THE NORFOLK NI3WS : FRIDAY. DECJKMNKK 15 , 1905. THE NORFOLK NEWS Wi N. IIIINI3 , IMilillnlirr. - " DAILY. IKMilhllHliiMl IRH7. ) Kvcry day oxi-opl Hunilny. l y cnr- rl r PIT wt'ok. IB i-rnitH. liy Norfolk ttoiitnlllpn itollMiry. PIT your , JG 00. liy inivll on mini Million nnil oulHlilo or Norfolk , pnr yt-nr. ) .1 00. UKKKI.V M W > i-.lltllHNAI. . ThP NOWM. KmnlillMlintl. mi. Tim Joiiiniil. KMtulillHliPil , 1877. Mvory Krliliiy. liy iniill per your , JI.BO. Kntpiotl nl Ilio poMiolllPii ill Norfolk. Noll. , IIH UPl'IIMll rlllNN Illllltlir. Tolpphiint'H : Killloiliil Popiirlninnl. No. 'J2. lliiHliifH Olllni nnil Juli UOOIIIH , NIL 112' : . * * IF YOU CAN'T DOO8T } DON'T KNOCK. * * .j. .j. * Do punctual. It hi Ilio noul of busl- 1IOHH , 111 getting < > ' "f tl' ' nlt lllUo care Unit you don't not Into a liolo. Many who think they are overworked - worked uro Hliuply overfed. WorryhiR ever HOIIIO orl of troubles , causes inoro 111 health than all other lllHOIlHOB. The Panama canal In liable to ho a grave Issue at lonst to many of the men employed on It. IlracelotH will ho much worn next yonr. Seine men will wear them who ought to know hotter. Economy IH to ho the watchword at Washington thl year. It IH a good watchword anywhere. Henry GnKsowny Davis declares that ho la opposed to railroad rate leglsla- lion. Who IH tlilw man Davis , anyway ? Undo Sam husked 2,700,000,000 bushels of corn this year. That IH the huskiest corn crop ho has ever husked. An electric spanking machine has been Invented. The duties of the household are helng constantly light ened. There are nineteen million children In the puhllo schools of America. They are the guarantee of the nation's fu ture. Charles M. Sheldon , author of "In Ills Stops , " has taken to writing po ol ry. Queer how some men degene rate. When everybody shops early to avoid the rush for Christmas goods , the rush Boems to come early to avoid getting left. 'Hie man who getH busy and keeps busy generally lias the fewest com plaints to make over existing condl tlons. It Is far better to keep rascals out than to turn them out. The way to do is to honor and elect honest men to o 111 co. The big Princeton ex-president npeaks of "melancholy pessimism. " What other brands Imvo you , Mr. Cleveland ? It Is again reported that Secretary Hitchcock will soon retire from the cabinet. This Is good news for the land grabbers. If people were not all so determined to have the last word there would bo far less discord. Silence Is often the best peacemaker. Judge Brewer calls the federation of churches which has Just been con summated a "Mutual Spiritual Life Insurance company. " The truest friend of his race is the man who In his allotted time ant place courageously and patiently helps work out its problems. If Arizona and Now Mexico do not wish to join In statehood It Is dltllcult to understand how congress Is going to force It upon them. If Senator LeFolletto follows all the good rules laid down by Governor La Follctto ho will make a most valuable and effective representative. The now king of Norway trots in the $200,000 a year class. His picture doesn't look like It , but as for that the McCurdys were ordinary lookers. The Hon. Tim Campbell gave a unique definition when ho said that n virgin forest Is n place where the ham' ' of man has never placed Its foot. Colonel Cody has been made In structor in military ballooning at Al- dorshot. Evidently King Edward puts n premium on American "hot air. " It Is still a trlllo uncertain whether Lafolletto is governor or senator. In the minds of some his chief strength lies in being a pleasing platform lec turer. Mr. Carnegie speaks of the bless- UIH ; of poverty. How pleasantly ho inn contemplate them now that ho HO fully enjoys the blosHlngs of vast VIMlltll. Sir ThfinuiH Upton , a millionaire by IH ! own Industry and sagacity , ro- narkH that "cork HCHIWH have mink inoro people than cork JacketH will over avo" .lohn RiiHkln nays Ilio wealth of a mlton and Its peace and well being osldo depend on the number of per il HIM II can employ In making good and IhlngH. avo"'H Coiiuii Doyle Hulls the pioducl of IH ! IHMI at $11.011 per do/en wordn and iiirchaserH of his workH are tmld to cc-olvo no reduction when Ihoy buy il wholesale. 'H Inauguration cost more ban any of his predecessors. Still lone IH kicking. The country IH al- wnyH ready to pay a good price for the genuine article. The lawyers are happy over the mayoralty muddle In Now York. A nig Hiuad | of them , employed by 1 learnt > r Tammany , are getting Juicy foe * nit of the squabble. The best place for young girls IH off the ittreotH and It Is equally true of voting boys. The Hlroot Is the devil's ilayground especially after the shad- IWH come at night. Korea IH not happy under Japan's jontrol , but Korea may advance ma- orlally both In progress and real de velopment because of It. And that in by far the most Important consld oration. In some of the state olllces , although the oli'ctlon IH a year away , candidates Tor olllco are bobbing up HO numcroiiH ly that there IH a general spirit of ilarm lest no ono will bo left to do .ho voting. The battle for human rights In Rus sia Is a Hlow light. Hut IH true else- whoro. The evolution of rightOOHH- ness Is a tedious and painful process but It Is hound to triumph the wide world over. Now wo are wondering , slnco Mrs. Roosevelt Is actually to announce the engagement of Miss Alice to Mr. Long- worth , whether or not Miss Alice told the truth last summer when she de nied It. The only Chinese dragon which has any terrors for the American Is named "Boycott , " and the Chinese , finding that this Is a very effective one , arc shrewd enough to keep It constantly at the front. Never before ban the republican par ty had such an overwhelming major ity In congress as they have this ses sion. It Is up to them to make a worthy record of bonollclout legisla tion actually enacted. Paul Morton says that Americans do not want cheap Insurance. He- cent developments conclusively show that seine of the old line companies have been benevolently considerate In seeing that they do not get It. Gen. Humphrey estimates that there are coal deposits In the Philippines sulllcient to supply the needs of the army and navy SIS years. Gen. Hum phrey evidently plans on Uncle Sam staying In ( ho islands some time yet. Mr. Bonaparte's recommendation to have the old frigate Constitution shot full of holes and sunk is not proving a popular measure in Boston. Evi dently the secretary hasn't as much sentiment about the old Constitution as most people have. Count Wltto Is said to ho on the verge of nervous prostration. Most any ordinary stacsman would bo ready for the Insane asylum after the strain to which ho has been subjected slnco the beginning of the war with Japan. The Boston Herald asks in nn ed itorial heading , "Is Nature a Goose ? " No , it Is only the Idiotic Ideas advanced - vanced by the literary cranks of Bos ton who write "Nature Books , " that have given sensible Mother Nature such a bad name. President Loubet of Franco In a re cent Interview emphatically discounte nances the proposal of another term of ofllco for himself , both because ho prefers private life and as a matter of principle ho does not believe In a second term. The published determination of the Chicago , Milwaukee and St. Paul road to build 1,500 miles of now road through to the west coast does not look as though railroad men are much alarmed about the Panama canal cut ting oft their trafllc to an injurious extent. The most gigantic of the govern ment Irrigation constructions In progress - ress Is the Salt River or "Hoosovelt" dam in Arizona. The reservoir to bo formed by the Roosevelt dam will bo oy far the largest In the United HlatOH , having Iho almost Incredible capacity of 100 billion gallons. There IH nothing gained by merely finding fault with the bad roads , but when n goodly numhor of people In any community get milllcluntly aroused to combine on making romln hotter , It Is a noticeable fact that they b'egln to Improve , It would sci'in that part of good Htali'mnnnshlp to mnko HOIIIO definite progrcHs toward Holvlng the race prob lem of Iho southern negro before we seriously consider annexing San Do mingo and I lay ! I and thereby Increase Iho African population. The United States agricultural de partment IHIH completed UH arrange- moiilH for Hi'inllng out .18,000,000 pack- agon of garden and flower Heeds for free dlHlrlbutlon. Fioo , did wo say ? After all , tlumo who receive thorn , will have to pay for those 118,000,000. The report of the police judge of Norfolk HhowH Just $11 collected dur ing the month of November. That Is i little bettor than thirty cents a day. Has Norfolk come to the point where beio Is but thirty cents worth of law violation In twenty-four hours ? Our best opportunities are usually 'omul near at hand but sometimes they wall a long lime for recognition. George MaeDoiyild Hays , "Ho who goes out. of common paths to look for op portunities Ion von Ills own door and s that of his neighbor. " ' Papers In towns all over northern Nebraska are Joining In ( he request hat the railroads of Norfolk build a inlon station. II would save many u long trip over rough roads , and It would save many a man his train whore the connections are close. North Dakota has a mayor who has been arrested for being a member of i gang of horsethlovos which has stol en 1,000 horses. It Is really refresh ing to discover a different brand of plundering from those which have grown stale and tiresome In discuss ing. General Root Is about to visit Bra7.ll to look after American Interests there. If the secretary and President Roose- \elt can Invent a trade policy that will turn South American trade this way , they will bo given credit for doing a clever and necessary piece of state craft. A traveling man whose route takes him through the corn and wheat states of the Missouri valley said yesterday , "Itn no trouble selling goods and lots of them this fall. Everybody wants the goods and has the money to pay for them. All I have to do Is to take the orders. " The Missouri experiment station has been making Investigations on the amount of shrinkage In corn between cribbing time and the first day of May , and have reached the conclusion that averaging seasons for several years there would bo at least n shrinkage of fifteen per cent. Three men who had been arresteil at Lincoln for rolling and smoking cigarettes , have just been turned out of jail. Dozens In that town , who bought their cigarettes already made , are still enjoying their smokes , and the dealers are probably still enjoy ing the making of sales. The question that arose in one's mind yesterday was , "Why is It that Mr. Ryan Is willing to talk now , when ho wasn't n week ago ? What did Je rome do to him ? " Excitement in creased In the testimony that ho prom ised to offer , regarding what Mr. Har- rinmn said to Mr. Ryan. The preponderance of girls In Nor folk's population , long n noteworthy fact In connection with the city's habi tation , was again demonstrated In the November record for births. There were ten girls and nine boys born. An other wall flower nt the dances when that hunch grows up ! It Is not always realized that the difference between the primitive life of savages and modern civilization with its countless advantages , con veniences and blessings , Is all made possible by co-opcratlon. No man can accomplish much alone. Ho Is con stantly bringing to bis aid the work of others. Men think that the most difficult Christmas gifts to select are those for the women ; and women know the men are hardest to choose for. Advertis ing columns of The News show that neither Is really difficult ; there are thousands of things that ought to suit any man and as many that ought to delight any woman. Signs notifying strangers In Norfolk that there Is an ordinance which pro vides for a flno of from $1 to $10 for spitting on the sidewalks , are about to bo placed in public places. With such a warning to the public , the po lice ought to feel justified In going af or these who spat , and thus Increase lollco court btiHlncHH. Many plnccn throughout the country ire enjoying religious revivals. What H most needed Is a revival of rlght- oouHiiesH and the slgnn of the times ill Indicate that the nation Is on the throHhold of a civic rectitude that IH to manifest Itnelf In every department > f UH life. There IH nothing like attacking sin U long range to liiHtiro popularity. A ircachor over In an Iowa village is said to devote ono sermon a week to the wickedness of the French ball and you couldn't hire a person In the place to Hit up after 10 o'clock and none of i bom dance. They reduce things to a Rclencc In xploltntlotiH of all kinds down In Chi cago. The Chicago Journal says : "It m a wonder the burglars do not form union and Insist that they shall not bo Interrupted in their work. It must bo very disagreeable to have to Htop every now and then to murder some body. " The Lincoln Star gets close to the truth when it Hays In n recent edito rial : "If wo are going to trade with the world , and wo must If wo prosper long , we must take Into account the sensibilities of other people , oven their prejudices , certainly their cus toms and methods and certainly their rights. " U Is Indeed a sad thing to sec a man who has held the respect and esteem of the people of his state and been honored by them to the wearing of the senatorial toga , In the position now occupied by Senator Burton of Kan sas. Dishonored and discredited In the sight of all men , under a shadow for life , whatever sentence Is pro nounced upon him. The party that succeeds will bo the party that keeps close to the people and best expresses their wishes. This has boon the crowning glory of the re publican party from its birth and nev er did It have the confidence of the public more than It does today , under the sterling , courageous leadership of Theodore Roosevelt. Rain or shine President Roosevelt always goes on Sunday morniir ; to the unpretentious Dutch Reform church and he always walks. If It rains he may he seen tramping steadily along In rubber boots and rain coat. Ho never goes in a carriage unless he has guests who arc unable to take the walk. The rush to the Canadian northwest from Iowa and Minnesota is on the decline. Farmers are beginning to realize that low priced lands secured miles away from good markets , at the expense of their American citizenship , Is altogether too expensive. It Isn't nearly so attractive a proposition near by as It was when "distance lent en chantment to the view. " When the troops of Catherine II. of Russia took Warsaw , they carried away 300,000 volumes of the library at Radzlwlll and other public libra ries. This year the Russian govern ment decided to return the Radzlwlll hooks. They were brought back In unopened boxes In which they had been taken away more than a century ago. Overeating1 , lack of exercise and breathing bad air In close rooms caus es more death than whisky , tobacco and dissipations of other sorts. While you are steering shy of these latter evils , make sure that you are keeping clear of the others. Don't overeat , until your system Is clogged and over taxed ; don't content yourself with walking to and from your office twice a day ; and don't shut out the fresh air i'rom your business rooms and your sleeping rooms. Col. Terry of Rock county did a good deed when ho offered a prize of $15 for the best essay on his hobby , "Tho Horse. " And Miss Mildred Smith , niece of Miss Rosn Hudspeth , editor of the Stuart Ledger , did clov er work In gaining the prize. This young lady wrote n fairy story and a poem at the age of ten , which won n prize of $20 from an eastern maga zine. She Is the genuine niece of an editor , for she Is now saving that mon ey to give It away. If the ofllce of receiver In the land offices had only been abolished a year igo , Al Towlo of Valentine might hive been saved a disgrace. Maybe , how ever , Al Towle's actions were partly operative In bringing about this rec ommendation on the part of the con nlssloner of the general lind office. By the abolition of the "Jlco two north ern Nebrnr-i ; politic1' ! ' would be vlped'it nt o1 < > II nn'd om it Vale t'i1 " ' f-i. . n ould . f ? * . * year. The " "i tlm 1 O'C < J I. II ifvu ! i'o do lo rise on "stepping stones of our dead selves , " not the prostrate forms of our lolghbors or business associates. "The liolghts by great men reached and kept , " were never gained by selfish crowding and the cruel and ungener ous use of superior power. The youthful king of Spain Is a sue- COHH In making love. Up to date ho has been engaged to eleven young wo men , more or less rich and good look Ing. You see , the king Is considered a good article In the matrimonial mar ket and Is himself quite susceptible , so engagements are easily made , but the royal family , the court and nobil ity are difficult to please , consequent ly the alliances are broken about as quickly as made. The blast furnaces of the United States Steel company are to bo equipped to the use of the dry air blast process. It Is said that the pro cess effects a saving of $2 a ton and will result In a saving of $11,000,000 to $10,000,000 a year to the corpora tion. All these little savings will help to pay the grocers' bills and buy the children's shoes. No one should de spise even small economies like thesf The miniature revolution In the Isle of Pines failed to materialize. It was promptly squelched by ono Elilni Root In the following terse communication , which seems quite to the point. It was addressed to the president of the ( \moricnn club on the island : "Thore Is no procedure by which you and your associates can lawfully establish a territorial government in that island. The Island Is lawfully subject to the control and government of the Repub lic of Cuba , and you and your associ ates are bound to render obedience to the laws of that country so long ns you remain In the Island. " Thus end- eth another rebellion. A Chinese editor in Now York makes seine strong comparisons be tween the Chinese and Americans. Ho admits that they have bad Chinese gamblers nnd opium eaters , but says that whisky Is worse than opium. Whisky raises the passions which transform i man Into a beast , and ho goes home to kick his wife ; opium changes the man to a living corpse and his wife kicks him. The editor continues sarcastically : "I edit a paper turned out by yellow men but wo turn out a white paper , while many white men turn out yellow papers. " This editor evidently possesses a sense of Lumor not common to his race. "The gei.tie art of self defense , " as practiced in some of the colleges and schools like Annapolis , has becouu n disgrace to the nation. The author ! tlos , not t'.ie students , are to blame for it. They prate about the dlscip line that ynmg men obtain , when the truth Is they catch a spirit of ruffian ism and biutality displayed nowhere else and silently winked at where It would not be tolerated a single Instant by the public. This "cussedness" by college students should cease and ed ucators who have some backbone and a whole lot of ordinary common sense should command a premium In the paying out of the people's money. Its time to call a halt. Our higher schools of learning have exalted the art of savagery long enough. No one wants namby-pambylsm or goody-goodlness. but the people of Intelligence would like to see the unrefined pugilism of the present day college life supplanted by n practical highmlndedness becom ing the educated young men of a rec ognized Christian nation. A pretty little Incident which oc curred during a great educational con vention held nt Asbury Park last July , at which President Roosevelt was a prominent speaker , has recently been miblished. An old lady was present at the convention who had an autograph ilbum containing the names of all presidents since the time of Lincoln. She was very anxious to add President Roosevelt to the list. Through the In fluence of friends her grandson was miven an opportunity to make the re quest Just as the president was going 'o the platform. Seeing the album , the president motioned it aside , saying impatiently , "Haven't time. " The voting man briefly replied , "Abraham Lincoln had time. " Instantly the pros- dent stopped and took the book and vroto his name saying , as he returned t , "I count it an honor to write my inmo where Abraham Lincoln wrote ifs. " Many besides President Roose- elt could learn lessons of kindly cour- esy to the aged nnd helpless from the "title dealings of the great Lincoln , bo always had time to bo kind. Piln may go by the name of rheuma- ' fit. npnr.ilgla , lumbago , pleurisy. No I'ler what name the pains are called , ' " ' 1'stor's ' Rocky Mountain Tea will rive them awny. 35 cents , tea or tab- - ' = The Klesau Drug Co. "v children Inherit constitutions nnd feeble , others duo to child- " o'ibles. Holllster's Rocky fn'n ' Tea will positively cure chil- n ' make them strong. 35 cents , 'iblets. The Klesau Drug Co. Superior engraved cards. Tbo Newt. NORTHWESTERN PUTS THE NEW SCHEDULE IN EFFECT SUNDAY. CHANGE IN NORTH FREIGHTS Freights Between Norfolk and Bone- , cteel Run Earlier In the Day Sunday - day Morning Train is Established Be- twccn Fremont and Lincoln. fFrom Frldny's Dnllv.l A now time card was Issued by the Chicago & Northwestern railroad from Norfolk today , to become effective next Sunday. There are no changes In trains out of Norfolk excepting the Bonostocl freights , which will leave earlier In the morning for the north and arrive from that direction earlier In the evening. The only other change of importance is on the line between Fremont and Lincoln , where n Sunday morning passenger service Is to bo es tablished. The Bonestccl freight train out of Norfolk , which formerly left here at about noon , will now leave Norfolk at 7:15 : a. m. It will arrive in Boncstcel at 8:10 : p. m. Returning , this train leaves Boncsteol at 9 a. m. and ar rives In Norfolk at 7 : HO p. in. The northbound way freight , run ning between Norfolk and Vordigrer will leave Norfolk at 8:15 : n. m. and will return in the evening at 7:10. This train turns around nt Vcrdlgro. The changes In this service will beef of much benefit to the traveling public on the Bonestcel line , as It will give morning trains bound for the north and , up near Boncstcel , will give give morning trains bound for the- south , also. Hitherto the only trains running on that line ran during the- afternoon or at midnight , so that the new schedule will help wonderfully ind will be appreciated by the trav elers. This gives something of the same sort of service that now runs between Norfolk and Long Pine in the morning freights. Sunday Morning Lincoln Train. The new time card makes a change In the Fremont-Lincoln service which will be important as an Improvement for the whole northern part of the state. This is the establishment of n Sunday morning train out of Lincoln and return from Fremont. For years the need of this train has been felt by the traveling public nnd the change- will be heartily appreciated. Former ly It was necessary to wait in Lincoln until afternoon If one desired to get out on Sunday , and in going to Lincoln on the Sunday morning train the people ple from the Bonesteol line , who had only that train to make , were com pelled to wait in Fremont until late in the afternoon. People , too , from Minneapolis and St. Paul , as well as Sioux City , who wanted to get to Lin coln Sunday morning , had to go iround by way of Omaha , where they may now take the short cut through. Dr. Meredith , osteopath. New phones office Ash 51 , 1 ring ; res. Ash 51 , 2 rings. NE"W STORE TO OPEN. Anthes & Smith Will Open Their Toy- land to the Public. Bright and early tomorrow morning the new store In Norfolk that of An thes & Smith in the Recs building , corner Filth street and Norfolk av enue will be thrown open to the pub lic and all day today the proprietors nnd their corps of clerks have been as busy as busy could well be getting ready for the event. The store , with all of Its pretty new appointments , and the great advant ages of a large new store room , airy and well lighted , Is a model and will surprise the people of Norfolk. The stock of toys and other things for Christmas will also be a delightful sur prise to the shoppers of this vicinity. There are many attractive decorations being arranged for the opening day. If you are troubled with Indigestion , , constipation , sour stomach , or any oth er pain , Holllster's Rocky Mountain Tea will make you well and keep you well. 35 cents , tea or tablets. The Klesau Drug Co. ATCHISON GLOBE SIGHTS. Jealousy is like enmity : The lesa said about It the better. Occasionally love affairs drag on so that Cupid disappears , and Father Time Takes his place. If men had as much patience with \ the baby's faults ns they have with ) their own what model nurses they y would be. / Join the Christmas trot : Anyone who tries to stem popular opinion at this season Is likely to bo run over by toy express wagons. About nil wo hope for Christmas IB that the woman who cooks our Christ mas dinner will have been too busy to f % make cranberry jelly. S The toys that a woman buys for her boy are the kind that ho can smash but when the father buys them , the boy meets his equal : Iron is stronger than ho Is. The toys selected by the average woman make fine kindling. Considering that a man gets up ear ly in the morning and goes away to ho gone all day earning money it la a wonder his daughters don't also Ket up and assist his wife In giving him a good breakfast and watch him make tno start.