5 * nHI H | TUB NORFOLK NEWS. FRIDAY , OflTOHIUH 18 , ' 305 THE REGULAR MONTHLY SESSION HELD LAST EVENING. BUSINESS LARGELY ROUTINE Claim of Miss Ella Mather for Injuries Received IB Referred to the City At- ' torncyA Lnrge List of Dills Is Allowed. Trout l-'ililiiVn Pnllv 1 The city council met In regular m-s- nlon last evening with Mayor Krldnj nnd Counoltmoii Crolly. Klosau , Spd ! * man. Stafford anil Miithowsnn. Ah- Kent , ( low nnil Ilnlvorslltie. The petition of I , . Hosslonii to con- iitrnt't a IIro proof rnrrlngo shod In the roar of his place of huslness , WIIH reforroil to the llro anil police oom- mlttoo nnil city attorney , with power lo net. , The petition of L. Sessions and oth er property owners asking for n ce ment crossing on the wont shin of Konrtcouth street on Norfolk nvoiiuo \viis granted , anil the crossing was , ir- dorod put In. The petition asking for the romovnl I of hitching posts on Fifth street , north of Norfolk avonno , was tallied. The police judge's report for Sop- tcinher was accepted nnd tiled. The following hills were allowed nnd ordered paid : Alhort nt'gnor , $211.50 ; A. 1'asownlk. $11.00 ; I , . 0. Mlttolstadt. $171.01 ; M. Entires. $77l.1fi ; 11. C. Waller. $1.00 ; An/olgor. $ lS.r > r. ; V. l.amh , $5.00 ; No- hrnska Tclophono Co. , $1.1:5 : ; Norfolk Elcotrlo Light X1'nwor Co. . $18.00 ; W. U. Mvlngstono , $ IU.OO ; .1. Krnnt/ , $0.50 ; It. l/n'olneo , $7.50 ; Krod Klontz. A. E. aroom , $1.00 ; O. Klchoy , $ : il.00 ! ; $20.00 ; E. ln\vronoo , $2250 ; I. .lonson , $5.00 ; S. McKarlnnd , $10.00 ; Chicago l.timhor Co. , $ ll.8i : ; (1. ( W. Leo , $10.50 : .1. 11. Conloy , $0.00 ; Norfolk Light nnd l-'tii'l Co. , $ (51.00 ( ; Norfolk lOlcctrlc Mght & 1'owor Co. , $120.00 : O. Uhlo , $1.115 ; Aug. C.ranl , $0000 ; National Motor Co. , $12550 ; Aug. Hrummund , $2S.OO ; .1. M. Long , $5.00 ; Norfolk Eloclrlc Light nnd Power Co. , $ (1.00 ( ; U 11. Heckondorf , $8.00 ; Aug. Huss , $7I.20 ! ; John Helming. $ I0.75 ! ; I. T. Cook , $82.50 ; T. Grotty , $0.00 ; H. C. Saltier , $7.50 ; Andrew Hose water , $050.00 ; H. A. Salmon. $ M.50 ; E. E. Ijiwronco , $12.75 ; J. Hay , $01.00 ; Chicago cage Lumber Co. , $ t8.20 ; ! ; Oscar Ulch- oy , $20.00 ; Edwards & Bradford Lum ber Co. , $112.10 ; W. D. Uecker , $51.00 ; Win. Koch. $ Il1.00 ! ; W. P. Dixon , $57.00 ; P. F. Sprochor , $1-1.20. The claim of Miss Elln Mather , amounting to $50.00 for injuries re ceived from alleged defective condl- tlciu. of Norfolk avoituo , was referred to the city attorney. Hond of O. W. Htsh for water main contract , was accepted and approved. The city clerk was authorized to Is sue city warrants for payment of coal without awaiting the action of the council. The anti-spitting ordinance passed its 11 rat reading. The treasurer's report for Septem ber showed the following balances : General , $972.02 ; Interest , $711.8(5 ( ; water , ? 2.00G.ol : sinking , $0,811.50 ; street light , $ ; iG9.S2 ; Insurance tax , $220.00. Titos. Crotty was granted permis sion to take out hack license by payIng - Ing for the balance of this year and the full amount for the following year. FRIDAY FACTS. J. E. Douglas of Madison was a Nor folk visitor this morning. Miss lllrdlo Kuhl wont to Omaha yesterday to visit friends. Mlllard Green returned this mornIng - Ing from a trip to Omaha. Senator F. J. Halo of llattlo Creek was In the city over night. Mr. and Mrs , I. J. Johnson re turned from Omaha nt noon today. Mrs. E. E. Adams loft at noon for Chicago , where she will visit friends. Miss Anna Miller , who has booji at Bollwooil for the pi\st seven months , Is at home. E. A. Hullock wont to Albion this afternoon OH thresblng machine busi ness. ness.Dr. Dr. nnd Mrs. Meredith wont to Oma ha yesterday to attend the osteopatltlc state convention. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Wheeler of Pierce county visited Mrs. C. E. Far ley yesterday afternoon. Dr. Pheasant returned today to Pierce , where ho will ro-engago In the practice of his profession. John Marty of Plainvlow was In the city this morning on his way to Ma nila , Iowa , on a land deal. Mrs. Geo. Davenport and baby canto over from Madison today to visit over Sunday with Mrs. J. n. Maylard. Fred Parish Is homo from Llncoli on a short visit. Ho leaves tomorrow for Ottawa , Iowa , wliero ho has a po sltlon. C. A. LIneen and J. E. Wehr of Portsmouth , Iowa , were In the clt > this morning , returning from the Hose bud country. Frank J. Hamilton left at noon for Omaha where ho went to attend the state convention of the Baptist Young Peoples' union. Senator Alien catno up from Madi son last evening and went to Ponca on the early train this morning , on legal business. F. E. Kublk , who formerly did loca work on the Press , left this morning for Oakland where ho has a position on the Independent. Hugh Mullen Is homo from Lnmar Col. , where ho has been working In tbo factory. Ho goes to the Grand Inland factory Sunday. W. Tlldon and wlfo have returned lo Norfolk. During the minuiior Mr. Tlldon has boon In the west and Mrs. Tllden IIIIH been at Don Molnos. They llvo I on South Fourth street. A. O. Nichols of Dnnbury , Iowa , catno In on the early train thin morn ing from a vhdt to his brother I'M at Lynch. Ho tlilnkH there Is no country on earth quite no good an Hoyd coun ty. Theodore Bolt * and family have re turned , to thlH phtcu nnd will remain. They i formerly lived hero but two years ago went lo Iowa. They return with the feeling that ( hero Is noplace llko homo and NobraHhn IH homo to thorn. N. llniiHon , the cigar salesman , will llvo at ( ho Oxnard for a time , whllo MrH , Hanson vlHltH at Colfnx , Iowa. The iJtdloH of the Maccabees gave a mirprlRO parly thin afternoon for MrH. Harrington at the homo of MrH. Lyman Miller , The open meeting of the household department of the Woman's club , which WIIH lo have been hold on Mon day next , IIIIH been postponed for two weeks. Father Vuughan Is Rciioduloil to de liver a lecltiro at. Spencer , Nob. , to night. Spencer people will make no mistake In hearing him. Ho Is a bril liant lecturer. 'I'ho colony of Norfolk young men In Utmitr , Col. , who are employed In Iho Htigar factory there , Is constantly IncronHlng. Clarence Gerecko will leave next week for that placo. A gentleman down from Lynch says the fair In progress at that town Is n splendid exposition of the product ! ) of lloyd county. The exhibition Is bolng given In a lent and Is well attended. A special was run from Omaha last night , bringing homo a big crowd of people who had witnessed the Ak-Sar- Bcit parade. The train loft Omaha after the close of the festivities lust night and arrived hero about 0 o'clock ills morning. A. Kndlor , a man about sixty years if ago , WIIH run over nt West Point his morning by a spec.lal passenger rain on Iho Northwestern road which vas bringing homo Ak-Snr-Ucn excur sionists Mr. Hndler HVOH at West 'olnt. ' Ho was getting off Iho train vhen ho slipped and fell , the wheels niching ills leg , which was run over. James Thomas , representing the loll Telephone company , bus already vrltton thirty-live contracts for the oinpaiiy in Norfolk during his two weeks' stay , besides the hospital prl- ate exchange contract. Dr. Earl Douglass Hollz will give ils lecture on "Grip , Grit and Gump- Ion , " on Saturday evening , October I. This Is the llrst lecture of the ourso to bo given during tbo winter inder the auspices of the young pee ides' societies of three churches. Tin our.so will Include two lectures , ono .Mitertalner and two musical numbers Pierce Call : Arrnngomonls have icon made for a ball gnmo with Ver- llgro on the Pierce diamond this after toon. This will probably bo the last ; nmo of the season as a majority of ho clubs closed the season on Octo- .ior 1. Come out and give the boys a lift. In the evening members of the team contemplate giving n dance at Iho opera house. Mrs. C. E. Farley , t Son , who pur chased the old Norfolk House for $1 , 100. are now renovating anil remodel ling the place with the end In view of making it a very desirable lodging liouso. They are gohtg over the house now for the second tlmo , repainting and ro-paporlng every room. They servo no meals , but have twenty-live rooms for lodgers. Pierce Leader : Will Ulrich , propri etor of the City Meat market , has a loputatlon as a butcher that extends further than In the Immediate vicinity of Pierce. All this summer ho has been shipping meat to the Norfolk asylum once a week , simply because the meat ho handles Is of the best and most nicely prepared of any t < bo found on the market anywhere. This speaks well for Mr. Ulrich and the town ns woll. Mrs. Walters has received several letters from the doctor since ho ar rived In the Panama canal country. Ho Is stationed nt a small place forty- eight miles from Colon nnd Is getting along flue. Ho says there Is a mis taken Idea about the health of that country. There Is no moro sickness where ho is than there Is In Norfolk , except among the men who work In the swamps , nnd they suffer the usual ailments of that kind of a life. Ho says the climate Is agreeable , the night being quite cool. Mrs. Walters expects to join the doctor a little later. Pierce Call : Chris Schnoor nnd bis brother Henry had quite an exciting experience last Friday evening. They had been over to the place of Henry Lenz enjoying the evening playing cards and visiting. During the tlmo Mr. Lenz wont outside and reported some one about the placo. Suspicion bolng aroused they went out and looked about but found no ono. Later the boys wont homo nnd upon approaching preaching the barn .they discerned someone prowling about. Chris went toward the barn to investigate while Henry went to the house for a gun. When ho canto out ho found Chris on the ground In an unconscious condi tion nnd the marauders or robbers running ns fast ns possible. The gun was fired at them nnd from the yell let out by ono of the mlt Is thought the charge found a tender spot. It seems that when Chris approached the stable door ho was struck on the head with a club or butt end of a revolver nnd rendered unconscious for several minutes. The boys think it was un doubtedly the work of horse thieves. "PRINCE OF PIL8EN" WILL AP PEAR IN NORFOLK. MOST ELABORATE EVER HERE H. S , Rounds Made a Canvass of the City Yesterday and , While Not Re- celvlng Much Advance Sale , An nounced Today Show Will Comr. H. S. Hounds of Sioux City who yes terday made a canvass of Norfolk with the Idea of noting what sort of a reception Iho presentation of "Tho Prlnco of Pllsen" would recelvo bore , WIIH well enough Hntlsfled with his day'H work lo announce ( bin morning Mint "The Prlnco of Pllflon , " will lie In Norfolk Wednesday evening , Oc tober IX. While the advance sale was not what Mr. Hounds thought bo should have received , yet Manager Benll has decided to send a really high class show to Norfolk for once JitHt to give the people a chance to show how they will patronize those things , nnd In the "Prlnco of Pllsen , " ho Is send ing to this city the host bit of theat rical production that Norfolk has over seen. Only Company Now Out. Mr. Henry W. Savage has only one company presenting that standard musical comedy "Tho Prlnco of Pll son" this season and has brought to tills organization tbo best members of the various companies that have presented Iho piece In this country and in England during Us term of life ; and for three years past this most de lightful and successful of American musical comedies has been presented In all the principal cllles of this country , recording runs of ever one year In Now York , flvo months In Boston , flvo months In Chicago and a remarkable run of half a year nt the Shaftesbury theatre In London , where II gained the prestige of being the most charming American compo sition of Its class that over visited Iho English metropolis. The com pany that will present this big musi cal comedy success hero Wednesday , October 18 , at the Auditorium , Is a composite of the companies that have presented It previously selections from the several casts having been made by Mr. Savage with the Inten tion of making the present tour the most successful yet had. The Inherent beauty of Gustavo Lu dors' musical contributions and the romance and poesy of that distln gulshed the lyrics and story provided by Frank Plxloy give to "Tho Prince of Pllson" a distinction that warrant all the managerial care and expense that are expended In hooping It at the high water tnnrk of excellence. Manager Beall assures the people of Norfolk that the company that will appear hero Is the only one playing "Tho Prlnco of Pllson" and Is making a tour of the principal cities from Boston to Sun Francisco. Through n combination of circumstances ho was able to arango witli Col. Savage for the date bore and the performance will bo given in Its entirety , just as in the largest cities. "JERUM" DEFINES JOKE. Englishman Reaches America For First Time Explains Jokes. Jerome 1C. .Toronto ( please pro- nouiico Jeniiii-KJerum'l , jokesmlth , arrived in America for the first time In his life today , says n New York dispatch. He came on the American line steamship St. Louis , from South hnntpton. Ho is going to lecture in tills country for six months If his health will permit. Mr. "Jorum" were a very florid face today , which ho always wears ; a full blue necktie which he wears only at times ; a soft brown hat , no moustache , n gray tweed suit , spec tacles and n very merry twinkle In his brown eyes. "And bow do you llko America ? asked some bright person when the author of "Tho Idle Thoughts of an Idle Follow" was at last at leisure on the pier and ready to be Interviewed "Hm. they asked mo that at South ampton , " answered the author , ad justing bis spectacles. "I can sny at present that I adtnlro your tall build- Ings. " His Definition of a Joke. "Mr. Jerome , " asked another Inter viewer confidentially , "give us a defi nition of a joke , will you ? " "Hm. definition of a joke ? I've been trying to do that for twenty years. I can't. Jokes comes from heaven , you know. " "English jokes ? " inquired a third interviewer. "Yes , all Jokes. Jokes belong tone no country. They are bounded by no locality , I pronounce my name ' ' " 'Jorum' . "Oh , 'Jorum , ' I beg your pardon sir. " Not Responsible for Name. "Yes , that's the way we've pro nounced our name for moro than a hundred years. I claim no responsi Witty for It. though. That's the way my father pronounced It. " "Your first Is the sntno as vour last Isn't It ? " remarked some one elso. "Yes ; I claim no responsibility for that either. My father gave st to mo nnd I didn't argue the point at the Mme. " "Do yon have any trouble living m to your reputation as a UumnrUt ? " " 1 tried to at first , but I ha-'o given u UP It's too much wort' . Every body expects me to bo laugn'ns and cracking Jokes , but I'm roallv vcrv PC 'IniiH , don't you know. " "Can't you crnck n. Joke for tin now ? " Walk and De Funny , "Mm , well. Hm , I ntlKlit nftor n llvoinllovnlk In I ho country. I advise your Aninrlcan InininrlBtR to try Ions wnlkH In tlio country. A long walk IH u great help. " "It IIIIH lioon nalil Hint nn English * tnnn can't appreciate nn Amorlciui Joke , Mr. .Toronto. How about tlmt ? " "Ilni , well , I think any average In telligent Englishman can appreciate mi American Joko. TIe ought to , for wo borrow a good many of our Jokes from you. " "How about American appreciation of NrlllHh humor ? " Got Ahead of Him. "I expect to find tlmt out. If my American audlonccH treat mo the way Ilio oii ( > I road lo aboard the St. Ixmls hist night , I Hlmll feel very much lint- tered. They Roomed to anticipate every ( | tilb I attempted to make before - fore I got to the law ! word. I was " "Do your English audlencea Inngli before or nftor you got to tbo last word ? " Interrupted ono of bin qucs- tloners , Iniportlnontly. What Mr. Jerome's answer might have been will , It Is feared , never bo known , for just then somebody else Interposed with : "Don't you find It rather hard to find now jokes ? " Sad-Faced Humorist. Mr. Jerome's face was now assum ing an expression of Infinite patience and sadness , but ho gave this answer : "Well , I'll toll you. As somebody has said , ( hero are just thirteen peed Jokes and probably every one of these has thirteen variations. My reclpo Is , use the thirteen jokes for thirty-two roars and then start all over again. Thirty-two years , I think , is a gener ation , don't you know ? " "Did you moot Mark Twain , Mr. Toronto ? " "Ob , yes , Indeed , ho lias dined nt : ny homo several times. " "I suppose those dinners were regn- ar feasts of wit ns well ns reason ? " Fensts of Seriousness. "No , wo did not crnck a single jolco. It was a relief to both of us not to linve to crack jokes , " and then Mr. Toromo added : " \Vo talked on very serious subjects , such as the future of woman. " "Wmt | do Englishmen think of Kipling's humor ? " "Why , wo do not consider Mr. Kip ling a humorist , don't you know. Wo regard him rather ns a realistic poet. " Mr. .Toromo's mouth relaxed into a very broad smile. ACTRESS QUEER CAREER. Miss ifoulse Willis Woke Up Fa- ous. Miss Txiulso Willis , who is appearing In the role of the flirtatious widow in Henry W. Savage's big production of "Tho Prince of Pllson , " lias had a decidedly Interesting career on the stage. She electrified Now York a few seasons ago by taking at a mo ment's notice , Anna Hold's place in a big musical production managed by Oscar llammerstoln when that man ager controlled the Now York theater Miss Held In a fit of petulance ovi-r some fancied grievance refused to go on and Miss Willis played the DM and awoke next morning to find lier Impersonation the talk of the town. Later she was engaged by Klaw and Erlanajer for the part of Jack In " .T u and the Di'anstnlk. " Then she Msiti Australia , playing the Salvation \rru\ lassie In "Tho ISelle of New Yol-U " and also played this part in I nulon wliero she was later highly praise.1 . for her work in "Dick Whittington" She has the distinction of being tin- only woman who ever played the part of Ilumpty Dumpty in the famous palomino of that name nt the Drun Lime thrcatre , London. She played the part of the widow during "Tho Prince of Pilsen's" llvi months run at the Slmftosbury thea ter In London and when her English engagements wore ended Manage ! Savngo Induced her to return to this country and take up the role hero She will bo with the company when It appears hero Wednesday , Oct. IS Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. This is a medicine of great worth and merit. Try It when you have a cough or cold and you are certain to bo pleased with the quick relief which It affords. It Is pleasant to take and can always bo depended upon. For sale by all druggists. DANCERS NEAR FREMONT DURN- ED OT OF THE MOW. THEN BUILDING COLLAPSED. Many People In n Barn at Fremont Jumped Twelve Feet to Save Their Lives Seven Horses Were Cremat ed In the Building. Fremont , Neb. , Oc. 0. Special to The News : A largo barn bolonglngTo Mrs. Txiulso Kchtencamp burned to tbo ground during the night while n datico was In progress In the bay mow. Many Jumped twelve feet to escape and nil landed uninjured. I The barn collapsed as the last dancer jumped from the flaming mow to the ground. Seven horses were burned. The loss was $2,500. Warnervllle. The violets and dandyllons are In bloom. lleuben Miller wont to Omaha Sun day to visit his mother. Mont Wheeler made a business trip to Omaha Friday. Henry HOVP came up from Colum bus Saturday to visit his parents. Israel Miller Is building a barn 18.x 21 foot on his farm southwest of town. O . D.'Munson disposed of his per sonal property last week and removed to Omaha. , T. L. Davis has purchased eighty acres of land ono and one-half miles southeast of town from Mrs. Guyor. At the republican caucus held Sat urday evening the following nomina tions of precinct officers were made : Justice of the peace , O. A. Sleeper and H. J. Morris ; constables , Alox. Snider and Chris. Otto ; roadovorseer in District No. 0 , Joseph Bonlsh ; In District No. 1C , U. H. McC.innls. ARRESTED AT NELIGH. While Buying Sheriff's Land , Man From Lincoln is Taken. Nollgh , Neb. , Oct. 7. On Wednesday ono of our local men had in tow a | gentleman from Lincoln , Mr. Earnest j 1 Wendt , who wished to look at some property with a view to buying. The ( local agent took him to see the splen did -ID-acre tract belonging to Sheriff Frlsble adjoining to\\n and which is for sale. They had returned and were sauntering about the street when the sheriff appeared and placed the in tended purchaser under arrest by vir tue of a message received from Lin coln stating that the old gentleman was wanted there at once. Mr. Wcndt Is a flno looking old man and the charge Is serious. Lincoln authori ties are expected hero to receive him soon. SOLD WIFE FOR BEER. A Queer Divorce Case nt Colorado Springs. Martha F. TJrnfford , the young and pretty wlfo of J W. Ilrafford , a ranch man living ten miles south of Colorado rado Springs , was granted a divorce- In the El Paso county court yesterday afternoon on the grounds of cruelty. She alleged In her complaint that her husband sold her for a bottle of beer at an auction In Fountain n month after tholr marriage in August , 1004 , and that ho actually tried to deliver her to her purchaser. The case at tracted much Interest. Try Chamberlain's Cone , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and you will never wish to be without it In your home. It has saved many lives. For sale by all druggists. FELL FROM CAR. J. H. Allen at Benkleman , Neb. , It ? Dead In the Yards. Honklomnn , Neh. , Oct. 9. Agent J. II. Allen of Uonklomnn , was found In the Unrlington yards hero , severely In jured. His wounds were nhout the head and as a result of them he died soon after. It Is thought ho fell from a car. Try Chamberlain s Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and you will' never wish to be without it In your home. It 1ms saved many lives. For sale by all druggists. When some girls come home from a visit it is in order that they may get now clothes ready for going again. Father shouldn't get the idea into his head that daughter comes homo to see him. GO YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRAOC MARKS DESIGNS COPYf IGHTS &C. . , ' a ni. ( > irli uiiJ -T'ltlon i ' mnr \ qnii'1.1 iif 'linn nnr O | > tin i friM unetlirr an InvontKiti M pr ihaMy pa en , t'1 ( iimmunlrn- tlciii stru'llvcniilkloiiti il. HANDt'OOK en I'.ilontB put fi < ' . ( iMi-.t lu-'ii' v I T s. . irinc p.ltcm.i. 1'nti'ins taken thmiiL'li y inu A. to. rucelve t } i ml i' < " , vllioiitf.liareo ) jfiitierican , 1" n.0 , > l \ linndii m. 'T Illnst'-nf "it wpoklv , Jnrcc""t clr- ' iilntu n "f nnv 11 it-mine Jnimml. 1 onus , $ . ! in y < Mif ( . .IIP months , fl. Sola byull nr New Yoik T < L BRIBER AGENTS WANTED No Money Required until you receive and approve of your bicycle. We ship to . anyone on * Bfl Days Free Trial Finest guaranteed I9Q5 Models with Coaster - Brakes and Punctureless Tires. 39O3 & 1QO4- Models Best Makes a Any twikc or modil you want at one-third prirr. Choice of any standard tires aud best equipment on all our bicyelos. titronyixt < We S3HP ON APPROVAL C. O. D. to any orriiitiujiit a wiit ( lijm.tit and allow | Q DAYS FREE TRIAL bi tore puivlu-o is binding. 5OO Second ! Hants Wtioete < > , t l > i n in tra.ln . liyonr C In ( ! ( , ' ( ) ii'tall stores , ifllJS * 0 nil inaUus nnd niodf Is , uootl us in > v RSIV n 1 > l''J'1lo un tl you have \\rltu-n for our FACTO/IY' . s-\ PRICES AND FREE TRIAL OFFER. Tires , equipment , sundries and sporting mods at nil klnils , at halt rocular ntlco. In our big Iree Sundry Catalogue. Contains a world ot usuf ul information. \ \ rite for it. PER PAIR Regular price $85O per pair. To Introduce $ wo will Soil You a Sample Pair for Only NO MORE TROUBLE from PUNCTURES , Result of 15 years experience in tire making. EASY RIDING , STRONG , No danger from THORNS CACTUS , , DURABLE frlNS , NAILS , TACKS or GLASS. Serious , SELF HEALING punctures , like intentional knife cuts , can bo FULLY COVERED by PATENTS ( vulcanized , like any other tire. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS Send for Catalogue "T. " showlnc all kinds and makes of tires at S2.00 per pair and un also Coaster-Drakes. RuUt-up Wheels and Bicycles Sundries at Hall the usual or/cos. Notice the thick rubber tread "A" and puncture strips "H" and " D. " This tire will putlast any other make.-Soft , Elastic and Easy Hiding. Wo will ship C. 0. D. ON APPROVAL AND EXAMINATION U'tlhoul a cent dtposit , Wo will allow a camh discount of 5 * ( thereby maklne the price $1.50 per pair ) if you send full cash with ore/or. Tires to bo returned at our expense if not satisfactory on examination. g , MEAD CYCLE CO. Dent. "J.L.1 CHICAGO. . . . . . . ILL. SEND US YOUR ORDER $ § Efi | A $21,50 Man's Oulfii Comp'ele ' for | „ THIS IS WHAT YOU GET. Suit , absolutely pure all-wool , worth $13.OO Fine sofi II.it ! .my style or color , worth VJ.OO P.ur of fa'vlisli Sl o > wurth - - - - - - li.5O Madras , or Fen-.ilo Shirt , worth - - - - .76 PQR Pair of Finn Snspondor * . worth , < J5 Pair of tancy or plain Sue s , worth - - - - ,1O SIO QC Nice Ilandlcorchief , ili-od b ) rdor , worth - .16 IbioO Four-in-hand or uwdo-up silk Tie , worth , U5 Kino Le.uhe.-otto Su.t C.ibo , worth - - - 13.5O TOt'AU $2 1760 ttir Hllt | Me UU | * eni ! tm * nuuu p" " > piKf Mill tn . i.r. | " . tn tun adttre * . ubjrrtli > Viain u < l It t maun. : U ftilUfaciorr , jmv < m rt * nju > Slt * n * MAtturm nl * . Coat com on iti 1 * . to ( S ( h > t - * rU < I i i in. fit t int n t . t JIM * roint * * tn IS MH tut m tl fti t l in i D tr > t ( . I. iti t t i , irt'itio'iU ' , * > lilrt * oiuv II t J r'at- ' ' t < to -M. ki- < > uiv V . lo U Mii sroiiie .1 i. . n 'vt ' - / < -1 'I ' win ) "tut whet tie * > ou wihii mit of [ lit * PLEASE NOTE THE MCASURINC DIRECTIONS. \