The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, August 04, 1905, Page 4, Image 5

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    NEWS : FRIDAY , Al-OUST 4 lliOB
W. N , 11 It Mi , jf'i
( KMntttlftrfcil 18)17. ) ]
Every ilny except Bwiulny. Hy oi\r-
rlrr vor wcoU , 1A cent * Hy Norfolk
I'ontwiloo ilollvcry.J per yenr. Jfl.OO. Hy
timll on rurnl route * ixml outnltlo of
'prfolU. per yrnr. 13.00.
Tljn NPW . KMnhllnJinl. 1881.
Tim Journal , KutnbllnliPil , 1877.
Kvrry Friday. ny mnll
Nrlt , ns ccoml
Telephone * iMItortnl Dopnrlm * " ' '
No IS. UuMnoM OIllCP niul Job UnoiriH.
No 11 82.
_ _
It la tin to August In put the llnlHh-
Ing toucheR on the corn crop.
Corn weather IH on dock again niul
OKI dealers In artificial cold nro brflc-
Ing up with the Itlng of corcnla.
Fremont IB cnrly with nn account of
n threshing machine accident. The
number niny bo expected to Increase
i\v the person advances , 4.
' It Oyama and Llnovlteh do not noon
move all the excitement of the present ,
conflict will bo coining out of the
rooms of the envoys at Portsmouth.
It Is reported from Toltlo that Ad
miral HoJofltvensUy Is now able to sit
np. The navy ho commanded will
never bo as near the convalescent
Htago. , . , .
It Is fcald thnt the Standard Oil Is
to have n $2f.000.000 ; rlvnl take hold
of the Kansas nnd Indian Territory
Held nnd there will ho moro fun In
elHht thnn has heen known In the
The Philippines will have nn Intro
duction to the American rnllroad
rumor when Mr. llnrrlmiin roaches
there nnd town booming nil along the
line If the Filipinos nro fully Ameri
The Zionists may got to Jerusalem
mid reclaim It as their own , but they
have n peculiar way of starting , nnd
If they continue as they start they
arc liable to jar the old city to Its
Ttussla might give Its consent to
Norway setting up housekeeping for
Itself If 'a generous sllco of Its back
yard could be fenced off for the big
empire's exclusive benefit In the fu
If advertising can make n race
meeting a success against some very
powerful odds , there should have heen
nn overflow attendance at the Delmur
truck , In Missouri.
The Chicago teamster's strike hns
had lives thnt would put the ordinary
cat to shame with her string of nine ,
but It Is to bo hoped by Iho public gen
erally that the last has now been 1
shullled off.
The Chinese boycott on American
goods has not mnde It nny easier for j
smugglers to get "chinks" Into the j I
country. Thirteen wore arrested the j | I
other dny nt 131 Pnso and will probably
bo deported.
Russia hns reminded Mr. Snto of
the fact that It is a civilized nation.
If it hopes to maintain such n reputa
tion it will be necessary to remind a ,
good many people beside Mr. Sato of |
the fact. People nro so llablo to for-
The race Is on to see which maga
zine can soil the most the ono with
Tom Lawson's thunder In or that eon-
talnlng Miss Tarbell's character study.
Doth of the rlvnl writers have been
very generally nnd generously adver
There is n suspicion that someone
smarter than a Chinaman is back of
thiS boycott of American goods busi
ness. It looks almost American-like
itsolf. It could not bo possible thnt
it Is another rivalry between the
Chicago department stores ?
The czar hns braced up his back
bone long enough to declare that Itus-
sia will never submit to "shameful"
pence terras. Japan will probably
undertake to see thnt strictly honor
able means are open toward the ne
gotiation of a pact In Us estimation.
Governor Folk hns succeeded In
making such a record In Missouri , thnt
President Roosevelt hns voted him
worthy of nn autograph copy of "Tho
Strenuous Life. " 'if the president
should decide to send copies to nil
Americans who believe In a strenuous
life his supply would soon bo depleted.
Sometimes it Is cruel to bo kind.
Automobiles have been provided for
the use of the peace envoys from Rus
sia and Japan , and it may prove that
an Intended kindness will turn to dis .
aster nnd that there will be no peace >
treaty because of the death or incapa .
city of the envoys from the use of the
A New York centenarian gives credit
for his age and health to the fact that
he has eaten but two meals a day.
If ! two imnlft a day are more healthful
than three , It would seem logical thnt
one a day , or none at all , mint be
better thnn either , mill people have
been known to die nt n very young
nge when no menls at all wore eaten.
A Lincoln man has found that to
saturate dogs with gasoline nfler pine-
Ing them In the cellar and afterwards
Inspect them with a lighted lantern Is
n sure cure for liens. The fact Hint
the house wns blown UP , the man
burned , and the wife nnd Imby hurt
ire . ' "cro Incidents to the cure the
llcas were probably killed deader than
i last year's bird's
Senator Oepow has returned from
ICuropo to take personal charge flf the
stories that arc being clrculaU aboill
him , originating from ) il S * 'hUWO
town. " llo Untln lltnl liU Inili In not
long range enough to cope with
enemlOH at ft , distance of .1.000 miles
inrt conies nearer thnt his vocnl bat
teries may got a better range.
floor Is bad , but ( hero nro other
things , according to the government
HOIISO of lltncHs of things. It Is pro
posed to help out Undo Sam's finan
ces by Increasing the tax on beer nnd
placing a small tax against coffee ,
lloth nro useless , both nro luxuries ,
and the. government feels that no
Rront distinction should be made be
tween the beer guzzler and the coffee
Poito Hlco seems not to know when
It IH well off or It would never want
to bo anything else but a portion of
the United States. The southern
states nt ono llmo desired to bo Inde
pendent , but they are now proud and
happy to bo counted IIH nn Integral
part of this great republic , ami maybe
bo considered reasonably thankful
that their whim did not prevail.
While It IH possible that there will
be no prosecutions of the men alleged
to bo In the Nebraska grain dealers'
trust , It IH probable that relief will
come about In another way the dis
solution of the combination. Several
of the leading firms nro said to have
already withdrawn and ( hero may be
n general withdraw ] If the other par
ties to the deal become sulllclnntly
The fnct that Mr. Urynn is said to
be desirous of searching Europe for
Ideas on good government Indicates
that the democratic nud populist plat
forms of the past , said at the time to
bo perfect In every detail , are found
to hnvo been lacking In several not
unimportant details , though the lack
has not yet been acknowledged by the
members of the party who brought
them into existence.
. In spllo of the fact that laborers
and Hlillled workmen are quite In de
mand In various parts of the country
the genus hobo Is found In quite largo
and annoying colonies In the different
towns and permanent relief for the
nuisance Is desired , llurglarles , rob-
borles , potty thievery or ordinary beg
ging nro more to the liking of this
class nnd it would be n line thing for
someone to Invent a successful
lloeh's agony of suspense scorns only
to have been prolonged by the action
of his woman friend who found she
I had the necessary amount of money
to carry his case to the supreme court.
It Is stated thnt If he does succeed in
getting n favorable decision from the
supreme court trials other charges
supreme court trials on other charges
await him , ono of which Is very apt
to cause his punishment In the man
ner decreed bv the lower court.
To deal with a crop failure nnd n
famine would seem to bo the last
thing needed to finish the job and wind
up Itussin , but it Is officially de
nied that conditions are as bad as
have been represented. The official
denial In Husla , howovcr , hns como
, to bo looked upon with some sus
picion nnd the agricultural department
will need to establish n better record
than the army and nnvy otllces If It
is to have things believed as they nro
London and Paris look to President
Hoosovolt to do more thnn introduce
M.Vltte nnd Baron Komura , which
should end his part in the undertaking
for pence. They expect him to see to
it thnt terms nro agreed upon. It Is
n heavy responsibility , but Americans
and all others who know the president ,
ex-poet to find him in just that position
should It be found that some outside
party , friendly to both nations , could
prove of advantage.
j The latest gang of joint smashers
in Kansas was composed of farmers'
wives to the number of a double quar-
| tet. It was not supposed that there
i were many farmers' wives In Kansas
or nny other state with sufficient time
to spare to develop Into first class
joint smashers. Such reformers us-
unlly come from the towns where the
women sometimes have more time
jthnn money. The fact that the In
dustry smashcm were farmers' wives
Is n funsntlon In Its way
If people can unitedly think hard
enough that n certain event Is to hap
pen , there IH every possibility thnt It
will hnppen , nnd Just now some sort
of Influence Is getting to w/ork / to con
vince the public tliit | there Is to be
another great tun ) strike next year.
Porhnps , however , It Is just liitendod
to ho In Iho Interest of thy wliolo oonl
mining fraternity , to linUu'o the people
to buy tliolr winter's ' supply of fuel
enrly or to afford an excuse for nn nd-
unco In prices of some dimensions.
Those storlON from New Orlenns re-
ardlng yellow fever nro somewhat
similar III Ilibll1 general appearance
Hill ntfoct to the war Htorios that some-
hut's have como from the far east. A
report that the fever fighters are grad-
mlly forcing the enemy out of HH
renchcH Is followed by another to
ho effect that the fever has captured
a number of strategic positions nnd
s working n slaughter with untiring
lands. The next time the fever Is ro-
lorted down and out something In the
way of confirmatory evidence will bo
Fremont Is endeavoring to become
[ ixtrn good on Sundays. For some
lime n movement IIHH been under way
to prevent the playing of Sunday ball
Barnes , but not with entire success.
Now a member of one of the churches
who owns a creamery has been noti
fied to stop churning on the Sabbath.
No movement has yet been made to
have the ministers and the housewives
quit ono of tholr hardest day's work
) f the week , but this may follow If
the reform movement Is carried to
the limit. - ! -
Secretary of Agriculture Wilson
says that he has no Immediate Inten
tlon of resigning his portfolio , and
the Interviews having been given out
from Oyster Hay makes It look very
much as though the president wns In
formed on the subject nnd hns no in
tention of asking his resignation. The
politicians have been unusually busy
during President Roosevelt's term In
making and unmaking his cabinet , but
there Is a limit to all things and It Is
possible thnt they hnvo found the end
of tholr manipulations.
A grand jury has Indicted the presi
dent nnd all the members of a village
board In Illinois for permitting the
operation of saloons In a prohibition
community. At the rate the grand
Juries are picking up business It Is
not alone United States olllcials and
trust magnates who may fear them ,
but persons In every walk In life will
need to have a'care that they do not
fall in their clutches and get hurt. Un
less the juries are different from some
ordinary courts , however , It is possible
that for the offense committed , the
smaller fellows will get worse punish-
nont than the greater ones.
The populist state committee meets
In Lincoln today to consider whether
or not It will pay to attempt
to call the remaining faithful few
In state convention , and If so on
what date the attempt will be made
to assemble the delegates. The demo
crats think that they will bo able to
muster their forces In convention
without the formality of a committee
meeting , the chairman of the party
organization having written for the
views of the various members of the
committee. The whole fusion matter
appears to be rather half-hearted at
this time , but it Is possible that they
may be able to stir up some excite
ment later In the campaign.
It Is declared that some of the coun
try road overseers and town street
commissioners have found a rule that
works bettor than a law to prevent the
scorching of nutomobillsts or the fast
driving of tennis , by making at set dis
tances places In the roadbed that will
bump like all get out when going nt
n high rate of speed , but can be pass
ed safely and comfortably at a moder
ate speed. It Is a great temptation to
Rcorch , without doubt , when a smooth
and level track opens up before the
prospect of a person In a carriage of
any kind and there may bo a great
deal of good horse SPUSO in removing
such temptation even though the road
is not quite ns good ns though it had
no bumps whatever.
The person who can bring a thou
snnd or fifty thousand dollars Into a
town or community to be placed in
general circulation there Is n benefac
tor of that place and should be so
honored. The same may be said of the
influence thnt would hold dollars that
were before spent in some other lo
callty. The greatest known present
day loss to a community is the money
that is sent to the department stores
nnd mail order houses for things that
may be bought at home and the per
son or group of persons who can suc
ceed In stopping this leak are bone-
fnctors of their kind. Some pntrons
think thnt only the merchants are
him. but If they will look deeper and
mnrk the record they will find thnt
when they think they are saving a
ew cents they nrs losing dollars ln
tend. It Is the money spent at home
hat builds up towns , mnkcs business
nd raises property values nnd the
orHoi ) who In selfish should jealously
jiard his homo Interests.
When you feel a sense of weight 01
iprflPBlon after meals It means Indl-
< i'Hlloii. IIolllstcr'H Rocky Mountain
'on jwHltlvoly cures Indigestion , con-
tlpiillon and stomach troubles. 35
cntp , tea or tablets The Klcsnu Drug
Three Good nnd Just Reasons.
There are three reasons why mothers
ors urefcr Ono Minute Cough Cure'
' 'Irst , It IB absolutely harmless ; sec
und , It tastes good children love if.
bird , It cures coughs , croup an' ' ,
vhooplng cough when other romodlef
all. Sold by Asa K. Leonard.
If eastern people will but under-
Bland that Nebraska Is having a sur-
ilun of rainfall during August , and that
similar conditions prevailed during
Tuly , the two driest months of the
ear for all sections of the country ,
hey should bo able to got into their
heads the faintest notion that Nobras-
ui has been as far removed from
Irouth conditions as any agricultural
state In the union. It has been many
cars since the farmers of Nebraska
mvo been touched by anything re
sembling a drouth , on the contrary
hero bus for a number of years been
oo much rain to bring about the best
results. A visit to Nebraska In Aug <
ist , the driest month of the year , will
convince the most skeptical of the
ruth. Nebraska Is in the certain
: rep slates and doesn't intend to get
nit to please the notlonate people of
the cast.
The board of governors of Ak-Snr
nen , the Omaha fall festival , have
ordered advertisements placed in 300
inpers tributary to the Nebraska me
tropolls , this to take the place of
bangers that have been used In the
pnst. The governors seem to know
how to place themselves solid with
the editors and publishers , and at the
same time renllze what form of nd-
vertlslng will bnvo the best effect , In
vestment considered , nnd reach the
grentest number of people. Other en
terprises might do worse than follow
the example of the Omaha people. If ,
for Instance the vnrlous county fnlr
nssoclntlons would use part of their
advertising appropriations in news
paper spnco and not ask it of the pub
Ushers for a few compllmentarlcs they
might find the change valuable In the
amount of Interest nnd attendance
encouraged on the part of the people.
The society people of Topekn , Kan
sas , are aroused over the presumption
of n negro who has purchased a home
adjoining the governor's mansion. As
long ns the man had the money and
the owner wns willing to sell It is
difficult to see how he could be pre
vented from buying where ho chose ,
nerely because his skin may have a
larker hue than that of some mom-
lers of the protesting society. His
statement that he and the governor
.vill got along famously nnd exchange
lot biscuits over the back fence does
not seem to make the position of the
Topeka critics any more likely to re-
lilt in permanent good. Naturally It
would hurt to see n negro sling on
more style thnn some of the white
folks could possibly afford , but money
will do surprising things very fre-
liiently , nnd it cannot possibly be
iclped that it does. Money hns
placed boors higher In the soclnl
scale than some of America's most
fnmous literary or scientific men could
hope to nttnlnjnit that is not all there
s to it , and if the society people of
Topekn depend upon white skins for
position they may well trembol at
what the action of Nick Chiles may
bring forth.
Cures dizzy spells , tired feeling ,
stomach , kidney and liver troubles.
Makes you well and keeps you well.
That's what Hollister's Rocky Moun
tain Tea will do , 35 cents , Ten or Tab
lets. The Kiosau Drue ; Co.
Bilious Bill was agltntea ,
And was much debilitated.
People said ho had consumption.
That was everyone's presumption.
When ho lon-rncd what was the matter
Bill made all the doctors scatter.
Now he Is his own adviser ,
Swears by Little Enrly Risers.
The famous little " "
pills "Early Risers"
euro constipation , sick headache , bil
iousness , etc. , by their tonic effect on
the liver. They never gripe or sicken
but Impart early rising energy. Good
for children or adults. Sold by Asa
K. Leonard.
If .Tobann Hocb wns not to swing
of course It would be some woman who
would make it possible for him to
escape such punishment. His record
of putting out of the way a dozen erse
so of wives would make it impossible
for men to give their sympathy , but
if it had been twice as many some
other woman would have found bum-
itnrinn reasons for doing awny wither
or postponing his execution. The wo
men always have been nnd perhaps
always will be the ones to give sym
pathy and help in the hour of a man's
distress , whether he is a murderer or
just n plain blgmlut. It Is n trait of
their character thnt hns nnd will con
tinue to spoil men , but they would not
hnvo them without It for more thnn
the vnluo of n dozen lives like Hoch's.
The Tribune of Knlls City announces
thn' ' V. G. Lyford of that place has
that V. G. Lyford of thnt plnce hns consented -
sented to the use of bis name before
the Htato convention as n
candidate for the olllcc of university
' ( gent. Mr. Lyford Is not unknown In
North Nebraska , having at one time
been Interested with Johnson brothers
of this city In n dry goods store nt
Humphrey nnd his friends here will'
wish him success In his candidacy.
Mr. Lyford is more of a business man
Ihnli n pulltlcnn , but his Interest in
school work eminently qualifies him
for the office nnd It will bo of nd-1
vantngo to the educational Interests
of the state to have him nominated
and elected. Mr. Lyford Is n man of
high personal character , keen nnd just
In bis bustncHS dealings , has good ex
ecutive ability , and Is withal , the man
for such an olllco us regent to seek.
Indigestion Cured.
There Is no case of Indigestion , dys
pepsia or stomach trouble that will
not yield to the digestive and strength
ening Influence of Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure. This remedy takes the strain
off the stomnch by digesting wlmt you
cat and allowing It to rest until It
grows strong again. Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure affords quick and permanent re
lief from Indigestion and nil stomach
troubles , builds up the system nnd so
purifies thnt dtsenso cnn not attnck
nnd gain n foothold as when In n
weakened condition. The constantly
Increasing use of Kodol Dyspopsln
Cure by physlclnns of hospital and
general practice of Itself tells how
this wonderful modern discovery has
proven to bo the grentest dlgestnnt for
the nllevlntlon of a suffering human
ity. . Its many cures of both children
nnd adults grows larger dny by dny
Sold by Asn K , Leonnrd.
New Orleans is now engaged in a
general clean-up to promote snnltnry
conditions. Many American cities
would not wait for an epidemic to
bite into their population before at
tempting the sensible thing , nnd In
the future it Is possible thnt Now Or
leans will be numbered among them
and keep as clean ns possible.
Comforts the heart , strengthens the
: nlnd. Is good , ill or well. Makes the
nee bright as the summer morn.
That's wlmt Rocky Mountain Ton will
; lo , Cures when all else fails. 35
cents. The Klesau Drug Co.
A Smooth Article.
When' you find it necessary to use
salve use DeWIU's Witch Hazel salve.
It Is the purest , and best for sores ,
inrns , boils , eczema , blind , bleeding ,
tchlng or protruding piles. Get the
genuine DoWltt's Witch Hazel salve
Sold by Asa K. Leonard.
We don't believe there is much dif
ference between "tending" the baby
nnd "minding" It , as the old fashioned
woman used the terms.
When the average man moves to
another town about the only bridges
he has to burn behind him Is the sellIng -
Ing of his old household trash.
There was a rooster pecked woman
on the street this afternoon ; she car
ried a big fat six months' old baby ,
and her husband walked beside her
carrying her little fancy pocketbook.
We hope you will notice that it is
the president's daughter who is hav
ing a good time and that the presi
dent's sons are not attracting any
more pti ntiou t"ii ! ua\tng brlel : \
girl > ' ays s'tsav's bin a boy doesn't
gr > t hat he cills his'n.
The society of bachelor uncle and
old maid aunts met last night nrd \ -
polled a member. The member had
confea&od' thnt a favorite niece had
exp-essed n desire for n diamond ring
w'ltch ' had not boon bought for her , as
the rules of the society would com
In addition to the big crops of corn ,
wheat and oats , how plentiful and
cheap fruits and vegetables are ! Ho\v
p'easant the weather ! Possibly we
have not been ns thankful heretofore
as we should have been , but we aie
now. Blessings have been poured
upon everybody this year.
When you can't think of nny other
of complimenting the playing of
a girl at the piano , say that she plays
' ith expression. " This will pleas
her , and means anything. If she mur
ders the piece , there Is the expression
of murder in every bang of her fin-
gets. If you say she has a "good
touch , " that Is also a pill that she will
svn'Iow ' and believe till her dying dny
was sugar all through. .
An Atchison mnn who Indulges in
nn occasional game of poker has n
wife ntlltcted with the
pockets habit. Whenever she made a
good haul she wanted to know where
the money came from. He invariably
replied , in trying to conceal his gam
bling proclivities , thnt n mnn who
owed him had paid up. One night his
wife , who was on all right , didn't find
n cent. "I suppose , " she said , "that
you paid that man this time. "
Crippled Engine Fixed up and Taken
to Omaha Yesterday Afternoon No
Damage to Boiler or Cab Fortunate -
> ate No Lives Were Lost , ) |
, The engine of the Union Pacific-
' freight , BOlng south Snttirdny afternoon -
, noon \VftB wrecked nt a point about n
j ( tntle below Norfolk , while the train
was going at n fair speed. It Is one-
j of the most peculiar accidents that
1 hnppen to railway rolling stock. The
1 great driving wheel nxlo , some six or
eight Inches In diameter , was cut off
between the bearings and the wheel
I ' ( ns though It hnd been snipped through1
with a pair of cutting pliers. For
sometime , months perhaps , there has'
been n break In the grent piece of
steel , shown by the accident , undiscoverable -
coverable before , nnd but n couple of
Inches of good , metnl hns served to
hold It until the break occurred. When'
the monster machine went down It '
threw Into the mud on one side of the * ]
right of way the great driving wheel.-
It bent and twisted the great rods and'
cranks nnd splintered the hardwood !
footboard above. To get the train
back to town It was necessary to send
to Columbus for n wrecking crew nnd
nil dny yesterdny machinists worked
on the machine , blocking the crippled
trucks up from the track so that It
could bo towed into the shops at
Omaha. It was taken out by the wreck
ers yesterday afternoon , the great
weight of engine and boiler resting
on one sot of driving wheels whore it
formerly had throe , and upon the
small wheels under the front of the
It was a fortunate accident fn its-
way. Usually , when there is a break :
in the driving wheels or the connect
ing rods , the boiler is battered up and
probability is thnt the great swing of
loosened steel will slice off the side
of the cab , with death and disaster for
the man on the seat. In this case It
was the left side and therefore the-
fireman who was threatened. The-
engine , boiler and cab were not in
jured , in fact show no marks of hav
ing been touched by the flying metal.
The force of the break threw thinsrs
away from the train and the bending
and breaking of great pieces of steel
showed what would have happened had.
they swung in , instead of out.
Old Time Newspaper Man Goes to
His Ranch to Farm.
Ainsworth , Neb. , July 29. Special
to The News : George H. Reinert , an
old time printer , has quit the news
paper business and moved to his ranch
thirty miles south of here. He has
been In the newspaper business for
twenty years. He commenced on the
Home Rule , then owned the Alliance
Herald at Springvlew ; next the Polk
County Independent at Osceola and
afterward the Western News at Val
entine. For the past five years he has
been local editor of the Star-Journal
at this plnce , which has recently-
changed hands , John M. Cotton being :
the present editor.
Office , Cotton Block , 'Phone Black 23.
Residence 100 North Tenth Street , 'Phone 25
Office , Bishop Block , 'Phono 1 !
Night calls answered from office.
are caused by Indigestion. If you eat &
little too much , or if you are subject to
attacks of Indigestion , you have no doubt
had shortness of breath , rapid heart boats ,
heartburn or palpitation of the heart.
i Indigestion causes the stomach to
i expand swell , and puff up against the
, heart. This crowas the heart and intor-
I feres with its action , and in the course of
time the heart becomes diseased.
Dyspepsia Cure
digests what you eat. takes the strain oft
of tne heart , and cortnbutes nourishment ,
strength and health to every organ of th ?
body. Cures Indigestion , Dyspepsia , Sour
Stomach , Inflammation of the mucou
membranes lining the Stomach and Diges
tive Tract , Nervous Dyspepsia and Catarrh
of the Stomach ,
After catlnj. my food would distress ma by making
my heart palpitate and I would become very weak.
Finally I cot a bottle ol Kodol and It cave me Immo-
Blue relief. After usmc a few bottles I am cured.
| MRS. LOR1NQ NICHOLS. Penn Van. N. V.
, I had stomach trouble and was In a bad ststa as I
I had heart trouble with it. I took Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure for about ( our months and It cured me.
D. KAUBLE , Nevada. O.
iDirjests What You Eat
frtpirtd t tk t b- I
UDII u much 41 tb ontorrofE.O.DtWIU
trltl. or 60 cint sUi.
Sola by AB& K. Leonard.