The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, August 11, 1905, Page 8, Image 8

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At One Time F. M. McNcely of Norfolk -
folk Orgnnzcd n Company to Search
for the Dueled Boat nnd Its Trcnnure
of Whisky.
( Krotn TFedwmlH' ' Daily 1
After lying in tlio mud anil Biuul of
( ho Missouri rlvor fur tifty-lhroo years ,
Niiya n recent dispatch , tin * nM steam
boat City of Now Orleans ban been
uncovered by the reconl high water
nnd Its caw of lt'0 ImrrolH of whisky
will probably bo recovered. Tbo re-
innliiR of tbo boat nro said to have
been found two miles above Uollovlow ,
thin Ftato.
Like tbo bnrled trcamiro of Captain
Kldd Ibis old ntoamboat ban been tbe
cause of a grout ninnunt of fortune
seeking on tbo part of people of Ne
braska during tbo pant batf century.
Ten or n do/on yearn ago F. M. Mo-
Nooly of Norfolk organized a com
pany to bunt thin burled Hteamboat ,
wblcb wa known to bave sunk In an
vnrly day with a cargo of whisky on
board. Hut tbo amblllona of Mr. Me
Neely and bin companions , like thorn
of hundrcdB of other similar parties ,
were never realized and after spend
ing coiiHldornhlo tlmo and money they
wore compelled to give up tlio search.
Nature , as exemplified by the Missouri
river , particularly , works In mysteri
ous ways , for now that all bopo of recovering -
covering the treasure bad probably
been abandoned , by a llttlo twist of
tVo current during high water , tbo
long sought steamboat and Its load of
liquor Is exposed to the world once
again. At the tlmo bo was making the
noarch , Mr. McNoely estimated that
If ho could recover the whisky It would
ho worth a good sized fortune , be
cause If recovered In packages un
broken Ita ago would command for It
fl big price.
\V. II. Field waa bore from Madison
W. II. Warner of Crolghlon was In
Iho clly today.
Lew Mathora was In the city ever
iilgbt from Madison.
Mrs. F. Henderson wont to Plorco
today to visit friends.
ti L. Degnor went to Wlsnor this
moving , returning at noon.
George Evorson of Newman Grove
was1 In the city ever night.
\\M11 Clements of Wymoro who has
bceij visiting his uncle , A. D. Howe ,
iindmimlly , returned to his homo yea-
Sheriff Clements was In the clly
over night. Ho had boon wcsl.
Mv'M. ' Stnnnard returned this morn-
lugtffrom n business trip to Fremont.
Altornoy Hurt Mapos went to Ona-
wa."lowa , this morning on legal busi
Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Shurtz and
daughter returned from Sioux City last
11. II. Tyson and L. W. Cromwell of
Elmwood , Nob. , were In the clly ever
Mrs. J. E. Noodhnm and Iwo chil
dren went lo Vordel ycslorday to visit
Mr. nnd Mrs. Hubert Buckingham
of rialnviow ciuno down on the early
train today.
Miss Constance Relnhart loft this
morning for a visit to her brothers at
Port'and , Ore.
Attorney F. H. Free was In the city
from Plalnvlow today , llo bad a case
In Justice court.
Misses Frances and Edith Violo wont
to Lincoln this morning for a three
weeks' visit with friends.
Pat Stanton and O. K. Ingrabm of
Tllden , and Bert llolton of Albion ,
were In the city on business.
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Huso came ever
from Wayne last ovenlng and are
guests at the homo ofV. . N. Huso.
Pinl A. Walters of the Instruction
do ] nrtment of tbo Genoa Indian
school , was In the city over night en-
route to the Santee reservation.
I'ev. W. P. Hlllyor , wife and son ,
Ra\niond. of Plalnvlew , passed
through the city this morning enionte
to Hxeter. Neb. , their future homo.
Governor J. II. Mickey arrived In
Norfolk at noon and spent the after
noon In the city before leaving for
Norden , where bo speaks on Friday.
Mr. nnd Mrs. A. Teal loft this mornIng -
Ing for Portland. They go by way of
San Francisco nnd will remain n
month seeing the sights offered by the
Miss Ilattlo Jonas and her grand
father , J. Urockor , left on the Union
Pacific for Madison to visit among
farmers of that neighborhood for two
Charles A. Madsen , who Is at home
on a vacation from Chicago , is suffer
ing with throat trouble at the homo
of his mother. Ho has been quite 111
since Saturday.
A number of Norfolk people left to
day for Omaha where they will at
tend the Adventlst campmcetlng.
Those who wont wore : Mrs. E. J.
Qoffroy , Mr. nnd Mrs. II. \ngenborg
and niece. Miss Lilly ; Mrs. Marsh
Kennedy nnd her sister , Miss Carrie
Prod Paul Is lying dangerously 111
with paralysis at his homo on Eleventh
street nnd Taylor nvonne.
The work of painting nt the Norfolk
hosnjtal for the Insane has boon finIs -
Is icd nnd W. E. Dewey and.A. D. Jen-
nlngn , who did the work , wont homo
to Lincoln thin morning. |
Among bill dlnlrlbutora who loft to
day to advertise the Norfolk raccn for
August 2l ! and 21 , were John Bridge ,
who went to Wliitddc , and Charles
MathowHon , who went to Tllden. i
A number of friends gathered at the
home of Prof. H. Miller last night as a
farewell evening to Otto Miller , who
had been vlnltlng at the homo for twoj
weeks and who loft thin morning for
Fond du Lac , Win. There wan a picas-
Ing program of munlu on the piano ,
guitar and violin. Delightful dnotn
were Hung by Mlnnoii Kllu and Agnoa
The race track la a busy spot every
morning. Horses are being worked
out In preparation for the events In
two wcoka , and there la a lively and
a growing IntorcHt In their slopping.
The mercury yesterday crawled up
one degree over Its record for the day
before. Yesterday's maximum temper
ature wan ! > 7 , and the average all day
and all night was 80 dcgrcea In the
An ontlng parly consisting of H. L.
Doughty , wlfo and two children , Mlsn
JesHlo Howe and J. T. Wolf Idol , loft
thin morning for Kent's aiding , where
they will camp out several daya. Oth
ers will join them In n few daya.
Guy W. Harnea , non of Judge J. B.
Barncn of thla clly , who baa npont the
past month on the Pacific count , has
accepted a good position an foreman
In the new sugar factory at I nrnar ,
Col. , and has returned from the coast
to Lamar.
Every one of these warm daya la
worth thousands and thousands of dollars
lars to Nebraska as a benefit to the
corn crop of the ntato. The fields wore
all Into In the start and In order to get
home , must como under the wire on
a gallop , but they are going to suc
ceed. With reasonable weather from
now until October , the corn crop will
bo the host that has been known In
Iho commonwealth.
Oco. Kochlg , who for n long tlmo hns
represented the Swift Packing com
pany In this territory , baa boon promoted
meted to bo manager of Iho branch
house of that company at Ottumwn ,
Iowa. Ho Is to report for his now
work next week. Mr. and Mra. Ko
chlg bavo many friends In Norfolk
who will regret to have thorn move ,
and yet they will rejoice in the pro
motion , which Ihoy fool Is deserved.
Irvln Gerecko will lake his place In
this territory.
The Commercial club Is In need of
moro members. There are now M5
memberships on the books , each payIng -
Ing fifty cents per month Into the
reasury , and the officials fool that
nero are needed to maintain the work
of the club. It has been Just three
nonths stnco the organization was
completed and during that tlmo the
nomborshlp dues have been paid
promptly. "Within a few days the
Muli olllcora will make an effort to so-
euro now memberships from the few
In the city who have not already
signed , and It Is to bo hoped that the
efforts will meet with eminent suc
G. H. Salt or , who has been up on
the Hosebnd , visiting the ranches of
his sons , C. H. Salter and Dr. F. G.
Suiter at Dallas , returned homo this
morning , brim full of enthusiasm for
the Hosobud country. Ho was pres
ent at Herrlck for the celebration of
the anniversary of the Hosebud openIng -
Ing , nnd enjoyed every moment of It.
There were fiOO full blooded Indian
braves , all bedecked In their native
garb of brilliant colors , war paint and
feathers. There were also dozens and
do/ens of cowboys who bad gathered
from all ever the reservation and who
performed almost impossible feats In
roping wild steers , difficult riding and
tbo like Mr. Salter was much polased
with the celebration , wblcb was at
tended by largo crowds. Ho says that
Dallas Is bound to make a good town ,
Attack of Diarrhoea Cured by One
Dose of Chnmbcrlaln's Colic , Choi-
er.i and Diarrhoea Remedy.
I was so weak from an attack of di
arrhoea that I could scarcely attend to
my duties , when I took a dose of
Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Di
arrhoea Remedy. It cured mo entire
ly and I had been taking other medicine -
cine for nine days without relief. I
heartily recommend this remedy as
being the best to my knowledge forj
bowel complaints. H. G. Stewart , of
tbe firm of Stewart & Hro. . Greenville ,
Ala. For sale by Leonard tbe drug
What Want Ads Do.
M. C. Thelscn of Creighton used n
News want ad in which ho wanted two
telephone operators. Ho writes to
day :
"Crolghton , Nob. , Aug. 9. Norfolk
News : You may take out my want ad
for girls. I got seven Inquiries. It's
a good scheme.
M. C. Thelsen.
Died of Diphtheria.
Oscar , the C-years-old son of A. M.
Snr , living on South Second street ,
died nt an early hour this morning
from diphtheria. Interment took place
this afternoon from the house nt 3
o'clock. There was nu inibllc funeral
on account ot the nature of the dis
ease of which the child died.
War Will be MadiTon Canines After
August 20.
All dog tnxes for dogs In Norfolk
must be paid to the city on or before
August 20 , 1005. All dogs caught af
ter that date , wearing no collar or
dog tax tng , will bo promptly killed.
James Hay , Chief of Police.
George Howclls of Albion , Owner of
Albion Day nnd Spokane , Two Well
Known Horses , Is Coming With a
Good String August 23 and 24.
Tbreo men started out of Norfolk
thla morning with cartloads of adver
tising matter for the big two days'
race meeting that la to bo held In the
city Auguat 2H nnd 21 , and before they
finish their work the roads leading
out of Norfolk In every direction and
for many miles will bo bedecked bril
liantly with the red letter slgna.
It waa n buay scene presented In
the hot sun yesterday nftornoon when
the advertising men , under supervi
sion of Chairman Sol. 0. Mayor of the
advertising committee , made ready the
bills nnd posters for the distribution
today. And from the work that baa
been done In preparation for the ad
vertising , It la evident that the races
will be well published before the tlmo
Two weoka from yesterday the races
will start. Two weoka from today the
starter's gong will Hound Its last. And
from the string of horses which keep
coming Into Norfolk , It Is evident that
there will bo something unusual In the
race lino.
George Howolla of Albion baa prom
ised to como with bis airing of fast
ones , which Include Spokane , Albion
Hey and n number of other well known
animals. Other horsemen from vari
ous parts of this slate and South Da
kota are sending word that they will
be on band.
The track hns never been In ns ex
cellent condition ns It Is nt the pres
ent tlmo. There nro a good string
of stalls for the accommodation of the
horses nnd It la thought that the races
will bo successful In every point.
Kay Hros. of Nellgh announce that
they will bo bore for the races with
a string of horses.
Odd Fellows of Norfolk Tender Re
ception to Mr. and Mrs. Bnrgelt.
A farewell reception was tendered
to Mr. nnd Mrs. L. C. Ilnrgelt In Odd
Fellows hall last night by members of
the order nnd their families. Mr. and
Mrs. Uargolt will leave soon for the
Pncltlc coast , where they will make
their future homo nnd the reception
ast night was given ns a token of tbo
regret which their many friends among
Odil Fellows feel at their departure.
The hall was beautlfuly decorated In
rod , white and blue , the colors being
strung from the colling and tbo chan
deliers. During the course of tbe
ovenlng , Hov. J. F. Poncher delivered
n brief nddress , expressing the sincere -
cero sorrow felt by Norfolk friends
ever the loss of Mr. and Mrs. Dargclt ,
Mr. Hargolt responded briefly and with
Delicious refreshments were served
at 10:00 : o'clock , the close of the oven
Ing's pelasnro coming at 11.
Mr. Uargelt has for years been con
nected with the staff of The Dalb
News. Ho Is now making propara
lions to leave next week for the west
where ho will locate nt some polm
not yet determined upon , and publlsl
a newspaper , which will give his
three sons , now small boys , opportu
nlty for work when they grow Inti
young manhood.
Mr. and Mrs. Uargolt both have i
great many friends In Norfolk win
will regret their loss to the community
but who will , for all thai , wish then
unlimited success and prosperity li
their future homo.
Illegal Fencing Proposition Said to be
Causing Alarm.
Hancbmon In Cherry , Grant and Do-
uel counties are greatly worried about
tbo prosecution of Illegal land fencing
cases , says an Omaha report. Cattle
men from those porls of Nebraska
bavo visited the prosecuting attor
ney's ofllco In the past ten days and
bavo been eager to have no actions
filed against them. They have de
clared that they would lose no time In
tearing down their fences upon condi
tion that the government would not
proceed ngnlnst thorn. Some of the
ranchmen brought proofs to show that
their fences had already been discon
For all that It Is stated n number of
now cases are soon to bo filed In fed
eral court Cases of those ranchmen
who hnvo had fraudulent entries filed
upon land Inclosed by their fences will
bo brought to the attenllon of the
next grand Jury. A number of equity
cases will also bo filed. Ever since
the jury nt tbo May term brought In
a verdict of guilty against the Krause
brothers , Illegal fencers have been
In a few dnys Deputy District At
torney Hush will leave for the western
part of the state where agents of the
government have boon making Investl-
gallons nnd preparing datn for the
prosecution of nddltlonnl land fencing
Contest Between Alexander and Hyde
Expensive to Policy Holders.
It Is said by men who have been
watching the Equitable fight since the
beginning , nnd who nro In close touch
wlth'certnlu directors 'and promlrient
ofllclnls , that by the tlmo the society
baa paid expenses of the fight started
by Alexander nnd Tnrboll on Hyde ,
and the great cost of liquidation and
loss of business growing out of that
flghl , the $80,000,000 surplus will have
been reduced by $15,000,000 , nnd that
pollcyholdorn will suffer proportion
ately In dividends.
The legal expenses of the test suits ,
It Is said , will not fall short of $1,500-
000. The convention of agents hold
at the Hotel Savoy to further the game
of Alexander and Tnrboll against Hyde
cost the pollcyholders $30,000 It Is es
There are rumors that reductlonsTTi
real estate values duo to rcapprlsal
will not bo less than $10,000,000. The
Frlck Investigation cost about $25,000 ,
If reports bo true , and the Ilendrlcka
Investigation $ .15,000. The Indepen
dent Investigation Instituted by Paul
Morton with the employment of Dong-
las Robinson and John M. Gelding ns
real estate exports , two largo firms
of chartered accountants , nnd speclnl
counsel , will not cost less than $25-
The advances mndo the general
agents by Tnrboll nnd others aggre
gate nbout $7,000,000 nnd It Is esti
mated that after nil hns been said and
done , the society will lose 10 per center
or $700,000 In settlements.
Ohio Clergyman Comes Out as Cham
pion of John D. Rockefeller.
Hov. Charles W. Hlodgett , pastor of
St. Paul's M. E. church , Is out as n
champion of John D. Hockefcller In n
statement ns follows :
"The recent article by Miss Ida Tar-
boll , In McCluro's , stamps the writer
ns heartless and almost vicious.
"Miss Tnrbell has by that article
smirched what might have otherwise
been n brllltnnt literary career. She
had to drag In ghosts of family his-
lory. It was unpardonable. It was
"Hov. Washington Gladden , n social
reformer of Columbus , whoso reforms
hnvo never materialized , is equally ns
vicious against Mr. Rockefeller. The
public nt largo hns como to look nt
Mr. Gladden as a sort of ecclesiastical
high-kicker. His words have but llt
tlo weight. What Is Mr. Rockefeller's
sin ? Why nro so many people damn-
"Analyze him nnd his life and hero
s the plcluro : Ho was born poor.
'Io never had any rich friends or In-
tluontlal politicians lo help him. Ho
ma made n success of himself from
ho slnndpolnt of morals. Wo only
wish It wore possible by personal ac
quaintance with Mr. Rockefeller to an
swer such a villainous article as Miss
Tarbell's. We say this without any
of our friends charging us in the state-
nont of n deslro to truckle to rich
ncu. "
Two Women Drowned and Another
Murdered at Same Spot.
In almost the same spot on the Mail
meo rlvor , where Miss Abblo Willing ,
the Toledo society girl , met a myste
rious denth Inst week , the body of
Miss Ella Grnyblll , who was slain by
an unknown assassin.was found , and
Miss Jessie McCoy , aged 18 , was
drowned accidentally.
The murder was commltlod Friday ,
and the body of Miss Grayblll , who
was employed In n Toledo tobacco fac
tory , hns just wnshcd nshoro. The
girl went out on the river late Friday
evening with a man who hired a canoe
nee from n boatman. Having mur
dered the girl , apparently by striking
her on tbo head with n heavy weapon ,
bo drew the canoe high on a bank
and fled.
Miss McCoy was rowing with
George Rcntz , nnd , in changing her
seat , lost her balance nnd fell over
board. '
Rus&in's Pence Envoy Will Make Best
Play With Poor Hand.
Walter Wellmnn , in a Portsmouth ,
N. II. , special to the Record-Herald ,
says :
Czar Nicholas' blnffer-ln-chlef , in
the stalwart person of Covml Sorglus
Witto , has arrived bore.
Count Wllle's ropulallon came hero
ahead of him. His rcpufallon is that
of as clover a bluffer as ever sat be
hind a pair of deuces and filled the
table In front of him full of the Ivories
which betokened his nerve.
WItto's mission In America Is al
ready well understood by 'those who
have carefully watched the game nnd j
who hnvo mingled with the players.
Ho has como hero to bluff the Japan
ese Into very Important modifications
of their demands under penalty of hav
ing the whole affair break up In n
From men who crossed the ocenn
with Wltto nnd who are moro or less
In his confidence , I gather that the
czar's ambassador really believes ho
can outplay the Japanese and force
them to accept n much smaller stake
than they have sot their hearts upon.
Witlo believes , as many Russians do ,
that the Japanese are far moro eager !
for peace than they permit to become
known ! Ho believes that under the
right sort of pressure they will make
lingo concessions rather than see the
conference end in failure.
The Russian envoy Is said , on excel
lent authority , to bo conscious of the ! j
fact that ho hns no hand. Ills cards [ ]
are almost blank. The one piece of ,
capital ho has , and the one ho must
make the most of , Is the possibility
that ho can so work on the fears of
the Japanese as to Induce them to
take small winnings rather than go
homo without any.
The Wonderful Growth
Is duo ( o Its
Perfect Quality
Moderate Price
Used in Millions
of Homes
Court Vacations and Other Delays Put
Off the Trials.
A Chicago dispatch regarding the
beef trust case , says :
Court vacations nnd other dolnys
probably will put off the trial of tbo
beef trust cases until the October term
of Iho federal conrl. District Attorney
Morrison today returned from Wash
ington , where ho had a conference
with Attorney General Moody on the
subject of tbo packing house and oth
er local departmental business.
.Sudden Attack of Dysentery Cured. .
A prominent lady of Hrooklyn , N.
Y. , writes to inquire where she can
obtain Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy. She says :
"While stopping at a ranch in South
Dakota I was taken ill of what seemed
to bo cholera. They gave me some of
this medicine and It cured mo. I
brought a bottle homo and have just
used tbo last of It today. Mother was
taken suddenly 111 of dysentery nnd
it helped her immediately. " For sale
by Leonard the Druggist.
Wayne Normal Notes.
( From the Wayne Democrat. )
Photographs of tbo flower gardens
bave boon sent to the state superinten
dent for exhibition at the state fair.
Tbo gardens have boon a decided suc
cess this year.
Many graduates of high schools will
enter the scientific class this fall. If
well prepared they can complete the
course hi a year nnd then enter the
sophomore class at the university or
any advanced college without exami
The matter of building another largo
dormitory before the winter terms
opens is being considered. The atten
dance last winter nnd this summer ap
pears to make the fifth dormitory al
most a necessity. The nearby neigh
bors room a largo number.
On Saturday the workmen completed
the papering nnd painting of the chap
el , commercial room , the halls and the
dining room. The recitation rooms
will bo given attention during vaca
tion. Everything will bo In splendid
condition for the fall opening.
Tbo electric lights throughout the
college building , tbo four dormitories ,
the president's home , together with the
good walks , well kept lawns , flower
beds and graded streets give college
hill tbo appearance of a beautiful vil
lage. No moro beautiful place is found
in all Nebraska.
President Pile tells us that not to
exceed twelve students bave bad a
physician called to attend them this
year. This Is surely a record for
health and shows excellent care by the
management. Moro than 1,000 differ
ent students hnvo enrolled since last
September. Only two out of ever 500
In attendance this summer , have had
a doctor.
Tlio college received this week the
fifty-four state certificates to bo Issued
to those completing that course.
Those are nicely filled out l > y Miss
Ileochol and signed by the president.
They are good anywhere In the state.
No authority except the president of
the college can issue or revoke tbo cer
tificates. The number is an Increase
of twenty over that of last year.
Miss Decchol has finished lettering
the sixty-five diplomas and tbo faculty
has signed them. They will be deliv
ered the 17th to n most deserving
class. Now diplomas were made this
year and the lettering far surpasses
anything the college has over Issued.
Hut few schools take the pains to have
everything so pleasant for the stu
dents. However , the students' suc
cess means tbo school's progress to
greater success.
Prof. Gregg who became teacher of
sciences seven years ago leaves at
the close of the year to labor olso-
whoro. Ho is not only n most success
ful teacher but a man in the best sense
of tbo word. Tbo president , faculty
and students regret that ho is going
and wish him the fullest possible sue
cess In his now field of labor.
The members of the two regular literary
orary societies enjoyed a Saturday pic
nic. The Phllomatheans were nt the
Grlmsloy grove and the Crescents at
the Sidles grove. . All report a good
tlmo. The day was spent as n body of
hard working students only can spend
It. They get moro enjoyment out of
the picnic day than most people would
In a month.
The public exercises of the com
mencement week began last evening
nnd will close Thursday evening with
an nddress by State Superintendent
McBrlen and tbo giving out of the dl-
plomns nnd the slate certlficnles by
Prcsldcnl Pile. The young people deserve -
serve a good nllendnncc at tholr exor
cises. A Inrgo crowd will bo out to
boar Superintendent McBrlen. Ho Is
a good speaker and a strong friend of
the Wayne normal.
During the brief two weeks' vaca
tion much bard work goes on to clean ,
calcamlno and paint the buildings. In
addition to this special atlentlon will
bo given to rearranging the library.
Now books will bo added , a magazine
desk will bo placed In and everything
possible done to Increase the advant
ages for the studonls. Friends of Iho
college can show a favor to the college -
logo nnd students by each donating a
good book to the library.
The facully Is working out a course
In the best general reading which will
bo required of nil members of the
teachers' and scientific courses. A
dally half hour for reading will bo
placed on each program of these class
es and a term examination given.
Special work will be planned for the
literary societies and they will bo su
pervised by n committee of the facul
ty. The aim is to strengthen nil worlc
of this kind.
Prof. Win. D. Buchanan , who suc
ceeds Prof. Gregg , comes lo Iho college -
logo with n splendid record ns to n
thorough preparation for his worlc nnd
as a successful tonchor of science. Ho
is a graduate of the Ohio Normal Uni
versity nnd later spent two years at
the Chicago university. Last year ho
taught the sciences at Mankato , Minn.
Ho is highly recommended and was se
lected from among seventy applicants
for the position.
Miss Nlebart who takes up the work
which Mrs. Bright has had for many
years , graduated from the college In
1803. She was a slrong student hero
and has made great success as n
toachor. She has attended school In
Kansas City and elsewhere. For Iho
past few years , she has been principal
of ojio of tbo ward schools of Brain-
nrd , Minn. In her tbo studonls will
find a delightful lonelier and friend.
The outlook for the new year which
opens September 4 is bettor than any
previous year. The graduating class
es will bo well filled from the opening.
Tt has become quite generally known
that the college not only does work
unsurpassed by other schools , but also
Hint state certificates nro Issued to
graduate ! ) nnd tbo stnto university nd-
mils the graduates from our teachers'
course to the freshman class and the V
graduates from our scionlific course f
to tbo sophomore class without nny
conditions or examinations.
The fncnllv fnr tlir > nnnilnnvonr it-Ill
undoubtedly prove tbo strongest , the
college has over had. Prof. Pile will
keen bis special classes ; Fred Pile
will teach Iho algebra and geometry ;
Miss Stewart will continue as director
of the music department ; Mr. gauntry
will have charge of Iho commercial
work : Miss Noibart will teach geogra
phy , history and lltouraturo ; Mr. Bu
chanan will have charge of the science
work ; Miss Neptune continues as
teacher of latin , Gorman and rhetoric ;
Miss Yakish takes charge of the elocu
tion and violin departments ; Miss Lot-
tic Robertson will direct the short
hand department ; the librarian hns
not yet been selected but some former
graduate will bo In charge.
Grandma Mott's Advice to Travelers.
"You should not travel about the
country this warm weather without n
bottle of Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera
nnd Diarrhoea Remedy , " says Mrs. '
Knto Moll , of Fairfield , Iowa , or
"Grandma Molt" as she Is familiarly
known. "One or two doses of this
remedy will always euro the worst
case of summer complaint. Wo keep
It always at hand , In fact , wo could
not keep house without It. " For sale
by Leonard the druggist.
Roosevelt to Vlstt Chautauqua.
Jamestown , N. Y. , Aug. 10. Everything -
thing Is In readiness for the visit of
President Roosevelt tomorrow. Ho is
scheduled to arrive nt Lnkowood over
the Erie between 5 nnd C o'clock In
the morning nnd will bo taken to
Chautauqua In a special tracllon car.
The trustees of Chautauqua Institu
tion hnvo Issued Invitations to n
breakfast to bo given In the presi
dent's honor at Higglns1 Memorial
hall nt 9 o'clock.
Telephone your want eds to The
News office , number 22. '