The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, December 15, 1905, Page 3, Image 3

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Lynch and Parker , Who Were Caught
by the Posse Near Wakeflcld , Have
Such a Hopeless Case Thay They
Pleaded Guilty and Were Sentenced.
Poncn. Nob. , Doc. 8. George Parker
and iToo Lynch were- sentenced hy
Judge Graves to eight years each In
the state penitentiary In Lincoln. Noli. ,
for burglary committed upon the sa
loon of F. K. Mutejku at WaUcflold on |
the morning of November 7. The man
will bo taken to Lincoln next week by
Sheriff Mnskcll to begin their long
term of ImprlRnnincnt. Lynch was
manifestly affected by the sentence.
He broke down and took Ills chair before -
fore the judge Mulshed his remarks.
Parker appeared calm.
Robert Hay , who Is hold hero for
complicity In the Job , will bo brought
tip for preliminary hearing Monday.
County Attorney Klngsbnry , who Is
prosecuting the case , believes ho has
n good case , although his evidence Is
largely circumstantial. Mr. Klngsbury
will arrive In Slonx City tomorrow to
confer with Jailor McDougall and Do-
tacolvcs J. 13. Richard and M. B. Fol-
Us , who observed the actions of Ray
while he was conlincd In the Woodbury -
bury county jail In a demented condi
tion , which led to the conclusion that
ho was a member of the gang.
Knox Tipple of Stanton Is In town.
A. V. Bane of BoneHtoelTTTln town.
Sa. Tuxeherry has gone to Lincoln.
Mrs. G. C. Pryco of Tllden Is In the
Prod Oakley of TcUamah Is In the
Prank Shcllyn of Hosklns Is In town
Francis KIsely Is In the city from
II. J. Houston of Plain view Is In
town today.
E. II. Tracy transacted business In
Pierce yesterday.
L. J. Hughes of Wlnsldo was in
Norfolk yesterday.
Mrs. W. W. Weave ? of Meadow
Grove was In the city today.
Charles Pavllck and Louis Mcady of
Vcrdlgre wore in town today.
Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Orris of Stanton
were in the city over night.
Miss Margaret O'Neill of Battle
Crook visited In the city yesterday.
Mrs. F. J. Hale and daughter , Miss
Elizabeth , are In town from Battle
M. G. Rohrke , wife and daughter ,
have returned after a long trip to Hot
Springs , S. D.
Mrs. Anna Sevcra of Battle Creek
Is in the city visiting her daughter ,
Mrs. Max Wilde.
A. J. Dnnlevy , K. It. Luikart and
Chas. Smith , n trio of Tllden bankers ,
were in town yesterday.
Mrs. Farrell , who has been visiting
her parents , Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Dex
ter , will leave with her son this evenIng -
Ing for her home in Hot Springs , S. D.
A number of Pierce ladies were in
Norfolk yesterday for the cooking
school. Among those present were
Mrs. C. B. Staloy , Mrs. Gnshpcr , Mrs.
A. II. Backhans , Mrs. Al. L. Brando ,
Mrs. B. Lindsay , Mrs. W. 13. Powers.
II. F. Braasch has moved into town
from his farm.
The feast of the Immaculate Concep
tion was observed at the Church of
the Sacred Heart yesterday.
Corn husking Is practically finished
In Madison county and the corn shell-
crs are at work all day long , tearing
the yellow kernels from the cobs. A
largo number of the machines are at
work In this vicinity.
Dr. and Mrs. O. R. Meredith very
pleasantly entertained a number of
friends at their home on North Tenth
street last night , six-handed euchre
and flinch being features of the even-
Ing's pleasure. Delicious refresh
ments were served.
The weather this morning took a
decidedly wintrlsh turn and for a time
a snow storm was threatened. A
fierce wind howled all night out of the
northwest and the temperature has
been dropping steadily all day. The
weather man promises colder weather
for tonight and Sunday.
There are a number of young boys
In the city who ought to bo In school
but instead are spending their time
either at work or In a useless manner.
These same boys will regret their
nhiftlessness all the remainder of their
lives , and the truant officer should see
that the compulsory school law Is en
forced In those cases.
Wayne Herald : The tip-town Northwestern -
western depot at Norfolk was totally
destroyed by flro Friday night. The '
conflagration broke out at 11 o'clock
and Is supposed to have originated
from a defective chimney. Since the >
fire , Norfolk citizens have united In
an effort for a big , commodious union i
depot , something the town greatly
Anoka Herald : We are Informed
that a traveling salesman slapped Pete >
Horst of Butte Thursday morning , and I
Pete could only bo avenged by having
his assailant arrested , so Pete sent the
sheriff to Anoka to catch the man be
fore ho could get away on the morning
freight. The sheriff caught a man and
'took ' him off the train , but on arriving
at Butte found It was not the man.
8. A. Richardson had taken the real
assailant to Fairfax with one of his
livery teams. Now comes the ques
tion ; how much will I'otor have to
pay the arrested man for damages ,
The Modern Brotherhood of Amer
ica elected olllcers last night as fol
lows : Ben Beemer , president ; J. M.
Covert , vice president ; Max Asnins ,
secretary ; W. 11. Vail , treasurer ; F.
\V. Bryant , physical uxiunlnur ; .lessio
Freeman , conductor ; Mrs. George
Mather , chaplain ; lOarnest Balluwog.
watchman ; Myron Farley , sentry.
Verdlgro Progress : Invitations are
out announcing the marriage of Miss
Lldinlla Holun of Nlnhrura to Mr ICn-
gelbort A. Prahur of Madison , Neb.
Miss Holun Is the accomplished daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Adolph llolnn.
She was born and raised In our midst ,
and for many years has been clerk
and manager of Fred Opoconsky's
'store at Monowl , Nob. Mr. Prahur Is
a young man , a thrifty and aniiiltlous
farmer near Madison , whoru the newly
wedded couple will hereafter niako
their homo. The Progress extends
congratulations , and wishes the young
couple all the happiness that can ho
crowded Into a llfo time.
Skating by moonlight on Krng's
pond cast of town proved a great at
traction to a do/en young people last
night. Skating Is one of the most ox-
hiloratlng pastimes that young people
can Indulge In , and If they will keep
away from the Norlhfork river It Is
not more harmful than any other vig
orous exercise. But It should always
bo remembered that the Norfork river
Is never safe. While the surface of
the ice may look perfectly sound , the
warm water of the springs with which
the river Is filled melt the Ice from
underneath and there are many weak
Spots which will give way under the
weight of a person passing over them.
Scarcely n winter passes that one or
more victims Is not claimed through
the treachery of the ice on this river.
Skaters may save an unnecessary sac
rifice of life If they will conllno tliolr
sport to the ponds and keep off the
Lynch Journal : Henry R. Hobbs
and Miss Mabel Cooley stole a march
on their many friends Thanksgiving
day and went to IJutte In company
with Wilbur McGinitle and Mrs. Bes
sie Newell and were married by .Indge
Lee. They returned homo on the
morning train to announce the wed
ding and receive the warm congratula
tions of their host of friends. Mr.
Hobbs Is the junior member of the
firm of Murtindale & Hobbs and Is a
very promising young merchant with
a host of personal and business
friends. Miss "Babe" Cooley , tlio
bride , has lived In Lynch n number of
years and has been the sweet tem
pered , accommodating and proficient
operator at the central telephone of
fice for a long time and also hn made
many social and business friends in
Lynch. They will live with Mrs. Cool
ey for the present. The Journal joins
their many friends in wishing them a
very pleasant married life.
To Encourage Literary Effort and to
do a Good Deed for His Hobby , the
Horse , He Offered a Prize on an Es
say Little Girl Won It.
Stuart Register : Col. Terry , for
merly of the Terry ranch , Rock coun
ty , Is encouraging literary talent In
the young , ns well as doing humane
workin behalf of his hobby , the horse.
Ho offered a prize of $15 to tlio one
writing the best essay on "Tho
Horse. " Those competing were to be
eighth grade pupils of Rock county ,
the judges to reside in Bassett. Miss
Mildred Smith , aged thirteen , a niece
of the editor , carried off the honors
She Is very fond of horses and got
the inspiration from a pet horse ,
which she has cared for and loved
for several years.
At the age of ten , she wrole a fairy
story and a poem for an eastern mag
azine and won the prize. She is sav
ing her $20 for benevolent purposes.
Stage Beauty of Years Ago Seriously
III at the Age of Sixty.
Pauline Mnrklmm , a stage beauty of
thirty-five years ago , when she came
to the United States In Lydla Thomp
son's burlesque company , I" seriously
ill at her homo In Now York , suffering
from measles. Miss Markham , who In
nrlvato llfo Is the wife of Adolard
Gravel , a printer , Is now more than
(50 ( years old and greatly changed from
the days when her accents were de
scribed as "vocal velvet , " and when
she was said to have "the lost arms of
i the Venus of MIles , " but even In sickness -
ness she maintains her cheerfulness
jnnd oven a sprlghtlly humor. "If Ij j
have to bo 111 , " she says , "I'm glad It's j I
! measles , for It shows I'm still young I
enough for that. " Her husband 's ' In i
moderately prosperous clrcu-nstanccs ,
and the homo of the c.v.i. > ' is a comfortably -
' fortably furnished Hat In West One
Hundredth street.
Not a minute should bo lost when a
| child shows symptoms of croup. Cham-
berlain's Cough Remedy given ns soon
as the child becomes hoarse , or oven
after the croupy cough appears , will
prevent the attack. It never falls , and
Is pleasant and safe to take. For sale
hy all druggists.
The Board of Insanity nt Buttc , How
ever , Found That Mrs. Andrew Rose-
boom Was Perfectly S.anc and He
Pays the Costa.
Trying to provo that his wife was
limno. In order that she might he
sent to ( he Norfolk Insaiio hospital ,
and guilty of mist rout lug her for some
time past , Andrew Itosoboom of Boyd
county was ( his week Justly rebuked
by the board of Insanity at Hullo. Ills
wife was found lo he perfectly sane ,
contrary to his allegations , and It was
further found that ho had boon treat
ing her In a manner that would make
an ordinary woman cra/.y If persist
ently coudnucd.
Tlio board not only found that Mrs.
Itosebooin will not need ( o become an
Ininnto of the Norfolk hospital , but II
found further that her husband should
; iay all of the costs of the hearing
and they admonished him ( o treat the
woman bettor In the future.
The Lynch Journal siys : of the case :
Andy llosohoom took his wife lo
Bntte Tuesday evening and had her
heforo the county Insanity hoard who
pronounced her sane. The costs were
( axed ( o ( ho husband who was ndinon-
Ished In strong terms to see that she
had better treatment InthofuUire.
Mrs. Jnmos Sweet , who has been
sick for two weeks , Is reported bettor.
Mclvln Homer s building a now
barn on Ills farm northwest of town.
Put Curborry , who 1ms been on the
. -Ick list for some time past , went to
Omaha Friday to consult a specialist.
Lottie , ho eleven-year-old daughter
if O. A. Sleeper , while playing on ( he
school grounds one day last week , fell
and broke her arm.
The basket social given In the hall
last week hy ( ho ladles of tlio M. 10.
church cleared fifteen dollars for the
benefit of the new building.
M. R. Morris , who was at one time
station agent here and is now living
in the Indian Territory , is the guest
of his brother , II , J. Morrris ,
lmer Stearns , For Whom Reward of
$200 Was Offered , Found Here.
Sheriff Louis Clonyca arrived In Nor
folk at 11 o'clock today from Crooks-
ton , Minn. , to take Into custody Klmor
Stearns , an alleged horsethlof from
that slate for whom a reward of $200
was offered and who was captured In
: i saiuuu uuiu riiu.ij IIIKIII ir V-MU UI
Hay. The Minnesota sheriff found a
letter in Stearns' trunk Indicating that
lie had a hrother-ln-law In this ridlgh-
horhood. A letter of description gave
the Norfolk chief of police a tip and
he found the man. Stearns Is charged
with stealing a team and buggy , and
with selling them.
The sheriff and his prisoner left at
noon for Minnesota.
Nebraskans Think It Time That Min
nesota Returns the Visits.
Schedule casting for the football sea
son of inno Is already claiming Iho at
tention of U-e athletic authorities at
Nebraska university , says a Lincoln
report. Football Manager Morrison
was present at tlio recent conference
nowwow In Chicago and sounded sev
eral of the "big nine" representatives
on the subject of taking on the corn-
buskers. Nebraska Is under contract
to play Illinois in Champaign. The
Illinois have played Booth's pupils for
three successive Thanksgivings , but
tlio arrangement whereby the corn-
buskers arc to go to Champaign next
year means that Nebraska must look
elsewhere for a Thanksgiving day foe
In 1900.
Nebraska's negotiations for the "big
nine" games next season probably will
bo confined to Michigan , Minnesota
and Northwestern. The sentiment Is
strong In the Nebraska camp that the
gophers ought to come to Lincoln next
year for the Thanksgiving game. The
last four games between tlio cohorts
of Williams and Rooth have been
played on the Minnesota field , and If
there Is any justice in the rule of al
ternation it would seem that the time
has come for the gophers to book the
Nebraska game next year for Lincoln
The prestige already acquired by Min
nesota and the added fact that Dr. Wil
liams is destined to have a team still
stronger than over next year , would ,
In the jirliment of the athletic author-
'ties ' at Nebraska , draw a great crowd
If the gophers wore the turkey day at-
The Nebraska prairies would fairly
burn with enthusiasm and the gate re-
ooli'ts from Mich a game , consorvu-
lively estimated , ought to run us high
as $12.000 , wlille Manager Morrison IK
confident they w-uld exceed that sum.
Northwestern Is also a strong Thanks
giving possibility , and Mnnngpr Mor-
rson , who Is to have charge f arrang
ing the schedule. Is confident of mak
ing some definite arrange nont either
with the Methodists or gophers within
the next two weeks.
It Is n foregone conclusion that the
Nebrasl-a hoard will not approve of
playing more than two game , away
from homo next season. With the
Champaign date already provided for
by contract , and If both Michigan and
Minnesota are to ho on the cornhusk
era' schedule , the situation la that
either thn gophers or the wolverine
intuit piny In Lincoln , and If either
cannot approve of the suggestion , Hum
ihero ran bo no giuno. Hither would
provo n great drawing card In the No-
"Tunlm " camp and the Nnhratika management -
agomont Intends to leave no off or I un-
ilono to mal.e the needed arrange-
The aunuiil oornhiiHkcr bannuet hint
night marked Iho Dual passing of ( ho
football NOHHOM for 11105. Coach lloolh
\vnn not pri'm'iil , na ho WUH hnnilly
lummoiiotl to lilti homo In Now York
city ultor he had planned to ho prim-
'Mil. ' The players , the iiu'iubcm of the
Hlili'tlc hoard and about IM ) iitiidotit
motors lurllclpuU'd In the foHllvltlt's.
which cmu'ludcd with Iho prosonta-
( Ion of gold watt'lK-H to ox-Captains
llenedlct and Borg. whose four years
of service on the Nebraska olovcn end'
od on Thanksgiving day
The coiichshlp quest Ion ut NohnisKa
'ilngos eiidrely upon whether or not
Bnoili can see his way clear ( o coach
mother year. No ono else Is being
considered by the athletic authorities
Booth's law partner objected even a
vcar ago and no action can he taken
until word conuss from ( ho former
I'rlncelonlan. It Is known , however ,
ihiil Booth Is willing ( o return , provid
ing he can arrange his Inmluess nfTalrtt
ID permit K.
Nebraska was signally defeated dur
ing Iho season just ended by Michi
gan and Minnesota , lint the average
coniliusker rooter Is Inclined to vote
that the year was an athletic success.
Least of all , ( hero Is no Inclination In
' esponslble circles to criticise either
Booth or his to'im ' lor the reverses al
Ann Arbor or Minneapolis ,
The captaincy for Iflfli ! Is soon ( o be
KOttlod. Secretary Clapp and Chair-
nnn Lees are lo pass on the ollglblllt )
of the different candidates and the
ballots are to bo distributed among
the players during the present week ,
( ilonn Mason , fullback for the past
'lireo ' years , seems to bo the mostllko-
'y ' choice , although ( hero are two or
three other aspirants.
Stevenson Attempted to Shoot Again ,
But Was Grabbed by His Victim.
Stevenson Escaped to His Home and
Can Not Now be Found.
Rrlstow , Neb. , Dec. 11. Special to
The News : In a dispute over the own
ership of a few tons of straw , M. S.
Stevenson drew a revolver upon W. 10.
Hlght , a drayman of tills cty , and shot ,
the bullet Just gra/.ing his coat.
Steveiihon is a farmer , about HO
years of age , find rents a farm , upon
shares , owned by Mr. Hlght. As soon
as the threshing was completed this
qonson , Mr. Hlght asked for Ills pro
portion of the straw , and the deliver
ing was delayed to the exliiit that Mr
Hlght bad hired a third party to haul
some of It to his homo In town. Ste
venson was in town Saturday , nudn
when going home , passing Mr. I light's
residence on the outskirts of the city ,
saw Mr. Hlght In the yard , and stopped
and questioned him about his having
some one to bring in the straw which
ho claimed did not belong to him.
Sonio hot words ensued that lead to
the shooting. After Stevenson fired
Mr. Hlght grabbed him by the shoul
ders ' to prevent his shooting the second
end time , which ho attempted to do.
Stevenson managed to get away , and
reached his team before ho could bo
caught , and , whipping up his horses ,
drove to his home , stopped only a mo
ment . at the house , and told his wife
that he was going out to husk some
corn. Mr. I light hurried to the mar
shal and got out a warrant , and Mar
shal Halm drove at once to the farm ,
Init Stevenson was not there , neither
could he be found In or around the
cornfield. No trace had been found
of him last evening.
How to Cure Corns and Bunions.
First , soak the corn or bunion In
warm water to soften It ; then pare II
down as closely as possible without
drawing blood and apply Chamber
lain's Pain Balm twice dally , rubbing
vigorously for five minutes at each ap
plication. A corn plaster should bo
worn a few days to protect It from
the shoe. As a general liniment for
sprains , bruises , lameness and rheum
ntlsm , Pain Balm Is nnequalcd. For
sale by Leonard the druggist.
General Manager Gardner and Manag
er Bldwell Coming Tonight.
A special train carrying high ofll-
clals of the Northwestern railroad will
pass through Norfolk tonight enrouto
for the west. On the train are Gen
eral Manager W. A. Gardner of Chicago
cage and Manager George V. Bldwoll
of Omaha. Trainmaster K , O. Mount
of Norfolk has gone to Fremont to
reel the train and escort the officials
over his territory. The object of the
visit Is not known.
New Warehouse.
Blakoman & Colenmn are tearing
U..VMI the old warehouse nt the corner
of Phillip avenue and Rlghlh street ,
'ormerly occupied by the Piano com-
'Mny. The material from this struc
ture will bo used In the now warehouse
to bo built by this firm along the now
wholesale sidetrack on Seventh street.
The basement for this new building Is
all dug and the cement blocks for the
foundation are on hand.
Out In Iho Wootln nnil Back to Nature ,
Fred Uochc , Seven Feet High In Illn
Stockings , In Agnln Breathing Frer.h
Air nn n Tonic.
Out In the wn.nhi and back ( o na
liiro , Fred Bcicho , Madlnon county's
' ilmit. ; has again taken up his wlnlor
tbodo In ( ' 'imping quarlors on the 101k-
horn rlvor , to spend Iho months of
mow nnil Ire In n ontiviiH lout nut of
Inors , ami to nmko ( ho llfo romunera-
Ivo as wo | | us Invigorating by oimimr
'ng ' Iho fur-oovoiod cronlurcH of Iho
thlcliols In modem day Ira pit of stool.
Mr. llocho has for u number oT yearn
witl dwelled , during Iho season ol
sliiirl days and long nights , out In the
open air , on ( he hankii of uoitli No
! iriiHn's | { stream , \\horo he might In
'idle ' from Kimrlso until dunk and from
: irkncHs Illl dawn , the stimulating ,
refreshing wlillTs of atmiuiplioro thai
cniiie limiting off ( ho Ice topped rlvor ,
I'or a living , In the commercial
sense of the lorin. Mr. llocho bus lie-
gun to battle with the oiler of ( he
ri'Mi , Uio mink , ( ho mimkriil nnil nth
or forum of being that Inhabit the
weeded parts of the world. Once cap
tured between the jaws of nleel thai
have been set by Boche , the little an-
niiils are sentenced , executed and
iklnned. The hides sell at profitable
llgures on the. markets.
Yesterday the big I rapper made a
nicceimfiil catch of a certain form of
black and white striped cal of the Held
which , though not a fuvorllo with the
nubile at largo on aoomml of Its sconl ,
brings good returns from ( lie market ,
nevortholesH , In the shape of $1.5(1 (
nor hide.
Asa K. Leonard and Dr. Muekoy
wore visitors at the ( tamp yesterday
uid they report a pleasant Journey.
Bnclio Is nald lo bo an Ideal host In
his ( nit of door homo and his open air
reception i Is declared to ho us warm
a reception us man could want.
Ono font u ro In connection with
lloclio , which Is encouraging to the
advocates of sleeping out of doors an
i Ionic , Is the fact Ilia ! this Inhabitant
of the forest Is the biggest man In this
sect Ion of the stalo. Ho measures
seven feet In height and Is big and
broad proportionally. Ho Is a model
In ( lie way of good health and vig
orous hardihood , and Is In love hear
tily with his winter's dwelling place.
"If more people would sloop out of
doors all summer and all winter , " says
lioebo , "there would he less consump
tion and nioro strong men and women
In the world. It Is a rich way of liv
ing. "
Suffering From Serious Heart Trouble
In Paris.
Maurlco ( Iran , Iho Improssarlo , mid
former manager of the Metropolitan
Oporn company , according to a pri
vate cable dispatch received In Now
York , Is seriously III at. his homo In
When Mr. Orau gave up his man-
bo succeeded by Helnrlch Cojirlod , ho
was completely broken In health and
went abroad to rucni ornlo.
Ho has never returned. After a
year of complete rest , for the greater
part of the time in the south of Franco ,
his health was greatly Improved.
Then , with his wife and daughter , ho
took up his residence In Paris.
Nearly two months ago his health
began to fall again , and since the last
of October ho has been steadily losing
ground. Ills trouble Is an affection of
the heart.
Immense Project Involving New Rail
road .and Big Power Plants.
Valentino , Neb. , Doc. 12. Plans are
under way. for the converting of tlio
hitherto useless sandhills of western
Nebraska Into marketable glass , ami
the project Is being undertaken on a
scale which promises to bring a largo
number of people into this spursclj
populated country. It seems that the
sandhills have nt last become attrac
tive , not to ranchmen this time , bill
to big capitalists. These thousands
and thousands of acres of sandhills
which the government has been trying
to get rid of for many years by offer
ing ICO acres to anyone for a homestead
stead , and since the Klnkuld bill has
been in effect , (510 acres have been al
lowed to each settler , have at last
been discovered to have great value
and It behooves anyone to take 111
and establish a homestead on all the
land obtainable.
The Chicago Tribune of recent date
made mention of a glass city to bo
established In northwestern Nebras
ka on ono of the largo rivers of the
state. The exact location of this
"glass city" was left open for Imnglna
tlon. At the Junction of the Minnlch
adiim and Nlobruru rivers , near For
NIobrara , will bo constructed twc
largo dams. Ono on the Mtnnichadtua
and another on the NIobrara river
Until recently all the land from Val
online to the mouth of the Mlnnlcha
dnza belonged to the government , hu
has now been purchased by private
It Is the Intention to build a rallroai
from this point through .Valentino am
south about twenty-eight miles Into
the sandhill district. The end of the
road Is to bo near Red Door lake , on
a ranch owned by a Mr. B. C. Cochran
f Chicago , who may hecomo IntuniHt-
oil In Iho tmlorprliio. Thin railroad
In calculated to handle all the sand
tiifllclont to keep those glass facto
ries running night and day for years
lo conic. The number of factories to
lie cHluhllahcd has not been definitely
lettlod. It Is thought ( hat they will
ho coiiHlrnclod near Iho mouth of the
Mliinlcliinlu/a rlvor and get their pow
' ! from both Iho Mlnnlclmdu/a and
Vlobriira rivers ,
II In a big undertaking , | , ui wllhlliu
apllal that will buck the oiilerprlso
I Is mire to Hiicceed. In addition to
he fnclorles for making glass Ihoro
will bo an Immomio oloctrlo. power
'hint ' , built on Iho NIobrara river , an
lectrlo road conslriiclod fiom Fort
NIobrara to Valentino and an Iiinuni-
ruble number of dwellings oant of
Vuloniliio for Iho factory employes to
Ivo In.
II hi oxpoolod that Iho number of
"iiplnyoii will ho so large that Ihoro
vlll ho great business advantages In
The Hand has boon thoroughly tent-
d and found lo contain moro iilllca
him It wan possible to lumglno.
NebrasLu hldn fair lo rival some of
lie eastern Hlnleii In population when
iiplliillslii take up Iho glass niatm-
aclory In oilier parts of Iho iilato than
it Vnluiilluo.
Superior ongriived cards. The Now * .
YoO Most Hot Forget
Wt ! in > cniiNlimMy improv-
in l.lio url of limiting Kino
'hoi os.
Nnwest Styles in
Cards and Finish ,
Wo silso carry a Kino l/ino
> f Mouldings.
lowest Rales.
W. J , GOW & BRO.
Money on Hand.
She Has cured Thousands
AlcopiiUiy , Homo
opiilliy , Klorlrir iind fen- !
Will , by request , visit profcsloiinlly
returning every lour WCOKS. Coimult
her while the opportunity In ut hand.
OH. CALUWKM. , limits her practlcu
to the special treatment of diseases of
the eye. ear. nose , lliroat , IUIIKB , female
diseases , diseases of children and all
chronic. , norvoiiM and surKlcal diseases
of a curable imt.irc. Karly consump
tion. bronchltlH , catarrh ,
chronic catnrrh , hcndacho. constipa
tion , stomach and bowel troubles ,
rheumatism , noiiralKla , sciatica , kidney
diseases , HrlKht's dlHeiisc , dlseason of
the liver and bladder , dizziness , ner
vousness , IndlKt-'stlnn , obesity. Inter
rupted nutrition , slow Rrowth in child
ren , and all wasting diseases In iidulta ,
doformatleH , club feet , curvature of
the spine , diseases of the brain , par
alysis , heart disease , dropsy , swelling
of the limbs , stricture , open sores ,
pain In the bones , granular enlarjie-
menlH and all IOMK standing dlso < ies
properly treated.
Illooil nnil Skin IllNfimrH.
I'lrnples. blotclies. eruptions , liver
Hiiot.s , fallliis of the hair , bad com
plexion , eczema , throat ulcers , bone
pains , bladder troubles , weak back ,
biirnliiK urine , passing urine too often.
The effects of constitutional sickness
ur the takliiK of Mo much Injurious
medicine receives searching treatment ,
prompt relief nrul a cure for llfo.
Diseases of women , Irregular mens
truation , falling of the womb , bearing
down pains , female displacements , lack
of sexual tone , l.ourorrhea. sterility
or barreness , consult Dr. Caldwell und
iho will show them the cause of t'mlr
trou'llo and the way to become cured.
t'iinc < T , ( iollt-r. riNtiiln , I'llrn
and enlarged trland.s treated with the
subcutaneous Injection method , Abso
lutely without pain mid wn'iont the
loss of n drop of blood. Is one of her
own discoveries and Ib really the most
scleiitlllc method of this advanced UKO.
Dr. Caldwell has practiced her profes
sion In some of tb' largest hospltuls
throughout Hitniintry. . She him no
superior In the tnmtum nn > dlaKnt'niriff
of diseases , deformities , etc 3h * has
lately opened nn otllce In Omaha Ne
braska , where she will spend u portion
tion of ench week treating her many
patients. No Incurable cases accepted
for treatment. Consultation , examina
tion and advice , ona dollar to those
ChiOdgo , Illi
Address al ) nail to Bae BaUdlrifr *
Omnbn , Neb. J