THE NORFOLK WEEKLY NEWSJOURNAL. , , , , . NOKKOUC NKHKASKA KHIDAY 81CITKMHUK 1 15)05. ) J. S. DEWEY , A PIONEER OF ANTE LOPE COUNTY , SUICIDES. BULLET IN HIS BRAIN TODAY In Business at Oakdale for the Past Twenty Years and Seventy-five Years of Age , a Hardware Merchant , III and Despondent , Ends All. Onkdale , Neb. , Aug. 31. Special to The News : J. S. Dewey , who had been In business here for the past twenty years and who was well known In Antelope - telopo county , suicided hero nt 9 : in o'clock this morning by sending n bul let through his brnln. Mr. Dewey , who owned n hardware store here nnd who had been actively engaged In Its management for n score of years , became 111 at about holiday time last winter and never fully re covered his health. It is believed that nfter so many weeks of Illness ho be came despondent nnd discouraged nnd finally decided to end It nil with a gun. Ho wns about seventy-five years of nge. A widow at homo nnd n married daughter survive him. Mrs. Dewey was In the house this morning when the tragedy occurred. She was In the kitchen doing her housework when Bhe wns startled by the sharp hang of a revolver. In a front room she found her dead husbnnd n moment Inter. The ball had gene straight Into ' head nnd denth , It Is believed , wns i. Btnntaneous. A few weeks ngo Mr. Dewey nt- tempted to dispose of the hardware store , advertising It on the market , but although he received u , number of Inquiries to the advertisements , no sale was closed. Funeral arrangements have not as yet been completed. Omaha Indian Held for Murder. Pendor , Neb. , Aug. 31. Samuel Pnr- ker , nn Omaha Indian , was arrested , charged with the murder of Andrew Johnson , his uncle , one week ngo. Johnson and Parker quarreled over some tribal nlfnlrs , when Johnson be came enraged. He seized a neck- yoke , with which ho attempted an assault upon Parker , who being the younger , wrenched the wenpnn from Johnson , striking him on the head , crushing his skull. Boy Drowned at Lincoln. Lincoln , Aug. 31. Ralph Powell , th nine-year-old son of Exclsemnn Powell of Lincoln , was drowned in Salt creek at Roca. The boy was playing around ' bis father's mill and accidentally r > slipped and fell into the stream. The \ -water at the point Is fifteen feet deep and the lad could not swim. When the hodv wns recovered all hopes of resii = cfiation ha > ! to h ° abandoned FIALA REACIETNEW"YORK ! Commander of Last Expedition to Arctic Returns to America. New York , Aug. 31. Anthony Fiala , commander of the Zeigler polar expe I dition , arrived In New York on the Bteamer Oceanic from Liverpool. The expedition , under Flnln , consisting of two ships , left Norway In June , 1903 , and was rescued by the Terra Nova under command of W. S Champ , whose ship arrived at Honnlngsvaag , Norway , on Aug 10. HILL ADVISES BETTER FARMING points to the Orient as Market for American Surplus Wheat. Grand Forks , N. D. , Aug. 31. James J. Hill attended the meeting of the Old Settlers' association of North Da kota at the state fair and made an ad dress , saying : "A good farm of ICO or 320 acres Is a comfortable , happy home. A man can be a prince on his own farm. You rob your children of their heritage when you sell the farm. Keep the boys on the farm. Learn to do better and more extensive farm- Ing. The state of North Dakota could not raise grain enough to bake ten biscuits per capita for the inhabitants f China. That Is a market that seema to me to be unlimited. I wont to sea better farming , becausr U In the state of Minnesota they got the same nual return per acre of cultivated land that they get In Iowa , the state ol Minnesota would have $80,000,000 D year more money and tbat is too much to waste. " Road Makers In Session. Port Huron , Mich. , Aug. 31. "Road making Is essentially & work requlr Ing the supervision of engineers nnd IB so recognized In England , Franco , Germany nnd wherever roads are beIng - Ing constructed In a proper manner , In this country It is regarded as n holiday occupation , " declared Hon. A. . W. Campbell of Toronto , provlncla highway commissioner of Ontario , In nn address before the annual conven * tlon of American RoaJ Makers. A. N Johnson , highway engineer of the United States department of agricul ture , delivered an address on "Th Alms and Purposes of the Office o Public Roads , " In which ho gave In terestlng statistics showing that $50 000,000 Is spent annually In this coun try In the maintenance of country roads. One-half of this expenditure , ho said , by conservative estimate , baa I-/ / - been productive of no good results. WILL OF MRSJAMUEL COLT Distribute ! Nearly Three Millions In Public Bequests. Hnrtford. Conn. , AUK31. . The will of Mrs Samuel Colt , widow of the In ventor of the Colt firearms , was pre sented for probate Practically the entire estate , which IB thought to he $3,000,000 In valuo. Is distributed. The city will receive the magnificent grounds around ArniRincro , the Colt mansion , for park purposes at the death of Mrs. Colt's brother , Richard W. H. Jarvls. The house will bo for the use of a homo for widows and or phans of Protestant Episcopal clergy men. A fund of J800,000 In trust Is to bo used for the maintenance of the Church of the Good Shepherd , the me morial parish house , the dwelling nt Armsinere and the Caldwell H. Colt memoilal. Rush Work on Venezuelan Gunboat. Philadelphia. Aug. 31. After being dismantled for nearly two yearn , the Venezuelan Kunbont Restnurndor Is being hurriedly reconstructed at Cramps' Ah In yards Orders have been received by thn company to have the boat in rendlness to pall for Caracas within sixty days. II. 7 Clarke , naval constructor for the Venezuelan gov ernment. Is In charge of the work. DE MARTENS AND DENNISON BE GIN WORK ON DOCUMENT. % TH SIDES ARE DISSATISFIED f ° , % RUBBI. . 'q Mtary Party Thinks Wltte Could Y"Made ? Better Terms No Word r'rom Japan About Recep tlon of Tidings. Portsmouth , N. H. , Aug. 31. Actual work of drafting the "treaty ot Ports mouth" has boon begun. It was dona by M. De Martens and Mr. Donnlson , acting ns legal advisers for the re spoctlvo sides. While the "bases" ot peace have been accepted by the plenl potentiarles , consideiable detail re mains to bo worked out In the elabor ation of the articles of the tieaty. This Is especially true in regard to the articles dealing with the Chinese Eastern railway and the surrender of the leases of the Liao Tung peninsula end Port Arthur and Talienwan ( Dalny ) . Expected Wltte to Fall. A very anomalous situation exists as to the Impression created by the conclusion of peace. While the out side world applauds , In Japan there Is evidently great disappointment In the terms , and in Russia , where It would seem that there should be unl- Tersal rejol&Ing over the great diplo matic victory M. Witte has won , the government seems to have received It cdldly. With the people it will make M. Witto a great ana popular figure and add to his laurels , but at court evidently the very victory that M. Wltte has achieved , makes It all the more bitterly resented. It Is an open secret that when the emperor ap pointed M. Wltto chief plenipotentiary the "military party" expected him to fail. Instead , upon the very terms upon which the emperor told Mr. Meyer he would make peace and upon which the military party did not be lieve it possible for peace to be nego tiated , M. Witte succeeded In securing a treaty honorable and , under the cir cumstances , favoiable to Russia This ha ? evidently only exasperated hlb enemies the more , ana Intrigue is npaln at work to discredit him. Since Japan was In a conciliatory mood , they say he made a mistake In surren dering half of Sakhalin. Yet ho did FO bv the car'8 orders nnd himself Insists that personally ho would have stuck to the end to his original decla ration not to cede territory or give indemnii.v. No Word From Japan. , Not a word or a line about the re ceipt of the news ' "raea out of Japan. In view of the altu . ton , both at Toklo and St. Petersbuic" alarmists are In clined to make much of the fact that the minutes of Tuesday's fateful meet ing have not been signed by the pleni potentiaries of the two powers. It Is pointed out that either side could still repudiate the agreement , but both plenipotentiaries refuse to admit even the possibility of sucb a happening. The following statement of the Japa lese argument which governed their decision to waive the question of ln < demnlty can bo accepted as AUlho lta < live. Japan realized fully she was making a sacrifice for peace , but she was looking to the future. It was not a question of whether the war could be successfully continued , but of whether peace was not now more ad vantageous to Japan. Japan had al ready gained all she fought for. H was only "the spoils of war" that re mnlncd/nnd having achieved the real objects of the war she could afford to forego the spoils rather than be placed In the position of fighting for money While Japan believed she was en titled to the spoils , she felt that her position was so strong , her successes EO complete that she could yield with out detracting from the force of her victory. The armistice was not arranged , nnd It Is not Improbable that the armistice will bo concluded directly by the generals on the field of battle. THEY SAILED FROM MANILA FOR JAPAN TODAY. GIFTS FOR MISS ROOSEVELT The Natives In Manila Harbor Flocked on Board With Many Valuable Pres ents for the President's Daughter and There Was Notable Farewell. Manila , Aug. 31. Secretary of War Tuft und his party from the Ui ted States walled on the transport Lognn at noon today for Japan , on the 10- turn trip. There was n notable demonstration In the buy Just before the Logan Hailed. Many valuable gifts wore proHented to MlHH Alice Roosevelt by the natives , just after she hud gone aboard the Lognp Thoio was prolonged cheering and well wishing as the big boat Hulled out of the harbor. NOT YET OUT OF THE WOODS President Roosevelt's View of Situa tion at Portsmouth , Oyster Hay. N. Y. , Aug. 31. "Wills- tip softly , wo arc getting Into the thin timber , but we are not yet out of the woods. " This homely admonition rep resents nccuintely President Reese velt's view of the situation at Ports mouth Pence Is In sight , but Is not yet an accomplished fact. Profoundly as ho is gi at Hied at the results al ready achieved by the plonlpoten flarios , the president realizes fully that the most Important work remains yet to be done Until that Is ncroin .pllshed , It Is scarcely the part of wls dorn , he thinks , to do rnoro than "whistle softly" The president has no definite Idea how long the plenipotentiaries may b . engaged In the negotiations of the treaty of peace He believes that It ought not to take a great length of time , because the points of difference having been resolved , the Incorpora tlon of the tentative ngreemen' reached becomes piactlcally only a question of phinseology. The import nnce of the text or the various sec tions of Ihe ticnty Is not mlnimlxed by the president and he appieciates thoroughly that obstacles may arlsr at any monunt that might d ( lay serl ously the negotiations , or possibly wieck them entirely. The woods wll not be cleared entirely until the treaty la signed and scaled. Two Killed In Wreck. Augusta , On. , Aug. 31. City Police man F. J. Murphy , acting as tjuaran tine officer , was killed outright , Flag man G. J. Lott so badly Injured tha he died at the hospltnl shortly nfter ward and three others were sllghtl > Injured In n wreck of a Southern rail way passenger train on Its way to Charleston , within the city limits here Prince Louis In Auto Accident. Toronto , Aug. 31. Prlnre U > uis o Battenherg narrowly escaped injury while on his way to Berlin , a German town In Wateiloo county. As th ( party neared the town , the touring car on which the prince was ridlnf , suddenly took to the ditch. The chauffeur four had his wrists badly hurt , bu the prince was uninjured. BONAPARTE CRITICISES BENNING TON'S COMMANDER. TRIAL IS ORDERED FOR WADQ Head of Navy Department Thinks Re port of Court of Inquiry To Lenient With Officers of tne II Fated Vessel. Washington. Aug. 31. Secretar > Bonaparte , in his action upon the findings of the court of Inquiry In the case of the Bennlngton explosion , se verely arraigns some officers of the vessel for failure to look after the lafety valves , orders Commander Luclen Young before a court-martial to "clear himself of the charge of neglect lect of official duty. " directs the court martial of Ensign Wade on the charge of "neglect of duty , " and disapprove * the court of inquiry's finding that the Bennlngton was "in an excellent sta' of discipline and in good and efflclen * condition. ' Ensign Wade was In charge of th ° machinery The action as to Com- maruler Young was taken In vlow of the fact that the court of Inquiry In Its findings and opinion did not pass expressly upon hU conduct and the question of his responsibility for the explosion. Secretary Bonaparte , how ever , approves the court of Inquiry's endorsement of the creditable conduct of all the survivors of the crew of the Bennington "after the explosion oc curred. " St , Louis Attorney Tires of Life. St. IxJUls. Aug. 31 T. 13. Talston , a prominent attorney , for years chlel counsel of the Wiggins Ferry com pany , committed s-uiclde by shooting hluiself In the stomach. ORNADl ) STRIKES CARBONDALE louses and Barns Demolished In Penn sylvania Mining Town. Bcrauton , Pa. , Aug. 31. A tornudo truck the northern part of Carbon- ale last night and demolished a acorn f housed , burns and railroad cars , but ortuuatcly caused no fatalities The tonu came from the west and whirled ownrds the east , having u path of 200 nnifi. Its center hud the appealanco t a funnel-shaped cloud , not black , tut luminous. Them WIIH no accom paniment of lightning , thunder or rain , and the stars weio shining Immediate- y before nnd after It paused. A no- ullarlty of its effect wna that adjoin- ng buildings were blown In diametric ally opposite directions. The pranks of the storm eeom nlmont Incredible. A barn was blown away and a cow. which It housed , loft unharmed , lying on the floor calmly chewing her cud A horse was found bruised nnd maimed on the porch of Its owner's residence. 200 foot from the demol lulled barn In which It had been sta lled A six-Inch beam , which came rom no one knows where , passed hrough a door of a residence , thence hrough the ground floor and then passed Into the ground for a dlstanco 4 UUM f ot TWO CASES DISCOVERED IN MISS ISSIPPI METROPOLIS. EPIDEMIC AT OTHER TOWNS Two Physicians at New Orleans Among the List of Stricken by Scourge New Cases Hover Around Same Figures for Three Days. New Orleans , Aug. 31. Yellow fe ver report ; New canes , 40 ; deaths ; total cases , 1,878 ; total deaths , 271 ; new foci , 13. The number of new cases has hov ered around the same llguro for thicu days The new feature of the bltua- Mori outside the city was the develop ment of two cases at VIcKbhurg Oth er country reports show new cases a follows' Patterson , 7 ; St. Hot mini parish , 2 ; Corlnne , 2 ; I'olnte Celeste Plaqtiemlne. 2 ; St Rose , 4 ; Pecan grove , 2 ; Amelia , 4 ; Hanson City , G ; Kenner. 2 ; Oulfport. 2 , Xatihez , 1. Following a shower In the forenoon , the \\eather turned warm again , and It Is probable that the low tempera lures of the last few days are over for the present. If the weather set ties , orders are to go out for fresh Inspection nnd for a repetition of the salting of the gutters Among the list of Htrlckon are two pnyslclans , mak ing four In all who have succumbed The latest victims anDr J T Wolf who lives below Canal street , nnd has a large practice among the yellow fe ver patients In that quarter , and Dr. I * A Meronux , health olllcer of St Bernard parish. Doth were undoubt- erly Infected by stet-omvia while mo Ing among their patients AB to the Gulfport Infection. Gov ernor Vardnman of Mississippi Bftld that It came from Mississippi Otty and that Mississippi City got It New Orleans before quarantine ' put on , due to the fact that the attt ! Hies here acted In bad fnlth In cenllng the fever A controrr rny < largo proportions Is expected to I velop ns to who has been citiMbl * . DR. SALMON EXONERATED Chief of Bureau of Animal totfuttry Found Not Guilty of Washington , Aug 31. The Investi gation of charges that D 13. Balmon. chief of the bureau of animal tadustry of the department of agriculture , was a member of the Howard Isabel com pany of Washington , which bus the contract to furnish meat Inspection tags to the government , was concluded and that ofnclal completely exonerated of any wrongdoing. It was determined also that his administration of the meat Inspection service hod been as 'air as appropriations warranted. The Investigation was conducted by Solic itor George P. McCabe and approved by Secretary Wilson In the following comment : "Inquiry discloses the fact that Dr. Salmon had an unfortunate connection with the firm of George B. Howard & Co. While this connection was not an Ideal realization of a government olll- cor to have with n firm doing business with the department , I am convinced that Dr. Salmon never Intended to profit by work done by Mr. Howard for the department of agriculture and that ho has never been connected with the Howard Label company or re ceived any benefit from the contract of that company with the department. The case does not seem to call for further disciplinary nctlon. " Burglars Carry Off Safe. Stamford. Conn. . Aug 31. A steel snfo of considerable weight , which Is understood lo have contained $150 In cash and Jewelry valued at over $20- 000. mysteriously disappeared from the summer residence of Paul Bonner at Nlrvnna , on the sound , during the night The family believe that burg lars entered the house through a win dow on the lower floor nnd convoyed the safe to the shore and placed It aboard a vessel. PENTICO CANE FACTORY IS GUTTED - TED BY FLAME. STORY OF FILE THAT MELTED Purchased From .1 Chicago Catalogue House as n Bargain , the Metal Part ly Melted While the Wooden Handle Remained Intact. Plerco , Neb. , Aug. 31. Hpeclnl leThe The News : The uino factory of Mr. Pcutlco caught tire here thlH morning llcforo the bln/.o wan oxtlngulHhed , the building wan gutted and gieat damage - ago had been done lo ( he Hindi. A min-her of canon In ( he building were rallied. A Illo that had been purchaHcd of a ChlciiKO catalogue IIOUHO IIH a huigaln , melted In the Hume while the wooden handle remained Indict. Pro- pili torn of the Chicago department store didn't turn out to help light the lintIt WIIH the Pleico department , composed of homo moichant lolk , who did that. BERGH ASKED TO EXPLAIN American Consul Falls to Respect the King of Sweden. Washington , Aug 31. The fltafe de partment has been supplied wllh copies of newspapers published In Gothenburg , Sweden , attacking the American consul there , Robert S ncrgh. hccniiHe of alleged failure on bin part lo show proper respect for King Oscar on the occasion of his hlilhdny anniversary. The Aftoubliut ( hinges that the lings of their roun trhrn were hoisted by every fotcluii consul In the town except by Mr Heigh This caused much remark and speculation on the part of the towns people , who Inquired whether King Oscar had In any way offended I'resl dent Roosevelt that ho had ordeied Ills consul to refrain from joining In the celebration. The papers call at tenllon to the fact that Mr. Bergh Is n Norwegian bv birth , hut does not Milnlv thin li" I- ' ' evi'ii'-Pd In View of Ihe po H" i lie ofciipli-s As 'Islam S'fin'iaiy ! uini.s IIIIH decided to i all on Mr. Mergh for an explana tion Boycott a Failure at New Chwang. WiihhliiRton , Aug 31. Consul fieri eral Summons nt New Chwnng lias re- pnr'ed ' lo the "tale department h.s follows In re > : nJ lo the promost o" the antl-Arnerlcnn boycott In rhino- In regard lo the attempt made h re to nroiiFe a feeling of hostility to Arnerlran poods , I have the pleasure to teporl that the movement has been n failure Several attempts have been rnad < to nrgnrilrn the null-American sentiment , hut each meeting resulted In stinncer derlaratlon In oppoMtlon to Interfiling with the nle of Amer lean good * A numb r of Ihe lending Chinese merchants fissured me thai tliev would hnve nothing to do with n movement to boycott American goods nn'l tliov ndvl " > d their friends to re frain from ngltatlng Ihe subject" Observe Eclipse of Sun. St Johns N F. AMI ; 31 All sin- Moris nlong this coast report sntlsfae lory observations of the e'llpse of 'he siin btt' lai k of telegrnj hie corn munlcntlon with l nbrndor innKcs It lmpofisllle ) to lenrn If fully fnvorcd re- sulls n"ended the efforts of the scion llflc parties there. THE BIRTHDAY OF TWO PERSONS MORE THAN A HUNDRED. ONE IS 104 AND THE OTHER 105 One is In Meriden , Conn. , and the Other In Freehold , N. J. Both Old Ladles are Still Enjoying Good Health. Meriden , Conn. , Aug. 31. Mrs. Ellz- nbeth Hunt , who lives with her grnnd laughter , Mrs. H. Wlckes In Brooklyn. N. Y. , arrived hero lost night and Is spending the day with her relatives In his city , celebrating her 105th birth day. The old lady la still fairly strong nnd healthy and her mental faculties are scarcely impaired to any extent. She has n wonderful memory for the events of her enrllcr llfo , but cannot remember occurrences of a Inter dnte with equal accuracy. She spent the day quietly with members of her fam ily and received many callers and scoreri of letters and telegrams of con- grntulntlon. Mrs. Hunt wns born In Lancaster , Pn. , coming from Dutch pnrentnge She wns the oldest of six children , nil of whom renched nn ngo of sixty or more yonrs. Ono of her sisters died two ycnrs ngo at the ngo of ninety- one. At twenty-three Elizabeth be came the wlfo of n man named Hunt nnd loft the old homestead In Lancas ter to go with her husbnnd to Now York. She lived most of her llfo In Brooklyn. Her husbnnd died more than forty years ago and she never married ngnln. She had six children , of whom only two nro living now. She has twenty grandchildren , thirteen great-grand children and four great- THE CONDITIONOF THE WEATHER Temperature for Twenty-four Hour * . Forecast for Nebraska. Condition of the weather nn record- oil for the 24 bourn ending at 8 a. m. today : Maximum 73 .Minimum 02 Average ( J7 llnromeler 29.80 Rainfall tl ) ! Itnlnfall for mouth 3.32 Total iiiliifall for the year . . . .28.ID Chicago , Aug. 31. The bulletin hi- nued by the Chicago ntatlon of the United Blalon weather bureau thin morning , gives the forecast for No- ImrHkn an follown : Kliowct-H ami Ihuiider Htorms with cooler tonight. Friday fair ami cooler Krenl grand clilldren. Freehold , N. J. , AUK. 31. "Aunt Helmiy" Coward of Allenlown , the old- enl woman In llilH part of the country , IH celebrating her lOllli birthday to day. The Cowards were IUIIOIIK the early set Hers of Upper Freehold town- Hhlp. They 1110 of Quaker origin , "Aunt BotHcy" was born In Allentown , but spent moiit of her llfo In Upper Freehold. Hhe Is still In good health and comparatively strong nnd vigor ous nnd loads her paper every dny. NEW AMERICAN BATTLESHIP IS LAUNCHED AT QUINCY , MA88. IT 18 DESIGNATED A FLAGSHIP Miss Jennie Bell , Daughter of Govern or Bell , Stood ns Sponsor for the New Battleship When She Broke a Bottle of Champagne Over the Bow. Qiilney , MIIHH. , AUK. HI. The now American ImttleHhlp Vermont was launched hero today In the presence > f a largo niimher of Invited guests ml ropieHentatlvoH of the govern- nent. Governor Hull of Vermont , ac- 'ompanled ' liy Mrs. Hell , MHH ! .lennlo tell and her younger nlHtcr , the mom- lerH of the governor's staff and many imminent cltlxunu of the BpoiiHorHtato iirnvod hero thlH morning and were received by representatives of the 'ore Illvor Shipbuilding cjmpnny , ivlilch hullt the battleship. Miss Jon- ilu Doll stood na sponsor and chrls- ened the new battleship by breaking ii liotU" of chunvngno over Mio how when ( .ho big hulk smootlily slid from the ways. Engagement of the War. St Pf ti'iHhuiK , AUK 31 A dispatch from LldzlapiHbc rnnlalns the details of what will ptobably he the laat en gagement of thn war Thin encounter took place on AUR. 28 nnd resulted In an advantage to Hie Russians , who took 130 prisoners. A number of Japa nese were killed The Russian losses worn elKht killed. The remnant of the Jnpnnese retired , bearing their wounded. THE DAY'S ' BASE BALL SCORES _ Results of the League Contests Played Throughout the Land. American League Detroit , 6 ; Now York , 3. St. I > ouls , 4 ; Boston , 0. Cl cage , l ; Washington , 1 (15 ( innings ) . Cleveland , 2 ; Philadelphia , G. Na tional League Boston , 3 ; Chicago , 1 , American Association Kansas City , 3 ; Louisville , fi Milwaukee , 1 ; In dianapolis. 5. St. Paul. G ; Toledo , 2. Minneapolis , 0-6 ; Columbus , 5-4. West ern League DCS Molnes , C ; Omaha , 1. Pueblo. 2 ; Sioux City , . Denver , 10 ; St Joseph. G. Butte Takes Second Place. Butte , Neb. , AUK31. . Special to The News : Butte defented Bonesteel yesterday , 15 to 10. The score stood 12 to 2 up to the seventh Inning , In favor of Butte nnd nt the end of the ninth It stood 10 to IS. This gives Butte second plnco In the league. Bloomers Easy for Lynch. Lynch. Neb. , Aug. 31. Special to The News : The game between Lynch and the Bloomers wan attended by 1- 000 people. It wns sort of n picnic for the home team , the girls being alto gether too light. Score 10 to S. By Innings : .ynch G 0 4 1 0 0 0 0 x 10 Bloomers. , . . .200200020 5 Pretty Game at Stanton. Stnnton , Neb. , Aug. 31. Special to The News : Stnnton bnll team defent ed Wlsnor In one of the best plny-d 'jarncs ' over seen on the local diamond. The fenture of the game wns the pitchIng - Ing of Laub who held the Wlsnor team down to four scattered hits and struck out ten men , score 3 to 1. Summitry : Three-hnse hits , W. Hoi- stein , two-base hits , J. Holstoln and Hurd. Base hits : Stnnton 10 nnd Wlaner 4. Struck out by Lnub 10 , Atkinson 1. Umpire , Kltterman. Time of game one hour and fifteen minutes. Standing of Bonesteel League , Club p. W. L. Percent. Lynch 10 8 2 .800 Butte 10 C 4 .COO Bonesteel 10 4 C .400 Spencer 10 4 C .400 Fairfax 10 3 7 .300