The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, August 11, 1905, Page 5, Image 5

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Clothing Store of Schmltt Droa. Touch
ed Up at an Early Hour In the Morn *
Ing Sheriff and Deputies Are Out
one the Trail.
West Point , Nob. , Aug. G. Special
to The News : Early this morning the
clothing store of Schmltt Bros , was
burglarized , six coats and ton pair of
pants being taken by the thieves. The
robbers gained entrance through the
front door by means of a false key ,
locking the door when they loft after
completing their raid.
The sheriff and his deputies are on
the trail of the robbers and It Is
thought that they will overtake them
In the course of a few hours.
O. W. Spencer of Nollgh Is n city
Mrs. F. B. Barnum ot Madison was
In the city over night.
Miss Suslo Tuppcr of Osmond was
a city visitor this morning.
Mrs. P. Stafford Is spending the day
A-lth friends In West Point.
Guy Coolcy , merchant of Hadar , was
a business visitor In the city.
Mrs. O. N. Stnckoy went to Hooper
this morning to visit friends.
Miss Gertlo Canflold of Humphrey
visited In the city this morning.
Mrs. II. Bernstein , who has heen a
guest at the homo of II. Krasne , re
turned to her homo In Craig this morn
Mrs. J. , T. Crawley went to Wlsner
this morning to visit her parents.
Miss Matilda Schmodo went to Win-
side this morning for a ten days' visit.
Aug. Hucbncr of Hadar was In the
city yesterday on his way homo from
S. II. Goodman of Battle Creek was
In the city this morning on his way to
J. II. Frovert of Burke was In town
yesterday on his way homo from
Platte Center.
Miss Ruth Catrs of Wakofleld Is
here visiting Miss Ora Smith and Dr.
Bertha Ahlman.
l > . W. H. Brltt of Crolghton was In
the city this morning on his way to
Sioux Falls , S. D.
Mrs. Mary Elliott left at noon today
for n month's visit with friends and
relatives In and near Oakdalo.
B. W. Jonas of the postofllce Is tak
ing his annual vacation at present ,
and ho will spend some of It at homo
resting up.
Mrs. H. L. Whitney and daughter
Bernlco of Omaha are in the city ,
guests at the home of Judge and Mrs.
Powers ,
Joe Brown , a cattle man of Bone-
steel , was in the city yesterday , re
turning from a business trip to Elk
Point , S. D.
Aug. II. Klesau returned last night
from a month's visit to Milwaukee ,
Chicago and other points. His family
will return Friday.
Mrs. Gust Mittelstadt and daughter
Paula returned to Laurel this morning
after a week's visit with Mrs. E. Mit
telstadt and family.
Geo. Henkle of Milwaukee arrived
yesterday noon to visit his father-in-
law , Fred Klentz , sr. Mrs. Henklo
has heen liero some time.
W. M. Robertson and D. Brunson
went to Knox county yesterday after
noon , the judge to visit his ranch and
Mr. Brunson to buy horses.
S. B. Keating of Stuart , Iowa , was
In the city over night and left this
morning for Verdlgro to look over the
country and perhaps locate.
Mrs. J. D. Halght and daughter ,
Miss Manon , were In the city this
morning for a. few hours on their way
homo to darks from a visit to rel
atives at Plalnvlow.
Louis Roy , an Indian youth who has
heen attending school at Genoa , was
In the city over night on his way to
visit friends at Ponder. Ills homo Is
at Slsseton , S. D. Ho will return to
school September 1.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mllllgan and two
children , who liavo been residing at
Wayne , passed through the city yes
terday on their way to Crelghton ,
where they expect to make their future -
turo homo. Mr. Mllllgan will engage
In the harness business.
Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Donohue came
down from Belle Fourcbo yesterday ,
and Mr. Donoliuo went on to St. Paul.
Mrs. DonohuG remains hero with her
father , P. Carberry , during her hus
band's absence. When ho returns
they expect to gr to Sioux City to
Mrs. Tinley , who has been visiting
at the homo of G. T. Sprecher , re
turned to Council Bluffs this morning.
She was accompanied by Misses Beth
and Helen Sprecher , who will visit
-AS - for two weeks with friends In Council
Bluffs and Omaha.
A. C. Hughes , freight agent of the
Northwestern at Bonosteel , was In
town yesterday on his way homo from
Sheldon , Iowa , where ho had taken
his 7-months-old twins for burial. The
children died of cholera Infantum
within a day apart.
N. A. Lockwood , formerly superin
tendent of the Norfolk sugar factory ,
but now In the now factory at Lamar ,
Col. , Is In the city from that place ,
preparatory to moving his family to
Lamar. They will leave Norfolk soon
for their now homo.
Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Irvln of Crelgh
ton and V. 13. Molchor of Plnlnv\Q\v \
reached the city on the early train
this morning. Those are the pcoplo
who have boon figuring on purchasing
the Fair store , and It Is probable that
the deal will bo consummated today
or tomorrow If at all.
Arthur IlaUcr Is expected this week
to visit his brother , W. 0. Bakor.
Aug. Hollerman , janitor at the high
school building , will spend some time
of his vacation In Wisconsin and Min
Mrs. 12. 13. Watson of Plalnvlow was
In the city at noon cnrouto homo from
Lincoln ,
S. J. G. Invln , a merchant of Crelgh
ton , passed through the city cnrouto
homo from St. Joseph.
n , L. Crollln , editor and postmaster
at Plalnvlow , passed through the city
at noon onrouto homo from a trip to
St. Joseph.
Will Hcllorman , teacher In a parochial
chial school at Manllowoc , Win. , who
has been visiting hero for thrco weeks ,
loft yesterday for his homo.
Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Ilummell and
son of Sioux City , who have been vis
iting Mrs. Hummell's pnronts , Mr. and
Mrs. Aug. Brummund , returned homo
this afternoon.
Wiley Richardson and S. Ilinklo of
Lusk , Wyo. , are In the city onrouloto
Sioux City with two carloads of hors
es. They llvo near Tom Bell , brother
of P. F. Bell of Norfolk.
Chris Moore Is reported sick at his
home on South Third street.
Mrs. Fred Schelly , who has boon
suffering from concussion of the
brain , Is reported Improving very
Yesterday was an Intensely warm
day. The thermometer recorded nine
ty-six degrees In the shade In Nor
folk. This morning dawned with n
clear sky and prospects for another
A. E. Daniels has traded his farm
south of town for the Rocker property
In Edgowator park , and will soon be
come a resident of Norfolk. Ho will
erect now buildings on the property
and rent the old house.
Yesterday was the anniversary of
the Rosebud opening and bottlers from
all over the reservation assembled at
Gregory for a celebration of the an
niversary. Cowboy stunts , Indian
dances and the like In other frontier
features , held the boards.
"Kid" Hall of the Oxnard barber
shop is laid up on account of yester
day's heat. Ho and P. M. Barrett
went out to the race track yesterday
to sec the fast horses and the hot sun
was too much for the "Kid. "
Professor and Mrs. Charles H.
Bright of Wayne have been appointed
to bo teachers in the Philippines. Pro
fessor Bright is prominent In educa
tional work and they will no doubt
glvo Undo Sam good service among
his dark complexloned wards.
The Odd Fellows of Norfolk will
tender a farewell reception at the hall
this evening to Mr. and Mrs. L. 0.
Bargelt , who leave next week to try
their fortune on the Pacific coast. Mr.
Bargelt has been a member of Norfolk
lodge a great many years. Odd Fel
lows and their families are Invited.
John B. Barnes , Jr. , formerly of this
city but now of Casper , Wyo. , where
ho has started In the practice of law ,
is in the city for a visit with his pa
rents , Judge and Mrs. J. B. Barnes.
Mr. Barnes says that ho is well pleased
with the now field. It Is 'said that he
has won a number of cases already.
Mr. Barnes was formerly principal of
the Norfolk high school.
A largo number of students have en
rolled during the summer In the Nor
folk Business college , to commence In
September , and the Indications now
are that the school will have a larger
attendance this fall than It has had
since it opened. Prof , and Mrs. Brake
are doing excellent work , every stu
dent receiving special attention which
shortens the time necessary to attend
very materially.
Governor Mickey granted a hearing
before him at 2 o'clock this afternoon
In behalf of John Clark , whom It Is
sought for pardon. Mr. Wolcott went
to Lincoln this morning with a petition
signed by the jurymen and a number
of others , asking that Clark be lib
erated from prison. Clark has been
In the penitentiary for a year and Is
thought to bo suffering from consump
Miss Rouse , daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. James Rouse of this city , Is a
candidate for the piano which Is to bo
given away by the Tllden carnival
organization In September and she Is
selling a large number of tickets for
the three days. The most popular
young lady Is to receive the piano and
each ticket entitles the holder to one
vote. The carnival promises to bo a
winner and will bo largely attended
by Norfolk people.
A now frost box Is being placed at
the Northwestern round house over
pipes that carry water to the tanks.
The meeting of band organizers hold
last night was not largely attended ,
there being but a half dozen present.
An adjourned mooting will bo held
Monday night , when the organization
will bo completed. Several who are
looked upon as prospective members
were out of the city last night.
Charles R. Reed Is bandmaster.
The Dodge county board Is having
considerable trouble on account of the
delayed construction of the Bowman
ditch , for which D. M. Owen hold a
contract at the tlmo of his death.
Monday the board hold a special meet
ing to recelvo bids to construct the
ditch , but none was on file , so the
whole proceeding will have to bo gene
over again. In the meantime the
farmers whoso lands would bo drained
by the canal are wrathy over the de
After Taking the Deadly Drug Efforts
of Relatives Failed to Induce Him
to Swnllnw nn Antidote Said He
Wanted to Die.
AliiHWorth , Nob. , Aug. I. Special to
The News : P. B. Board , aged 75 ,
living eighteen mlles north of Ainu-
worh , suicided by strychnine yo.slor-
day morning. Ho took the dose of
deadly drug at about I ) o'clock and
died In a few minutes. Ills mm-ln-law
wauled him to lake nn antidote hut
ho relUHed , Hiiylng that ho wanted to
die. Ho leaves alfo and iievenil
children. Ho was formeily a \\ell
known railroad mail of Omaha wheie
he has many relatives and friends.
The cause ( if ! IH ! rush act In unknown.
Case In Which Her Tries to Oust Mil
ler From Hotel.
The following from the World-Her
ald , regarding the suit In which It IH
sought to oust Rome Miller , formerly
of Norfolk , from the Her Grand hotel ,
Is of Interest In this city :
P. R Her hns won the suit which
was tried Monday In the county court
and the purpose of which was to mmt
Rome Miller from his occupancy of the
Her Grand hotel.
Judge Vlnsonhaler who had the matter -
tor under advisement handed down
his decision Tuesday.
Miller's lenHo expired March HI and
Her claimed that Miller was roltiln-
Ing possession of the lintel since then
without right or authority.
Her snys that ho has leased the new
Her Grand , which he proposes to build
on the present hotel site , to the Dcnns
of Kansas City and Is only wait Ing for
Miller to move before starting work
Miller , when asked as to bin ne\ (
step referred his interviewer to his nt-
attorney. However ho Indicated Hint
his force of painters and decorators
now going over the house for the full
season would not bo laid off through
this decision.
Attorney Stout says that Miller will
file an appeal bond.
Illegal Hunters Will be Hunted Down
by Game Wardens.
Battle Creole , Neb. , Aug. 10. Spe
cial to The News : As there Is much
complaining on account of illegal hunt
ing nortli of the Elkhorn river , Chief
Warden Carter of Lincoln has appoint
ed W. L. C. Miller , who lives on one
of tlm I. . . n. Baker farms , as special
game warden. All that Mr. Miller
needs now Is a cannon and telephone
Mrs. Barnett Rodgera will leave
next week for Washington to Join her
husband , who went there some time
Miss Dora Nydrop of Elgin Is visit
ing here this week with her Neligh
college friend , Miss Winnie Kocster.
Ernest Hans , jr. , has taken a posi
tion in T. M. White's pharmacy.
The Pierce ball team did not como
last Sunday , but they will bo hero
next Sunday afternoon to play Battle
A society dance .will bo held In the
opera house Friday evening. Prof.
Reuse of Norfolk will furnish the mu
Wo will have a now set of ministers
here In the future. Rev. T. R. Whlto
of the Baptist church delivered his
farewell address Sunday night and ho
and his family will depart for Mis
souri next week. Rev. O. Eggleson of
the Methodist church will retire from
the ministry In the fall.
W. A. Sutherland Is painting John
A. Wright's residence on the north
Ludwlg Kerbel moved Into the resi
dence belonging to Mrs. Halo last
George Houermnn's new residence
near hero will bo finished In three
weeks. It will be one of the finest In
this vicinity.
Bernard Lankhoop , Jr. , of Hartlng-
ton Is visiting hero with his uncle ,
Henry Massman , Jr. , and other rel
Prof. Henry CutowskI , who has heen
visiting hero two weeks at the homo
of his father-in-law , Henry Massman ,
sr. , returned Monday to his homo at
NIcolot , Minn.
A largo concourse of relatives and
friends gathered at the homo of Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Eyl Sunday afternoon.
The occasion was _ the engagement fes
tival of their oldest daughter , Miss
Mary , to Mr. John Kleldor , second son
of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kleldor.
Lyman Lyons was over from Madi
son Tuesday.
The Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Wyand was christened at the
Lutheran church Sunday.
Charles Werner was a Norfolk vis
itor Monday.
Dr. E. Tanner was called to Tllden
Tuesday on professional business.
A change of officers In the Battle
Creek Valley hank has been made.
George Brechler resigned his position
as cashier and will go to Minneapolis ,
Minn. , and John R. Wltzlgman was
promoted to cashier. G. M. Wright , a
brother of John A. Wright , entered the
Institution as clerk.
T. C. Osborn Is building an addi
tion to his dwelling south of town
Miss Stazlo Sevora and Joseph Maas
rultiniuil frrttrt Hot SprlngB , S. D ,
li\nt \ Monday.
Btntlnn Agent W. C. Day wan tip al
Tllden Sunday.
Valentino Klein returned Tuomln )
from Dawfion county , wliuru ho luul
been for a week to fllo on n homo
Another sou arrived at the linmo ol
Mr. and Mrn. Dennis Connelly Tuesday
Mrs. Ludwlg wont to Tlldon Tues
day to vlnlt her daughter , Mrs. Sollor.
Monday night the school IniHtees
elected W. P. James Janitor of the
high Hchool building at $ ! lfi per month
Mrs. J. R. Hale and mm Leonard
arrived hero Tuesday from LOH An-
li'H , Cal. , for a visit with relatives
and frlendH. They left hero about
three years ago. From here they will
go to Tllden to visit her daughter ,
Mm. Robert Cox.
Mickey Will be Here During the Af
ternoon , Leaving nt Night.
Governor Mickey of Nebraska will
irrlvo In Norfolk tomorrow noon for
i visit In ( he afternoon to the Htate
lORpllnl for the limauo. He will leave
lore tomorrow night for Nordeu , Neb.
where he IH booked to deliver a npooeh
in Friday , lie OWIIB a ranch In Koya
'aha county , near Norden.
D. Ommermnn Started Today With n
Subscription Paper Among Farmers
Living Along the Route , and It IB
Thought They Will Give $150.
There have been times when farm-
irs found It absolutely Impossible to
get Into the city on account of the
md roads. The extension of the ru-
al mall service IH bringing tlm farm-
r In closer touch with Die far away
city and making It more convenient
'or him to stay at homo and order
IB ! goodH by mall. It IH a recognized
'act that the rural mall servlco has
omo to Btay. In order to continue
o maintain the common Interests and
the mutual patronage , It Is noooHHary
o bring the farmer closer to town by
neans of better roadH , which ho can
ravel easily and In less tlmo.
Thin Is the beginning of the good
roads movement In Norfolk and It Is
lollovod by the projectors that It In
nit a modest beginning of a mounter
iioveineut that Is to como throughout
his whole territory.
A subscription of $225 hn < ? been
niifiod by the business men of Norfolk
toward grading and graveling the 7ojid
which runs west from Nrfui ox.
tending from NorfolJ ; avenue. D. Om-
merman this morning started Into the
country , along the line of the road
which it Is hoped to grade , with a sub
scription paper which will be present
ed to the farmers of that territory
who , It Is estimated , will give at least
$ ir > 0 toward the same Improvement of
their road.
The funds In the city were raised
by the Commercial club , Secretary
MathowRon having charge of the work.
The total subscription of the farmers
and business men will , It Is thought ,
reach almost $100 , making $800 with
what Is expected from the county , and
with this a largo amount of work can
bo accomplished. The road has been
In bad condition for a long tlmo on
account of rains and poor grading.
With the proper sort of grading and
graveling it Is hoped to put It In con
dition where It will remain all right
the year round.
Not a Candidate.
Anoka , Neb. , Aug. 9. Editor News :
In The News of August 1 , I notice my
name mentioned as n candidate for
county judge of Boyd county. The
party giving you such Information was
unauthorized to do so , and I wish testate
state that I am not a candidate for
any office whatever. W. Whltla.
Wants to "Wake Up" a South Dakotan
Before Returning Home.
Al Marks , the Stanton footracer ,
who won several races hero In the two
Nebraska state firemen's tournaments ,
and who won a race at O'Neill over a
local runner about a month ago , passed
through the city on the noon train cn
route to Crelghton. Ho says that ho
expects to go up Into South Dakota ,
where there Is a man whom ho wants
to "wake up , " before returning home.
Has Been Promoted , by Virtue of Long
and Faithful Service.
Robert Staughton , formerly with the
Krantz livery stable , 1ms accepted the
position of driver for one of the mall
"Bob" has long been connected with
Norfolk stables and Is one of the most
efficient horsemen In the city. Care
ful , reliable and trustworthy In every
respect , ho was quickly selected by
Contractor Brunson when n vacancy
In the mall wagon service came about.
Harry Ford , Charged With Selling
Liquor Without License.
Beatrice , Neb. , Aug. 4. Councilman
Harry Ford has been bound over to
district court on n charge of selling
liquor without a license.
ran FULL iNronivi/moN AND nrocnipTivc LiTrnAiunc , ADUMCUB
II. C. TOWNSEND , General Passciiuer mill Ticket AueiU , - ST. LOUZ3. ' , .0
Cuba Florida
New Orleans
Tourisl licliols iiou on sale | ( ) ju | > rosorls of flx >
soul li and soul lu > nsl : tl pviilly ri'dtirod rates. | , jKn | , |
stopovers allowed. The
Wilh ils handsomely equipped I rains olTors"oxceptioiial
facilities for reaching I he Sunny South.
For particulars and copy of illustrated bookie's ' ,
giving detailed information about Cuba , r-Morida and
.New Orleans , write
W. II. IIHIU , ,
I ) . P. A. III. Cent. | { . K. Omaha , K / , ! > .
{ .JOB
Without Change . of Cars
Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul By.
For Time TiihlcH and Special Rates see Union Pacific Agent , or write
F. A. NASH. Omaha , Neb.
1524 Farnham St.
If you are thinking of a
write and lot us tell you best rates , time , route and
send marked time tables ,
This saves you worry , annoyance and makes j on
fool at homo all the way.
Call Wubnsh City Office , 1G01 Karnam St. , or .l- .
G. A. P. D. Wabash R. li.
Omaha , Nel > r.
. .TRY THE ,
Daily News Job Department