The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, August 11, 1905, Page 4, Image 4

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    o , AUGUST n. 1005.
AV. SV. IIUJU3 , PnlilUhrr.
[ Kutnbllilicil 18S7. ]
Kvcry Any except Hutular. Hr cur
rier per weak , 16 eonM. lly Norfolk
poMoinco delivery , i or ycnr. Id 00. lly
lunll on rural route * unit outnltlo of
Norfolk , per yonr , IS. 00.
The Now * . ICHtnliimiiPil , 1SS1.
The Journal , ICntitlillnlioil , 1X77.
Every Krltlny. lly mull per your , J1.60.
I'ntcrod nt Ihn poMnllton nt Norfolk ,
Not ) . , nn ncconil clnns mutter ,
Telephone * ! Kitltnrmt Oopurtinont ,
No. 22. nunlliaitn Olllco unit Job Ilooinn ,
No. 11 22.
There uro xutno days in August as
rnro ns any Hint might possibly coino
along In Juno.
It Is something of u question which
first got In print again , Alton I ) .
Parker or Put Crowo.
Tuft linil tlio thno of IIH ! llfo with
the Jap * . So did KojostvotiHky. lint
( Somehow It was different.
The board of equalization ovldontly
did not menu nil the honors for raining
things to go to the farinoni of thu
The Japs nro making BIIVO of Sak-
liulln Island during the tlino the en
voys nro Rotting together nntl Hlrlvlni ;
for iionco.
Colonel Wattorson IB homo to Join
with Town Topics In forcing the proud
crests of Now York's snmrt sot to n
moro humble attltmlo.
Slnco the discovery of graft In the
agricultural department , It Is to ho
hoped that the pettiest graft of nil ,
the distribution of garden seeds , will
bo discontinued.
A , southern judge tersely gives the
following causes for the constantly In-
creating divorce ovll : "Too much dry
goodj for women and too much wet
good ! for men. "
Thin Chinese are to Imvo u dally paper -
per published In Sun Francisco. It
would jseoiu probable that thin publl-
cation Would ho ahlo to show n few
things * ibout yellow journalism.
Nobnuka still has room for many
thousands moro within Us herders ,
and thoVsplondld crops of the state
this season will prove a great adver
tisement tor Its resources and advant
ages , j
If thorl Is n way to prevent mos-
qultos fnJtei hitting It may ho hollovcd
that Now Orleans will find It out. As
the only moans of Infection the long-
legged Insects will ho persistently
Since Pnul Morton's ' salary was cut
ho only gets $80,000 a year , and yet
there are whole families who have
not had their wages reduced , who get
along on less and manage to nay their
grocery bills ,
When an editor of n Now York so
ciety Journal will deliberately throw
himself In front of n moving train It
may ho taken us notice to the world
that the position Is not the nearest
thing to a "snap" that might bo con-
colved of ,
The Nebraska mosquito lnay not
liavo that streak of "yellow" In his
mako-up iWf ! MIS f0ui8jnim f0now pos.
sosses''V.'ut Micro Is no discounting the
keenness and vigor of. the tool ho uses
in perforating the epidermis of the
average Nebrnskan.
Attorney General Brown Is now to
take a turn at anti-trust tatlcs and baa
commenced a suit against the alleged
grain trust that ho hopes will result
In Its dissolution , and there are many
people In the state who will wish him
well In bis undertaking ,
f ,
Norfolk might sot an emamplo for
the public generally by trimming the
weeds on Its lot occupied In part by
the West Side engine liouso. It cannot
expect the ordinary citizen to keep
much ( n advance of the pace It sots
In the matter of public enterprise.
The nation which wants peace and
Its rights must bo ready to fight for
them on land or sea. If It Is fully
equipped for any emergency the
chances are It will bo treated with re
spect by other nations of the earth
and bo allowed to enjoy peace and
The cleaning out of graft In the de
partments Is a work that Interests
President Roosevelt and ho Is tempted
to return from his summer homo to
take a band In the scrimmage. Ho is
an old hand at the business and Is as
keen for the fray as hounds that smell
bear In the air.
It Is Intimated that Gov. Mlcke >
would servo the state two years more
after his present term In the govern
or's chair has expired , If the dear pee
pie would Insist. But they won't. The
people know when to let well enougl
alono. There Is not much to criticise
In the governor's present administra
tion , but the less said about his first
( qrm the hotter. The republican party-
Is' wlso enough to allow him to retire
to bin OHCoola farm while his credit In
good. Another term might bring a
repetition of the first two years ho
prnnocd around the slnto house play-
lug the part of governor.
After returning Indictments against
inn clll/.i'iiH of Wisconsin jho grand
Jury session at Milwaukee has taken
a recess anil vacation for n couple of
weeks. After a well earned rest It Is
possible that the Jury can find some
thing woilhy of Investigation on the
pait of every other citizen of Milwau
A Chicago police-man tried a now
method of stopping an auto going at
a reckless speed through the streets ,
lining 11 Hiiro shot ho succeeded In
punclurlng a tire without Injuring the
occupants of the vehicle or the by
standers. The next policeman to fol
low the precedent might not bo so
skillful with his shooting Iron.
The Milwaukee grand Jury appears
to have no regard for wealth and has
Indicted one of Its wealthiest cltl/ons
for stealing some few thousands
of dollars. If they convict and punish ,
now , the system will have added con
siderably to the esteem In which It Is
hold by the people of the country since
the Indicting business began to assnmo
Incompetent gunners , bad shells and
mutinous crows are all that Hojostvon-
sky lays up as the reason for his de
feat. If ho had Included olllcors that
wore not bettor than the men and punk
vessels ho might Imvo Itemized the
whole bunch of trouble that led up
to his calamity. It would , Indeed , bo
a hard proposition to go Into Imttlo
with such disadvantages.
The railroad ofllclals of the northern
lines are beginning to assort early
that the strength of the telegraphers'
strike has been broken ami they are
probably determined to keep nt It
lato. Such an announcement on the
second day of the strike may bo con
sidered prompt If not premature by
those who have had experience with
other strikes.
PIttsbnrg steel plant was preparing
to operate double time , but when It
came to look over the forces available
for the work skilled workmen were
not to ho found. Kor a number of
years now the Job has been hunting
the man and there IH no Indication
that It will bo any other way for years
to come , and the hoys and young men
should lit themselves to got In line
for the salaries and positions open
to ( horn. If they but prove competent
and witling' ' .
Japan Is not going to give up Man
churia right away , If her purchase of
railroad nmtorlal for use In that coun
try may bo taken as an Indication of
her Intention. If the Chinese go to
making any rumpus about It the Japs
bavo previously demonstrated what
they are capable of doing In the pre
mises. It will probably mean thrtl
Manchuria and other portions of the
far east will bo of moro value to all
the commercial world than they ever
were before ,
When all ttid world Is turning away
from yellow fever patients and sus
pects , Knoxvlllo , Tonn. , goes on record
with an Invitation to come and make
that their homo until dead or cured.
The Tennessee city Insists tliat It Is
too high an altitude for the germs to
get a hold and keep It , and It IK anx
ious to become an asylum for those
who have boon turned out otsowhoro.
Few other cities would care to extend
any such Invitation , oven though they
know themselves to bo Immune.
The government Is showing Indlca
Ions of a doslro to take n turn at
mvlng the tobacco trust show why It
should continue In business In an >
uanner It may cbooso without Inter
ference. Tobacco Is a lifxury , It Is
rue , and the users of the weed have
a bad bablt on which the government
sees lit to draw for revenue when It
sees fit , but It cannot see reason to
lermlt men to accumulate collossa
'ortunes from the debased habit o
their follows and will at least compo
them to do so legitimately.
The forestry service of the depart
ment of agriculture has Issued a bill
letln giving the terms employed It
logging and lumbering calculated to
aid "tonderfeet" who may become h
any way associated with those twin li
dustrlcs. The workers , like- the print
ers or any other trade , apply peculla
terms to implements and transaction
which to the uninformed sound like
Greek , and It Is sometimes awkward
not to bo able to understand what they
are talking about.
The Commoner has already forgot
ten that It was "supporting Roosovolt"
at the recent election In the First con-
gresslonal district and devotes Its
front page last week to a caricature ol
the president that Is Insulting In the
J extreme and will probably bo resented
by the readers of the paper who were
convinced that they wore supporting
the president by voting for the demo
cratic candidate for congress. For
tunately there wore not enough con
vinced to defeat the man who will give
Mr. HooHovelt real support ,
Now Orleans has called upon Uncle
Ham to take a hand at an attempt to
curb the scourge of yellow fever with
which the city Is allllcted and the good
old gentleman through his agent , The-
( idoro Roosevelt , promptly signified
his willingness to do all In his power
to curb the pest. Surgeon General \Vy-
man has been Instructed to put the
forces under his command at work ,
and If there Is any human agency that
can servo to uproot the ovll It may bo
expected that the government will put
It to work In favor of the fever rid
den city.
The rush for lands nt Grand Junc
tion petered almost completely out
after the first few days and clerks
wore withdrawn and sent to other
points. The public Is not starving to
death , It would appear , for the land
In thi'.l section of the connf" . When
the iiovornmont has something good
to offer , like Nebraska or Prutli n.i-
kola land , there Is no chance for the
homesteads to go begging. Them maybe
bo n day In thu future when the i.'tah
Intuit ! will bo In demand , but the seek
ers for homes are not yet anxious to
take the risk.
At the rate the state is uncovering
property from which to draw a share
of the expense of government and nt
the levy made by the board of equali
zation , there will bo several hundred
thousand dollars moro on which to do
business than It has ever before had ,
and besides there will bo a nlco heal
thy sum to apply against the Indebted
ness of the commonwealth. The now
revenue law Is putting In some proper
licks In favor of catching up with the
slate while the tax payers can afford
It and the action will bo appreciated
by all good citizens.
The strike Is once moro on and two
great railroad systems are disabled ,
tons of fruit and vegetables are rot
ting In the cars on the tracks , while
commission merchants and producers
are suffering loss and would-bo con
sumers are seriously Inconvenienced ,
all because of a disagreement between
telegraph operators and their employ
ers. Of all modern Industrial meth
ods the strike accomplishes least and
Injures the most Innocent people. So
ciety will have to rise In Its dignity
and demand that arbitration at the
hands of a disinterested court , whoso
decision shall bo binding , bo compul
sory as a last resort in those wran
gles between labor and capital.
Washington correspondents who are
admittedly on the Inside of political
plannlngs admit that Root and Tuft
are the big men of the cabinet. More
over , while both are of a presidential
IZL > , Tatt. tloM Hoi aspire to the pros-
fMliiy , but It liable to find a place on
10 supreme bench , when big arabl-
ons would be satisfied. This leaves
loot In line as Roosevelt's nuccessor ,
rovldlng ho meets bin yrcsent duties
U the state department satisfactorily ,
ml people want him. It's a long way
o the campaign of 190S , however , and
mny things are likely to happen. It
s pleasant In the meantime to think
hat the country has men like EHhu
toot that It can draw upon.
The populists have decided to meet
n Lincoln OH the same day that the
lemopralS do , whether members of
hat party want them or not , and have
set September 20 as the date for their
convention. This Is taken by the
lolltlcans to moan ft bid for another
whirl at fusion , but there Is said to
JO a question as to whether the demo
crats want to bo a party to such a
deal or not. The populists will , prob
ably , bo asked for a showing of
strength to prove that they bavo any
thing worth combining with loft out
of the former fusion campaign , and
there Is a conviction on the part of
some that they will bo unable to
show anything that the democrats
might deslro. The republicans will
probably wish the plan to carry that
will muster the greatest strength for
the opposition , as they will deslro an
Indication that they are making a
light after the campaign Is open. A
walk-away would bo no fun , and would
not call forth the antagonism that
would muster the party strength.
Two of the most Important meetings
to the west to bo held at the Ixnvls
and Clark exposition nro the congress
of the National Irrigation association
and the Trans-Mlsslsslppi commercial
congress. The latter is to bo held
August 1 Gto 10. and the former Aug
ust 21 to 21. Each association basac
compllshed much for the west and wll
continue Its line of development as
long as they receive the support o
the people Interested. The Irrigation
Ists now have a fund of thirty million !
for the advancement of the work am
many Important projects are undo
construction and consideration tha
will mean thousands of homes and
many ( billions In value given to the
people of the country In fertile acres.
The , commercial congress Is afl Im
portant In HB way. It opens up terri
tory to American trade and Invites the
dollars of orelgn countries this way ,
Every state of the great west should
bo well represented at both mootlnga
and everything possible should bo en
couraged that will advance the Inter
ests of the people.
Indigestion Cured.
There Is no case of Indigestion , dys
pepsia or stomach trouble that will
not yield to the digestive and strength
ening Influence of Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure. This remedy takes the strain
off the stomach by digesting what you
eat and allowing It to rest until It
grows strong again. Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure affords quick and permanent re
lief from Indigestion and all stomach
troubles , builds up the system and so
purifies that dlsoaso can not attack
and gain a foothold as when In a
weakened condition. The constantly
Increasing use of Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure by physicians of hospital and
general practice of Itself tolls how
this wonderful modern dlscovory has
proven to bo the greatest dlgestant for
the alleviation of a suffering human
ity. . Its many cures of both children
and adulta grows larger day by day.
Sold by Asa 1C. Leonard.
Hundreds of thousands of people use
Ilolllstor's Rocky Mountain Tea as a
family tonic. If taken this month It
will keep the family well all the year.
If It falls get your money back. 35
cents. The Klesau Drug Co.
The attempt that Is being made to
oust Secretary Wilson from the agri
cultural department will not bo suc
cessful , nor ought It to bo. Everyone
regrets the grafting that has boon
done , no one as rmich as Mr. Wilson ,
and this evidenced by his prompt and
energetic determination to ferrlt out
the rascals and got good men In their
places. No man has yet done so much
for agricultural Interests In the cab
inet as Secretary James Wilson of
Iowa. Ho has given practical results
from his work , lias always been a
high minded , efficient gentleman and
his country will continue to honor and
esteem him. Theodore Roosevelt can
well afford to stand by and sustain a
clean , able man , who Is eagerly using
the broom to sweep out cob-webs
which unfortunately got Into his de
partment , and ho can bo depended
upon to do It. The country wants
graft and dishonesty exposed but it
does not deslro that men of ability and
Integrity bo set aside because of mere
mistakes In their judgment of certain
men. Wilson will stay.
A Smooth Article.
Wlien you find it necessary to use
salvo use DoWItt's Witch Hazel salvo
It Is the purest , and best for sores ,
burns , bolls , eczema , blind , bleeding ,
Itching or protruding piles. Get the
genuine DoWItt's Witch Hazel salve.
Sold by Asa JC.
"Mr. Rockefeller is surprised because
the people don't like him and thinks
it unfair , simply because lie has been
fortunate enough to acquire a largo
amount of in'Mley. In this , Mr. Rocke
feller does the people Injustice. They
are not concerned about the large sum
of money ho has gained but they are
very definitely opposed Id the meth
ods by which h * lids gained It. He
represents Very conspicuously the
spirit of greed and It Is one of the
healthful signs of the times that tbe
pcoplq are demanding of men of
whom Mr. Rockefeller Is merely n
typo who have spent their lives In
plundering the public and built Im
mense fortunes by crushing out other
business men , shall bo given to under
stand that they cannot do these things
hd retain the respect of the commu-
ilty. They belong In the class with
ho feudal barons , highway robbers
and criminals , and the sooner this Is
realized the better. WeaUh honestly
; ained Is desirable ; vilshonestly got-
en , Its owner deserves condemnation
This Is all there Is to the situation
Mr. Rockefeller.
Don't wait until your blood Is 1m
poverlshed and you nro sick and all
ng , but take Holllstor's Rocky Moun
tain Tea. It will positively drive out
all Impurities. 35 cents , tea or tablets
The Klesau Drug Co.
Three Good and Just Reasons.
There are three reasons why mothers
ors prefer One MInute Cough Cure
First , It Is absolutely harmless ; second
end , It tastes good children love It
third , It cures coughs , croup ant
whooping cough when other remedle
fall. Sold by Asa K. Leonard.
On Saturday Mr. L. C. Bargelt ended
his connection with this paper , and In
a few days bo will leave for the Pa
cific coast , whore ho expects to engage
In business for himself. Mr. Bargelt
has been one of the strong factors ol
The News and the office will bo sadly
lonesome without him , while the worli
of his ready pen will bo missed b >
readers of the paper. Fourteen years
ago ho came to work upon The News
and with the exception of three years
when ho was In Tllden running a pa
per for himself , ho has been with li
ever since. Ho has served In every ca
paclty offered by the office , from press
feeder to editor , and In each position
ho has acquitted himself with credit.
Honest , conscientious and trustworthy ,
a tireless worker and always on the
alert for the Interest of the paper , ho
Is n most valuable man In a newspaper
ofllco. Not alone Is ho a good news
paper man but ho Is genuinely whole
hearted , willing and anxious to lighten
the burden of a follow workman , and his
very presence serves as an Inspiration
to those with whom ho Is connected.
Ho will leave for Portland , Oregon ,
next week , and It Is his Intention to
purchase a newspaper In ono of the
towns in that locality. The best wish
es of every person In The News ofllco
will go with him In his now venture.
Lawrence Bruner has again taken a
stand In favor of the song birds of
Nebraska In a bulletin recently Issued
from the university. To force his ar
gument homo ho reasserts that a loss
of $100,000,000 a year Is sustained by
fanners and gardeners through Insect
ravages In the United States and Can
ada. Allowing twenty-five Insects a
day as the average diet for each Indi
vidual bird Mr. Bruner places the re
quirements of the birds of the state
per day at 1,875,000.000 Insects , esti
mating ono and ono half birds to the
acre , which would seem low enough.
The number of Insects to fill a bushel
basket Is estimated to bo 120,000 , and
therefore It would require 15,025 bush
els to feed the birds a single day or
2,313,750 bushels for a season of 150
days. These estimates are considered
low when Individual birds have been
known to destroy from 100 to 500 In
sects and vast numbers of Insect eggs.
To have all these myriads of Insects
turned loose against the crops Is what
It would mean to have the birds killed
off , and an Increase to three or four
birds to the aero would mean exactly
opposite conditions. It would seem
that no stronger argument would bo
needed to prevent boys , amateurs and
hunters of birds for their feathers ,
from killing the little songsters.
Mothers bo careful of your children.
There Is no baby medicine In the world
as good ns Holllstor's Rocky Mountain
Tea. It makes the little ones strong ,
healthy and active. 35 cents.
The Klesau Drug Co.
Bilious Bill was agitated ,
And was much debilitated.
People said ho had consumption.
That was everyone's presumption.
When ho lea-rned what was the matter
Bill made all the doctors scatter.
Now he Is his own adviser ,
Swears by Little Early Risers.
The famous little " "
pills "Early Risers"
cure constipation , sick headache , bil
iousness , etc. , by their tonic effect on
the liver. They never gripe or sicken ,
but Impart early rising energy. Good
for children or adults. Sold by Asa
K. Leonard.
Wo are all Mormons In our minds.
How do you llko being addressed as.
"Dear Sir and Brother ? "
The Lord lovelh n cheerful giver.
An Atchlson girl who has resigned
icr position requests us to say that
she did not resign to get married ; she
vas fired.
What has become of the old fash-
oned man who , when asked where ho
got his new suit , replied : "I sold
eggs and bought It ? "
There Is a lightning change artist In
Atchlson a girl who can go up the
treet In a white dress , and return fif
teen minutes later dressed In n black
An Atchlson woman has a mighty
worthless husband. "She does her
Own washing , " an Indignant neighbor
said. "I wonder , " another neighbor
added , that she Is not compelled to
take In washing , with that man hangIng -
Ing around. "
The great common people have their
living to earn ; they are Interested In
such trivial things as the price of
bacon , If coal Is going up. the neigh
bor's new baby , and many similar In
terests crowd their heart and brain to
the exclusion of those two Important
topics ; the whereabouts of the Baltic
fleet , and the matrimonial Intentions
of Mrs. Hugh Tevls. The big papers ,
conducted by men with high foreheads
and higher salaries , should tumble to
the fact that JJrs. Tefvls and the Bal
tic fleet Infercs't ' no ono. If ono wont1 , i
off and drowned with the other in ltr T" >
the Incident would sell no extras.
An Atchlson woman when In the
cast recently made a personal visit to"
a woman who conducts the beauty col
umn In a big magazine. She fount !
she had wrinkles , hairs on her upper
lip , freckles , that her hair on her head
was straight and thin , and she was so-
fat she waddled. The Atchlson wo
man , who had been faithfully follow
ing the beauty specialist's advice for
a year , hasn't couio out of a tranco-
Many people have a habit of giving
children , especially boys , a short an
swer. A respectful question Is en- jrt
titled to a decent answer , no differ- s'
once from what source It comes. And
no ono Is so likely to treasure up un
fairness as long as a boy. Any old , ,
gray headed man will recall seemingly
little Indignities to which ho was sub
jected as a boy. Every advantage Is-
against children , and when people are
unfair with them they must bear It In.
silence. But they remember It.
View of the Live Stock Markets at'
South Omaha , C. A. Mallory , Mgr.
South Omaha , Aug. 10. The re
ceipts of cattle are showing a reason
able Increase at all markets , a larger-
percentage of the supply being rango-
Choice corn fed cattle are not plen
tiful , and with a good demand , prices
are well sustained ; and as wo believe *
the supply of this class will bo limit
ed , wo have confidence in the futurer
market for the few well matured cat
The demand for stockers and feed
ers has kept pace with the moderate
receipts and prices have advanced a-
little , but wo still look for lower pric
es for all kinds of cattle but the best
In the near future , and wo advise our
readers to operate accordingly.
Good to choice fat dry fed cattle aro-
selling at $1.75 ( > 5.15 ; choice to extra
$5.1505.40 ; good to choice feeders
$3.50@3.85 ; fair to good stockers and
feeders $3.0003.50.
Wo believe some of these fleshy
1050 and 1200 pound steers of good
quality can bo bought worth the money
before long , and If any of our readeres
bavo any idea of buying any cattle of
any kind this fall , they should wrlto
us soon as possible just how they arc
Wo make a specialty of buying feed
ing stock of all kinds , and give this
branch of the business our personal
attention , and know that we can buy ;
what any one wants and give as good
advices and services as any ono In
the trade.
Feeders should study carefully all
of the conditions and operate when ,
they are favorable.
Hogs. The hog trade continues to >
fulfill our predictions , and we are very-
glad to bavo our advices aud work so- .
well appreciated. \ )
Wo are Still adding to our list of
shippers in this department , and as
we also give our personal attention to
the hog branch of the business and
give only the unselfish and best ad
vices obtainable from all the markets , ,
wo are In position to produce good re
sults for our patrons.
The provision market has reached"
the high point of the year , and so
have hogs.
Wo look for moderate receipts this
month , and while present prices are
high , wo do not sec anything In the \
situation to warrant anything moro r
than natural or temporary reactions
this month.
The bulk of the hogs are selling at
$5.8005.90 , with tops at $5.95.
Sheep and lambs are scarce , and' '
prices are the highest over known at
this season of the year for everything ,
wearing wool.
Wedding Invitations.
Invitations have been Issued by Mr ;
and Mrs. Roland for the marrlago of
their daughter , Miss Evelyn Belle Ro
land to Mr. Mason Charles Fraser ,
which will take place at the homo of
the bride's parents next Wednesday
morning. Mr. and Mrs. Fraser will
live In a new homo which Is being :
built now In The Heights , on South
Seventh street.
Team and Job work of all kinds ,
done promptly. Good service.
Sand and Gravel Fnrniihed.
80 ] ' . Flril Strut I. T , COOK , EdglWlfer Park'-
Ollice , Collon Block , 'Phone Black 23.
Ke.ldence lee North Trnltl .Street. 'Phone 13
Gives rest to the stomach. Cures Indlcostlon , dyspepsia , sour stomach , -I t
tired stomach , weak stomach , windy stomach , puffed stomach , nervoue
stomach and catarrh of the stomach. A guaranteed cure.
Iliptrta n tbi L4b- Dloomtm What Yea Eat DolUrbittUholtnU
or UrrofI.O.D WU ilmksm th Dfomth Swtt tlmti > i tank 11 th
Am m floe * . txltl , r 10 t at Ui .