The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, August 04, 1905, Image 3

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Appronchlno Too Ncnrly to the Edge
of the Northfork Mill Dam In the
Darkness Last Night , Two Promi
nent Youno People Went to Death.
[ Prom Hiitunlii )
AH Noifolk inmiiim today. A clonk
Of gloom ONOlhllllgH till' HO f mill "HO
end to tlio othoi. imil ONi-iy hcait Is
nchtng with gilofand sadcst , Hlneoiosl
H.xmpath ) beoauso of tlio tiMillilo fa to
of two of tlio commuultN'H ntosl pioml-
in-lit and most lilghb osloomcd joung
fulK , H. Canoll POWOIH and Miss Aunlo
Vail McUildo , who woio H\\cpl In a
bout down oor tlio inllldiiin In the
NiMthfoiK i U or late last nlghl and
who , cm i led Into tlio witglng , foam-
Inn doplhs of tlio eddies below , sank
Into nn aNvful dual iloatli by di owning
Tlio Htory KOCH down upon Iho pages
of Noifolk'H hlstorj I H tlio widdesl of
nil sad tragedies.
A pleasant picnic Hiippot on Ilio
gtoen banks of the Noilhfoik tlxor at
lllllo'H gtoxo , a nillo noitli of Iho city ,
participated In b > a llttto piuly of
four happy JOUIIK people , was fmida
inontal In the illHUHtor which followed.
Mr. PoNNi'ia and Miss Mcllildo , In one
boat , together with Mr John Inldgo
anil Miss Until Hauling. In another ,
woio rotmntng fioin the outing after
< laik and It xvns Just bofoio tholr land
Ing that the INNO NNhoNont to tholr
deaths In sixty foot of water , and
whoao bodies had not jot boon found
nt noon today , NNOIO liuilod by the cur
rout doNNii the fall of font teen foot ,
fioin the top of the dam to the death
pool below.
The fact that the Noithfoik had
ralst-d six loot above Its noiinal con
illtlon , bilnging a tiomondoiiHly In
ct cased cntront , and the fact , too , that
the boating folk little loalUed this
change , lesultod in the fatal , a\\tul
accident. Appioaohtng too neat the
edge of the cliim befoio heading Into
the mill iaco , whoio the landing waste
to luuo boon efU'cti'd , and losing con-
tiol of the boat too late to loeoNor and
light a way out of the madly llo\\lng
sxvlil , tlio jonng couple NNOIO sent
helplessly Into the .swollen wntois
\Nhleh lushed ovoi the dam , down the
long , sh.up Incline , over the slippery
apt on and Into the bottomless , foam
ing , nngiy chasm beneath
The drowning occulted at about 0:110 :
o'clock , lint 0110 man , Homy King ,
who resides In Edgowatot pink , NNIIS
xxttness to the pitiful ( hop of the
human laden boat as It shot down IO
NS aid death. King N\as just dihlng
nciobs the Flist stiect bildgo ON or the
rher , cm onto home , and as ho neaiod
the centei span ho NNIIS slaitled by
the vision , off in tlio NNatei , of the
bh.ulowy loini of a boat gliding silent
ly , > et over and ONOI so .swittl > , Into
the toiiiblo channel
In the boat , whoso long nose tin nod
M > hti , light doNNii stiemn , Mr King
S.XNV , against the dim color of the
\Nator , the dark fin ins of the two pas
sengers NNllO NNCIC lost.
Not a Shriek Nor an Outcry.
And liom thofo passengois , in their
last moment altNo , theio came not a
blnlek , not an ontci.x of any boit ,
Doalhly silent and blileken NNlth ter
ror as they ic.illrcil the fate befoio
thorn , they sat cnlml.x motionless in
their places and bank Into the rher
NNlth no call for help , no woid , no
Other Boat Followed.
The companion boat In the party ,
occupied by Mr. Rrldgo and Mibs Haul
ing , follow oil borne distance In the
rear of that which went ONer the dam
Mr. PONNOIS had stalled ahead In the
rowing and had kept well along In ad
vance of the other party during the
entire course of the stream from
Hillo's groNe Into the city , The boats
came In close proximity for the last
time near the railroad brldgo which
crosses the river two blocks aboNe the
dam. Hero the Powers' boat was
sighted by the other , and after that
it was lost bight of. A few moments
later , when Mr. IJitdgo drew Into the
mill race , having passed through the
waters which can led away the preceding
ceding boat , ho was suiprised to 11 m
that the boat of the other couple hai
not been landed alongside- the shoio
No thought occurred to him , how ON or
that an\ thing serious had occurred.
Called and Called In Vain.
Believing that Mr. Powois and Miss
McBridc had landed somcwheio np
stream , ho turned back against the
current and rowed for some distance
over the course that he had just co\cr
ed Failing t'o sight the missing boa
along the shore , he called out In the
e\cnlng air. But theio came no an
swer and ho called again Then he
called and called in vain , with never
in the still ) night , uo sllghtes
of a reply from the fellow pic
, , . alatiind b > ill's ' time.
.11) ) Mill hopliiK that tlio otliciH had
iiidi-d and RHIIO " homo Mi BUdge , ' I
.tinned to hi * landliiK. walked home
\Hh MIxH HmdliiK and then , falling lo [
Ind oNlili-nrn of Iho iiilxHlnK coupli' ,
cnmicd to Ihf ilNot foi a m-iieh.
Klun Notified the Police.
Hi-Hi.x King , tlmiifiiiintloil at tlio
ilxht of Iho boat lhal wcnl oxer the (
lam while ho ill ox o ONOI Iho bililgo ,
slopped bin team mid inn down along
he Imnlt of the ihor , looking shmply
foi the bout thai had gone , bnablo to
ocato the boat and no ttaco of thoj
human beings being icNoalod by !
watois thai chinned agalnsl Iho apron ,
ho bun led ( illicitly back lo Iho city ,
mid noIllod ! Chief of Police Hay of
the diamallc scone lhal had Jusl
panned befoio his ocs
The Story Revealed.
The tepoit spioad like a Hash and
the police , wllh a lingo ciowd which J
( Illicitly gathi'icd , lushed at once to
Iho tlxor. Hoio H was lhal Mr. Bildgo j
was found. A comparison of notes by ,
the two , the one who had neon two
poisons go over the dam mid the ]
other who had lost Canoll Powotrt
mid Annie Mcllildo , bioiight mil the
awful Htoiy of what had renll > hap
An iiliiini was ghen by iliiglng the
clt > Hi obeli and hundiodn and bun-
dieds of people fiom all ON or Noifolk ,
all anxious to do any possible act thai
might aid In the seaich , assembled on
the waid's edge.
Parents Are Prostrated.
It was just shoill ) hofoio the lite-
bell began tinging Hint the patents
woio notified that the mlslng plculcois
could not bo located. Judge and Mis.
PONXOIH had boon wonlug for some
time oxer the late letuin of tholr bo > ,
hut did not it-all/o thai n heart lucak-
lug ntoi.x awaited them Mis. Wellls ,
mother of Miss Mcllildo , was also In-
foi mod thai hot daughter had mil ) ct
come fiom the liver and lhal llioio
xvas ahum In icgard to the delay.
Mis Wollls was unable to make the
dip to the ilxoi {
And so II XNas lhal these patents ,
together wllh Mr. and Mrs. C. H.
RO.Nnolds Miss Mcllildo being the
only sister of Mis. Reynolds hastily
stmtod down town. Ono party woio
riuriylng down nne Hide of Norfolk - ' 1
folk avenue and Iho other down the
opposite side when the lire boll began
to sound out Its call. I
"What's that ? " asked a man on the
stiect. I
"Carrol Powers and Annie Mcllildo
mo di owned , " came an answer fiom
the and this
, such n sudden i
liiipiesslou of u fact no longer n
doubt with some slight hope bioiight
piospiutlon lo the motbei whoso
child at thai moment hi ) llteless In
( ho watois ot Iho ihci
Find the Boat.
II was an horn ntloi Iho soaichlng
began lhal Iho boal which had boon
missed , was found , ONOI tin nod , andi
wllh Its nose piobhcd tightly against
the apion of the dam , at the south
end. Mr. Klug thought thai the boal
had gene down al aboul the middle
ol the dam , but Iho location of Hie
boal would Indicate that It had di op-
pod at the end Ono oailock and a
pint of the right side of the boat weio
loin out , showing the tiemendoiis
toico with which the load had dropped
fiom the top ol the dam. It was not
until a long seaich In the almost abso
lute daikiioss theio being no moon
that the boal was sliuck b ) a gaip-
pllitg hook In Iho hands of Mr. Rey
The boat was fouitecn feet long and I
NCIN mil tow U was of Iho llalbollom i
I.N pound the piopeit.N ot C 1) Jenkins.
Hundreds of Willing Workers.
Hundiods of NOI.N willing woikeis
lined the hanks of the ilxer and with
giappling lioiib continued theli seaioh-
ing all tlnough the dark night , until 1
5 o'clock this moining when , ex
hausted b ) their labor , thoj loft Iho
bpol lor a cup of codec and a bite to
eat , tetuinlng at G o'clock to lesumo
the boaich A guaid was left on shore >
dining the Intelxnl.
Hugo headlights woio broght by a
switching engine from South Noitolk
and these placed on each shoio
of the ilvor , Illuminated Iho watois
with almost the billllancy of day. The
stieet lights , too , were kept going alt
night long for the benefit of throngs
down town. I
Iron Hay Rake Used , '
When it was found that no headway
was being gained with the use of the
grappling hooks , an iron hay rake was I
secured , which might sink to the bottom
tom of the channel repeatedly in nn
eftoi t to lliul the bodies. The strength ! i
of men llnally gaxo out In this work )
and a team of horses were hitched , by
means of lopes , to the rake but this ,
too , was unavailing.
Four row boats with strong men
worked Incessantly all night long in
the foaming waters , using hand irons
in tiying to locate the two forms that
woio hid b > the dmk liquid , hut these
failed , also , in their purpose.
Tirelessly and constantly , taking
no moment's rest , Superintendent
Ho.Nnolds worked like a. Trojan in the
search , and after a bite for breakfasl
he resumed the searching early this
morning. He has telephoned to Omaha
for laigor grappling hooks , which ar-
riNod on the noon train and which , it
was hoped , might ho more effectixe.
Built a Raft.
A large raft was built this morning
which , anchored heaxily to the bottom
of the fixer , IB being used as a plat
form for workers while they drop
hooks down Into the eddy directly
beneath the dam.
Two Thousand Blacken Shores.
Fully 2,000 iwople blackened the
the shot es of the rlxer at ! ) o'clock
this I morning exct > oiio of them willI
IIIK I and anMons 10 lend a hand In any
NX H ) that ( ould pimMlbl.x an lnl.
Plunne of Fourteen Feet.
The pliniK' ' ' fmin the lop to Iho hot1
loin i of Iho dam IH a dlHtnnee of four-
lei n feel. Ilient boliiK an elxht lool
fall poipeiidleulml.x and a nl\ foul
Hlldo on Iho apt on , wheie the whlil-
pool of the xvatei In too HlioiiK for
hmiimi teHlHlancc of mi ) noil.
Doth Could Swim ,
llolh Mi I'oueiH and MlwH Mcllildo
could Hxxlin and Mr. POWOIH was mi
'oxptut oiiiHinnii , caiitloim in every
si iolte , mid Hlioiig. But he was not
Mtiong enough nor would any man
Juno been to battle almluHl lhal tie-
meiidoiiH Noilhfoik cuneiil as It was
hiHt night , al ( ho In Ink of Iho dam.
Doth Teachers.
Mr. Povors has been pilnclpnl m
( ho Noifolk high school for two yeaiH
land XXIIH elected foi next ) eai. llo NVIIS
a giadiialo of the Nebiaska state mil-
) , chiHH of IH02 , with Phi Beta
Kappa IIOIIOIH. Ho was n giaduato of
the Noifollt high school , class of 1898 ,
land was valedlctoilan of thai class ,
lie had planned lo attend Columbia
college lalei , and become an attoiney.
MlHH Mcllildo WIIH a pilmai ) leachoi
In Iho Not folk Hdiools She was a
giadiialo ol the chiHs of 1899 and had
attended ll.xdo PmU college , DCS
Molnes , Notlhwestein unlxoislty ,
i\aiistoii : , 111.
A Wierd , Terrible Scene.
U XXIIH a wleid , teitlble HCCIIO that
plelmo pieseiiled In ( he hollow of the
gteat biiHln below the dam , white xvllh
the foam that leaped high Into the air ;
wllh UIOHO lour lilllo heals lighting
upon the lough Hin lace , and filling J
with the chalky bubbles , and all lit
up with tlio Htiong ) ollow iaH thai
spiang liom the daiktiesH of the shore ,
cutting long , widening ( ilaugles in
the blackiioHH of the night And cen-
teicd In the whole plctmo , the one
tcatmo of It all weie those detoimin
ed vlHiigeH of the moil In the boatH mid
the tense ! ) sdalncd faces of those of
ithoHhoies , pooling mixloiisl ) down | (
Into tlioso awful depths of death those ,
lelontlcss lealms which lefuse to sur-
lender the bodies of INVO xvhora Nor
folk loved.
Relatives have been notified. Will-
lam Poxvors , a brother of Mr. Poxvers ,
arrived fiom Nellgh. Bud xvill bo hoic
tomorroxv. Mr. and Mrs. H. U Whit-
noy ate at I iko Okobojl. Mrs. Whit
ney Is a slHtcr.
Willis McBtlde 1ms nnlx-ed fiom
Elgin. Ho Is a hi other of Miss Me-
Hi hie.
| Another disaster xvas narrowly
nxoited this moining when the raft
thai had been built Nory nemly tinned
ON or with Mi. Re.Niiolds and four other
men upon It. Coolness pi evented the
A dlvor arthod at noon fiom Omaha
mid Is looking oxoi the situation , pie-
paiatoi ) to dlxlng
| Interview With Klug.
" 1 was dtixlng home between half
past It and 10 o'clock1 said Heniy . ;
King this atloinoon to The News"and
when I ciosscd the brldg.0 I heard oara
paddling in the ilxci. Looking down ,
I saw a boat standing alongside the
Hood gates ot the dam. It was ap
paientl ) not moNlng at that moment.
Suddenl ) the boat sweiNOd , tinned
.uotintl with Its head tow aid the dam
and with a lunge shot ONOI Iho dam
I hoaid it pound as It wont down.
"Yes , In the boat Ihoio wore two pee
ple. They woio a man and a woman.
The woman xxas In the fiont end of
the boat as U went ON or the dam. They
each clutched the sides of the boat
with both hands. The.x sat up
sti night and xxeio hiaced back against
I the ends of the
" 1 inn down to the edge below the
dam to see if I ( ould holp. I could see ,
nothing ot the people or the boat
Then , utter a time , I notified the
| iiiglitwatchmaii. The boat was In the
middle ot the dam. "
The Broken Oarlock.
Ouo theoiy ailXiincud this uftoinoon
icgaidlng the hi caking of the oailock I
was that it had been bioken against (
the bildgo and that with the one ic-
miilnlng oar the boat had been iexol-
xod aboNO the dam until the cm rent
stiuck it. Another was thai the oar
may haxo been used as a lex-er in
t'holding the boat against the Hood j
gates and thai the cm rent finally be-
came too Miong and bnappeil the oarlock -
lock and the side of the boat out. And
that , when this was done , the boat ,
having no brace left , turned and dived
down across the dam.
It was impossible to run more wafer
through the mill and thus decrease the
amount of water below the dam because -
cause the mill race xvas already carry-
Ign its full capacity.
At 2'30 o'clock this afternoon the
bodies were still in the river.
The Bodies of Mr. Powers and Miss
McBrlde Were Recovered From the
Norfolk , Whose Waters Had Dealt
Kindly With Them In Death.
[ From Monday's Dallv 1
A double funeral will bo held In
Norfolk nt 5 o'clock this afternoon to
pay a last fond tribute to the memory
of Robert Carroll Powers and
Miss Annie Vail McBrlde , victims
of the dual drowning tragedy of Fri
day night. The services will be held
in I the PfiHt Coiigii'Katlonnl church , of
which both Mr. POWOIH and Miss Me-
Ililde I weio lifelong members , and will
ho I conducted by Rev J J. Pinker of
Pliilnxli-Nv 1 , foimei pnntur , mid Hev
\V. J. Tumor , piem-nt paitot. And a
llllle I while bofoio the netting of this
evening's HUH all thai icmalns mortal
of Hie ) ouiig couple who met that Had ,
tingle fate , will be loweied Into the
oaith at the comotoiy on Piospecl
Txxoho ioung men of Noifolk ,
flit-mis of them both , will act. as pall
hem ei H Those for Miss McBtido will
bo. Wjiin Rnlnboll , Nun la Huso ,
Clone HUHO. Clmeiico Sailor , Charles
Mndseii , Jack Wellls. Those for Mr
Poweis will bo : B. Elsofer , Ollxor
Utter , John Bildge , Klmball BaniOH ,
Julius Hulff and Chailcs Malhewson.
The Dodles Are Recovered.
The bodies xveio lucoxeied fiom Iho
wnleis below Iho dam. Both of them
losled about iwonly-llNo feel fiom the
Houlh shore , and well tow aid the
apron , wheio they had been can led
by the hack cm rent. They weio at a
depth of about Ihltty-llvo feet. Miss
Mcllildo xviis found at 10.10 o'clock
Satin day night , jusl about twenty-four
horns alter the accident. A hook Irom
Iho boal occupied by Wiin Ralnbolt
and Gene Hitbo , caught In the clothing
and dievv the long sought lonn to Iho
bin face.
Canoll Poweis was found Sunday
af lei noon al 1.30 o'clock , located b )
a IIIIN lake which was bolng dtagged
Hsleiiuitlcally hack and lotth acioss
the sticmn , b ) Hi enum and olhois.
The diagglng began al the apion of
the dam and ONOI ) loot of the ilxei's
bed CONotod on the wu ) east. The
sKlh time it was dtawn acioss Iho
stieiim , liom soulh lo noilh , the reCON -
CON ei ) was made C. 12. Iluniham and
John Kinntdliected the lope at the
soiiili end anil C. P. Palish , M. C.
Walker and W. II. Blakeman at Iho
other They know thai Iho take had
found Die body xxhen 11 had gone
thlil ) feet tiom the south shoie , for
ON ot ) bit ot guiNcl made a distinct
Impiesslon upon the lope When 11
had boon diawn acioss , Charles Dugan
who had been diving tor many hours
fiom the moment the accident oc-
curied until then , went doxvn under
xxatur to the lake. Ho found the form
ot Canoll Poweis and it xvas draxvn
D.Miamlte was used In the river just
shoitly before the finding of each , and
It is believed that It aided In each
case , pei haps loosing the bodies bo
that they weie the more readily locat
Search Unremitting.
Dining the se.uch for the bodies
Noifolk doNeloped hmulieds of hoioes
unciowned and unsung , perhaps , bul
homes just the same. Fiom the time
ot the drowning until the last body
was loco voted , from a do/en tosovera
bundled men xxeie on dut ) , xxorking
tlielessly , ceaselessly to restore what
i lomalncd of the loxcd ones to tholr
i ] families Hxer.x thing thai could be
thought of in aid of the beaich xxas
done The stringing of arc lamps along
] tlie shores foi the night xxoikcrs , the
bringing in of boats fiom a distance ,
the piovlslon of all kinds of hoo/s ,
grapple and tackle , xxeio but exidences
of the thoughlfiilness and foiesighl of
an inlensoly interested people. Many
lost their houis of sleep , their regular
meals , that the seaich might go foi-
xx aid uniemlttlngly. It was an evi
dence of fellowship and kinship that
'jail xvho noted admired , and if It xxas
! xx oik appreciable to stiangcis it xxas
In thousandfold moio appieclated by
family and fi lends.
Both families haxo asked thai The
News attempt to oxpiess their appie-
elation , and they wish it emphasised
that their loads of soiiow have been
Immeasuiably lightened by this evi
dence of sxmpath ) and unbounded
good xxill The ) icall/e that many
haxo not onlx saciiflccd pleasure and
conifott , but ilsked health , if not life
Itself , thai loxing eyes might again
look upon the foims of those hold
dear , and loxlng hands prepaio them
for sopulchie. The Nexxs leall/es
that the giatltude which xvells up form
depth of their hearts can noxer
be expiessed by more xvords but Is
certain that nil that xxas done xvas
done gladly and would bo done again
should occasion offer , xvlthout thought
of rexvaid or thanks.
The Waters Had Been Kind.
The cold waters of the Northfork
i had dealt kindly during those long
I hours with the two who xxero held
tightly In death's embrace , far beloxv
the surface. There was no bruise , no
mark of any sort upon the clear , young
features to Indicate the crisis that had
been gone through. There xvas no ex
pression upon the faces to shoxv that
theie had been a struggle for life , or
to give evidence of a terrible moment.
Both of those joung people looked ,
and look today as they rest In their
biers , just as though they had lain
gently and peacefully down for a quiet ,
undisturbed nap and as though , XNltcn
> on appi cached , they might awaken
nt any moment.
How the Accident Occurred.
The most feasible thcoij of the acci
dent , according to the best ONldence
at hand , is that the right oailock on
the boat was.broken while going under
the First slreet bildge , just abox-o the
dam , and that Powers , with but one
oar to xxoik , used It xxith all force In
an effort to sxvlng Into the mill race.
So slrennously xxns It used , It Is pre
sumed , that the boat was turned com
pletely around and back into the cur
rent. Once there , It was impossible
to stop Its sxxlft glide doxvn the dam
The curient Is not so swift that with
txxo oars the boat could not have
been hold Powers hud been oxer
Iho same course- man ) times and knew
juit lioxv to mak * > Iho tuin Ho knew.'i '
too , that NNlth no accident ho could
make the ( urn and haNO many feet of
mm gin between his bout and the dam ,
to npaio And the facl that the boat
went over stein flrnt , nccoidlng to
the e.NO NvItnesH , Indlcatt-H lhal the
llioory of rcNolvlng by moans of the
remaining oar Is cotrect.
Once In Iho watois below Iho dam ,
It xxas Imposlble lo swim , for both
\vcro heaNllj dressed , Miss McHrldo
wearing a xery hei\j cloak which
would IUINO ptoNontcd her fiom Jump
ing if she had attempted It. And the
curronl tossed Iho boal out of reach
so that theio WHB nothing upon which
to effect a rescue. A boat containing
two joung men was rowed Into the
cm rent on the apron of the dam Sat-
urady nfticnoon and Ibis capsl/ed In
the xvater's forco. The boat xvas car
ried down In the current and then
was icturned by the back current to
the spot wheie the Powers boat xvas
found. The men sNvnm out with dif
ficulty An umbiella , tossed Into the
river , xxns cat tried down the current
and then back to the locality xvheto
the bodies xxete found It xvas brought
up by the rake , showing that the rake
cox ei oil exeiy foot of smfaco.
Among those xvho have at lived at
the Poweis home me Mr. and Mrs
II. L Whltno.N of Omaha , Mi. and Mrs.
Fiank Powoib of Omaha. Hud Poweis
of .lacksonNllle , 111 , Mi and Mis. Will
Powois of Nellgh , Will Logan of Hlgin ,
Mis J H Logan of Ponca , slstoi of
Judge Poweis.
Among those Abe baNO mi IN oil a *
the He.N nolds and the Wolfls homes
me Mr. and Mis Willis Mcliildo and
hildien of Elgin , .lack Wollls of
Omaha and Miss Helen Welsh , -00111
n.ito of Miss MI Pride last xea1' at
N'o.'ibwcstein m > .
Mrs and Mis H G Coiell of Plain-
vlexv aiilx-ed this morning
The First Congregational Church Was
Filled to Overflowing With Friends
of Miss Annie McBrlde and Mr.
Carroll Powers.
T ( ' < 'l n ' Dillv ]
At 5 o'clock last evening a double
funeral was held in the First Congre
gational chinch In which one of the
largest concourses of people ever assembled >
sombled upon a like occasion in Nor
folk , paid tender tribute to tlio memory
of. Miss Annie McBride and Can oil
Powers , xvho xxero drowned in the
Noithfoik lixer last Ftlday night.
At 1 o'clock the church xxas croxvded
with irlends of the txvo young persons
and at the hour cot for the services
thoio xx ore as manv outside the x-asl
auditorium as within The casket
bearing the icmalns of Miss McBride
was tenderly taken down the aisle to
the altar , resting just at the loft of
It. while the casket of Mr Poxvers was
placed just at the right Rev. J. , T
Parker , led the xvay for the first sad
procession and Rev W. J Turner , pas
tor , for the second. Rex' . J. F
Poiicher gaxe an Impressive invoca
lion , after which the choir sang softly
"Asleep In Jesus. "
Hev W J. Tumor read the txventy
seventh Psalm and a portion of the
fifteenth chapter of Fiist Corinthians
Uev J J. Paiker followed xxith praxer
the choir later singing "In the Hour
of Tiial " which xvas ono of Miss Me
Bride's faxoiltes
Mr Parker then spoke of the snd
tiagcdy and of the Inability of the
world to say why the lives that are
loNPd and adniiiod should bo taken
-away. Ho spoke of the lack of pnpoi-
tion in the cause and effect- there had
boon a little daikness , perhaps a brok
en oar , a slight rise In the rlx'er ind
two exemplary llx-cs v pro dashed to
death. Ho gave characterl/ations of
the beautiful lives of them both , mere
ly to attempt , he said , to pierce the
cloud ot doom by sendlnc brightness
Into It. And perhaps , after all , both
were belter off they had left a world
of temptation for one that has no
temptations. It must be the good lives
taken from the world It Is not the
Ignorant whom we wish to follow into
Mr. Turner folloxxed , speaking of
thorn both the admirable characters
xvhose Influences are still remaining.
Both were members of his chinch all
remembered them as they xvorshiped
among the congregation a week ago.
Carroll Poxvers xvas a leading Influence
In the Christian Endeaxor society , and
uplifted young men He had with
stood the temptations of the world.
Miss McBride was a most excellent
teacher , and her services wore felt by
all. Her voice , trained during the
year , was charming to hear and a com
fort to her friends But perhaps , ho
said , there was little to say that could
Mrs C C Greene very beautifully
bang a solo. "Thy Will be Done , " at
the close.
Floxvers almost a countless num
ber of them from the fi lends of exery-
xvhere , and all of them bearing a beau
tifully touching bit of comfort to the
sorroxvlng families , filled the homes
and filled the mammolh church
Never had the floral decorations In
Norfolk been more perfectly beautiful
and ne\rer more beflttlngly so.
At the cemetery , xvhero the burial
| had been most beautifully dec-
ouited i with limitless floxvors , commit- I
incut serxlccs wore road while the ' ( '
casket of Mlns McBrlde , flist. and
later Mr. Powers , were tenderly , sloxv-
lv lowered Into their tiprpetual resting
places just as the slowly sinking sun
In the west had gone almost out of
Might with Its ditv's com so done , and
just as the coolness of the evening
came down from out of the heavens
o Kond axxay the bent of the day and
o gixe Its patting caress to all that
omnliipd mortal of Carroll Poxvers
mil Annie McBride The choir sang
softly and sxvectly , "Tho Day Is Dying
n the West , " "Abide With Me. "
Robert Carroll Powers.
R. Canoll Poxvers xvas born at Da-
iota City , Neb , May 19 , 1880. He
lame to Norfolk In 1881 xvlth his par
ents and had since made this place his
ionic Ho giaduatod from the Nor-
'oik high school In 1898 and xvas vale-
llctorlan of his class. Ho immediately
Miteied the Nebraska university , from
.xlilph ho graduated In 1902 xvlth Phi
iletn Kappa honors. Ho xvns a mom-
) or of the English club at the univer
sity , which Is an oiganl/atlon of
writers limited In number , to which
iiembershlp Is gained by mciltorious
work. After graduating from the unl- \
Norslty he was selected as principal
of schools at Chelmlls , Wash. , in which
capaclt.x ho served for ono jear. He
was elected pilnclpal of Iho Norfolk
ilgh school afler that , xvhlch position
10 held at the time of his death. He
IN as piepailng and had arranged to
entei Columbia laxv school. He had
icon a member of the Congregational
church for about nine ) ems and xvas
conspicuous In Chtlstlan Endeavor
iX Oik
Miss Annie Vail McBrlde.
Miss Annie Vail McBiide , daughter
of Hoi ace and Helen McBrlde , xvas
join near Mlddletown , N. Y. , May 31 ,
1881. She came to Nebraska In June ,
1889. She joined the Congregational
chinch when about twelve years old.
In January , 1900 , she went to DCS
Molnes and took a special course in
inimary teaching She xvas elected
teacher here and had taught for
four ) ears Last ) ear she secured per
mission for a year's absence and attended -
tended Northwestern university , tak
ing a special course In music. Her
father , Horace McBrlde , died in June ,
Resurvey of Portions of Rock and f
Brown Counties Needed.
Under the act of congress passed at
the last session , piovlding surveys of
paits of Rock and Brown counties , N.
B. SNveit/er , xxho Is connected with
the geneial land office in Washington ,
has been In Bassett for the past txvo
months and has just completed his
work. He , with his assistants , have
run 230 miles of lines In the thirty-two
toxvnships coxeied by the act. The
investigation has demonstrated that
many of the corners are missing , and * '
xxhether these corners were ever 9
established or not , It is a fact that a , ' '
lesmxey is necessary , and it Is uni
versally desired by the setllers in the
territory concerned that a resurvey be
On account of the extremely wet
weather Mr. Sweitzer has found Ihe
woik arduous and difficult , but ho and
his force have xvorked Industriously ,
not rebling ex en on Sundays , and the
people there are much pleased xvlth his
efforts , and they are hoping that when
his report is made steps xvill be
promptly taken for a resurvey by the
gox-ornment V
Mr Ross Majo , a brother-ln-laxv of
Mr. Sweitzer , has been assisting him ,
and their families haNc lived In Bas-
belt dining Iho period of Ihelr slay.
As soon ns ho has completed his re-
poit Mr Sweitycr will go lo Wyoming
to make a retiacomenl of the bound-
aty line between that state and South
1 Dakota.
Fred Wolfe Caught a Big Animal One'
Mile West of the City.
A laige badger xxns trapped yester
day al the fatm of Obed Raasch , one
mile xvest of the city , by Fred Wolfe ,
a IG-.xearold boy The badger had
for a long time been stealing chickens
from the farm.
Meat Dealers to Merge.
Grand Rapids , Mich. , Aug. 1. Un
less all signs go astray the convention
of retail butchers begun here today
will result In an amalgamation of the
National Retail Butchers and Meat
Dealers' Protective association and
the Master Retail Butchers of the
West , heretofore separate organiza
tions , having common alms and pur
poses. The two associations when
united will prove one of the strongest
organizations of business men In the
United States and it Is believed will
bo In a position to obtain many con
cessions of public benefit from the rail
roads and from the so-called beef trust.
The convention , xvhlch has Its head- u ,
quarters at the Livingston hotel , will " * * >
bo in session three or four days.
Relief For Expedition.
Halifax , N. S. , July 29. The Newfoundland -
foundland sealing steamer Neptune ,
under charter by the Dominion govern
ment , sailed today for Hudson Bay
with supplies and relief for the Can
adian expedition sent there last year
on the sleamer Arctic. The Neptune
xvill land supplies of coal at Cape
Chodley , near the Hudson strait en
trance , and Cape Wolstenholme , at
the extreme end of the eastern coast
of the bay A small force of mounted
police goes along to relieve those now
oa the coast of Hudson Bay. > \