile operator will go fast enough to kill himself. An Iowa club woman has turned against the canso and announces that she endorses drover Cleveland's crit icisms of woman's clubs that It Is "appaling to consider the xvasto of time , strength and money absorbed by the clubs. " It Is true of woman's clubs , as It Is of men's , that the care ful discrimination and moderation ap plied to the other pursuits of llfo must bo applied to clubs. No one can af ford to belong to too many clubs , and oich should have some xxoithy end In vioxv. Any good thing can ho abused or oxcrdono until It becomes an In- Jury. There is a proposition which is gain ing fax or , to make oxory Immlgiant loam the English language before granting him naturalization papeis. It Is cottainly true tl-at In order to be one people xvo must use and under stand one common language , and the sooner wo leain it the better. The sooner ox cry other language Is dropped from us. the sooner the dif ferent races of men will bo amalga mated Into ono unified Americanism. Happily , this Is noxv universally con ceded and by common consent hyphen ated Americans are glxlng way to a truer , simpler Americanism as xvldc IIH the limits of the republic. Norfolk people should make It u point to attend the public meeting next Wednesday night , xvlien Andrew KoMtwator , city engineer of Omaha , will be In town lo addrcHS the propoi- ty Imldcm on lite proposition of In stalling a city soxverago system. Nor folk needs a sexverago system. Mr. Itosexxater lias built many of them nnd his ideas are of vast Importance on IMC niiiltcr at this time It Is to he Imped that the city will turn out well at I Inn meeting , leain all that It can about sexveiage and then ptorccd tn Issue bonds for the pin pose of ilium Ing Norfolk of UH tilth. At ilio into that Immlgiatlon has ponied Into this country ( lining the pist few } eais , Commissioner Ser geant estimates that In 1IC ! years the population of this country xxlll haxe at ( allied the density of China and theie xvlll be KfiO.OOO.OOO people hoie When we contemplate these llgmes nnd me told that no longet aie the noitliein i aces of Em ope furnishing ho bulk of noxx comers , but that Italy sent over the laigesl niimbei of tin- nlgniniH to this couuliy last > eir , we cill/o the t-tupcndniiH piobliMtKi Hint no xuappod up In the life of this mix- ng boul of the natloiiH where the woild'H density Is most Involved. There are some newspapers which lexer willing ! } lose an oppoitunlty to ast a collection on a public man with whom thev me not in Hympathy. It s to this iinchai liable and in this case mi disenable class that the Nebtanka politician belongH , who Insinuates that Seiiatoi Mlllard was luuiHfeiieil fiom the committee on luteistato commeico o the committee on public buildings K-enuso he was unwilling to publicly mike a stand on the questions befoio he ( miner committee The facts are bat Senator Mlllaul h.is aheady made known this position on these mattcis and his teal teasoii lor the liauslor was tin1 gieat Inciease of woik and icspimslbllltx placed upon him b > his chaliinanshlp of the canal committee. HI can , and undoubtedly will , do In- cieaslngly valuable woik for Nebiaska In these nexv and Important positions. The Omaha World-Herald of iccent date glxes a story that , If true , will mean much to the future of Norfolk , which Is to the effect that the Mil waukee contemplates extending Its Omaha line to Fiomont , Norfolk , O'Neill and then on to a connection with Its Cliamboilaln-llapld City lino. Noifolk would welcome the Milwau kee , and If the load would come in a dliect line liom Fiemont hoie , ti.txois- Ing the southein pail of Cumlng and Stantmi counties , It would .pass thiough a rich section of countix that it would llnd piolUable limn the stall The iecent announcement that the Milwaukee Is to be extended to the coast , docb not make this look to bo such an impiob.ible piopositlon as It might seem. Having decided to in vade Noithxxestcrn tertltoiy by extend ing to Rapid City , a mighty scramble Is likely to take place between thotxxo powoiful antagonists , and a line that would tap the rich territory of not th em Nebraska would piovo a good in vestment. And this move on the part of the Mllxxankeo may stir up the Bur lington to complete Its line started years ago from Schuler to Norfolk. Norfolk is In the maiket for more rail roads and If both or either of these companies propose coming this xvay , they can learn something to their ad vantage by calling on the Norfolk Com mercial club. COUNTY SUPPLIES. The Nexvman Oiovo Reporter Is ag itated because the commissioners ol Madison county have not advertised for bids on printing supplies to be used In the county during the coming .xear. The Reporter cannot really mean that It Is in favor of such a pro cednre. Past experience has demon strated that letting the contract for this class of supplies to the lowest bid der has never been successful. Con tracts axxarded In this manner mean that ex cry letter head , every blank every envelope and every scrap of printing of any kind or character vvll como front outsldo of Madison county furnished by ono of tlio combine lions cs of the cities , and that Madison county printing olllces will not do ono penny's worth. "Printing and sup piles , " as ordinarily called for In conn ty bids , mean letter heads , envelopes blanks , records and ledgers used litho the county olllces , pens. Inks , pencils rubber bands , and In fact everything In the stationery line used by count } ofllclals. When these contracts have been let to the lowest bidder In ptst , the county has Inxarlably rccelxed the very pooiest grade of stock that II xx-as possible to furnish and come within the reading of the contract. Onlv rt- ccntly Madlbon county was obliged to go to the expense of a nexv book ami pay a largo sum of money to Irive a record transcribed from n book that was originally furnished under ono of these conn acts , which had t-o nearly fallen to pieces that It was not mio to longer depend upon It as a rec ml. Letting this work to the loxvest bid- ler does not mean that the county will my any less for the supplies , either. [ 'ho trust hoiiHcs which are able to urnlsli blank books and other articles hat the local printing otllco cannot "ipply , will cut the price of the tilings bat can be supplied by the homo print LTH to a rldlcnloiiH figure , so loxv that he local man could not possibly com- icte , and then they xvlll more than nake It up on Iho goods that the home irlnter does not make and cannot buy it a reasonable price , because of the trust The result Is that the xvholo con met goes to one of the tiust concerns mil the Madison county man xvho iceds ( ho xxork IH left out , xvhllo the otal cost to the taxpayer Is fully IIB iiuch or moio than under the present lystem of hii > liig In the open niaikel mil glxlng the Madison count } piint- i such wet It as he can do. Under the linn adxocated by the Noxvmau ( Jrovo taper , the Repot tor xxould not iccelvo t cent's win Hi of business Neither NOiild The Nexxs. Nor xxould any ether or Madison county pt inter. It would ill go In a lump to ono of the trust ) lllces The Nexvs does not hesitate to speak of this matter freely , because It Is not ntorested personally In any xvay. Dur- ng the past year It has not furnished i dollai's xxorth of this class of sup- illes , and It has no reason to think It xvlll the coming } oar. But It docs feel iroud of the county commissioners for leclding not to advertise and to con Hutu1 getting what they can at homo mil to purchase those articles It cannot Hi } hoie on the open market. The pilnciple of standing up for home In- lustiles Is one x\ith xxhlch the oidinaty iiibllc hoaid Is not too strongly 1m- nied , and It Is coitalnl } a souico of giatlllcatlou lo llnd one that deter- nines to help out Its homo penplo. Flio tiust concerns fieqnetitly make complaint xxhen a county falls to ad x01 Use for bids , but this is Iho ( list line we oxer inn acioss a local man xho had a complaint to make because nialteis weto not so adjusted that the foielgn fclloxv could take all the xvoik nit of Iho county. And It costs the people no moie un der the plan adopted by the board than It would thq other way , while the conn ty has tlrst class goods to woik xxlth a fact that has been demonstrated by Madison county In } cars gone by. THE NEW YEAR Another nexv } ear Is here , and The News hopes that It xvlll bring to ono and all health , happiness and prospei Ity As another one of these annual mile posts by xxbich the xvorld marks the passing of tlmo is reached xxo pause for a moment in the insh to Keep > tp with piesont attentions conditions to considet whether It has been xxoll 01 ill xvlth us dining the jear just clos Ing Noifolk has no great icason to com plain of the treatment It has leceived it the hands of 110. ! > . Manv places laiger as xvell as smaller haxe fared worse , and on the xvhole Norfolk has much to credit to the accomplish ments of the } ear It has brought many betterments In the material con dltlon of affairs. During the year the Norfolk hospital for the Insane has been completed and occupied , and an appropriation for a nexv xvlng secured , and this Is noxv building. A number of now business buildings have been erected , scores of new residences noxv adorn lots that xvore vacant a year ago , and miles upon miles of nexv per manent sidewalks and crossings have been put In. The building Improve mcnts this year have partaken of the spirit of the times and are better and more permanent than heretofore. Probably the greatest accomplish ment during the year for the future benefit of the city was the securing of freight rates which makes Norfolk a wholesale point. The Commercial club , which Is and has been one of the strongest factors In the progress of the city's growth , secured this rate after the most trying discouragements at homo and abroad that ever beset a similar organbatlon , but when the fu ture history of the city Is written the year 1905 will be credited with having surmounted all obstacles and placed Norfolk among the jobbing centers of the stato. Two wholesale houses xvere Immediately attracted to the city by the nexv rates , which alloxv Norfolk to la } goods doxxn in any of the towns in Its territory at as low tales as an } competing point , and they are both doing xxoll. It Is confidently expected that the coming } oar holds more In store for Norfolk than has been accomplished m t''o pist year The favorable freight rate will certainly attinct nth- i wholesalers to tha city and bofnie i he voir is over there Is every reatuui i bfllove t > nt this wilt ho the distrlli- 'it'i'K ' n lnt foi * a nn 'iber of conrnod I ties consumed In the rapidly growing tot r lory tributnn to this piacn. P enIs n neb xxork yet to bo done . i p < i'r' is > cliv xxlll meet the ii'ii'iii ' i ns t ! > . tici > | le Amoim the i < f Ing } ear at union lallroad station and an occu- I'tnt for the sugar factory buildings lint xvlll create a now Industry hero Mready a number of manufacturers have their eye on tlio sugar factory uoperty , and It Is only a question of short tlmo until the right proposition s made to take It. The only way to secure some of the niiny things xvhlch are desirable Is ty active , co operation through organl /atlon. Omaha , Sioux City and other toxvns which have had unprecedented growths during the past ten years did not accomplish anything through the kickers" and "knockers " Fortunate y in Noifolk that class Is very much u the niltioilty , but the question ails wouldn't It count for much moie If all could or xvould get together anil xx oik as one man for what Is wanted' M } the suppuit nf a Commercial club , giving It hearty backing and united stiength of business men , Is the only way to got factoiles , whole sale houses , btate Institutions , rail roads , concessions , and many othei things that would add to the huslnosi- volume and gixo Norfolk an opportn nit } to bptcad out and take care ol the countiy tributary to it. Little oi nothing can be accomplished by per sonal effort and too many selfish , per sonal axes at the public grindstone xvlll defeat good results. Agitation is neccssmy In all undertakings , but It must bo systematic and not antag onistic. If the business men of Nor folk will give the Commercial club \xhlch Is their business representative hearty and unanimous suppoit , It xvlll be able to do far more for the city's xvelfato than If handicapped by those xvho go about the sttcets "knocking" on every proposition that Is made. The chamber of commerce of Lawton - ton , Oklahoma , has Just organl/cd a Thlity Thousand club , vxhich is to tr.x to push that city to the oO.OOO mark In the next census The club Is com posed ot 1,000 membets and the } haxe banded thomselxes together to In- ctease the population of that live cit } to 30,000 within the next live years. They xvlll do it , too , as they have back bone and confidence in their toxxn and commercial organisation. They are people who do things xvhlle they talk about it Their territory is no better than that possessed here , and the } are pushers nnd all push together big and little , rich and poor , they push. They saxv when the toxvn xvas first started that there must be a business center and dlsti Uniting point. They have seemed their coveted prize and are now alter more. The same cotidi- tioitb apply to Noifolk. Lob Angeles is the best adveitlsed town in California They haxe a club of UOO who pay $ l 00 each evcty month into a geneial tieasuiy to piomotethe cH > 's Intciesls. They have a pto notei oi managet of the club , a foi nor Chlcio newspaper man , and with an executive committee of five business men , lie woiks out the needs of the metropolis of southein Callfoi- nia. it Is tluough this kind of cooperation - oration that a small town of a decade ago has boomed to be a piospetons cit } and lb noxv the metropolis ot that section of the state It Is through concerted efforts that results como to a community. Local quarrels , malice and backbiting don't do It. Let the fellows in other towns do that xvhlle we keep together when anthing Is wanted , and we xvlll get it. Of course It will cost something. All good things cost more than poor stuff. Go after the best and get as good as xx o can , Is a policy that will win in time. Norfolk has the right kind of a stait. Noxv Is a good tlmo to glxo It another push forxvard for 1900. ATCHISON GLOBE SIGHTS. Of this } on may be sure , that the black sheep In e\-ery family xvas once the most petted lamb. There are supposedly sixty minutes In ex'ery hour , but In the last hour vhen there Is much to be accom- dished , there are not more than txven- ty-nlne A woman doesn't want her husband to kiss her good bye every time ho leaves the house , but she would like to have him remember It when some of her girl friends are present , Fashion note : Any kind of clothes will do to wear to a fire providing you leave before the flames have died away , and the others at the fire have cooled down enough to take notice. A dog that belongs to a xxoman and is peimlttcd to folloxv her around , nust bo logaidod by other dogs xvlth i gioat deil of contempt because It spends so much tlmo In the dty goods btores. If the mother of a homo xvero to nmt a green ring around her nebo , uul dc her hair blue , the llrst words 'il ler husband nnd chlldien on com- PR homo xvould still be , "Is dinner eady yet ? " The society of screamers has found a now peril the white poiII They declare clare that the custom of dressing a 'mbv In white , and sin rounding it with xhte injures Its oxeslght. Howexer , f n baby is dressed In white In the < rnu.t ; Us clothes are not xvhltelong. THE HARPER MEDICINE COMPANY A NEW INSTITUTION. HEADQUARTERS IN NORFOLK. Traveling Men Have Been Employed to Represent Norfolk's New Firm. Will Make and Sell Medicines Suc cess Is Assured. Norfolk has another constructive In- stlution xvhlch promises to do Its share toxvmd advertising the city as a manufacturing and wholesaling point. It Is the Harper Medicine com pany , which has been Incorpoiatod un der the laxvs of hto slate of Nebraska , with headquarters in Norfolk , and whoso mission In the commercial world xvill bo to compound mid sell m dicines Ofllceis of the oiganlzattou mo Aug ust 11. Klcsatt , Hcimati Kiesau and J. ulo Harper. The name given to the- tinipany Is that ot Mr. Haipcr , a oung man who has recently como to Noifolk and xvho formerly llxod at Plaluvloxv. One fact moie strongly than anoth er points to the success of the noxv In- btitutlon. That Is the fact that Mr. Harper a few years ago won first prlzo at tli Nebraska druggists' association for the best written paper and his subject dealt with the virtues of sci entific advertising. The company has already employed a number of traveling salesmen for the purpose of representing it through out the state and other states , and It is belloxed by those xvho kiioxv these men behind the prescilptlon case , that the ncxv Institution xvill groxv from the- start. The capital block la $3,000 , all paid in. Battle Creek. Iloibett Ilciieininnn went to Norfolk to taKe a coutse In the business col lege at that place. Rev. .1. Hoffman made the following announcement in the Lutheran church on Noxv Yeai's day : During the year 1905 ho christened txvenly-fixe infants , confirmed nineteen , married four cou ples , bulled four persons , and admin istered to 1,219 persons the holy sac- tament The high school commenced Tues day and the Lutheran school Wednes day. day.Mrs Mrs Henry Peterson Is at Atkinson , visiting the P. Callen family. W. E. Hoover returned Sunday from Rock Island , 111. , where his aged fa ther , E. S. Hoover , died Thuisday amf was burled Saluiday Albert Miuttey , who has been laid ii ) ) a long time on account of a broken hip , is well again and able to be about. Titos Moer of Ctelghton was vlsll- Ing bete Nexv Yeat's xxlth his brolher , V O. Moyer. C. H Pahl has taken a position In Lambcil Kerbel's saloon. Joseph Sexeia , who has been at the- "leighion nmveisit } at Omaha , is go- 'ng to stn } home and assist his mother in the store. Conti actor Chas Wei nor is building ; a barn , SOx-'O , 1C foot post , for Chas. Praeuner on bis farm Robot t Xohnei , who Is teacher of the Lutheian school at Presser , this state , was visiting his parents here- last week. Julius Glandt was here Saturday front Meadow Grove. The M. U. M. club had a gala mas querade ball Friday In the opera house. Clove Reex'es was hero from Madi son Saturday. W. M. Coleman of Inman was visit Ing here the first of the week at the home of his father-in-law , S. FI. Thatch. Otto Ettcker of Lindsay was visiting here Nexv Year's with his brother , Herman Enckor. Wednesday a bowling alley started In M. L. Thomson's old store building' . A party from Madison Is running It Harmon to Be a Banker. A dispatch from Deadxvood today says that Superintendent F. A. Har mon of the Northxvestorn , with head quarters at Chadron , has resigned his position lo engage In Iho banking busi ness at Shoshone , Idaho. This con firms the story of yesterday to the ef fect that Frank Roach Is to bo ad vanced to the position of supcrlnten- dency. Superior engraved cards. The News. Three little babes were nestled In bed , "I'll name William , Willie and Bill , " mother said ; Wide was her smile , for triplets they be , She lays her good luck to Rocky Mountain Tea. ( Great baby med icine. The Klesan Drug Co. It Invigorates , strenglhens ami builds up. II keeps } ou In condition physically , mentally and morally. That's what Holllster's Rocky Moun tain Tea w 111 do. 35 cents , tea or tab- lots. The Klesan Drug Co. You will not find beauty In rouge pot or complexion xvhttewasb. True beauty comes to them only that taKe Holllstor's Rocky Mountain Tea. It's i wondeiful tonic and beautlfior. 35 cents , lea or tablets The Kiesau Drug Co. O. R. MEREDITH. D.O OSTEOPATH. Office , Cotton block , Ash 541 , real- Ipiice 1.19 North Tenth street , 'phone Ash 542.