The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, December 15, 1905, Image 1

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NOllH'OlilC NKllltASKA l < 'IUr > AY DKCKMIIKK 15 HOB.
None In Favor of Stopping Woik ,
However House Discusses Life In
surance Control Republican Caucus
Favors Joint Statehood.
Washington , Due. 15. The senate
spent , four hours in discussing the
Panama canal emergency appropria
tion bill and when It adjourned the
bill \vas still under consideration.
Thnve wore sot speeches by Teller , and Morgan and they were fol
lowed by a general debate , in which
p.ll phases of the controversy wore ex-
plotted. Including the question of sal-
cries , the control of the Panama rail-
roud and the necessity for general
legislation on the canal subject. All\ ! ; \
sor. , cJmliman of the committee o
appropriations , expressed the o'.dnlo. .
that congress should take up the ques
i ! tion of salaries In connection with
other canal legislation. He also said
that the status of the Panama railroad
ehould be made a subject of legislation.
Teller , Scott nnd Morgan expressed
dissatisfaction with the conditions In
Panama , but all Indicated a determi
nation to support the supply meas
ures necessary to secure the work on
the canal as undertaken. Teller ad-
Tocfcted a sea level ; Scott spoke In
favor of the San IJlas route as prefer
able to all others , and Morgan ex-
profited the opinion that before the
Panama canal Is completed another
ct : n ! will be necessary to do the busi
ness required A separate bill rcgu
In i Ing the issuance of bonds for the
canal and placing them on the same
basis as other government bonds was
jisifid without debate.
During the day Rlklns made a
statement from the committee on In-
tcrstitto commerce , expressing the
opinion that the commlttoo would
make report within a reasonable tlmo.
Tax to Regulate Life Insurance.
Dehtito on the recommendation In
the president's annual message re
garding insur.'inco regulation occupied
the house without conclusion. The
pending resolution refers the ques
tion to the ways and means commit
tee , and in Its defense Payne , chair
man , made the argument that the only
Tvay congress could control insurance
wns through the taxing power. To
this many objections were made
Members said congress could not af
ford to take the position that the only
way it could control insurance was
through taxing It , that it should rcso
lutcly pursue other methods of control
until some way was found that would
bo effective. Liberal rules of debate
allowed lengthy speeches , which wont
off on other subjects moro or loss In
tended for home consumption and ap
plicable to particular localities.
Polk City Youth Shoots Himself In
Girl's Presence.
Polk City , la. , Dec. 15. Despairing
orer his Inability to secure the promise
Jessie Darr to
ise of sixteen-year-old
become his wife , and fearing he could
not become rich soon , Henry Hudson ,
aged nineteen , shot and killed himself
here. His last moments were spent In
the yo'ing woman's company , but not
until the moment of the tragedy did
flhe realize that he planned suicide.
Hudson had requested Miss Darr to
sit down while he wrote a note. She
did not know that the note contained
the details of his funeral as he wished
It to be. Handing the note to Miss
Darr he picked up a shotgun , put the
muzzle to his forehead , and pulled the
trigger. The shot brought Miss Darr's
brother , Frank , to the room. Hud
son was lying dead In a pool of bloon
on the' floor. Miss Darr lay beside
him In a swoon. Harry Hudson , the
youth's father , committed suicide In
DCS Moines a few vears ago.
Plans Formulated for Standing Army
of Strike Breakers.
Chicago , Dec. 15. The Chicago Em
ployers' association at a meeting
formulated plans for the establish
ment of a standing army of laborers ,
both skilled and unskilled , and repre
ecntlng every branch of trade , to be
prepared to go to any city In the
United States to fill the places of
strikers when necessary The scope
of the association will bo extended seas
as to Include every city In the United
Slates with a population of 50,000 or
more. Employment bureaus will bo
maintained In all cities of this class ,
where nonunion workmen can regis
ter and when the occasion arises
these men will be used to take the
places of strikers.
Four Deck Hands Drowned.
Brownsvlllo , Pa. , Dec. 15. Four
persons were drowned In the Monon
gahela river as the result of the paa
songer steamer Rose Hlto colliding
with the tow boat John R Klein and
sinking In fourteen feet ot water. All
of the dead wore employed on the
steamer aa deck hands and were
drowned wbllo they slept The boat
carried fourteen passengers , but all
were gotten to shore safely.
Deposits Again Close to the High
Record of Aug. 25.
Lincoln , Dec 15. According to the
quarterly report of Sc-c ti'liiry Iloysu
of the state banking , board the Ne
braska banks aie carrvlng a reserve
of 31.8 pei cent During the year
loans have incieased f 7.719.311 851 , and
the legal resoivo has increased ? 5-
107,0 0.28. D-poslts have Inereasoil
$10.6.5,51M.57. ( Notes and hills lodls-
counted and bills payable have been
reduced from $ : I7 ! > ,87.0 ! ! : < to | 1I5- (
770 I3. ! The number of banks has In
creased from 515 to 54fi.
Deposits nt this tlmo are less than
one-half million of dollars lower than
on Aug 2S , Iho high water mark lor
the year , since which tlmo loans Imvo
Increased nearly $4,000,000 , while the
reserve has decreased about the same-
f > tfif MCE STOLE.
XV ! / <
John H. Page , Desiring to Clear His
Conscience Before He Starts on a
Missionary Tour , Writes to Sheriff
to Find Victims.
New York , Doc. Ifi. Uel'ormed by
religion and desiring to clear his con
science before ho goes to India on u
missionary tour , .lohn II. Page , a car
penter of Wllliamsbnrg , has written
to Frank P. Grace , sheriff of Sonoma
county , California , asking him to llml
persons whom Page robbed there and
In the neighboring county of Mondo-
cine In 1S)5 ! ) , so that he may make res
An answer from the sheriff said that
none of Page's victims had yet boon
Auditor Pierce Returns.
Lincoln , Doc. 15. Deputy Insur
ance Auditor Pierce of Nebraska , who
returned from Now York after taking
pirt In the examination of Insurance
companies In the cast , says the In
vostlgation of the New York Ufo will
ho cart led to its , European business
Mr Piorc.e says Iho slate experts
found the new York Life entirely sol
vrni and a statement will he issued
soon Two of the expert examiner'
will IIP sent to France to make HK- -
European In vntfot ( ! s
Sues for Loss of Gcalp.
Nebraska City. Nob. . Dec. 15. Th
case of Miss Olllo Halbrook against
William l.olbold is on trial in the ells
trict court The plaintiff sues for
$10,000 damages for the loss of her
Bcalp. Miss Halbrook worked In the
defendant's bakery and while on duty
her hair caught on a revolving shaft
tll.ll I.V.1 I-lull- Ollllj * Wlla LUI 11 1 1 Ulll
her head. Miss Halbrook was about
eighteen years of ago when the accl
dent happened , two years ago Christ
mas. She was taken to Omaha nnd
remained In a hospital for severa
months and physicians grafted skin
over her entire head.
Pat Crowe Will Not Go to Iowa.
Lincoln. Dec. 15. Governor Mickey
announced that ho could not honor
the requisition of the governor of
Iowa for the removal of Pat Crowe to
that state. Governor Mickey gives
as a reason the fact that there is sill
a criminal charge hanging over Crowe
In Douglas county. Nebraska , and un
til that Is disposed of he cannot bo
removed. He saya , in conclusion
when justice Is satisfied in tills state
he will honor the Iowa requisition.
Routzahn and Bentley Bound Over
Lincoln , Dec. 15. After a hearing
consuming three days , Justice Steven
bound over to the district court Olen
M. Routzahn. former chief of police
and William A. Bentley , former chie
of detectives. Doth men are charged
in throe separate complaints with ,
levying blackmail on keepers of dis
orderly resorts.
Alleged Emberzler Arrested.
Pierre , S. D. , Dec. 15. United
States Marshal Laughlin returned
from the Dad river country , having in
charge H. J. Freeman , alias W. H.
Morton , who Is wanted at Memphis ,
Tenn. , on a charge of embezzling $25.-
000 from the Chlchasaw Bank and
Savings company. Freeman was teller
In the bank. After leaving Memphis ,
ho went to Costa Rica , but was com
pelled to return on account of his
health. He was working with a North
western railroad engineer corps when
Oppose Parcels Post Project.
Sioux Falls , S. D. , Dec. 15. The Im
plement dealers of South Dakota ,
southwestern Minnesota and north
western Iowa , In session here , passed
resolutions expressing sympathy with
President Hoosevelt In his demand for
railway rate supervision. The parcels
post project was strongly opposed.
New President of Switzerland.
Berne , Switzerland , Dec. 15. The
state council and the national counsel ,
assembled as a federal assembly ,
elected M. Forrer. the vice president
of the federal council and a radical ,
to be president of the Swiss fed era
tlon In success'on to M. Ruchet. M ,
Muller WM elected vice president
Men Will Demand an Eight-Hour Day ,
Increase of Wages and Recognition
of Union Scale Committee Hold *
Prolonged Session ,
Shamokln , Pa. , Dec. 16. The trl-
district convention of the United
Mine Workeis of the nnthinclle coal
lohl opc'iied hero , with (11)3 ( ) delegates
n attendance , lepiehentmg HiS,5111,1
inlon men Chief llurgosh Hnvul
Sluihter delivered a welcoming ad-
lres r.ltor which President .Mitchell
being unanimously Hii'tod chairman
vas greeted with liandclapplng and
cheeis as lit- stopped lorward to address
dross the convention. He s > poke brief
y. He said :
"I have watched during the tlmo 1
have been associated with you the
evolving of the minor , ibe develop
nent of his manhood , the giailual up
Iftlng of the great mass ol people ,
who for generations have been op
pressed and crushed. I do not know
whether you fully icall/o what a won-
lerlul transformation has taken place
imong the niilliraclle minors The
mine workers are to be congiatulated
on the good use to which they have
put their leisure time and their In
creased earnlnt'.s IJvc-rjwhoio nro
evidences of Inerivisod Inlclllnonoo ,
of a bet let manhood , ol a iioblei wom
anhood , ot , i betlei and more cheerful
childhood If by any chance 0111 be
loved organization should past , , the
achievements It has already made
should endear It for all time to every
citizen who is dependent on the
anthracite coal Holds for 111 : live ! !
hood or welfare. "
Immediately after adjournment the
wage scale 0011111111)00 ) assembled In
President Mitchell's rooms at HK
Windsor hotel and commenced worn
They held a prolonged session. Delegates -
gates lee ! lilllo lUiiibl hut that a do
innnd for an fight hour day and rec
ognition of Hie union will he Incorporated
atod In the riporl of ( his committee
along with an Increase of wages from
10 to 20 per cent.
Reactionary Camarilla Falls to Effect
Downfall of the Count.
St. Petersburg , Dec 15.--Ao.cordlni ,
to reports Irorn Tsariikoe/ Solo , -Hie re
actionary camarilla , headed by Gen
eral Count Alexis Ignatieff and M.
Stesehlnsky. formed to elfic ; ! the
downfall of Count Wltto and to create
a dictatorship , has failed and his maj
csty Is standing firmly by the premier.
M. Menshlkoff. the well known writer ,
who Ir. in close1 touch with the count ,
is out with a strung article demanding
the Inanimation of an aggressive
light ag'iinst ( hi ; revolution bofoio it
is too late.
A constant stream of reports Is
coming in to the effect that the mili
tary party , principally the sapper and
engineer battalions and Hie fortress
artillery , are formulating demands foi
hotter rood and clothing and more
humane treatment at the hands of
their olllcors
The government Is sending several
columns of troops to the Baltic prov
inces of Ksthoriia and Courland , and
to Riga In response to appeals from
the Gorman embassy demanding the
protection of German subjects , the
government has replied that ample *
troops wore on the way to Insure the
protection of foreigners.
Situation at Riga.
Stockholm. Dec. 15. A newspaper
man who returned here from Riga
says"The IvOtts , constituting a
majority of the population of Livonia ,
control the situation there. Their
hatred of the Gorman speaking popu
lation , which Is unrelenting , Is caused
by years of oppression on the part of
the German nobility. The peasants
around Riga are burning estates and
murdering land owners. The Ger
mans of Riga expect n St. Bartholo
mew night , and it is evident that the
Letts are preparing for a wholesale
slaughter , Murders are committed In
broad daylight , mostly for revenge
ami the police are afraid to Interfere
The governor general does not dare
command the troops , not knowing
whether they will obey orders. Several
oral country committees have estab
llshed republics , Intending later to
confederate Into a Baltic republic
The revolutionaries are preparing an
Irresistible strike for January , and
the workmen are being armed. "
Caucus Favors Joint Statehood.
Washington , Dec. 15. The Repub
lican members of the house , In can
cus , unanimously doclarcd In favor of
admitting Indian territory and OKla
bema as ono state , and by a vote o
165 to 06 declared In favor of admit
ting Arizona and New Mexico as one
state. Both statehood questions are
to be contained In ono bill. The conference
ferenco which resulted In this action
took place at the conclusion of the
esslon of the house , and occupied
an hour and a half. The only oppo
sltlon to the program was directed
against Arizona and. Now Mexico , ani
Adams ( WIs. ) and Tawncy ( Minn.
wer the only speakers on this sld .
Nebraska Boya nnd Girls Show Farm
Products at Lincoln ,
Lincoln. Dec. 15. King Corn and
Queen Alfalfa wnro crowned with
elaborate coronation curemonloH at
Grant Memorial hall bufoio an on-
ihuslaHlli ; crowd of school hoys and
girls and many of the wull known educators
caters of the state
The Lincoln hotel Is the olltdal
hoadiiuartcr.s and more than 500 dole-
gains have registered and elite roil
their corn for the contest.
The exhibits of corn and corn prod'
tints are displayed on long tables In :
large room of the second lloor of thi'
now building at the university farm
Conibnad , hominy , pancakes , fritters
puddings and even corn pies an
among the attentive looking oatr-ldoi
concocted by the school girls of tinPlate
Plato and now on display
Preacher Was Finnish , One Interpret
er English nnd the Other a Syrian.
Questions nnd Answer go Back and
AHlifibilla. Ohio , Dee. 15.MHH | lo-
tiilla Adbo and Salon Abood , Syrians ,
were married here with the aid of two
Interpreters and three languages.
The daughter of the Nov. William-
Ken , KlnnlKh Lutheran preacher , and
i Syrian friend of the young couple ,
who could speak ICngllHh , were Iho
links between the pastor and tlio brid
al pair.
Miss Williamson translated her fa
ther's words Into Kugllsh and the
Kyi Ian her won Us Into the language
the couple understood. The responses
went back over Iho same route.
Twenty-Firth Annual Meeting in
Progress at Milwaukee ,
Milwaukee , Dei 15.-The twenty-
fifth annual meoilng of Hie Civil Ser
vice Helorm league opened here. The
Eubjc'ct of civil service relorm In the
west was treated In papers by Samuel
12. Sparling of Wisconsin , William I !
Moulton of Illinois , A. O. Harrison of
& 3Uirn < .rMty and otV > rn. o.
The annual report of the council
vas read by Richard Henry Dana of
So.ston. The loport , in part , Is as fol
ows. "Tho most notable event of the
year In the United Status Is the sue
ce = sful revolt against boss rule In
lolitlcs , exemplified In BO many parts
of the country at once. AH the In
splratlon to civil service reform is to
event is a source of great Joy to us ,
who have labored HO long In the good
cause Hut with our satlslactlon
hero comes to all serious minded
men the fear lest Hie pooplc , content
with victory , will lapse Into Inactivity.
"As to future work , " the report
says , "wo ought to secure In states
which have civil service laws , the ex-
ensign of the merit system to some
ilglior municipal and other positions
now exempted by law For the na
tional government , we hope to see the
fourth class postmasters or at least
the higher grade of them , put under
the merit system "
Equitable Tries to Have It Shown
Scott Owes It $100,000.
Now York , Dec 15. During the In
surance investigation Edward W.
Scott , president of the Provident Life
Savings Assurance society , made nn
earnest appeal to Chairman W. W.
Armstrong of the Investigating com
mlttee to exclude from the hearing
certain statements bearing on his re
lations with the Kqnitable Life As
surance society , of which he was
formerly Australian agont. Charles
B. Hughes , counsel for the Investigat
ing committee , had asked Mr. Scott
whether the Equltublo Life Assurance
society had not a claim of $100,000
against him.
Mr. Scott at first declared that
there was no such claim against him ,
and then Mr. Hughes presented let
ters that passed between Mr. Scott
and President Alexander on that sub
ject In 1901 , In which President Alex
andcr advised Scott to make a formal
admission in writing that his ac
counts with the society showing bal
ances of $557,523 with the society
wore accurate. In ono letter Mr.
Alexander wrote that Mr. Scott had
accepted the accounts.
Mr. Scott's letters to President
Alexander proposed a conference , but
made no admissions as to the accept
ance of the accounts.
First Train on New Road.
Pierre , S D. , Dec. 15. The first
train , other than those In the con
struction work , was taken across the
Missouri river hero on the Pierre ,
Rapid City and Northwestern rail
road , which Is building from bore to
the Black Hills. A party of North
western officials took about thirty In
vited guests across In a passenger
It May Not Come Thin Session Mod
- erate Tariff to be Continued Againnt
Sucjar and Tobacco Senator Per
kins' Remarkable Memory.
< Washlnglon , Dec. 15. IHpeclnl.l
' ICIe'ollim reforms , especially In ( lie mat
ter of contributions to campaign funds ,
will receive a Inrge umoiinl of inten
tion In comcrcxH , although Just how to
pass a snllxfaclory law covering mich
case * IM one of Hie unsolved problems.
.Several able lawyers Imvo Introduced
bill i diMlgneil to ivnrh thr ovlln , but
eloctliniH hcliing In the states almost
wholly. Kvou the prcMlili'iiHul elee
( Ions are slate all'iilrH. Tlio Htale.t
dwon ( Hie electors , anil the ( doctor' *
choose the president and vice pre-d
dent. These' electors nilglil be climeu
by the legislature * If llml euur-no was
preferable , nnd In the early ilnys ol
the nation Hint wan the method pur-
nil * i
the national legislature bus no control
over the election of a proMlilonl of tin-
nation , but such IM the1 fad. Congress
has coiilrd over the Heel Ion of repre
sentatives and on thai arcoiint may be
able to regulate1 caiiipiilgii contribu
tions ami cxpi'iiHCM In mich elect Ions.
Funds Go to Stnto Committees.
Ill presidential yearn campaign funds
are nearly always Hont to state com-
mllliM'M by ( lie national I'onimlHco.H. Of
course there lire ; expenses for speak
ers , literal lire , lioiiiliiuarlerH and ei-.iii-
palgn paraphernalia , but the ellHliurHo
ini'iits for getting out the votorH anil
for the OUIIVIISSOH of voti'rn In elonbtfu
Htati'M are made through tlio Hlnlo or
ginil/.MlliiiiK. National legislation can
not reach state e'omiiilltees , ami then ,
is Homo doubt whether a national coin
inlllco could bet made subject to a federal
oral law.
Rovorta to Public Sentiment.
In the opinion of those who hiivn
given the most careful iillenliiiii to tliu
mibjoct Hie' hoiii'lli , il romillN wblcl
will follow Hie inii-i .iii'limi of nian.\
bills nnd Hie illscir-i ion In both houses
of emigres * Is tile effect on public sell-
lltiieiit. l.artri' ranipalmi funds will bo
discouraged , nnd corporations will hesi
tate bet' ire giving liberal Himw as In
Hie pa"i The ji.-irly workorH nnd the
men to whom the money Is paid will
be as ckiinoroiiH as before , hut they
will have to lake smaller amounts.
Free Trade With Philippines.
It IK iril the Intention of the Ilepnb-
llcnns to allow absolute free trade with
the Philippines during the present ses
sion of congress , tlieingh very fe'W Re
publicans have liny fear on Hie si-ore
of damage to Amorleiin products. Sen
ator Klkins. who joined the beet sugar
men in the light against Cuban roel-
e'st fen i1 Hint Philippine products will
compete with those of the United
Stall < > > an to il * the least ibimage to
Ainerlcan Industries , other senators
anil representative. ! fool the sumo way ,
but out of def -rein e to promise's that
we'remade' when the treaty which ced
ed the Philippine- ; was niHUo.l there
soc'ins te > bo a disposition to continue a
moderate larln" against the chief prod
ucts of the Island , sugar and tobacco ,
until ten years from the lime the cos-
filon was made. That will bo four
yours hence.
System of Memory.
Senator Perkins of California has a
marvelous memory for mimes and
faces. He never forgets the name or
face of a man If bo is of any COIIKO-
cUOico ! or importance. He does it by
association. If lie' Is Introdueeil to a
man he learns his residence. If In a
city ho nscerliiliis the street ami num-
lier , If In the- country the town and
county. lie' associate's the man's fncM-
and name ; with u place where bo mot
him and also with his residence. This ,
together with a naturally acute mem
ory , enables him to place men quickly
when lie moots them a second time
even after the lapse of many years. " 1
could now sit down and name a thou
sand men In California. " said the sen
ator , "and give the street and number
and town In which each lives. "
Contemporary of Allison.
The late Senator Mitchell of Orogoi
entered the semite tlrst with Wllllau
B. Allison of Iowa. That was In March
1875. ! His service had twice lioe-n In
tcrrnptecl , but he hail always be-on i
strong man In bis state. It Is eloubtfu
when reckoned by dollars and cents I
any senator ever procured us much fo
his state as Mitchell. Oregon was pe'
cullnrly situated In Its demands. Its
rivers and harbors need a great deal Ir
tlio way of Improvements ; public * land
and Indians roe-nlred legislation ; law
relating to mines , to bridges , to fores
reserves , had to be passed.
There were constant demands upoi
Mitchell which required visits to all o
the departments. Few senators eve
work as hard for their constituents a
did the late Oregon senator.
An Old Story.
Year after year the report of th
Maritime Ijind company of Nlcarugm
submits a report to congress. The las
report states that "no work has beei
clone In the past year for reasons giver
In tlio reports of 1000 to 1004 , which I
that the Nicaragua ! ! government 1m
unlawfully confiscated the plant am
property of the company In Nicaragua. "
A dozen years ago this concern was dls-
"omporaturo for Twenty-four Houro.
Forecast for Ncbranka.
Condition of Iliu wuutlior n record-
d for ( lie Ul bourn ending ut K a. in.
oiluy :
Mtixlniiiin Ifi
Mlnlnnitn 18
\vorngei Hi !
lurome'lor 'IO.IU
I'olal ruin for your : t7.C > : t
Chle-ago , Dee , 15. The Inillolln In-
Miml by HID Chicago iirulldli of the
Unlloel HlntoH wnutliur bureau thin
nornliig ilvim ; tlio forocnul for No-
inuiliii UK follown :
I''air loulihl ; ntiil Saturday.
on.sMod in e'liiigriMH , unit prnpnHitlniii !
wore poiullni ; to have ( he United Slates
guarantee lhe bond * of Ilio company
for tlu > purpose of countnirllni ; n canal
( hrouili ; Nicaragua.
AltTinm W DUNN.
\ Controlling Intcrcnt In the Colorado
nntl Ohio Smelter nt Saliela , Col. ,
Has Dcon Purchased by Unknown
Parties for $2,250,000.
Denver , Decin. . A controlling In-
"iml ( In ( he Ohio anil Colorado innul-
< r nt Kalldu , Colo. , ban been Hold , anil
'in ' purclmtu'ni will extend Ibo biml-
MM ol ° Iho company by constructing1
inv planlH al Kail l.aUo and Donvnr.
'linolliy ( iooilwlu , of Dcnvor , ono of
'in former ( , wnein of Iho Hindi Iranii-
> rred , IH aiitborlly for Ilio annomico-
ic'iit. Ilo Kald Dial bo wan not pur-
illlod at that I line to dlnolimo the
loiillly of Ilio piirehiisorH , bill , that
ley weio not In any way conned oil
lib Ibo American Hniolllng and Ito-
nliiK cuMiipuny. 'I'lm price pulil for
ie Kallda plant wan ja.afill.OOO.
Wreck Victims Burled In One Grave.
lloi k Springs , Wyo , Dec. 15. lloln >
llvi'H o | Mall Ole'rhs Peterson mill
sli-wsoin. aad Hloolrlelnris BIlRora anil
Mi Kooiin , who wore Itllled In tliu
vroch ut Ah Ray , bavo agreed to the
dans of Ilio coroner of Kwnotwatcr
romily to bury Lhn few pieces of hit-
nan bones recovered from the wroo.k-
age In one grave , II being Impossible
o Identify any of the romalrm.
Robbers Sboot Bank Cnshler.
Konnell , Mo. , Doc. Id. Tlio Hank
of ClarUlon. eighteen mlloK dlfHant ,
vns nniored by robbers ami the enter
leer of ( be safe wan blown off , but
he Inner doors resisted the explosion
nnd no inonoy was secured. Cashier
W. I' . Cliatbam , hearing the noise , at-
empted to Intercept the rohbors , who
mini nun niiiai iimun. ill' win pitui-
ably dlo The robbers escaped.
Baptists Go to Cbnttnnoog.i ,
Louisville. Dee in. Tin- executive
committee of the general llapllsi
con volition of North America selected
riinllnnooK'i ' as the next place of
mooting for the convention In May.
1 ! " < ) ( ! Cincinnati extended an Invita
tion for HIM Northern Baptist society
to meet la that city at Iho same llmo.
ant ] It was also accnpte.'d
Boys Charged With Killing Youth.
Oltiitnwa , la , Dec 15. Frank
Adams fifteen years old , is dead from
a gunshot wound , and Walter and Os
car N'apler ngo < | tlfteeii and eleven
yours , are In Jail at Albla charged
with the murder.
The death Is announced from Sicily
of William Sharp , the author.
The Impanelling of a Jury to trv A.
H. Hnmmol , the Now York lawyer , on
a charge of conspiracy , has been corn-
Kdward .T. Pearson , cblrf engineer
of the Northern Pacific railway , has
resigned and W. I * Darling has been
appointed Mr. Pearson's successor
After an Interval of twenty years ,
the earl of Aberdeen was sworn In as
lorel lieutenant of Ireland for the second
end time .lames Bryce was also
sworn in as chief secretary for Ire
Be-tter freight rates for Montana Is
the object sought to bo attained br
a convention at Helena of business
men , cattle men and other shippers
from the various parts of the state.
General Herman Hanpt. a veteran
of the civil war and a noted railroad
man and engineer , and the oldest
graduate of West Point , died sudd n-
ly on a Pennsylvania train between
Jersey City and Newark.
In an automobile accident In the
outskirts of Washington Walter Beau-
pro Townley , counsellor of the Brit
ish embassy , sustained minor injuries
and his wife , I.ady Susan Townley.
was knocked unconscious.
Thomas R. Drake , the superintend
ent of Insurance of the District of Co
lumbia , has addressed a circular let
ter to the governors and Insurance
commissioners of all the states and
territories , Inviting them to attend \
conference to consider questions re
lating to Insurance al Chicaco oa
Feb. 1.