The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, November 10, 1905, Image 1

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    H H .1 i- _ _ _
. . „ " - - " ' ' i' ' iu mu M KM MnMM * B < MmMm HMpvpwamHOTVW HBiaBaniV
Asserts That Thirty Thousand Fraud
ulent Votes Were Cast and One
Thousand Inspectors Were Crooked.
Democrats Sweep Ohio.
Washington , Nor. 9. The election
of John M I'atllson ( Uem. ) as gov
ernor of Ohio by approximately 40.-
000 plurality over Myron T. Herrlck ,
the present Republican governor , also
* Demonnllc working majority In
both houses of the Ohio legislature ;
an appeal by W. H. Hearst , the Munic
ipal Ownership candidate fo. the Now
York mayoialty , to the supreme court
"to contest McClcllan's election to that
office on the basis of alleged evidence
of wholesale Illegal acts at the polls ;
a plurality of It-185 votes for McClel
Inn. and Immediate contest by the fu
elonlsts in Louisville In the courts
against the election of Domocititic mu
nicipal olllcers and members of the
legislature , wcie the developments In
the election aftermath. McClollnn'b
plurality Is the minimum on record
lor a successful mayoralty candidate In
New York. H VP/ ' claims evidence
of Illegal acts ' ty ' ' 00 Inspectors
of election and ti. ' ' " ft his ad
herents were turned 'o/y * ne
polls because tholr names . . s > y 0 > V "
Isccn voted. District Attorney * .of < > fj. >
has announced he will Immediacy
make a searching Investigation of tuu
wholesale frauds and lias ordered the
returns from the Eighteenth and Sixth
Assembly district to bo carefully
guarded. These are the homo districts
of the Tammany lenders. Murphy and
' 'Tim" Sullivan. Jerome for district
attorney has n lead of 3,525.
In Louisville , the fusion party man
agers claim a non-election In fourteen
precincts because of disappearance of
election , paraphernalia , that Democrat
ic workers confiscated the ballot
"boxes In fourteen other precincts and
allowed falsification of returns and al
lege activity of "thugs" and repeaters.
Democratic Victory In Ohio.
All through Ohio the belated returns
showed Republican losses and Repub
licans concede Pattison's plurality
reaches 25,000. The Democrats claim
Pattison's plurality approximates 55-
000 , which would elect the entire Dem
ocratic ticket. Republicans concede
the Democrats between two and five
majority in the next senate and ten
to fifteen In the house , while the Dem
ocratic claim Is a majority of flvo In
the senate and twenty-seven In tlio
The City party's ( reform ) plurality
In Philadelphia Is 43,333 for sheriff
and the fuslonlst candidate for state
treasurer ( Berry ) canted the city by
over 30,000 plurality. The upheaval
was the greatest in Pennsylvania for
many years.
The Maryland legislative situation is
In doubt.
In Rhode Island the Republican
gubernatorial candidate has a plurality
estimated at 5,000 , and Providence
-elects a Republican mayor for the
first timeIn many years.
In Massachusetts Democratic threats
are made for a recount of the vote for
lieutenant governor. The Republic
ans In Massachusetts score 23,116 plu
rality for Guild for governor , though
Draper , for lieutenant governor , got
less than 2,000 plurality. The Demo
crats gained three senators and ono
representative In the legislature.
Every candidate of the Union Labor
jarty In San Francisco was elected by
a substantial majority. In Salt Lake
the anti-Mormon victory Is made com
plete by the election of the entire-
American party city ticket.
Judge Gaynor Orders Police to Sent
Ballot Boxes to Election Bureau.
New York. Nov. 9. With the grant/
Ins of an order by Supreme Court Jus
tlce William Gaynor , In Brooklyn , com
pelllng Police Commissioner McAdoo
to remove every ballot box from al
the precincts In Greater New York to
the bureau of elections , William R
Hearst , the defeated Municipal Own
rsblp league candidate , took his firs
legal step In a flght to secure a re
count of the voles cast on election
day. The order was granted afte
Justice Gaynor had reviewed affidavit
submitted by Mr. Hearst's attorney
and half an hour later Colonel Alex
ander Bacon and P. W. Brown , repre
Renting Mr. Hearst , served the orde
on Commissioner McAdoo , who sen
out a general order to every preclnc
In Greater New York , Instructing th
captains , or other officers In charge ,
to send the ballot boxes straightway
t to the bureau of elections.
Mr. Hearst said :
"Wo are going to fight today , tomor
row , next month , and next year to
make it possible for a man to cast an
honest vote and to prevent In the fut
ure conditions as disgraceful as they
were Tuesday , especially In Sulllvan'a
and Murphy's districts , and we will
invoke every legal means to have
very ballot honestly counted. Wo
are receiving voluntary offers of
money from business men to aid us
In this appeal. "
Mr. Hearit't proposed action set
\th ; ihev.iim
\v.iim appioval m man > quar-
ers , oven among these who opposed
ila election , and ho received mimy ns
siiiancos of support District Attorney
loromu expressed hlmsolf in ICIIIIM of
htiong approval of Mr. Hearst's pro
gram and declared that ho would Im
mediately Institute a scorching Investl-
jatlon of the alleged Democratic
ratids. HP also ordered the returns
rom the Kolshtcenth and Sixth ills-
rlcts to bo carefully guarded. Ira a.
) arrln , the newly elected district at-
orney of Queens county , on the Ho
> ubllcan ticket , made a similar state-
nont. William M. Ivlns , the defeated
Icpuhllcan candidate for mayor , also
commended Mr. Hearst's action , and
expressed the belief that a recount
vould show that Mr. Hearst had been
Most of this fraudulent voting In
mid to have been done In east side as
sembly dlstilrts , and especially In the
SiRhteonth , Charles Murphy's homo
llstrlct , and In the Sixth , of which
Timothy Sullivan Is the leader.
Complete Returns From Twenty-three
Counties and Returns In Many Pre
cincts of the Other Counties , Show
the Lead Not Less Than 20,000.
Lincoln , Nov. 9. The election In No-
> rnska has the appearance of a Ho-
mhllcan landslide on the head of the
Icket. The plurality for Lctton. for
uprcmo Judge , will not be less than
8,000 , and may exceed 2BOuO , more
ban double that of two years ago on
a decreased vote An average Hcpun-
lean gain of six and a half votes to
he precinct Is shown Roth the Re-
mbllcan candidates for regents of Uie
university are elec'cd , but 'heir ' pl'i- '
allty Is considerably less than that
or judge. Party lines were not ad
icred to on county offices , the fusion-
sts mnKlnp gains In some counties
ellably Republican , and vice versa
Complete returns from twenty-three
counties and from 332 precincts scat-
ered throueh nearly all of the re-
malnlnc counties In the state , making
nltoce'her ' 715 out of MIP 1,600 pre-
Incts In Nebraska , give L-tt n 'Hep )
43 092 votes , as aga'ns' ' 30 705 for
lastinps. fusion ' candidate for su
preme court judge. The same pre
cincts two years ace save Barnes 45.-
955 , and Sr'llvan 37,727 In o'her
words , wher' secured a major-
ty of 8,228. Letton gets a majority of
33.227. At tl Is ra e of gain In the re
maining precincts Letton's lead over
Hastings wj | approximate 20000
Revolution Is Threatened.
Washington , Nov , 9. A revolution
ary movement has developed In San'o
Domingo anJ an uprising Is threat
ened. News to this effect nas reached
the government here and the proper
steps are be ng token by the navy de-
lartment at the Instance of the state
department to maintain the peace.
President Will Recommend Admission
of Oklahoma and Indian Territory.
Washington , Nov. 9. President
Roosevelt Informed a delegation from
Oklahoma that he would recommend
In his forthcoming message single
statehood for Oklahoma and Indian
territory. The delegation consisted
of Delegate Magulre. Chairman
Charles H. Fllson of the Republican
territorial commission , C. M. Wade ,
Republican commltteeman , and Vernon -
non W. Whiting. They told the presi
dent they hoped congress would pass
a single statehood resolution , accordIng -
Ing to his recommendation. They
suggested that a provision regulating
the liquor traffic bo left to the people
an with their personal' knowledge ol
the Indians In the territory th y
would settle the question properly.
The members of the delegation dis
cussed with the president the appoint
ment of a governor of the territory ,
recommending Captain Krank ITrantz ,
whose appointment subsequently was
Striking Printers Enjoined.
Sioux Falls , S. D. , Nov. 9. As the
result of the hearing Tierore Judge
Jones of the state circuit court in the
case Instituted by the employing print
ers of Sioux Falls to prevent the strik
ing printers from Interfering with th
non-union printers who took the places
of the strikers. Judco Jones granted
an order restraining the strikers from
In any way Interfering with or en
deavoring to coerce the non-union
printers into leaving their work In the
printing establishments which are af
feeted by the strike
Anti-American Feeling Grows.
Hong Kong , Nov. 9. Advices from
Canton say that the anti-American
feeling there Is growing more Intense.
A lady has been spat upon In a street
and the American consul , Julllus O
Lay , hag received an anonymous let
ter , threatening his life If tha Impris
oned boycotters of American goods are
not released The consul has written
to the viceroy asking him to prohibit
an anti-American mass meeting which
It IB proposed to hold In Canton , but
tha viceroy apparently Is Indifferent
The Postmaster Refused to Send the
Publication Through the Office Until
the Advertisement Is Eliminated.
Brief In Grain Case.
Wilbur , Neb , , Nov. n. The "NobraH-
Ua Nerve , " n newspaper publlhhed
here , Imu been linrrud from the ninllH
and will remain burred until an ml-
vortlHomont of n local merchant an
nouncing' a "drawing , " IH eliminated.
The fedornl laws make It u lottery to
hold any HOI ! of drawing and thu nmlln
will not carry any advertisement of
such n drawing.
Attorney General Brown Takes Two
Weeks to Prepare a Reply.
Lincoln , Nov. 0. Attorney Genera !
Hrnwn has noctiied fioin the miprcmo
court puimlHslon to take two weeKs In
which to prepare n brlof In reply to
the brlcfa of the nttornoyH for the
grain dealers association , against
which ho brought Injunction proceed-
ngs. Argument will bo prcHcntud at
the next meeting.
Talks'of Suicide. Wms Qrlde.
Lincoln. Nov 'j Stialght iouth
froi/i the police Muilon < t , Hie couit
hniiscwlicic mainagc lUcn&ei , aio
- pi.alUul u > 01114 ; ( .onjilu aim in
aim 'I hey wt-ie Mhb Lilly lliown
and lltn Kolln Keller had tin i at-
ened to ( oinmii bnieidcbc < aiibo his
sweetheart , Mib.s litown. was talking
of going lo Kuii-ns city to live , and
she , tearing in- would liilllll his threat ,
called the pullers 10 her abblbtance.
Once heIonliu had put a bottle of
carbolic aeid to his lips and the girl.
In dashing it away , lecc-lvod most of
the conic-nth on her loot , which l
still burned liom tno accident. Seine
fatherly woidb of advice weic volun
teered by the poleomen , and tins
young people decided lo get uiaiiiud
at once.
Will Test Tucker Law.
Lincoln Nov 9 Attorney Genera !
Brown fil'-d a t'-s' ' < aso In the suptmir.
court to get an opinion on tlio validity
of the Tucker jury law The roimtv
board of McPher'iii rounty has been
selerted and the ( ourl is asked to
compel the members to sclcri a jury
and a mandamus Is aMc-d It IP
claimed that under the ambiguous
sections of the law It will be Impos
sible to draw a legal Jury.
Two Saloons In Volln , Near Yankton ,
are Robbed.
Volln , S. D. , Nov. 9. A mob of safe
blowers entered this city nt an early
hour yesterday morning , blow the
safes in the saloons of Olson & Olson
and the ' Yankton Brewing company ,
opposite each other on the main street
of the town , secured ? 130 for their
trouble , and made good their escape
upon a railroad handcar.
They rode the handcar as far as the
bridge crossing the Jim river four
miles south of this city , dumped the
handcar off the track and buried them
selves In the dense woods skirting the
A citizen's posse , under the leader
ship of Marshal Ike Olson , was Imme
diately organized , and with shotguns ,
rifles and revolvers , hurried on foot ,
on horseback and In every available
vehicle to the Jim river , and throw n
double guard about the forest In
which the "peter" men are supposed
to have escaped , and as soon as day
light broke began thrashing the woods
as a hunter would pursue deer.
Every town within a radius of fifty
miles was notified by telephone and
telegraph to be on the lookout for the
robbers , but no trace has been found
of the bold safe blowers.
Favors Change In Football Rules.
Cambridge , Mass. , Nov 9 In a let
ter to John D Merrill , secretary of
the Harvard Graduates Athletic asso
ciation , William T. Reid , Jr. . hcao
coach of the football team , takes the
stand that the game of football as at
present played needs to bo changed
radically. Coach Reid says that the
evils attending the game arc of such
a nature that a mere technical re
vision of the rules will not suffice to
dispel them
Offers Reward In "odd Case.
New York , Nov. 9. Mrs. Frank
Tousey offered a reward or Jl.OOO "for
evidence leading to the apprehension
and conviction of the person or per
sons gul''y of the murder of Mrs Mar
garetta Todd In Philadelphia on the
night of Oct 2S. " Mrs Tousey Is the
dead woman's only daughter , now
hastening home from Europe Two ar
rests In the case will be made today
Dr. Force Released on Ball.
Los Angeles. Cal. Nov. 9. Dr. David
Force , vice president of the North
western Life Insurance company of
Minnesota , was arrested here and ar
raigned before Justice of the Peace
Toung. who ordered his relcane on
$5.000 ball , which was provided The
charge Is grand larceny , and IB uade
u Hennepln county , Minnesota
Former Citizen of Switzerland Has
Too Many Ch.injes ( Annlnst Him.
Dos MoliH-H , Nov. ! ) . low a will aoun
forward u iloiinuul to tlm Kovc-rnmuni
of Swltzurlunil ( u lutuuvu from this
tate ono of Us vllt/unn who nftor be
ing twiceMMit lo ( liu state pc-niti'ii-
Maiy lor ( ilnii'H has gone Insaneami
is now holiiK hdii In tlio atnti. los ,
( illal at Cliiilnda Tlio puny \ ICinll
Ji-am-ili' , who i HIND to Ann-run in
Ib'JJ Hou innvldc'd lieuol ob
taining money undi > i false PIOU-IIM-H
and his wliu shortly afterwanl went
Insane She was nt-nl UH a cluugo of
I'olk county to Clailndaheru t > hu
died Mr Joani'tto was plrhed up de
mented Iu Page county. 'I hat iiiiinly
tloos nut wish ( o Uioulilor the c-xpeiiHu
of hlu canUH ho In yol a joiing man
ami will undoubtedly ho a chaiKO lor
many yeum Ho ban hpcn shifted to
the Hlatn hoard of runliol as a state
patient and that hody Is pic-paring pa
pers to hend to the Switzeiland gov-
oinmcnt asking ( hut liu bo romovud
Irom here.
Social Democrats Insisted Upon Hli
Dismissal as r. InUispen&nhle Pre
liminary to AnCo operation of That
Party and Count Yields
St. Pc-torsliing , Nov 'j. I'
are gtovvn.g IHIKHIUI for HIL wuiiuni ;
tombmaiiuii l.c-lwc-en Count Willo ami
the conservative l.icllon ol the con-
hlltullonat dcmociait , and tlio wing ol
the /.L-niblvoibLs which wab loft be *
hind In the lapld dovclopmuil of thn
rClOim IliC'llH Ol SUCCebSlVU COHgrohhCa.
The lesigiiiitlon of Gunural Tiepoll
und hlH nomiiiiitlon as pobt command-
CM of the Imperial palacu la gutirjiaiiy
repnrld In i lie ctly. Count Wltto ,
who ha.s been In conbtant coimuuuUa-
lion with promlM IM members of thn
iJc-inoc'ialic paity lor several days ,
and who lias been Informed tliat ilia-
mlbbal ol 'licpolf Is an indispensablu
piullmlnaiy to any co-operation of that
party , seems finally to have yloldud
tills condition Count Wttto was fa
vored by a spill , which manifested
itself In a meeting of prominent St
Peleisburg members of the party last
evening. While a strong faction held
for u fast union of radicals and t > o
clal democrats until the work of free
dom shall have been completed by thu
convocation of a constituent assembly ,
H majoiity seemed to comu to the HUP
port of Count Witte , provided that suf
flclent guaianlees be given for the
cariyltiK out of the promises con
tallied in the imperial manifesto.
Details of the Horrible Massacre * In
European Russia ,
St Petersburg , Nov. 9. The revo
lutlonnry wave continues to subsldo
except In the Caucasus. As details
of what happened throughout Euro
pean Russia during the upheaval ar
rive the story grows more revolting. .
In southwestern Russia hardly a city
or town escaped Jewish massacres.
At Tomsk , Siberia , according to tha
latest reports received hero , tha
whole population of 40,000 and the
military stood by while 000 men , wom
en and children were burned In a the
ater. The court house at Tomsk and
the mayor's residence , where the stu
dents and revolutionists took refuge
from the mob , were burned and these
who tried to flee were killed In the
The descent of the butchers of
Moscow with their knives and axes
upon the students was one of the most
horrible chapters , but not ns pitiful ,
however , as the attack of the niack
Hundred on a procession of school
children carrying red flags. When the
children sought to escape , a cordon of
police barred the way and youthful
martyrs were beaten Into Insensibility
and In some case were actually torn
to pieces.
The reports from the Caucasus show
there la no Immediate prospect of sup
pressing the present state of anarchy.
Battles between the Tartars and Ar
menians continue and the destruction
of the railroad and lack of troops
make It Impossible for the authorities
to cope with the situation.
_ _
A copyright convention between Ja
pan and the United States nas been
Mrs Daniel K. Plcrsons , wife of
the millionaire philanthropist , Is lying
at the point of death at Chicago , hav
Ing suffered a stroke of paralysis.
Fire , which started In the engine
room of the Institution , completely de
stroyed the nimln bath and sanitarium
at IMS Angeles , entailing a lo&s of
Tn a pistol flght between Policeman
John Lapallle and William Oliver la
the oaloon of Harvey Coons at Louis
ville Ky. . William Oliver was shot flvo
times and fatally wounded and Har
vey Coons was also probably fatally
Action Taken In Consequence of Ex
posurss Mode In New York Leyis
lativn Investigation Suspect * Ille
gal Dlveision of Funds.
Jefferson City. Mo. , Nov 9. W I )
VandHur , slate superintendent of In
suianco , biiHiic-ndud thu cc-rtlllc ale of
auihuiliy of theNuw Yoik l.ilu Insui-
ami company to do IMIHIIII-HH In tlilH
btato KollowliiK IH tlm older
"Noliio IH huiL-by glviui thai , where
as , Inloimillion In my posHi-sHlon and
vcrllli-d by examination uf the olllcial
blcnogtapher's lupott of iho rvceni
examination of tlm olllceiR of the New ,
Voil. I.lie IIIHIIIuncti company by thu
Icgiblalhu invehtlKiitlon comiultleo of
the Hiate of Now York , ulvon me rea
Honabliiiiiifo to biiHiiucl , and I do sun-
peel and believe , that the funds of the
mild company have been Impaired by
thn divotMon of lar n UUIIIH of money
for Illegal and uioncfii ! purpoHes , and
that the luilhet coiilliiiiaiires of tint
Mild New Yoik LiftliiHiirance com
pany In the writing of life liiHiiranco
In this Htale , under Its piesent man
agement , Is lni/.milous ( o the puhllo
and to those holding UH policies there
fore. I. W. I ) Vandlver , HiipijiIntend-
ent of the hiRUianre depattmenl of
the Klate of .Missouri , have this day
miHpendeil the feitllliali * of aulhorll >
lieieiofoif Kianl'il ' to ald company lode
do tinIniMiii ' of willlni ; life Insur
nnrtIn ibis Mull "
President Hetjcmnn of Ihe Metropoli
tan is Gcfcre Committee.
New Yoil , Noi. ! i. In Hie testimony
of John It Ik-Ki'man , pioHidonl ol the
Moliopolltan Lite IIIHIIIHIHO company ,
before the IILSIUIIIU o liivi-stlgalliiK
committed It win l/iouf-hl out ( hat In-
dustilal liiMiranre v , u < nnbldoiahly
inoro expensive Man other foiniK of
llfo IIIHIII awe , and Mi I lineman , after
classing Industrial Insurance 'as retail
and the mdlnary Illc UK whole-sale , II-
luHtriiled the fait by an example , In
which for a stated ago U wns , shown
Unit for a JI.Ouo policy of ordinary
life Ihe Metropolitan charged $10.B5
annually , while for $ U85 , the nearest
amount for tlio Htatcd age under the
Industrial plan , * : : i 29 was charged
Mr. lIc-Kc-man'fl testimony was ulonr
the line of the amount of the com
pany's Increase In the htuJnesn
Kmery MeOIIntork , actuary of the Mu
tual Llfo ItHiiraneo company , who has
been examined In part at prevloim
fr.sHionf ) , wax called and continued bin
testimony on technical Insurance.
Senator Wright a Fugitive.
Saciamento , Cal , Nov a Former
State Senator KM Wright Is a fugitive
from jiihtlre Wright , whose home Is
at San Jose became Involved In thr >
bribery scandal at thn last sc.inlon of
the legislature , which has thus lar re
sulted In sending former Senators
Harry Hiinkrs und B J. UmmoriB to
the ponitc-nllary for accepting money
to shield building and loan associa
tions from thu threatened Investiga
tion Into their affuirb. Wright's case
was Milled In the sup rtor < ourt. but
the dtftndout failed to respond to tlm
calling of his name Wright' * cash
ball of $2.500 wai dwilared forfeited
and a bench warrant was Issued for
his arrest.
Japanese Newspaper Hearo Plot It on
Foot to Overthrow Dynasty.
Victoria , B. C. , NOT. 9. Telograns
from Peking to Japanese papers sa >
movements to overthrow the presuin
Chinese dynasty are developing with
Incredible rapidity On Oct. 1C u portion
tion of Peking was clohed Foreigners
were allowed to pass the .guarded
gates , but natives were closely scruti
nized. Great activity of revolution
aries Is reported from several sections
A Shanghai paper says a panic exists
at Tien Teln among native servants ,
many of whom are leaving foreign em
ploy owing to the trouble that Is ex
Advices from Peking , published by
Japanese vernacular papers , received
by the Empress of China , state that
when the empress dowager of China
returned hastily from her summer pal
ace because of the bomb outrage at
Peking , she summoned the emperor
and asked what he knew of the out
rage , whereupon the emperor showed
nuch confusion. At a signal from tha
empress a party of guards appeared
and led the emperor to a hall , where
he has elnce been confined , no one
having access to him , and food being
thrust In through a window. The
Hochl Shlmbun says the emperor oc
caslonally raises shrieks like those of
Five Persons Killed In a Collision.
Wllkesbarre , Pa. , Nov. 9. Five per
sons were killed , ton seriously Injured
and a score slightly hurt in a head-on ,
collision between a passenger train
and a coal train on the Delaware.
Lackawanna and Western railroad
near Hunlocki creek , a abort ul&-
tanc * from thJ city , All of tha
empcrature for Twenty-four Hours.
Forecaul for Nebraeka.
Condition of the wonthor ai rooord-
od for the 24 hour * oiidlng at 8 a. m.
oilny :
Maximum fiH
Minimum ! I2
\vornto ; 4fi
laromotor DO. IK
lalnfiill 02
I'olnl rainfall for month 101
'olal rainfall for year 30.17
C'hlciujo , Nov. ! > . - The btillolln In-
lined by the Chicago ytntlon of tha
fnltud Htatiw weather bureau till *
UMJiltiK , ilve ; the forocniit for No-
riiHkn an follown :
Kulr tonlcJit and Friday.
wuio iialnmeii The Injurlen to thu
[ lahMungeni weio caused by the tur
rifle foirc of the tialnn coming to-
' . , tlio engine on iho paHsenger
.rain holng fnrcod almout through the
And Now Word Comen From Germany
That the Family of the Child's Dead
Fattier Lcnveo Her Heiress to $50-
000 German Conoul Takes It Up.
Chicago , Nov. 9. Too poor to HUP-
1011 bur youiiK daughter and forced to
work nlghtit , after HIM death of her
mslmiid , a year ago , Mm. Ferdinand
llohl put tlio child , who WIIH then fi
yearH old , In the homo of n rolntlvo
m I bo West Hide Now the family ,
which wan taking can ) of the child , bait
noved without notifying her , taking
ho child along. The mother , who IH
working in a restaurant an cook , IB
iiKor to find tlio child , which ban In-
dorltod ? 50,000 through the death of
tier grandmother In flermany.
Tlio mother notified the pollen and
idvortlRod In the papern , but to no
will. Him finally guvo up the laflk
mil continued at work.
The ( ionium COIIHII ! In Chicago line
taken up the cam ; In tlio bopo that ho
may llnd the child.
Fordlnand Hlnlil , who came from a
wealthy family of Hamburg , came to
Chicago ton yearn ngo. Ho had trou
ble with his parentH and loft thorn.
On bin deathbed ho told hlf ) wlfo that
Homo day they would have money
enough to euro for them In comfort ,
hut .would i-ot loll h" * wb < yi:0 It was
Thinking ho wan raving , the mother ,
after the hiiHhnnd'B death , obtained a
position as cook , where she ban
driigded for a year , wbllo agents of
DIohl'H mother , whoso death followed
shortly after that of her eon , were
searching for the wlfo and child. The
latter la now almost 8 yearn old
Manufacturers Have Not Yet Dis
posed of Rate Question.
Washington , Nov 9. The National
Hardware iihsorlallc.n and the Ameri
can Hardwiuc Manufacturers' associa
tion began their conventions her *
The rontcntloiiK are to be held separ
ately , but ho arranged that the iivm-
hers of each association may attend
the Hirelings of both The- first meet
Ing held was Hint of the National
llaiduaie assoelalli n. In the addies *
of the president , Samuel A P.lgctow of
RoRton , and In the report of Serrr-tarv
I'Vrnley ol Philadelphia , the ono ein
phallc li'ea advanced was the nr > rescl
ty of lower postage rates on llrst-ilass
mail matter and pledging the organ !
zutlon to do nil possible to defeat all
measures looking lo Iho eRlablibhment
of a parcel post Tne question of rail
road rales was discussed and a motion
unanimously adopted whereby the sub
ject Is not to be discussed again at
tht present convention , and no action
to bo taken. It was stated in the dls-
ru.'slon that thn question was so Im
portant and presented so many phases
It was Impossible to take pobltlon at
this time.
Woman burglar at Dei Molnes.
D s Molneu. Nov. 9. This city IB
being terrorized by a woman burglar.
It was discovered that the burglar at
the horn * of D E. Perkins , who es
caped with valuables worth $200 , was
a woman. As she departed from the
house she dropped a handkerchief ,
such as Is carried by a woman of re
finement. She was frightened by tha
hired man entering the house. The
police are Interested In the matter , aa
It was not long ago a woman deliber
ately robbed A man on the street *
after pushing a gun Into his face.
Great Western Starts Row.
Chicago , Nov. 9. The Chicago Great
Western railway created much dlstun *
anco among the lines of the Western
Passenger association by announcing
that , commencing this week , U will
conduct week-end excursions over Ita
entire system , for one fare for the.
round trip. These excursions will
not Include travel between Chicago
and SU Paul , but threats have be n
mad * by other roads to reduce regu
lar rates between theia points In re
taliation for the action of ta * Great