The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, August 04, 1905, Image 1

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, , .
NKUIISKntl ! U AltilVM.
Chief Russian Plenipotentiary's In
structions Are Elastic Peace Is De-
| slrable , but Unreasonable Termi
Will Not De Accepted.
New York. Aug. 3. Clothed with
plenary powers , personally prepared
mid signed l > y his sovereign , Sorgius
WItte , Russia's limiting plenipoten
tiary to the Washington conference ,
landed beie trom the Kaiser Wllhelm
der Ctios-so ab quietly and democratic
ally as the most humble of his follow
pasfMigeis. Mr. Lodygonsky , llus
sian consul genotul , went down the
1 harbor In a revenue cutter olllclally
to greet the distinguished envoy and
was icieived by M. Witte on deck
while the KniFcr Wllhelm was at quai--
antlne. Accomiianying the consul
Eoneial weie Haion Sclillpi-enbach consul general at Chicago ;
Baron Sihill'iig , Uusslan v co consul
at New York , and Mr. WIIonKine. Uus
elan financial agent at laslilngton ,
who was tlie bearer ol' ' ° < J'imt di
patches tiom St. Peters , < o M.
" \Vitte. The latter pii.mpti. ? fo - > A ,
read and quietly put those com . t
tlons in his pocket. *
Awaiting M. Wltto at the dock was
Uaron Rosen , Russian ambassador at
Washington , with his first secretary ol
mbassy , Mr. Hanson. Daron Rosen
came on board as soon as the ship
reached the dock and cordially greet'
d his confrere and the members of
his suite. After ten minutes conver
atlon , during which the majority of
the passengers landed , M. Wltte came
down the gang plank on the arm of
Karen Rosen , followed by his suite ,
but soon found his passage blocked
by the crowd , who cheered , and M
Wltte , smilingly , acknowledged tha
greetings by repeatedly lifting his hat
Several policemen soon came to his
rescue and cleared a passage to the
automobile which was awaiting the
party outsldo the dock. Midway down
the pier the procession was again
stopped , this time , however , by
a delegate from the Slavonic society
of New York , who presente'd fc Wltte
with an address. The Russian envoy
made a brief but cordial response ,
thanking the society for its gieeting
and also Cor the cordial welcome he
iad received trom another delegation
which boarded the Kais-cr Wilhelm off
Quarantine , having gone down the har
bor on a tux.
Soon aftoi the ship left Quarantine ,
M. Witte , sui rounded by a largo gioup
of newspaper men , who came down the
harbor on the icvonue cutter , and by
as many ot the pas.sengeis as could
crowd around him , called to his sli'.o
Professor De Mai tens , a member o (
his suite , and handed to him a state
ment With the direction that he de
liver it in Engllbh as the greeting ot
M. Witte on his ai rival In this coun
try. Piofessor Do Mai tens read the
greeting In a clear voice and at its
conclusion M. Witt" received a heartj
ovation , vvl' h evidently pleased hlri
and which he acknowl > Igoil by sev
eral bo\\s , and then vuilKod away f
one side ot the ship to look at the
statue of lib'ity.
M. V ittc's
. , Cresting.
"For the irlo-c'.ly gicetlngs of the
Ameilcan " firt
nnw-imp"rs upon my
visit to th ° ho ! p'.taljlo shoies of t'-e
United Sta'fs , I offer my hutt'f > 't
thanks. This kind attent'nn louche ?
me all the more profoundly Localise
I reali/.e the vastness of the power
wielded by the press of the United
States and admire the keen intelli
gence with which It is uniformly di
rected. I am glad to be able to add
that I also appreciate the ethical
worth of the alms for the attainment
of which that power Is so often and
so successfully employed. One of the
noblests of these aims Is the estab
lishment of peace and friendship
among nations , and It Is to the praise
worthy efforts of the people of the
United States In this direction that my
Tlslt to the new world Is attributable.
For It Is in compliance with the
American people's desire for peace , of
which President Roosevelt was the
authorized exponent , that his majesty ,
the czar , has empowered me to come
hither and ascertain the conditions
which our gallant adversary deems
necessary and adequate as a basis for
peace negotiations. I need hardly
point out that It Is my ardent desire
that the two chivalrous foes , who firsi
became acquainted on the field of bat
tie , may have found In each others'
sterling qualities motives powerful
enough to cultivate that acquaintance.-
ship until It ripens Into lasting friend
ship. Mernvhile , however , the terms
offered muct first bo ascertained ,
weighed and judged admissible by
Russia before she can proceed to form
al negotiations. Hitherto , ns you are
aware , it was customary in cases like
this to settle all such preliminaries
befom the meeting of the plenipoten
tiaries , whose task it was to como tea
a final agreement on the matters un
der discussion. Now the very fact that
his majesty , the czar , consented to
take a course Involving departure from
this ancient diplomatic usage and to
approach a mission to learn the na
ture of our bravo enemy's terms , Is an
eloquent token of the friendly foellug
wbth he and his Kubjoc ts continue
to ( hnMi lownids the people of thn
t'nlteil Stales. 1 say continue to cher
ish , because at no epoch In our hi *
toiy have our traditional t elation *
< vlth this gieat republic boon other
Ihan cordlr.l. And now I should like
to say , aye , and to piove to jour people
ple who live less In the past than In
the picsont and the tuluio , that It 19
Ilic rcivent wish of the emperor and
the people of Russia futthoi to
sttenijlheu the ties of friendship
which linvo hitherto subsisted be
tween the two nations. It Is In vlrtun
of that siiirere deslie that his maj
esty , the czar , waiving all other con
sldoratlons , has unhesitatingly accept-
cd the Invitation of > our tlrst
citizen and genial leader. And If my
mission should prove in all other re
spects barren and the endeavor to find
a common basis for peace negotiations
should fall lor the time being , the sig
nal proof of friendship given by his
majisty , the czar , and the Russian
nation would still stand out as a me
moiablo event , fiaught , I trust with
far-i caching and beneficent icsults tn
the two great peoples ot the west and
the east. "
As M. Wltte does not sneak Kngllsh ,
he was not pressed' ' for an Interview ,
but the members of his party were
each approached for their views as ta
the negotiat'ons. Natuially , on u sub
ject of such delicacy , they were rctl'
cent , but this much was asceitalntd
be.vond a doubt : In scope the power *
of M. Wit to , who comes as plenlpoton
tlary of Russia to discuss with tha
Japanese plcnlpotcnUailcs means ol
ending the wai , and piovlded a basis
acceptable to Russia Is obtained , to
sign the treaty of Washington , equal
In every way the powers handed to
Baron Komura by the Japanese cm
peror. M. Witte brings with him In
structions , prepared by his emperor ,
which outline the general policy which
he is authorized to pursue. They nro
In many respects elastic , and will aid
rather than hamper M. Wltte , provid
ed the terms submitted by Japan , In
his opinion , appear reasonable. It
was also mndo plain by several of M
Wltte's suite that ho has not come to
the Washington conference to obtain
peace at an ' price. Officially , the Rus
sian mission Is of course unaware ol
Japan's terms and until they have
been handc d to M. Wltto by Baron
Komura , "Russia will await results pa
tlently and without anxiety , " was the
way a clo ; o friend of M. Witte ex
pressed the attitude of his country.
Chinese Prosecuting Systematic Ccm-
palgn Against American Goods.
Victoria , B. C. , Aug. 3. Advices
from Canton state that when a dele
gate of the Chinese boycott movement
against America was explaining to
students In Canton schools the nature
of the agitation ho pointed out that
many students were tunics made ol
American cloth. These were at once
torn from the backs of the students.
Various Chinese papers have given
notice that no American business no
tice or any news regarding Americans
was to be published after July 18.
Although arrivals from China state
that the boycott against American
goods Is not a serious menace th
newspapers are filled with reports nt
anti-American meetings and gathet
Ings of guilds and bodies of students
to further the movement.
Negro Slayer Kills Pursuer.
Stamps , Ark. . Aug. . " . . E K. Fer
guson , claim agent of the Louisiana
and Arkansas railroad , was killed near
Stamps by a negro named Ike Kin
ney. Klnney had killed a nesio at
Stamps and escaped and Ferguson was
a member of a posse which went in
search for him. The negro was en
countered about three miles from
Stamps , aiK' ' opened fire , killing 'For
guson. A reward of. $5"0 has been of
fered for Klnney and special trains
have been sent to Pine Bluff. Ark. ,
and Minden. La. , to take bloodhounds
to Stamps.
Kaiser F.ors a Dane for Norway.
Copenhagen , Aug. 3. Since his ar
rival at the Danish court Empeior
William appears to have become con
vinced that there Is no hope of a
prince of the house of Bernadotte be
coming King of Norway. His majesty
now favors Prince Charles of Den
mark , and he Is quoted as saying.
"If Prince Charles does not become
king Norway will be a republic. Of
course I prefer a monarchy and there
fore shall hereafter support the caadl
daey of Prince Charles. "
Peace Negotiations In Mexico.
Blsbee , Ariz. , Aug. 3. News comei
from Sonora that negotiations for
peace are ir progress between Yaqul
Indians and the Mexican government.
Couriers ar traveling throughout the
state wherever there are Yaqul In
dians , exhorting them to commit rn
further depredations pending a peace
conference. The last treaty with the
Yaquis was made at Ortiz In 1897 , and
was not broken until 1899.
Jury Has Williamson Case.
Portland , Ore. , Aug. 3. Arguments
in the case of Congressman William
son. United States Commissioner
Biggs and Dr. Van Gcssner. Indicted
for subornation of perjury in connec
tion with land transactions In east
ern Oregon , were concluded and Judge
Dellaven delivered his charge to the
The Total of the Assessment Rol | Will
Reach $304,000,000 The Work of
the Board is Finished No County
Escapes Some Sort of Raise. (
Lincoln , Neb. , Aug. 3. The JHtntu
loard of equalization lias practically
ilosod Its labors by llxlng the levy for
ho curiont year at HOVOII mills , j The
otal of the assessment roll will reach
? 301,000,000.
Not a county In Nebraska escaped
ncreaso In one classification or an-
) thor.
Ncbraslo Democrats to Meet.
Lincoln , Aug. I- ! The Uemciciatlc
stafc cential comn.ltloo fixed Wednes
day , Sept. 2at Lincoln , as the tin' "
and place for holding the state icon
Republican River Overflows/
BloonilnK'on , Neo , Aug. 8. Owing
to Hie con Inuoiis rains Republican
river has nunln risen out of Its bunks
and Is He" ing the low lands , -Jolng
considerable damage.
Naval and Military Display at Sault
Qte. Marie.
Sault Sto. Maiio , Mich. , Aug. 3. An
elaboiato display of liioworks , partlc
Ipated In Jointly by Canadians and
Americans last night , concluded the
first day of the exercises la celebra
tion of the ttltleth anniversary ot the
opening of the Sault Ste. Marie canal.
The Canadians contributed liberally
to the exhibition and Canadians
showed great enthusiasm. Previous
to the fireworks ddsplay Governor
Warner of Michigan received In the
government park , Vlco President Pair-
banks , who took part In the exercises.
During the day the principal events
were an Impressive parade of govern
ment and other vessels aud Canadian
ships up St. Marie river through the
Canadian locks and a military proces
Vice President Fairbanks was
seized with an acute attack of Indi
gestion at the reception last night
and had to be assisted from the stand
In the park. lie walked to the "iro-
quols hotnl and repaired to his room
Bennlngton Board to "Pass Up" Re
sponsibility for Accident.
San Francisco , Aug. 3. A special
dispatch from San Diego to the Call
says that from an official source , the
reliability of which cannot bo ques
tioned because of its connection with
the court Itself , It has just become
known what in substance will bo the
report of the court of Inquiry now in
vestigating the Hennlngton disaster.
It may be stated authoritatively that
the court will find that boiler H of
the T3ennln ton exploded , not because
of unusual'y high pressure , but be
cause the metal of the crown sheet
and the bolts holding that ciovvn sheet
In place had become "dead , " had lost
all life and nearly all tensile strenp'h
by reason ot constant use and the fail
ure to renew the weakened place dur
ing the time that the ill-fated Hen-
nlngton was in service. The couit
will not consul e the officers of the
ncnnlngton , but will pass up the mat
ter and the responsibility to higher
Mayor of Paterson Missing.
New YoiK , Aug. 3. Mayor William
II. Helohoi of Paterson , N. J. , has not
returned to his home there and there
Is considerable speculation as to his
whereabouts. Allen M. Chalmers , hla
law partner , said that Mayor Belcher
had been found and that be would re
turn to Paterson at once. This was
later modified to the effect that thn
mayor had not come to Paterson , but
was In Now York. Search here did
not reveal him. Prosecutor Emley of
Paterson bi < an an Investigation based
on a statement concerning Mr. Belch
er's alleged indebtedness to certaJn
Christian Convention at Lincoln.
Lincoln , ug. 3. The annual conven
tion of the Christian church Is In ses
sion at Be. any park , east of Lincoln.
The enrollment has reached 500. The
meetings ! e hold In a new taber
nacle erected for the convenience o
the gathering , which Is an annual rf-
fair. Karh evening evangelistic ser
mons are peached by Rev. J. H. O.
Smith of V .paralso , Ina. During tl 3
day there singing by a large chorus ,
with lectures on various religious
Bryan on Equitable Muddle.
Fort Wayne , Ind. . Aug. 8. While In
this city W. J. Bryan said : "Tho
Equitable L.fe Assurance society mud
dle present. ? a new political problem.
It Indicates to the voters the extent to
which the people are being exploited
by 'high financiers. ' I awson done
a great deal towards exposing It ,
but his opposition to municipal owner
ship Is all wrong. I am going to Eu-
rep to study financial jondltlons. "
Says European Aristocracy Is of Del
tcr Grade Than tlio American. I
New York. Aug. 3. Comparing the
American irul Kuinponn typos of aiN
tocraoy , Colonul Henry \Valtoisun of
I/Miliu Illo , who ictutni'il on the steam
er Oceanic Horn dip to Kuiupo ,
HHld : "I observed ICiiiopcau nrlHtoc
racy pretty cloholy while 1vaa 1 ovoi
thoio and I liavn arrived at the con
elusion Unit foiolgn ailstocracy Is of
a much licitor giado than Iho Amor
lean aitlclo. 'I'hou' . arlstocrac v
means llno'igo and bialns. lluio
Mill. II lanroii chlclly fioin hud whisky
to Siandard Oil. "
Mr. Waltorson said that he had road
the accounts of the scandal In the
depattment of agilculfuio , and added
"I have oltenninlonMl how so niaitv
sclciillllc nun con HIM I cil with tlic gov
eriiment , at conipar.itlvoly small Hal
niles , could ll\t > socll It only go Ate
to show that the college man la not <
BIICI ess In pollllcs "
Fire at Kansas City.
Kansas City , AUK. I- ! The IX A.
Morr Storage compatiy'H four-Hinty
brick building , nt tlio southwest cor
ner of Fomtoonth Httooi mill ( it-ami
nveniio , In this city , was dostiojod liv
tin * , eauslnr a loss estimated al $10ii
OHO. Aliotit "no families had fiiriillin
stored with the company ami It Is dll"
cull to estimate the extent of the loss
One fireman was slightly hurt hy tall-
ing timbers.
Dread Disease Makes Its Appearance
In Other Towns Yellow Fever In
Mississippi One Case at Texar-
kana Italians Conceal Cases.
New Orleans. Aug. 3. The yellow
fever record la aa follows : Now cases
32 , deatha , 11 ; total canes to ilato
378 ; total doatha to date , 79 ; now foci
4 ; total toci to da to , S4.
Uepoits of the luvor situation
showed again an Ineiease in the iiuin
ber of deaths , hut the health author
Hies confessed to no iilaiiu over the
situation and bald that mote fatalities
weie to he lool.ed lor from the fae
that in the ast thtco or fo rta-s
there has been a Riifllclunt increase It
the number of PIIHOH to warrant the
expectation of heavier mentality
Practically all of the deaths weio o
Italians and neaily all of them wore
either in the emoigonoy hospital or In
the district adjacent thereto. Son-
of the victims wore unfortunate
whoso caseb were only reported In the
last two days , Indicating that tin
were practically In a moribund condl
tlon when their illness \\as dlsLO\
In spite of nil that has heen done t
reassure tin m , many Italians still con
tinuo to make efforts to conceal the !
cases. Thrv arc still panic strlokoi
and turn In tear from the doctors am
health ofllcers.
Postmaster Woodward has tnlko-
over within marine hospital surgeon
the question of the fumigation of ma !
Mr. Woodv ird was told that havln
accepted tin. ' mosquito theory the BII
scons considered disinfection of ma
unnocess-ar ;
The question of whether federal rot
trol of the situation ought to ho it
vited 1 * still discussed , hut unles
graver conditions arise It is not re
garded as likely that theie will b
any movement In that diiectlon.
Mayor nehrman signed the mosqult
ordinnnco and It was later publlshei
In the official journal and thus bccain
law. It requires that clRterns sha
be oiled or beroonod within forty
eight hours hy property owners.
No apprehension exists of any Ber
ous results from the trouble that ha
arisen on the Mississippi-Louisiana
border over the enforcement of the
Mississippi quarantine. With Oov
ernor Vardaman anxious to avoid any
conflict with the Louisiana authorities'
It Is thought that the Mississippi
guards who have h" ° n freely coming
across the Ix > ulsiana line will here
after be required to keep on their
side of the border and thus all further
possibility of clashes will bo removed.
8htgun Quarantine at Texarkana.
Toxarkana , Ark. , Aug. 3. Joe Tay
lor , a young man who arrived here
Saturday from Louisiana , was taken
Blek with fever at a hotel. The pa
tient was Immediately Isolated at a
point two miles out of town. A shot
gun quarantine was Immediately
placed about the hotel , none of th In
mates being permitted to leave. The
building wan thoroughly fumigated.
Yellow Fever In Mississippi ,
Hattiesbi K , Miss. , Aug. 3. A case
of yellow f < ver has developed at Sum
rail. Miss. The victim Is an Italian
who came from Now Orleans July 17
along with ten or fifteen othen.
Death of Caleb Wlllard.
Atlantic City. N. J. , Aug. 3. Caleb
C. Wlllard. owner of the Ebhltt
house , Wa.hlngton , died at a hotel
here. Ho came hero to recuperate h.s
health. Mr. Wlllard was seventy-one
of ace.
orlney Long and Goortjo Herring
Found With a Number of Chickens ,
Were Arrested and Fined $10 Each
For Dlsobcylncj the Game Law.
AltiHWotth. Noli. , AIM ; ! -Special 1 to
The NOWH : The nhorlff was out In the
ounlry and ran on two local Hpoitu
Kli chleUotiH In their pusso-wlou. Uo
noHlod thorn and they unto hi ought
eloro Urn county Judgo. A warrant
an HVVOIII out for Iho killing nf two
hleketiH mid they woio lined $10 each ,
nd coHtn Their names nro Coitnoy
. ( ing iinil oCiorgo 1 luring.
Charles T. Richardson of Highland
Will De Up.
lluttlo Crook , Noli , Aug. 3 Hprolal
o Tlio NOWH : CharloH T. ItlehaidHon
f Highland piecinct , whoio ho lioldn
ho piiMltlon of iiMHOHsor , will ho a can
idnto bofoie the county lepubllcan
( invention Ililn year for the nomlnn-
liui of count ! * olork.
For First Time Since Law Went Into
Omaha. Nob. . AUK. 3. For the llrnt
line Hlnco the law wont Into effect ,
ooiiHliiH were refused marriage HCOIIHO
lore Arthur Kao.kly and Miutlia Cul
ort applied for a license to wed and
ho application WIIH refused , tinder the
low law.
Bishop Hargrove Is Dead.
NaMivllli. Tonn. , Aug. 3.--Ilshop ! Tt
1C. Hargrove of tlio M. 1C. clinch south
died at his home hero this inclining.
In 1882 he was elected a bishop and
was made piesldent of Vandoibill unl-
vemlty In ISO ! ) , In which position hn
served until last spilng. when ho r -
digued because of feeble health.
Kills Sweetheart and Self.
Chicago , Aug. 3. Karly this morn
ing William Denilow shot and fatally
Bounded Hwcotheait , Amelia Wai-
der , mid then uent a bullet tlnoiigh
his brill M. The two bail been to a
theater and quarreled on the way
home , nun Demlow bccamn furious
over some -jf the remarks addressed to
him hy the young woman aud shot
her down
Results of the League Contests Played
Throughout the Land.
National League Boston , 4 ; uni-
caco , . ' ! . Cincinnati , 8 ; Brooklyn , 7.
Philadelphia. 4 ; St. Umls , 2. Pllts-
burg. 1 ; New Ycuk , It. American
League Washington , 2 ; Detiolt , 1.
Cleveland , 3 ; New Yolk , 4. Boston ,
4-4 ; St. I ul8 , 2-3. Philadelphia. 4 ; Chicago -
cage , 3. American Association Mil-
waul , or ; , fi ; lyoulsvllle , 4. St. Paul ,
14 ; Toledo , 3. Kansas City , 1 ; In
dianapolis , 3. Minneapolis , 2 ; Col
umbus , 1. Western League Denver ,
R : St. Joseph , 1. DCS Moiucs , 8 ; Sioux
City , 4.
Stnnton Defeats Madison.
Stnnton , Noli , Aug. ! t. Special to
The News : Stanton and Madison
baseball teams' mot on the diamond
hoio yesterday nml the results were
in favor of the leprcFontatives of the
homo town. The scoio by Innings was
an follows :
Stnnton . . . .0. 2 4 0 11 0 t 0 x IS
Madison . . . .0101 01100 1
Batteries : Stanton , Mayor and Mun-
roe ; Madison , Thomas Davis and /ion.
The featuies of the game were the
battery work for Stanton and End's
batting. Base hits , Stanton 9 , Madison
I ; Errors : Stanton 1 , Madison 13.
For Butte Championship.
Butte , Neb. , Aug. 3. Special to
The News : The first and second teams
if Butte , who have boon quarreling
'or so long as to which Is the hotter
team , have finally decided upon a
match game to be played Tuesday ,
Aug. 8. A few hundred dollars arc
ip and it promises to bo an Interesting
Butte Wins From Naper.
Butte , Neb. , Aug. 3. Special to The
News : One of the most Interesting
games of the season was played hero
yesterday between Butte and Naper
In the last half of the ninth the score
was 2 to 2 and the tenth Inning was
played. A score was made by Butte.
leaving the score 2 to 3 In favor of
Tllden Beat Battle Creek.
Battle Creek , Neb. Aug. 3. Special
to The News : The ball game played
at Tilden Sunday with Battle Creek
ended 5 to 2 bi favor of Tllden , Next
Sunday tlio Pierce team will play hero
Standing of Bonesteel League.
Club. P. W. L. Pet
Butte 3 3 0 1000
Lynch 3 2 1 CGG
Bnnesteol 2 1 1 500
Naper 3 1 2 333
Spencer 3 1 2 333
Fairfax 2 0 2 000
Temperature for Twenty four Hours.
Forccant for Ncbranka.
Chicago. Aug. 'l The bulletin issued -
sued In the Chicago station of tlio
United HtaloH weiilhur buiuaii thin
iniiiiiliii ; , given the foreciiHt for No-
baiHlia mi follows :
l > 'alr lonluht and Friday.
Railroads Disappointed by Pe pl
Who Reulstor for Ulntah Claims.
Denver , AUK3 Tlio truvol to
Oruinl Junction and olhnr polntH wncru
reclHtratlon of applicant for honio-
Bloadrt In tint IMnlah renrrvallon M
In progieHH doen not tnneL tin * ex
pectations of the iiilltoudH and II U
nlieady evident that the clerical force *
employed will huvo no dimculty In
revlsteiluc ; all applicants. The total
number of loRlaliutloiiH al all polutu
of the HiH ! dav was 5,507. Should
thn uamn rule Ixi inHlnlalnnd durlnc
the twelve diiyn allowed for roelnt r-
Inc Ib ere would be mom than CO.OOO
applluintH for about (1,000 ( hoinoKtrndi
Incluilnd In Iho potllon of thn lOHeira-
( Ion opened to enliy. However , It lit
not now nntli Ipntcd that the mglstra-
tlotlH Will o\i eed 30,001) ) .
Rn .1 Delnyn Harvest.
Iliinm S H , \ng II Itnln Is sorl-
oiirth Inii il < ilin ; with Hie hai voalln ;
of Miiall gialn In this pint of the
Railway Officials Say They Will Havs
Eneugh Men to Restore Normal Con
ditions Within Ten Days' Tlmo.
Statement by President Perham.
St. esra-
phe Inlng
loj 1 thi
ra n effort
to iiulntain tratUu , tlio
Ht.lke on the tianu-contlnental sy -
tema of the Great Not them and North
ern 1'iulllc lallroada has taken on tha
aspect of a war to the finish. HUB-
dicds of men buvo gene out on both
llnoK , iK'ceHsltatlng the closing of
HtoruB o ! H'at Ions , and Immi'iiso hln-
( Iraiiro 'has been caused In the moving
of trains. Through limited trains
and llin < t freights by great effort hava
been Kept almost on schedule tlnio ,
but attempts have practically boon
abandoned to maintain local freight
and passenger service. The greatest
Intel foienc e In schedules has been on
the Idaho dlvlblon , some of the fast
trains being delayed llvo hours whera
the stilklng operators had turned tha
signal hoaidH or opened the circuits.
Kielght matter In leas than carload
lots for Intermediate points waa re
fused at the freight receiving offlcei
In St. Paul and .Minneapolis during th
day. I.aigc quantities of perishable
freight were handled by the uxpreai
The tailway officials say that they
are well Fiiilsflcd wltli the situation
and that Inside of ten days they will
have enouuh men to 1111 the places ol
the strikers and maintain a normal
soivlte. Hui cans have been estab
lished In the print Ipal cities In the
west , where men are hired. Mfanwhlla
lining nre run on tune tard rules and
In sections , and In tli's ' manner satis
factory progress IB mado.
No acrid" nta have occurred so far
Rumors weii ; circulated that there had
been one or two collisions In points
In North Dakota , but these are de
clared at the railroad olikes to be ab
solutely false and spread with ma.-
llclous intent.
Prefaldent Perham of the tclegra
pliers declrred that 97 p'.r cent of tno
union members are out and that they
will stay out until they receive what
the union ofllclals have decided will
be a pquar" deal. Mr. Perham saya
that 00 per eent of the men were both
station agents and telegraphers , aaa
where these went out the etatlons
were clohpri In almost every Instant3
He states that a number of train dis
patchers , vthlle not members of tin
union , went out In sympathy.
Men Sent to Take Places of Striker *
Refuse to Work.
MIsBoula , Mont. , Aug. 3. No freight
zcept side-Mucked trains Is being
moved over the Rocky mountain di
vision of tlie Northern Pacific owing/
to the practically complete tieup
tbo system uy the tclegrapheis' slrily
No wires are working here except/
Kvaro , Dcsmol and Garrison ,
business at the Western Union
is being crc vvcled by special
to Northern Pacific officials
every Instance where poss ! }
long distance telephone Is
for trausiu'sslon of orders ,
who were sent here In antl
trouble have stated they
duced to como under mis/
and with one exception/
to go to work. Trail-
that the present condl'
complete tleup ever
NorUmrn Pacltlo.