THK NORFOLK NKWS : I'MUIMY , DKCKMHICK 1 , 1905. ASSISTANT GENERAL SUPERIN TENDENT IS TRANSFERRED. WITH SIX TRAIN DISPATCHERS A Telegram From Fremont Says Nor folk Railroad Official Is to go Perma nently , According to "Official" State ment That Is Denied Here. It Is reported by telegraph from Fre mont today to The News that It has boon officially announced at that pluco that operation hoadquartorH of the Northwestern railroad are to bo reestablished - | established In Fremont , beginning next , Sunday. The report further Bays that Assistant - ) ant General Superintendent Wallers and a force of nix train dispatchers are to be taken from Norfolk to Fremont mont the first of the coming week to begin work there , Hoamm for the move Is said to bo growing Fremont traf lie. At Northwestern railroad headquar ters in Norfolk today , when the tele gram WIIH road to the railroad oIliclalH , It was stated that the report received from I'roiiioiit Is In error. While It IB true that Assistant Gon- I oral Superintendent Walters nnd a | force of six train dispatchers will go , to Fremont from Norfolk to begin > work next Sunday , yet It Is not true ; that any "olllclal announcement that operating hoadquarterB arc to bo re established In Fremont , " has been mttilO , Assistant Gonwal Superintendent Walters Is not In the city , having gone to Iowa to spend Thanksgiving , but it f is said at railroad headquarters that ho will bo transferred to Fremont I merely temporarily , to handle a con- condition of business that has piled up there. Whether or not ho and bis six train dispatchers will re- j main at Fremont , remains a matter > for the future to solve. No one , either I In Fremont or out of Fremont , is able I to say that the arrangement will bo , permanent. The telegraphic report of the alleged transfer is as follows : Fremont , Nob. , Nov. 29. Special to The News : It Is officially announced here today that operating headquar ters of the Northwestern railroad will be re-established here beginning next Sunday. Six train dispatchers will bo transferred from Norfolk to Fremont Assistant General Superintendent Wai ters and his force will be moved from Norfolk to Fremont. Growing traf flc through Fremont compels the move. " How Could It be Official ? "How could such an announcerren como officially from Fremont , " the headquarters hero suggested , "when there are no officials in Fremont , save a trainmaster ? Norfolk is the enl > headquarter point for the Northwest ern road in the Nebraska & Wyoming division , and Norfolk knows nothiiif , of any such 'ofllclal' announcement. ' As a matter of fact there is everj reason to believe that the transfer Is- but a temporary arrangement. Th railroad building out of Casper , the Boncsteol branch , the Scribner & . Oakdale branch , and the line betwcei Deadwood and Missouri Valley , arc all directly radiated from this cento and it is an easy matter to dlspatcl trains between Lincoln and Fremon and Hastings and Fremont , either ou of Norfolk or , by means of one of tw > dispatchers , out of Fremont. Assistant General Superintenden Walters was but recently moved fron Sioux City to Norfolk and it was stat ed at that , time that the reason fo the change was the growing Import ance of Norfolk as a railroading polnl Further , it was recently officially ai nounced that a new headquarter building will be built in Norfolk to nc commodato the officials , since the num ber of them has been increased her by the addition of General Superinten dent C. C. Hughes and Assistant Gei oral Superintendent Walters , togctho with Trainmaster Mount and Genera Iloadmastor King. The news dispatch , of course , mere ly says that "operating headquarters , " are to be established in Fremont , no reference being made to a transfer of division headquarters or of reestablishing lishing division headquarters at Fre mont , At headquarters here , when asked if the arrangement would be permanent , , „ it was said , "Of course it Is hard to tell what may happen in the future. Just now , however , the arrangement has not gone beyond the temporary stage. " WILL STOP LIQUOR TO REDS. Government Is After the Violators of This Law. W. J. Cow has just returned from Omaha where ho snt for three weeks on the ginnd jury. Fifty-six cases were disposed of by the jury , many of them being from the Indinn reserva tions in the northern part of the state. The land cases , too , were of special Interest , In that n number of men who have Illegally fenced government lands , were Indicted. "Throe-fourths of the men who were before the grand jury charged with Belling liquor to the Indians , wore in dicted , " said Mr. Cow. "It developed that these men have for years made a regular business of Betting up tent saloons along the edge of the resorva tlons along about pay day and then , by a code of signals , Uio Indians are attracted to the Joints. The result Is that they return to their reservations cry drunk , ict ; Into n fight and kill omohndy. I Hhouldn't bo mirprlned ; > HOC very heavy HuntonceH glvon thlH oar IIH the government IH nnxluuH to top tlilH vloliitlon of luw. " DEAUTIPUL ELK CUFF LINKS. upreme Judue J , D. Dnrncs IB Recip ient of Choice Gift. Supreme .ludgo ,1. I ) . HurneH of thlH Ity lmn jntU been niiido the recipient f pcrlmpH the liimdHoinent pair of Ik teeth cuff HnkH ( hut have ever ecu brought to town. The gift WIIH uido to the judge by HOIIIO of bin tid- ilrlng friendH and ho IH delighted MUi them. The teeth are luken from an old elk ml nro IIH near alike IIH a pair of Ik'H teeth could well be. They tire erfectly white for the mimt p.irl , be- tig tinged at the edge with u Hllghtly rown hue that glvea u rich effect , 'hey are mounted In Holld gold cuff nlfH , upon which have been engraved ho Klkn' ItiHlgnla , the clock showing 1 o'clock , the number of Norfolk idge , No. Cf > : i , and the InltlalH of the udge. Dnttlc Creek. Mr. Max Wilde of Norfolk and Miss Btnxlo Severn were married bore Tues- ay at noon by Itev. Father Manning f Norfolk at the parlor of the brlde'B not her , MI-H. Annie Severn. The new ouplo are well known throughout the louiity and will iimko their future lomo In Norfolk. MHH | Hose Kreviinlck and brother osoph returned Tiio.Hiliiy from Omaha , ivhero they were attending the funoivl f a couHln. C. R. Doughty waR hero Saturday in business from Norfolk. Joseph Sovora , who IH a student at ho Crolghton university in Omaha , IH lore thlK week on a Thanksgiving va cation. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hengstlcr ro- urnod Monday from their wedding rip. rip.Mrs. Mrs. Wm. fidcn of Petersburg is VH- ! tlug hero thin week with her brother , Charles Fcnskc , and sister , Mrs. Gco. [ louorman and other relatives. The ladies' union of the Lutheran church was meeting at Mis. Win. Fuerst's Tuesday. Thanksgiving services were held by Ilov. J. Hoffman In the Lutheiau church Thursday. Ludwlg Kerhel stepped on a nail Saturday , which caused him to stay away from his business several days. Mrs. Clascy , who has been visiting several days with her son , John Cla soy , at Page , returned home Monday. James Hughes and W. A. Barne * were visiting nt Madison Saturday where they have children attending the Catholic school. Mrs. Henry Tietjens and baby ar rived here Friday from Plainvicw for a visit with her father , Otto Rorchers Editor F. 1-3. Martin and A. G. Mover were business visitors to the county seat Saturday. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Miller , jr. , Friday. M. L. Thomson was a business vis itor to Platte Center Monday. John Moxor bought the ICO-acre Smith farm five miles southeast through the agency of Wade and Preece. Albert Kohl was here Monday from Meadow Grove. N. M. Lund has erected a large new barn on his farm on the Elkhorn river. The place is occupied by Philip Heck , jr. Owen O'Neill spent part of last week at his ranch near Long Pine , lie snys everything is on the boom In that country. John R. Wltzigman was up to Mead ow Grove Friday. Fred Koester , who is attending a pharmacy college at Des Moines , Iowa , is hero this week visiting his parents. M'CARTHY GOES TO WASHINGTON Third District Representative Says He is With President. Sioux City Journal : Hon. J. J. Mc Carthy , of Ponca. representative in congress from the Third district of Nebraska , who was In Sioux City yes terday on his way to Washington , D. C. . said that , notwithstanding the fact that Senator Mlllard had been regard ed ns hesitating , it would be found that the Nebraska delegation was sol id In its support of President Roosevelt velt and his railroad rate regulation plan. "I do not know what the bill is , " Mr. McCarthy said , "but I know the spirit of it , and the phraseology Is of little consequence. I know that It will be in line with the president's square deal policy , and that suits me. I feel confident the house will pass the bill speedily. " Mr. McCarthy was looking forward to a delightful winter In the national capital. He said he thought the ses sion of congress would be historic. Mr. McCarthy Is the father of eight children , four sons and four daugh ters , and yesterday seven of these and Mrs. McCarthy were with him. The oldest daughter , Amy , Is attending a school In Georgetown , and she will reside - side at her father's Washington home. "Oh , 1 rather like being In con- gross. " Mr. McCarthy said , "but I could not live anywhere without hav ing my wife and children with mo , so wo nro all going to congress together. " O'Donnell After Tax Dodger. New York. Nov il ) Prank A O'Donncll. president of the board of taxes , took steps to collect J23.600 from either the New York Life Insur ance company or the Central National bank us taxes and Interest on the J700.00U transferred to avoid the pay ment , according to testimony befor * the Insurance committee last Monday 1 QUIETLY SPENT DY PEOPLE OF NORFOLK. ERVICES IN THE CHURCHES Contributions for the Poor Were Tak en up and Money Will be Sent to the Jews of Russia No Football Game Many Tuikcy Dinners. ThniikHglvliig day wax a quiet , dilly - y Thursday In Norfolk. Then1 were urliey dlnnerH and church survlcoH ud family reunions , and a little In the , 'iiy of amusements. The fo : > llmll nine scheduled between Nollgh ami Norfolk for the championship of north- ast Nebraska did not come off , and hero WIIH nothing doing on the gild- roil. At night there was a dance glv- n by the Mast Hose company In the larquardt hall , and tliero was a sh.iw. t the Auditorium , hut there wasnolh ng of an umiHiml nature. The football game WIIH declaied off iy telephone , the weather ami thr ( iiidll Ion of the Held making It ad I'lnahle to cut < lit the play. The game .eheduled . between Wlanor and I lie ocond team of the Lincoln high ichool was another that did not de velop , as the Held atVlsn"r was con- Idored too rough and brlttlo for the Contest. The day dawned cold and cloudy In S'orfolk and lomained unchanged all lay long. The wind was shnip and dtliig and not many people ventured nil , though the chill of the out of leers made the turkey dinners within ill the more enjoyable. A number of people spent their day ) iit of the city , visiting friends and relatives In other places , nnl many weie guests In Norfolk fiom other OWIIH. Tliero wore a numbei of fntnll } llnncrs in the city , too , composed of relatives who Ihe In various pnite of Noi folk. Stores wore kept open a portion of he day but In the afternoon nearly every place of business was closed : ind employes and proprietors alike enjoyed a half holiday. Regular Thanksgiving services were held In churches of the city , and con tributions were offered for the pooi A largo collection was taken In one church for the suffering Jews of Rus sia. Turkeys wore unusually plentiful llils year and nearly everybody had a taste of the bird. Toronto Theater Burns. Toronto , Dec. 1. St. Charles the ater , one of the leading vaudeville houses of Canada , was destroyed by fire The flames were flrst discovered about an ho'ir after a large audience had left the building. They started In the top gallery. The loss is $70. 000. NATIONAL LIVE STOCK COMMIS SIGN CO. Views of the Live Stock Markets a South Omaha , Neb. , C. A. Mai- lory , Manager. South Omaha , Nov. 29 The moderate orate receipts of cattle and the change in the weather has caused a good re action in the market , prices ruling 1 ffT25c higher than last week for al grades of fat steers and butciers stock. Wo look for fairly liberal sup plies next week but also look for a good demand and think anything goo < enough for the packers will sell wel Christmas cattle are not plentifu but are in the usual demand and i moderate supply can bo sold to goo advantage and we advise shipping thl class of cattle during the first ten day of December. Stockers and feeders in fair supply with prices well sustained for desir able grades while common steers and heifers are selling at low prices. Short fed or warmed up cattle are slow sale and those of good quality should be hold back and made better , as we think the outlook warrants so doing. We quote good to choice fat cows $3.00@3.50 ; fair to good , $2.50@3.00 ; canners and cutters $2.002.50 ; Christmas cattle ? C.OO@550 ; good to choice fat steers $5.2500.00 ; fair to good f4.500i5.25. Hcgs The largo receipts of hogs expected by the packers failed to ma terialize and with a sharp advance in the provision market , the trade ruled active and 10@20c higher than last week. The packers are still "talk- Ing" large receipts and lower prices but are taking the hogs at the advance. We still believe the general supply is at least normal but don't look for continued liberal receipts until after the holidays. The bulk of the hogs today are sell ing $4.8004.85. with top $4.90 , which Is still in line with the other markets. Watch the provision market care- full > and don't be surprised to see a little reaction most any time next week. Sheep and lambs. This being prac tically the end of the season for ship ments of sheep and lambs from the ! range , our receipts are much lighter and the quality much poorer. Very little fat stuff Is coming and the de mand for mutton sheep and lambs is strong nnd prices are fiOc per cwt. higher than a week ago. Host fat lambs are selling $ i5.750 > 7.25 ; fair to good ? C 5000.75 ; good vearllngs $5.5000.25 ; fair to good $5.0005.50 ; good wethers $5.2505.75 ; fair to good $5.0005.25 ; good owes $5 0005.25 : fair to good , $4.5005.00. The demand Is also strong for all good classes of feeders that are carryIng - Ing any tleah. Lambs weighing from 0 to nr > UIH. are Helling $ r , iri n 10 ( u lit ) UIH $ r. r > 0ii * (100 ( , llglfier wulghdi from $5.50 down to $4 50. yi'iulltiKH $1 iiOfflfi 25 ; wethorn $4.7& < ft > JTi.OOj OWUH $3.00fM.OO. \Vo Ionic for lighter tecelptn for ( he next thirty days and pronpeclH ate Inil the duiiiand will he good and that irl-H will Mile higher. Rock l land Pays Taxe * nentrlcu Ne Nov 2'J 'I In llnrk Bland HiillMiivi ! ninpiiny n M n < t , < ru or } ) . ( ( > 3 ? < C to Cuuiit ) ' 1 M fi * HI r WilBht. which If hill piijnient ! i M.H > car's tuxes lti t year It pnid i' tUM'b under prou-fcl 'I I.e 11 . r.-/i and t'nlon I'nnllc nre hold.tig i.u t with thi > tuxes mnkiriK oiilv a pir payment Th ( rutim , ol tlii Hi.rii I- nr.M writ , n turprUo to thu louiii ) ol finals Attempt Made to Break Jail Hr.ncrofl N'-b Nov : " . An nt < to lire tl.c rlty l.nll tii.t ! Jut ! . - i.ail - preiumul'U b > TM > ! I , < or.e \\t , < > I nl en loc Ki ( I up ncti.tly ' flrn iih dcM ( Mil \ > \ NiM.l | Wnl'li Hut i fi iiil thru ipri hif effort1wr , * xf utrid tl. ' ' 'million ' 11't.u 'ni.In MI in t.f lloi.r of M r jn ' I I'i ' R ( f I ) FIRST TO ABOLISH GAME A5 PLAYED AT PRESENT. REFORM CAMPA'vN IS STARTED York University Issue * Call for Conference of Twenty Colleges. President Northrup , University of Minnesota , Against Abolition. Now York. Nov. 29. Columbia uni versity lias abolish'1 ! ! the game or fnotbull as at pres < ut played as one of the sports In which students of the university will bo permitted to un gage Tills action was taken at a mi.'i.'tlng of Ihe Columbia university committee on student organizations. The action of this committee Is final The student ! ) arc not permitted to play without the consent of the rommlUtir ; , and If they do so they render them selves liable to expulsion. | Almost at the hour when the body of young Harold Moore , the Union col lege fatudcnt , who was killed In a foot ball game with the University of New York team last Saturday , was being laid to rest In Ogdensbiirg. the faculty of the University of New York took definite action looking to the abolish ment of the game of football as It IB now played. Every college whoso football team has played against the New York university since 1S&5 , when the latter's team was organized , has been Invited to take part In a con ference fully to consider and finally dispose of the future of the game With the cj.ll of the conference went the announcement that the New York university representatives will support a proposition that the present game oupht to be abolished The colleges Invited to the ( .onfc-rccice are nineteen In number. Says Abolition Is Too Radical. Minneapolis , Nov. 2'J "I think that is going entirely lee far , " said I'rosi dent Cyrus Nonhrup of ( be Uimers.ty of Minnesota , when hsknd for an f-x prossion of opinion regarding the ac tlon of Columbia urnvf-r.sity in atiol Ishtng football as a college sport 'I am not In favoi of the elimination of football from college sports , " Dr Northrup continued "On the contrary. I am very strongly In favor of Its re tention There is no question but that changes should bn made In the game as playc-d at prosi-nt. In my opinion the rules can be so amended fis to make the plays more open , more punting and end runs and fewer masi formations and scrimmages Therein lies ihe rhlcf danger of brutality or of foul play What should be done Is to make th < > game one of skill rather than a contest in which brute strength Is the principal element nut the complete hhandonmcnt of football as a college sport Is. to my mind , entlie ly too severe a penalty to Impose" Stabbed During Political Quarrel. Chicago , Nov 29 .John V Kopf. one of the c.ommlssloners of Cook county , was s.ihhii-d : during a political quarrel and susthlned Injuries which will proliHbl ) tausfbis death For several yenrs a bitter fueling has ex isted hPtwepn two Republicans IB the Thirteenth ward , and during a ward club election Kopf heratnt In volved in a dispute with George Hob erts. an election clerk and Roberts plunged a knife Into Kopf's abdomen Huberts was arrested Imperial Guards MI rested. SL Petersburg , Dec. 1 The most itf alarming indication of the spread of disaffection In the army , extending even to regiments near the person of the emperor , was given in the arrest at Tsarskoe Selo of a number of FO ! diers belonging to regiments sp iiilh selected by Oenoral Trepoff in fjuird the emperor and his family T'iev have been counted upon as beinc 1 al to the last , ready even to be ' -n 10 pieces In defense of his majeMv Their arrest however , alt ouah not for open sei'ltion. shows how the leaven of dlccontcnt \\nrki"s even within the precincts of Hie mpcr'al park at Tsarsl oo Solo Tr-r "ii'Unt " ' pave rise to mL.-t nbrmlt1 n r < in St. Petersburg. Including on- th 2 effect that the emperor nr'Mhha.l bcon attacked and Ihnt a grand duke had bcon wounded wMI" Defending him. but the AsBorl : ' \ \ Prr s Is as- ured by a member of ! 'nperlnl entourace at Ts rokoe Sri. .tat this U absolutely untrue FOLLOW THE FLAG" Home Visitors Excursion November 27 To many polntH In IlliunlH , Jn.llmm , Ohio , Kentucky , W U-rr IViiiihylvaniii , Now Yotk and We.t Virginia at Greatly Reduced Rates The WAMASII IIIIH Hilid riuul . bi-il. rook Imlhiht rind new eiUii | > iijeut KcoliliillKt Imlr rnihiSl.AT- I HIJ ; ) Kor nttcH , iiiupH mill nil uilnriiiiiiiiiii call ut WnlniHli ( 'My Ollice , F.iiimm Ht. , or inliln KH HARRY E MOORES , ( i. A. I' . I ) . Wah.tsli K. H , Omaha , Ni TO CHICAGO AND THE EAST Without Change of Cars UNION PACIFIC R , R , AND Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul Ry- For Time TubleH ami Scml Ilate w-c Union Pacific A eut , or write F. A NASH. Omaha , Neb. 1524 Farnham St. The word results means a whole Ir-t to tbe farmer of to-day and it especially attractivr to the homeseekcr or those sec ! np new locations. If we tell you of a country where yu arc sure cf success , will you believe us ? It is only necessary for y u to farm the land and the best results will follow a State which the government reports will show leads in the production of wheat. It also ranks among the first in the raising of com. alfalfa , timothy and other products , together with stock raising. We speak of The great State of the West , where lands can be purchased from $5 to $30 per acre which equals the returns of the $ M to $1 0 per acre lands of other States. EASTEHN COLORADO is identical m most respects and the same opportunities are offered there. Buy quick while the lands are cheap and secure the benefit of an excellent invest ment. THE MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILWAY touches the heart of this rich agricultural region and extremely low rates are offered , allowing stop-over at pleasure in cenain territory for inspec tion of lands , etc. Write us and we will send you free descriotive literature and full information. H. C. TOWNSEND. CCNCItM. PA&SCNCtn AND TICKET ACCKT. ST. LOUIS , MO. HOflE VISITOR' RATES via ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD The Date . . November'27 "A chance to visit your old home. Why not spend Thanksgiving with old friends once more ? The Illinois Central makes this possible by offering exceptionally low rates for the round trip as shown belowe with twenty-one day limit. " Toronto , Ont J33.55 Indianapolis , Ind 23.20 Louisville , Ky. 25.00 | Detroit , Mich 25.35 Buffalo. N. Y 33.00 ! i Salamanca , X. Y 33 70 , Cleveland , 0 2S 35 Columbus , O "S 15 Cincinnati. O $27.35 Toledo. 0 25.70 Pittsburg. Pa 31.00 Wheeling. W. Va. 31.70 Bloomlngton. Ill 1C.C5 Springfield. Ill 17.45 Decatur. Ill 17.90 Kankakee , 111 1S.OO Correspondingly low rates to nearly all points In the above states. For full particulars call at UQ2 Farnam St. . Omaha , or write. SAMUEL NORTH. District Passenger A ent. Omaha , Neb. .TRY THE. . Daily News Job Department