The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, August 25, 1905, Page 7, Image 7

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The Matter of What Kind of Patients
Shall be Sent to the Norfolk Hospi
tal Will be Decided by the State
Board A Daby at the Hospital.
The Lincoln Evening News Is au
thority for tlio statement tlmt Superin
tendent Alilcn of the Norfolk hospital
prefers men patients to women and
f that Dr. Grocno wants to send women
to Norfolk , the conflicting dcHlrcs
forming a disagreement.
Dr. Alilcn was called up this mornIng -
Ing and he denied that there Is any
controversy between ho and Dr. Green
over the matter of which kind of pa
tients shall lie shipped to'the Norfolk
hospital. Dr. Alden says that he
needs the assistance that the ahlo hod-
led patients could give him very Imdly
In clearing the grounds , which are still
covered with debris from the fire
which destroyed the hospital three
years ago , and feels that by fairness
and right this class of patients should
bo sent to him . It Is a matter which
the board of public lands and buildings
will have to settle , and this board Is
expected to visit Norfolk as soon as
they return from Portland , whore they
helped celebrate Nebraska dny at the
exposition. In furnishing the cottages
It was done on the theory that one of
them only would be devoted to the
treatment of women patients , but the
doctor says they can bo rearranged If
the board so orders.
With the thirty-five women patients
who were brought from Lincoln on
Saturday was a boy baby seven months
old belonging to one of the patients.
A baby In an institution of this kind Is
rather an unusual thing but the little
fellow seems to be getting along all
right and Is the pet of the hospital.
As the Infant seemed to have no name
when ho came hero , he has been of
ficially designated as "Mascot" by the
doctor , and he seems to wear the cog-
nomcn well.
Following Is the story reported In
the Lincoln News :
There Is a surplus of female patients
at the Lincoln hospital for the Insane
which Is likely to go bogging for ac
commodations , unless Superintendent
Alden of the Norfolk asylum rcldnts
and concludes to take another ship
ment to his Institution. Saturday nl
7 o'clock thirty-five women in charge
of the Norfolk superintendent am
three attendants came down town on
the street cars and boarded a North
western train for Norfolk. This num
her will about fill one of the cottage
buildings , leaving two for occupancy
with the main building , which Is about
to be repaired for use. Dr. Greene
superintendent of the Lincoln hospi
tal , has a large numerical preponder
nnce of women patients and Insists
that Alden take his share , while the
latter demands that the next shipment
be men who can be used In straighten
Ing up the Institution and clearing the
grounds. That Is the rock on which
they have split and the question sttl
remains unsettled.
The total number of inmates at the
Lincoln Institution Is about G50. Of
these fully two-thirds are women. This
proportion has been due to the fact
that after the fire at Norfolk Dr
Kerns of the Hastings asylum for the
Incurables was unable to care for as
many women as men , with the resuli
that Dr. Greene Is overstocked with
females. Since the condition Is due to
the fire at Norfolk , he Is Inclined to
wards the view that Alden ought to
take them back. The reason for the
evident lack of desire to accommodate
women Is explained by the fact that
men can be used about the Institution
In various capacities , thereby reducing
the per capita cost and making the
good showings which the superlnten
dents under the present admlnlstratloi
are so desirous of making. They are
considered especially desirable by Dr
Alden , who 1ms an Immense lot o
work to do in getting the grounds into
shape. They can also bo employed in
i the vegetable garden and on the farms
thereby reducing the cost of employing
Badly Overcrowded.
Still another potent reason for the
desire of the Lincoln hospital author
Hies to reduce the female populatioi
Is the fact that the Institution is stil
overcrowded and it Is more difficult to
care for the women under such condl
tlons than It would bo to care for the
men. Steward Gllmoro stated tha
thirty-five or forty of the patients have
been sleeping on the floor recently
and the shipment Saturday wll
not relieve the pressure enough to give
all of them beds even now. Such con
dltlons are regarded as dangerous , not
withstanding the fact that many of th
patients are mild and easily controller
Just such overcrowding was rcspons
bio for the death of McCartney las
fall. It Is only by the use of the great
cst precautions that trouble Is avoidcc
and the conditions necessitate a con
slderablo Increase In the number o
attendants. At the present time , It I
stated , about the maximum number o
attendants are on the payrolls , and 1
will have to bo kept there as long a
the overcrowded conditions remains
That goes to swell the per capita cos
It Is estimated that there are 10 (
women at the Lincoln hospital who belong
long In the Norfolk district and ough
to be cared for at that institution
There arc , also , many men who hav
ecu sent from that district and under
lie old plan of distribution belong at
ho northern Institution.
Women Occupy the West Cottage Vis
iting Days Announced.
The thlrty-flvo women patients who
lave just been brought to the Insane
lospltal hero are now nicely housed In
ho west cottage of the Institution andre
ro getting along well. No men
mvo been moved Into cottages as yet
ut they will bo this week. In about
on days Dr. Alden contemplates mov-
ng another crowd of patients men
: ils time from Lincoln to Norfolk.
Visiting days at the hospital will bo
Tuesdays and Thursdays.
All Roads Lead to Norfolk Today and
All of Them are Being Well Used.
This Week Opens Events In North
ern Nebraska for Fair.
[ From Momluy's Dully. ]
With twenty-eight handsome racing
lorses In the city , every stall at the
ace track stables occupied and space
icing rented for the standard bred bo
ngs at the local livery stables , the
veok which Is to open the racing sea-
on on the short shipment circuit In
northern Nebraska began auspiciously
odny. On Wednesday and Thursday
of this week the first races of the se
ries will bo pulled off In Norfolk.
The track Is In excellent shape for
ho events , In spite of the rains of
ast week , and today's packing has
made It as hard as pavement. The
grand stand Is completed and all ready
or the crowds that will gather at thou
u rf.
All roads lead to Norfolk today and
ill roads are being we'l employed , too ,
for from every direction there Is n
constant stream of fine horses.
Among those who arc expected to-
lay are the Kay brothers of Ncllgh ,
who at one time wanted to locnto per-
nanently here. Among those who
inve already arrived are Jim Young
of Fremont , who has the animals of
STlck Cronln and Wells Bros. Young
s a negro.
John Carken has arrived from Ips
wich. S. D. , with a horse for tl"j free-
tor-all named John A. Hicks.
J. T. Greer of Wntertown , S. n. , has
irrlvcd with Harry Booth , for the rac
es of this week.
Driver Ciishman of Ponder Is here
with Astramont , a son of Burtwood.
Two gallopers have already arrived.
Following the races here there will
be meeting at Cattle Creek , Stanton ,
Neligh , Crelghton and Madison. This
short shipment circuit will make one
of the finest series of races that has
over been known in this section of the
state and will be attended by fine horses
ses from everywhere.
The Indians , Japanese , Turks and
Egyptians of a Circus.
Because they can not smoke cigar
ettes In the state of Indiana , on ac
count of the new law there , circus em
ployes arc threatening to leave. The
circus employes of the Pawnee Bill
show , while in Nebraska kept on smok-
ng cigarettes , in spite of the law. A
dispatch from Shelbyvllle , Ind. , says
that there was consternation In the
camp of the foreigners and Indians
with a circus here yesterday over the
order of the owner that the men and
women should comply with the In
diana cigarette law and cease smoking
while In the state. Many of the men
are under contract to remain with the
circus until the close of the season.
So desperate arc some of them for
their cigarettes that they threaten to
jump their contracts and go to other
states where they can be free to smoke
anything they please.
A meeting was hold and speeches
were made protesting against the law.
Finally It was decided to make a di
rect appeal to Governor Hanly , and
the following message was sent :
' "Governor J. Frank Ilnnly , Indian
apolis : The Turks , Egyptians , Japan
ese , Hindoos and Indians with a circus
hero have been deprived of cigarettes
What shall we do ? Wo nsk protection
"Chief Iron Bird. "
At 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon
they were standing around In groups
awaiting the governor's answer. Lasl
night another meeting was held am
as the owner of the show insists thai
the laws of Indiana shall not bo violated
od the foreigners served formal notice
on him through their Interpreter , Iron
Bird , that unless tney are permitted
to smoke cigarettes , they would quli
the show so long as It remains In In
Governor Ilnnly has made no replj
to their request for protection In their
pursuit of happiness.
Two Fires at Crelghton.
Ccrlghton , Neb. , Aug. 18. Special to
The News : There were two fires hero
last evening. Fire at the homo o
Lawrence Thompson , a stock buyoi
near town , started in the chlmne >
from a defect hut was extinguished
before a great deal of damage wa
done. The city flro department made
a run and put out the fire.
Flro In the barn of Henry Mecke
caused by a stroke of lightning , destroyed
stroyed the building and contents
The loss on the barn was $250 and th
loss on the harness and bay was $100
Some Farmers Want the Channel
Changed and Others Remonstrate.
Matter Finally Gets Into the Courts ,
Where It Will be Settled.
What promised to bo a red hot BOH-
Ion of the board of county coinmls-
loners of Dakota county was nipped
n the bud early In the session by Shor-
ft II. C. Hanson serving a restraining
rdor on Woods M. Hllomaii , Lewis
llanchnrd and Thos. C. llnlnl , com-
ulsslonors and W. L. HOHH , county
lork , Issued from the olllco of the
lork of the district court , restraining
aid parties from In any manner iimk-
ng or causing to be made any change
n the natural course of 131U crook , or
rum doing any act or thing In tola-
Ion to the proposed clinngo of the
hannel of 131k crook which will result
n a change of Its natural course , or
rein diverting or causing to bo divert-
d the waters therefrom. Michael
I off man appears as plaintiff In the
ctlon with Jepson & Jepson of
Sioux City as his attorneys. The an-
wer day for the defendants Is Soptom-
> or IS , so matters are tlod up for a
noiith , which scorned to take a rcspon-
Iblllty off the shoulders of the com-
ulsslonors for the present. All
eemod glad to bo relieved. For a
lumber of years past , and more espe
cially last spring , Elk crook , which
tins from west of Jackson Into Omaha
crook and thence Into the Missouri
Ivor , overflows Its banks during the
spring rains and Inundates several
Kindred acres of farm lands which
otherwise would bo as valuable- any
n the county. Agitation ripened Into
action and on the 5th Inst. a petition
vas filed with the board of county coin-
nlsslonors by Thos. Sullivan , Fred
InrtclH and Thou. J. Hnrtnott , asking
ho commissioners to view the con-
lltlon existing , and asking them to
llvort the waters of Elk crook from
emptying into the Missouri river , and
change the channel so ( hey would
empty Into the Jackson lake , owing to
ho overflow , public health , conveni
ence and public welfare. The commis
sioners viewed the land and crook and
ind a survey made. Harry Goodfollow ,
I. A. Hall and a number of others filed
Ejections to the petition of Sullivan
ot al on the grounds that the commis
sioners had no jurisdiction , authority
or right to change the course of Elk
crook , said change would not be con-
luclvo to public health , convenience
or welfare ; that proposed route Is not
lost or most practicable ; that a major
ity of the members of the board of
county commissioners are disqualified
from acting on said matter by reason
) f their owning lands affected thereby ,
and by reason of their direct personal
nterests therein. It Is understood that
Ibis last objection Is the one on which
the Injunction was based. The file of
County Clerk Ross Is literally filled
with petitions , cross petitions , objec-
: lens , etc. , relating to the matter which
iiave been signed by property owners
and those affected by the proposed
Sheriff Clements came down from
Tllden last night.
Rev. W. R. Peters returned from
Elosklns yesterday.
Cy Greek , a cattle man of Genoa ,
was in town over night.
Mrs. E. L. Fisher of Genoa was In
the city over night and loft this morn
ing for Emerson.
Miss Mao McNeil has gone to Omaha
for a two weeks visit with relatives.
M. F. Thomas , a merchant of Madi
son , was in the city over night on his
way to Sioux City.
W. O. Leo and family came down
from Dorsoy this morning , cnrouto to
Sioux City to visit friends.
Miss Fannie Norton left yesterday
for a western trip. She will visit Col
orado Springs and Salt Lake City.
E. E. Kennedy , J. L. Howell and son
Dorsoy Howell , race horse men of Al-
lilon , are here to attend the races.
F. A. Benders and son George of
Omaha , who have boon In town sev
eral days , left this morning for Win-
Mrs. Lulkart and Stella are expected
liomo tomorrow from Excelsior
Springs , Mo. They visited a few days
at Stella , Neb. , enrouto homo.
Mr. and Mrs. J. II. McGlnlteo and
R. Vaughn of Bonestecl accompanied
A. Hoeman to Sioux City this morning ,
where the latter Is to bo placed In a
Mrs. Nick Efflo of Verdlgre was In
town this morning. She was on her
way to Columbus , whore her father
Frank Hentges , Is very sick In the
Misses Julia and Ina Martin , who
have boon visiting at the homo of
Frank Davenport , loft this noon for
Chicago whore they will visit their
sister Mrs. Roy Read.
Goo. Dudley , sr. , who has been occti
pylng the Baptist parsonage , will inovo
into Mike Endors' brick cottage on
South Eighth street. Rov. and Mrs
T. II. Dabney will move Into the parsonage
sonago soon.
Wm. Preitsker , wife and two chll
dren , Mrs. A. Schmodo and son Gcorgo
Mrs. A. Zacherts and daughter Ilelci
and Mrs. E. T. Mlttolstadt , returnee
today from Laurel , where they have
been visiting since Saturday.
After having sufficiently ropnlrei
his sprained back and hip , Chas. Hard
ng , accompanied by Mrs. Harding ,
tilth , Carrlo and Mack , loft today In
heir touring car for n trip through
own. MlnnoHota and Wisconsin.
Mr. and Mrs. Nicola , who liuvo boon
lolling at the homo of A. J. Dnrlaud
luco the first of Juno , loft this noon
or their homo In Washington , Iowa.
'lu y go by way of Missouri , where
Ir. Nlloca has a largo farm and other
F. 13. Seaman , the gonlal claim agent
f the Great Northern railroad com-
iiiuy , passed through the city yostor-
ay onrouto south. Mr. Seaman
loiiglit the right of way for the Great
Northern , formerly known an the Pa-
Illc Short line , and IIMH boon connect-
d with the company twenty years.
The number of young women horse-
iack riders In Norfolk Is InoroaHlng.
'he rldei'H have adopted the custom
f riding astride.
The Woman's club of Tllden will be
he gucHts of Mrs. N. Mitt/on lomor-
o\v The visit of the ladles IH HO
lined that they can make the races
ne of the features of the day.
II IH reported from the country that
lie chickens are getting pretty well
rown and that there IK considerable
hooting going on now. The season
or killing the birds will begin a week
'rnm next Friday.
Miss Carrie TliompHmi entertained
company of young girls al a dinner
arty at her home In The Heights hist
veiling. It was a Jolly crowd of prol-
y little misses and they all enjoyed
honiHolvos very much.
While horseback riding with a parly
f friends the olhev day , II. II. Snyder ,
commercial traveler , was kicked by
n animal alongside and for a time It
vas feared that ho had HiiffortM brok-
n bones. Later his Injuries were
( Hind to bo of no serious consequence.
It is learned through private corres
Hindoneo that Manager Wlolzor of the
toeky Ford sugar factory recently met
vlth a serious accident In a runaway ,
le was thrown from the buggy and
truck ( ho ground In such n milliner
hat his log was broken at the ankle ,
lie bone protruding through I he flesh.
I'he Injury was so disastrous liml It
vas found necessary to HOIK ! for a
surgeon from Pueblo to take euro of
t. Mr Wlet/.or has many friends In
\orfolk who will hope that ho may
ecovor rapidly.
The- Norfolk Business colloRO has
lettoi prospects than over before al
his tlmo. More students are enrolled
from outsldo of town for the term of
school which opens about the first of
September than have ever boon In
school before. Ebon Perry , who has
mil charge of the Hold work for the In
stitution , has bean quite successful In
Milistlng interest In the college , and ho
las secured a flattering number of
enrollments. This Is nil very encnur-
iglng to Prof. Brake , who Is a most
thorough teacher and does excellent
work , but he finds himself confronted
ty a new problem , and that Is to find
ilaces for students to board. There
s no regular students' boarding house
n Norfolk and families of residents
must be depended upon for a tlmo at
east to take care of the people who
como bore to attend school. Many
louses have extra rooms which could
iust as well bo occupied as not , and It
would well pay any family so situated
.o take one or more students. One or
two at a table will cost practically
nothing extra , as there Is always
enough for one more , while two board
ers would pay the grocery bill of the
iverage small family. By filling up
the vacant rooms , the families can not
only benefit themselves but they can
confer a great favor upon the business
Tout the Senator-Governor as Candi
date for President.
Gov. LaFollotto will bo the next
president of the United States If the
women of Wisconsin can have their
way , according to Mrs. E. M. Springer
of Springfield , WIs. Mrs. Springer Is
engaged in the mercantile business.
"We are going to make Gov. LaFol-
otto president of the United States In
190S. through the women of the na
tion , " sbo said. "The movement Is
lust starting among the women of Wis
consin. Wo shall make an appeal to
the women of the entire country to
exorcise their influence toward seciir-
ng a worthy successor to President
Roosevelt three years henco.
"Already wo have organized the
Wisconsin Women's La Folletto league
which , when wo have raised sufficient
money , will branch out , and then prob
ably wo will establish headquarters In
Chicago. The movement Is Intended
to appeal to republican and democrats
alike. Our theory Is that a man of
strong homo life Is the right man to
bo at the head of this nation. "
And Thus Saved Her Father From BeIng -
Ing Struck and Killed.
Ills daughter's ability to catch a
swift ball saved aged Richard D.
Unities from receiving painful Injuries
at a ball game In Philadelphia. Halnos
is an enthusiastic "fan" and attends
ball games regularly. Ho always Is
accompanied by his daughter , Mary
Halnes , 17 years old.
The two were sitting In the front
row of seats in the grand stand to the
left of the pitcher's box. The scat was
not protected by a wire netting. A
swift foul flew straight toward the seat
occupied by Mr. Halnes.
The girl sprang from her seat and
stretching forth both hands caught the
ball. It stung greatly and brought
tears to the her eyes , but she clung to
it. The ball would have struck her
father squarely.
United States Government Is Said to
Have Been Fleeced Out of Hundreds
of Thousands of Dollars Scandal Is
Being Unearthed ,
A Runsatlnn In the treasury depart
ment , which will make all other do-
imrtiuent scandals look like a firefly
tieslde a house on IIro , Is Imminent , ac
cording to n Washington report.
II Is known that the customs and In
ternal revenue divisions of the trea
sury have been under llro for Home
time : The In vest Igal Ions , however ,
luivo been so quietly conducted by
secret service men that the first Ink
ling the public had of It wits when It
WMS announced Dial three Inspectors
if Internal revenue had been dis
It Is now claimed that Uuolo Sam
lins been fleeced out of hundreds of
thousands of dollars by fraudulent
elnsslllcallon of Cuban leaf tobacco.
Under our commercial treaty with
Cuba the Dlngley act was amended so
that It reduced the rates on leaf to-
liacco to lift cents per pound of what
Is known as "filler leaf tobacco. " On
what Is called "wrapper , " thn duty Is
$ .85 per pound.
II Is claimed that hundreds of bales
of Cuban tobacco , which leaves Ha
vana as wrapper tobacco , Is admitted
Into the United Slates as filler. To
day's Issue of a tobacco Journal points
out a specific Instance Involving a
transaction of largo proportions be
tween Havana , Tampa and Now York.
Therefore , Declares Enthusiast , Jnpo
Have Great Culture.
Japan has the greatest civilization
in the world , becnuso II has no strikes ,
trusts , labor unions , saloons , "billion
aires , " cable ears , clrensses , fool bull ,
baseball , golf or swear words In Its
language This , at least , Is Iho belief
of Professor Toyoklehl lyenngn. a loo-
furor al the University of Chicago , lln
tnndo 'he declaration yesterday In
speaking on the "Itlso of Japan. "
Toledo Newspaper Man Emulates
Walter Wyckoff.
His face tanned to a deep red by
exposure to the boat of tho'harvest
field and his hands swollen and blis
tered by hard labor , W. B. Eastwood ,
a newspaper man of Toledo , Ohio , was
In Sioux City last evening on his way
from Nebraska to new fields of labor
As a representative of the Toledo
Times Mr. Eastwood Is making a
hand to hand study of conditions as
they exist among the gleaners of the
west which will bo embodied In a
series of articles ho Is to write for his
Mr. Eastwood Is a strong , athletic ,
closely built man something on the
style of the captain of the Tribune's
baseball team. He talks enthusiastic
ally of the "experience" which he has
been getting In large Installments
since be loft Toledo to make his liv
ing as a harvest hand. It Is expressly
stipulated that he must get no finan
cial assistance outside of what ho
makes by the sweat of his brow. Ho
wears a large pair of blue overalls
with an enormous bib , a collarless
shirt and smokes a short cob pipe
which In Itself might be sufllccnt dis
guise for a son of toll. Altogether he
Is an Interesting fellow to meet.
Naturally Mr. Eastwood Is saving
most of bis Impressions for bis own
story , but he was willing to part with
a few random observations quite com
plimentary to the farmers In the sec-
lion of the country through which ho
has boon working. Ho has worked
from Great Bend , Kan. , to Phillips
burg , Kan. , and from Holdroge , Neb.
to Norfolk , from which place he came
i to Sioux City.
The particular point which Mr. East
wood will endeavor to settle Is wheth
er the western harvest fields and
farms offer employment suited to the
army of unemployed In the eastern
cities and to the college young man
in vacation time as well. On these
matters ho has not fully made up his
Mr. Eastwood expressed his plea
sure at the kind treatment ho had re
ceived from all the people with whom
lie had como in contact , some country
newspaper men being especially help
ful to him In aiding In getting his
material and photographs. Although
ho has received wages varying from
$1.75 to $15.50 a day , ho has found It
hard sledding at times to keep going.
However , ho has enjoyed the novelty
of It nil. Ho loft Toledo Juno 2 and
does not expect to return until snow
flics Sioux City Journal.
Canine Has Habit Strongly Formed of
Taking Things From Neighbors.
John Huyck , a well known citizen
of Sioux Falls , Is the owner of a bird
dog which has a mania for stealing ,
and BO far as the range of the arti
cles stolen Is concerned , the dog holds
the canine record for thefts.
The animal was raised from a pup
py by Huyck. His degeneracy com
menced to manifest itself some time
ago , when members of the family
would find upon the porch ot the
Huyck domicile such things as rub
bers , shoes , , pieces of rope , and the
lllo ( Finally hummock pillows were
added to the collection. In fact , every
thing of a portable nature that could
ho carried by the dog found Itn way
to the Huyck homo.
As tltoso things were taken front
residents of the Immedlato neighbor
hood , It was not a dltllcult matter to
rcNlore the accumulations to the right
ful owner.
But the limit wan reached the other
day when the dog brought up to tllo
back door a kettle containing a pot
roant , which wan iitoiimlng hot. It IH
supposed the kettle wan placed out
doors so the meat could cool off , and
that the dog , attracted by the ncont of
meat , was drawn to the spot. After
proceeding to InvestIgate the dog ovl-
detitly found the meat too hot to re
move from the kettle , so decided to
carry off the kettle an well as Its con-
The owner of thn knttlo could not
ho located , and rather than run the
risk of further trouble the owner of
iho dog decided to send the animal
into ( lie country for u tlmo In hopes
hat It can bo broken of the stealing
The dog In small , Is a good rnngor
ind hunter , and IH valuable , excepting
Tor bin habit of stealing everything
lie can carry ,
Showgirl May Indulge In "Joy of Liv
ing" Without Fear of Jerome.
"I linvo no Intention of ngiiln bring
ing Nan PallerHoii to the bur for the
murder of Caesar Young , and I have
no evidence against her now that was
not presented whnn the last Jury failed
to agree upon a verdict In her case.
The newspapers were responsible for
getting her out of Jail before. They
cannot make me put her In Jail again.
I have no further Interest In her case
as It stands today. "
District Attorney Jerome thus ills-
mlHseil in Now York Iho rumor that
the actress would bo tried again ho-
cause of startling and damaging rev
elations alleged to have been inndo by
Nun and brother-in-law J.
her - - , Morgan
Sinllh , In a recent quarrel In the pres
ence of Ralph Ash , the Duluth lumber
man , whoso Interest In the Florodora
girl aroused the nnger of bis slstor-ln-
law , Mrs. Victor Handy.
II was snld that Mrs. Handy visited
the district attorney's office last Frl-
dny with evidence which she believed
would convict Nan , If again put on
trial , and asked for District Attorney
Hand , who prosecuted the actress.
Mr. Jerome said today that Mrs. Han
dy had not called , so far as ho know ,
and no one could be found about his
office who had HOOII her.
The district attorney's emphatic do-
nlal that evidence * was being collected
against Nan Patterson , together with
his well-known opinion of the case ,
makes It certain that the life led by
her does not Interest the district at
torney or his assistants , who have
predicted that upon her release from
prison she would throw her good reso
lutions to the winds and return to her
old haunts and her old way of living.
It was said today that Nan Patter
son will remarry her former husband.
Lee Martin , from whom she was di
vorced at the request of Caesar Young ,
and that Martin has never wavered In
bis devotion to his former wife.
It was snld also that Ash had gone
to his western homo , satisfied with the
notoriety gained by his friendship with
This Time the Florodora Girl Is Ac
cused of Ensnaring Duluth Man.
"Nan" Patterson packed her trunks
hurriedly yesterday and gave up her
apartments at the Cambridge Central
hotel In Now York. She loft word that
she had gone to Washington , D. C.
With the sudden departure of the
former Florodora sextet girl comes a
statement from Mrs. V. A. Hendy , al
leging that the Patterson girl has boon
altogether too friendly with her broth
er-in-law , C. Ralph Ash , a well-to-do
lumber broker of Duluth , Minn. , who
Is staying at the Hotel Astor.
Twice Mrs. Hondy tried to have an
Interview with the Pnttnrson girl , but
each t MO foiled. Once the actress
I escaped In an electric hansom , accord-
J Ing to Mrs , Hendy.
, The actress was registered at the
Cambridge Court as "Helen Need-
ham " Mrs. Hendy , who formerly lived
In Syracuse , was bitter In her denun
ciation of "Nan.- Ash , according to
Mrs Hondy , has known the Flodora
girl only four weeks , and In that tlmo
has gained Broadway notoriety as a
liberal spender.
The Great Northern Is Already Incor
porated In Nebraska , It Is Said.
Several corporation lawyers have
boon misinformed concerning the new
Lincoln-Sioux City branch of the Great
Northern , says the Lincoln Star. It
has been stated that the now line could
not exercise the right of eminent do
main , not having boon incorporated In
the state. As the filing of the articles
of Incorporation meant the payment
of a fee of $10.000 , the question was
an important one.
But the Great Northern Is nlreadv
Incorporated. The Nebraska line is
known ns the Sioux City & Western
railroad. This line runs from the west
bank of the Missouri river at Sioux
City to O'Neill , a distance of 130 miles.
The legal advisers of the now line
have been active and from headquar
ters of the Great Northern como as
surances that there will bo no delay.
! Wo hardly ever like a man who
chews a cigar Instead of smoking it.