The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, July 28, 1905, Page 2, Image 2

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    mr i 1.1 vt - \ t 11111 if VT 1.1 tiro. i. ' i > i fi vr i i i - \ ' in > i HAP-
Secretary Mnlhcwson of the Commer
cial Club Welcomes an Announce
ment That May Mean Much ( or the
.Future of Norfolk.
( From SntunliivV Oully.1
Secretary Mathowmm of the Com
mercial dull IIIIH received Ihroiigh
Agent Matrau of llio Chicago * North
western , a circular loiter Issued liy
Kdmnnd I ) . Hrlgham , general freight
agent of that nmil , which may mean
iinich to the fuliiro of Norfolk. The
circular announccH ( ho establishment
of an Industrial department IIH a part
of the tralllu organization of the com-
puny. It IH the purpose of the now
department to work In close co-opera-
( Ion with the commercial or IniHlnoHH
men's MMsoclatloiiH In IOWIIR and cities
along the Northwestern line anil to
provide manufac.ttirerH anil othorH
seeking new locations with dollnllo
ami rellahle particulars regarding the
advantages and opportunities at any
and all the points reached by dm road.
It Is piomlHcd that the commercial
cluh will he advised from lime to time
of applications received hy ( ho do-
imrtmcnt. HO that If any such seems
snllahle to the surroundings , an ef
fort may he inado to secure the pro
posed enterprises. All Informal Ion Is
to ho sent direct to George Hounoll ,
Industrial agent , tralllu department ,
C. * N. W. railway. Chicago.
Accompanying the circular Is a list
of questions which Secretary Mathow-
son will answer. The department
wants to know the population of the
town , and whether It has such public
conveniences as water supply , sewer
system , water power and what capac
ity , electric power , electric light , gan
supply and the number of hanks. Nor
folk has all these except sewerage ,
and a movement Is on fool now In the
council for that.
"Description of available buildings
for manufacturing or mercantile UHO ,
Htato whether for lease or sale , iiamo
and address of owner or agent , kind
of structure , area of lloor space In
square feet , present equipment In ma
chinery , power , etc. , former use , what
purposes now adapted for. Also how
located as regards private trade fa
cilities and nearness to our terminal
facilities. " The answer to ( his ques
tion will give a description of the
sugar factory properly , which In a
law hrlcU structure , with ten 10(1- (
horse-power hollers standing , an abun
dance of sldo tracks running to the
plant , and It would seem that , through
this department , If no other , a valua
ble manufacturing Institution might
be secured to occupy It.
Then the department wants Information
mation as to any vacant property suit
able for Industrial or mercaiitllo pur
poses , area of same , and whether ac
cessible for sldo tracks and distance
from the Northwestern tracks. Informal
mal Ion Is wanted as to the labor sup
ply , kind of fuel used , principal pro
ducts of the country , what natural ad
vantages does the country surround
ing possess In the way of sand , clay
or marl beds adapted to the manufac
ture of cement , brick , tile , glass or
other similar products.
There are undoubtedly great possl
bllltles for the now department of the
Northwestern system to be of Immense
benefit to the towns reached by that
mad. While the prhno object In es
tablishing the department Is ( o In
crease the freight and passenger bust
ness or the road , yet the towns In
which the department becomes Inter
ested will reap a greater bonellt than
the road. Acting In conjunction with
the commercial clubs of towns Nor
folk , for Instance many investors
ought to become Interested hero whr
would not otherwise ever learn of the
p'ace. With a broader Held of In
qulrlcs than any business men's or
ganlzatlon could possibly secure , tht
new Industrial department has it with
In range to materially build up the
places along Its lines , and from the
business llko methods used In the preliminary
liminary circular there scorns no
doubt but that It was the Intontloi u
when the department was established
to do everything possible to Induce In
dustrles of a substantial nature to locate
cato In Northwestern towns.
It cannot be understood that a fo\\
localities nro to bo favored above oth
ers , for all must be given an oqua' '
show according to the resources am' '
Inducements offered by each Individ
ual community. With this understand
ing lot Norfolk make as good a repro
scntation as possible , and see if satis
factory inducements cannot bo of
fered here to bring in more now Indus
The proposition looks very good to
the Commercial club and Sccrotarj
Mathewson welcomes It as a valuable
auxiliary to the work that the club Is
trying to accomplish.
Many Homeseekers are Coming Into
Gregory County.
Gregory , S. D. , July 22. Special to
The News : Gregory county Is on the
verge of a land boom. Land seekers
are coming In by the scores and much
land Is changing hands. People from
far away are becoming enlightened to
the fact that the Rosebud is a lam
to be looked upon with pride. The
rainfall on the Rosebud 1ms been rog-
ilnr and plentiful and the soil IH wet
loun to a depth of from four to Hlx
eel. The corn , allhoimh on nod , will
oniparo favorably with ( hat of Hoyd
nunly on the noulh. All garden pro
luce In grown In abundance. Take a
ooli at the farmer , the merchant , the
loclor , the lawyer , the day laborer
mil the mechanic , and one can wo a
ounteuanco of mttlMfiictlon. All are
ilnimod with tholr present and the
irodpectM of the future .
An Oltl-Tlmc Flfor.
Alimworth , Nob. , .Inly 22. Special
o The News : Ilohorl Martin IUIH re
ceived a letter from hln brother , Peter
Martin , ashing him to bo present at
ils golden wedding , to bo celebrated
n Hhenandoah , Iowa , on August 1 ! , to
May the life an he did fifty years ago
at the wedding , which was near
VanghiiHvlllo , Ohio. Mr. Martin IH an
dd soldier and wan lifer In company
I , ninety-ninth Ohio volunteer Infan
try , lie IH the only llfor hero and ho
playH for 0. A. It. gathering ! ) and
h'ourth of July colebrallons.
Unliifj the Funds Still In Hand From
the Former Meeting , as n Guarantee
of Expenses , Norfolk Will Hold Race
( From TiioHiliiy'M Unity. ]
A two days' race mooting will be
leld In Norfolk August 23 and 21.
At a well attended meeting of horse-
uen and buslnesH men who had subscribed -
scribed to the Fund for a race meeting
m the Fourth of .Inly. It was decided
awl night In the city hall to hold two
lays of races In this clly In August ,
ho funds In hand remaining over from
ho former Hubscrlptlon to bo used as
i guarantee. The amount In hand Is
ifill.17 which , It WBH thought by the
Himmltteo In charge of the former
ilans. will bo enough to nlcoly take
nro of all expenses even In case the
gate receipts failed.
The meeting was called by Chair-
nan C. 1C. llurnham of the committee
n order to decide whelhor or not the
unds contributed by the business men
o ( ho former proposed events , should
used In holding another meeting or
lot. The races planned for the Fourth
) f .Inly , It will bo remembered , were
leclarcd off on account of rain.
A large number of enthusiastic busl-
ess men and horsemen answered the
all for the meeting and all were hear-
ily In favor of holding the races later.
Not a dissenting volru was heard
igalnst the proposition , and no one
iresent had even heard of an objoc-
.Ion to the races.
Details of Meeting ,
In the absence of Chairman Hum-
lam , who was out of town , D. Math-
nvson read the statement of llnance ,
showing the expenditures and the bal-
nice on hand of $511.17. The matter
of holding another mooting was then
brought up for discussion.
President W. H. Johnson inado re
marks favoring a second attempt at
holding the races. Although ho will
be out of the city himself , he thought
that the meeting could bo made a suc
cess and that the funds on hand wore
enough to amply guarantee the ex
penses. Inasmuch as the great portion
tion of the expenses had already boon
incurred , In the building of the stands ,
the stalls , preparing the track and the
like , he thought the cost of this second
race would bo comparatively small.
Others spoke , also , In favor of the
H was innrcU and seconded that a
two days' race moot Ing bo held , using
the Hindu on hand as a guarantee
fund , and that the dates he August 23
and 21. The motion carried unani
Track In Excellent Shape.
The race track here , according to
W. If. Vail. Is In excellent condition ,
stands are erected , fences are up and j
there Is nothing lacking but a small
addition to the grand stand which will
cost about $ SO.
The track , ho said , may need atton-
tlon In case of rain but otherwise not
much extra work will bo needed. The
idea In the dates Is to got the races In
just ahead of the Short Shipment cir
cuit , which takes place at Hattlo
Creek , Stanton , Neligli , Crelghton and
Madison , beginning August 30 and con
tinuing until September 20. This will
bring the best horses that arc booked
for these later events , as Norfolk will
be tholr starting point , just ahead of
the Hattlo Crook races.
Mr. Johnson estimated that the entrance -
trance fees will cover forty percent of
the purses and that $50 or ? GO will
cover the advertising. Moro stalls
could bo used hut they are not abso
lutely necessary for the flrst meeting.
Hy next year It will bo necessary to
have more stalls.
Stores Mathewson President.
W. H. Johnson resigned as presi
dent because of Inability to bo In the
city at the time of the races and Storrs
Mathowson was elected to the posi
tion. Halph Uraascb was ro-electod
secrotnry and C. 13. Himilmm trea
Hoskins Wins for Wlnslde.
Hosklns and Winsldo played n game
of baseball at HosUlns Monday after
noon , the score rosutlng 7 to S In fa
vor of Hosklns. So close was the
game nNl the last man was out that
Interest ran at white heat.
The Event Taking Place at Woodstock ,
Connecticut , Today Col. Cotton of
This City Knew the Centenarian
Well In Early Days ,
I From HiiMiiilnv'M Dally. )
Today In far off Connecticut , there
IH being celebrated In the ( own of
Woodstock the one hundredth birth
day of nonjamln Warner , the grand
father of Mrs. John D. Ilasltell of
WaUelleld. Mrs. Haskell before her
marrlago was Miss Nellie MathowHon ,
and at ono ( line she taught In the
Norfolk schools , the whllo living at
the homo of Col. S. S. Cotton. Thoj
centennial celebration IH helm : hold
at the homo of Mr. Warner's daugh
ter , Mrs. William W. MathewHon.
Col. Cotton received an Invitation to
the festivities , which will bo a great
event In the town of Woodstock , lien-
Jamln Warner was horn In Woodstock ,
July 22 , ISOfi. and has lived there con
tinuously since. Ho Is Known far and
wide throughout the country , and him-
wide througoul that country , and hun
dreds of his old friends will greet him
today and congratulate him upon at
taining the ago of a centenarian. The
crowning ceremony of the day will bo
at Ii o'clock , when Mr. Warner will
plant a centennial oak. During the
acllvo years of his life he was a prog
ressive tanner , and mo land wnicn no
tilled Industriously through many sea-
HOIIH still belongs to him. Ho Is halo
and hearty , is still active In mind and
body , his menial faculties being as
clear nu over they wore , appetite good ,
and ho makes a practice of regularly
walking every day a half mile to the
postolllco. For the past few years he
lias been taking a trip to the seashore
every summer , which ho has enjoyed
very much. ' i
In 18112 ho was married to Miss Sa
rah Ga/.lay , who was born April 27 ,
1810. The couple lived happily togeth ' i
er and on October 18 , 1902 , they cele
brated tholr seventieth anniversary. |
A llttlo more than month later , on No
vember 22 , 11)02 ) , Mrs. Warner passed
Col. Cotton used to know Mr. War
ner very well. The Cotton house was
at Pomfrot , an adjoining town to
Woodstocli , and the two families used
to Visit back and forth. In 1Sfi2 Col. ,
Colon left ( ho east and went to San-
dusky , Ohio , where ho was principal j i
of the high school for fifteen years. !
Returning to Pomfret In 1S07 , ho re
mained until 1SS1 , when ho removed ,
to this city , and has never been sorry
he came , as ho says there Is no bettor
place i on earth to live than right hero
In I Norfolk. Ho has been back to Con- 1 '
nectlcut t several times since ho came
hero , and has kept in close touch with' 1
the t old home. On these occasions ho
has 1 renewed acquaintance with Mr. j I
Warner. Col. Cotton wishes ho might |
be 1 present In Woodstock today to join j
the I other friends In tholr congratula
tions I , but as this Is impossible ho
sends his heartiest greetings and
wishes llenjamin Warner , the cente
narian , many more years of life , hopIng -
Ing that he may retain health and
strength with which to enjoy them.
The News' Noon Edition Has Long
Ceased to be an Experiment.
"As 1 believe your paper is the com
ing Dally of the northwest. I would
HUe to have It sent to my address , "
writes W. 15. Hrldgoman of Gregory ,
S. D. This is but a sample of the let
ters received every day at The News
olllce and Is Indicative of the manner
In which the paper is being received
In every town In ( he field which Is at
tempted to be covered.
A representative of the paper re
turned last evening from a trip west ! |
and north , which Is the most success
ful ever made. At every town visited
ho found a cordial feeling toward The
N'ows. Those who arc taking the pa
per seemed very willing to pay and )
the almost Invariable reply when hoj I
solicited a now subscriber was , "Sure ,
send it along. I have seen It , and It'
Is all right. "
During the trip prac
tically 200 now names were added to' | '
the subscription list , and it has been i , '
demonstrated that the paper Is solidly
entrenched In the towns of north Ne
braska which can bo reached from
Norfolk either by the noon trains or
those leaving here during the afternoon - ;
noon or evening. The paper carries to ! :
Its patrons later news than they can
possibly get through any other medl-j
uin , and the fact seems to be appro-
elated In a substantially encouraging
manner. The noon edition contains ,
besides a summary of the news that
has appeared In the morning papers ,
the markets of the day and the gist of
the forenoon telegraph. Sometimes
there Is considerable doing In n news
way early In the day and other times
It Is very light , but readers of The
News rest assured that If there Is any
thing going on It will be placed before
them whllo It Is fresh.
Not only does the paper reach the
railroad stations , but It goes to many
towns and postolllces away from the
railroad , being sent on trains that will
connect with star mail routes. Last
week Goo. n. Christoph had business
In the town of Xapor , some twelve
mlles from IJiitto In Hoyd county , and
ho saw The News In every place of
business that lie visited. A short
time previous to .that J. B. Maylard
had IniRlnoflfl at Sprlngvlow , Keya
Palm county , and on reaching the town
he asked for the newapaper ,
when a copy of The NOWH wnn handed
to him , with the remark that the pa
per wan generally taken there , as It
gave them a nlx-houi'M later service
than any other paper that could reach
them. These are but Mamplcfl of what
( ho paper IH doing , and I boy are not
unusual HiimpIoH , either. Two years
ago the noon edition of The NOWH was
Hlarted with considerable doubt an to
what the outcome might be , because
It was a venture that meant going
against strong competition from the
Omaha , Sioux City and Lincoln paporn ,
It meant an Increase of olllco expense
of practically $50o a month , with the
prospect that the venture might be a
failure. Hut It was found that the
Held was already ripe for just mirh a
paper aH The News became. People
In north Nebraska and South Dakota
towns who could only get morning
papers from the cities , which reached
them along toward night , felt the need
of Homolhltii ! later , and they welcomed
the advent of noon edition of The
NOWH. It Immediately Jumped Into
popular favor and has never waned.
i Instead of being an auxiliary to the
edition , as had boon expected ,
I the noon edition quickly became the
j principal paper of the day , and now
twice as many subscribers are served
'with ' this paper as there are with the
last edition.
For awhile , nnlll revenues began to
accrue , the venture was mighty up-hill
business and kept the exchequer of
the olllco at a low stage all the time ,
but ( he past few weeks have demon
strated ( hat the worst Is over , because
when people will put up their cash
for a Ihlng It proves conclusively that
they want It and that they will con
tinue to want it.
The paper does not aspire to vol
ume. What It tries to do Is to give as
much of the news of the world as Is
possible In condensed form , an espe
cial feature being made of late tele
graph , markets and north Nebraska
and South Dakota news. The typo
used Is set closely together and a col-
uniii of The News contains much more
than a column of any other daily In
the state outside of Omaha and Lin-
coin. This Is a fact that cannot bo
denied. There Is no dally in the state
that does not pad out Its matter with
2-polnt leads and a great number of
dashes , all of which fill space and
make llttlo look to ho much. The
News uses no 2-polnt leads In Its
make up except In editorials , uses as
few dashes as possible , all Its matter
being set with 1-polnt wafers , every
thing being condensed in every pos
sible manner. When It Is considered
that there are 1110 points in an ordinary -
nary column , it will readily bo seen
that the elimination of ono from be
tween each two lines of type means
'somelliing in the way of consensatlon.
People who arc Interested In what
The News is doing are Invited to visit
the press room of the paper any day
between 11:30 : and 12 o'clock and see
ho\v many papers are turned out on
the fast press that Is used to handle
the edition. Papers actually printed
land mailed come nearer'telling the
story of what the paper Is doing than
any person's unverified statement.
The National Guard of the State Get
Ready for Target Shooting Board
of Equalization Finds Peculiar Re
turns In Assessments.
Tccumsoh , Nob. , July 25. Judge
Davidson of this place has announced
his candidacy for the nomination of
supreme judge at the forthcoming republican -
publican state convention.
Eighteen County Assessors Have Returned -
turned No State Banks.
Lincoln , Neb. , July .25. The board
of equalization has discovered that
eighteen counties have returned no
accounts of state banks whllo Garfleld
county has returned no merchandise.
The counties will bo called on to ex
News From Butte.
Uutto , Nob. , July 25. Sprclal to
The News : Mrs. Trekell and son are
visiting her sister. Mrs. 10. A. Lncke.
, from Wichita , Kan.
! Miss Gladys Warner loft town last
'night ' for Napr ewe erhltl. . .oe.cFnU
night for Naper , where she will spend
two or three days visiting friends.
Cashier Olorich of the Boyd County
bank , accompanied by Mrs. Olerlch ,
are In Omaha this week.
Miss Jennie Cornlct will leave this
week for California.
, Threc-Year-Old Child Severely Bitten
Near Badger , Neb ,
Butte , Nelj' ' . , July 20 Special to
The News : The 3-year-old son of
John Staples , living near Badger , was
bitten quite seriously by a dog. The
animal belonged to the child's grand
father whom the child was visiting
and the boy , unwatched , was playing
with him with a stick. The dog tore
the cheek open and a long gash In
the throat.
Game Warden Carter Has the Laws
Printed in Pamphlet Form for the
Information of the Public Chicken
Season Opens September 1.
George L. Carter , chief game war
den at Lincoln , has had printed newly
compiled copies of the game and fish
laws which may ho obtained by those
Interested by sending a request to that | I
department of the state government.I j
Several Important changes were inado' I
In these laws by the last legislature
which It will be an advantage to fish
ers and hunters to know , and those
who want their Information direct and
authoritatively will do well to wrlto
for a copy of the laws rather than take
the chances of running counter to a
deputy and Into trouble. As a detail
Warden Carter suggests that those
who desire to report violations of the
law should address him personally
and sign their letters. Such letters
and signatures will ho treated with
strict confidence- , while If the letters
are unsigned they will be given no
other attention than to start them on
the shortest possible route to the waste
Probably the most imporlant change
by the last legislature was the opening
en the season for the hunting of prai
rie chickens on September 1 , to con
tinue until November 30. This gives
three months In which this popular
game bird may be shot , and furnishes
llio longest open season that the hunt
ers have had for years. It Is provided
that during September It shall bo un
lawful for any person to kill or have
In his possession more than ten prai
rie chickens during any one day. The
open season for quail Is but fifteen
days , from November 15 to November
30. The open season for wild geese ,
( lurks , and other water fowl Is from
September 1 to prll 15 , next ensuing ;
the snlpo season is from September
1 to the 15th of next May. The open
season for pigeons , doves and plovers
is from July 1 to August 1. The limit
to killings hy hunters are made at
ten wild geese or brants and twenty-
llvo game birds of any other variety.
and shall not have In possession more
than ten peeso or brants , fifty ducks
or fifty other game birds.
flic open season for trout not less
than eight inches in length shall be
gin April 1 and end October " 0 , the
same provisions to apply to bass. The
open season on all other flsh shall bo
from April 1 to November 15. Twen
ty-five fish is the limit for a day's
catch for each person and not moro
than fifty flsh must be ofund in the
possession of any person at any ono
time. No other manner of flshing is
legalized than that with a line and
rod , and no more than five hooks may
bo used on one line.
It is made unlawful for non-residents
nf the Kfjitn tn flsh nr limit wlfliniit n
license. Residents of the state may
fish and hunt in their own counties
without a license , but to go into an
other county a license is required from
the county clerk. Prohibitions , al
most absolute , are made against the
killing of certain birds and animals.
To kill , harm , injure or destroy any
robin , lark , thrush , blue-bird , king
bird , wren , Jay , swallow , oriole , wood
pecker , yellow hammer , cuckoo , yel-
lowblrd , bobolink or other bird of llko
nature , or to destroy nests or eggs Is
made an oitense pnnistiabie by heavy
lines. The same protection Is given
red , fox or gray timber squirrels , Mon
golian pehasants , China pheasants , or
other Imported game birds.
The law Is
exceedingly stringent re
garding the shipment of protected
birds and game flsh or animals , also
regarding their use at hotels , restau
rants and boarding houses , and the
United States laws are made to pro
tect the game and fish in the matter
of Inter-state commerce. The entire
law is made to be used and officers
and individual citizens are encouraged
In their enforcement of the laws.
The opening of the chicken and
grouse season earlier and keeping It
open later , It Is thought , will furnish
less incentive to law violations and
protect the game from the pot hunt
ers , who have excused violations on
the ground that when the season did
open the game was so scarce and wild
that no sport could bo enjoyed.
Commence on August 30 Track Is In
Good Condition and it Will be Made
Better Horsemen Already on the
Battle Creek , Neb. , July 20. Special
to The News : The races of the
North Nebraska Short Shipment Race
Circuit will begin here August 30.
The track here Is In a splendid condi
tion and a force of men Is working on
the track to make It still bettor. Billy
Woods of Stautou and other horsemen
are already here with their horses.
Geo. W. Losey Is president , T , M.
Morris secretary , and T. D. Preeco Is
superintendent of the Battle Creole
Driving Park association. The pro
gram for the next race meet Is as fol
lows :
1 Wednesday , August 30.
3:00 : class trotters or pacers $100
2. : 30 class 2:30 : trotters , 2:35 :
I i pacers 100
'Pony ' running race 50
Novelty race half mile walk ,
half mile trot or pace , half
mile run 10
Thursday , August 31.
3-years-old or under , trot or pace. 75
2:25 : class 2:25 : trotters , 2:30 :
pacers 100
Free for all running race 75
Mule race half mile dash 10
Friday , September 1.
2:10 : class 2-10 : trotters , 2:15 :
pacers 100
Free for all trot or pace 200
Running race 50
Foot race 10
The entries close at C o'clock the
night before the races.
Battle Creek.
Halph Simmons went to Omaha
| Tuesday.
Prof. M. G. Doerlng was a Norfolk
visitor on Friday.
J. W. Kovalok was a business visit
or to Norfolk Tuesday.
A. D. Wllberger of Anoka was visit
ing relatives hero Sunday. 1
Since the reunion a lot of our boys '
call Meadow Grove "Bonostccl. "
Henry Ilalsey Is hero from Tllden
visiting with relatives this week.
J. K Sanders , our merchant miller ,
shipped a car load of flour west Tues
Sunday , July 30 , Holy communion
services will be held at the Lutheran
Fred Miller , sr. , Is building n new
barn on his residence lot In East Bat
tle Creek.
County Commissioner J. H. Hard-
Ing of Meadow Grove was here Sun
day visiting relatives.
Arthur Pratt has taken a position
in Frank Rnzlck's meat market. The
place was vacated by Jake Schlack.
Win. Volk Is having a brick sidewalk
laid along his property on Third
street , which Is occupied by Chas. TJ1-
Mr. and 'Mrs. Fred Koester and
daughter , Miss Clara , were visiting
Sunday at the Stoltenberg home at
Mr. and Mrs. John McKnight of
Meadow Grove were here Tuesday at
Hir lim rt r\f flmlt * rlnnrrlifni < TTra nln.
rence Pratt.
After repairing and remodeling the
house he recently bought of John V
Test , Chas. Hanson and family have
moved Into it.
During the absence of F. E. Martin
Guy Green , an experienced compositor
and newspaper man , is assisting In
the Enterprise ofllco.
This hot weather Is rushing the
hogs to market. Since Monday eigh
teen car loads have been shipped from
Hattlo Creek to Omaha.
Rev. Mr. Ulmann and family of
Wostgate , Iowa , arrived here Tues
day for a visit with Rev. and Mrs. J.
Hoffman , Mrs. Ulmann's parents.
Fred Fucrst drove to Madison Sat- \'r
unlay and was accoinnanlod homo bv '
his son , Otto Fuerst , who is engaged
as operator for the telephone company
at that place.
About thirty-five chickens were
stolen Tuesday night from John Jest
in east Battle Creek , and other people
of town claim to have been shy of
fowls Wednesday morning.
Reds , Whites and Blacks Brush El
bows and There Is Activity all the
Time New Law Makes It Easy for
the Indian to Get Drunk.
Valentine , Neb. , July 22. From a
staff correspondent : Valentino Is , as
usual , alive and there Is considerable
doing In the way of Improvement.
The crop prospects were never better
and merchants are happy.
This town Is largely supported by
the military post , in which there are
hundreds of soldiers , and the Rose
bud Indian agency on the north.
There is a cosmopolitan air to the
streets , in which reds , whites and
blacks brush elbows.
TMlo fln\v ln\v fnnnnmlnn' Mm cnlltnn
of liquor to the redmen has made it
possible for them to get drunk with
out half trying. Yesterday a drunken -
en squaw for the squaws drink as
much as the men was prostrate In
the street from whisky and was later
picked up , tossed on a wagon and
hauled away.
The Indians still bring In an occa
sional pony for trade. Ono yesterday
sold on the street for $10.
A shooting took place hero the oth
er night when a Filipino woman sent
a bullet Into her husband , the keeper
of a resort. Later he recovered and
horsewhipped his wife.
Get Ready for the Target Shooting
Events at Kearney.
Lincoln , Neb. , July 25. The Nation
al Guard of the state are preparing for
the target shooting event which be
gins at Kearney July 31. There will
be a contest for places on the team
to be sent to Seagirt.