The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, December 01, 1905, Page 7, Image 7

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Because of the Election of District At
torney Jerome and the Fact That
He Could Resume the Trial , She
Seems Constantly Frightened.
San Juan , Porto Illco , Nov. 24.
With her presence hero unknown ex
cept to a few , "Nan Patterson , " now
Mrs. Leon Martin , who was the cen
tral figure of three sensational trials
for the murder of Caesar Young , la
stopping on this Island with her hus
band. Her nerves , It Is said , arc al
most shattered , and upon hearing that
District Attorney Jerome was re elected -
od she bccaino hysterical and could
not ho calmed.
Leon Martin , from whom she was
divorced and whom she recently re
married , has a friend In San Juan with
whom they have been staying. Their
presence has been Kept a secret so
far as possible , although several persons -
sons recognized her because of her
picture In the newspapers. Her jaun
ty air has disappeared and she seems
careworn. It Is common talk among
her friends that the suspension of sen
tence and the fact that at any time
upon her return to the United States
District Attoiney Jerome might resume -
sumo his prosecution of her , haunts
her continually.
"Nan a Stricken Girl. "
Although she appears devoted to
her husband , she Is continually Irrita
ble and a physician has been called to
attend her upon frequent occasions.
A man who saw her several times In
Now York city and who Is visiting
friends In San Juan , said today :
"Nan looks ten years older than
when 1 last saw her. She appears con
tinually frightened. There must bo
something that Is continually worry
ing her. When I know her she was
always vivacious and lively , always
ready to laugh and Joke , and never
depressed. I saw her yesterday lis
tening to the band concert on the
plaza. She did not seem to heed the
music , but gazed far out to sea , preoc
cupied over something which nobody
knows but herself. Nan Patterson Is
a stricken girl. "
Sight-Seeing Tour.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin arrived here In
the steamship Ponce. They made a
sight-seeing tour of the city with Mr.
Martin's friend , but after one day's
stay , departed on the Pence for a tour
around the Island. They returned to
San Juan two days later.
There Is a rumor to the effect that
Nan Patterson Intends to return to
the United States to plead with Mr.
Jerome to have the weight of a sus
pended sentence lifted from her shoul
Neither Mr. nor Mrs. Martin will
discuss their affairs for publication.
Safe Was Blown and Wrecked Skel
ft > eton Key Gave Entrance Two Men
Seen , but They Escaped Bank Do
ing Business Again Today.
Grand Island , Nob. , Nov. 27. Spe
cial to The News : The slate bank of
Chapman , twelve miles northeast of
here , was burglarized last night and
between $1,200 and $1,500 In cash se
An entrance was evidently gained to
the bank by the use of a skeleton key
in the front door.
The safe was blown and completely
wrecked , and the cash in It was taken.
Only papers and securities wore left
The residents wore awakened by the
report of the explosion and there were
overal dozen citizens at the scone
within twenty minutes after the dyna
One woman said that she saw two
men but no description of the robbers
was secured , nor Is it known what di
rection they took.
The bank was Insured against the
loss and Is doing business again today
aa usual.
Missouri Pacific Brldgeman Crushed
to Death at Prosser.
Hastings , Neb. , Nov. 27. Special to
The News : A special to the Dally
Republican says that at 7 o'clock this
morning R. A. Layson , aged sixty , a
member of the Missouri Pacific bridge
gang at Presser , was crushed to death
whllo pushing a coal car out of the
Missouri Pacific roundhouse. His
wife nnd grown son llvo at Norton-
Tlllo , Kan. , where the body was
hipped today.
The Best Christmas Gift.
Nothing makes a bettor Christmas
gift than a book , but moat copyrighted
fiction rotalls for $1.50 per copy. Ono
of the neatest things of the season at
n popular price la "Web Throws Sov-
n , " a collection of storlos of traveling
men by Frank M Thow , a Beatrice
newspaper man. This little volume ,
which la elegantly bound In Ottoman
coyer and printed on flno eggshell
book paper , contains noven very orlg
iiinl and entertaining Htorlos of the
road about ical tiuvolorn Ono of
these HtoileH , "Tho Hurdle Unco , " Is
coiishleied qulto oxcupllonnl , "IMHy
DllsH" IH another good ono anil all nio
extremely readable. Humor IH admir
ably blended with put lion In thcso
Htoilos and there Is a touch of natuio
In them that appeals to all.
Sent postpaid on receipt of ! > 0c with
the author's nntogiaph In Ink. Ad
dress , l'M Tiow , Heatilco , Nub.
la Now the Loan Queen In New York
Mrs. Hetty Robinson Green , richest
woman In the world , celebrated her
71st birthday anniversary on Tuesday
by drawing n check for $1,000,000 and
incidentally turning the pretty penny
of $25,000 interest ns part of a hard
day's work.
Mis. Green delivered the check to
Deputy City Chamberlain Campbell In
person on the day when her fomlnlno
vanity might bo supposed to Induce
her to yield to the temptation of a
half-holiday. The check was for n six-
months' loan , and she Is to got 5 per
cent on the sum. Mrs Green Is a fre
quent louder to the city. In fact , she
1ms loaned $2,500,000 to the chamberlain -
lain since November 10 , and before
that time she had loaned considerable
sums to the chamberlain's olllce. Mrs.
Giccn has wrested the scepter fioin
Kussoll Sago and Is now the largest
Indhidual money lender In Now York
city , accoiding to Mr. Campbell
Every want ad is ready by 2 500
people each day. They cost ono pen
ny per word
Superior engraven cards. The Nnws.
With a Fairly Conservative Platform
on the Ownership Idea It Is Said
They Can Keep Out Hearst , Who is
Not Wanted by Better Class.
Washington , Nov 2D. It Is said In
Washington that William Randolph
llo.irst's announcement that ho bus
opened pcimnncnt headquatters in
Now York city with a view to extend
ing his municipal ownership organ/a-
tlon over the entire state is a prelim
inary mo\c to ills limning for go\orn
or next year on a municipal ownership
ticket , or to dictating the nomination
of one of his snppoiteis for that place.
It Is believed here that he will himself
run , thus paving the way to his can
didacy for the presidency on a gov
ernment ownei ship platform In 1908.
This situation is causing the leading
democrats a good deal of worry , for
riearst , as a piesldentlal nominee will
cut Into the democuiUc vote In the
cities of the country where It is stiong
est and help make a democratic vic
tory Impossible.
Many prominent democrats are al-
toady saying that the only way to off
set the Heaist movement will be to
gi\o Bryan the demociatic presidential
nomination on a fairly conservative
ownership ticket. This would repeat
on a national scale the campaigns this
year In Chicago and New York.
President of Norfolk Commercial Club
Delivers Address.
Albion News : The first general
meeting of the Albion Commercial
club was held at the Woodman hall
last Friday evening. When the cigars
had been lighted , the company was
prepared to appreciate the toasts
which followed.
These toasts were as follows : "Al
bion As It Is , " response by Senator
Brady ; "What Albion Needs Most , "
response by Mayor Graham ; "Albion
As It May bo , " response by F. M Wet-
l/el ; "What Can the Commercial Club
Do ? " response by D. .1. Po > nter. These
were all short , as It was understood
that Hon. W. M. Robertson , who was
to make the ad-
I present , was principal -
I dross. However , there were many
good points brought out and sugges
tions made. Mayor Graham's sugges
tions as to what Albion needs most
were eminently practical and worthy
the consideration of the club.
Mr. Robertson was at his best and
gave an interesting and inspiring talk.
The speaker visited Albion more than
thirty years ago when there were just
three buildings In the town. He has
been hero at intervals during the time
slnco then Ho was here at our first
county fair and delivered an address.
Ho was the first Fourth of July orat
or. Ho has known personally many
of our cltlrens. Ho has had experi
ence In commercial club work and Is
at present the president of the Norfolk
club. All those things made It pos
sible for him to talk In a most Inter
esting manner , and no one became
weary in listening to him although ho
talked for nearly an hour.
Although this wan a good meeting ,
and wo bollevo will tend to encourage
moro interest and enthusiasm In the
club In Albion. If the present organi
zation can bo maintained for a aeries
of years , there Is no question as to its
accompllshmlng much good. The
trouble is many want to sec some big
thing done right away quick. That la
not possible , because the club has no
funds to speak of , and it must creep
before It can walk.
During the Fury of Last Night's Storm
One Family Was Burned Out of
House and Home , Saving Not a
Chair Out of Water's Way.
IPruin Wi'tlm-mln J'B Dallv ,
Two the alainiH dining the fury of
last night's stoim called out the nervy
Norfolk llto lighters to do tholr work
against the ItnnioH And Ilio Humes ,
fanned by the high noitlnsost wind ,
wore no easy thing to conquer.
In the Mist liiHtaiu'o the llamos wont
unchoekod and completely burned
down a homo , with o\ory ohtilr and
table and plctuto on the wall Not n
solitary thing WIIH saved fiom the
burning dwelling of A P. Klohl on
South Tlililoonthhleh was do-
Htiojod at 10 HO o'clock l Ht night
The other flic occulted at i > HO o'clock
tlilH morning In the Washington
school house at South NoifolK. but did
little danmgo Two ahittiiH woio
turned In but the Junction hose com-
pan > did the business
Home Goes up In Flames.
The Klohl homo was discovered to
be iibla/o by the fiimlh , who woio to
tinning from an evening's call at the
homo of MIH. Klohl'H sister , Mis Leu
/or. just actoss the The oilgln
of the Ilio la a m\story. An ahum
was tinned In nnd thioo companies to
sotnled ] ) but with thioo long nets ol
hose tl-o Iliomon woio unable to over
come the distance handicap and had
to stand by and watcli the homo \anlHh
In black smoke
Befoto the lite was dlsoovoied the
house was bo well film ted In Its lion-
em ! that the fnml ! > was unable to sine
fuinlttiro or nm thing else
The famll.N later went to the Lon/oi
homo and aio stajing theto today
There was no Insuiatioc on either the
fuinltiiio or the house , which was the.
piopott > of Ooigo Tucker
The house was built something over
a do/en > oars ago by Jo Hoirlskey and
was the last bouse south on the east
side of thliteonth shoot
Mr Klohl Is a havoling medicine
The selioolhouho lire did \or > llltlo
Each One Is Insured for $5,000 Policy
Contains Accident Clauses.
Jan Kubellk , the Bohemian violinist
now on his way to America , Is bring
ing with him a policy for $50,000 upon
his fingers , $5,000 for each linger and
thumb , taken out at Lloyd's in London
by his manager , Hugo Gorlitz. The
policy also contains accident clauses.
If Kubcllk's fingers should be tempo
rarily injured the Lloyd's have agreed
to pay $2,000 for each non appearance
up to twenty-five If the violinist
misses that number of performances
the tour will bo considered ended and
the face valno of the policy will bo
tin ned over to Mr. Gorlitz.
Turkish Emperor Will Not Allow Pow
ers of the World to Have Anything
to Do With the Control of Finances
In Macedonia.
Constantinople , Nov. 23. The sul
tan today issued an Irade approving
the decision of the council of ministers
tors to reject the demands of the
powers for International control of the
finances of Macedonia.
Whether the demands of the pow
ers Is rejected absolutely or on certain
tain conditions Is not definitely ascer
Mr Huebner drove to Hadar and
Norfolk Friday.
Mr. Huobner's father , from Hot
Springs , S. D. , is visiting a few days
in Hosklns.
A number of the > oung fellows have
organised a gun club and will ha\o
the first shoot Thanksgiving.
Mrs. Huebner's mother of Norfolk ,
who has been visiting her , returned
home Friday
Dick Benton , who has been workIng -
Ing for Gco Paddock , returned to
Sioux City Thursday.
Mrs Foster , Mrs. Wm Bruckner ,
Mrs Colbert , Mrs. Green and Dora ,
Otto Wnntoch , Aug. and Illnlkey , wore
In Norfolk between trains Saturday.
John Wcatherholt'H well that ho had
dug In the north sldo of the livery burn
Is In full operation and Is a good place
for farmers to water their horses when
In HoskiiiH.
John Zelmer's cellar caved in last
week , spoiling about forty quarts of
fruit , jelly , jam , etc. You had better
keep yours In the granary or some
place where the walls won't cave In.
The M. n A. ledge gave an oyster
supper last Wednesday night In honor
of the new member , .1. W. Weather-
holt. Kveryone reports a good time
and A T Waddell acknowledges that
George Colbert and John Kaulcn can
eat moro oysters than he can.
Our depot agent , Mr. A. W. Barge ,
nut wife , ate comfortably located In
ho bourn ) vacated by Chan. Ohlimd
Mr Hntgo came fiiun Oakland , Neb ,
\heio ho WIIHoiy well Illtod , and wo
ue HIIIO the people of tlouklim and
lrlnlt\ will appieeltito him.
Or C I ) Uinginll , who IIIIH locontl )
ocatod at HoHkltiH , comes highly lee
Miniioiidod by member nof | IH ! piofcH
Hlon The doctor COIIICH not without
> \poiloneo and a know ledge of the
littles entailed upon the ptiiclleo of
iiedlclno ami Httigoi.v , for two . \CIUH
iclual clinical olmeivatloim and nliidy
if dream's In ouo of I ho laigont mid
test equipped ImMpllalu In the MlH-
Horn ! Milloy , IH an oppoi limit j that
ml few lm\o onjo.vod
At Lnst HoRkiriR Has a Doctor.
BcHldcH two JOIIIH genoial imtcllco
he doctor IIIIH HOI veil two lei HIM upon
ho boaiilH of health of two of the
ii'gei ' olllc.s of the MlHHomlalh \ \
) tl or ( ban thin ) I/ingiull IIIIH hut
ecently loluined fiom a coin HO of
lost giadualo stud } under ( ho miiHtoi
nlnds of the east , wheio the docloi
soloninod mativ montlm II hcluunoH
lo people of HoskiiiH , nolghboiliood
indlclnll > , to dcmoiiHtinto Iheli up
IK elation of Inning In tholr midst a
iicdlcal man of ( his t\pe , and Hhoiild
lo HO by actho and llheral palionngo
which the doctor HollcltH and will 10
Now Ilial wo ha\o a doctor , lot's
iitmnl/e him HO wo nun kiep him
Angry Because He Was Thrown to
the Mat by a Student , He Loot the
Respect of His Pupils Who Colored
Him With Eggs Will Resign.
rrcmont , Nob. , Nov 21 A upcclal
to the Trlbiino says that Siipeilnton-
dent Ciibblns of the Dodge schools was
Kitten egged thcio during the night
by bojs of the school.
The assault was the result of a
wrestling match between the miporln-
dent anda , pupil In which the teacher
was worsted. Beaten by the pupil In
the wrestling , Superintendent Glbblns
bccnmu angry and his rage was re
sented by the bojs , who expressed
their disgust In eggs.
Mr Glbblns will probably have to
He Lived on Roots and Herbs Itin
erant Character Had Queer Ideas
on Dress as Well as on What One
Ought to Eat to Live.
Chicago , Nov. 21. Unable to retain
nourishment , due to long pcilods 01
fasting , John KIclnst , the "back to
nature" preacher , died late yesterday
KIclnst , who was 50 years old , hai
traveled all over the country on foot
wearing only sandals and clad In the
thinnest and coarsest garments. When
he did not fast ho lived on roots ant
herbs. Ono of his beliefs was that
the day of judgment was at hand , am
frequently ho would stop persons on
the street and , with uplifted lingers
warn them to prepare for the lasl
lie were no underclothing , and for a
few months ho was a familiar figure
In the down town streets , In which ho
sold pamphlets , advocating his ideas
of getting back to nature.
Ho was commltcd to the Dunning
insane asylum three months ago by
the Cook county court for the Insane
A friend In Peoria , 111. , It Is said , pro
cured his release and took him to tha
city. Ho walked to Chicago , and ar
rived hero two weeks ago , in an em
aciated condition from fasting.
Corn shucking is nfarlng to an end
By the last of this week there will be
but little left In the fields.
Wo hear that Lojdc Benedict Is to
leave us Sunday , when ho will go to
IIoHklns to work for Edwards & Brad
ford Co.
Dr Cherry was again called to the
homo of Henry Miller Tuesday night
Mr and Mrs. Kd Marshall of Car
roll were visiting at the homo of Joe
Dobbins Monday and Tuesday.
Mr. Gee , Benedict and daughters
Ha/el and Marlon , were passengers
to Ida Grove Friday noon , where they
expect to consult a physician for Miss
Miss Grace Bell nnd Mr. ClaudoBen
edict made a trip to Norfolk Satur
Mr Wm. Bell looks lonely these
days But never mind Win. "She'll1
be back by and by.
Fred Shrocdcr Is putting In a dip
ping vat on his farm , which seems
to bo a very necessary thing nowa
Henry Bruce has been putting on
storm windows for Joe Dobbin. Joe
says ho IB ready for the cold wcatho
now.Loyde Benedict made a trip to Nor
folk Saturday , Sunday and Monday.
Almost everybody In Norfolk wn
can read , reads The News. Advertls
Ing lu The Nowi will bring reculta.
notice Brewer Snya That No Cigar
ette Smoker Can Reach the Top of
the Ladder Roosevelt Doesn't
Smoke Them nnd Never Did ,
Now Yoik , Nos. 28 That no olgiu-
lie mimlioi can teach hhi blghoHl pirn
lhlllt > IH a pKipoHllloti laid down In
n Intel \le\s h > Jutitlco Dm Id ,1
liowci of the United Sluleii Hitpiomo
ouil llo HII\H.
"The elginollo IH the Ameilean
humiliation I huso boon told thai
1r .lotoino mnifUoH clgaiollcH I am
IMS Hiuiy If II IH lino. If It hi hue ,
am a ft a Id JOIOIIIO'H ph.Mtlipiu will
lot ho able to cany him lo Ilio holghlH
slileh bin picHcnt populailt ) would
"ClgiuoltoH aio much WOIHO than
liiior | Men can ho gient , can do
; ical llilngH , can acompllHli gioal
nils , e\en though they diliik , but no
Igaietlolrllm can cllinh lo the lop
if the ladder 1'ienlilelit ltooso\ell did
lot 01 dcien not Hinoko clgaiellos Mi
ciomo HCOIIIH to Hlnil In with ( ho
Kline Him conviction , the HIIIIIO clem
dea ol light and wiong , ( ho name
lonest Independence which wan nnd
s the picscnl Keumle of the pienl
lenl'H lemai hai'le liltiliin lint Mi
I'loino smoliOH elgaiolloH"
Man Arrested and Held nt West Point
For n Week Proclaims Innocence.
Alex Mann , Jr , alien Clmpln , alliiH
SlmpHon , who wan attested at Scrlb-
ier , Neb , on the ohaigo of horiieflloal-
ng and who lmn been ( alien to Scot-
ami , S. 1) , to nimwor the charge ,
which IH piefeitcd by hhi father , IH
siiHpeeled of bolng ono of two men
who executed a double murder In
Slonx City ten yearH ago. In oplto of
confession of "Kid" Gallagher , lin-
illcallng both himself and Mann ,
\1ann \ emphatically denies any knowledge -
edge of the cilmo
Mann was pordonod fiom the No-
naskii penitentialy last February after
tor set \lng nine jcain out of a fifteen
joar Hontonce , for tuning , with "Kid"
Callaghor , held up and Hhot a man.
llo IH linndHomu , with black hair , black
e\es , Hwaithy complexion and good
height Ho IH an ox pugilist.
"I don't know a thing about that
mm dot I noxor knew I wan connect
ed with it until thl-j minute , " nald
Mann was apprehended Tuesday ol
this week at Scrlbnor , whore ho hail
gone from West Point after bolng hold
for a week for Investigation. Ho was
caught nt Bancroft , where ho was
found to have $200 In his pockets.
Train Traffic Is Not Suffering as a Re
suit of the Storm in This Section
Temperature is Hovering About the
Zero Point Today.
fibroin Wc'dncmlfiN H Dally ]
The tall end of a bll//.ird which has
been raging in North Dakota , Mlnno
sola and Wisconsin , stiuck northein
Nebraska last night and Hopped
iround a little. A trace of snow was
sprinkled around o\cr the ground of
this half of Nebraska and the south
ern half of South Dakota , but thus far
there Is little drifting reported
The meieiiry is hanging around the
/ero mark pretty closely , having
dropped last night to the mark three
degrees above zero. The warmest yes
terday was thirty , but from noon until
this morning the temperature rapidly
fell until today all of the windows are
colored with white coats of frost , a
few water pipes were fio/en up and
business generally is knocked in the
Trains Moving All Right.
At Northwestern railroad headquar
ters hero this morning It W.IH reported
that the storm Is prolly general over
this territory , extending west beyond
Long Pine and north to Ikmesteol , but
that the train trnlllc will not be hurl
and trains are movhi1- along at good
A high wind prevails all over UIH !
torrltory , which drives the cold
through the bones H is reported from |
AlnsworUi that farmers will suffor' '
from the storm on account of the hall
cribbed corn. I
If thu snowfall hero bad buun heav ,
Ier much moro serious results would
have been felt , but with the few ( lakes
that fell there could bo no nuvero con
sequences to stock
The pleadings In the Saunders dl-
corvo case are becoming Involved.
Friday the husband , Sherman Saunders -
dors , filed an answer to the amended
petition of his wlfo and an amended
cross-pbtltlon , The latter se.ts out
moro In detail the grounds upon which
Saunders seeks to frustrate his wife's
attempt to secure a divorce and to
obtain ono himself.
Because of the prominence of Mr ,
Saundoru , who is a Bloomflold banker ,
and Ilio naluro of ( ho eliarr.oH inudoon
both iddiin Ilio hint of ( ho 'Mino piom-
bum noinolhlni ; of a fionimllon. Omaha
Win Id lloiald.
Unii ' < > I'HiMil anil
rimlnli ( It ri MiiiM'illiiK.
Mail ; 'I'vvnln him taken up Ilio cudgels -
gels agaliml ovcispccdlng iiiiloiHtH , ami
In a chin in lei Nile lelloi In llarpcr'tt
Weekly he piopoHen a novel ineaim of
deleclmg and punishing them , llo
i'iual ' | IIIVVH for all. It IH good In
thooij , and 1 believe II would piovo
gooil In piiiolhe If falilj and dlHpim-
Hlonaloly tiled. 'Ilio law dioHHoii u
convict in a giii-li vvlikh makei him
oiiHlli dlHllngnlHliahlc Horn any moving
thing In the vvoiId al l- . " > iiudH except ,
-/ehia. . If ho escapes In those clothe )
he ( iinnot get far. Could not thlH pi In-
clple he extended lo Include Ids broth
er cilmlnal , the oveinpcedoi , Hum mak
ing the pair laitly and ilghleoiisly
cipial hol'oie tint law ? lively daj
tlnoiiglioiit Aineilca the oveispeeder
I IIIIH over Hoinchod ) and "e.capon. "
'Unit IH the wiii It iciulH Al pi orient
tin1 'mobile mmihciH me HO Hiniill thai
oidluai. ) cii-H cannot toad them upon
a Hvvlflly icicdlng machine at a din
tame of a bundled hot , a distance
\vhlih the miKlnne has covoiod bufoiu
the Hpeclaloi can adjust | IH | focim. I
think I would amend the law. I would
cnliugc ( lie llguits and make them
le.nhihle al a bundled jaids For ovei-
Hpeeillng , Hint oltoiiHo , I vvonld enlarge
the tlgines again and make them loadable -
able at 5100 jaidH , thin In place of u
line and an a winning to pedestrians
to climb a lice , thin eiiliiigement to
continue two monlliH , with piivllegu of
lesinnlng the nmalloi llgnics after thu
HiH | llility dajH upon piijinonl ol'r > ( X )
KOI- each Hiibseqiienl olleiise iceii
laigeinent t'ot KX ! months , with pilv
liege of lesinnlng the Hinullcr figures
upon pa.vmenl of 'J.IHit ( ) al the end of
thiee With auto niimhoin londahlo as
f.n IIH one could tell a coin let from a
hu lioi pole none of ( hose ctlmlnals
could inn ovei a peinon and "escapu. "
Two montlm ago a loin Ing 'mobllo
came vvllhln an Indotoimlnahle fine
lion of killing a member omy family ,
nnd Us number was out of nlghl tango
liefoio ( lie Hlniipest c os piesent could
make II out H WIIH so Hinall and the
HpectatoiH HO tin/oil by momentary
filghl I have had ( wo nairow cHcapo-i
In New Voik , and HO him everybody
elsi > None of IIH has nueceoih d In cap-
lining I he auto niimher 1 feel n nort
of peisonal Intel est In this HiiggcHtud
JuinpliiK SpnrhN WIII rinnli AfrnuB
< lili-iitfu C < illnt'iini.
What piomlses lo he ( he most ntur-
tllng icHiilt ol' model n electilcal Inven
tion will be ( mod IIH an exposition to
iiltiact attention to thu Chicago Coll-
Henin for the electrical trades exhibi
tion to he hold theio next .Iannary , for
which plans are now well under way ,
Hajs the Chicago Chronicle. The Prank
S Bells company will furnish the ma-
chlnoij for a jumping npailc , cieated
fiom the laigest number of am pores
and the hlgncHloltngu ever produced.
'I lie spink will Hash lu < I ; and I'oitb
IHIOS-J the ( lithe length of the Colise
um , high above the toof , upon a splial
cell connected vvllh two big election.
11ns demon tuition will have the ap
peal.inee ol' a huge and magnificently
bihllant Hash ut llghlnlng.
I'oi the eleitiical sliovv many other
loatnios me being pliiiincd , some of
vvluili will he quite sensational , and all
of which will he new. It Is pioposcd
to have the various telegiaph and c.ihlu
ioinpanlc4 racu around ( he world with
messages , some going bj waj of San
rranclhco and othuna | New YoiU.
'Illume messages will leave the Coil-
scum at the same hour each da > thu
contest is on Thu wiieless telegraph
will have dally demonstrations , Inau
gurating the seiles with u me.ssage to
1'iesldent Hoosevell announcing thu
opening of the most up to date exposi
tion In the world.
There will be wlieless telephoning
in fad , il lookn as though the available
UH.OOO Hcjuaie it-el will be lee .small to
accommodate the applicants foi npacu.
Udlriou , thu vvUiud , uiuy be Uiure.
and during thu pi OKI ess of Uie exposi
tion mini } of the technical clubs and
associations from the various parts of
thu I nited States will attend , 111 well
tin oi'Kiinuutiona representing iidlliutuU
Fatal Fire at Towanda.
Towanda , Pa , Nov 27 Mary Shay
lor arid Henry V hitmlller , a babe of
eight montlH , woio burned to death
In a fire which dcstioyed the IIC.IIBC of
William Ackley Two men wore seri
ously burned and several others sus
tained sever Injurlei The Inmates of
the house had liern drinking freely
And the ftre was started through the
accidental upsetting of an oil lamp.
Fierce Cale In English Channel.
Dover HUB. , Nov 27 A terrific- gale
prevails in the channel It Is the
worst that has boon experienced In the
past three years The admiralty pier
Is parti ) submerged and the London
boat train has been unable to reach
her pier owing to the huge seab which
arc hurling masses of shingles across
the rails The cross channel scrvlco
U suspended.
Keokuk Bank Run Stops.
Keokuk , la. , Nov. 27. The run on
the State Savings bank stepped al
most entirely after the arrival of four
wagon loads of silver dollars from Chicago
cage and St. Louis. The wagons
backed up to the door of the hank. A
half million dollars was carried Into
the bank and piled up 1 slsht of the
people The run was probably
caused by a statement that Uie prosl-
dout'jj health wa * falling , Uie vror4
"falling" boii | rttfflntoia te