AUGUST 11 , 1905 , MISS LIULIAN CALVERT VAN OS- TEN HERE FOR PAWNEE DILL. SHOWS IN NORFOLK AUGUST 18 "Pawnee Dill" In Private Life It Ma jor W. Little , Dank Prcildent and Promoter A Dlt of Personal Life. 1'nwneo Hill's first ntlvortlBlMB la In the city today doing tlio i > rollm Innry lilllltiK fur the exhibition of tlio wild wont show In thin city August 18. .Lithographs and banners nro lining placed nbnut tlio city ixiul the country ImniB nnd bill bonrda will lie tilled with lltornturo tomorrow. There IB considerable Intoroat in the coming of this show. Advnnco reports from otlior cltlos In tlio Btnto wboro thla aliow ImB boon Indicate that It In much larger thnn upon the occasion of UB .former visit hero. The Pnwnoo 11111 Bhow IB probably the only show on the rend today which luxa nhcnd of It a Bpoclal lady proaa Toprcaontntlvo. She IB MlflB Lillian Calvort VnnOaton nnd la In Norfolk today with the advertising car now lioro. The NOWB had n ploaaant call from her and through her learned much moro of thin famous wild west Hhow than can bo gained from ntudy of the colored postora and lithographs put out by the management. Miss Van Onion nBBuros the people of this city who flaw the I'awnoo show here a few years ago , that they would never know that the aggregation that la coming la the name. With the advertising car now In the city arc twenty-five men. They wll bill the whole county from this city , Some of the country gangs will drlvo na far as forty miles In doing thol work. 't "Pawnco Bill ! ' In private llfo la linown aa Major Gordon W. Lllllo. His homo Is In Pnwnoo , Oklahoma , whlcl : bits been named after him. Ho president of the Arkansas Vnlloy Na tlonnl bank of that place and owns I in monao land holdings In that state. Ills most singular achievement was In con with the opontng of Oklahoma to uottloiuont by the "boomers" at whlcji tlmo , by mutual consent of those most interested , ho became the chosen loader of over 5,000 homesteaders. At | ' > o mouth of Turkey Crook ho located his own claim. Today the thriving city of Pawnee , named In his honor , Wands there as a monument to bla ndtlvlty and almost prophetic knowledge regarding Oklahoma , Its resources and ultimate destines. Fou railroad enter the city and It Is tin center of distribution for a rich and Krowlngjadjacont territory. Major Lll lie's ncfjyltlcs In the west bavo boon of n corjo ructlvo character rather than destructive , as la evidenced * by his ef forts to perpetuate the buffalo upon bis ranches In Oklahoma , wboro ho Is accomplishing more towards that end than nil other agencies combined. Next to the United States government It self , ho owns the largest number of buffalo living. At his ranches , ex periments are being conducted lookIng - Ing not alone to the perpetuity of the full-blooded blBon , but crossing them with the Texas steer for commercial purposes. Ten splendid specimens are with the "Wild Woat , " 1 ncluding "Hilly , " claimed to bo the finest bull buffalo allvo. The exhibition which Major Lllllo brings here Is tlio growth of years and the result of patient , plodding toll and honest endeavor. It ranks among the world's greatest tented - od enterprise and Is everywhere spok en of as an excellent exhibition , honestly exploited nnd capably nnd c'eanly managed. THREE GIRLS JN A RUNAWAY Miss Rhode Thrown Out and Severely Injured. Miss Gertrude Hliodo wns thrown from n buggy on Madison avenue last evening and suffered a badly sprained aaklo nnd bruised nud battered should er. She was driving with Misses Clara Bornor and Lizzie MnnsUo and was sit- t ng on the laps of the two girls when t o buggy wns tipped In some manner while going nt a good rate of speed and Miss Rhode was thrown out. She clung onto the lines and carried them over with her leaving the other girls in n bnd situation , with a frightened 1'orso. Miss Manske. however reached out and secured the lines , bringing the horse to a stop. She kept her nerve until she reached the Rohdo homo on East Mndlson avenue and then fainted dead nwny. Miss Rohdo wns In the meantime carried to her homo nnd given care nnd attention. RAISING OF WINTER WHEAT _ Experiments Conducted to Show How Best Results are Obtained. The Nebraska agricultural oxperl ment station hns just Issued Bulletin No. 89 , entitled "Winter Wheat. Co-op cratlvo experiments with the United States department of agriculture. ' The bulletin gives the resulls of va rlety tests from 1902 to 1904 inclusive The cause and trealmenl of many wheat troubles , the effect of good and poor seed and the effect of good ant' poor tillage nro shown nnd discussed The bulletin will bo sent free to al residents of Nebraska upon requesl addressed to tbo grlculturnl Experl ment Station , Lincoln , Neb. A brief summary Is appended below : The variety tests Included over n dozen sorts. These were of native , Ilusnlnn nnd Hungarian origin. Of thoHo Turkish Red waa found to bo fnr superior to nil othora nnd was recom mended for general planting In No- liraHkn. The Hungarian nnd Russian aorta mostly mature lee Into to pro duce the highest yields , but they nro becoming earlier. Khnrkof nud Hologllnn , tested In orthorn Nebraska , were found to ho xtremely Imrdy but did not ylnld BO roll ns TurklBh Rod where the winters ormlttod Its growth. Hut those two nrltloB , being hardier , would probably xteud the winter wheat region further iiirtli than at present , The trouble known ns "yellow berry" vna shown to cauao n loss of from ono iiilf n million to n million dollars n cur to Nebraska farmera. The ox lorlments ahaw thnt tlio proportion if yellow berry Increased as the crop Iponed , allowing to stand overripe for omo tlmo having n very mnrltod of. 'oct. ' Exposure to the wenther after jutting , however , wns found to bo the moat potent cause. Consequently the authors recommend cutting ns enrly us the conditions of the grain will nl ow nnd Btncklng as uoon as dry enough. The need of n rich soil was ftlso shown. Experiments were conducted to nee f ono strain of wheat would run out when used again and again for flood The results showed that whore the [ iropor care was taken with the flood nnd the soil wna properly manured and tiled the yield tended to Increase , nil if which ahows the Importance of good soil culture. The changes canned by different Ben HOIIII nnd climate wore studied. It was found thnt dry acasona cause tbo wheat to ntoro up moro nitrogen Ir the form of protein , and the wet non flona moro atnrch. Changing seed wheat from ono place to another tend ed to cnuso very decided changes In composition. THREE RIBS BROKEN. Charlie Chapln Comes In Contac With a Horse'a Heels. AliiBworth , Nob. , Aug. C. Special to The News : Yesterday Charles Chnph wns kicked by n horse nnd hail three ribs broken. Ho Is getting along ns well as could bo expected. EFFORTS BEING MADE TO INTER EST GOVERNOR. HE LOOKS LIKE A CONSUMPTIVE It Is Said that Clark Has Lost Many Pounds Since His Confinement and That He Fears He Will Never Live If He Has to Complete Term. Norfolk people believing'In the In nocence of John Clark , tbo young man sent to the penitentiary from Norfolk n little moro thnn a year ago , are mak ing every effort to aecuro his pnrdon by Gov. Mickey , nnd tbo petition for n pardon baa boon algnod already by n majority of the Jury who convicted the boy. It Is thought by the persona working for the prisoner thnt every Juryman will gladly algn the petition. Clark wna n young mnn working nt the South Norfolk cntlng house nnd the crime for which ho wns sent up was n statutory offense preferred by the parents of little Flossie Richardson - son nt South Norfolk. Friendless nnd without money , Clnrk wont to hi * trial declaring that ho was absolutely Inno cent , had never even soon the girl thnt ho know of , and believing , too , that ho would bo acquitted quickly by n jury. When the verdict of guilty was brought In Clark utterly collapsed nnd Itntl to DO cnrrleu irom tne courtroom. Although acquaintances believed Clark to bo Innocent , nnd although ho declnred that bo wns not guilty , yet there was not the money In hlH posses sion nor did ho have the menus of se curing enough to go on with nnother trial and ho wns sent to the peniten tiary. Ho bna now been there n year and It looks , according to W. O. Wol- cott , who bna just returned from Lin coln , ns though bo were In the last stages of consumption. Ho wns largo and healthy when ho wont to the pris on. on."I "I will die , " writes Clark , "unless I can got out of horo. ' . ' People around the eating house In sist that Clnrk wna not the guilty par ty. When told thnt ho wns nbout to bo nrrested , Clark Is said to have de clared , In answer to a query , "Why , of course I'm not guilty. Certainly I ahall not run. " When ho was convicted his attorney remarked that If he had displayed the feeling before Instead of after tbo case had been given to the Jury , ho would hnvo been ncqultted. Burt Mnpes wns the prosecuting attorney and M. D. Ty ler the defending attorney. Family Has Never Heard. Clark's family hns never heard of the trouble Into which ho has fnllen. They live in tbo east and do not know of his whereabouts. Clark came west nnd fell In with bnd company. At Sioux City ono night , while Intoxicated , a crowd of fellows married him to a widow there. When ho cnmo out of his condition and realized what bo had done , Clnrk fled to Omaha nnd secured work in Rome Miller's hotel. Ho wns Inter sent to the eating house nt Nor folk. Crops In Boyd County. Spencer , Neb. , Aug. 8. Special to The News : Most all of the small grain has been cut. Oats are good. Corn needs a llttlo rain. ORDER PLACED FOR SERVICE FOR THE NEBRASKA. OMAHA FIRM GETS CONTRACT The Service Will Consist of Twenty- Three Pieces and Will be Appro priate and Handsome Description of the Set. Lincoln Journal : Governor Mickey catordny nwnrded the contract for n 3,000 allvor service for the battleship obrnflkn to the firm of Rolchonborg & Smith of Omnhn , whoso original do- ilgn best pleased him. The governor ocontly obtained considerable news paper notoriety on account of his ro- uaal to vote for the appointment of n Into employe on the ground that the mnn IB Bnld to awcnr nnd drink. Notwithstanding - withstanding the governor's well known position , ho selected n service hnt contains n punch bowl nnd cups 'or drinking purposes. The legislature onnctcd n Inw appropriating $3,000 for 'tho purchase of a Bllver service for ho UBO of the office , crow and ma rines of the battleship Nebraska , " the money to bo expanded under the dlroc- Ion of the governor. The appropriation simply calls fora silver service , and while It would bo BBlblo for the governor to buy a aor- vlco for the use of water Instead of punch , a silver norvlco Is generally supposed to moan the UBO of punch , so niich Borvlco will bo bought. Four firms , throe In Omnhn nnd ono n Han Frnnclso , submitted designs , each of the full vnluo of the approprla tlon , but that of the successful bidder appeared moro suitable. The allvorls' I o ho hnnd engraved with designs em- Dlomatlcal of Nebraska. The principal plcco Is a center piece three foot long. Next In Bl/.o nnd Importance Is the punch bowl , platter , a ladle and eigh teen flinall cups , a largo loving cup. In all there are twonty-throo pieces. An engraving of the battloahlp Ne braska will bo conspicuous on the punch bowl and the centerpiece. The seal of the state Is among the larger ileslgns. In addition there Is to bo old time pictures of the Union Pacific brldgn surmounted by n buffalo head. A picture of the state house will bo engraved on the center piece , together with other designs. Among the small er figures will bo bonds of buffalo , an telope nnd coyote , nnd corn nnd smnll grain. The service will bo finished by the time the battleship Is completed. Although the legislature expressed n desire to hnvo the service for the use of the crow and mnrlnos , ns well as the juicers , It Is not thought that the crow will have much opportunity to ndmlro or use the silver. At onetime time nn effort wns made to have the legislature appropriate money for u library for the Bhlp. The Daughters of tbo American Revolution of Nebraska have nlrendy donated a regulation silk ting for the ship. An onthusinstlc effort wns made last fnll to secure subscriptions from the people of the stnto to buy a silver service , but Governor Mickey did not cnll for donations and the movement failed for lack of support. MUCH HAY AROUND NEWPORT. Editor Wilson Says Cropa Are Very Abundant This Season. C. B. Wllpso of Newport , editor of the Republican , wns In Norfolk today onrouto to his homo from Lynch. Mr. Wilson says thnt there hns boon n fnll of twenty-ono Inches of rnln at Newport - port during the month of Juno. Corn on the bottom land is from ono to two weeks behind , but on the unlnnd It is in fine shape. All grains will bo bum pers. There Is n great quantity of hay , Newport being ono of the greatest haymarkets In the world today. The farming around Newport Is of n hayIng - Ing nnd dnlrying sort. BETTING READYJ-OR THE RACES Battle Creek Expects a Big Time the Last of the Month Other Items. Battle Creek , Neb. , Aug. 5. Special to The News : The race track at this place Is n ilnlly attraction to the people h ple of Battle Crook and strangers. The homo Driving Park association bo Itoves that there will bo a larger crowc here every day between the 31st ol August and the 2d day of September than over before. An enjoyable tlmo guaranteed for everybody , as there wll bo plenty of amusements on the ground and np town. Shown of nl descriptions , a ateam merry-go-round shooting galleries , baby racks , etrlk Ing machines , cano racks and plenty of good music. Two places will bo open for people who enjoy dancing An Interesting ball game will bo played od each forenoon for a purso. A largo railroad show will bo here on the 12th of this month. Herman Werner Is building a largo granary for A. School on his farm In Highland. Fred Neuwerk and W. A. Sutherland were business visitors to Norfoll Thursday. John Jest Is laying a brick side walk on the west side of his property in East Batllo Crook. County Commissioner J. H. Harding of Meadow Grove wns hero Wednesda ; on ofllclnl business. A son was welcomed nt the homo o Mr and Mrs. Ed Barr , who live on the James Hughes place , Monday. The 10-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs Philip Beck has been seriously 111 thl week , but tbo doctor reports his con dtllon very favorable nt this writing. Mr. and Mrs. Herman linns of Nor folk visited hero yesterday nt the homo of his brother , Otto H. Hass. The village board mot Tuesday nnd refused ' to grant license to Win. Brit- Jon of Tlldon for running n pool hall. M. L. Thomson and family were vis iting nt Tlldon Thursday at Iho homo of Howell Avery , Mrs. Thomson'o brother. Miss Mlnnlo Kooator , a graduate of the Ncllgh college , Is elected teacher In district No. 38 , the nocnllod Schott nchool , south of town. Arthur Goldlng and fnmlly moved down from Tlldon nnd occupied the Thatch house on Fourth street , Bouth of Baker's ofllco. Mr. Goldlng has taken employment in Schorcgor's well works. Henry Eckhoff of Boone , Iowa , wns vlflltlng here the Jntter part of the week nl Iho homo of his fnlhor-ln-law , Fred Kloldor. Mr. Eckhoff was com plaining of dry weather In his part of Iowa. Next spring ho Intends to move to this country. Charles Martin , brother of Editor F. E. Martin , who Is suffering wllh n tiff leg on account of n railroad ac cident which happened nome tlmo ago on the Northwestern while ho was act ing as brakeman , wont to Chicago Tuesday to consult the head surgeon of that company. Henry Burch , 85 year old , a crippled and wealthy old settler , was lakcn lo Madison before Iho board of Insanity by Sheriff Clements Thursday. The complaint was made by neighbors and relatives. The poor old man's mind has boon dornngod for years. Ho ob jects to nny ono who offered him as sistance. Some of the Batllo Crook ladles mol wllh n serious nccldcnt at Hot Springs. While the MIssoo Rose and Mary Wil lis , Stnsla Severn and Eileen Curas were out driving the hack tipped over nnd the horses ran nwny. Miss Rose Willis wns badly bruised up nnd ar rived homo the first of the week , and Miss Curas received a painful cut on the head. The others escaped unin jured. Miss Curas arrived homo with Miss Willis on Thursday , while Miss Severn and Iho others are remaining up there for some time. DAMAGE TO CROPS AND BUILD INGS NEAR NORFOLK. HAIL STONES AS BIG AS A FIST In Portions of Pierce and Wayne Coun ties Crops Were Damaged Storm Missed Norfolk and Swept Down the Elkhorn River. Many Norfolk people last evening wntched wllh Interest the peculiar Btorm cloud that formed in tbo north nnd drifted around to the cast nbout supper tlmo. White streaks In the ilouds Indicated hall and Ihe whirling about of the formation showed thnt hero wns wind to disturb tbo elements ind threaten destruction. Mnny alleg- d that the clouds were of cyclonic for mation. Damage from hall has been reported , but no disaster from wind s Indicated. The storm formed np- parontly nbovo Pierce , nnd swop southeast to the Elkhorn river which t then followed cast. At Hosklns It Is reported that hal ns big ns n man's fist fell nnd thnt It did considerable ( Instruction. At n point pevon miles northeas of Plorco the storm was unusually severe. Window pnnes In the north nnd cnst sides of tbo houses were > roken , nnd in some places the crops were entirely destroped , while in others only the leaves were stripped from the com stalks , leaving them stand stark nnd bare like n forest o short fish poles. In these distrlcls 1 Is believed thnt the crop will bi ruined as the hall beat down on thi forming ears to their damage. Mr. Mitchell , ono of tbo farmers In the hailed district , reports picking up n stone after Iho storm that measure nearly six inches In circumference. REDENBAUGH NOT ARRESTED. Commercial Traveler Objects to a Falsehood. , Reported this morning In Norfolk to have been arrested by Sheriff Fries bio of Nollgh , Clay Redenbaugh , a commercial traveler of this city , rep resenting the Huber Manufacturing company , has asked The Nowa to make a denial for him of the unfonndod story. It was said that Mr. Redon- baugh was arrested because of Irreg ularity In bis accounts , after having made a collection from a bankrupt Nollgh firm. "It wns news to mo , " said Mr. Rod- enbaugh , "when I heard of the false story that I had been arrested. I don't know Sheriff Frlesble , never have seen him , wns not nrrested by him nor nny ono else , nnd never had nn account against a failed firm in Nellgh. " Mr. Redenbnugh hns been In Nor folk nnd north Nebraska territory for tbo past six years. WANT GUARDSMEN TO ATTEND Adjutant General Culver Makes Effort to Get Them. Lincoln , Neb. , Aug. 4. Adjutant General Culver is making an earnest effort to Induce employers of guards men to permit them lo go lo Iho camp of Instruction at Kearney , August 8 to 1C. I AIN8WORTH AND THE PEELERS HAVE AN EXCITING TIME. PLAYED AT O'NEILL YESTERDAY One Man Laid Out , Another Has a Droken Hand and There Was Nearly a Free-for-all Fight Over a Decision of the Umpire Other Games. O'Neill , Nob. , Aug. 7. Special to The NOWB : One man laid out with a Imso ball over the right eye as ho stood at the bat , the catcher from Alnsworth sustaining a broken band and pretty nearly a free-for-all fight over a decision of the umpire , wore the Incidents of a close and exciting game of ball played at the fair grounds yesterday afternoon between the Irish Peelers nnd n team from Alnaworth. In the sixth Inning Gnbngan a Peeler - or was called out on second. The de cision was objected to nnd n cluster of half a hundred coachers for the Peel ers rushed Into the diamond nnd sur rounded the umpire In n menacing manner. The sheriff came to his res- no In tlmo to prevent a fight nnd the ixclted nnd nngry coachera wore drlv- n back to the lines. The umpire teed by hla declalon nnd the game roceoded until Illtchor , pitcher for ho peelers , was knocked down by n errlflc ball from the pitcher as ho teed at the bnt. Ho recovered from ! io blow nnd finished the game In the ox. Then the Alnsworth catcher got hot one on the bare hnnd nnd hade o go to the loft field. The Peelers on the game on n score of 5 to G. Beat for the Second Time This Year. Plalnvlow , Nob. , Aug. 7. Special to ho News : The PInlnvlow third ball earn went to Randolph Inat Friday nnd rosaod bats with the ball tonm of .hat place. The game started out nicely with Illlyor In the box for Plalnvlow nnd Lord In the box for Randolph. The PInlnvlow boys run In n couple f scores the first Inning nnd kept run nlng In scores until the umpire snw hat Randolph wns outclassed by the lalnvlew boys nnd that wns when lalnvlow got the "punk" end of the umpiring. After Hlllyer had pitched three In nlngs Hecht wont Into the box and Randolph got a couple hits off of Hecht which let In n score or two nnd .hen they started to gnln on Plalnvlew. One man for Randolph hit a long fly nil which wns n foul nnd as there were wo men on bases nnd Randolph need id all that they could get the umpire ialled It a fair ball. After the umpire started to favor Randolph the Plalnvlew boys knew hat the stuff was all off with them , but they played good ball all the time. Randolph's third team was not the bird team but nearly half were first earn players. They got scared at the ooks of the Plalnvlew boys nnd would not play n double bender as they had agreed to do , so they put their first team pitcher In the box that bnd come from the Qulncy Duslncss college oi Qulncy , Illinois , nnd some more first .cam players , but the Plalnvlow boys showed them that they were game nnd plnyed the game out. When that team comes to Plalnvlew n good game between these two teams can bo expected. The score was 7 to 8 in favor of Ran dolph. When it comes to playing ball Plain vlow is in the lead and can bent any team In this part of the state of their size. Randolph could not get on to Hill yer's and Hecht's puzllng delivery anc Hlllyer fanned out eight men In three Innings and Hecht fanned out eleven men in six innings. Some of the boys drove homo Friday night and some waited until Saturda : morning. Batteries : Stone , Hillyer and Hecbt Reed and Lord. West Point and the Walter Clarka. West Point , Nob. , Aug. 7. Special t ( The News : West Point and the Waiter tor Clnrks of Omaha played an exclt Ing game of base ball yesterday. Wes Point was shut out , G to 0 , up to th seventh inning , but West Point by a number of good hits and two bom runs won the game. The score : 11 to 8. WEEKLY CROP BULLETIN First Half of the Past Week Was Cool Last Half Warm. University of Nebraska , Lincoln Aug. 8. The first half of the pas week was cool , while the last hal was warm , with maximum tempera tures generally slightly above 90 de grees. The daily mean tompernlur nvornged 2 degrees below normnl i weslera counties , and Just normal 1 eastern. Showers occurred In nearly all pnrt of the state. In the northern countle the rainfall wns generally less thn one-hnlf inch. In the southern coun ties Iho rnlnfnll was moslly above Inch , nnd heavy showers occurred , co\ erlng considerable nreas where Ib rainfall ranged from 2 lo more lha 5 inches. Stacking nnd thrashing from shock Is nbout finished in southeastern coun lies , but this work has been delayec In southwestern counties by rain , an In a few places wheat and oats hnv been Injured In the shock by the we weather. Haying has progresse nicely. The harvest of oats and sprln wheat has progressed rapidly In north * rn counltcs and both crops are some what damaged by rust. Corn has rrown well. In central and southern ountlcs wllh ample moisture corn Is nrlng heavily nnd promises nn ox- client crop. In northeastern coun- Ics moro rain would bo bonollclnl , nnd lie corn Is not In quite ns good condl- Ion. Fall plowing has progressed Icoly. ATKINSON WINS TWO GAMES. Basket Ball Team Carries Everything Before It Atkinson , Nob. , Aug. 5. Special to The News : The Marlavlllo basket ball nil team , accompanied by their manger - gor , Mr. Armstrong , nnd conch , S. ' . Robinson , cnmo down Wednesday or a game with the homo team. The ; nmo wns very interesting , nnd At- clnson finally won out , 10 to 14. Yestordny Iho married Indies of Newport plnyed with the homo team , nd Atkinson won out way ahead. It was a fine game anyway , Letter List. List of letters remaining uncalled or at the postofflco at Norfolk , Nob. , ug. 8 , 1905 : Mr. Ellis Crom , Ellis E. Crom ( Dlx- o Carl. Co. ) , J. O. Goodwin , Clarence Garva , Mr. C. R. Garvol , Mr. Frank Hancock , Mr. W. V. Llnnlan , Mr. : has. H. Mnsno , Miss Susie McCros- ey , Arthur Peterson , Miss Mny Pod- rson , Mr. Joe Porter , Charley Raw- oy , Mrs. Sarnh Snoll , Esso Weltch 2 , Vnlter Young. If not called for in fifteen days will o sent to the dead loiter office. Parlies calling for any of Iho above please say "advertised. " John R. Hays , P. M. VERDEL'S NEW DEPOT. Material Is Expected Next Week , When Work Will Begin. Vordel , Neb. , Aug. 4. Special to The News : The Northwestern rail- oad has had a gang of men here the last three days unloading carloads of. brick for a platform around the depot which is to bo built hero in the near uturo. The rest of the material Is expected the first of next week. MEETING OF THE BOARD OF EDU CATION MONDAY EVENIG. SCHOOLS OPEN SEPTEMBER 5 Resolutions Were Passed Upon the Death of Mr. Powers , Principal , and Miss McBrlde , Teacher , Expressing Loss of the Schools. Three new teachers were elected at .he regular meeting of the board of education Monday evening. They are Miss Bertha Sheckler of Petersburg , for the seventh grade ; Miss Clara Ru- dat of Norfolk for the third grade and Miss Alma Todd of Norfolk for the fourth grade. On account of the death of Miss McBride - Bride it was necessary to make some : ransfers to readjust the school work. Miss McDole is to take the preliminary rado In the Grant building , which was formerly Miss McBrde's room , but where , on account of Miss Mc- Brldo's lenve of nbsenco , Miss Mc Dole tnught Inst year , while Miss Nina Walker goes to the preliminary grade in the Lincoln building. The eleclion of a principal lo lake the place of Carroll Powers was de ferred lo nnolher meeting. The board has a largo number of applications and are in correspondence with appli cants. The board desires to secure some ono who is fully competent to fill Iho place and will take time to thoroughly Investigate each appjl- cant. J. S. Burnett was elected janitor of the Washington school. The schools will open on Tuesday , September 5. Monday , September 4 , is a legal holiday , Labor day , hence the schools will not open until one day later. Resolutions as follows were passed upon the death of Robert Carroll Pow ers , principal of the high school , and Miss Annie Vail McBrlde , teacher In the primary department of the Nor folk city schools : Whereas. It seems appropriate and flttlnc that the board of education should Klvo public expression of the deep sorrow and sense of loss of Us members , and of Ihe patrons of our city schools In the terrible accident causing the denth of Miss Annie Vail McBride. and Mr. Robert Carroll Pow ers , two of our most highly esteemed teachers : therefore bo it Resolved. That wo extend to the families and relatives of the deceased our most heartfelt sympathy In this great loss and affliction that nas visit ed them , whereby two young people who gave promise of lives of so much usefulness to themselves and others wore suddenly and without warning called to their eternal home. Resolved. That the examples of un selfish devotion to duty , and high mor al purpose of these two most estim able voiinc persons has been of great benefit to this community , and to our schools , and their passing awny has been a great and irreparable loss to all. all.Resolved. . That the school rooms over which the late Miss Annie Vail McBrlde. and Mr. Robert Carroll Pow ers presided ns teachers be appropri ately draped in mournlnc for n period of thirty days from the opening of the fall term of our schools. Resolved. Thnt these resolutions shall bo spread upon the minutes of this board : that copies of the same bo presented to the families of the de ceased , and furnished our local news papers for publication. Old Settler Gone. Nebraska City , Neb. , Aug. 7. Amos Gates , n resident of Nebraska City for years , died nt Gilmoro. He was known far and wide and many old timers will be surprised to learn of his death.