The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, August 18, 1905, Page 4, Image 4

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    NORFOLK NEWS : FIUDATr , AUOTST 18 , 1005. n
W. I * . llUfia , 1'iiMUIiiT.
* "
[ KMnbtliilioil 1SR7.1
nvory rtny except Humlny. liy car
rier par wock , IB aoiita. Ily Norfolk
pontntlloo tlollvory. per j'onr , " ' ' " >
innll on rurnl routon nntl oiilimlo or
NorfolU. per yonr , ta.OO.
The Mown. KMnl > llnhtiil , 1881.
Thn Jatirnnl. ICntnbllritioil , 1877.
Kvory rrlilixy. Hy mnU per yonr , $1.50.
Rnloreil nt tlio pctntnlTIro nt NorfolU ,
Noli. , nn noconil olunn mutton
TelauhntioNi ICilliorml Dnpnrtinont ,
No , 22. lliiHlnoiiR Olllco nnil Job Iloomo ,
No. 11 52. _
Nothing pny liottor dlvldendu limn
Seine men nro well thought of bo-
caiiRO they think a wliolo lot of thorn-
It's not the Imttlo thnt wo fonr lint
the fonr of the battlo. It's the thlngH
( tint never happen thnt worry im most.
Tom Watson IH nnothor man who Is
greater ( linn bin imrty. Thin IH proved
by the IncronBltiR clrcnlntlon of hln
The nirnl free dollvory routes nro
great lionofncloin of the dully paper ,
especially the Binnll dully In the locnl
Nature never ImlldH with hrlc.lcx , nor
docs slio how lior rockn to u ntnnd-
nrd meuanro. Uniformity In n hnmnn
The yellow jonrnnl pontlnnon to oc-
pupy the center of tlio stage na the
deadliest yellow peril which Amorlcu
hns to fnco.
Shurlts huvo npponrpd In largo nutn-
tiers nt Oyster Uny. Hut In Washington -
ton they long "go found u fnvorlto
limiting ground.
A mnn In Chicago IH writing a hooli
on the "modest drnmmor. " Ilo nood-
IpRsly nnnnunccs thnt It will lie a grout
pleco of [ letIon ,
Justice Ilrowor says : " .lupnn , It
would scorn , hns mndo tlio goddess of
vlPtory l\or \ hired girl. " Slio certainly
found u good ono. , ,
Is Mr. llrynn going to nttompt ttio
.Hlnlno net by taking u trip to Huropo
"lusting until npur ftto tltno for prosl
dontlnl iiomlnntlonB ?
No wonder tbnt the revolutionists
are making no much trouble for the
czar. It la KO much moro comfortnblo
in Siberia tlmn It Is In HiiBsla.
Tow Lnwson Is suld not to bo In
very good health , but tie bus the snt-
Isfnctlon of having made "tho system
look very tired out already.
When Tnft ronchod the Philippines
ho received 'a welcome from the Fil
ipinos which reminded him of the glo
rious Fourth of July In America.
There la certainly grcnt cause for re
joicing In Nebraska this yonr. The
present Indications are that the corn
crop will surpass the wheat crop.
Chlcugo wants to stop the cnrnlvul
of prime which has been raging In that
city for several months. Chicago does
get some peculiar Ideas In her bend.
Jim Hnzen Hyde , who bus sovornl
bunches of money , Is looking for n
bride. Address nil communications
carefully nml bo sure they nro scnlod.
The shnh of Persia must bo going
somewhere quick anil thinking of tnk
lng some of his neighbors with him.
Ho hns Just ordered six automobiles.
It Is announced thnt Gov. LaFollotto
of Wisconsin will relinquish the office
of governor early In September and
go to Washington as United States
If there Is work for the Salvation
Army anywhere It would ECO mto bo
In Russia. Thnt country evidently
needs nn army and certainly needs
Queen Alexandria has decreed by
her personal example thnt the wear
ing of much Jewelry Is vulgar. This
news' will bo received with Joy by ed
Itors' wives.
The mnn who day by dny does what
he knows bow to do ns well as ho
Itnows how to dot it , Is fulfilling his
mission on this mundnno sphere , am
who can do more ?
No more detective stories can be
sold on the Pennsylvania railroad
The rend cnn furnish nil the horrors
-.Itself without anyone from the outside
conjuring up any.
r hlqago cnn console herself wltl
r , the thought that the larger number of
traveling public would rather have
twejity/ronr hours to New York tlmn
Eighteen , hours to eternity.
new ; Minnesota gnmo law forbids -
bids the aklnj of pike less than fourteen -
, teen toshes "Jn" length. Such n law-
is'toothlng' loss than foolish. No one
ever heard of a man catching a pike
or any olhor kind of a fish mensur-
ng IOHH tlmn three foot.
Mr. llrynn miyfl thnt ( ho woods nro
full of democrats. Thnl may bo true ,
but It's only In the voting booths thnt
hey count. HoluriiH up to dnlo don't
show them plenty there.
The iiinii who jitnrlH out to reform
tlio world must expect ( tint bin generation -
oration will Ignore nnd dlsllko him.
After bo Is dend , pcoplo will begin to
tuko off their liutH to hln memory.
Wontorn Nebraska does not trot In
the Homl-nrld cliiHs thlfl year. When
the ruins wash out Irrigation dnniH It
looks ns though Dumo Nuturo felt ( lint
her rlglitR uro being ( umporod with.
The number of Indians In Minneso
ta hnn liicreuHed nearly 50 per cent In
the lust few yonrfl. The red men niiiHt
hnvo boon rending Ilooaovolt'ii speech
es on "rnco sulcldo" nnd appepted his
Now thnt the Chinese government
IH railly making money off It'fl rail
road syatoin , porhnps the empress
downger will huvo n higher apprecia
tion of the Inventions of the foreign
The meeting of the two vast armies
In the fnr eiiHt bids fnlr to bo nn oc
casion of grent rojolelng and Inter-
ehnngo of military courtesies instend
of u Hpeno u terrible purnngo , us WIIH
SInpp I'uul Morton took thnt $20,000
away from him which ho got every
year from the Kqultnblo , Chnuncoy
Oopow bun one loss Joke to draw upon
for his nftor dinner speeches. It cer
tainly wasn't anything but u Joko.
Chicago justice , at lenst , Is no ro-
spcctor oltbor of the millionaire or
the mnn who works him. In ono dny
the grand Jury In thnt city Indicted
nearly fifty strikers nnd eighteen beef
mngnntes. There was no use beefing
about it , cither.
With the prospect of a cessation of
hostilities In the fur oust , thnt old
European war cloud Is beginning to
loom up. When everything else fulls ,
the newspapers cnn always depend
upon It to como to t'ho front. It Is n
friend In need.
Dr. Pntton expresses the conviction
thnt "nothing cnn bo phllnntbroplcnlly
given which Is not pbllanthroplcnlly
earned. " How does this Idea Impress ;
the great American philanthropists
who nro endowing colleges nnd public
brarlos ?
The public schools of the state
hould bo permanently divorced from
lolltlcs. To Insure the best of sor-
Ice , our boards of education should
> o elected solely because of their fit-
less and desirability for the position
hey are to occupy without regard to
mrty afllllutlons.
The humane league of London is
ust completing a hospital for sick
animals. Now the poor mnn of the
city who depends upon his pony or
ils donkey to help him earn his llv-
ng , cnn tnko his nnlmnl there when
stricken with sickness nnd have it
rented free of charge.
Philadelphia has discovered that she
ins 70,000 voters who nro listed on Its
loll books , who hnvo been slumbering
n tbo various cemeteries for sevornl
roars. This Is certainly a cnse of
pernicious activity on behalf of the
'dead ones. " The first thing they
know , John Paul Jones will bo voting.
The Lincoln public schools are to
Install manual training and domestic
science in their catalogue of attrac
tions for the coming yenr , with kltch
en for girls' clnsses nnd a work shop
for the boys. Nebraska public schools
nro second to none nnd the public
sentiment favors Moping them strict
ly up to date in every line.
Nebraska Is too busy to have a
great amount of Interest In the state
election. When business Is booming
and farmers arc at their wits end to
know how to take care of their splen
did crops , politics fall to rouse any
great enthusiasm. The conventions
do not meet until lute In the sensor
nnd the campaign will bo short. If
the odd year election were abolished
few would regret it.
The bill upon which tbo ancient Al
hambra of Granada , Spain , Is built ,
Is being undermined by the Darr river
and the old palace which has been sw
beautifully described by Washington
Irving will bo destroyed unless the
encroachments of the wntor cnn be
checked. Experts hnvo been engaged
to change the course of the river if
Wm. B. Hearst is agnln setting his
prosldentinl boom in order so tbnt It
may cntch nil the fnvorlng breezes
thnt money cnn buy. Mr. Hearst car
ries on a strictly up to date newspaper
campaign Jind Is a thorough believer
In liberal advertising but the trouble
is that be takes himself far moro se-
rloiiRly tlmn his countrymen do. Ho
Is JiiHt the typo of a mnn ( lint the people
ple nro not looking for nt this time
to fill the cotintcy'fl highest olllce.
'Phono RpenoH In HusBln nro but a
repetition of the stories of the ages
n pcoplo groping upward In dnrkneas
Inward the light. Thono who hnvo
been on ( op of tlio lid , holding It
down , Inevitably suffer when It Is
thrown off. The lid IH being lifted In
the czar's empire. The Romanoffs
will bo happier nnd moro fortunnta If
they got off of It. It will never bo
ploRcd agnln. *
The Nebraska Stnto Journal thinks
Unit I ho Into HOHHloii of the legislature
WIIH not nn entire failure , oven If the
upproprliitlons were lurge , nlnco the
bill muklng It unlawful to keep trained
monkeys dancing moro than twenty-
flvo bourn n. day passed both houses.
There Is nothing llko appreciating
one's blessings.
How the ehronlc stnto of worry nnd
rush In which the modern American
lives was shown by tbo Inquiry of a ,
bright young Greek who arrived In
Now York ropontly. Wntehlng ( lie
crowd on Ilrondway ho asked , "Wlmt
IH the mnttor ? There Roems to bo
Homo grent excitement. " It took some
time to convince him thnt there was
no unusual commotion and thnt oncli
person was simply ImHtotilng to at
tend to bin own business.
President Fish of the Illinois Cen
tral railroad favors mnklng the Inter
state commlRslon a court of record ,
papablo of enforcing Its rulings , nnd
also any form of legislation thnt will
tend to tbo extermination of discrim
inating rebates. Ivet tbo people re-
jolco. If ono rnllroud mnn of promi
nence IB willing to huvo his business
put on u legitimate bnals there is
hope thut others may como to sco the
matter in the snmo light.
Chnuncoy Dopow has been n most
brilliant example of the "good follow"
In politics. Ilo linn preached optimism
nnd been a sponger. Ho has helped
tbo boys along at public expense.
Such men are not going to occupy the
chief places during the next decade.
The pcoplo nro going to give the rewards -
wards of public position to those who
are willing to servo them honestly , not
for gnln or pelf , but because they have
u passion for public service.
Secretary Wilson announces bis In
tention of remaining nt his desk with
out his customnry vncntion until ho
bus completed the laborious Investi
gations which ho is personally con
ducting In bis department. It Is the
accurncy of bis reports to the com-
morclnl world which hnvo so roused
the enmity of speculators in agricul
tural products , nnd the fight ngnlnst
him hns never relaxed. But the coun
try has full faith in the Integrity of
Secretary Wilson.
Ruined lives , broken hopes'bleeding
hearts nnd dlsmnntlcd homes nro the
price of the Immense nnd collossal
fortunes which hnvo been built up by
tbo Standard Oil and other monopo
lies. Yes , it's tainted money , tainted
with the suffering and tolls of others
from whom it has been wrested. Is
it any wonder its possessors want to
give It away ? Is it any wonder that
they are uneasy nnd restless ? Ill got
ten wealth can never bring nny hap-
plness , much less the respect of oth
The contract for seventy-two Monotype
otypo machines mndo by the public
printer hns been cancelled and only
twelve will bo taken. There was no
cull for the number contracted for.
Palmer will resign. There Is very ev
ident need of a house cleaning in the
various departments of the govern
ment nnd It is n great credit to the
nntlon thnt a mnn Is In control of af
fairs who will not stop In his work of
probing and purging until the whole
bouse Is swept clean from cellar to
Three Good and Just Reasons.
There are three reasons why moth
ers prefer One Minute Cough Cure :
First , it is absolutely harmless ; second
end , It tastes good children love it ;
third , it cures coughs , croup nnd
whooping cough when other remedies
fall. Sold by Asa K. Leonard.
Regulates the stomach and bowels ,
heals and soothes the little ones' stomachs
achs nnd gives them a healthful and
natural sleep. Holllster's Rocky
Mountain Tea is the children's bene
factor. 35 cents.
The Kiesnu Drug Co.
Prof. John Adams of the university
of London hns stnrted n new fad for
the school teachers. He earnestly
protests against the wearing of black
clothing by those who "train the young
Idea to shoot. " His contention is
that black suggests "sin and death , "
and that educators of the young should
bo life embodiment of good cheer and
gayety. When serious thought is giv
en the subject , it is manifest thnt it
would tend to a spirit of gayety to
hnvo the professor come into the rec
itation room some morning attired in
a fawn colored coat with Inrgo white
buttons , green trousers , a rod vest ,
blue tie with a moonstone pin , nnd
a lint with a multi-colored band. Ono
miiHt ngroo with Prof Adams the Htu-
dciitH would be more cheerful.
Dailies' skin will bo soft , fnlr nnd
smooth If you glvo thorn Holllstor's
Rocky Mountain Tea this month. It
regulntoH the Btomnch nnd bowels. It
makes the little ones sleep and grow.
35 cents. The Klcsau Drug Co.
A little cnso of "Htato rights" has
developed down In Douglas wherein
the commlsHlonorn and county clerk
refuse to carry out the express order
of the state board of equalization In
regard to assessments. Whether they
will secede from the rest of the stuto
or not hns not yet boon announced ,
but It Is thought thnt Attorney Gonornl
Brown nnd other stnto olllclals will
find a way to bring them to time.
Douglas county nlwnys did huvo the
notion thnt It wns hlciior than nil
tlio rest of the stnto nnd hero may bo
a good tlmo to demonstrate It.
A Smooth Article.
When you find It necessary to use
salvo use DoWltt's Witch Hazel salvo.
It is the purest , and best for sores ,
burns , bolls , eczema , blind , bleeding ,
Itching or protruding piles. Get the
genuine DoWltt's Witch Hazel salvo.
Sold by Asa K. Leonard.
How cnn Uncle Sam afford to guar
antee protection for millions of dollars
lars of American money which Is In
vested In foreign countries nnd from
which ho receives no Income through
taxation ? J. P. Morgan with his rail
road In China nnd the Standard Oil
company with extensive Interests In
Nicaragua , together with many other
similar Investments , nro likely some
dny to coat the United Stntes govern
ment n grent bill for protection. Who
will pay this bill slnco the property Is
not n source of revenue to Amerlcnn
coffers- ? The people , of course , while
those great capitalists practically es
cape taxation nt home. It Is not pleas
ing to have another feature ndded to
the list of complications with foreign
Indigestion Cured.
There Is no cnso of Indigestion , dys
pepsia or stomach trouble that will
not yield to the digestive and strength
ening Influence of Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure. This remedy takes the strain
off the stomach by digesting what you
eat and allowing It to rest nnt.ll It
grows strong again. Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure affords quick nnd permanent re
lief from indigestion and all stomach
troubles , builds up the system and so
purifies that disease can not attack
nnd gain a foothold as when In a
weakened condition. The constantly
Increasing use of Kodcl Dyspepsia
Cure by physicians of hospital and
general practice of Itself tells how
this wonderful modern discovery has
proven to bo the greatest dlgestant for
the alleviation of a suffering human
ity. . Its many cures of both children
and adults grows larger day by day
Sold by Asa K. Leonard.
Don't wait until your blood Is Impov
erished and you are sick and ailing ,
but take Holllster's Rocky Mountain
Tea. It will positively drive out all
Impurities. 35 cents , tea or tablets.
The Klcsau Drug Co.
It is believed by people who have
given the matter a little study thnt
more winter whent could be raised to
advantage in this section of the coun
try. With the snme amount of ex
pense and the snme work thnt Is spent
on the spring crop , winter wheat cnn
bo produced , nnd It will yield about
twice ns much to the ncre. Winter
wheat Is grown successfully in Minnesota
seta , Wisconsin nnd other locnlltles
to the north of us , while In southern
Nebraska nnd Kansas tt fs the staple
crop. Those who hnvo tried it hero
hnvo proven thnt It Is a success nnd
much better money mnker thnn the
spring crop. Outside the fnct thnt It
yields Inrge returns nnd Is a better
grade of whent , another reason why
It Is n good crop to sow Is that there
is very little experiment about it. If
In the spring It Is found that the stnnd
Is not all right , then the field can bo
plowed up in plenty of tlmo to put it
into corn , which makes It sure that
the ground will be In crop , a thing
that cannot always be assured of when
spring wheat Is raised.
Dlllous Bill was agitated ,
And was much debilitated.
People said ho had consumption.
That was everyone's presumption.
When ho learned what was the matter
Bill mode all , the doctors scatter.
Now he is his own advisor ,
Swears by Little Early Risers.
The famous Httlo pills "Early Risers"
cure constipation , sick headache , bil
iousness , etc. , by their tonic effect on
the llvor. They never grlpo or sicken ,
but Impart early rising energy. Good
for children or adults. Sold by Asn
K. Leonard.
From first to last the record made
by the republican state administration
In the matter of rebuilding the Nor
folk asylum hns been a shameful one
If the men responsible for It hnd been
in the emnloy of n private corporation
instead of In the ernnlov of the stnto
thev would huvo been dfschnrged long
ago , nnd might have accounted them
selves lucky to escape with no greater
The asylum , in the first place , was
turned , just ns wns the stnto penltcn-
.Inry , on account of the cureless nnd
Inx. ndmlnlHtrntlon of republican olll-
plii la
Then , when the legislature mot , it
wn.s Induced , through effective lobbyIng -
Ing on the part of Interested parties ,
to appropriate $100.00(1 ( ' 'to rebuild nnd
replace the damaged nnd destroyed
portion" of the nsvluni This Inrco ap
propriation wns mndo In consequence
of a concealment of the fact , slnco
brought to llcht. thnt a third of thnt
amount would hnvo sulllced to do the
work Hpecllled In the ennctmont.
When the appropriation became
ivnllnblo the stuto board , Instead of
using the money for the purpose plain
ly and specifically designated by the
legislature , used It to build expensive
nnd ornnto "cottages" on the asylum
grounds , on which money was luv-
Ishoil with'millionaire prodigality. . ,
The work dragped and dragged
along , with tlio unfortunate .wards of
tlio Htuto crowded to suffocation in the
Lincoln asylum , and no effort wns.over
mndo to exact or collect the penalty
for running over the contract time.
And now It Is tardily disclosed that
these costly cottages , erected In de
fiance of the law and completed
months after tbo tlmo specified. , are
nbsolutolv useless. They nro without
plumbing nnd sowerngo connections
nnd nro totally destitute of electric
wlrlnc tbnt would make It possible to
light them. They must stand Idle for
Rovornl weeks longer while these de
fects nre remedied.
And yet there nro republican organs
thnt huvo tbo hardihood to boast that
Governor Mickey and his associates
are giving Nebraska "a good business
administration ! " . . . ,
It mav bo "good business" for thoni.
but It's mightv poor business for tbo
people who pay the taxes. Omaha
Whllo tbo World-Herald meant to
10 fair in tbo statements mndo In the
foregoing editorial , It is so woefully
nlslnformed In regard to the matter
thnt It hns not como nnywhoro near
the truth. If It had had the facts whol-
y in its possession the aitlclo never
would have appeared.
It is not fnlr to charge that the nsy-
urn burned because of the lax meth
ods of republican officials. It Is not
known how the flro did originate , nnd
probably never will be. The hospital
mil been without adequate flro proi
: cctlon from the tlmo it was built , and
: hls Included its career through fu
sion ns well ns republlcnn administra
tions. Ono of the smaller buildings
; mrned during the suporlntendency of
Dr. Helper , a democrat , but no ono
ever thought of charging him with bo
ng responsible for It. On the con
trary a campaign was Immediately be
gun to secure n water system thnt
would protect the property in future.
This campaign hnd resulted in secur-
ng from tbo republlcnn legislature ,
which met the winter before the fire ,
nn appropriation largo enough 'to In
stall such a plnnt , nnd nt the very
time of the fire a now stand pipe was
in course of construction and would
have been finished \vlthln a few
weeks. Republicans attempted to pro
tect the property after It had been al
lowed to remain unprotected through
a number of terms of fusion adminis
tration , but the fuslonlsts held on too
long and the republicans could not
get the work done , which should have
boon done long before , in tlmo to save
the buildings.
When it was sought to secure an
appropriation for rebuilding the de
stroyed hospital , $150,000 was asked
for , but the legislature cut the amount
down to $100,000. Later developments
showed that instead of the amount
appropriated being three times too
much to place the institution in condi
tion to care for as many patients ns
t held at the time of the fire , the full
$150,000 asked for would not have
been sufficient. But tt was a start ,
and the board of public lands and
buildings used It to the best advant
age. Instead of reconstructing the
building In the form It was originally ,
the cottage system was adopted on the
advice of Insanity experts , after the
matter had been thoroughly can
vassed. The cottage system of hand
ling insane patients is being adopted
in many states and will be In others
as rapidly ns their financial condition
will nllow. It is considered the model
plnn to treat this class of patients , glv
Ing them less restraint , does not hud
dle a large number of them together
in one great building , while the danger
from fire Is minimized. The state un
questionably received Its money's
worth In the administration building
and three cotages that were erected
for the $100,000. It Is true that there
is some division of opinion as to the
manner In which the buildings are
architecturally arranged , but the state
: > oard were wholly dependent upon the
stnto nrchltect for the details of the
work. There Is no question , notwlth-
standing this difference of opinion ,
that the amount allowed by the state
wns not misappropriated In the con
struction. Committees of the last leg
islature went Into this subject thor
oughly , and their finding was that the
money had been honestly spent , al
though they questioned the efficiency
of the arrangement of the buildings.
The last legislature appropriated
$35.000 moro to reconstruct the west
wing of the old building , the walls of
which nro still standing nnd In good
condition. 'This wing wns the best
pnrt of the salvnge from the burned
structure , nnd the cost of repnlrlng Is
only nbout one-sixth what it will cost
to place the Institulon In condition to
glvo It the snme capacity that It had
before the fire.
The statement that the cottages are
useless because of lack of plumbing ,
sewerage and wiring is ill advised.
The buildings are plumbed and wired
throughout. Connections are now be
ing made with the "sewers and the line
of the city electric light company has
boon extended to the hospital and It
Is a matter of only n very short tlmo
until the lights mny bo turned on In
any or nil the buildings. In fact , It ,
Is expected to occupy one of the cot- \
tago.s this week , and the others very
shortly afterwards.
It may perhaps bo known that The
News Is not Governor Mickey's de
fender , but hero Is ono "republican
organ" that hns the hardihood to boast
that ho Is giving a "good business ad
ministration , " nt this time. The News
bolloves In being fair , with oven
Mickey. It Is a fact that cannot bo
truthfully denied that Gov. Mickey's
present administration Is one of tbo
best from an economical standpoint
that the stnto has over had. Not only
nro the state funds not being squan
dered , but on the contrary they nro /
being saved with a frugality that Is W * „ .
almost miserly. The reason for this
Is that Governor Mickey has an am
bition to reduce the state debt at least
a half during his term In office , nnd
If the present record of economy Is
kept tip , there Is every reason to be
lieve that he will succeed. Lot's glvo
Gov. Mickey credit for what ho Is doIng -
Ing , oven If wo do not like all that ho
lias done in the past.
When a man Is only half way sick ,
ho half way enjoys It.
Appear on the street with a limp ,
and they'll all ask what's the matter.
This Is the dull month when people
have nothing to do but "Josh" eacli
If we really nnd truly worked for
the love of it wo wouldn't take silver
dollnrs. They are too heavy.
The telegraph says that every ono
In the south -panic stricken. What !
Are there no Christian scientists
there ?
Answer to correspondent : After B
woman has been married fifteen years ,
she can no longer bo called a "young"
married woman.
Wo greatly admire the style this
summer the girls have adopted of
dressing nil in white ; but then we
don't have to do the washing.
Troubles are a good deal like what
you get in your eye. It hurt as if
it were as big as a katydid , but it is
almost invisible when it Is gotten out.
Mrs. Will Langan was about to whip
her son Jim , three years old , yester
day. When she produced her whip ,
little Jim said : "That thing's going
to make me cry. "
J"he croquet's advent Into popularity
has been followed by that of the auto
graph album , nnd those who waste
their time going calling will hereafter
be recalled to waste tlmo further by
carrying a few poems In their heads , /
A Wathena man was In town today
and said to an Atchison man : "Why
don't you attend our cbautauqua ? The
Atchison man was framing a polite
He , when the Wathena man continued :
"Maybe you're llko me , and don't Uke
'em. "
Try News want ada.
Office , Cotton Block , 'Phone Black 23.
Residence 109 North Tenth Street , 'Phone 354
Office , Bishop Block. 'Phono 133.
Night calls answered from office.
Is what Mri. Lucy
StovalI.ofTilton.Gju ,
said after taking
Kodol Dyspep * ! * .
Cure. Hundred *
of other weak
_ woman
being re
stored to perfect
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edy. YOU may bt
well if you will Uk
Indigestion causit
nearly all the sick
ness that women
hare. It deprives ths system of nourish
ment and the delicate organs peculiar to
women tuffer weaken , and become
Dyspepsia Cure
enables the stomach and digestive organ *
to digest and assimilate all of the whole
some food that may be oaten. It nourishes
the body , and rebuilds the weak organs ,
restoring health and strength. Kodol curee
Indigestion , constipation , dyspepsia , sour
risings.belching.heartburn and all stomach
Digests What You Eat
iril a tt lib-
Itmti u titch 41 thi err o ( S.O.D Wlt ea tt ilit. Co. . Otlctto , U.S.A.
Sola by Aaa K. Leonard