The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, October 06, 1905, Page 6, Image 6

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Secretary Mnthewson Holds n Confer
ence With the Commissioner and
They Arrive nt nn Amicable Under
standing Concernlno the Work.
Tlio prospectH nro favorable to mak
ing a splendid roatl of tlio ono which
now causes HO much trouble , leading
into town from tlio wont. Kerrotary
MathowBon of tlio Commorelal club re
cently Interviewed CommlHslonor Hard-
Ing in roiunl to what Norfolk nnd tbo
people llvlwt tributary to tbo roiul nro
trying to do , nnd bo found tlio coinmlR-
idouer n very Interested listener. In
fact Mr. Harding rntorcd Into tbo splr-
It of tbo ontorprlBO nnd nnld Hint no
far an bo WHS concerned tbo county
would do all It rould to aHHlHt.
Tbo Becrotary and tbo coininlHHlonor
MRrcod on n plan of action which con
templates that tbo county will grade
up tbo rend In npprovod condition , nnd
nftor thin work ban been done tbo
county will ontortaln n proposition
from tbo Commercial club to gravel
the surface nud ilx It no that heavy
loads can bo hauled ever It during all
seasons of the year. Tbo fund that
haw been ralHod by tbo Commercial
club for tblH purpose now amoiintH to
$31r ! , and tbo Bubscrlptlon paper IH
Btlll behiK circulated , RO that tboro will
bo abundant funilH to put the highway
'In good condition If tbo county board
can BOO lln way to co-oporato with the
club. Mr. Harding declined to speak
for tbo board on the matter , hut gave
it IIH bis own opinion that tbo county
would bo prolKIng by accepting the
proposition , becaiiBo tbo work must bo
done ultimately , nnd the amount of us-
Bistnnco that tbo club proposes to give
would dimply mean n Bnvlng of that
much for the public treasury.
H may not bo ponalblo to do any
thing toward llxlng tbo rend this fall.
Tbo ditches nt tbo Bides of tbo rend
nro full of water nt tbo present time
nnd no succcsBfiil work can bo accom
plished until It bna drained nwny. if
the next month Is dry and tbo water
drains off , It is hoped to begin work
this fall , otherwise it will necessarily
'go ever until a dryer Benson.
Leo Hnlloy has ROIIO to Omaha.
A. J. Durland wont to Illoomflold to
Dr. Bear went to Meadow drove nt
13. II. Trncy made a trip to NollKb
W. F. Hall baa none to Columbus
for a week.
John Prince of Madison wns In the
city this morning.
Paul Fleming of Roncstcol was In
the clly over night.
S. O. Campbell of Crolghton wns In
Norfolk thin mnrn'ng. '
W. . ! . Houston of Plalnvlow was lu
the city tbls morning.
D. Mjit'iowpon Kpont tbo day ycstor-
day In Wakellelil on business.
II. L. 1 tonkins of Albion , Wash. , ar
rived In tbo city this morning.
13. .1. llussoll , u banker from Ilor-
rlclc , S. D. , wns In tbo city today.
W. .1. Houston WI\H in the city overnight
night on bis way home from Wayne.
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Johnson were In
the city from Fairfax , S. D. , Sunday.
Mrs. Kiln .lohnson of Yankton Is
visiting Mrs. V. V. Light of this city.
Mrs. J. M. Llvlngstono returned yes
tordny from a visit to friends In Stan
Mrs. Kckcr nud daughter. Maine ,
were in tbo city yesterday from Win-
E. N. Vail left tbls morning for Fox-
home , Minn. , to look nftor bis lands
Mrs. W. J. Gow nnd child returned
last evening from a visit with friends
nt Wayne.
Mrs. Henry Filler has gene to Oma
ha to Bpond tbo week with her son
Phillip Filler.
Mrs. J. C. Spellman bns just returned
turned from a week's visit with friends
nt Fremont.
Miss Jesslo Howe nnd her brother
Wnlter , went to Omaha today to vlsl
their brother , Harry.
Mr. nnd Mrs. P. A. Shnrtz nnd llttlo
daughter left this morning for n vlsl
to Lincoln nnd Omaha.
John Long returned to Plerco this
morning , where bo is putting a heat
Ing plant In a residence there.
W. n. Vail went to Ponder this morn
Ing to nttcnd the races and to watch
his pacer , Lottlo Medium , start In
Mrs. Frnzler of Indinnoln , Iowa , and
Mrs. Thompson of Now Virginia , Iowa ,
arrived in the city today on a visit to
their sister , Mrs. H. M. Roberts.
Messrs. Sturgeon nnd Olmstead
drove over to the southwestern part
of the county yesterday , returning last
evening. Tbls morning Mr. Sturgeon
went to Nellgh.
Mrs. M. F. Maloney and two daugh
ters , and sister Miss Lamb , arrived
from Chicago yesterday to spend the
winter with Mr. Mnlonoy. They will
live nt the Pacific hotel.
Mrs. D. Jnsmer of CrolKbtoii. who
has been visiting Mrs. J. D. Sturgeon
since Sunday morning , went to Omaha
on the early train today. Mr. Jasmer
was on the train nud went Into Omaha
with her.
Dr. P. H. Sailer left today for Chicago
cage to nttcnd tbo National associa
tion of Ilnllway Surgeons , which meets
there tomorrow for a three days' ses
sion. The association is composed of
the chlof mirgconn of the great HnoH
of railway , and a few of the bent local
and division surgeons. The Northwestern -
western nyfltom linn nbout 200 nur-
geonn , from among whom a total of
ten wore selected to represent the
road at thlH mooting. It In compli
mentary to Dr. Halter's ability and
standing that ho IH ono of the few
called upon to attend the meeting.
Charles Plorco , a merchant of Win-
notoon , wan In the city today.
Miss Annette Powont Is a guest nt
the homo of Clmrlun Lodge Houth of
the city.
Miss Knnnlo Ledge has returned to
Chicago , after a two weeks' visit with
mr parontH , Mr. nnd Mrs. Chan. Lodgo.
Mlsn Mao llt-ll Koben has returned
0 her homo at St. Paul , Minn. , after
pending two weokn with Miss Ida
Mrs. II C. Matraii linn gene to Lin
oln to visit her daughters and to at
end the meeting of the Federation of
Voman'H cltilm.
HOHCMI HarUctt wan In the city at
loon enrouto homo from Rochester ,
linn. , where ho had been with bin
on Harry who was operated upon for
Idnoy trouble by the Mayo Hi-others.
Io hotlovoH his son will recover
On account of the serious Illness of
Irs. Ferdinand Conrad ono mlle west
if Hadar , Arthur Conrad , Mrs. C.
Nfordwlg nnd Mrs. Charles Apfol , son
ml daughters of the atlllctcd lady ,
vero called to her bedside at midnight
ast night.
William llnrnard has purchased the
barles Hlilo property , No. 921 , Nor
oik avenue , for $3,000.
Miss Helen Reynolds and llttlo Wll
lam Reynolds , children of Mr. nnd
lrn. C. II. Reynolds , who have both
icon ( inlto 111 , are somewhat Improved
n condition today.
Chas. M. MathowHon , having com-
leted the conrso of the Norfolk Husl-
OHH college , has taken a position with
ho FarmorH and Traders bank at
Vakoflold. and assumed his duties
Jonday morning.
Mrs. C. C. dow and Mrs. O. A. John-
on will entertain the ladles of the
'ongregatlonal church at the homo of
Irs. dow on Thursday afternoon. The
adlcH of the congregation nro cordial-
y Invited.
The street commissioner this morn
ng started work In tilling up low spots
vest of Thirteenth street on Norfolk
ivenno , where the waters from Corpo-
allen gulch hnvo always made the
londltlon bad.
The early morning train from Long
'Ino pulled Into Norfolk an hour and
1 half behind time this morning. The
lolay was caused by an accident In
ho piston of the locomotive at Stuart ,
vhoro the train was hold.
C. M. Ammldon , who lias boon doing
light work at the Htrfns restaurant ,
las gene to Union , Cass county , to nc
copt a position as manager of a stock
) f general merchandise. His family
vlll remain In Norfolk on South Third
Miss Mary Hoagland and Mr. dllbort
Marshall were married yosterdav
nornlng at 10 o'clock In Trinity
biirch , the ceremony being conducted
) > Rev. J. C. S. WeillH. The ; oung
oiiplo have gone to housekeeping on
South Ninth street.
Yesterday was the seventy-lift !
ilrtbday of Henry Plller and In honoi
if the occasion ho dug out his Suiula >
ilpe , which was a gift to him fron
ils son , Julius , and smoked in peace
ill afternoon. I to feels well and hear
y , and declares that life Is worth tin
The burning of an old shed at the
rear of the Klseloy block , corner Sec
md street and Norfolk avenue , callet
mt the lire department last night m
7 : ! > 0 o'clock. The department mad <
: mo of Its usual speedy runs and the
blaze , which lit up the skies for a tlnu
was soon covered over by the night
It Is not known what started the fire
Hattlo Creek Enterprise : Elme
Marsh spent a few days with old time
friends In Hattlo Creek this weolc. Tic
has just returned from Sacramento
California , where ho has been employed
ployed In a department store for near
ly two years. Ho was forced to g <
to California on account of declining
health , and wo are pleased to notice
that ho Is now halo and hearty am
has completely recovered from his all
monts. Ho will reside In Norfolk wltl
his mother , Mrs , J. II. Allen , and ex
poets to find employment In that clt >
Advertisements are posted In th
postofllco today for bids on the Nor
folk screen wagon mall service. Th
present contract , held by D. D. Brim
son , expires June 30 , 100C , when an
other contract for four years will b
"iitored Into. The department re
quires the contractor to keep In ser
vlco three No. 3 wagons at all time
and to Increase the equipment at an
time the department so desires. Th
present rate paid by the depart men
for the service is $ S99 per year. Th
bond required is $3,000. This servic
Is that of carrying malls back nn
forth between the general postolllc
and the various mall trains enterln
and leaving the city. Proposals fo
bids on star routes for service In a
western states , including Nebraska
South Dakota , Wyoming and others
will be received by the second assist
ant postmaster general up to the hou
of 4:30 : p. in. December 5. There ar
several star routes In northern Ne
braska. out of O'Neill , Uassett. Ains
worth , Anoka nnd other points.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy.
This Is a medicine of great wort
and merit. Try It when you have
cough or cold nnd yon nro certain t
be pleased with the quick relief whlc
it affords. It is pleasant to take am
can always bo depended upon. Fo
sale by all druggists.
Part of Street In Norfolk Vacated.
Report of the Superintendent of Poor
for Three Months Lint of Bills Al
Madison , Nob. , Sept. 20. Hoard of
: ounty commissioners met pursuant
o adjournment. Present Christ
Snhmltl and John II. Harding. Mln-
lies of last meeting were read and on
notion approved.
On motion the following bills were
Ilowed ;
Mbertlna Hrlssow , land for
road district No. 8 $ 25 00
Wllhelinlno Diiohrlng , land for
road district No. 8 2C 00
Mrs. John Raasch , land for
road district No. 8 , 25 00
August Hraasch , land for road
district No. 8 25 00
'rank and Maria Wlchort , land
for road district No. 8 50 00
S. S. Cotton , land for road dis
trict No. 8 100 00
3d llnuiHcli , land for road dis
trict No. 8 25 00
'red Hraasch , land for road dis
trict No. 8 25 00
lermnn Hraasch , land for road
district No. 8 85 00
I. W. Henderson , work , road
district No. 8 3 25
\V. \ d. Flint , work , road district
No. 8 5 00
dim Wcgoner , work , road dis
trict No. 9 . 7 50
Win. linden ? , work , road dis
trict No. 9 21 00
ustav Radcnz , work , road dis
trict No. ! ) 1C 50
eo. Wegencr , work , road dis
trict No. 9 21 00
\Vm. Low , work , road district
No. 7 31 50
F. R. Jacobs , work , road district
No. 28 70 00
has. Mavis , work , road district
No. 21 Gii 00
S. F. Huddle , work , road dis
trict No. lit , 7 50
\ . II. dardels , work , road dis
trict No. 10 17 25
rhoins & Snider , material road
district No. 13 3 15
riioius & Snider , material , road
district No. 20 7 20
xwiian Lumber Co. , lumber ,
district No. 18 31 39
. .oonan Lumber Co. , lumber ,
district No. 27 22 GS
Loonan Lumber Co. , lumber ,
district No. 32 -10 90
.oonan Lumber Co. , lumber ,
district No. 17 -13 CC
.oonan Lumber Co. , lumber ,
district No. 23 73 30
.oonan Lnmhor Co. , lumber ,
( B. F. ) -18 02
Chicago Lumber Co. , lumber
district No. C 77 47
Chicago Lumber Co. , lumber
district No. 5 19 35
Chicago Lumber Co. , lumber
district No. 12 31 03
Chicago Lumber Co. , lumber
district No. 3 39 55
Chicago Lumber Co. , lumber
( II. Rl 2-1 2f
[ I. Dond , labor commissioner
district No. 3 3 00
L. W. Lyon , labor commission
er district No. 3 117 75
Win. Clasey , labor , commission
er district No. 3 51 00
Fred Smith , labor , commission
er district No. 3 121 50
L. C. Hepperly , labor , commis
sioner district No. 1 4 70
Antelope county , fljio-half coun
ty line bridge 107 01
Antelope county , one-half coun
ty line bridge 142 3'
Crowell Lumber Co. , lumber. . 210 50
F. d. Lehman , bridge work , etc. ,
$15.00 , allowed at 9 00
II. Halderson ( assignee ) witness
fees case State vs. Munk and Walkei
for $ SS 30 was rejected because it Is
not a proper charge against the conn
Mrs. II. Schlumbolin , board etc. , Mrs
Lithe , ? IOOO , was rejected as not be
Ing n proper charge against the comi' '
Orange Uowsor , land for road. . $175 00
Edith Foyorborm , stenographer
In murder case 2 00
dustav Kaul , salary for August
nnd September 80 00
C. W. Crum , salary Juno , July
and August , expenses , etc. . . 373 00
H. II. Lyman , G wolf scalps. . . . 12 0 (
Frank Potras , 1 wolf scalp. . . . 2 0 (
Tom Sesler , 5 wolf scalps 10 0 (
Alvln Bliss , 1 wolf scalp 2 00
Hammond Printing Co. , sup
plies 31 75
Emll Winter , salary as clerk
of board , postage , etc 147 70
Dr. F. A. Long , fees insanity
case Meyers 11 00
If. L. Kindred , viewing dead
body of Weston , mileage , etc 12 Oi
Jack Koonlgsteln , salary , etc. . 200 71
Frank Flood , fees Birch case. . 4 00
J. A. Ralney , fees , $07.50 , al
lowed at C5 00
Chester A. Fuller , fees In Block
case 3 95
Ira M. Hamilton , fees in Dletz
case 4 71
C. F. Elseloy , justice fees. . , . 5 7.r
C. F. Else'ey , justice fees 7 71
C. F. Elseloy. justice fees 3 4o
II. L. Kindred , jurors and wit
ness fees , etc 40 G
II. L. Kindred , jurors nnd wit
ness fees , etc. . $10.05 , al
lowed at 32 40
The commissioners appointed to
view the streets petitioned to bo va
catcd by Hurt Mapes and Jack Koenlg
stein , reported favorable to the vacat
Ing of the following : Part of public
street known as Nebraska avenue , ly
Ing directly north of lots S , 9. 10. 11
and 12 of Ward's suburban * lots to the
city of Norfolk. Also the street lying
between Barker's addition on tbo wes
and lots 5. G and 7 of Ward's addition
al suburban lots on tbo east In the
city of Norfolk , Madison county , Ne
hrnski On motion board declarec
said tract above described to bo va
On motion board adjourned to 8
o'clock , Sept. 27.
Hoard mot pursuant to adjournment.
On motion the following bllla were al-
owed :
lumo , Robertson , Wycoff Co. ,
lumber , district No. 21 $ 1 3C
lumo , Hobortson , Wycoff Co. ,
lumber , district No. 2G 3G 00
luiiie , Hobortson , Wycoff Co. ,
lumber , district No. 32 3 GO
Iiimo , Hobortsmi , Wycoff Co. ,
lumber , dlBtrlct No. 22 29 00
Iiimo , Hohortson , Wycoff Co. ,
lumber , district No. 25 32 80
lumo , HobortHon , Wycoff Co. ,
lumber , ( (3. F. ) 77 00
John W. Towlo , apply on iron
bridge 2500 00
Jeo. Hayden , work , rend dis
trict No. 3 8 00
Win. Clasoy , work , road dis
trict No. 7 0 00
leury Ueckor , work , road dis
trict No. 1 .10 37
J. J. ClomontH , fees , etc 210 00
A. Peterson , plat book. . . . C 00
W. II. Field , fees , etc 02 10
\ , K. Leonard , drugs 3 40
ShurU & Jenkins , morclmn-
dlHo 3 511
lohn Krnnlz , livery M fiO
hrlHt Scbmltt , salary 102 75
John H. Harding , salary 107 00
leo. D. Smith , salary C3 75
O. P. Schoff , having paid his per
sonal property tax , amount , $71.52 , un-
lor protest , but having failed to make
illldavlt as provided by law , the conn-
y treasurer was ordered to apply same
mil issue receipt.
Commissioners authorize county sur
veyor A. J. Thatch to complete the
record of tbo surveys of bis prede
ccssor , to plat and fllo tbo same In the
county clerk's office.
On motion tbo report of C. D. John
son was audited and allowed. Hoport
follows :
Sept. 22 , 1005. To the Honorable
County Commissioners of Madison
county , Neb. Gentlemen : I band you
my second quarterly report.
llalanco In bank Juno G $201 51
To 3 hogs 38 50
To 1 heifer 32 58 i
To 11 pounds lard 1 00
To oats 11 25
Total $284 81
Disbursements : ' I
Itohort Crazier $ 50 00
W. H. Fuerst , groceries 13 45
Ulrica & Son , meat 3 55
Coal and help threshing C 815
KYank Hcnvls , seed corn 2 00
C. D. Johnson , on salary 10 00
Ilahuico in bank 108 09
The following bills have been in
curred. On motion tbo following bills
were audited nnd allowed :
L. F. Merz $ 10 88
Morris Drug Co 4 15
Ulrlch & Son 3 40
J. H. Gardell 4 15
L. 11. Baker 21 C7 ,
W. L. Hoyer 7 00
Dr. II. O. Monson 2 00
Howard Miller 10 70
Anna Severn 2 GO
O. II. Mass . 5 67
F. Kostcr 7 15
W. 11. Fuerst G 25
M. L. Thomson 1 00
i\ug. Steffon 75 ,
C. W. Carr 00
C. E. Hanson 2 (15 (
( \ A. Hodman 11 40
Cbns. T. Hainan 510
Battle Creek Telephone Co 0 15
Joseph Dlttrick 5 in
C. D. Johnson , balance salary. . 102 50
On motion board adjourned to 1
o' clock p. m.
Board met pursuant to adjournment
Ml members present.
On motion the clerk was lustructf 1
to call tbo general election Tuo-ila\
November 7 , 1005. and the several votIng
Ing places were designated as follows
Norfolk First ward , city hall , SIM
end ward , west side hose bouse : th.r . i
ward , Anton Huchholz resident
Fourth ward , Junction hose bovine
Norfolk precinct Eiseley building
Valley Hay school house.
Deer Creek Hughes school house
Meadow Grove Beech hall , in
ow Grove.
Jefferson Kierstead hall in Tlldon
Grove Mullly school bouse.
Highland poor farm.
Battle Creek Opera house In Battle
Warnervlllo Warner's hall.
Union Snyder's blacksmith shop
Fairvlow Hod school house.
Schoolcraft--Tlirockmorton school
Emorick West 'Emerlck school
Shell Creek Engine Iiouso in Ne\\
man Grove. -
Kalama oo Jenkins school house
Green 'Garden Schmitt s c h o o
Madison G. A. R. hall in Madison
Madison City In Madison city hall
On motion the following transfers
were made :
From 1004 county general fund to
1005 general fund. $530.00.
From 1004 bridge fund to 1905
bridge fund , $350.00.
From 1004 road commissioner dis-
trict 1 to 1905 commissioner district 1 ,
From 1904 road commissioner dis
trict 2 to 1905 commissioner district
2 , $140.00.
From 1901 road commissioner dis
trict 3 to 1905 commissioner district
3 , $45.00.
On motion board adjourned to No
vember 13 , 1905 , at 1 o'clock p. m.
ttmll Winter ,
County Clerk.
Remarkable Growth.
John Froythaler has in his window
a stalk of blackberries which are the
second crop this season , raised by
Henry Stango of Wnrnorvlllc. There
are also samples of apples raised by
Mr. Staugo from trees which were
planted In seed form fifteen years ago.
Sec us for all kinds of knives , forks
and silverware. Offcnhauser , Uio Jew
Letter List.
List of letters remaining uncalled
for at the postofllco at Norfolk , Neb. ,
Oct. 3 , 1905 :
L. J. Brain , M. L. Jorgensen , Chas.
Price , Miss Mamie Shaffer , Miss Mar
ry Volsh , Mr. Clarence Wallace , Mrs.
C. II. Weaver , Mrs. Gertrude Mcdawn.
If not called for In fifteen days will
bo sent to the dead letter office.
Pa i ties calling for any of the above
please sny "advertised. "
John R. Hays , P. M.
Nellgh Notes.
Nollgh , Nob. , Oct. 2. Dr. D. W.
Beattie nnd family loft Friday for Chicago
cage and points in Michigan. The doc
tor will attend the annual meeting of
the American railroad surgeons which
convenes in Chicago nnd will then
make nn extended visit with his aged
mother In Michigan , whom he has not
seen for a number of years.
The dwelling of Mrs. Brown In the
southeast part of the city caught flro
Friday and after doing sonic damage
was quenched. The flro department
responded promptly , but was not need-
ed. The conflagration arose over the
proverbial can of gasoline.
Ten Inch disc phonograph records
50 cents each. Offenhauser , the Jaw-
Brown County Republicans Fill Vacan
cy on the Ticket.
Ainsworth , Nob. , Oct. 2. Special to
The News : On Saturday the special
republican committee appointed at the
regular convention to fill vacancies ,
met and named James Morris of Johns
town as candidate for county judge ,
In place of L. M. Bates of Long Pine ,
who was nominated at the convention
but declined to make the race. Mr.
Morris will make an able judge If
Comlmssloner Eaton Did Not Open
Bids This Time and the Work Will
Take Several More Days New Rule
Lincoln , Nob. , Oct. 3. The board of
purchase nnd supplies for state Insti
tutions In Nebraska yesterday voted
to order Land Commissioner Eaton to
hereafter open bids in advance of the
meeting of the board , which ho had
not done this time , because of crit
icisms that had been offered.
, Commissioner Eaton left the bids
unopened this time with the result
that several additional days will bo
spent by the board in letting contracts.
It was charged that the late bidders
obtained information regarding com
petitive bids , through n leak.
You can wear diamonds. Sec Of
fenhauser , the Jeweler , nbout the de
ferred payment proposition. Pay as
you go and wear the goods.
Mrs. Durland of Norfolk on the Pro
Lincoln Journal : The cream of the
women of the state , Intellectually and
socially , were assembled at St Pauls
church yesterday afternoon , when the
eleventh annual convention of the Ne
braska federation of women's clubs
was called to order by the president ,
Mrs. II. M. Bushnoll.
Mrs. Winnie Durland of Norfolk was
called upon for the report of the pro
gram committee , and announced the
president's nddross as the first num
ber that had been provided.
Anvono semlliiR n sketch nntl description mny
quickly uncurtain our opinion free wlirther nil
Invention li tirohnlily pntpntnliln roiniiitinlrn-
tl tiif ! > trlctlyniiituientliil. HANDBOOK nnl'ntcnts
enl frco. OMcvt nuency ( ur hi'c'iirini ; patviitfl.
I'utiMitn taken thrnuuli Jluiin \ Co. ri'culve
tjiriiiil notice , vllliout clnirgo , In ttio
SdesUific Jittierican.
A nnn < 1 nnipljr tllii'trntPil weekly. Lnrecit clr-
dilution of any pclentlUo journal. _ , f J n
yejir : four mouths , | 1. Sold by nil tiPWHclealers.
&Co.3BiBfoad New York
. (35 ( F HU Washington , D. i
No Money Requires !
until you receive and approve of your bicycle.
We to _ .
ship _
anyone on i Bri Days Free Triaff
Finest puaranteecl
I9O5 Wodols
with Coaster - Brakes and
fOO3 & 19O4 Models
Boat Makes
Any inukc or model you want at one-third wual
price. Choice of any standard tires nnd best
equipment on all outbicycles. . StronyLtst yuaranUe.
\\o SHIP ON APPROVAL C. O. D. to any
one without a cmt deposit and allow JO DAYS
FREE TRIAL before purcha&o is binding.
5OO Second Hand Wheels < fc $ .
taken In tratlo liyour Chlcairo rotall blares , OM } 10
nil inalct's and models , KOO < ! as in w
IIV a IJlcyclo until you have \\ilttvn for our FACTOItY
equipment , sundries nnd sportlnu needs of nil kinds , nt half regular price , In our
big free Sundry Catalogue. Contains a world of useful Information.Vrlto for It.
Regular prlco $8.SO per pah- .
To Introduce $
we will Soil
1 Result of 15 years experience in tire mnkinp ; , EASY RIDING , STRONG ,
Ho danger front THORNS CAGTUS
punctures , like intentional knife cuts , can bo FULLY COVEREDbyPATENTS
vulcanized like any other tire. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS
r Catnloeuo "T. " showing all kinds and makes of tires at $2.00 per pair nnd up
also Coast < irrakes. . llullt-up Wheels and Hlcycles Sundries nt Half the usual prlcom.
Notice tUo thick rubber tread "A" and puncture strips "U" and "D. " This tire will
outlast any otlior make-Soft. Elastic and Easy Rldliifr. Wo will shlp.C. 0. D , ON APPROVAL
AND EXAMINATION utlhout a cent dsfostt.
Wo will allow a oamh discount of 5)5 ) ( thereby maklne the price 84.50 per pair ) If you
Bend full cash with opt/or. Tires to bo returned at our expense It not satisfactory on
< 8 >
A $21.50 Ma.i's Outfit Jcmp'iUe for
Suit , abiolntoly pure all-wool , worth - $13.00
Flno solH it , iniv style or color , worth - 2.00
Pur ot b'ylibi U.5O
Madras , or Percale Shirt , worth - - - - .75
Pair of Fine Suspenders , worth . . . . .135 FOR
Pair of fancy or plum Soclts , worth - - - - .10
Nice IlanJkorclunf , colored border , worth - .IB s2,95 !
Four-in-hand or mido-uu sillt Tin , worth
Fine Leatherette Suit Cabo , worth . . . a.60
TOTAL , $ J1.50
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