* * m r NORFOLK NEWS : PUT DAT , Al'dl'ST 25 , 15)05. ) THE NORFOLK NEWS ' . N , HUMS , IIA1I.V. ( Kfttnbllflhcxl 187. ] Kvcry dny except Humlny. lly ci\r rlxr per wcolc , 15 conln. lly Norfolk poMninra ilnllvcry. per vonr. " H\ innll on rnrnl route * niul uutnlilo of Norfolk , for yonr. .OQ. WliiiCIY MSW.N-JCUMINAI. . The Now * . ICntnlillHlicil , 18HI , The Joiinml , l > lnlillnlioil , 1R77. Rvory Krlilny. lly mull P r your , 11.50. Rn ori > il nt the pniitollloo lU Norfolk , KM MOCOIUl Clllim tllUttOr. Telephoned ! liilltorinl Uopnrtmont , No. ! 2. luminous Olllco niul Job HOOIIIH , No. 11 25. It tnhOiTrnlino'rnlBO crops nntl utn- urcllnB. It IH n good Ililni ; to liuvo tlio pence conforcnro on/livened / by llaHlioii of ronl Wltto. Ho fnr I\H liifonnntlon IIIIH boon re ceived , Mr. Uryiin IH not going to visit any Hllvor country for the pur pose of "Htuily. " . In Jnpan the Unltoil Sinter linn fouiul u now nlly , which will nmUo for muliinl prosperity and the pence of the world. The foront roaorvo system In Colo- rndo now InnhidcH nearly 7,000.000 acres , nearly donhlo the acreage found In am- oilier state In the union. If ever the fnnnor was king. It In this yonr In Nubrnnkii. Ktallug It mildly , ho IH an Important personage whoso favor Iti to bo cultivated. Thi' now gold discoveries In Novndn nro attracting the attention of the world and that Htato IH Hiiro to rppolvol a ncItilluv of iH'onlo. It certainly needs them. Oov. Folk believes thnt the lawn nro Hindi' to bo enforced , but the people bo llvi'H among nro from Missouri and bo will bavo to show thorn In order to make good. The Ideal man IH bard to find , for ho must add to the fttorn vlrtncfl of the I'nrllan the grnco nnd mvoetnoHs of modern life. Puritan and cavalier muni unite. Tlu Clilnese boycott will not run niiiiltist American cotton mannfartnred by Japanese nilllH. It's lucky the Aniorli'niiB bavo a ntnnd In with the winning .laps. Why not divide the honors and send part of the exploring oxpodltlona to the south ? Doesn't the south polo want to bo discovered just as Imdly ns the north polo ? One of the Incomprehensible things In this world la the greed of men , who have already ncciimnlntod more of this world's goods than they can ever use , to keep piling thorn up. The present governor of Mnssnchu- nods Is perfectly willing thnt some one should till his shoes. In fact , ho spends lots of money advertising and Isory successful In his efforts ' \ man's character Is the result of all the experiences of his previous life. , ( Thoughts , words and deeds nil affect , It for good or ovll. Therefore all must [ i he considered In the ultimate result. . I i Perhaps the best way to destroy the I pier of Wall street Is for outsiders to keep away and lot Its morclmndlso strictly alone. If no now victims of fer themselves they will In tlmo de stroy each other. j | ! Missouri and Kansas arc having a contention as to whether a sunflower Is a flower or a weed. Dr. J. L. Flan ders of Kansas City wns fined for not cutting them for weeds , while In Missouri ! souri they pass as Ilowers. Any man who wants to know wbcth- , cr advertising pays should consult a i Mr. Ilryan , who lives In Lincoln. Ho i nnd John Wannamnker both under-i I stand the art nnd have mndo nu eml- \ ncnt success of It. Some of the best work thnt the pres ident has done has boon accomplished In the tours he has made among the people throughout the country. Ho meets Cioiu naturally ns n friend and his generous , genuine sympathy with nM classes completely captivates them. Italians are supplanting negroes in some sections of the south as tenants and laborers. Some hope Is enter tained that the Italian Immigrant , who has been proven n moro satisfactory , farmer than the negro , may help to [ bolvo the vexed labor problem In the south. Work on the Panama canal still The commission were making nnaiie- monts to employ Japanese and Italian laborers under contract but their re spective governments nro raising ob jections on account of the unsanitary conditions. If this obstacle could bo removed the necessary Inborcrs could ( bo procured from these countries. Is Russia in a state of revolution or evolution. Revolution Is a word which j historians sometimes use to describe changes which were really evolution- ary In effect. The American revolu tion wan one of thin kind , "involution rather than revolution In the path by which nntloiiH n.ako . the Biiront nnd progroBM , Tom LnwKon'H tour will HOOII bo forgotten - gotten by the many. Ills remedy WIIH Impractical , hut thnt dooH not prove his exposition , of the frauds of Wall Hi reel usoloBH. If the people would only extract from It the IOHHOII to iivolil nil got-rlch-iulck | Hchemen , TOIU'H energy nnd rhetoric would not hnvo been Hpent In vnlu. Lincoln IH trying to dovlHo some moro fMllsfnctory method of Hi reel cleaning than that now In voguo. MIH ! yonr It coul Lincoln ? 10.000 to bavo her twenty-nine mlleH of paved HlreotH Hwopt anil garnished and tin1 results wore not. altogether Riitlsfac- lory. Lincoln IH rcnll/.lng ROIIIO of the trlalH that ImiiHokooperH have long endured. The InelMelont servant prob lem IH a florloim one. The two men who occupy the center of ( be world'H Hlago at the present I line nro Theodore HooHovolt nnd Kaiser Wllholni. In llroleHH activity. good InlPiitloiiH , versatility and the emirngo of Ihnlr convlctloiiH these two men have much In common , but the Unlsor laelcH the Judgment and Hound , practical common seimo which are the groundwork of HooHcvolt'H nm'fuliu'HH. Illw orratlclsniH run away with him. II Is Hlalod by HIOHO who know the Intddo of the business that ordinary whisky can bo distilled at a cost of ten cents n gallon. After paying ( bo government tax of ninety cents a gal lon , the manufaclnrer sells It at from $2.00 to $1.00 per gallon , and the man who buj'H It by the drink pays at the rate of $ l'J.fiO per gallon. This would bo n bettor graft than "Standard Oil" If 0110 man could control the output. fount Tolnlol In bin old age has giv en up reading newspapers. HP fpolH that the times are out of join ) nnd be Is out of touch with them. In thecano of the venerable count and the evil times upon which bis country has fall en , thin Is probably n wise decision and for nnyouo to conllno bis reading to newspapers would bo unwlHe , but while In the world wo should bo of the world and not to keep tip with at least ouo reputable dally Is to bo sadly behind the times. The Lincoln Star voices the belief that the rural service Is reducing the saloon patronage of small country towns to the extent that many of them are going out of business. Rural mall routes are a now weapon with which to fight the saloon but they at least reduce the farmer's necessity of com ing Into contact with the tempting open saloon and provide n means of healthful nnd holpfnl entertainment at homo. Temperance agitators should promote the establishment of rural routes. ' "Put not your trust In strangers , " Is 'a precept so old that It seems to have lost strength In this age. The number of men and great business concerns which live on the credulity of people Is amazing. Men and women who should know bettor will Invest money In schemes which a ton year old boy ought to see the fraud In , when the matter Is presented by n smooth talk Ing swindler or a cleverly worded ad vortlsomcnt. If these same persons were to let an honest well known neighbor have money they would demand - mand gilt cdgo security. A. W. Ladd of the Albion News con alders that the most Iniportnnt ques tlon In Nebraska politics Is to secure government free'from the dominion of great commercial Interests , Ho thinks everyone should have something to jSay about state affairs but that noono should bavo everything to say. This Is a good statement of the needs of Nebraska , but It can only come to pass by Individual Interest In the'affairs of the state. While the voter accepts the cut and dried policy of some political boas who has schemes of his own to carry through , there will bo llttlo 1m provoment. The loss to New Orleans from n business standpoint from the yellow fever epidemic Is a most disastrous one. Xo city In the country had brighter - | or prospects. The grain shipments from there bavo greatly Incret.sed ol late and the building of the Panama canal has boon a practical factor In Its growth. It Is not likely that perma nent damage to the business will re sult , but that It will bo checked until oven the memory of the scourge Is somewhat dimmed is n certain thing. Yellow fever ought to be stamped out , If It moans the extermination of every moaquito along the coast. Scarcely n year passes that America does not fit out an expedition to go in search of the mythical north polo. It also sends out an expedition or two to find and bring back the possible sur vivors of previous expeditions who failed to find that greatly desired stick of timber. Now Just how long this very expensive pastime Is likely to ho continued , the ornclu unyotli not ; hut there nro novornl people who hnvo exprewHod wonder nH to the pOHslblo value to the country In nil this wnnto of money , tlmo and life. Who wants anything of the north polo or the Icoborgn that surround It , anyway ? The principle upon which ( ho Jury system IH conducted Is Idiotic. Not long ago In nn eastern city a now trial WUH granted In a cane upon n showing that two memborH of the Jury bad read current roportn of the case In the dally paporH. ThlH was considered a siilllclent miscarriage of Justice to warrant the setting iiHldo of the ver dict and the ordering of a now ( rial. In nine caws ou ( of ton , juries chosen are composed of Ignorant and Inferior men , because those really capable of Inli'lllRont Judgment bavo read and know something of the ca'so In ques tion. A Smooth Article , When you find It necessary to use salvo use DoWltt's Witch Hazel salvo. It IH the purest , and boat for sores. buniH , bolls , eczema , blind , bleeding Itching or protruding piles. Got the genuine DoWltt'H Witch Hazel salvo Sold by Asa 1C. Leonard. Makes bono and muscle faster than any other remedy. Brings strength , health and happiness to the whole fam ily. That's what Holllster's Rocky Mountain Tea will do. 115 cents , tea or tablets. The Klcsau Drug Co. For many years one of the most pop ular InduulrloH In the Hulled Slalos lias consisted In gelling the monopoly of some public utility In town or city frequently by bribing the council Iroiiipmloimly ever capitalizing It and collecting enough from consumers to pay dividends , Hut evidence dally nc- iimnlntPH to the effect that this prof- table business Is rapidly falling Into Ipuny. The vote for municipal own- urshlp in Chicago , the defeat of the JIIH lease in Philadelphia and many less noted Instances all over the conn- try , are straws pointing undeniably to : ho fact that the palmy days of the franchise are past. The snnltnry commission nt Panama will have not only to temporarily heck the yellow fever on the isthmus so that work will progress , but they will bo obliged to absolutely clear the xono from Its ravages if the canal Is to accomplish the mission for which It Is being constructed. Up to the present tlmo Asia has not been Infect ed with the yellow fever germ , but the conditions In India and southern i\sla are favorable to Its development and If an Immense trafllc should pass through the Infected district of Pan ama there Is llttlo doubt but what the disease would bo carried Into the ori ent nnd spread like wild fire. Med ical science has a great work to do in discovering practical methods for the extermination of this awful disease. Indigestion Cured. There Is no case of Indigestion , dys pepsia or Rtomncb trouble that will not vleld to the digestive and strength ening Inllueiico of Kodol Dyspepsia Turn This remedy takes the strain oft' the stomach by digesting what yon eat nnd allowing It to rest until It grows strong again. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure affords quick nnd permanent re lief from Indigestion nnd all stomach troubles , builds up the system and so purifies that disease can not attack UK ! irnln a foothold ns when In n weakened condition. The constantly Increasing use of Kodcl Dyspepsia Pine by physicians of hospital and uenoral practice of Itself tells how this wonderful modern discover } has proven to bo the greatest dlgestant for the alleviation of a suffering human Ity. . Its many cures of both children and adults grows larger day by day Sold by Asa K. Leonard. If you want a smooth , clear complex Ion , take Holllstcr's Rocky Mountain Tea this month. Hrlgbt eyes and red lips follow Its use. 35 cents , tea or tablets. The Kiesnu Drug Co. The question of Increasing the gov ernment revenues by taxation Is again under dlscusslpn. There Is talk of a tax on coffee , a further tax on beef and n revival of that most aggravating of taxes , the stamp tax. nut more def initely thnn any of these , the Income tax Is being agitated. This would bo highly popular with the masses , but of course would bo fought to the death by the plutocrats. One contemporary objects to It on the ground of the wholesale perjury It would bo the cause of. There Is same strength In thnt objection. Heaven knows there- Is enough lax lying done in America now. One favorite form of Income tax dodging In England is to make no Income return to the government. In such a ease the government makes its own estimate. If It is too low the citizen pays and keeps his mouth shut ; If it Is too high he can protest and get It revised. Dillons Dill was agitated , And was much debilitated. People said ho had consumption. Thnt wns everyone's presumption. When ho learned what was the matter Dill made nil the doctors scatter. Now ho Is his own adviser , Swears by Llttlo Early Risers. The famous little pills "Early Risers' cure constipation , sick hoadncho , bll lousness , etc. , by their tonic effect on the liver. They never gripe or sicken , hut Impart early rising energy. Good for children or adults , Sold by Asn 1C. Leonard. A wonderful tonic for the flick nnd atlllctud. Got strength , health nnd hnpplnoss by using Holllstor'a Rocky Mountain Ten this month , A bracing family medicine. 3G cents , ten or tab lets. The Klcsau Drug Co. Every man Is undoubtedly master of Ills own promises , but that Is hardly milllclcnt justification for him to de liberately take bin gun and shoot down a boy who was found on blH property , oven If the boy wan trespassing. The NOWH Is not attempting to try n case out of court , but this Is scarcely tlmo for maudlin sympathy to bo extended to n man who will do n dastardly deed of thnt character. If llartlo FJseffor recovers , which now seems probable , Dletz will only go to the penitentiary for a few yearn , but If the young man should happen to die , and Diet/ cer tainly shot as though ho Intended to' kill him. then Dletx would very properly orly be hung. It Is time for persons to understand that oven trespassers linvo some rights that they must ro- spect. ' If they do not want people on their premises they might go out with n horse whli nnd drive thorn off , or n iK'ltor way would bo to bavo them nr- rested , but they must not commit mtir- dor niili-ss they expect to suffer the consequences. Three Good nnd Just Reasons. There nro throe rensons why mothers ors prefer One Minute Cough Cure * First , It IB absolutely harmless ; second end , It tastes good children love It : third , it cures coughs , croup and whooping cough when other remedies fall. Hold by Asa K. Leonard. In more ways than one the defeat Spain received at the bands of the United States hns proved a blessing n disguise. Spain was and bad been 'or manv years land poor , Relieved of ler unprofitable colonial possessions and brought to a now and clearer son o nf their obligations nnd oppor- nniili's ns n government among the latlons of the world , a now life has seemed to enter the veins of the Cas- Illons ami prosperity has smiled on he awakening. Government bonds mvo risen from "I to 00 , her mercan tile marine hns readied n tonnage of 711.000 , of which fiSO.OOO is of steam ers. Their railroad system has In creased proportionately. Rut probably the most notable advance and the one that means the most to the country's future Is along educational lines. The influcnco of the young king Is all for good. Himself a finely and honestly educated mnn , bo Is opening the way for the similar development of other young men. Spain , centralized , awak ened , conscious of her own wealth and resolved to make the most of It , may yet astonish the world. In her honest struggle upward she will have the sympathy and good will of the Amer ican peoplo. ATCHISON GLOBE SIGHTS. After a girl passes thirty , she Is old enough to marry a widower. The man who seldom reads , loves to hnvo his picture taken in a library scone. How bold and aggressive wo all are at times , and how weak and helpless at others ! The world fools sorry for the man In continual bad luck , but It has no respect for him. There never wns a man , prnhnbh who did not rend a complimentary let ter at least twice. This Is the season of the year whoi a man wears such thin clothes that It hurts him to sit down. When an old soldier moves to a strange town , bow do people know he is to be called "colonel ? " There Is always a clnsh botwcoi the mnn who has eaten his pie and the man who has saved It. Men like to bo coaxed , but not one woman In a hundred knows whcr coaxing ends , and nagging begins. After a man passes fifty it is impos slblo for him to got up any enthu slasra about anything but his troubles The groom at j\ church wedding nl ways looks so scared that people In the nudfenco wonder how ho found courage to propose. If you toll a friend your trouble nnd ho weeps with you , it Is not for , your trouble be.weeps , but at the recollec tlou of his own. There is a time in the life of the female baby when men are not pected to take off their hats to it on the street. At what ago does the chili ; expect it ? At ton , or fifteen , or six teen ? Wo are always hearing that this or that man will come out all right In time and that he would bo all right If ho had n chance , but the great domain : of the hours la for men who umounl to something now , whether they have n chance or not. DECAUSE HE ASKED FOR A DRINK OF LIQUOR. POLICE CAN'T FIND MURDERER Officers Livingstone nnd Ueker Now Believe They Had the Murderer In a Box Car Last Night nnd Let Him Go Body May go to Medical College ri'-rotn Thiirsdny'H Dnllv. ] The pollco have as yet failed to lo cate or secure any clew ns to the whereabouts of a murderer who last night shot to death an unknown negro on the platform of the Northwestern station nt South Norfolk , when the darky asked for n drink. It was thought at n o'clock this morning that the murderer bad boon apprehended In u box car at Fremont but the person hold there later proved to bo the wrong party. Two Omaha lads who wore with the murderer Inst night when the shooting wns done , nnd who snw the negro fall ever dead with a bullet In bis brain , worn separated so that they could not concoct anything In the way of a story , and were closely questioned nt the coroner's Inquest today. They nro Vernon Turner , nged sixteen , nnd Roy Peer , nged sixteen. Story of Eye Witness. "We had been with this fellow nnd a partner of his during the day , " said one of the lads to The News. "Wo had been drinking reduced alcohol and were lying on the bank of the Elkhorn river , south of the Northwestern rail road yards , when it began to rain. The four of us started Into the yards. At the tracks the partner of the mur- leier left us. turning west on the mnln line nnd bending for a box car In which he had prepared a bed for him self. Ho wns short and wore a sandy noiistacho. "We started toward the railroad sta tion , seeking shelter from the rain. Wo huddl'od up tinder the protection of the side of the depot and took a Irlnk. " Negro Wanted a Drink. "On n baggage truck , in the rain , sat a negro whom wo had never seen be fore. He looked up and said , 'Give me i drink , lad. ' "At this our comrade drew a gun from his pocket , held It two feet from ho face of the dnrky and snapped the trigger. The negro fell over dead with n bullet in bis brain. Wo ran into the eating house to tell them that some one had been killed , and never saw the murderer again. "The murderer was a pretty good sized mnn , square shouldered and very dark of skin. He wore a black slouch liat , with no creases In It , and had a black and blue mark under his left eye and on his nose , where someone had struck him. He wns drunk when he shot. " The negro , about thirty years of ago and not a bad looking darky , was n perfect stranger In Norfolk. He wns shot squarely through the center of the forehead. The remains were tak en to the undertaking rooms of Ses sions & Hell nnd held for the coroner's inquest nt 10 o'clock this morning. Body Will Go to Medlcnl School , It Is probable , under the circum stances , that the body will be taken to the state medical college at Lincoln , for dissection. The law provides thnt where the body is not claimed within n certain lencth of time by friends , it goes to the medical school. Believe They Saw Murderer. In search of the murderer , Night Watchman Uocker and Officer Living stone went through n stock train thnt wns headed cast last night and anoth er that went west. They found in one box car. with n bed made"up , a pair of tough looking customers who , ac- cord'ng ' to the belief of Officer Uokcr. atiswered the description bv the Omn- ha boys of the murderer and his pnrt nor. The partner had the moustache ns described by the boys , the build was about the same and a fore-ln-hnnd necktie , spoken of by the eye witness es , was around the neck of the mur derer himself. Ticker wanted to ar rest the men on suspicion nnd bring them to Jail , but Livingstone Insisted thnt they wore not the proper parties nnd the arrest was not made. They were both wet from the rain nnd had n pretty completely prepared bunk In spite of their statement that thev Iw ! just arrived a moment before. They had no gun , but n gun could east' } have been thrown away. The theory of OfUcer Uoltor Is thnt the partner went Into the enr when In- left the murderer nnd boys , ami thit ; later , after ho had done the shootliiR , the murderer , too drunk to navigate very far or to apprehend his own dan ger In remaining near the city , joined his comrade In tlio c < u- and that both were there to sleep when the ofllcers arrived. They said they wore go'ng ' north on the Conestecl line this morn ing. ing.This This morning after talking with the Omaha boys , Officer Livingstone came to the conclusion , too , that ho nnd UeUor had the murderer In the eir last night when they found the two follows. ! False Alarm at Fremont. ! A false alarm which brought hopes that the murderer had been caught , ! came from Fremont during the night. The conductor of a train from Norfolk east found a man In one of the cars nnd locked him In. The sheriff at Fre mont was notified nnd the train held at East Side while the man wns looked up. He was Identified , however , ns a man who had been with the train ever since It loft Casper , Wyo. , and there fore lie was released. * / CORONER'S ' INQUEST. Verdict Found to Correspond With the Facts of Killing. Coroner Kindred of Meadow Grove was notified of the murder and reached the city this morning. At 10 o'clock an Inquest wns held over the romnlns , which had been taken to Sessions & Hell's undertaking rooms. The Jury Impannollod by the coroner consisted of the following named : Jess Heemer , C. R. Richardson , R. W. TleswfcU , L. Sessions , .1. G. Conplln and B. Neth- away. Tlio two boys who witnessed the tragedy were the only ones who gave testimony , although Chief of Pollco Hny was sworn but not examined. The statements of the two boys agreed and was practically as published. They said that the mnn seemed to hnvo a desire to shoot , nppnrently more In the spirit of drunken bravado than anything else. While going toward - ward the depot ho kept snapping the revolver and once It went off. When the negro spoke to him on the plnj form be lifted up the revolver and again snapped It and this tlmo the weapon went off. The boys do not bo- f Hove the mnn Intended to kill his vic tim. Verdict of Jury. At the conclusion of the testimony the jury found n verdict ns follows : "Tlmt unknown cnmo to his tdonth from a gun shot wound in his bond , fired from n revolver in the hands of n man , whose name Is unknown and that the act was done with murderous intent. Said deed was committed on the depot platform at Norfolk Junc tion nt or about 8:10 : p. m. August 2,1 , 100- . " Description of Murderer. A description of the murderer as given by the two witnesses Is as fol lows : Height about n feet , 5 Inches , weight 1(10 ( pounds , full fnco , heavy sot , broad across shoulders , slight Roman nose , appeared ns If It had been broken , both eyes blacked and n heavy mark under the right eye and across top of nose as If ho had been struck recent ly. Ho wore a dark double breasted coat and black vest , light striped trou sers , black shoes , bluchcr cut , n blue striped soft shirt with collar attached , ) Inek neck tie , n black Stetson hat in good shape. In all he wns well dressed. He was very much under the Influence of alcohol. He Is very dark complexloned nnd the boys thought he is a half breed or quarter breed Indian > r Spaniard. Hold Witnesses In Jail. The two Omaha boys who saw the shooting were held as witnesses un der $500 bonds each and were taken to Madison by Sheriff Clements , who hap pened to bo in town. The boys are telling their story of the affair on the Installment plan. They first left out nil mention of the partner of the murderer nnd did not give that feature until morning. Later they said there were two comrades of the murderer one a cripple and one with n moustache. They also said that the murderer , walking toward the de pot , kept snapping the trigger of his revolver , and tirM it of [ once. Word was reeohod today from South Omaha that the cripple and the mnn with the moustache had been caught by rnlhond men and are being hold. Those men were seen leaving town on a train , but the officers did not arrest them. Enjoyable Sociable. A largo crowd of young people Im mensely enjoyed the lawn social given at the Freythnler property , corner Twelfth street and Madison avenue , last night. Ice cream was a pleasant , feature. If you are too fat It is because your food turns to fat instead of muscle strength. If you are too lean the fat producing foods that you oat are not properly dicested and assimilated. Lean , thin , stringy people do not have 1 enough Pepsin in the stomach , while fat people have too much Pepsin and not enough Pancreatino. Dyspepsia Cure i | contains all the digestive juices that are ! found in a healthy stomach , and in , exactly those proportions necessary to enable the stomach and digestive organs to digest and assimilate all foods that may be eaten. Kodol is not only a perfect digestant , but it is a reconstructive , tissue - sue building tonic as well. Kodol cures Indigestion , Dyspepsia , Sour Stomach , Heartburn , Palpitation of the Heart and Constipation. You will like it Digests What You Eat Rests the stomach , rebuilds the tissues and gives firm flesh. C ll b UI hoUllU i rr p r d it thi lib. ! M nick M Ui orU rrolI.O.D Wltt OU1 , cr M out tlm. j Bold by Asa K. Loomud.